East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, October 08, 1890, Image 2

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    h„0 I., our »««I. r’"«”'«
burns adv ERTI8
lire i'.limidat d,
and p.used t v and either swear falselv in regard
without rebuke. That upon ..noth- to the su' jeet matt, rof said swamp
j. d .-iig the taking of Im ds tin. ugh fear of the same or lof husbandry, farmers Ali Alice, and, to beat the .
- ----------
Mr Morton, the gentleman who
the test.moo in th»- Woodfin eaS.-, through hope of reward thereby, or
t societies
w. r «ìBb.
• 'iti m
swear at all. Î nder ¡n great many other . ra ,,o iYi’ objections;
presides over the Senate when he
Cl< <». W.
e . R e -•Bi.i It h.ul t. stiff, d on the refuse to
nothing more pressing to do,
purl of tie
# ljttle b1oW jn keepil,g
- then why no t if the set < • •
Au AOiilovtt Filed In ll> fi
f.aittl Office.
¡noy county d. sire some ’«ch t.ssoi - up with the news procession. In
mon v r of said Smith prior to hi»
'.a i n for th ir mutilai protection nb
lo:i” as , spite or me iaci nun ..... - -...... ;
B ubxs . H ahney C o . ,9,
State of Oregon, /
»igniug Same, and duri g said
I low tliei'n the privili g-, as
O«r Imm«
F»il • >.| wini., SlJrk W|| **
news papers in the United
County of Hnrney I
reading 1 v- ■ u! p r<un» wi re pfe- same. I Um informed eri <ld lv and thetmeietr is emidueted upm an the
>>>'■ '«*«,,rillffinB re.
I Henry .Miller, first ¡ting -1
States, aside from the cringing re­
ai <1 their v.-rilv believe, that the lauds here­
sei.t. adverse claim I’
hom-rl b.tVis. Understand we du nut
sworn, say, that I am the </v 1
wi n s s ■ • d lh, ii a lb, rents. 11 id in referred to ns swamp and over­ approve o( or sanction any lawless- publican organs, last winter printed
the lands herein after il--i-i -
something about the bar-room in;
I he ■ id . e- - o - fi ndiy • ■ irlauded flowed lauds, within the meaning 11 hh or p.mil offenses comn.i j led
L -• Mr. Mortons new hotel here, then I
purchased of the State of •»; /o the said Smith u d his testimony.
( of the act of congress, and nm
b. any society, I lit are ready at all just opened, and that the W. C. T. |
Which lands passed to said Stare v all of which was heard hv said reade at any time to prove same
to condemn any act if that
act of congress of date M.<rcli 12 F> gtiri. ,i i>- — d y u .*e‘ i.k d Li witr.esses,’ nt I cannot submit to
U.in national convention nssetnl lid ;
1860. commonly called th- ~ '.iii-r- That .- id a mil <r nenes and in­
passed a resolution censuring him j
Lund Grant That all said l.n ds sults. I, ;• d upon my witnesses, present Register and Receiver of
I tor selling liquor by the c’rink h» |
O ueoun has had a lesson she this ne« k naively announced that
have been .lulv »elected l.y tl.e di.rii v 'h'. takiiiR of the testimonv 'the local land office at Burns, Ore
State of Oregon as swamp and ovi r , of the said two c-iilests. have an- gon. fur the reasons herein given might to profit by. A few months he hail just discovered that drinks
flowed lands, inuring to the State gi n d saot '•itmssis and thev sav ; and Si t forth. I make thin allida- ago two <:f her citizens worn »-elect- were Fold in his hotel, and at the
under said act.
I they «ere m t givi n a fair ehm.ee vit for tiie reason that all the lands led.
- political
• purpo-es, to super- . 1 same time he announced that he
That adverse filings have teen 1 of < X| r s irg 1 hems. Ives, and said aforesaid, known as the EPiutt se-, ¡lltf»h(| t|H; taki of th- State cun-
o.icvor(lered the sale atopiK-d
Althm gb
gh their utter ir
f ,r f lht
jht< . honorable
h()„oral)k. po-
'c,‘1"-1 lf it w,.re‘1((t f
made and contests between the Fegtlev fi.ikd to give them any lntion, those mam which filings i,U8 Allhm
State of Oregon and the adverse1 l retention, or to rebuke any Hoch have I ecu mad.- ami left open toj,
| p. tvtlC>
lei.cy fo
for r the task w:u.
