Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1890)
.poñ'iñi more h*ve oêcurêd, and been town and community; and very will or^r-diT«^ JfK repeated, until the National Legis- likely—if it be necereary to have th» p.wcir of tbc repui liean* to re- ,wt- foture has lec.-me one of which We are net writing this simp’y money to forward the enterpri*.— contyjy the rid;c*i djfferenccs LB9ÀL AC . - exi*t nd Torn Reed i» proud but everv other for the influence it might have on a »ulocription paper will l-e handed' . wtoxtsoav octobsxi . i«« .ing ainei g tlrfin onUie *ugar a editor Willi with thequv»ti«in.- nr«liwr Uici|ir-ri>u!. . "1 * * , ■ American citiaen i* heartily asham- persons who have never seen Har to the rrmoN box uqt How much are -1.« ---------- — y«u g«iug .U> - QtherjgWMlule»«. w. e. aten. » ney county, and waking a«rertk>na It i* said that history repeats *•: -„ m this ..... grand undertak--.. T> Seii/te havirg pa»«-d a bill e«t. cm «*. w. arsii| itself, but in this •»- although with which cannot be suLataaUated. but give “ toward The edib He ap- ing- - - r will ; never ■ r’. cjosing the tuail» agninst the lotter- iis-- y, the relation* are op-; the alm and intention is to write proai hed k- Ws, the nod ----- wilh th. Ihefowerv p< ■ l I- •S"1*1 * by a committee with the '- W hen you bear a repui lican facts and nothing but fact* posite, for Cromwell locked hi* par plaudit, “ well done g<wd and faith have’ offered Mr Clevehnd and Mid county blowing and blustering al>out the The altitude of thia .alley i*. we ful servant, if you wont have monev liament <>ut while R-.-cd locks hi* Senator Evart» » fahufon» r--taining promise* made in the last republi Dealer in Ceneral are told. *ouaething over 4Ut*J feet, for your work we will double our III pn-seiitatives in. can National platform and fullfilled AT THE’ u . o so every one may know that it is ads and induce every man in buri fee to take th«- ne< L*w to the Su After all the sound and fury emit by thia congress, ju*t ask him nrsainthe town to advertise, and preme Court in order to get a de- subject to frost; the winters are increase just as far as _ — possible __ 71 t«. »k.. ted by MeKinlev and his crowd Bi•«. the 1 ow about the prv«ri*ed one-cent cold but not really severe. It is •u*>»cnption of your paper ’’ But cirion as to whether it is conMttu they have walit.-d intothe conf rem e O.r l-a. .- . ,d Wl„-w .tkwJhU letter poetage? and see him squirm. alwavs the case with xersons in the contrary is too much the caw, tional. nomo-i th tariff ami wjuietly, but The-House teas esaed its Cvti- describing a country—if they dis if anything appiars in the |«jwv with a wry f. ce. »wall, wed rccipro- ‘ I f by any unfortunate combi like it—to dwell largely upon the the least objectionable to their views, scenoe by ordennff that the w- r»t Fcrtland Zzchinge Sold, County c ty am- ndmi nt Again, thrrrfon-; nation of circnmstances the Kepul« disadvantages, and for their Jivre rou will hear the excunliation we part of the speech eaMing Senator ‘ . — . » h.!» Blaine proved that he i* the will stop the paper and take out JudasIscariot and ” »»»"■- P .rxeMoOMW ___________ iicaos shall control the House of cannot see one redeeming juality ‘ ¿'W1 verv much like -tgakv w-l túndete ma-ter of the Republican party, and ltepre«entatives in the fifty- second The writings or version given bv children, when it comes to dividing aconvk-ted fc+nt. recently deli ven a -.. lamb. Reid ami hi* gang are biting their longrvas, thia government will be such individuals cannot be depend- 'cake*’ they arc apt to forget past in-tlie Hous«.- by Representative' tip* in rage hecause where the fee- favor*. What if rour vour town papers, pip»-r* Ket n -d , >f Ohio,’ hut not p in e 1 ’ .favor». in a fair way to b«cou>c a govern l*d *110* v-*^' . i. n would box lox up v.p therr therr tvpe. tvpe. bundle bundle up up; i{pcorj until r-.