IKTursery 'a y ette wont, »he was nevertheless looking r.on Purdy, a poor clerk in the ser­ wonderfully interesting and pret­ vice of a iarg Jiii|O-Ung k■ uie; tut luckily alxiut one m.ir.th b»fo e ty. WFDXK*DAT. OCT )BFR1. IO “I am glad to see you hiking so the death of Dr. Perk», an cecentsic THF. fMM’TOIl’Ä WllfiOM . 1 well, Lizzie,” [he wanted to »ay n-lative had died and left Mr.«. Purdy the very snug and accepta­ ■‘!>ear Lizzie ”] From New YurkWwefcfv: ble rum of twelve thousand doJla»r. "Thank vou, George.” L'zzie leigh at 17 war accounf, d Thia Kt up’.he Purdy» financially: There was a momentary silence, the prettiest girl in Grasrdalc ff< r but thev were very aniial ’e people iceompai.ied by painful embarasx- father had Icon the pastor of the and very much att.ched to the village, and although be hod !< ft m-nt on o*hsi«l:i t-d e;>«ntta ct ui UM ta» ultMt tiU n-Lr. L m n •«»- CalifocaiAg sc iaxativa sad fellow cf no expectations. Yet never told me this before. I didn’t c.lMlou cuut uxl jci A; t‘-. with the «tedicir.al virtue« ct pti-’.'.s Lizzie rather liked George, in spite know you cared for me much.” kaowa to be B&st becrc.-K.U to the Kn• HrWit »CkiM Lcunau tyTtexn. fermiug th«ONLY PER “ Curses on my faint heart! ” wiw, ud tkit I. ia t Mli.rt -w. UM vf his wont of caste, and would FECT REMEDY to ttt ¿«¡ l ;,e: U i - j »1 “Don’t »wear, George, pray." have married the handsome young lM It. t»cnl t. «. eauUM pcti^tly oa the “I wont, Lizzie. You are a good .nJ ZjMUM. • -> n! it U m V . om >- carpenter, had she been left to her KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWLS hutrew. own choice. But the fates in this girl, I know. But tny heart was DR. HENLEY'S -AMD TO— particular case wa» against her. so full—so full of you, I couldn't English Dandelion Tonic Cleanse System Effectuailr, Ctrl a irtk.ac« s.w tta U m ». and she lacked the determination speak, and the golden opportunity — M TUAT — uc U m U t. beotth; ac.i«a. rra»M it. has ii«r». :.fica was a rerr well* Dr. Perks was called ii, and from fcjomeâ u lxü , l ~ ù 11 U mù yu3 W9U.4 U xj QW >Tiri .h» ° that hour be became constant and me at this late hour. Yon ne.er b»? M i rs L¿ z ••Tel Eid woek yce said you I co'-id ua _ a c U i .ok at rtydah at It rs. unremitting in bis attentions to the hinted at these thing" before. 1 W.&hed AbcD — Bid »te ms«~* AU L u çwù û.QCàU. DU har« nt ' could rot guess at your Lidlcn s-.e as» wtAi “ I Wait beautiful invalid. to that?* toss Ln. •• fcclL «he ¿tu »3 ot ter inforna- If anything, a sickness of this thoughts, br. Perks has been very Hot from O» îfffcaz ne iFey Uko I tdxuif t*ut ft she kx. j’1 al! thaï U kl is » &a sad to br ~ht as.4 mild character secerned rather to kind, and I respect him. DO NUT CSIPE. SlCUK 00 •wtiruL..D4 ia cacrena^a bai 1 cou 4 do n as she docs if 1 had lira »ana sourco cf CONSTIPAI t. “But do vou love him, Lizzie?— well heighten ¡her charms, and before fnfcraation. Sts irrt me the Use dote bar of bet Sj(t O ik f » i Sica M«»MeM, y tino la:e!y, red I locmc • o< rt to oce Lcr r a t he expiration of a month, the en­ and will you spurn my honest love Kt atd cl! trout as xzi-u < .'