was well known ;
[ , shou
|j ( be
,e inclined
V». E (HIACE. I’itoi'HiKTi.M.
o'Jeet. d There
There was not (
)rlitn „ livpi)crit.
rpplicafits have been heard ai d „ juct | ut himself laughed at such contests by tlie authorities of | no on objected
have been notified for hearing, and '
applauded the opposing wit- the Interior Department, as I am ;sutfieient itiierist felt in th. imltti r| The Senate has amended and
are, pending. That I am informed nesses and added to the disorder, informed and believe, and were
. , il ■ to ea isc any one
„ to
, tniiik
• twice .1 on j :l-asHedtbi bill intended to make
und believa that I should appear ari(j ,,ut jO1VIl the testimony differ- not for ’.tie reasons :.
set forth, the
tin- Umt d States C- urts a part of
A Large Àsiuitii,n,t |
before the local land office, at Burns. cllt from what witnesses themst l-'.-? I wcitld cheerfully c<>tM;dy " it.h] cotulitioq <■( ,ih..‘ p op'e that they til" machinery of the republican
Oregon, in which said land office. Lüjj al)j desired and requested lhe wished of lhe said authorities.! mt, ih\Liled .to realize tU- impor-i
p u t. , altii ugh ostenrii ly its 0 j et
said contests are pending, and pro ! him to wt e that there is nt. use and meet said contests mill aid' in ‘tance ofivhif was al out to ’ e done. I. 1» to define »»nd r- gulite the juris
Has just ..een 11^ W
duce the testimony on the part of;of their testimony and that they showingìi'p the very trutn in reg i <1 Ifi-sides tha't, tn'ev li’id I 1 conic HO d.ciion of th.- Uoited .State-Courts.
the States’ claim, in my behalf, to !
not g.ijbect themselves to such to the matter. Whether they 1 u.-iil to the si Htein of paving polit |
Th T.- me now three negroes si'- PHYSICIANS' I’RFFCRIFiToNsYARFFt
in point of fact swamp iroveilhced ical di-lits with offici s. that, even'
bo heard therein, ai d that I disap ' tnatmiut again.
ting s members of the House of
Everythirg f.varr i t<<d purs and g
pear and cause council to be en-1 That I am informed and believe, i lands, within the meaning of th. ■if the in igr.itude of the -jp <
l.-preH nt.itives. t .vo of them i i _________ .
' '
gaged and appear, and witnesses I nj <o charge, that all of said con- j act of congress, aforesaid As fur : ei it appreciated, it is doit I:
»lol n -s ate.
H rnby Mil.' eh . [ al‘.v e i-ffort would have l ien inn.li ...
on my part to be examined nnd j dU(.t, »eenes and outrages reported j ther I say not
I The season for booming summer
Sul scrii ed and a vorn to I i-fore ■ avert the threatened evil. 'l he r<-
council heard in two of said con- „„j complained of by my repre-
resorts being al nut over, and that
tests already had to-wit: that of J | geutative to the laid Register and me this 10th day ofjtlly, 1890.
suit was a shock that wi nt through
for winter resorts being not yi-t
lì. E PeaaiXoTox
G. Woodruff, for the NW. j of Sic. Receiver, but thev failed and re-
! ihe St ite like a charg of ele.'t'i i-
Mr. Harrison and his fa mi
Notary Republic ty. Pidfesfiitions went up from
10, Tp- 24 S, R »31 E, W. M., nnd 'fust (] to correct or rebuke the same
ly returned to '.Vushi gto >.
it very where Oregon was nrottsed
..that of N. R. \Voodfin, ft r the KE. ’anj failed and refused to remove
It has een decided by the Hous.-
i of 8ee. 20 Tp. 24 8. R. 31 E. W. said Fegtley from acting as clerk
T he above affidavit was filed in anil, fbrfttmitely. the matter had o’
committee on the Judiciary to make
M; and that of Hudspeth, that ofj in such contests, but insisted on th? office of the'Secretary of the progressed beyond a st ige when
>VM. II GA 33.
a favorable ri p >rt on the bill, which
Martin, and that of Terrill, with ; bis so acting after his conduct had Interior. Is it correct? We give ihr wrong couldi'e righted in pert.
alr-.-ady passed th • Semite, forfeit­
others, have been notified for hear ! been brought to their notice, m.d 1 it verbatim et literatim. It’s a —Wert Shore.
