I • t ! ! ’•**! ayette jXKTSeT/, ,r VC j VOS« A eooa rsvoLVER «•l’Är : SMITH a V.ZSSlrtS ” _ egg. were brought in. hut ai»«l h* t p.CXIty. That'« where ton '•■ re mistak­ Theold itentlcman’sface brighlen- <1 WBDXmtY. ’BFTEVBtP. en,’ said Miss Ravenel, smilin'*. - at the sight of hi* *<•» It he» secnied a long day, with­ -Du’the hoy-pickirg has done me MIRY HAVEXEL out you. my boy," sai.i be. "Sit adealvfgotid Aunt Verna says down; s:t down. Do you k:..w, my chc< k» are F-.' id New York Lbdgvr: “Hop-picking?" sai.yn his glass of nothing pictunraque al-out < ur hc;> field* Just sunshiiu.’ . J ,. >! g'>od girl, father, and as 5 blue and clear thrrt one c:in nlm -r sweet and lovely a« yonder h 1 - •ee the straight lines of the sun opened rose-bud. Y«ui will p. h ¡> shine. Of course, it look.» prett; l«< iaugh nt me." he added. "I i.t I <• me, fur I was lorn and brought up Ikve I have lost my heart t.i one of F in it—but—excise me sir—I can't oui h |> pick, rs.’’ Cinnct bo s-’ccesslul’y ttexlad see what there is specially worthy "Daniel!” oct r:c J ! ea”>.. To reach T.sa’lh cr e-y K e rec..\rc: tl.cfuU cove’?! pctl ion of an artist's pencil ” ' H - : :'i e is Marv Rave: 1. s: pcc:e::L.i c l c;:~*.i3r cf t!! the fc»> Mr. Rayinni.il aniiled ’ 1 n» Vi r saw her 1 < f .re this se;:.- n v'/.lojT’-d n?.?3 Us cr.i.v.cd tr. There ccr"Ilonacix-cicxkt trrccef o “Do you si e those long p--rs,iec- She is |,ii king hops with h r ,u.n‘ , fhyclecl telag K pcrcct r.u;L-.j tives of green alley»?’’ said ht or »!..<■ i Id. rly relative—a pale.) or f \ tr.d this is l.rpossibtc w»cn the Ih.rtrj eptcencre torpid, tJic:c*.ctrnct- with, the figures running in :<•> I an I fragile l< okiri; girl, lilt Ir.jt’e aecret crt, C2Ir.di.3ec.ion out? And tbe old womu:. beautiful as a dream. And —' 1 v, er.l »’a, t\h a?! ci i!xk ccxa- peey'inS honors. • ■i among the fragrant h ap-, with her ” DR. HENLEY’S M the scarlet cloak, arid the tri Ii - Ti e old squire nodded his ,h. aS. Er Tish Dandelion Tonic tie toddlers at her feet? And un­ eiertsaepochs inSsee^e .o ter-cans on his shoulders’ Why. ¡■ring here will be as welcome a--, see re*, or. r: ceres ir.dlge^’cs ar.d consH- a pa'.icr. charpcr.3 the ep;:'.?c. tores 0? there are a hundred I its of geon welc. me as the flowers ii May." C theen'.i.o c^etea, and makes life worth here, to say nothing of the back While all this time, the artist, ground.” idly along to observe the v..r o is And Raymond tix»k out hi-: mill­ gr.iutis. came upon a | ale faced boards and color-loxes and se t up girl in «.lack — a girl with la g-, nn impromptu easel, and began to melting wine Lrown eyes, straight, diligently paint pure features, and tender, dark •Squire Durell’s son look on with hair, over hanging la r fbihead lik. nn amused smile To him. the a m st « f jet ,4 machinery of the greet h >. f»rin Ü-. Lrr. “Wb-. ’¿¿i-? ycc rec-'n.’ cr/r/. *-? Mi-- Ravenel!" h er.