*cs reacio^. &5 gc : raiorff soiizl maUcra sod U.c Ix¿*B*atic» at Cciut.p» Uc a. topic* &t the ¿«T. t"aa 1 w»axi p ck up la a month amored young physician had pro­ forthc sake of him.?” JrupsmaattoCost l-xiva by my occasional chats w:th ft ^dA It ccr&icly by FanOt<*< th« every top c of totere«t, fr^a th« new a of “I do not spurn your love George; carera eaa baeire'yt''. seed u> t tt e .*■. &» posed for the hand of hie lovely tbe day do Ta to tos drtai « or fcuuAckt a a**, saetti. 4 lr»«i f»s«w< trt* t* Trave«-»» aad RswUw»- We*. .«■«• wiiB. Meh and *ci>*9 aw to j et rca to Uh« »a ’•»' esewat” Trtd» l.r». So-4 a-e-vwker*. ile. a bwtuo ceived with the greatest favor by like him, and I cannot break m; com«« beœxest s FaniZy Wa-arlD*. t« to »tort«« ar« Bar pia E*-ï sad Br. sa» J*«»« for «a. ta staasps- »0 goo i. Eve to boy« watch for I crery monto, (DR. MAPTEO 3 (POM TOMIC. the gratified mother. Lizzie ac­ word. Will you not take pity on r 9 a pisce i i fosad fort cíd al-o to it«pe«t«; azd FTWinEA tb» BfíX.r» rrr.t I.ATP isrLirpR I Mr. Ali n «.vesta br it It i* r aUy »•ondsrfU asi KiD.Y< uFR ! 17.».: U» cepted her fate without any objec­ me now and leave me?” tai>¿aLTu sad r: . titC-i Mk»tSC. IH .t 1 .ra UrtrL ««Its arery lac-nibr-r of to • I ’• Mr. La-. 'Well puts lb di irreccdfora TBE tt- A-'-PTÍR MEDICINE CH. ST. LOUIS U3. “I will—to ycur,own happiness.’’ •pc«tmenCo> y ; lor. if 1:1 -snjtoir.glAkewbat y>a tion or a murmur, and it was de­ •ó» it i*. it wi.i imme sadloetroc thé «rb* toc fus.** And with bowed head and almost cided that the marriage should Air» L ee 1«».. tost W tLe pnhiiabcr. 15 Last I to *ctro t ! .w York, a III diligati oí -J' take place the moment her disin­ a groan George Arhton turned olettor t. »cad a Specimen f opy for Wec&ss ro «rccnat »0^- aytbtog, <** each oember erwtatos r-, — ♦» terested medical adviser should away. In a fortnight he left Gras- a PaUer; C t <•?' udtl R* (he botóir to «a? ¿Te Gnv«sr-T SooK 1 »txm -. í nay ebe-x» , aid m eny tí«-«bien «dxle.no one knew for where, be­ tU^c think it safe and proper. Exakci c.to * opjr t c.nts every day with s lovers solicitude to prior to his going. I Lcf'. alone to her reflections. Liz .M- ... « inquire after Lizzie during her ill­ Ta. Met. •■ita'ntlts. WVT. V- ness, was struck mute with agony zie bad :i chance to I xflr into her JcL Y W Mctuitwi»*. 7Z. turiltm Cftta<&'5* ~k» 15¿acéti ¿.I um . at the unexpected announcement. own heart, tc analyze the emotions, *.•.«• , ■ Gota — r.ô Cr.cn-s Hu had never made any open and to draw comparisons st 'art AsabhiMC LOUISVILXe. KY. >.tS"*a a»a declaration of love to Lizzie Leigh; She found, on a careful examin­ Kf.adtas.A but he thought she fully understood ation, that »he respoctcd and even P4 Uadi* .g Agrku’t z.’i! jo«-nd of th* Swth led Wait T?“ M '1**?- ‘rre ÿ** *-»i V3* ult d by the ?2rr.etn»'i- •«£k,v:- S m t ~Dcn*t »• »pared C*-»T». V*”’ in 5û L j --A j *»'*■■'• **• ~ ’ o& t-c farm. 1? La JUtioctfeely th£ h APMER3' OWN PAPE«. should have }>ecn the grand pur­ as the was beginning t> f el tha- On*• roc C A record of their rfeiiljr lire. 7re«eutcd in a ferta * 44 BoattAa-i.rt.Ml, pose of hi» life to extorted a prom­ she loved George Ashton. She was axMl langtug; whkh make it pl« .n to ¿11. LIST OF TONTRiBUTORO ise from the sweet lips of the one he verv grateful, very; for a brother Contain« ITS then&mescn the rr-oet nrogr*.wve fAnc- of the South a-i Wert. They do not trCat loved. could not have manifested more ev< of theoretical farming, tjt cf the actual ^-»ndi- which con ire- j 7 u» lo-day : L r Johnaon . Hi» time would be up in a fort­ • >ii<-itude and kindness than he. tacnv Waldo F Bro-s-n Henry bt* war*. John M Stahl; THE SELF-THREADING A P Ford J.