n L — ■— ADVERTUBME^r.S Altentlon In o'ler words he bad the contrac­ —Mias Ida G er, is still on the J. DURKHEIMEF? & CO.. Of all persons still indebted to tor pav him $150 a month for the sick list. ». undersigned on E ast O regon H er ­ privilege of doing the work under —Thomas Biir.k has moved his ()----DEALERS IN )>--------- () ald accounts, viz: subscriptions t' c contract. When caught in this family to town. subsequent tt> Nov. 28 1889, adver­ levying of I lackmail he became GENERAL MERCHANDISE, —Dr T. V. B. Enibree paid us a tising and job work done prior to convinced so he sat s, that this was ORt.GON BURNS visit last week. March 1, 1890, is called to the fact not a li g'titnate “perqu'site” and —Several parties from Harney that payment must la- made before so hurried up to the treasury and farri the Largest Sock in Kn tern <'repon. 1 « Her htiv< • <»ur prompt nt tea i 18th day of September, 1890, to deposited it to escape prosecution visited our town this week. eave further cost of collection. Tilings would have looked better —T. J. Morrison has received his 1). L. G race , however, if lie hud never “rubi ed stock of furniture. Burns Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. Peter to pay Paul” as it was the — II. C. Lcvens sold, a few days contractor ’s money he wasemptving —Sul scriptions for all newspa­ ago. a car load of mules. 1 • Gods blessing to humanity— So in(o the treasury. Nothing will l.e persand periodica)« taken at the I says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety i —Attention is called to the card -P ropri etriw , MRS. LOUIS RACINE, - - - - do-ie however, n« the Grand Old pOBtofijce at publishers rates. c Years Ohl. if U'm. Miller real estate agent. Party never punishes one of its B urns , O regon . Forest Crove, Or., March 19—I — F ve m .ie cbinaman,have been —The Burns Meat Market is have used the Oregon. Kidney Tea own A large end commodious Hotel, everything neat and comfortable. arrested r coui.dicity in the First The Democratic Cm gressional having a new sign painted by Mr. Tables furnished with all market affords. Sure to suit th# and obtained immediate relief. It Committee is doing a g ,od deal of National bank robbery at the Basco. pul lie. When in Burns, do not fail to give the Hotel a trial. * is God’s blessing to humanity. I wo-k nowadays, I ut it is still ham Dalles. — Tlie land < tliee, last Thuisdsy , take pleasure in recommending it to —Mr C I Gier—providence per- tiered by its old discaco of poverty gW-GOOD TABLE SERVICE was the recipient of a 3600 pound the afflicted. I am now nearly nine > uitting — will soon have a nice Tes­ It is. in truth, painful to contract ty years old, came to Oregon in 1842 dencc. Several carpenters are 6 re proof safe. the businesslike air and rush or —G. W. Wilshire of the Blitzen in the employ of the Hudson’s Bay 'hints at Repu' lican headquarters now at w. rk on it. Company, and since I began using msty Court, rt »h« Siale si Oie Fortland Boot and Shoe Store —The weather is somewhat cool.' ¡country was in town lust Saturday the Oregon kidney tea I enjoy good with the pi-ki-v methods pursued I.ir tieriei «vuntr. and Sunday. ” nsioeil legal votera uf Suri s |.r« on New Jersey Avenue where Mr. health. Vv thought we w< uld call your at- •> l'uUlitl.oreifuii, m. a II»).. ' LUNABURG A- FRY, P roprietors , B urns , G kegom . Roswell P. Flower’s comniittiee r s Ik-oitSo be srsiilou .. D avid M cnrof . —Lytle Howard, county com- ei,lion o the fact, for