< .1 n H! I cr.ly e ! . >.-. . . .s r. v y v- .i- was the real business i f life Ar­ n ear. in'cr.ii-d •. : i ’. «s----- ¿ w A vcù -f^«. r tarexxm le.’’ R |V< : « |. ‘ !- ’ l tists and such like were merrlv I. r. ° Ye?, md v?-’: yen «n’â yon i’<.. Miss ri •’-;(! le' 1 i a . . : r .-...-.J < pleasure seeker whodi-jorti J them ZJtel-Cte !-■ tU-! .. 1-2Û..U v-~XkX L-4 d ack “ ou are >irp h a- * i' - caz I b".. ’ selves airilv al-e g the ou’»k:rt-i -if .> E. L . -T.» ... ’ "ÎZ* •e me h • Io -, r ■ lias * • c. cl .iHci *. Cr’-f-’T*!- creation. I ; it t-rt Wf t ’ Ei’*. U that h.- # «hck"j-7 ; 8. i : : i: coi” CO r:--’ is b-’ M 3:4 ’ftl V f.”. CPP “You will “ i »0 est xiairiöj i : c j « . a i or.: * Ci.a d ¿n sa r in - •en-th f ’ " *i. ’.4 C? 1 . J I. s y on her.” ». id ! e f--i i.ifcrma-ion. fc-; i ”* •. '.e ts?. • r." '~:rcf I 't o~e i err « kc i :-î L r-- r. i ; ■ IX... ___ A fC 1.0 r sk: -i.: . t. z cp * e r r_or.Ei I » tv n? c^w. orài c » v -h Ti • .*. * i;ccnr pie conn- her. f i j e..ry : a î nj ; - .TA t c tier c t l r-rM r. m « •••. — run :«' •<• i .4 U—— aal üxe ur. c mv-e of <¿patte, la Ca.D * »ttüdUU Si ; uj ci­ ta.-. **?aettart, > - / U rwrljgj au i T . v-’ Mtr ' ~o- rtavlw »...—b' i - l. -mrktuj- n tau Calstadurab ty nt «. n-. r7<‘y IMte'1 vtW>U>«.> ».«»,• Il f m. naoid i >r itu r -—k, ' . ix*- . •. i - . v ■ • ' »nreX^re atKi -. pl.< .▼ u-n g-r*Sh*i«»y.’'.- '.I ■ fivi-«'« D- ‘H «-•Mír-fii n L t:wcateupU’»a4tr ■ .ur»-,t al? ‘'Ut.-. . b.uira to.ÔZto»i D.Î1FERHÏ&C0. 1 d V. ùuA-4 the Largett £ cdsmcu to the wutlj. |> M FiitRY&Co’i tolly IBu'truod. De»cripehra HARDY TREES SPECIALTY i t -?ye& MitWAk to-18.50 v.t. • • hl ..'.ulcJ FrfEE to all fU '-ppli. al’. - a • “* I asi Mteon s cu*- U. t rs kt. J-ettcr titan ocr. Iv- - . •'- oh u .¡’C Garden, Flower I l?l 1 ^EtDS'.-ouMkrn-lfvriu ri.FERHY.lv CO. DETROIT, MtCW. p?-:fTS TM« EmeiUre Surety. rompndng 1: u< re«*, I* located Mie half mil« from Fay- el c del o'. on »he O- b. L. l»y. Thix Nur try ha* ilune n.oic to j ru- iiioie fruit growing in East­ ern Oregon un«l Idaho than nil o.hi r Nur- M-lie c( mLined. u* the tret» uro «C- cliiu i c . . uii.rv. lie in io. 1 . fir ba Irire »an ime I i.ui ed su > :l j Li- year. a i.i i.f Idaho i»COI. i «r.<î ir^ . d I.r > rown and i. es r» CcciLines the juice cf the California, so l .xitive anl u-. with the medicinal v’.-tues cf i known to be met bench .4 to • human system, forming the O a I i’- : fect R emedy to act £?• promptly on-the ram, livra ahi b AbsokiteiV P E—ycnii using :t . ( • • ■:■■■ . .:. A ■ • ■ ‘ ,ir rrf.-r 3Yi< v t* C'-’ FIGS, -.dKheCheasssl i -.ciuie-l only >7 tho CAL-FOL.KI A FIG STRUT r?.ANClCCfX C AU I .. ■ r.i.'t v h ret * r tn «r v«.i ••* m- »... h_|.t t — so THAT — ». >* > • hl;' •i i./ij.S. II ' ■ ■ Hi: .. ’ «. ?T;r —AXO T > — N tcrd’v f- iar -: h . o i il o ; 'm Cfeanssas System Effecti-a?', PURE ELCO3, ItE: HESHINC SLErP. HEALTH and STRENGTH "• . kfc..:,; a < |it mountain The •11’AIIU" | ear «i i tri IT r d in XiwYi'-e PUBLISHED.