Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1890)
Beutty'u Tour oft ho World. —Squire Loggan, Robt. Drink —Mrs. Lizzie Johnson’s baby is water, Tho». Bain, Assessor AlL< r- J. £>U h KHL î M£R &, CO., pretty sick. Ex-Mayor Daniel F Beatty, of X aon und Mr Davis, ot Harney, wera Beall v ’ s celebrated Organs anil Pi HAS LAUGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY —Ed. Stauffer sold to Grimes dr ()—<¡ dealers in )>—() linos, Washington, New Jersey, has ; NEWSl'AFEK IN THIS COlNTY. Reynolds,'last week, lliW head of in Burna last Monday. returned home from an extended —To cash subscribers sending tour of the world. Read hi« nd-j GENERAL MERCHANDISE, beef cattle. ^/Nis two subacriptioiiB the money in vertisement in this paper and send ‘ BURNS, OREGON. Official County Fapsr. —Blackwell ,t Gilmore •» drove for cutalouge. from our county to the railroad, every case to accompany the order, Carry the Largest Stock in Eastern Oregon. All orders have onr prompt atteutiou. 600 head of Loef cattle, last week. we will send them T he H erald for Local News. Lost one year at the regular price, and —Subscriptions for all newspa 25 good novels. 0 On the afternoon of July 12, on the pers and periodicals taken at the road leading from Borns to the Fry — Where trade i« good and your postoffice at publishers rates. o field, a lady’s red plush portemon- xjjown thrives, every one says, that WEDNESDAY. SEFTKMFER 11.1MC. —The machinery for our grist town must advertise if you notice a miio, containing a gold watch and some other small articles. mill will be here in ten days and MRS. LOUIS R ACINE, - - - _ —John Rnbinpon moved into the mill in running order in six business man with hanging head, The party finding the above men “P roprietress , looking as if he was almost dead, tioned portemounaie. and leaving it town last Monday. B urns , O regon . weeks. go to the gentleman and softly ad at T he H erai .I) office in Burns, —Mr. Ragon mo,ed into town A large and commodious Hotel, everything neat and comfortable. —P. F. Stenger is putting an vise, call on your paper and adver will be- liberally rewarded. yesterday. Tables furnished with all market affords. Sure to suit the addition to his new blacksmith tise. Then if the “Blucy”will take public. When in Burns, do not fail to give the Hotel a trial. shop, intended for the .carpenter or —Mrs. Jas. Bunvard. who has the hint, in the next issue he will House and Lot for Sale. woodwork part of the business. see his business m print, he will iee:i very sick, is improving. A good house and lot, situated gWGOOD TABLE SERVICE. fuel for the —Chas. Eyton and Thos. Manly hold up his head and look very in 1 the town of Burns, can be pur- —E. 1). Baker, of Silver creek, .... J cheap, cheap, for for cash. cash. House was in cur town one day last week. is advertised in Long Creek Eagle wise, because—why—“you know” chased , y CKrlr. Drea 1 advertise. well built and furnished inside, con to wrestle at Long Creek, Sunday 1 xali willbs rerelverf* —W II. Moffitt, of Drewsey. was taining -1 rooms and one store •r Sih isw). st 1 o'el 'ik p night, Sept. 20. and place they will l>e . p< n<- < Fortland Boot and Shoe Store in totin several days this week. room. Lot 50x160 feet. Warran From Ile<l-S. r- tt .((« * ur ; u I I tt, four feet Lzug, m LI ■ ! b» i e —The death of Miss Susie, daugh tee deed will he given. Apply at Herat Burn«u<Harm ut inc <»1» — Dr. Horton has moved into LUN A BURG à FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . • September 22, 1893. H erald oilice. ter of H. Dixon, near Burns, on uurf.and Qn or t h«-ti 18! <my the residence of I’. L. Grace. •. irfvo. »aid bid to be We-dtslav, is reported.