r- *• I14.kcr.City-.has had, lately, a —Miss Ida Geer has been quite is 80 bushels per acre, from near ill the last two or three days. J. DURKHEIMER A, CO .alloon ascension. Of all persons «till indebted to Forest Grove, \Vashington county, — Wc had the pleasure of shak­ I undersigned on E ast O regon H er ­ where fruit is fail in quantity apd — Peter French was in Burns a KTmOM 10* UQCOR I ICENSE: ()—4 DEAuhts ing hands with Walter Cross and ald Accounts, vil: subscriptions goal in quality. The codlin moth ■lay or two last woek. fry. the lea. County Court, of the State of Ore his father, of Silvies valley, to day. I subsequent to No.'. 28 1889, adver­ di ______ r _ = y -.. OREGON s in town this week. ildents and legal voters of Prow^ey precinct, page, the adv. of Robinson A My- March 1, 1890, is called to the fact fine for curing the onion crop. Po­ said county, aud we ask iliut h iicet.se le mted tu I. K. McKinney, to sell and dispute —W S. Sterling of Portland, is natt. Give them a trial; they I ' that payment must be made before tatoes are ready to be dug. Toma­ Carry the Largest 8;4>ck in Eastern Oregon. All orders h^ve our prompt at teat io«. mult Lt- ’* liqUiHB, i in . lei?« J guarantee staisfaetion.. :i our town this week. __B in Fai l j.reejiitt fur : 18th dav of September, 1890, to toes are ripening fast, Fall pippin It Ifruoi from and andafier after rhe the -Mh P*«1'--'' thift 2-d day f of — Mrs. E. A. Vaughn, and John ' ■ save further cost of collection. j apples are living gathered Leaves —The New York central strike 41 it/ Robinson’s baby, are receiving i of maple quite yellow. Corn har­ W S Marfideo, D. L. G race , r, B. Wzw. was declared off Sept. 18th: •9 ► M. E Reed, Ju. Wixaijr. medical treatment from Dr. Ash-• . Burna Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. Wm Wsllie. vest in full blast in Sherman coun­ ’ A. Fwter, —Peter French, gave to the M. ford this week, but neither of them ! Jutin H. Howard, *“ v*SL. ty. At Heppner ice formed on 12th. Jvacpli ihdelMB, ?. church of Burns,on last Monday. are dangerously ill. | Charley Jone«, Gods blewsing to humanity— So Ice in foothills on Sth Wheat al i «,. H. E. Thompson, • -M«.- ' SO. VWm. A it now, —Samual French, who lived says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety tn Clayton, r Heppner sells at 56 cents per bush­ b A, Kobina, MRS. LOUIS RACINE, -Pko^girrRtM, i::?« 1) Overfull, —Received at the Hardware near Prairie City Grant county, was Years Old”- el. Corn was injured by frosts on I fueeiih l.amb, Bt-RNS, O reoox . •G: W. Porter, Forest Grove, Or., Marell 19—I lltli. at Eight Mile, Morrow county; ■itore of Cal. Geer, a supply of floors —in some way not known precisely Bud'iljih Miller, A large end commodious ILdel^everything ipat ar^,cpm/ortnble. •nd windows. - how—thrown from his buggy near have used the Oregon Kidney Tea pMrick Woodward, at Hardman, same .county, melons, C. T. Griffin, Tables furnished with all market afforda., Sqre tp^suit ti e John Day, a few dsys ago and C. A. Gibler, and obtained immediate relief. It —H erald is only $2.50 a year; squashes and beans frotc on 13th. 1 Chaa. A. Nonrman, public. Wheri in Burns", d6 not (aii 'to’givj the Hotel a tfial. __________ J. H. lAnderfiiHi. is God’s blessing to humanity. I Corn cutting in progress. Grass • iiw is the time to subscribe to a dragged to death by his team. ■— »^otlcc la hereby rlvon that the above petit ion ive local newspaper. 1 be preaanled to thfCounr v Court of liar- —Robert Brown was arrested— take pleasure, in recommending it to poor. Rains badly needeti. Wells r. .. . *W“GOOD TABLE SERVICE •'**’ -JCunatvffl Ctn Wedueeday, tho Mb I |1L ofUctobe: —Attention is called to the card in Burns on Sunday evening Sept., the afflicted. I am now nearly nine­ and springs ar«i drying tip in Uma­ nlJi, 28th, by W. W. Johnson deputy U5 ty years old, caiuelo Oregon in 1842 tilla county. Early apples are be- f Wm. Miller real csUte agent. 