£. WeiDcra : Hugh T Brook«. John night, and with the hundred dol­ and she Mt like she could l.ve C. Edgar Steele t Bayou 7 B RAldwtn ¿nd a bo*t of other« make thu jourual iadispeuMble lar» he would then receive he would him always as a friend. It war Moreover, it is rqaady leave the country for good. He c .sting her .« «e . re struggle, now A HOME MAGAZINE. subject ■>« !ntcre«t to the h -roe-maker La could not bear, in the midst of his that she knew how devotediv Every fully treat: 1 Llary Marr-e: IxhiC-aUatv. Mrs. Mr«. Davie t, Mi*» Cabell, M**% Mosby, own wrecked happiness—amid th • George Ashtun had loved her al! Brown Alice Winston and a or? of others wto contrib­ ruins of hi« own cru-b-d heart—to along, blit h r promise was pivin ute regularly. FAiTH LAii -lEl sec another usurp his vl .ee. Yet •ef re this knowledge came to her. Is In eharreof cur Children*« Department, and I d it are com­ she has the rwcoliar faculty ct both in* bined the fin­ he could not b ar the thought of It was iur mother’s wish also, and tcresting and urttnactlve. ed mechanic­ THE MYSItaY UF TMC KATlOh l-sving Gra««dale w:th, or ■ -■he was determined to accept h r ' j, a thrilline ssorr apwanne in Ko'rE .« nd al »kill the F « im . by John K. Siu**««, an H cx.'Htr.g wide runst useful rno e »ceirg her. He had been too fiss vithout attention. Short »tories by dlrttogutobrd writCTs find practical to time. tim d to tel) her of .the l< ve he fih. murmuring. And o it ca ne to appear from time elements, end BILL ARP’S L£T.'E>3 but now i i the wildest of hi.« de» pass that Lizzie b< c.iine Mrs R York. 1 im a bet'., r looking man th in the family remove to the city of New doct< r. who was »allow, thin che-t- Y<-rk It was a very poor »hi. t. a* ed and consumptive in appearance it proved, for the hea th of the do • He had never I «?en on very « wk ial tor broke down before the expirj term.« with Mr» Leigh, ami ,«o 1 e non of a year, and just a. h1 war did not car» to visit the house, es­ beginning to work into a roinen h.it pecially .in»» tl.e i: formation he lucrative practice. For another nad rvcciwd of l.izz:e .- el gage year he atruggh <1 on. and then war nient; but he kept a «harp watch obliged to relinquish hi* prufe«.-iou- for an optxrtunity to meet her out ni duties altogether. of d ora, and .ia -lie was Urgi ii-.g Tlii ii followed three more years to Walk out in p.«a; v»- . «wju.ar f>x ih» fin» tim« is f e in arriving in<< ■■><''s Mrs. Ia*ig!> fretted ai.d By Jr». • V» «fi V ■> k v.ut< a Lp L Oiudf, «nti*l 4 ”in T'i.keM Wn tu I*h* Liti Ir Ol.i Man «sg eb» IB«*ng- A’ri a * D> r lh«d C. IV- t by say o tho k >- He saw her «today in a litlk a <1 tumid a good dial tor an ex- ■ *llr«. A N vai R» E m . i « G.BOKIar r J 4 “R*-» < b m¿oj» r4 av ”«en- No X* « Dilaterò«» *m**t. A X ovj L By t..»..”au i ‘ •« boa ri * Tt> oo of ti« La Mr< Ali S «rrr tt»« grove back of th« cottage, and with emplarv Christian win n she raw »«•>y jSL.b it d «lin . M» Thr D.‘ r 4» b r«rm Bride. A K cts L • ’s ?