—Ilarney Everything is on the move in our' id Bufflciect bundfcln tr.c mit-. <>f 1$ O,000 o, .„a Shoe., of the very bMt quality, juat rwei.M bi t I il.illar», with two^or • • tn.“ At t.entlon. —The Items’ office and photo Press. neighborhood. i*erforn»»ucQof ^ ti l ■ <•!■•'act. Mistake, Bro. Press, Miss Susie n»arvtp lhe right graph gallery, are about completed. Dixon is aiive and well. Of all persons still indebted to Messrs. Allen and George have containing prupoB undersigned on E ast O meuon H er Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. -upu»»U t*> furuifh i —Dr II. M. Horton, our promi commenced work on the new school Ion. County Cuurti — Persons desiring to publish lious-, which, when completed, will ald accounts, viz: subscriptions nent dentist, is now permanently ¿W I- ■. A ' bo . Custom work and Repairing neatly done. located in Burns, all wishing work I their final proof notices in T he be one among the best in the coun subsequent to Nov. 28 1889, adver am ' tising and job work done prior to H erald can leave their declaratory done in Lis line of busineM. will do NS,!------------ ty. The dimensions of the build March 1, 1890, is called to the fact >r proposals Io <Oro L'~ Count;. well bv giving him a call. Office statements with tho editor, who will ing are 20x36. The bouse is to be i Cbars-s- that payment must be made before atteneil to the necessary details at finished ready for school by Octo Court, Burns, Oregon. Mix is: lb, at his residence. 18th day of September, 1890, to the land office. o ber 1st. I.Y tsals will bs rocelv- —H erald is only t2.50 a year; save further cost of collection. ;r Mb, ISSu, at l'v’t " I p tn. ut —Mrs. Nellie Grace’s job press.' Julius and Fred Ritterbusch re vert .Jutul piaee they will be . |,eiu •! I . now is the time to subscribe to a 1). L. G race , •' ■lull... lor ills nateiruc.' H . '"’I. live local newspaper. SVITI! A RICHARDSON *> — P ropribtoe «. at Harney, is said to be a model of turned from the railroad. S<pt. 21, Burns Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. ihlitg. washing. Meo ue. preparing tor anU nurini < t « neatness. She has just received a — Ilenrv Stephens ol ’ Skull creek — slint ' < lt»rx< » of,. ■ . having made the trip in 12 days. >na yenr from the da'. i eoniraet will be ti-.e l . w . m was in Burns Monday and Tues full line of wedding and furneral COMMUNICATION. .ter, said blds may I |r fit tn The Red-8 is blessed with a first goods. e Court reserving file right lo f day. I all bl..a. d iss physician. A gradmite of a Shop supplied with all Mears market, uttoru». «,^*Shop opposite Poetot&e«. W ashington , D. ('. gw.. eoinahtlng proper-. ■ •Pro|)„s.i s Ur t-are —Received at the Hardware ( —W. J. Johnson, working at the medical college, He is a native of I Reed has determind upon the Store of Cal. Geer, a supply of doors saw mill of John Sayer, has- been Ohio. I have not yet learned his I presence of a quorum of his own .1 Hou. County Court “ , W. '.t- > t. and windows. - under the care of Drs. Ashford & name. party in the House from this time —Thomas Potter, Wm. Bennett Boyd, for several days, but is now . 8. Shoffer is hauling the lumber to the end of the session to do his and Mr. Howser, of Harney, were improving. EOF. LIQUOR LICENSE: for the seats and desks of our bidding. First of all, he says, it is AND in Burns, last Thursday. — The handsome phis ’ — of Bozy necess iry that all election contests school house. . Count? Court, of the State of Oie ¡nd iihf0”’for' Harne*‘ '• should be decided before the final —Items of interest from the can be seen at any lime behind the TRNSPORTATION Company ndernlgned, .vcMta. j>etif ¡oners, would Mr Rol l. Ivors will start to the adjournment, which means, of course “Bo- irtheriioi represent that wtfire ''arh a"'! 