fear you tnlrâr'UBi»»U su-i vlnvu» . il« ■ thso' une satlon. In lui., h mgs out. But notwithstanding vould forget to put on your «ver- ini-s.oner value in yesleyluy morn­ la i-uauty ol H«in«y. i - of and Shvea, of the very Unit quaiitj-, JMf- A Mtutcineni. >uthi, train and aller oituber • he difference in the operations of $ 3^00 ing. :oat. the two committees, which ie partly . Eamweit. —This office is indebted to W. S. —Alex. Sweek. Attorney at law of It is currently reported, and be­ explained by tin- fact that the R Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. McMurphy tor one head of cirbbnge Portland, is visiting Lis br.th.r lieved by a great many persons publicans haxe the most, money, the Veighing i l.-vt-n pounds, and one 0. A. Sweek of our town. A'to. Cuatom work and Repairing neatly dotta. th..t our cuuntv ooqrt delights in lest politicians here hold the opin­ Kitato we’ghing one and one half —Mrs Gass, of the Burns Hotel, cutting down Lilis presented by ion that the Republicans will meet lounde. and Mrs. l.li.im.:, were visiting claimants, and «specially the c isi tlie'r Wati rloo next November; In • f G. W. Anderson—a comfy deed the repul beans themselv-s —This office will feel truly frun is in Harney Mon Jay. t ankful to ait the farmers, and charge —has been very freely can ba'-e bud little or no faith in thei» — When in town during court s o- kine i of Harney county, if they dim t,ad to cull nt the French Hotel, i----- > To disabuse the mind of success but tbev are now pluckin., vassed. v II kindly report to this olli<-e tie I It is fixed to aecoinmed date the pun-phe public we give the following up a litt’e more heart, an-I are m k P ropziieto ««. Luul» Harkov, i nount of hay and ¡’ruin raised by lie. ........... ami .....•' ' statement taken from the county ing the congressional fight for their S'UTII A RICHARDSON Good, warm bedrooms, M. Vaughn, t .cm. p h. bhj der, tables 1. de i with all market affords. records: ' D M. MvMlnamy, lives. Close districts, t herví re. Chas Kigg, —.'.Imo t tiicrv day we hear W. C. i yrd. —John Martin s crop of grain on Board, nursing etc, from will bear watching to see that no John McKinnon, • meone spoilkWf having something . Th.imas Whiling, March 29th, 1890, to Ap­ Dudley game with its “blocks of o sell,or wanting to buy something { br acers of ground amounted to 1.- snot* I'Frsr.ts roitowe« ‘•Jvh” »woitasr, W H. caldnoE, ril 11th, 1890 14 day«, $58.50 five” is played. 492 Lushels wheat, oats, r,e and * ’ p .» K 25 cent notice in vour weekly j M. K Birua. ■ ■inni ■'! i iw D. I.. Grace. aperwill t.ring Buyers and sellers' barley. Hi* wl.ia averaged June 9.— I’oird, lodging One thing which is nerving the J, a . Allison, ogether much quicker. lyen Mu».se, per acre. 286 00 Repul licans is the man from Maine. and care 60 days, B. Haiev. OhuW Hjrd. 14.75. The boss wants to I e president and June. — Bong Gee washing, — Dr H.5L Horton, our proini- — Long Creek had two fire3 late- J t Barnoe, Chas it lauman. to succeed he must be “vindicated” ent dentist, is now permanently ly, oi.e oil Sunday night Sept, 28th April.—Woldenberg cloth- J«»hn Dn net an, AND Di< kSmith, ing. 11. 25. at this election. There can be no >cated in Burns, all wishing work and Tuesday niglit the 30tli. For- . K. bruwn>^' N. Jorte«, J une. — Woldenberg cloth- duobt that be has infused a good one in bis line of business, will do tunately the damage was slight. J. A\inber. i TRNSPORTATION Company W. B Mynati ing. 13 75. deal of vigor into the Republican I veil by giving him a. call. Office A. MSCSr.h ', — Business mon, when you want Wm. fevers, April.