ing the property . f lhe Mormon
Ings, but I did not appear therein. j attention being called to the fact puldie document or at least has ! e
Thu House has a wide and well knuan nm,
That the reason why I did not ap­ '.that he appeared of record in their i longed to the public ! since the mo
mint of the present proprietor it is Imund tomlJI
O ne of the oldest, most trusty­
There is a screw loose in the
’ » •»».»Cl
1 1 - 1 • in Ik the office of tin
pear and produce testimony and ¡office as an interested party, to-wit: ! ment it
was i filed
worthy and successful firms of 1’u.t- Raum •vindication, and one of the fame vnd renown. No pains spared to pleu^HB
witnesses in uiy.behalf arid in be­ ; as an adverse claimant on similar Secretary of the Interim, and as | pnt AVoruuvs
at the
republican members of the commit­
half of the State of Oregon, in said ¡lands, an adverse party on similar such, bi it the affidavit of fric-r d or ■ X;ttioliai Capital, are Messrs.
tee is sal I to I'-': '.pposi.d to the pro­
local land office at Burns, aforesaid, contests. That I am informed and foe, is open to criticism. If th-re | Sno„ & C(] ?] q E igh ( h
, X. W V . ,!
white-washing. He i* being
it, that I cannot obtain in impar­ ! believe, and so charge, that I r ia has been the sl;khti-?f eff.rt tn ie ; Washington, D/Ci If you are in-j
tial hearing,.' therein. That the i not obtaining justice in the said by the Register and Reeciverof th-', lH.eMe(1 iftnnv wav jn patents, or! ‘argued” with; hence the delay in
Regitter: and Receiver of said land ¡office nor a fair hearing, my wit- Burns U.S. land office to intimi-1 wi?h an^ informatiof, rciatinp I making the report.
/•“Good table service, and table» furuiibm’- ;■
offipe ar« prejudiced against me ' nesses are unwilling to attend to date or compel witnesses to testify I th.;r.;to writc (o thp[n Wp knf)W I The House has voted without a
thdagalnit hiy cause, and further. ■ su?jectthemselves to a repetition only tn the behalf of the settler, Wi-!
,„„1 atteri division to expunge the speech
them fn
to be courteous and
IJEhtrgelhe said officer» with un i f the former contests, or submit to know nothing about it. If the Iai;d j
; live.
Qnr.v a modern Judas Iscariot and
Jafftiess', unjust diacrin.inatic:. and the insults and outrages perpetrat­ .'.Hee official have not taken down
; felon, from the Record, and Mr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
-net* unbecoming judicial officers. ed upon them therein.
th-' evidence as given by all wtt
! HER.4 LT’S
N LETTEi: I Iv-nuedy
made another speech
.. Interested with the hearing and <le
That the said contests cost, and n. 3?es, we are at -hefir-t ef it L .
• termination of such contests. Thei 1 paid therefor, the sum of ¡i lT.WXt. I Right, ir right, ami right wrongs i oi W asihxctoy . D. C. Aug, 2d. 1890 stating that he was glad he made
I ata informed and I elieve, and s- or therca 1 ins. r.ud the cost a’d * man or class: human nature is th. I
Might makes right1 has alway I 'he first one, and that he still stood
charge, that said officer»- a+~tth-- YTTpense in tn h : t.iltleon cC tint warn» now as it wag when our f. r.- e n ths motto -of the-repu .lie n v his original language. Mr Quay
hearing of the cases alrcad )■ »><1 of the m wil.i igt.e- ■ of witnes.-es t< ! parents ate of the forbidden fruit party. Bu’it,has never so open); nils been so I u<y trying to save his
ix ras «ER.ii.o sin 1411». «;r,
to-wit-. the Woodruff m.d JA vodli« attend said con*'sis owing -o tie "Ifyou kill my dig I’ll kill von .veil up to the brigandish theory n imim e for thegovernship of Penn­
CIIAS. W. 11YRD. -................. ».*l!ereì
contest», afore, mentio- eiL, . it . U cqnduet uf H-ani- officers; a»id I am cat.” The settlers waul the hum is during Uus_ses..ion of Congress. sylvania from defeat that he hasn’t
of. peniti; *bi» busli < k « in coni tx Lm ivjih he
knowing that one Fegtley was a. i forniid hi d so ! i-licv;-. that then and the stockmen claim a. p in
nd the action of the m joritv o i.id lime to give the public his i Object
un< • k»r pur« hu»ing b«>. I h L.r a l*ublÌ4 l.«brar»
Interested party or person. pn ju are in the ru-igh'01 bno.l of 7 WJU right to it; the settler? say ii is 1.0I rhe House this w. ck has been nin-» p niom
TERMS: M;m» erehlp Fee $1. a ear. lleaui'ijr Fee I9r.