-- ... r;Çei)s^r ASK FOR IT! o, iLLniora. THS SELF-THHEAD1NC ; f> i - c s. 4P c -luinn*. -. I i... » Urian, ur par- i „ • i pi;: if . i.whur : < I..- r. • 11 ave a • .tan ‘ . I . ! ■■ ' - ■ r ■ • • • i - w !»•> < w..tn*: and true. • ,. ! ;.J »»-.j.. ■ . ai >i its ¡.ful A wr»!>> n ea» h S1.25 M lenr. .... . CGf.1® fr*’. ■ L I. f ,<|{ IíoK‘F.s I d it :iro cem- Lined the tin­ es! f. (•cbauic- nl »kill ill»* uiosi nspfii’ > . ■-/ Either inakH t irrsji • »r.ziv m '- ' -b-ibi .ft :b‘ ’»! trf| wrr« u |,4jj a«\‘> r branded Kight sn;e- r. n « ar. I prir’H-.’.' piem nt>, urn “ , 1 XU rV,’’- lid v.in'.jg •* i!i i P. ■o roMic Ct lull» »°11 >.—l-nr > it 8* w » t e ¿ y ri' m r-> tac :» c I ■ r-v < c¡ î> c» country in hep pi« k: ■_ ' ■4! i.'Di !•'. ii i-i'.ie : ■.la-tiT’los. too. »rd ere i - : • s? ' ‘ t ‘ ‘ I 1 L*v.y .. - ' ■ j •• -* rr.-j c -? i? t o f\e aies, tr.ni ps .. .1 r • c- t r ■ c Sc <1 r • « b •: ' >. : . -1 r.m to ; ? yt ;• t > t. c cell cr Uie. In- ti : l.-.r./. ’ y . .- z ■' * tu itoiies crc worker» n io t j. - b c »a ;o, :. t . iczi every: cnt.h. c« i , ‘ :c i; .'o nJ ori cl o ¡:: 4»ptipes; and d ri ELO^EOGE (V1FC CO. ing and honest penny, von >g - n- ' i it Ür A’.kn s.vc. rs ly it i: h r eî’y « onde-ful ta - rts < r . . f ; M v ! ” ?tct8.-y ?.-.! W ù :!:: î ’ o C3:a, SslvUsre, Ii ple wh • nih.t h re ter tbe frolic ot h <> M ; Ln -.li pe.. ". - Il u rFcnt’forR “?/ ir«., SpeeimcrC ■ y : 1 r . •. tbi: •v.brt you tbe thing, and poor old wn teb. s. . !3 .*-qu*rv i tireli : ta- , He A t sayiti- :tv l.i.«.un • udins t e tb«*vi ole• fus.” ZJrju.i 57,*r.'f, .Vrw l' it : d' And form, print*! at ¿no >•■ ! -, . dûable ..»ii-ni« type tn - on nn good e• tí f t : 1»» - ; ! •««; popular writers. *.oll» «!' Auieri- the ~re ••■.—C .w-i it? - Í ca __s one complete lu itself : Add Eardpo. Laca people sleep at l ights, Y- u ■ a pl- .0* , a nut 10 . 1: .V la tm sk- 1 LOUISVILLE, KY. y 2*,» Mrs. < ancle** ■ n-mtn t.rr-tiire«. By X i> » - ! ---------- ; k • * ’ y old ' : --.ny. Cue Doró .. — sea them from hero. You are i Ig " the Lcidîng J •i.r-?.; ef aad Vest. vean-yer a* -_•« weil well a« a* ol ’. irer-.-r ’’ n should read tl em. A vent ur* • ni'si Huchelor. Frtbeau- N ». * A *------ •topping in this p irt o;’ the neigl - Mr. i ur 11 i am< il-.w -, in h. • «> a Adi re« ic XeV fork.” Made by Farmers for Farmarc. iVr of " ! 3 -, A rre.it j «... r-.t» *-*'kl«yap<: I*r aatb'-. borhood? No? My father will ’ < • arm. led glow of tbe »na ini-r - II«, I.* Hiikr-a::-* »nv»* »l«>noy» eruue AVoman. AN««!. By . k d to alt wiit- i her d a or FAR?4ERS’ OWN PAPER. M < Ax< .« S’ No. 2‘»’. I jo t. nd:’!