—Jame Sevey attend­ t campaign, and his friends are con-1 it his residence. ° V. S. Ottmer, C. C. McCoy, General Manager, nice comfortable parlors fo write P. F. Stenaer, ing on same, from March vinced that he means business ———O-:-O———— ■ --- n * J E, McKinnon, —Persuns desiring to publish iii, or enjoy a good cigar, call at Albert Blume, 28.00 This possibly accounts for Blain’s 29th to April 11th, Stages leave Burns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Bwqlab, the French Hotel. o Marton Ktormer, heir final proof notices in T he .inn«*» « rb’.RCB, Dr. G. W. Gilham attending masterly inactivity in the pending Westfall and Vale, where t , • ’ • W. Waterr, TEnALD can leave their declaratory — Don’t forcet Ed Walton when n. on8ame, struggle. Anyhow, a leading South O. Hu speth, Close Connection is Made tutements with th > editor, who will you desire a nice casi-shave, sham­ June.—W. E. Grace drugs, F t. Ma e, ern member says. Democrats have with the railroad. Good frosh horses, careful drivers,-new vehiafoB. «nd Cbfo Cnaiiw, ttened to the necessary details at poo or liai.r. cut. r.u wi.l find him John Newman, BILLS PRESENTED ALLOWED. got to work, and must not think O. F. Cvsad, h” hind office. ~ uoith of Texas’ s 1 ion. : - xj ... W. F. pUHninxtu’i. . — Board from A ur .- that Reed and his political anil ition fWNOP.THWESTERN EXPRESS I ON CN EVUft'-itAGB 0. W. Maupin, . a' . • - ’ June I... 8 to Aug. T J. Maupin, — A fine I ir 1 dog, 1 elonging to — Wm. Harvey, who has been H arry F loyd , J- C. P ar <«» con be over thrown without a sharp Ton Furgaaor, Gen. Sup't. Burn« A^ent. Frank hr. wn. 3 1890, 171.00 63.00 battle. k •ou. Bo’, nbi-rg. had the misfo:- j sent hi W R’linuton f -r sonic time Turn .Maguire, ,a. U. TUri er. Bong Gee wasliiiig, 7.50 3.75. nne to h >ve a b g broken a few The Republicans have ogre -d up ­ 'returrnd last Fridav. He rvpoitfi Th a G. Dodson, Fra k WM a, •t, W. J. Snodgrass 'nvs ago The bone was set and times ginnt where he was. on about all of their tariff bill, e x M. E. Wi tarns. C. W. Ken edv, iin d.cine, 233 2 38. cent to fix the period and whic 1 to >;>erly aid gel by Dr. Green.| Ft'. RhiMUlurt. — W- G Pierce sold bis ranch, INC F T. J. HeilsK- 2.5Ü 2.50 commence anew to rob the people. ■ Gr..ce medicine, T a-dog > Il w d ling finely. » .. Prdpuetcc., P Thun |-aon, (or rjither Lis right) to Mr. Variin iJ. K, Allen. I Co.itsworth drugs. 3 60 3.60 It is more than probgbly h->wo.-er. Wm Woods, —Gr.ll • J n Martin he will! a slnrrt time ago. rind started for Mva * utt, that a few weeks at the most will ------ dealer -:- in ——...... e’l - ou c.d wheat, I arley or oats, t 'a'if.irriia’on the 29th of Sept. Hie j From March 29 to G. W. Smelaer. I.DING. i v. w.K>:e>. j Aug. 3 Total, $ 541.11 i see the An erican people paring • g- tai le r >:n one pound to a to> , DRt'G® riTEMTCAL ‘5. PATENT MEDICTN’ESj BTA-'' wife has I een in Uuliforiiia since ton, September I.'». ISM). ' • rli< hereb. St ven to whom i m higher taxes on many of tin- tieces s fine cabl i.jc i s can Le rai»< if i Juy. TIONFRY. DIAMOND DYES, FANCY TOILET ' n> «¿n ¡tie i6th of-oct* 1 9 ’ i i apply t.» Uire.mciy • • saries of life than they even did in ARTICLES, FINE CIGARS A TOBACCO. * ' '-’-G nv con r , d p tatoes of an ex- ..ur reg, Jl( for thec.iuntv of i4et t — L’o .’t forg-t to itiimei i tely • ■ > the darkest