Representative Flower doesn’t .<ii. ai .»r IL>vk. ma«.e wi.k A he l.l’.rar an. In v< er I « a. t » tl.IUI
diced in favor of one side.agiiii.it -itert-s of land in this condition as sw,.mp land and never was; th i-vdlitfici'riaTfir than cv- r htfor
I ibrarian iFovent f. r an< will ‘nke .- u »
the other in said contests iikin I,. heteiti after, shown, and that th. stockmen e . iv it is swamp land au! Viitir,-:;fLr a three Weiks ttlrugg i seem t > be worrying over the ad i Ica’, ai (1 The
< n er an . lk,».k pu'linliv li iha i m e», j -. h t» unlMn
?1. turca. WMrkh ..f Art, f{«u>e t>uii«J k imi i», EH,
less, put in to take the t.-timoo costs i f Illi- 4it content.«, or th.re- always was and "any adv.intimi' 'h • ropil’’lii’ans suer;, d-1 in mu v.-rse criticisms of his management
In said contests, the «rid Fegtle- a: out, pending « culli Le nt least either party ea 1 take of til t
tering'a qi'i-iriim of their own. ii of lhe democratic Congressional
_.Aaclerk, and that sii.iil F>^t> •»• act 40.090. . d 1 h I u.d U n it north [er is take ■: this is the who e w is of course expected thal tie campaign He says wait until the
ed as said cl< rk durii.g ail tl. ihe same. That I nm informed ; sum of substance of it.
vottltl seat th- neg-o co itestv'. eturns ar? in and see the results of
tithe Said contests were pending and so Lelo ve and so charte, h it
If I have a suit in court,
L n "’‘on. tvl o.-w cr.se has le - the committee's work.
and took all the testimony ther.- i; application for po.-tponi mei.t on there danger of my loo.-iug whai peuding for more th in two ve. k-;
That I am informed and so belivv. my part on account i.f ».tsmci what I lmvcHued for, and can I ril.t but that Vh v would attemiit to
»aid Fegtlev unfairly nnd wron; of witnesses, an 1 sickness if the counsi 1 of my opponent, that seit negro-’ number two. wih.ru
All persons indebted to me "o
fully to down said testimony felse- attorney, imi- iiiti to procure at' i;ing equivalent to n di vision ii h.ivi’.g g:v',lt aov previous notiv.
lavk.'mithiiig, wi.l please c>m-at
F. E. B each . President,
ly, strengthening the evidence of itturnev wane of proper notice, etc. my favor—I’ll do it, that's all. Ii ■ f an ..’iiit.-'mio : to call up the c.is ■. • c- ad settle, [ mart have u oi-
E. H ughes , Vice-President.
w.f ry»
the witnesses of the adverse claim­ I nave ever been denied, while anj the deponent instead of preferrint ami without aLowing one wo d ut v to cirrv on my business.
ants and weakening lind hnvi’ p uggestion from the attorney f> charges from information gained l.y argurm tit no one out iff . of th >•
A. T ipkei :.
kept unwritten and failing and re he adver.e ci limant on th ir be­ hearsay, had been pr< sent to hear l 1 the pliit I.ad the remotest ide."
l-Oix SA» j W.
fs^'LiHt of Directors and 'ti«-klu>Mm
fusing to take down testimony ad half is listened to nnd granted by the evidence given in these co it. -1 ■' -IL that is exactly what w.