-tarv of State is c«>ncenic-d they „ iv u . . would ment of Rewd, for Reed and by I „ Now we know Harney valley to , u ~ ; . .„it .4». we know Harney valley to Jhpjr exHiar,r, and de. ,n ,he <-m>gre«M0 al ltecoru until must all play second fiddle or not Bred, be a better country than many rep- Câmp Would you feel it to be any Monday -fast, shall le exDtmg'-d play at all. It will Iwt remembered I resent it It is not a paradise or a lues? from the Reeord In the meantime that but a few short week* ago thc»e TITION: Mr Qu tv *ef* nckh-ng. - tvrxr bad who v<xe« for a n* Californie, and wo know a great » • * iut th same men wcr- atfimiinz that TOILET ARTIC l-ES. GLAHjJ **&• Twrt- fehd Reati» o'nf of th* • 1 yublican congr**rion*l nomin««, many other countries where men of W hat do the forme»« think of' I g.i to " the >1 nmit on t riff couill g-‘ ‘ :he >i-limit j • the undvrsiaed republican inanag. ment of taken'at >ifi<w»:n will a?mit that gtvesrhi* endoYrcruant to'ohe man family make a g.> id living and t, hi«arnty coa o vwim*" Infor-.- illaim should v pray that a Uc4 Representative Coopers charge power a* outrageous exemplified by have nice desirable home*, outside sc|10,,| money T The money I» iau toaell apirifcou is - : • -. . hvp.- itix th-’.n «ith >h• r-cip-hei io quaudtMf thi ulET. i \V K tyiACK. tb* cooduct of Speaker Reed The of the two countries mentioned held in the State treasury inste.-i. I against Pensj-in. Commissioner R.- t fic «yi. Tile d- -i b. . • eco do ie uur hast-, «»»^lroVen. notwithatund question to 1« decided is, »ball the (Paradise and California ) of ar.portiouitqt it out to the *ch>»>l will soon ipx"on given the ¡»ecu*, d iniwi v«-r. ami McKi .¡ey . Bl Harney, thi* y^r. from the in district* of the fracs', it as limned congre** legislate for the country, 1------- be shouting the Bl line rn 'pr.eity A largo As.iirtB.exi g 1 or shall Tbo* R. Reed alone do it. formation we can‘’gather, will not tii the banks at a certain per certt »ythe rep: y jeau members of the ;>T gram with all th-.- V g -f a C >n- McKinnon. a* he ha* during the present. *e*- fall short of 50.000 ton* of wild hay for persoral gain. This inter, st • coinmitree'.^ind any report whit»-- ’ vert . washing him made by the majority and the best quality of wild bay we dor* not go into the Treasury for •ion of coogre**. i have ever seen. Finer vegetables I While thi- king of Blaine it e>nn * school purpose«. But goes into thef ,of the enwiiiiittev will have a wilt., fw mind th it he is enlarging hi* Ha» just txen and dehb/rutc pirv.rsion of* th O nk of the oldest, most trusty we never saw in any country than pocket of iridreidualir. tvhifo tn dif- ______ ikhalraar, 'dmin; mom and making other re — * - Jaiuweii, are grown herV W» know of one f-rent cornmtrnitie? put lie schools evidence. Mr."llirriSc.n is incon worthy and »uccessful firm* of Pat I*H YSICIANS' PRESf R1 PT 1 ONS CAREFm*TdXaf* garden in which there are cabbage are closed for <=T,x o' eight months sistent. He refuses to speak' to l>air» to his residence in this citi ent Attomev» doing l usil e», at the Evervthiig giuirsitml pure *iitJ 4 head* that weigh 15 pound*, and in the year for want of school f-ind. liud'.« y and vet he allows R :uui to preparatory to a season <.f la- K.>«.ikw» 1 National Capital, are M«»-r» C A entertainments in which reeiproci- remain in an important office. tl ; ■ /. -iM turnips that weigh 15 to 20 pound* and in many ca«ev a speetal tax is Snow A Co . 