hours of the war. Th " V ih-fi l’ »oi* spiritm ta,«halt an- ’ i’V W ashington . D. C. • llent q aiity raised without irr - u \ «ecjuai ti ies ttian «o h gcJ’i n. i ! p it your suliscription to rhe Burns f t.luaaid Harpev Coun' . f. ■ «. is what the R- pu' liean leaders call Twenty five million dollars are to ition. - i ; . Fine Winesand Liquors for Medical Purpdies, « rlpii n th« pcrM coinnipmiufc Ch ; l « I'lie committee must |ci-metirv • »«> h o g tiug April 16.1891 Progress. It cannot be said, though, J. T. fit ln . ’< ' ■' moneV to pay off the in ‘ e spent the coming season in river that they have enti ely satisfied the fW“Prescriptions accurately c impounded. Postoffice Building, Boru —To cash subscribers sending I' ! h.iV.-the 'and harbor improvements. This i« two subscriptions the money in! ! de tedtnss. *i ■ ■ i-.j. , I means work for the needy, good monopolists. They are but human I. ____ >ar. very caw- to ai-ccmpanv the ord, r. | —T. J. Si'nian’s Saloon is a fa- money in circulation, not hoarded, and the more they get the more BURNS BUTCHER SHCP/:..’; FFtos. Burna Orason Bep- ,- will send them T he H erald for v. r.te resort, and h<- < eserves to e and im -timndle advantage* tocom- they want. Hence they are now HEREBY GIVEN that tne fell . - Proprietor. JAMES COPSHALL year al the regular price, and' pair n z d b ing a'way« r . dv ’o niiTcial ai.d naviigation interests. almost on the point of going down ttllvr filed nuU^s uf 1 I ’r, ii fiuai piyvi in support .4 h b ood novels - , lend n helping hand in cases of Although the Army engineers are the cellar and whipping themselv< s i 111) I ■ proof; wiM I.4J made bei. 1 <• emergency. He also keeps the best used to handling large sums they because they did not charge a big­ - i ozy is very much on hi’ ‘ear” ■of liquors. s • -. a 4•*"*"* ’* 'Hrort. never had so much money as this ger price for the services they ren­ e.-iusc we called him handsome I >OUwiHJV;«t!M'.r-. T; He name« the following >v > < m before at onetime. In consequence dered in the Harrison campaign. We take | i our local list week. .. j»n6nu.»iis-reside‘fe i i Notice. U '1 f.asM. -eu: Harv«/ Dix they are already making provision But they will come back again next are i all hack Bozy. we know vou \V f ''.<*«» Psdce* «nfi Heuer I I of Buri s.«»re^on. All persons knowing themselves for the expenditure of these million*, Congress it is hinted if a certain u. 1 as a mud f-nee, wrong side A.B. HcatTlMGYOS, R cm R*- indebted Lee Caldwell, please come Full weight given. Gvod be- f or the block Mutton, por|KA and much of it will be in the people party is victorious, and show that :i. staked with tadpoles, and lob-' and settle, for I am in need of venison and game, when on the mnlet. . rers on the side, still that does not money to Bend ai.d get a winter pockets, p rticularly in the South the protection they receive is not .:■> i e H E rali ? sudicietit to compete with the pau- ij ■■■*■!. ■ ....... jm __ uj - na g ■■.tfUf g aegHM—am ituk-r you from being one of the Flock <>f liquor. I where climatic causes compel no J. ------------------ cessation of work, before snow flies per lai or of Europe. not popular Saloon men in llar- TON SORI AL PARLOR, Stoddart and Co», Washington is 1 eginning to look CIRCCLATION C! \ ■ ' While the river and harbor bill ha« ey county. o Housi* and L<»tf«>r Sale. ROBINSON* MYNATT. P rop ' s ' •APER IN THIS l Ot'N rv like itself again. Peopleare coining : been passed by a Republican Con­ —Mr. Cai. Geer, our