T I O regon AST V - ft ; •• H erald ______ :_______ , . $2.BO a Y BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1S9O. BURNS ■EbDAY i ADVERTISEMENTS. . j W. A8KFOKD, OUP EXCHANGS. U. BOYD Ashford 1 Boyd. DM. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, kEToes. It is thought, that Honduras and Nicaragua will have a war. B urns ......................................... O regon Office in W. B Grace'« Drue Store give niitice by 11 r doee «ot a ’ ' i i •• lue« WNt lake ti fv nsper •h a«41b«rSHnBi« not • 4NW*8 the v"Ml a , Mlbltoher fur tn* nicwt B urns O regon . I DENTIST, m hie p»p’ itrtacMMiU? the ! 1 inut toW ¿i ( m K i p « - mKZSnht whftl-.c.- it 1 Office st retudeace. tn the John Roblnsoi» ceo l>e building, and 1« prepared to attend to the inaîïcltiHfliymeni 1» mark' practice of dentiairv in all it« branche» I Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gaes. / . y* tolto' tiMEHK8»per from ¡to kkhW nai'" •" “n •r be he« toiiiberibed << -."'t 1« DR. H.M. HORTON ¿Staà I riheroWers €r »«■■■■ber 'i"'.'i"'"-« I T. V.. KMBREE, M. <1 8whww botato! to {■<- I Office at hu r*«i<’er8 vie« River, ter* rrilca below Burn«. fur «h e 1 We notice in the Eagle, that the ' ranchers and sheep men are about • to have war. The first National Bank in The Dalles, on Sunday night the 14th inst. was robbed of 49450. D. ide oib'll • I ■ bars decided tb*t refnelng ’ affiHgKIroiii tbv P»*l tortUrf withoQ KVfltefa V » 1 ut < 1 Notary Public, D. L. GRACE, The settlers in Cong valley, near -Saimón river Idaho are very much excited, fearing an out break by the Indiaus. OR Laud Filose. Contest Blanks, Application« for It is estimated that there are twen­ ty-seven thousand married men in New York City who are supported bv their wives. 5.00 J. NAT. HUDSON, ATTOR N E Y-AT-L A W. Office: BURNS,OR. ¡>20 3.75 ,. 7. 90 coat«; nrkB can bw ex Room The long contemplated railway connection between Jacksonvill and Medford is at last about to materi­ alize. C. A. «WEEK. are solicited their work for and bind the , »nd r*v 11 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. aVCtiee: Item«Oregon. It is not believed, by the Prine- ville papers that young Byron Springer committed suicido as re- ported t>y the Oregonian. S. SIZEMORE, ATTGRXEY, URN«,................................................ Collec Aons, 'Land tni.rnes«. and Estate iiH.t«r proniptlv attended to. J^VERTIHERH. ■| your natroutJie ■M pv»*ed an to the to di al with, cor ■y referring lv the u uur eircula- w. Ell yearly adver- Fubli»h«n. ling to «pace; Attoney-et- Law. M. DUSTIN charge per in- anding render k i« run in with I ailvertieement» lion«, Il t ach, mn«. H e a line. lh nnnounce- ae nefca. Hgioua, Hucial, - - . Keal A man in New York has been prisoned eight days for kissing a girl against her will. The River and Harbor bill has passed congress, and is ready for the Presidents signature. JriPi e: Ilarney City and Bu rrra W. W. Cardwell, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Charles Faye, a fourteen year old boy, died in Brooklin a few davB ago, his height was six feet and two indies. Physicians say his death was due to too rapid a glow th. B urns , O r . ■ ite:;.. ’ OWGON. HO 00 no price. u 10 cent« per »nt«, transient. Practices in all the court, of the State , AGO. before the U. 8. Land Oilli-e. L and M atters a S pecialty . O. J. Menocal and several others on the engineering stall' of the Nica­ ragua cauul construction company, are in Washington on leave of ab­ sence. They rejiurt commendable progress on the great engineering project, and the success of the scheme, they say, is ¡.