* Farm Ki.’dr. A Navel. And raising his in,:. Daniel i ar vas do le. A record of »?.* > ■■■;-. '.-Ji;-i iu a ‘ora. B • M « a A .. r H.v- aud Uugimge t»-;i h :,.... ; to all. No I T. _____ >u Derrick’«Dnashler. A Novel. ell went his wav, thu • utiful, «at By M r C i “I hav- hr<.,igh‘ you s c f i!i ITS LIST OF C®* TR BUT0R3 The iJ iron’w Wi 1. A Novel. By Sru Contains then ':nc=ci t x- me -i nr., p. -, ssiv- .arte- ri X> in skinned white hors- fo’i- wp t r • •' ord.l : -• from tin- eo:i»t rva • ers of the Sont’.« H'td Wr-st. du :: >t tre.«t • it- t’er-i i.r Richard I’ardou. A X.» : p of theortticnl farming. » p. of the .i-.tnal condi ­ By H i. Move!. I! hia heels, like ■ d.K-iie kitten ■ 'd b 'Veil told me. the 1 t <• tions prhiCÎt conir- t v.’ to-c..v B I’ ! : E j E st SEV N. * ‘ n.-AtkhUU AH!!. A : Waldo E Brown !>-nr> t 1«. -5! S’»h1 : 8 , KI.K KSN ' 'I- ■ Hugh,’’ said In. to a »viva ,. • lh:.t yi ti !:k d flo-.v. :» “ No l it Gaata'aa’» Flot. A Nov;!. By A. P. Ford I D”"j ”»!• I* u i . • • TAr Gi.iy F.«!emi. A Norel. By M. T. who had just cone- down tru n th. N 2H. T! _ “1 am mi much o liged to yo: ho«l of others *n.ok** !■;■> jeu: i..l ;;.ui:;KU£4b»e. r r _ Tba n-»»Toi7 of a T.jcrct. A Novol Mot cover it is ; l ’ v house with a hamper, ' t>.k>- a cup - id »hi grat. fud .. “But. V Be iARi* i >^i ; ‘ H lia» aï . A HOME MAGAZINE. of hot cuflee and two o t'nre ..f 1‘U'ell 1 have » ..mtiii -g t.i t 1 Every suhjsct • i . . • ’ • FVTii l .; t ; za Jinen coat who in »ketching under have 4omethi::g tn tell you—that L.ui . A Nov;!. By 31. T N T h- l«la:* t XL.ui C »0. 1 1 •. - . ...;-.- No.T t The F a s! Clirc. A Novel. Er C laju the trees. And Hugh!" ov you—ihat I want to make v, terestmg au A ius’.ru.. ve. ur i '-i. •Sir?" THE HTSr::TT C? T’.Z KATIC’J mv wife. Pear Miw Ravenel. a: Is a tl i ._.... "Did you carry the •.-inline sand >« U eUT|ris«d at this? Have v<> F amm . i y Joon |t. Mi-xi.r. x -«.c--.: Short -lur eshy -.v.nyu-..^^ • mers lúe H ro wiches and basket of apricots, ami not seen it growing out of in-, hear; »tteutiou. appear trom time to time. BILL AT.FS L‘ the fresh milk to the young girl in bv degrees Mv Either is oi l and Appear ia each isst:*, an - - '^ tv wat never Ui?rc black.” infirm, but he is ready to welcome pher Luae. is its mrrnr.î • The ruan r.odded you with all paternal love and—" H om F amp Fv. • boldly rnd “She didn’t want to take 'em. "You really love me?” she cried, beh£If of •' I trrr -r»‘ k V isinu *»f tb - tend ■ .1 «X . Nr Daniel," said he. ‘‘She a..s with wide ojs-n eyes Me. a j><> r, roadf for the Lin fermer C cm » p « r -twi • all for calling me back But I pale, little hop picker?” auu is t-> • B’isiA i nist-. ’ - 1 air Tr»«> : 4 : nded your order, sir, ami made "Yoj. my queen, my ideal!" Ç-a cd ï'tnîe ■•• fasts- I could. | “Then,’’ she said all smiles and ¡Hushes. "I think I ought to repay Jo hear." II aniiled “That’s right.” you by loving y m a little A 11 I fe- And thir.k I do, nay, I am quits •■‘.uin and th. - of it." Jhtnsta! ' ! I . “Mv darling! O’.i. M.