J- J
-dMeed'by-'witHesBes in my fav< r s nd officers. That I mu informed cases spoken of in this affidavit .0 ur. lhe Speakir order, d th
The Red Front Livery Stalle,
in several instances, pretending not and lelieie, and so charge, that die impression would he auitv dif
ouili'Ci.'hilina c uit -stid cas. .1 ito.iteli ili Burns, opposite the
to hear such evidence g'ven by rm theeaiil officers do not charge tin ierent; but to accuse under oath U Miller v«.'Elliott to i.e called up
urns hotel Mr. Wilson offers
witnesses; and on several w.'>is:om- a 1 verse claimant their charge of tin 3. land office otlieiaIs’of partiality, .nd i.i riwctlv 13 mii.et. s tl.. ih..- vaimi li- L vi.iv M; b.<• fora» e
during lhe taking of*such teatiino e qs uses and fees of said contest- ind eharge them with misdemeaii- Mouse lt d unseated Col Eilio:i t low figuri». He lives in the
ny, so Conducted himself that much agreeing to take their pa out <f|or?. because some one—who o’f n.d given hi’ seat to th- ; egr., M
imi.tr..-. s mi «list.uico from tow .
valuable testimony in inv behalf me, That I am informed and le course wished to make it appeal i-r S. Vtral H pili l eans; n. Ubly
ai cumini pive thè ■ •ll’ines.’ the
»worn to by my witnesses, and to heve. ai.d so charge, that the Re­ est for his own side—said suci. • ’»• prig uthtive Ku r. ,,f lo-.va, tiiMf ■i-t.-utu 1 il r. qui;-s is his reason
which I was entitled—to which no ceiver, Ii Kellev, is biased. That was the case, is like whipping it c up ’SU.d- ihe flpaiak.r to all w; .'or .. Ring
n>e»< i« m>t a more
vbjaclion • was made—was lost he expresses himself as hostile to devil around a slump, and coni ng oth sides to : e heard c ore ial.i ,, 1 ¡tu; le ]-'u i-ol p < pi rt v in 1 urns
NKAR l.fliSr. HW*
That said Fegtley is, as I am in me and to my cause, nnd it is im- out at the place you started, of run- i 1 v .te, but the r. publicans h t u I d ai.;, uni desint-g lo ii.vi-st in
’•>. 5e*med and believe, and so charge possible for me to obtain a decision ning a mile race, and being neat as j ‘ hem down atid prove, di d to co ■' fi il kind ofjTrep- rtv, c..nnot etter I •INO W. SAYER
a in-. Ivis in anv iown. t’n.l in •
an ail verse claimant h.meelf. and front him no matter how over­ far ns thu three quarter Htuke, re- uniiiiatt the' l*gi,Utive disgra
.. di . ri-, al thin <>fi;ce or 011 Mr
directly interested in the result of whelming I | rove tny case. That dou ling rhe efforts to win 0.1 tin i’tivatelv, repip.ijeah.’ ap dogt/in. I WilMin, l'or v..ii «re fikelv to Ione
the con tea tg, hi and about which hi I I am informed and believe, and so home stretch.
r’gni Tue Stili le j< j| whal
Keeps f <»rr »nth on hand f ,n”’1 j
f»: th ii unseemly, hast»., say tha 1
so aeicil hs clerk That there ir ( charge, that there has been organ-
Now its to these outrages—.tain ; oey feared thev ciiuld not h Id tin w rt enmineud it to l.e.
! : iuorum lop any length of time.
to compulsory proces» by which to izeil in said town of Burna, a socie ; in the affidavit to have t.ecii cu»».-
‘ OUHl , \ ks *SS; •r*3 >J. I
obtain attendance of witnesses, s' ty called the Settlers Mutual Hotm . mitted in the Burns laud oliic X—it
Toe iatiff. ill L. s t een repo.-ed i
said land offii-e, and it is with dif i’retcction Association, or simi ; such was the ease, why was ic I i.o! ■ troni conference and while io
Soin, , Num er acre f | UI(|;
ficuhy that I can persuade' witnes Inr title, ar.il loth the said land ; made public at tlw time?
332. 2
'I .espects it IH t.vlur than it I was as » I •
Valuatiiri: ■ G 2, 2t.
s?S to give their evidence therei- officers lw long thereto. That it is tin ; Tile dep .nent al.-o < h ;rg 's B ; nr p.i.-.., d I(y the S.-i
■i. uate
I. K»
..... - organized
. »• , *
. ■ it H 0.1 ti.e! B rus. S45 • ts, V lu li r.: It,
That I am informed and an 1 <-lw-v. 'il jectnf th ■ society to frighten i»u 1 with
a seei. ty | .hole, th mist fctr.,Jlous p.e.ic 01 1
TT IStiC. ;
and go charge, that tu>on the her.r ; ..nd all who have much proper! called "Mutual UroteCti<m:«ts,’ ti.e I tariff' it gi-|.,t,o.. c.-,.r conceive I
Lie of improvements in the
— irvg wfvaid Woodruff contr s». one .1. i in this country and m ik.r the pine. 1 purpose of wfrrvh t-eing to mal e it he ripa.kcaii p.rty, and that is
»II kni-l« „I «'irf«-.« lenSer b .r. iwh i.« e ■
KHnt CKlr ITI1*
Rates was sworn ns a nitnes: t ai hot to hold us. That under tin loo hot for lui'ii <rf projKrty and | ,-aving great deal It was only i c untv: V5.75S.