710 Eighth St, N »V . --------- ---------- ---- _ . B an, Harlow. The conference report on th>- tv is to I-« boom -d fo- al) it is wonh And we bav». in th:* valley very- levied to obtain money to pay Washington, D. C If you are in Brv? fine potato»«.carrots and Leet»; in teachers The State Treasurer car.. Railmud land grant forfeiture till. The Secretary intends to exert and Lonmav* terested in any way ii o’ display all his adroit and popular Gear» fact all hardy vegetables do well make, by holding back and loan twfc»ch due» not forfeit an acre of B» — ___ ___ McCormick, wish any informano r .»Ung land which any of the big railroads talent« to make the business a suc here. ing the school monev, that should thereto, write to them We know Melvin, Grain will average thi* year at t<-given to the district* to sprout want to retain, has l*en agreed to cess.'as he well know« that failure . Dillan!, them to be cour .ocs and attc.i- tu meet the pe« pie expectations will Copehall, by the ikMiate. Everv democrat least 30 : xsbela per acre, the acre Cushing, the young Ideas of Oregon, a snug tire. put the laugh on Blaine. His pres , Wooley, age we know 1» small liecause th. present rated against it. WM II GASA. little gum for a rainy day. rancher*—generally speaking—are The bill fo repeal the Timbcr Cul- ent dining room is too small for Tut aduunistraii»n_. uct. poor’ai d not j»*se«*ed of tht ture act has also beer, passed by th.- large entertainment*; hence tn- Johnson, ■ G ovkrxor P exxove * has done Senate. ed to carry ’commissio :<-r el p n mean* to try experiment*. »vie. necessity to add to it in order This Houre has a wide ai»l well kno-.-.n ,,wd- siona, Rautn. in spite of the dan. hi« dutv in sending a message to to accommodate the diplomatic • ■ • • ' « k Mmit The country i* new. and many— Mr Ilxrrison has sent word here in nt of the present proprietor it 1, hound tapM •he Secre tarv of the Interior, de aging fact* which Rep'-- ■ 4 • p-C:al’y be stock m. .—. rgae it 'hat he wichea Congress to take a crowd. fame and renown. i-’poper ha* broug-1 uut v» . ->t - will never make a gr.<in growing mnndirg that a new census to le recess untH November 10, instead A large party went down from Han 1er. face of the open opposition ■( I. ■ di*tnct, consequent!»' a great many taken of Oregon. Right is right, ■ ■f adjourning, but the indications this city to Annapolis to watch the W. »iajrer. republican’tnem’er» ot ti.e €c who would, rwiae. make an ef and we certainly have sufficient are that if he wants Congress to naval people exhibit the skill with itr ji,,,w*r'1’ evidence to show that the cenrtisof gressional Investigation Commi fort are intimidated; and a* w- ' come I ack in November he will which they can knock the British «.Se*, tee. If the repui lican* can *tai »1 hare already sta’ed. the poverty o: our State was not properly taken have to- issue slur*. a proclamation t<> warship* to pieces, even with our Walers. this aort of have no coi • tile ranchers, and the cold water Cle buss , that effect; six inch impr-v-d gut... the small- fÄ“Ü ood tal le service, at.d ta: les furuufegra : >rh»n. plaint to make; but. n-.dcr a deu. thrown upon their effort* i.y the WitHIXGTW LttTF.I-. T, - , Newman, est of the 1..: the govt- m nt is Th« re will lie no more political fem»«/» tcratic admmMtration. Ratiui'sow. I)unn cattlemen i* the cause of the cum. WasnixoTox. P C Sept. 26th. 1S90 1 gislatfon passed bv the House a’ turning oi; Thev didn't exactly n trail* admiteion* would have caused lii* try developing so slowly. K. Speaker Ri-e-d having adopted tbisKsaion unless the republican have an English iron dad to tl.Slt lana, instant dirmissal. eben* Partie* condemning thi* country about al) the prerogatives pertain o««--« van succ<-.l in getting a oun at so th-v t-uilt up sonic st c! pl.ites w», a—— <kí:inun, » ■klnnon, forget all questions have two aide*, ing the legislation branch of the rum of republicans on the floor of of the average t ic-k'ies* of ship Í ohaiet. ~ bhaiet, : ’ 1 ’ S xxa T ob Ingalls should bear in and in their eagerness 10 expres- r-i>-.e-ntnrnt, «uffdenlt- remem’ e»e<) tin- rfmse. wbicKtliey expect tndo armor and 1 lax -d I away at that 7Ó. Béy«r, BT- P >’ 5 O i P C u L A N :• mind that abuse of the democratic , their hatred or d »like, lu»e right o that there were certain ether p ero- -ver;, d iv, ‘ tl" Li- v e n x As th* said plat»-* i were somewh t M¿-v, • party doe* not and cannot be ma.b • vi-ry redemii.g feature and mak gativts confer-d l-y the constitut-on netting the same fora m- nth pi-t demi.ralix d th. • fijh’i-'g g d ', Q Q 7? y V r r 7 ’ ! v • •wi ’iiera,' to form a --»lid defen.