- dining!' •ta-ler every dav. and there he murmured. but the he« ! »f a lo J “But wait. y. u have r.ot heard •« rind in his din who I am." I Saw it if “You are Mrs Rave < 1. from sir," aa-d Pugh rhilad Iph’.a." • “I am General Ravenel's daugh­ ■dlr noting all ter I am here by th doct- r’s ■ r feAhey nt d d -rs. nat t i it I ne 1 th • I nlv w - »-* ‘2 I « Ibe »ii:..! - ges a ho.-p ck-.-r. Bir. ^BOn of I k • e any lite le< that!" D, Mr uix-ll -io--.i Lb d ■av, ., i A1.ME1.-A Ik-ut I’«* fif ■- -Irt Of in »Milk tl if ■ iraní!. * *»bl» »¡«« t--*'• cop. iibrFJ .--«»vi-» «fv . *Vf will«;«, thvw Vo* be- . »• 3 M'> u. . 5 . •< 1 O» ’’F »I L-»»L fn «n »h«--<•»■. ■ u- -ut K •“ . ■• ’.I ■.rwflutau'V.W. par »:! rspv* » U’rsrt ,. ALLE!T iUX. t i «BO. PutrLAil*. M^iSC. ATT!. he hr ,u m i * a herí i w i u.v .» me«:* « «i ». i Ù ihr 5uu.it.,) '"a : •• an«! (¿runt . • u arce» i. h . . ¡ -'>tex~u RILEY «V HAIU IN HOME ANB FAR-4 l‘i Ü.-3Ä2ST AFB k M of Payette id«ho «3 i. u .-•»• ’’tfl < ¡ • r«. i || ?. • «5.» *-ak,«rc F« | Be I r . K.e. i.r v. |.rt il t • «„J « ¡o .1 • • ■ t eu h J »■»«.. » ix V luí i> >» 1'x.Vt.tf J • 'ft « . >ai. t. J •n : . 11. i < h rl Addrt-EB ISAAC FOSTER. ' ■ . T Si Lavhav ; , - r'. ! ( I I' t:'.'. ?: » /\T UANTA, Í7A Ko.:» •> > darM i S J Sr«» h riñes, U^r.kíit?, i todiiu GUIDE, U4fp.) pnce w!y 25c. (pots % 11 • t~ra r’s-l «vi;h -s Wren« h" on Leit Hip. Far trarkr (’Lae r r p. TKAT0 Harcer’s Ycui? The revestí Vorwn^¿ÍZ¡ Ka r-- Grant and Ms'henreonntir*. Î c. »M h be«h••»****•; r. U. addrm 1 un a. ora..t r».., i regon. b-r.i. ;>**». pr» w'» «» •fT*T wii .«ITer u. ; f >» ibe t g al eWK h- •*** -1 %:2 “ ’ he IteO T t |!1 pav Fixe lin ¿re«! IX.lîan« Sr »AJ» î '»■*.« •*<;. ’T,hi • . ¿s ' e arr.’’ ,aa4i »ta* -i au» per- . e Tri «r T- »t ^’v* B ll Í » . - , ». j, . t he I * , kofth «¡»re (under wk,. hr:. . !•■.• bh n »erIB • ¿y!l***J 1 .. »er.t». f kBir*T«rt-*’1 I : wí » V. ■ w! t» •«»" q -i;ti » <•?.- d b' • ü r» ra eti d * hi»-** g «»¡•»•re« : writ: b »<•.<•£ > ¡ « i i ce »ta»rt • » rie» • • * Ne *..t fa « e. Mar h *“ ri. t »rrac- t ry- < rx IJ** bu’ vrj»-r b yb « • •** J« ta e un. er. P rinters ' I nk X /OTJtXCX ÆCX .f Z»F£XF/X£zL’ . ext*« rin I. n ;«• • urve a ■— kn ■» ,e«l e. ■ » p mt - A- scr ioer. _ _ _■« wl Tra».« r.Mt* V. >. M ‘ -.I »’-'S« -p-vr.r, • »•'••. 7.7. *•*’ ‘.’L’v.-.VwUW iii.Ri’ER A I»-.» ■fe gr. It * W - an- it- ppi- g CC RISNER* J er- « ■r>- tnr« a . fbiv, Mr». Wi »..» • *—.“L’J k »I • r| *1 »1 a EiW**11 h ing one of ¡hr*« R. i» n *■* t- • .1.» • 4 ’|di I ta « relr t • ••L M •l’»te a.r» p o •*> » ,H jJ • • i»*« be ’or ” !t » Y^gSej •*«>rt. « frt 9 ►« ’^1 lie *» «in«, ref« at** •• M tv-n* known rwwe*’ ■ arfeing v «’be* H