8. MarshclJ, for disposing, of whiskey in the eniphiy of 04?..Hu.d$on’s Bay uig- galhvsed-—in Grant .county. —We had the' pleasure of shak.-. VC«!*.' of the State of Ore- to the Piute Indians. Fined |8.75ct Company, and since I began using Through Harney. Klamath. Lake. Ji r ffarntft county. mg hands, this morning, with Chas. Portland Boot and Shoe Stor#» the Orego i kidney teal enjoy good • the und«nined legal votei« of Purrs pre and set at liberty. Crook and Mallxiur counties frosts >• •,.?>• '"'i Clark and N. J. Lewis. •t.dki Barney OOUH^',X>rt*goii, ine st rcRpect health. v pray that a Ucenae be graced io j. T have been frequent, doing damage LUNABURG A FRY, PiturKULtziKs, B ujins , O uego M — T. J. Silman ’ s Saloon is a fa- D avid M vniiof . — iau toaellapirlum«, atalt kii H vin«.u« liqu. n —Some one said Henry Long wi s NMQuaudtraa than utie gallon, in burt t to vegetables, llsv is plentiful ai d . •. ... ’ it i: ■ ? • • inct,in »aid of Bariicy, for n j.<- 4 ling to Idaho, “come, Henry, we v< rite resort, and lie Reserves to le tlnrt. in ------ county —, Rtinn Stock of Boots and Sbuea, uf •# ................................ •' SAW MALI. miKSED. __ 9«nthe, -------- from and after October ID. stock in good condition. tha ve/y beat Quality. • Ju>t r«c*iv*4 patron x d, being a ways r ady to ill know the meaning of that sort of ) , r. -r-': <*■ • Harvest is over; crops gathered r G. W. Zumwalt, lend a helping hand in cases of Sup|K>M-«lm«r, V-tfc’tf. »’*>»*•. 3 Gass, - ;«k>weil. —Subscriptions for all newepn ten or twelve duys ago, his desti­ one-half mile east of Burns. Near- yielded well and a large supglv has UM Hr,.».'. Di r, rlr« Et d l>een secured; peaches were some ­ Racine, .W-5- • ■ -rs and periodical» taken at the nation, was (we understand,) the \ Iv the wbcle town was there just « Hen i rown. what short inqvantity, but good in ■ . (> A. Swt-ek. wtotiiee at publishers rates. Parker, ® \ home ranch. His horse came as soon as jeipeible, and immediate !quality; garden products plentiful . - J '*•' Lt-uie Harkev, I steps taken to save bis dwelling -. P(UyiRtETO»a. O'ITII A RICHARDSON J. M. Vaughn, —V G Cozad. the young and ’through ail right, but John, himself, _ . B eoi and stock in good condition. I». L ’ . Shi .lor, —> HurloW» '• * i Df M. M< Minainy, ■ i' it attorney of tin firm of Par­ a i ot Ixsen seen, neither li. v h s ■ house and as much lutn1«r as pos­ àrv.’ B.S P0AUE,i, Chan Kigg. sible. The bouse is situated prob- sli A Cozad, is visiting our town mends heard anything of him. ■' W. i yrd. L.umw, Observer, U. S. Signal Service. J«rhn M< Klnnon, . Geer, , ably 80 feet from where the mill MeCormick, Thymus Whiting, Hay is selling at 12.75 in Harnev —We sie in the Grant County J.th ' ewcilxer, uMffi’ty. Shop supplied with all Meats market affotua. ^.^“Shop opp< site Poato^ce. | stood. It was saved, an.>n, into con«id''rntinr> the fact that one 000. Ivan MeK.rc, Cuahhii, i Baker City, for forgery. • perfect hinner: seasonable, tempt- W. B. Haley. t>i o Gi n county h-y will e las The time, and the part of the CftaaW I’.-.rd. Sn. J. T Barrt s, —This office will feel truly tar ns two tons of the wild slough I uilding where the fire was first ing satisfying, never heavy, each Chas ill au in an, bay of Harney the disparity in course perfect in itself, with dainty lankful to all the farmers, and John Duntiaii, ■ JVI/T m .»’ V- W«M, bit kSmith, Jobneon, AND kmeii of Ilarney county, if they prices is not great.—Grant County seen, and the circumstances con­ entrees and etitoements to give zest IMvie, R. 1 T.*wn, nected with the burning of the i N ■Son e«, J kindly n port to this office tl e news. naiur.