«suied JOB WORK with ncatncB» • nui U i ! I » u PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. mphlets letter Hea«ta, Anv and all kind, ol anrvaying dun« nn «J>oi rt!e, Tlcie », Hipéis. ^tC- notice and reasonable term». JfMF“ fc‘cVi5r ---------- | wfching to ba located, can bane »lata fnrninhc ,r on l,,*"f< -hirsa. _______________ ¡¡»»ipapcr A-5 K, M«w York M c K innon , t . a j Ä»? FICIAL Hellen s Zumwalt WWCT i . r Y CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. JOB WORK DONE NEATLY. Hijamln Harriaon “Levi K Morton Janita G ltUine i William Win lots JohnW. Noble Red fit-la Proctor , lanjernln F. Tracey Jerontlab M. Kuak J. Wm H. H. Miller ,.J.*n Wanamaker ( J J. N. Dol|*h Binger Hermann j K|ylvaai«r Pannuycr E7 lieu. ta. McHriue Ph.il. Metdhban. J. H. MvEiruy Frsuuk lutici \ K b. Bean. . J Wm. i’* I-urd ) W. W. rta»)«c M I» ) -.ÌUKUY itM KMSN > »* * WM. MI1.LRB W. E. GBACX T. H K obxkt » A. M c K innon A. A- ’ • ING W. K. AlMMuH CUAS.SX X ■ wnh to' nwr 1 M I* . ; « r»a tata* rns. h. »-.♦. atc»J ’ I hr Kr«J 5.US • i* Ih « W.N r. u S Rs *■ N Ji *”■ • ¿2j* f r»i.-*T« «S-M « V« Le ..tc*1 I., a tn itviSts^J »rd i>\ n b l evar« >■ a . rie« M U. R . Mar* f »ui« t ff ni. !*••* F» pk.c s««®. Shop in Huston building, Burns. SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . KI UN’«. ORWiON. CHAS. SAMPSON---- B urns . O k u - a - t - c - h - m - a - k - e - r - and - Jeweler. BLACKSMITH. ADOLPH TLTKER----- P ro - i ’ —GENERAL REPAIRING— JOB WORK. «KRVK B r. Sipm a ADVERTISEMENTS. Wachmaker& Jeweler, J. W BONEBRAKE. I*kevi»w. orer»o. !. O. O. F. I, ev«rv M«:ur«iay . J. RDOV, M. U. bt Fb. to. u. LAKEVIEW k. P. H. MURPHY. LAKBVIEW - - - - HAY F GRAIN OREGON jt. si e-s ar» ’ RRIEKLY l* • M< h u-ie «7ìJOKn * a excepted. a. Frica a. a wi. MtWruajalO Sip tn. if »1 »I** • .»r T f wt • to rrg'i »P e ■ c'bM THE BURNS READING ROOM. I i STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. They Farmers' Company. THE HOPKIN8 HOUSE. point in Maine to tho westermost island in Bering sea is a little more than 190 degrees of longitude, so that it is full sun up in Maine before it is sundown in Behring A letter from the poaetma^ter at Fort Bidwell conveys the informa­ tion that the weekly mail service be­ tween that place and Bunin has been abandoned. This adds insult to injury to the people who wish to communicate with each other in these sections. Formerly it took us two months to get an answer to s letter from Burns, and now as the mail will be obliged to go around by Ager, Portland, British Colum­ bia and across Fidler’s Green on the ice, one round trip a season is all that can be expected.—I«ake Co. Examiner Walla Walla, Wash.. Sept. 17.— John Clinton, aged 19, came to this city from Eureka Flat« and told a terrible tale of fiendish cruelty prac­ ticed on himself by two Kennedy rothers last Saturday. According t-> the story,Clinton and the Kenne­ dy brothers had been working to­ gether thrashing. Qn Saturday J- 1 Cenerai Blacksmith Wacon-maker. being gradually foreclosed- The lond-owning farmer is passing into the condition of the peasant of Europe and the process will go on as long as the same system of tariff robbery and railroad extortion is in existence . t The electral college now stands according to the lust census: Dem­ ocrats 173, Republicans 247. Tak­ ing the States as they stood 1888, it would be as follows; i e . T h , - drewsey S aloon - M c K inney » P rbvbivvb «. REPUBLICAN STATES. New York, 33; Pennsylvania, 30; Illinois, 22* Ohio, 21; Indiana, 14; Michigan, 13; Massachusetts, 13; Iowa 12; Wisconsin, 10; Kansas, 10; Minnesota, 9; California, 9; Nebraska, 8; Maine, 