** of Senate it just as disreputable as possible, >i|ion the executive exclusively. The" invistigatidu of the Fisl of thirty feet, it ■*» t 1: ’ - XTUL t. k- .%. ' ; Quay from the criminal charge- because they have been disap This was more than he could stand eotntiiission has conic to an en i reasons’ I. t • the naval xp> ■* to •which have been made against him : pointed themselves. and he determined to poach tip»' nJ the opinion of the coiamitt-r *□'• th t c i i a for ig-i Iren ri d These charges have been mad'. | The writing and Conversation of the Executive preserves; and h s ins to to that it noubl • » «■ "'«£« ¿J'j'* ev r be mo -red u . t ■r thin ’':,irt. '■•et a« of or**..» and reiterated, even bv a member (such cannot be relied upon The ac’ually did. for more than a we» k .,:ive leeri I egun if I'li.iim ^-io pr of i fc ..>^~ ait- r : ft-»- w t<. sei' >. I» l*M<>a> of Mr Quay’* own party in a speech greatest draw lack here, as we see refused to sign the River and Ila i MeL’iinald was r rf a u- ii.ucr t. Hl we get One. wh‘v. if Ue ss iron prreliul.iu i •*iv >. ft.r U>e V on the floor of the H iuse of Repre fit. is the want of water If we eaii bor bill wh eh h;.-d '• ecn passed : mg a pl.-ce wanted for a rere.r li n-ia»l was *•- 3 A nd india» A| a sentative*. and yet Mr. Quay ha* i devise some system of irrigation l>oth Hou.-es and Senate, ar.d to I !=.-metb ga 11 ver » • h • never made the »lightest move to. '•jeithtr by artesian wells, ditches make the matter worse, he stated ■oit. or fort. As -. lin *‘Vr r prove hi* ii nocenre. if «uch a thing ¡from the river, or reservoirs, then 'hat unless the democratic memb «- in th- a1 s- : ce of any ar •!.- GOMi.V.XZCA • OX. is possible. Among lawyer* when we have a country, and a grand would agree to remain in their *e«t- h a- n- •• e nf of B t >• r; r.>» 1 counsel begin* to abuse their one. to make a“cou:.tid quorum.’’ while 1 AV ashixgtox . It. t p.-r^, rv-- -.--d e ■I I- client'* opponent it i* always con TH P the republicans passed anything P<~r R.-td has ut last rea.-h <1 a modern na- v. ■idered * bad sign, indicating they pleased, he would not sign it . point in Iris tyranny where he pro- Th-- trensi rv pro;.).- . ] ;ini that : I» T«mr Tow» Paper Appreciated. weakness ... «t all. The democrats simply poses to lock up the memt-e-rs of the t* ev hav • knocked th ■ p in-c i > the laughed at his threats and let him House, knd whenever they want to head It is a vict. rv. tbotigh tr-wn Ur you nay dear reader ar.d fel T kx C. cgreMional Apportino-1 lOW-tvaiisiuan. ■ tenyou hapf>r-< to' indersta-.d clearly that they fgw out, like school i-ovs. a han.i th- ”le • f w! i. P S . • t r. \vi ). m ’ • .»» «<1 «<- i» ¡ reVy : mani Mil. prepared by K P Por ând suinethiug in your. Uwn paper, a method of quickly convincing must Lv hehi up f..r the master's pray s • ver which due* not exactly agree with what nearly r fl-d ths treasury of all it« ter, Superintendent of \be censor yuu» feeling*, and the caliber of hint that be h id no authority t- pvrmicstdn--■ At least this bureau, and introduced in th* whxh 1* DOC previaeiy the »atue veto tills. That brought him to he has attbWip’cd si ce , "fam.» - spare change. Ii th» opinion of House by Repre* I»uen tea* year ex :.««en«e teaches, do his sense». He dismounted fnuu VH.