^i and piquancy, the whole affording J. Aur.her, TRNSPORTATION Company. building, proves conclusively that ou: t of bav and grain laisid b\ R Mti R’t — The “ News ” is mistaken, in the 1 to Jlfsji f. Johnson ' W. such pleasure and satisfaction that A.. MeCar h •, it was the work of an incendiary , n'-seition that one ton of Grant MeCerthr, Wm 1 evci s, * ptaep Levens, " > - J V. R. Otimer, I it leaves a desire for a repetition of C. C. McCoy, General Manager, ‘ The mill caught,Or was set on P. F. Stenger. Hanley, — Imo i every day we hear iCTint v hav is equal to two of Har­ the feast. This is the cnse with itft-.j J E, McKinnon, W. t»»yer. nev vallev hay. In the fact that -------- 0:0------- ■in obi r-p. ..k of having something fire it> the planing room, some dis ­ Albert Blume, yfc liner, Demorest’s Family Magazine foi the wording of the News item, is Stages leave Burns. Oregon, daily for 'Harney, Drewsey/'Bsulah, i Marion Btorincr, e ai s II.«so)there. with the railroad. Good fresh horses, CArv'fuhdrivoni, new vehicles, and Chea Cronin t Ciemene, tenth part of our ha« slough grn«s were in the room after 10 o’clock I Jvhu Newman, FAKES KEAkMIXAKI.K . ! : — Newmwb, 1 - G. P. < • — \fnr.ou have weighed your 1 lit it is principally blue jo’nt. wild p. m., and there were no signs of is a desire to l«gin at the beginning W. I’. Dunuington, Feti te/, fWNORTHWESTERN EXPRESS IOX ON EVERY,«STAGE ■ a. W. MaupiD, •igh or is» the balance drop a J clover, red top rve grass anil millet. I fire; furthermore, one of the mill ' and enjoy it all over again. Dunn T. J. Maupin, ntrelL The October number takes us vis­ t H arry F lovd , J. C. P arker Tun FurgiiE.m, i ke! of fairness in the slot of self •T'd we defy Grant county or anv hands was up and around the mill ’• <• Duale*. i Frank i r..wn, r.tb r county to lent it for stock, Gen. Sup't. Burn^Agent Tom Maguire, ' t imimi'ioii, and ascertain you- i and furthermore we feel we can , after 12 o’clock—ot that he is posi­ iting again, this time to the palati il — --- , r t J (’. Tu’ t'r. Br«iwn, » • vn moral avoirdupois.—Reveille. truthfully assert that one ct . i>X). ih« TIONERY. DIAMOND DYES, FANCY TOILET a sflfncd Guoàmun« wlil apply h> bi thr < H ■ BÌMfned wdil — Dr II. M. Horton, our promi ' is onlv three miles from her home, that—although discovered intmedi- all,l young will read with interest ARTICLES, FINE CIGARS A TOBACCO. tie of Oregon Oregon, tor th thecountx of ’’ari c ite . • .( fi’tJ fe t«» neli•iiirilu«»us. malt nn-' \ in. tn ent dentist, is now permanently i and she has never seen it. She has • a. iu laMhuan lilies limn it- ately after it started — the mill i llnd profit the curious facts about precinct, tu «nid Marno i - um . • > . •cati-d in Burns, all wishing work 1 never seen a brick bouse. 9 r-k’ni’ jL for thc period eommein iug <>'* 1. hands saw there was not a shadow ■ animals emlmdied in ‘'Disguises in Fine Winesand Liquors for Medical Purposes. - « w 1» a endMtg April 1&, tone in his line of business, will do I J T -ILMAN of a chan«' to save the mill, and i Aniiiinl Life,” and soft-shell crabs Notice. Prescription« accurately compounded. Postofficc Building,'Burnin well by giving him a call. Office ! All persons knowing themselves turned their attention to the house. | w>ll be invested with a new interest t his residence. I VLTKOOF. indebted Lee Caldwell, please come Every circumstance pdfnts in the after on has read atxiut "Tile First -Persons d -iring to publish and settle, for I am in need of direction of a willful, malicious Armor-Wearers." In fact, every | BURNS BUTCHSR SIKkCP. .«MS aretes. Bnra«qr«g.>n s.'pt. 1'. I'M-. t< E I.S HF.BKHY tilVE'. their final proof notices in T he money to send and get a winter burning of the property by some page is us gof will be made before the I magazine. ieiver, t’. H. I and Olfice a: himself or confederates. 