6; Colorado, 4; New Hampshire, 4; Vermont, ; ’ ^81!HnL Oregon 4; Ne- 'a< a' ^°rth Dakota, 3; South Dakota 4; U asbington, 4; \V yom- 247, I i < ld We>in»«f«' «zf rat h »W«* Mai' All Cuir.r»'it» “ h . BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. Kennedy asked Clinton to play cards he had lost control of his reasoning j On his refusal the hruthers attack­ faculties and Dr. Honan was sum­ ed and overpowered him, and bound moned for the purpose of a medical | him with a rope. They fastened a examination. Since that time his large rope around hie liody. The . mental condition has steadily im­ other end was tied to a wild horse, proved and the docter thinks in a u^u Imi DM «xv«|>l Suuduj. from I • m U> « » «. which was turned loose Clinton 1 few days he will be alright again. I vary laky »Il Int.» «»1 • «il>> a» Vlalkw lo ib» #•>» :l it Edarli» Ite k«w»K««e. was draged by the animal quite a distance before the rope became un­ Oregonian: Red Bluff, Cal., Sept. fastened. When found be was un­ 16—Byron Springer, a wealthy conscious and fearfully bruised.— stockman of Prineville, Oregon, Silver State. committed suicide her this morning. Hs telegrathed the sheriff here last Somora shadows have fallen Friday to arrest two men for horse across the pathway of this printahop stealing. He arrived Saturday AMETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DCLLAM. and the editor is also the devil, night with a warant. The men Tommy Bugler who hafbeei m our “The Leading Company of th« Pacific Northwest” were tried and there being no evi­ typesticker for nearly two yea years has r- s ^ trivaje t>«tLu»'a ut» farm racrxarrA •rBcuirr.-^a'* dence to oanvict them, were re­ taken hie departure for Harney leased. They had Springer arriv­ countg^ and under existing oircum- ed for false imprisonment and the atancee—becanay ^nw ot trie) wm set for 10 o’clock to-day. OF SALEM, OREGON. long «Unding standing aro delinquents delinquent« still _we are obliged to dispense' with At 9 o'clock a tn, people in tbo hotel were startled by a loud report of a J, C. PARKER Agent, Burns, Ore. an assistant. Bring u* in some wore pistol, On going to Springers room turnips, please; we’re about out. and they found him lying on the floor, are in peed of soma bacon, too.— shot through the head. His re­ Grant County News. mains will be sent to Oregon to­ LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. i morrow. Prineville News: Agreeable to a statement made in the Burns H er ­ Ths war departement is about to ald , Rev. Ira Wakefield has been rcleived of his position as presiding ' test an invention for firing high ex-j elder of the La Grande district, for plosives, which if it does all that is M. D. HOPKINS, PBopwt*»*. reasons not given. It appears that claimed for it by its inventor, will Rishop Vincent ordered his remov­ ' make great changes in the construe- EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLAM. al without making public his excuse tion of modern warships. The in- for so doing, if he had any. Rev. venlor, Louis Gotham, of Chicago, Wakefield is well known here as a j has teen making tests at Fort Sheri- man of excellent Christian charac­ I dan for some time past. A descrip­ ter, against whose reputation as an tion of which, with drawings and earnest and devout man naught specification, he has sent to Senator Farwell. Gothman is now in receipt could be said. ofa letter from Major-General Scho­ Here is a picture, presented by field, president of the board of ord­ the Omaha World, which complain­ nance and fortifications, saying the ing farmer will do well to «tudy: matter