-■« «aaqx*«t ai • *> ut ibi« •♦»u-m-- m be ng B t M >». am ‘T BU't rr « wildL th l> ii g h art Lv. Mr.nl. h<- I Ilk n»<>i ZW Thr Peni off Rieh*r<Ì rarf«n. A fr ! «trf join« d her Hhc- gh n . <1 at vance of utter destitution and car Mova. Br B L Faw 5 C: ì AHLL3 SCRIBNZR’ ù SONS w r.» DtlMeUblrd «Hit. A Morti. Dr Efflll with a Io. k of cunfusi n th t B «Li riermut«d Mgaiinv far liwu, wltotuUMu. * tu» Il a urta a Itami* ,Myj ual arr»’..grn.iuta aito xfrkjB mute fruit growing hi East­ ern Oregon and Idaho thau all other Nur aeateat of litia< Freaeh Ou a.uaive pu blu attua 1« »mi ■ ra atorx. to « aatiiiaai^q i «C m U. > ha 1 aat A4reatarttu<^ iarin.” The aiury alü bt «ra^ Jama«, aiul l>.uairaiad by W t> ih»weits wlUtaauibmi terr« pads, sud I afraoi.hn1H two par.a. auuued "Yosua," I»» traimi selies cc tn bi ned. as the tree« are ac* cliunittd and such varieties are offered fur sale that Ir» illvatiated yapia fifc?Al < urreu* iatrreal. a au ia haiUr 1« and tiuialv artiche, the Boa»». IfiTIT at ri Ita a eh iau*aaaa4«?< r riba are Known to thrive and flovrl-h country. in the mountain The “IDAHO” pear will bccffircd in limited quanti e« fur the fir st time tlafc year. This petur is a native at Idaho is considered the finest j-cer grown and is extremely hardy. I»o not fail to plant a few trees. AdJres?, Payette Nutsery, Payette Idaho. STOCK BRANDS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. HARPER’8 mu,! S« 1>r AZI Y’ S| >: ^7 3 HARPER" MAI. BE HARPERS WEEKLY ”*■' HARPER S BAZAR 11 he h akper s yol ’ xg riom e utn* Q'jaa< Po.«««ge Er« to >!! >t " n *b I nit»d sist««. Canada,ot r «lit ha 111* .u'.i.l.:«- ’ll: Uip^rtia lhe Nuiulwr, L r tac h v»««'. When ik > .<-riptuai» »ill l>«|iii «iihibCa, a rein at tiaw v( r«, aipt ut WHO Bvund vulumu ol Ilaqe, ibreeyc—- '■— “ be «ni ¡*r «oh celli» e» Index ,— -• pm cal. Analytical, aiulClouiMd I lo 70. includ»«.tn>ail»a»<< taru:., uepar- *»□. ui «»rr.rot f rf.-jtl: «nd purit*, a««rhmz L.-j-t. «,t - :• ti»- l»n -i.iru» cL«ri v. Bttvreckttc -T.g. ; .« pip-r in . «wr fuaiil: ■ li ha« i o L- ju L í « tr r ««ome aud tr«»’. í: ,.n¿ it» BA.BS u r«r. ‘.jriu..,y , j> >;. it SaKrleeopie«trae. SEN HU?’’ás¡ TBEWOI>STFflE”a»ra¡iiB Harer’s W««? P. F. STENGER. E obíes Either ■ilfle I LLTSTRAH H aspkr ’ s W kkilt im m,* place m « the Iradinr illmniit 1 K kmerit a. The fairum of lug p ir.etjts on eurreut pulii into« kpeii nnd tun Admire vi all in and the variety and axrallncM ronton «. uhich includeirriiiM bv the i»e«! and m. gt pqrtiun he perusal »f peopled «idre« ami pursue«. The Weakly remarkable varietv, inlet«, expri «e is apar«d to brtogtbigyJ ariUtie ability t.i I tear upon ihj ” the < hangeful phase«of b«a< or . A .M«xiran ruiniiK«, ruoMA« A. J abvibs , willaffati^H ly in 1WB b-ended on Right or OK. Eangt—Graut county, Oregon.’ .—Burns. Great county. Oregon. PEK YU1 !IAR?ER WEKKLY lAKPEKs MAG AZINI t >d!< ALMEDA A. STENGER. .IAKPERS l’.AZAR. »o lìrici dl wc'jüwcryj j;;.- Pssata*« Fre« tu al] -tat««. ’ anada, ur Mcxicu. J Th»; Vu um es uf ib« Wetklt «tag* he fl.at Nutul-o’ far JaiiwufiR When no timu >• mantiuuef, ejciu with thc X um bar< «ipt of unter. ji.iund Vuiumeeof Rarjeri vai« hn< k. in neat rlolh km« >v maii i'uKiNR« paid.urbTti petise (pruvideu tbe fralrht per Volume; for >7 uu a »ulm Cloto (. t.ses für tach V«m indirig will be Miil by null eipt <>f |I. Kemittance« ahuuld b« mbT dunes Order..r Draft.teiTuriww Acdrssa > AKHEiliOTd*, •a Left aldo; circle- r■ .'