-ti>ry i-i Maine, as h came « ;>< k b <*.» g :i-«t I,, r . »t, ugh ‘he Sec chairman of th* eeneui -wvc ••*• «•a o to think—AeSase y«>u abure his Trojan horse ar.d atu.k <f ins to the -S’* ak r's chair with •» t.hth- retar» had ■ <it as noich to >’o with the—of the motive teat; •nanie to the bill witho.rt more a.l- .'■ er •pinfowfhof I-«sing than ever. it as the popn) r fev. r with wh ch is a* one-sided and ure-_«t a eu - i* fcfc-.nipi.-a y* »riling of (in your _ur* a* the Tariff bill. Ji» it erecy ^nnuMJ.1 the otjecuocal arttefe? T> ¡e signing of bills passed, by the But this plan f putting Ih-imx r-.i’s •t*-.v»dmis«’on was rec. ired that Speaker of the ilduse ai.d thé I’r.-s in a gag amfihen turning the k^v^t*" IfA*4q lities of the new tariff wnuM thins-ha* been lost right vt fevt And to y at for >ne instant co:.»id 1 perpetuated earlier th .t"Fc - *ident of the Senate, are clerical while a «ide «.-ntrance was left •' aai editurg nave right«, and toe creasing the numl«r of rips •.» ' functioues exactly the same as fir Ke|.u lieans to eider or leave ct ----- ----------- 1 ru try next. Ev.-n f, r this 1 r.f res vote* in the Hou« of Repn-wct ba »a.'.re '.-etri«.tu to ex pre»» them, that ’ •-•i *r aoy riuxen hare* Ar»J th os« performed by clerks of c-»urt< will, did i«ff Work" fi st <ria-s. a* pile, th -v sav. the people are great tire* and in the Electoral co. ^F’. r-.— bexnr da you understand merelv attesting that, the t il] hits Beck K.lgnre . f Texas. drove hts fol and ro make it still more U.iwxi At-, grasp the idea that the editor Washington fosliMwial-les are re ous, the main feature of the Me ..» rux-nir« the paper, and thet it is ‘ jc « o passed; and for either ntl ci 1 foot clear through one • f the pri*o> toma*, so-cglled anti-gerrvtnhnder ju*t and proper that be »Ikuuid* to refuse to do so should Le sntl.cicit doors and ran up aguinst ¡Tingler, turning in droves and ‘societv” Ian cause for hi* impeachment. of Maine, whqwa* nurainga Unused gms t» show signs <4 reviving jfe iag, bill was taxed on it. This Put rour paper into the hand» of the town or community to ruu. and Evidently Mr 'Alaine did net fan- and lettered .4.<«se which had inter- Thin®., however, will g. t into full ----------- . — ---------------- ws* done to prevent tbe dem.cret- *rv think in a few weeks Vvu will cv the names of the repui lican Sfcn- cepted the spring ..f the door afore- bl. t i fore cold weather. M. an- from re-districting the State* whicl have a cooglotnerat on of differ ators whom Mr. Ingalls selected to fon’t the republican* have in th-- pst ences You will find that a town settle the fate as memter* of the «aid as it rueht^i outward to avoid whi e the time will le spent in esir» the Texan's big or eotnmumty will make more and conference committee of the recin- a second kick.from .. _ _ "swopping lire about the summer gerrvmgndered r huir e greater mistake« than one man rocity amendment to the tariff till, .foot- This • pisode settled the pris- resorts and putting the house in or nt T. x *...... • “ ■ “ If your town, county, or an indi so he wrote another tetter hoping tn on rule» and Fiigore walked out of der lor tbc work of tha ‘.-eason ” Ax extra session of cc a» vidual of your town or <ounty. is save hi* pi t. \l hither he will suc the House followed t>y many of his f yon a b a. whether obtained by the action »• «maligned, ywu expect your uaper ceed :• s unewhat »piestfonable row. door, g associate* who wanted to break a to take up the cause, and tight your although if the matter had bron de a majority of that l*ui. by voting take v< quorum to prevent the seating of the battle*, which we’ agree 1* right to take a recesa. or called ’ Mr and proper; nut is thi* effort o»> cided before the Maine elect-oo than 1 there ia no doubt that the *o c.i" d l*arkey. Prof.