had been refered to his board. H .8JÍIAICL - - - - - - L ak « view , O m «» s . “In Sangamen county, Illinois, : and that they were ready to proceed with an investigation of the inven ­ --------- o - — the home of Lincoln, one-half of that farmers are now renters. Did Mr tion. It is probable the test will be p reared todo eil Kind» ef Wo nth Bleckimithliu«. Horee 8bceiv< at J2.M r?r beed. Lincoln imagine that such a state made near New York. The inven­ ^-BUGGIES, WAGONS, ET C.,-> of things would ever exist at hi« tor claims that by his method 8-inch MADS TO OSDS1 WITH VBÀTWSM. AMD Of GOOD 4CAUTT. home whg. he spoke of ‘a govern­ I ordnance can throw a shell contain- ALLWORK WARRANTED. ! ing over one hundred pounds of ment of the people, by the people, powerful explosives the distance of for the people?’ The forjes which S have worked this result at the three or four miles, and that one DBEWBIY ADVEBTISEMrrT. 1 shot, properly directed, would sink heme of Lincoln are felt over the any iron-clad afloat whole land. The mortgages are Wm. M. Hoag, of the Oregon Pa On the night of June let in Kim­ berly, south Airier, some vicious cific, remarked in a significant iiisd - person or persons opened the cages, ' ner to several Albany nun this af- in Filiiss’ menagne, containing the i ternoon that our people would have wild animals and set them all free. a genuine railroad surprise. This The scene which followed is de­ is good news, we are all willing to scribed as being awful. Ten or be surprised and are ripe for pick­ ing. The truth is there is probably twelve persons and several horses ing. -.................................. something going to happen, and were killed by the enraged animals. i though it is now pretty late in the Beasoii, a big move for next year is It may just be well to mention that bncie sum's domain extend a in order and will probably occur. little more man half way around Bring on your surprise. But for the gioue. Therefore when any ot facts. A corps of engineers have ordered U> the front to prepare the Her Majesty’s subjects get off that ‘ chestnut aix>ut the sun never set- way and will start in a few days; tn:g on the British dominions, we but just what their mission is we can brag of the same thing, too. ’ have not learned.—Albany Demo­ The distance from tho eastermost' crat. sea. Promptlv executed. The building h»;« been en Urged and improved »nd 1» nrepsre«! to turn out all kind» .«f bi»< kamiihing on «bort notice aud lu tb» beat »t>l« Term». ( a»h 1-iy rroiiY ORAL CHURCH •tor. the p«»^or in e»ch r nolle» a in and PHOpm *A.u»e— at 11 a m p m. a m. and 4 #) pm 11 a m. and 7:U)p m The mind reader, P. A. Johnstone whose skill as a mind reader, is surprising every body. F. dbmocratic states Everything in our line of the Best. Liquor»—Whiskies, Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when you call on “Mack,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. C. A. SNOW 4 CO. JF^ATENS. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. P»ient>nbt*in«s» addwa» Missouri, 17; Texas, 13; Georgia, 12; Kentucky, 12; Virginia, 12; Tennessee, 12; North Carolina, 10; Alabama, 10; New Jersey, 9; Mis- sisrippi, 9; South Carolina.«; Lou­ isiana, 8; Maryland. 