1111 country will be thankfully received bar at Henry Long’s Saloon. Mi<l lexal votereuf prewK-’. pre«ii.<t. railroad in a few days for a load of' that Republicans, black and white, zv ’ h ugly that he cannot help,” I lit puds Pty» W® USk ,h:lt 11 «i‘ 1 e at the H ERALD oliice. C. C-. McCoy, General Manager, I fc 'E. McKinney, To eel I nn.ii.ittp.-8-. will ie put in place of Democrats when it comes to mixing drinks, goods, for N. Brown. ------ o :-0------- V1IJVUH UIKI ills*«» »11, U- , vinous and malt in ■'* —We see in the Ilarney Press htiti one gallon iu nai<i ] .»reiinct fur Stages leave Burns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Where is McKinnon's thresher? from the South. It ought be added vou will find him an expert, and ,s>x months ...... ...... from ____ and j er the 'J •Sih bndrter- IbVO. Dated ’ this ->ul day Of tha' commissioner, Lytle Howard, Westfall and Vale, where fur politeness and social qualities We have been expecting his thresh incidc ltaliy. th .t if there is one of I’.lie creek, expects to move to he has few equals. W S. Marsden, j er on the Red-S for some time. thing more than another pleasing o K, E <i. Close Connection is Made Harney in a short tin e. Wm W \ Ide. r, y. William Howard is again in our to the Speaker’s heart it is turning with the railroad. Good flesh horses, carefui driver«, new vehicle«, and John H. Howard, —J. Nat. Hudson shot a prairie J.eeph h. FlIIEH llEASONAltl.E. irith ill J9 —When you want a nice easy chicken, a few days ago, feeding midst. 1 il’ is a solid one “you net.” .i white man from the South out of (JharltB Joi < s. H. E. Thompson, ; He would like to know the ivlu-rea- congress and putting a negro in his fWNORTIIWESTERN EXPRESS LOX ON EVERY STAGK shave shampoo, hair cut, or good mi Aitu. w, with the domestic fowls, near the JL hi k . J. C. P arkbb baths call on Harry Allen, in the residence of Thos. Morrison. The b< u s of Thos. Manlyh sold friem’. place. Ar.d there are plenty of Re H arry F loyd , W^^^crion, — Tom is at Long Creek — Ed. o Gen. Sup ’ t. Burn« Agent Ksenli ! a Bi _ Sampson barber shop. publicans just like him. trier. gnu J. Nat. used to take the life of Miller, John Allen advertises fur a cook, Tlie first man to be given a place —This office will feel truly tile chicken was a pistol, and he a school ‘tnarm,” or a gruss widow _______ Juoti w a r d, thankful to ail the farmers, and claims tu be a “crack »hot.” C A. ■bier. prefe-red.’ Moi:«^S’:?&' i in4'< ngri*s is the darkey Langston is. ____ .‘.’v a man. Chae«.A, stockmen of Ilarney county, it’ they I from the Peters! tirg, Virginia, die- J. H. Ardeisuu. — W. E. Grace took his depar will kindly report to this oliice the hereby given that the u’> v Proprietor. eated tu the County uri .1 Hai- amount of hay and grain raised by ture Tuesday morning, for Port Gods blessing to humanity— So triet. that is «hen the Republicans r. Ore tun, un Wedfucs ¡a , the sth j get their quorum Even Mahore, ithe n. says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety land, I he Sound, and various other NGE however, d -clases he was not elec- --------- DEALER-:-IN--------- :• —\V. II. Gass, who has been ab- places. The facts of the case are Years Old. ‘ led, and has been quietly opposing DRUGS. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES, STA Forest Grove, Or., March 19—I - sent on a 1 usiness trip to the Dia (but he wantsit kept a secret) he rxabiàx his congressional pretensions, It « TIONERY. DIAMOND DYES, FANCY TOILET ending Un ¡County Conti, of the S’ pi .