-»or Langston, as a Harn »on. will lw an aitrage.upr* the part of the new»p-iDef properly reciprocity amendment would have The R..1 Front Livnv St-Vb member fretn the Petersburg, Virgi V« a<-k the tax payer* of thi* ewwr» appreciated by the citixena of your r luained in the bill. I u’ now it ¿« nia. district, simply because he is a situated in Burns, oppo«ite the invitât There i* not the slightest - tec fee tuwn and coiiimur.itvT Ifo you belli red that Mr>.r. in*t.- darker and not because anybody Bums boul. Mr. Wilson offer» r -'see '.amber IkoruaKkh nut think »our editor often feel* *atcd by Mr K«ed. will m»k<* a de an extra session m th* wav of legi’i EEDTCKlt FRICK. t retei.ds be waa ele«^«l. this valuable Liverv Stable for »ah v»rv sxt, when m aome case he Falls. mate public teirines*. ar.d were it ha* been fighting and Using his termined tight aguinst it. for the No matter what eUe. Re.d ba* at low figure*. He livre in the purpcee of striking at Mr I lai-,. not for the desperate o* diti r of p-ntaan* pre» *t(y to the extent of And the fact that Senators Alien done he is < -rUialv responsible for «Njntrv. some distance from town, »«per th’ republican party it wo:.’ 1 re. ver ,r>ui I re-e to tile butidr.d dollar*, «ml Sherman, ioih reipoT-d to the th-, bappehing.of some af the most *fd cannot give the business the have been beard of It* o ly u«. without u»:v cent at pay. ai d sume B nine idea, .re m*-m<ereef the c -r - disgrace ful sc- -i ct that ever disgrac attention it requires, ia his rearen nee* will be to" pass the Furre .Ul prominent of t>.wi»preren*» a ferem-c committee, is rcalculat •u¡script.<>«. paper aekii.g for ten. ed to allay the fears of the«* ed an American Congress. L*iud for selling There is not a more i«<4 1 and other measures intended to a* twenty, or maytv fifty dollar« to However, for all the gre>d it will .".nd f..-jl language, such a* would valuable piece of property in Burns ianw »i»t the republican party tn retai..- to forward the cause that has been acvoiiiplish the amendment nrgnt A Good »»,d all the wav. ’•<** hwh ¡erated in anv cuncert hail, and any one desiring to invent ir. >g --ot ing control of the government, and adv«a-ated in hi» paper, a» much as a- well be left alone fnre and di*gu»tirtg4*C fights. with that kind of property, cannot I etter The conference committee on the the ♦•>.(MX) a dev. which it will rwo to say. “vaur wore through the cul- 7 \V. loth principal* Republican*, and •heneelvee in any town. Cail im will have to be paid l»y the pvTh uuin« of tout J-aper aewui.t* tw V t riff bill i* made up a* follows luso •e would rather have twenty ~ R publicans result* to petxr tvranny on the part mediately at thia c±ce or en Mr — Senatore put.licans Aldrich. at large, a majority of whom have, Any enterprise of consequence to Hi«wk Shee*an a--i A!:i*. by p r. of the Speaker which would call a Wilson, for von are likely to lore t*ir.: al every Presidential election since, your town, the requisite channel Rcprrren’ativ«-» McKinlev. Eurn.wi r* hut loan. European Monarch anth * He The Stable is ju*t what and 187(5. votid »gainst tim«ugh wbre-h you expect to wring I ingley and Bayne Democrat»— anv kind >4 a i-giafeture, and ba*:, •e recommend it to be. the republican party A few more it prominently before the public, is ¿M atora Vance. Carlisle a: J V..r- •y, i ski ng u;> the Keprewentau..» ywur paper Your editor is imme .▼war* of repqUxan rule at d Popu diately inipurtened ta write it up. bea*. R. pr< sentati res Mill», McMil lin sod r tow»r. Rspul licaii* r i *■ La p- .pc. a* if they had prep--- J M. Rwiley. of Tua», is the lar Government in America will be which he willingly agrees ta do if pect the bill to be reported heck ’••ted a evun*. instead <»f etideavur- a thi .< of th past. Youngest member of the rext cor • h« coxxidcr* U «4vact»gc«fcus u. hu early next week, tut whether it lug ta prevent one, and these things I who i* ¿5 rear* c4d. I THE HERALD DRUGS. MEDICINES, FAI^W' FINE CUTLERY. NOTICE: . xt n ixr e h ofaWi. Attentive —z • •• «