8; Arkansas, 8; West Virginia, 6; Connecticut, 6; Delaware, 3; Idaho, 3; Montana, i 8; Total 173. A very peculiar case is reported However, all this means if the re-! to the La Grande Gazette, by Dr. Honan, of a man in Union county publicans carry ail the States they | who spoke (lit first word the 17th did in 1888 they will have the above [ inst, after a silence of 17 years. majority. D. S. IIOrKINS, A kchitect . But the chancts arc they will not The man is James Smith, brother Grund Rapidi. Mkh. Win forti'ab Droltna o» Knoara. < ot'aata. and Maitaiona reatina tram »so» a. a. aaaas of Thomas Smith, who lives about do it. figure wanfsMl. n y(,y me»u lo bulld. «end |1 lo my addrc«», and I will «i»il you » poftÄfo li<> of 13 design« ut dw«ll|ng». Hkatheune i>n file In K art O segom H ibald uffie«, w1tb Now transfer New York from the 5 miles from La Grande on the side füll plan of «ach, full »ize d»t»i », compiei» »perificaiton», and Diti of material», al’ »«ry fui! and complete a.» any ordinar» » arpe "ter or Builder will bay» nwtroublc In «olag hill road. There is no poiMiiole republican to the Democratic col­ ahead and romp!eting thè Work. And |f 'DB du not fi»d juat what you want, «rito me wbat fhangrs \uu »lettre in ari e. and I will arcommodat» y»u. Or taar« Order« with TW« doubts as to the facts in the case. umn and we have: republican, 214; Il mali ». You will li »■ < heap tu erre! a handautne house as to wa»i» ns «tortai a«Lva- •11htJ> building. Wllj ald )ou In re cettatructltig ynwr prese ut bcilding ft-W democratic, 206. In 1873 Mr, Smith was prostrated It is now claimed that Rhode Is with a severe attak of fever, and during his sickneM lost all power land is democratic. Transfering its df speech. He recovered his facul­ electral vote to the democratic col­ ties in every other way and is phi»- umn it would make a tie vote of icallv as atrong the average man 210 each. T The Odell [) However, without Rhode Island, and in fact has l>een an industrious but with New York and Indiana, worker all these years. He had taken a land claim and came to the the two doubtful States, added to land office to see about it, and in the democratic column of 188«, the *«ar W'U. Bev THE <>f>l>.LL rift WHITF.lt. WARBANTni TO DO 91 O m *“r ou« Hun a. »4 Uvliar M««»iu«. 9» O some transaction with th« ollicials, the vote would stand: Democratic. It combine« MMFLIClTTwith DUHABII.ITT—srEED, EASE OF OPEBATIOR which be probably did not readily 220; republican, 200. wears longer without cost of repairs than any ether machine, has Connecticut is a doubtful State. 1 understand, he conceived the idea no inkribbon to bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- although the democrats got it last that he was being defrauded and el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin g was seized in a fit of passion al­ time, but if the dcmecrats can get IAK. » Printte« rree* It |*ro*Iur*-. -hsrp. Heun. Ie«ib!« m«nu-*Ti^. Tw« tsteu rufSuu New York and Indiana they can ran be on» trri.it.pi. K*liuir~, lawyer-, iwlnlaer*. ••auk»»«, ui.rebanta, most bordering upon intanity and manwfac.*.rrr *. bu -inn* ■ men. at*.. ruiinni maka a l*ui*t-r luvea. m~nt lor «U. immediately commenced to talk a aff >rd to lose Connecticut's six votes Aa In tall i«»n I fwraon Ui a wrek ran bseome a <2eo«i o:*»ii-.ur. or a raj bion« in ? months “blue streak.” Hi» conversation [ and still the electral vote will stand: 11,000 offerer! any operator who oan do l>ettr>r_ work with a Type- was disconnected but every word lAnnocrstie, 214; republican, 206 Writer than that produeet by the Odell «»^Relial.i« Agents But in the next election the dem­ and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. was articulated as plainly aa if h< ■ For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, 4c . addreesthe had never been deprived of the pow­ ocrat« must carry both New York ODKLL7Y1E WRITER 46CO., Tux R ookbby , Cnicauc, k*. er of speech, Il was evident thst) and Indiana to wit). i I? P E W R I T It