'dements with tha editor, who will lytlrtyM viz: Beatty's Tour of i lie World. But this month there is a special ittened Io the necessary details at Aiijftfbei't. It *s no pleasure to i newspaper Ex-Muvor Daniel F Beatty, of SWUaf Bc< «2. Tp 22. S. R the land office. attraction; the new List of Club Prc- ° men to publish an item of news of! mea the following witneaatB Beatty’s celebrated Organs and Pi­ Fcmififiiisms feaidcnce upon tin; j ' miums. Not only is there a host >1 this nature. The burning of prop- ▼1«: tlnr vev Dixon The«, —To cash subscribers sending anos. Washington, New Jersey, has t. Parker and Hencry h returned home from an extended erty accidentally does not lessen or handsome as well as useful articles rna, tiregou < u- two subscriptions the money in B. H ohtibotom , Register. tour of the world. Read bis ad­ increase the damage caused bv the offered, incluLing material for an Full weight given. <3»xad bee made for the coveted i The party finding the above men-. with the imps of h—1, a human so ; article. Theofferis un|>recedeiited, I £3^“The onlv place in Burns you I i the employ of Peter French, and 615 7tfc> St., Washington’ tinned portemonnaie. and leaving it ' low, contcmptable and vile in his ; anv thing from a paper of needles can gat baths. "Ai1- Local Mew«. Has been ever since he left here. j at T he H erald office in Burns, i to the complete furniture of a bouse ' nature as to set J5re purposely to Opposite U. 8. Patent CUflAe: — Tozv is very much on hi« '‘ear” will be liberally rewarded. AKNEV Kli vn > ■ ' property, to avenge mine wrong, < r beingobtainablo without payingout I WM. MILLER. 1 .-cause we Tiilleil him handsome , a cent! ; for gain, it hurts the loser to the | House anti Lotfor Sale. AH person having Claims for — ------------ n our local last week. We take Real listato Agent. * . Published by W. Jennings Demorest ' ocTinrti-isj) heart ’ s core, as also his friends; Pension Increase of PvnsiDti. '<*’ of good house and lot. situated are ji’ all l ack Boav. we know vou I Office with W. E Giace, Còun uny nature whatever ngai-mAithe not only the loss of the property ; ■ 15 East 14th St., N. Y. in the town of Bnrns, can lie pur ­ 3-45 ty Clerk. Jon’t fori«»: EdfWalton whe a - u..1 as a mud f nee, wrung side chased cheap, for cash. House is otir grief, but the greater loss of Gouernnient, slkHild write to us for information. Proposed new laws egire .i niee e#>> sh.iv.-. sli.m •>llt. staked with tadpoles, and lob­ well built and furnished inside, con­ faith nnd confidence in our com­ A number of State officers and a affecting. Soldiers rights fully ex­ For Sale. r hnir cut, you will find him sters on the side, still that does not taining 4 rooms and one store munity. This is not the first fire repre«< ntatives elect, were inter­ plained Advice, free. ■' binder you from ¡wing one of the room Lot 50x160 feet. Warran­ 160 arce farm, well watered and of Texas’ saloon ; we have had of which some hel ­ viewed by a Salem Statesman ni- nmtt p 'pular Saloon men in Har­ tee deed will be given. Apply at NO FEE UNLESS CLAIM I« AL­ lj mile« from Burns. lish miscreant was the instigator; porter, on the subject of a census improved, f you h'.ve lost tue kev ti. H erald office. LOWED. ry county. o TT'rnts: $800 down. re-count ct the entire State of Ore ­ neither will it be the last unless tloor. go to Ralph Geer. he ■. / W m . M iller , Agont. Aii Entei taintnent. —Mr. Cal. Geer, our Hardware steps are taken to catch and pun­ gon. The expression was general 3-45 uke vou anoth«r as good O’ merchant, has been very attentive timo tic originai. The Burns Sunday School will ish the guiltv Darty or parties as among them that th» June census had not been well taken. Tliev to the wants of the country in his give two entertainments during they deserve. ' the Stnte. Those who wero inter­ f.T Ve Rekr.o. «eldg’t tir receptio Addrrse Hoi 1C. court week. (Oct 15th and 16th ) j think that fur the general good of Lite of buisness and has striven hard viewed thought the best plan to Is) ty, Washington, Few Jsisey. innttrtb-n tn vi|it ’ne Lidu- The object of this concert, is to get , all Oregon, the State shotild l.e to accomodate his customers, he has Crop- Weather Bi list in Mo 2A employed to obtain a new count r to He he'.d |... money to buy an organ for the given a re-count. They think the c.