Hardware 1 Pensio r and dßlaim ’ A good house mid lot. situated gress there are Democrats who are home in droves At one time the Everything in thí-ir Tino guaranteed me-chaut, has been very atter.tive in the town of Bnrn>, can be pur­ deserving of much praise for its past summer it was estimated that lor.uys, to be done satisfactorily. to the wants of the country in bis chased cheap, for cash. House success. ProLal-Iy no man worked 75UOO persons were awnv which line of butenessand has striven hard well built and furnished inside,con­ The onlv place in Burns you taining 4 rooms and one store harder for the measure than Con­ made as ;-an be seen a pretty big 615 7th St.. Washington, 9. L*. 5 ’ÄLocai News. can g.-t baths. I to accomodate his customers, he has room. Lot 50x160 feet. Warran­ bole in the total of about 240,000. .. gressman Blanchard, of Louisiana, I certainly kept constantly on hand tee deed will he given. Apply at High officials are among the return Opposite U. S. l’«t«nt Oibce. who well looked out for the Aouth, •vervtliing in tlie Hardware line the II ekald office. VET rat'NTT " itesi s. ■ ■ WM. MILLER, 1RS«" or Senator Gorman, in the Senate ing throng Thu President is here country demands. In connection All peraon having Cl»im«.'fce •vith the Hardw’reis tlie tin shop who championed the interests otall again and Blaine will be shortly. Real Estate Agent. OCTOBER L W90 An Entertainment. Pension Incr- a»e of Pfntjou. O| of Its questionatde however, that they under the management of young Other Democrats there are too. who will remain very long, after the Office with W. E Grace, Coun any nature whatever ag«in»t tho Ralph Gier who is ready at all The Burns Sund «V School will lai ored faithfully for the measure Gouernment, should writ« to us for ty Clerk. present term is out, Congresa to >, 3-45 (r.t Wak-fi-id pi--- lines to do ri pairing, or any work give two entertainments during liiforimitio'i. Proposed new l»ws Hurns, on bis.way V> A.-l. ms trade calls fur. court week, (Oct 15th and 16tli ) 1 ut space forbids the award of praise .s still witii us although mighty affecting. Soldiers rights fully «*- anxious to get away. If there is rwr-i'paiurday tnorning For Haïe. to each one. I am h-d to this due Theo! jeet of this concert, is to get —If you want T ub H erald and money to Luv an organ for the review of a past event because in one thing inure than another which ; ¡60 arce farm, well water, d and plained. Advice fr««. If Bi«4 returned fr< m any of the following patxrs for one church, The program, will consist 'certain quarter* an effort is making a Cong ri mi.an likes than coming improved. U miles from Burns. NO FEE UNLESS CLAIM IS AL­ M m itain country to Congress it is to come borne again. I LOWED. •; .ear, ar, van call at at inis this oniue office anu and you you win w ill of music, recitation* and dialogues to give Republicans all the credit mg - »♦ • • .? r- tsoiue of the Republicans say that Terms: (800 down, , <• usloi.tshed how cheap you cun No pains will I e spared by the Sun­ I W m M iller , Agent. *t Raker and faniilv. <>] ' jet them. The S. F. Examiner, S. day School to make these entertain­ for this law which makes such hand­ it looks very much like the home 3-45 *«k. sre visitimi the ft i F. Call. B. F. Bulletin. National ments interesting and enjoyal.lv, some provision for the waterway« folks wanted them to stay at home. ’ din MTitsell, tbi« *e< k L emocTat. Detroit Free Press. To- and hope to rec< ive a lit