. |tr mv behalf. That lie was a dis protection and nt the instigation ol drivetheln troui the country. Tbeie y the use of the party whip tbuti Mtrch indise: i 105,889.
Money, noies a id ac mu its: 1 4.
Vitereated and h->r,eat witness the leaders of said organization ali 1 as never any such a nr»o organ
>n agreement was reached in eon ' 504.
against whose character not a word manner of affidavits »re forwarier: [ zed in Burna. Ths settlers hav,
it ienye, and ai-ohl* one lourth of
■df S l»B v n spoken, who d ’-s not rt- to W .»hi gton, all m inner ol tw-li- I »11 organization in the «oantnjth'
Housi-lxd.l firt.iti.r : >23,760
•Je r.-publjcory, privately curse . he
Numla r of horses: 7,732, Value-1
vh iry Hayney valley, (when m-my is furnished in the land offici called lhe "Mutual Home i'rob >•' ■ til, which they say rots t Lei 1 to.
lion: <229.725.
esjj. lapd lies) a^the present lino ■ fo »'saiil. to prejudice me and per- uonisls,' nuiu.«ring — .v« are tom'
stiiuents. but. when a Vote is taken
< attle: 27.407; Valuation: >411 -i N. B. A Good —,-wi all the wav
And (hat wbll: he w.is testifying s ti’ in mt isirulition. with the uu I —about d'J un.'11 tier a This organ-
very one ot these men wiH be found 98
’ I
persons present, parties of such u<1 itboiitiee. Tn u such affiavits and jizatioti if dirposed to do m.-ehiii
-mj;ngly voting for the bill as rt-
ported from the conference, There
their wit tsye.-, ryrmirk"! audi i . ut perjurer who signed them are that fact was clearly demon»*rated
h 8 been considerable talk at out
in the bHscnce of said It it. a, ¡1 Imld. d fri m justice l-v «nido-^aii Inst spring in our primaries noth
Number of hop; I9i; Valuation-
the deiuocrap in lhe Senate taking f ( o.
..UfttMid Healing, a. J k-f.r»- lhe : i't >n I aut inform. I and»« h» ve. >tri..«Nr.rtlc and republican. And
a iv.int ;g.. of the r ties of that t>,dv
’ hatd Fegtly 10.taking Bate»' t< >t
c. - ch rse. 1». >’
> ---
Total valuation:
lepo ent further el.a
th it thu 6 di.-ate the report of rhe tariff
.-liiony, at the time, tn said l.i 0
Inde! tednci«;
s | onerf 1) tba fit» I U-’.IU F- rga nz .t.ou is
pnw-. rfiu th..* a;j til u itii
.vet k jn N'evi n,
I. Jtwrrr, P«*-
riffles, »nd »0 acting n.’.c!--k
ol' B i-i. , and • v
g ;>i <iti the i iiaii.ew men of Bur s, az:ti . - r i.i o-der t > pryv, rrt ihe’ ialiing
>37.955 __
t«vee Burrton MonAS'W, wsaa*’e’'F
yiforesai.lj that said Bat. •
,.i>d'*liot ApJ'»»» <« ,i. rt t. Vili g »al li.iaeiM ¡ire rtir„. I It,
.a« oa««r..,. . rite»in». «r,i '’ill«»
, _w >1,415.218.: 5W'C.’. tori«
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tut» I-' r’"
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d*ui utrai-1 to trstlfjr agutrst It, ox« that • |<»t lv against it," winch certainly
1» _ sui.ject
to change. '
» x .
jof passing the Fnrco bill, but no hy the Equalization
Dealer in General
Portland Sxcliangs Sold. Count
Attont i vo a.j-. -
setfo db
Tile tS?£\ cv ’Äloc
Fioori ng.
Mold! KL ?»
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