- gì ore mond and P-R meh country, ~e- is after a partner for life, or for 99 have used the Oregon Kidney Tea no go, though, as between Riel ¡ ARTICLES, FINE CIGARS & TOBACCO. u 11 ' Il and obtained immediate relief, years, as the conditions may be. j turned Sunday. id- rsmed legal vote: I 'and Mahone tin- fromer is a bigger 1 «¡I olSe.a i.i:e. cuu»»t>,l»fegpii. r--.- b :• B|ivct is God's blessing to humanity, I did _________________ a lie en au be|n¡!:'-i ■> .< T. —Almost e'.ery day we hear and we guess be will not return Ull- man in more ways than i Fine Winesand Liquors for Medical Purpow—, ■ nt the ; Bpir-.£o>¡B,anali anc vi 1 i. ' ut-.iqu-.;p someone speak of having something til the Lusiness is settled and 11 is take pleasure in recommending it to I ■ titles ihati vue íftid.". ' , i-. ! uri s one. I Jli7~Prescriptions accurately compounded. Postoffice BuiLdtnR, Baraa- Mia < «.uuty uf Hiruvi, irum and I to sell,or wanting to buy something. purpose accomplished. the alllieted. 1 am now nearly nine er 1», INVI». One evil result is likely to follow A 25 cent notice in your weekly ty years old, came to Oregon in 1842 G. W.‘2nnnva!t, —J. C. Welcome met with an ac U. Lull. fom th-i partisan course of the pres jim Ch«8 i paper will bring buyers and sellers in the employ of the Hudson's Bar lit .- cident, five miles from the Warm Jeu. S.Kiso ¿ti«Gì' ent ILiuse in election contests, a I together much quicker. Company, and since I began using il non. RURNS BUTCHER SHfCP. -lUahSni. X I Springs, on his wav home from £nr> Iti« liai-dpon, r-publkran member recently admit- —Dick Biggs, our deputy sheriff, Bidwell, a few days ago. His the Oregon kidney tea I enjoy good JAMES C0P8HALL Proprietor. ¿árda1i I tea td me. Should the republicans health. seems to be the right man in the team became frigthened, ran out of D avid M unrof . by any accident have a majority in right place. Dick is a good Loy, the road, upsetting the buckboard | the next Congress an election con- Notice of Dissolution <»f Partnership* and we wish him success. and throwing him some distance, I test would come up from almost Notice is hereby given that the co every district in the South, partic U c F au -T^ —Our would be widower, of 8il- the fall breaking the left collar partnership existing under the week. B kosvm I i ver creek, comes around every few I bone in two places. [Parker, firm name of .1. Durkheimer & Co., . ulai ly when a “colored brother” is ■ rkev, -days. The last excuse for leaving fctighn. has this day been dissolved by mu after legislative honors. — John Einbree, who has l.cen BhilMler, i home and coming to town was to ' recently on a prospecting tour tual consent. Isaac Baer retiring Full weight given. Good beef or the block. Mutton, pork, The l.i ss of congress has been Si ••M inani y, FgK . theofe venison and game, when on the maket. J. Dt HKllEIMER it Co., ' investigate the arid land law. strutting around with more of n j.j r<l, I around Ilarney lake, is very enthu rKlnnon, I saac B aer . strut than ever since his return w hiting, . D. Sh —The Burns races are over, the siastic over that country he saw i Jhveiizer, All th >sc knowing themselves in lalikvcll, burnì .®! Harney races close ibis w<ek. At Mr. Elliott's ranch, near debted to J. Durkheimer Co., will from Main. He modestly decline s . these goods must le sacrificed at, Stoddart and Co., 1 to acti-pt all the crec’it involved in auction not only to their ruination ce. ' Still we take pleasure in informing the Narrows, turnips that was please settle at once. Bisan, his triumph and is content to let 1 but also to the great injury of do- bore, the public that J. T. Sillman k'eps .1. D urkheimer dr Co. raided in hie garden which weighed andClaim At- llaley. Burns, July 1, 1890. it be known that it is not “me and . mestic manufactures which would j Pension R a rd. i constantly oil hand the best brands from 15 to 20 tbs each Other veg ■ . a, I the people,” Lut •'the people and be closed out in tho competition [ Fauinan, ! of liquors, at least everybody says etables proportionally as good. Lorn ays. oslan, A C’oniplinientary. i me.” But one thing he is not care which cheap wares from aboard. ' Ith, ' so. and what everybody says must I One-half an acre of barley, which i n, Wc acknowledge the receipt of fill to keep out of sight. lie ha« In short, under the present Repub- j 615 7th 8t., Washington, D. C. ' be s >. he is satisfied, if threshed, would i (JM V 11 Ri t an invitation to be present at Port m ide up bis mind that the Tom iican policy they prophecy a panic I I yield 60 bu. —Contest I h -I wi en individuals, ar h , Opposite U. 8. Patent Offios. ye**, land ’s Great Exposition. The fol Reed of the next few months shall of no small dimensions -John A. Ward vs. Otto Schweizer, imer, —Mell Fenwick called in yester f r eclipse the record, arbitrary and Senser. lowing is the Press Day program, of Vale. September 15. Testimony day, and gave us a chat. He re-1 The Republicans are always affri.' All person having Claim« for oKinnoii, b d as it may tie, of the Tom It- .d Blume, taken by E. H. Tests, county clerk, ports Mrs. Fenwick ill, l-ut not Sept. 25th. ght< d nt the approach of evil to Pension i Increase of Pension, ot of I Ht ormer, Bridge». 11 a tn—Carriages for Exposi of the past. His motto and the wealth, they care lit 1 ■ about tie any nature whatever against th« o a commissi n issued by the U. f , dangerous. His croy report: 5 | logic thereof is. the ni: jority should tier tion Building. harm worked Io tho people, and Gouernuient, should write tou» for I. mil Office, at Bums. W. W. acres of wheat, yielding 227 j Uu feapcth. information. Proposed new law« ! rule; I am the majority hence I ■a< e. 1 p m. — Grand barbercue at Ex ■ Cardwell went from-Burns to rep making 45$ bushels to the acre. ft runin, shall rule. Ever since the tlecti, n I : hence have started Secretary Win affecting. Soldier» rights fully «1* l-hewman, position grou ds. resent Mr. W’s. interest. The case Barley, 4 acres, making 70 bushel » ■ Reed has been anxiously a waiting dom and his agents on an investi plained. Advice free. Du>r. ' was decided in favor of Ward, mak- to the acre, 280 bushels. Hay, 250 i 2 p tn.—Special parado of fine W. Mhiipir., a congratulatory telegram from his gation jaunt to «ec just how much NO FEE UNLESS CLAIM 18 AL J. Maupin. 1 in? another score for one of our tons. He just received a letter stock. ■ Turgason, danger in New York custom house LOWED. TS br.wn. 8 p m.—Grand Banquet, ten old friend Plaine, but the wire« or i is liable to bring to business inter- BuriiB lawvirs. from George McGowan stating that something else are down, or possi ^iir er. ni the Pacific dered to the Pries ■T Dtxlgun, —Mr. Cal, Geer, our Hardware he had formed a copartnership with Northwest, by the citizens, of Poit- bly Blaine hasn’t had time to tile- 'ests. ftguie, LWj. lami. The handsomest man in congress merchant, ha« been very attentive E. J. Bruce, East Portland, in th - land, in the Exposition Building. I graph. I Kt n adv >»n Daniel ■mendvrf. hardware t usiness, with groceries was downed when Representative to the wants of the country in his Now that the republican« are in a H< in. 11 ■ line ofbuisness and has Striver, hard and provi-ions added. N’otli-r. f iir way to g< t their tariff bill they Charley Gibson, of Eastern Shore Maryland, lost hi» s- at in the next to accomodate his customer«, he has —The committc appointed to Kt. All persons knowing themselves are a little in