-iteinlv kept constantly on hand church. The program, will consist Of th« Oregon Weather bureau, ro - . . • r would be to hold a general conven­ Fall». cnmiJkfeci .g O c ' ii > > even thing in th- Hardware line the of music, recitations and dialogues. operating with U A Signal Service StuU' nn "c‘ual P°»,ul"“0 ' of country d. •n.mds In connection No psins will be spared by the Kur­ Centre! Office Portland. Oregon, from 375.000 to 400.000, and that tion as proposed and formulate a fur 'aiilogu* Fx-tftve with the Hardware is the tin shop dov School to mpke these entertain­ For the week ending Saturday, the thirteen cAiintiee of Eastern Or- demand upon Oregon’a représenta­ Wethington, New JerH'- u di-r the manag- ment of young ments interesting and enjoyable, Sept. Sent. 20th, 20th. 1800. 1890. egon have 11*0.1)00 people instead tives in congress fur a renum-ra- Ralph G er «h<- is ready at nil and hope to receive a lifierul patron­ ti<>n They are opposed to the ex- WEATHER ! of le«s than 75.000 as shown by the time. t<> do repairing, or any work age. |>-nses of a new count living bsrne er house—as a re-count would most Almut normal temperature pre ­ June fiasco/ A re-count, tho«e who his trade culls for. t>y the State, claiming that the gov­ certainly do. It is- apparent' that vailed during the -week. A few were interviewed seemed to think, —If you want T he H erald and Nette* f Utaa ’Iction of Part werahf p. •prinkied of rain fell. The smoke would add from twenty to twenty- ernment was re»’ oo>i le f<>r th« the State could not be divided into Notice i« hereby given that the co- was more dense. Frosts are report­ blunder mr.de in June and on that an eastern and western district, the any of the following paliers for one five per cent to Oregon'» p >pu!ation. b enhancing yi ar. call at this office and you will partnership existing under the ed from various sections, doing account should make the count ac division line being on the swmn it Great injustice would tie d me East 1 estate” in * <■ asio itrlied how cheap you can firm lutineuf J. Durkheimer A Co., si ght damage. eurate, with j-istico. This census of the mountains, but into a north­ has this day been dissolved by mu ­ ' ern Oregon and other sect on« of table I uild get tneni. The 8. F. Examiner. 8. tual consent, isaau Baer retiring question opens up another matter ern and a southern di strict.*-Bed­ CBOFR. the State should the census as talk- bulinili leted a F. Call. S. F. Bulletin. National , r U of considerable interest, via: The rock Democrat. J. DrilkHEIMEK A Co., OriaU sre «11 tnreslwd and in j„ne |K. M||„w«i to stand, i.enmcr.it. ih-tioit Free Press. To­ imlue- ledo Blade. Portland World, and I saac B aer . division of the State into two con ­ Stege U1* most all in mills sod storebv'Useo a|))| gj^ortionuioht of reprevtn- The director, of I (it World'« Fair makr vari »us other papers, also, dtf- I All those knowing themw-lvca in­ Summer fallow is bring worked and tation in the legislature l>e based gressional districts wlien by the nrugne debted to J Durkh' inHir A Co . will fr-rent magxiin*-« and story ,>«p< ."s; which have selected the site, the lake app< rtionment the census shall • a. ard I much wheat is already born plant upon Jt Multnomah would then d greatly to all of Harper A Bro’s, works; in please settle nt once. fke^r» » front and Jackson Park, consisting have shown the State to be entitled ed. Rain io generally desired have one-fourth of the legislature, J DltlKllUHER A Co. Mes-»**'** as the val fact suy thing in the read.ng line oftCU ucrea. ' to two representatives in the low- The largest yield of wheat reported or as much as the eastern portion of I Burns, July 1, 1890. vou can calttbr. LKGAL ADVEKTI3EMENT8. GENEmwasH/riJisC T he F rench , BURNS- MEAT MARKET Xi t;’/.’I ■ -rv«t« ïo NORTHWESTERN NAIL"'; L OIT Y Dn UGr STO JFLE3