.T xi”. i. A Spilt ia ear. Z j UFHDN COUARE NY. v ' /\7 LANTA. CA r---------------------------- 1 S3 ™«*S e«ch “ • • • DAlLAS.T^t Range—Harnev aad Grant county Oregon P. O.—hurt a. I. true/ county, Ur raja cm . a woamv- Mkt« RILEY A HARDIN. TS barge — llAKPEK’s YOlWI?flfl branded C attle ' lìlg T -¿/TMetíMtsi Address ISAAC FOSTER. EY AVI Tba DbDawiag «t gWaTthr »ppè*r»i»c< of it Mdactij > p •k-»ut ths ûfik.h Í«rt of Ita bnlk. It ia a rraod. «1 «ubte aia» tato- X ¿as, aa 1a> ça a » •» • azy torarw W» sH!l »>«osb.»w ye«; ho—v-u tan rsaks 1 «l M • I » » -’ay at W«a». fr*n» the «tart « hr. M( e» n«<-CM». Better *r.t» at «aoe. W•pay ali «xpwM rhurj-s «4fcrM.il HALLErraCO.. Boattie. P vmtla I»», MxtML H^ riis Left S'lfie: branded od liorlióQta] Harner’s Bai I L L U ST RATI P oh »'.» II C attlk branded on V. L.fl side- ASK FOR IT! Vo dor hlt In Right e.r, etc.« up. iMft tar Smooth crop. ELDREDGE TratìSÌyland, Kangs: Grant, Crook, .nd L.k. counties. t*. *». — Riicv. Grant county, or.gou. .'.»FVOvUl/« r// fíRherfa, riíínnArf uments, Coate».» ¿h Mod«n u^Tanat. N. C INO I 5. C. ' ' X««w »«1er »fs7«dJ«at««, Canada, ur Mexkv . x Th* v.ihini«'« uf ibe uinber f.ir January vl la time i« nieuii«>ned, •a*«’'’’’- w a ilh the Number currt« of uruer. t.. I h . uui I volumes of p "’-. ear in nea chi.h bindias* fH.a.axe paid* «»r by provideif tbe freighta«13^B___ lai per wlunici far |7* Cl«»th c«»e« far each roln^TWWf1 tug w ill be seut by nail pfi*W li en< h. . JH£2 j K«‘niittanr< a sh«iuW be rtffi cot Mviiev <»r»ler ur 1>raft, to Vv»< HDRies sre branded with “fi-wrcrtVen tire Left thigh. as ii Harer's To«"1 ISHlï M. STANLEY ¡tinge Grant and MaUeure..ni1tle. I. U. addrvM: buri.s. Grant co.. Oregon. The Eltveetb p P ’.e. 5, wbi he«i• Lr HrtB. h FWr!« ««J ’* will offrr te i’« rrt',*r’L, itbe usual leniftb. «•« t»ar • vil ’ “ Phil I he K*”! tKf A 1 WH1 pat Five nnadrcil OvllarB for -r.^«»«m: w too «rrr»r and convirtius of tin per- i He: •’Prhwc Twm*!’ "Kl- or tht »..» «. killins ..r v’ealh a anv . f rhe atl<1 “Mo her« WBJ k of the abu»c hr«D-l ur Lelo« ¡zinc thereto. ’ two ah.irt «eri«la III GARTEST AFRICA A. LÖY13R0FT Ä CO. n'LV8TRAîtr Ry. Thia Nursery has done more to | ro- The Kuail to leaitli UVER PSLLS. Nurcompn4ng 123 Ester.'dre acres, is located one half mile from Pay­ P rinters ’ I nk . 4 JOVXNAL FOX ADFZXTTSLXS, I; kntl a to Lit to fatetnto Un •< BXto» ail li tto rspremutirt }Tinal cf Aurtiua advtrttom. toa ttUa It tiUeius U toa licpcriMMd UttriMT he*, vtoa, isi etort la arc nul w tox..l UwrdM. fav tavrlta u fa’enUtBtr.; tor U ¿-xplay st ; vUt t m p a;«?» w w: 1 st ! Two eerie« .»f Faip Ta»«J ■ lion of Ivve»« quaint tatea told b>‘ JJ« ahh ill«« ra’ed by hi*. , «iifferetit vein b' Wa«rt will be ah«f»rt •t”rirV?Mia|4 NeltM.n Fa«e. Mar? ri.4 Frear.»»t hp. ffK i Hutterworth .*«>pbie J..hi.atun, ete- A rat«* ripM’”* »« «e* urea a juvenile !*»*< kn.iuled e. • A’ A««reniser. ri TLB vi*: F w Vul. XI «perimen <. r *'’•**.« elafe X um l*r» r»-’ Reml'tarres Vonev a * • Vp York. A Mr». Wl. q«eH bv m. the»« *r •ft« 'ears *1 h he Iftr'e sufierer -/fa, quiet elerp b <■ •da the ift’e •>•»«* r hutfnr - It th« MM, setters iW Herts wted. ‘*e* bn own aPt-nfi Yom *