doubt ai-out it, at least ■einer, 1 house yesterday. IIis constituents certainly kept constantly on hand a« to the ti me it should Le put into iley. take subscriptions, the nionev to be indebted Lee Caidwell, please come I everything in the Hardware line the I admired his beauty so much that fur ratalngue F «-Mejor Denial y, RTO . tfect. There is. * ithout doubt, a «torn It ; country demands In connection expended in fencing and improving and settle, for I am in need of ’ nrett.v £o<>d «can i i New York >.ver they want to keep it at home where Washington, Xew J erf ay Oft . I** with the Hardware is the tin shop the Burns cemetery, have com money to send and get a winter j the provision that all imported good I . it must ever be “a festival to the under the management of young menced work, and will, as soon as stock of liquor. in bonded warehouses shall be tak ! eve.” In truth, though. Gibaon is R ilph Geer who i* ready nt all possible, complete the work assign en out l y October 1st New York a handsome roan, a fact the more ton's female life. But do you know times to do repairing, or any work ed them. Those who have sub An Enreitalnmeut. his trade calls for. I conspicuous as there are precious at home the angler» for hearts here scribed aid not,paid will please The Burn« Sunday School will nusiness men and importers and 1 ' 1 few good looking men in congress fiehjust as persistantlv for the home their representative« have flocked I —If you want T he H erald and i ay in il.< ir nA nriptior.« ¡mondi give two entertainment« entertainments during any of the following papers for one al« ly. r.« the money is needed now. court week, (O?t. 15th and 16th ) to this city with anxietv depicted It has frequently been thocriticism ly a« well a» the good looking l«l- year, call at this office and yen «ill The ei.mniittie are J. C. Welcome, The object of this concert, is to get in their face and predictions that the people, as a rule, must lows. And with the »«in« r««ult , i>e astonished how cheap you can Chas. Gunther «nd W. C. Byrd, money to buy an organ for the on theirtungu «. They declare tha’ pick out their homely men to con for there are very few Josephs’ in get tl.eiii. The 8. F. Examiror, fc. the importers, in anticipation of tl.e gress much after the wav in which ! Congress to withstand the blandish qe Liiif. rt.-r» tk« F. Cal’. 8. F Bulletin. National either of whom are authorized tc church. The pr -gram, will consist new tarifl. have brought in foreign certain suspicious ladies select their ment* of Patiphar's wive«. Of ■iffiex at A' De uoc.-at. Detroit Free I re«». To- receive and nc.-ipt for mi-ney of music, recitation« and dialogue« ETOR. husband’s typewriters. They must ; a virtuous can 1« feund, and every nd rrt-U'**, ; ledo Blade. Portland World, and paid tor the purpose already men No pains will be spared tv the Bar.- i goods to the value of millions and W »!•#♦* * van >ua other papers, aho, dif-j tioned The committee will give dav School to make th«-«c entertain that the money is not in handtogit have such p. reoral virtue, but not wife and mother at home, no doubt, rr». feretit magazine» and story paper*;! any one the liberty of working out ment« interesting and enjoyable, the merchandise out of loud so early manly beauty,’ aa will preserve believe her “hubby" to be among all of Harper Bn»'«, works’; io their moral characlor among the this small set of the choscu and ««> as Oetolicr. I fact anything in the reading Hno their enbreription if any prefer do and hope to reci jvc a liberal patron- «iks aud (Mtinatkiis of Washi-’g kct. If forced to the wall, they sav, ’ ing so. you can call for. I I THE HERALD THE FRENCH HOTEL. > L ANS oo, Lia BEATTY'S PIANOS