oral patron­ of the land, ar.d to insinuate that it A. B. H. charnier.” The young folks will I Blade. Portland World, and age. I met with oppo’ition from Demo­ "Î O< ti wspa|r r elio us other papers, also, dif-, Detn >1 a J4»*ine. ,„J»gKia.atc iteHifi <»f ip ’ as ' ■' rent magazines and story papers; N«.tlee . f Dias lotion ! a> 1 net ship. crats. The truth is. the main objec- Golf for Ladies.” which is quite new ti. ’ . ns raised against the bill came The ideal magazine should l>e like on this side of the water; and old «who it hit« Pa • i all of Harper A Bro’s, works; in Noticv i* hereby given that the I'm from Rt publican sources, and w<-r«. a Iierfecl hinner: »eas pnrehas a du j nd plotting the Burns cemetery tual content. Uasc Baer retiring improvements. It wont do, there­ and piquancy, the whole stlording Animal Life,” «nd soft-shell irais «-»frantevi orbali or | J. D i kkhumkk A C o ., fore, for R< publican committee» to such pb asure and satisfaction that ; j tins week. We do not desire to Prof J o. Ms-Coy. I saac B aer . : it fluence votes in what are termed it leaves a desire fur a repetition of' will be invested with a new interest this generous list d.xs not Include i dun every otic n ho has suliscril-ed after on has read about “The First thsthingor things desired, thè pros­ sever.d r iia Je firim All th :e knowing tlu-ntaelve« in- it >w..rds this work. I ut kindly ink del ted to I. Durktieimer* Co., will river suit voti Demorest's family Magazine tor < absurd false declaration that thss ' them I to come immediately ai d pay pleure nt tie at ul ce. (Jv-toi er. just received; when one! page is a* good as it can lw. Dem writ* to the publisher stating what t‘u ir euLecripticna. ThoM trito J D vk KH imf . a * Co. ■ river and harlsir bill encountered his read it all through (ai.d every-j orest's Family Magasins is the ideal would be liked letter, «nd special Democratic • ppoHtion. r • h ive su. reli ed and derifv á ¡oí Burn«. Julv I. i ',«L one who takes It lip w ill dGsoJthcic l term* will i« made for ths coveted Another good Repui I csnbas gone ia a deair« to egin at the ■ rginning magasins. T E ' i i th >e c- ne-U-ry, < can h.re credit But this month there is a spec:: 1 article. The offeria unprecedented, I’.rM l /l lout Tib« W. I . I wto. g This time it ia Wheat, the an I enjoy it all over agai > r<.. d f r ill ic amount of r th fir so Menp- Ex Mu'or La j» 1 E I’eatfy. of liar jost-uaater of the House of The Octu!»-r number tuks. so that tbecirta» returned home from an extend'd forma; and when one ...... h*s L»»ki .!»,.•>. . offered, mat. . „ rial i e fur an a cent! th« appropriation for carrying the le thr ugh the ma itii-ent tlljst»atio f, ,, , , .. can aetti • f.x the work. tour of the world. Read hif ad* Published by W. JenningsDco^reet the J C. WtlXOMl/ vertirrment in thia paper az.d find hgislative .■> ii!« on ’h- theory that >H C feels quite at imme ' up»t...rs ».«gin.», »¡.k dn s», i;t t .« mufe C\ mruittcc. a.. 1 du-, .st... » - d ti my l-dy's than liberal oS-r 1» u. xi« ih..t it io £X»t uti st., n . y : ■ *• " d was a ' ’ perqwaiU: ul ilia ou.ct. W C. B ypd , I ; for catalouge — If vou have vegetabb s or grain for sal- advertise. — W II G.iss is building a cook r. otn ’o his Hotel and enlarging the dining room. — M -sei- Du kheimer, a brother nf Julius Durkheimer, is in Burns visiting his friends. —H erald is only $2.50 a year; now i» the time to subscribe to a live local newspaper. ! NORTHWESTERN MAIL BEATTY SORGANSix