O regon H erald BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 24, 1890. X $2.EO a Year. K ' Mar H1ERALD /r DfW lift—was a lar , wi e les< desert fact that the Indian witn- s s, who BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. waste Now it is the centre of the knew all about the murder, were RY WEDNESDAY largest diamond field ever known.1 tampered with. The Judge i<| dis­ J. W. ASHFORD, H. BOYD Here was found the famous dia­ charging the prisoners scored them Ashford &. Boyd, Dà SON-. mond now owned by the Countess as living guiltv of the offense. PHYSICIANS A- SURGEONS, i f Dudley, weighing 83$ carats and The killing of Bovle follo-vvd the d P roprietors . i>! uns ........................... O regon Washington, Sept 12.—Nevada’s valued at i 125,000, first sold by the discharge of Ferguson’s murderers, open Every Day except hunda*. from 9 a m to 4 p m. O T h e i i W. E. Gra c’a Drugstore. I u R M a lartaj fniwiin. EK LAW «. population in 1880 h as (12,226. The Hottentot fl uler to a B ikt farmer has so incensed the settlers that \ery La 1/ 111 Hi j i n i / j -» as /toil ».* U th; ire ■ to gl » a » » :*X r dura uut answer I he m U «IS census oU890 shows a populut on for goods (estimated at much al ove thev declare they will send their d. vs n.u take h:a paper rvtifC'ii for i h n.»l oeiux Lr . f« n.lVl« ri wi> I Ul». ()f 44,327, a decrease of 48.8 per their value) to the amount of (2.- women and children to Miles City fl,» »¡.i uiak< ß ¡he P- 1000. and start on a war of extermination cent. ge pubHaher f«-r p«' ment DENTIST,............... B urns O regon £?v » h b paper ’ ir against the Cheyennes. lì arreara .va. r lhe Pu » Igi-ii i. nu il pa ment ia Washington, Septem! er 1?; — Me- L ist spring the settlers were vir­ Speaker Reed has been returned kb., e am. uut ..hcihirit offbeat residence. in the J«»*n R.rbii B«>n b or noi There «an e huii- i ic. an • in prepared To h tend to ihc to the House, receiving a large m; • Crcarv of Kentucky »ill introduce tually without ammunition and itili pa men ia made pr*i i e . f • eiu s r it nil i b bran« he« ~iHk'ß a puper fr.an he TruJi extrut ted wilhou pain b\ ai l of gass. jority. His friends think his elec- a resolution in jhe House to-morrow arms, but now they are well sup- fed io hia uif’.ne .«r un b au k ri-ie «-r n.«.. is tion will put a quit-ills on Bl.iine’s cal.ing attention to the death of p'ie?, and the p-ospectignre for Be- ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. luta h’a paper a « ppe I T. V. EMBREE, M. I). chances for the Presidency, making General Barrnndia on board of an rions trouble on the re erve and in l»e i‘u eher ■ « n iuu- ß "The Leading Company of tho Pacific Northwest’* la »..un i •««» pu •« r il if onit-ei, hi« r— » <«■!.. is«e»u iw burnt». Governor Toole recommended to , the nomination by his party for that propriety of an investigation. The < i .«ed thaï re b. a’-'R U resolution wiil be r f r.ed to the the department that the Indians 1 e ------------------------------ ---------------- office in 1892. trlct-i' u R »r.«m lhe p. « The Farmers’ Company. j um aüed for, withou Committee on Foreign Affairs. removed, but without avail. prima fu» ia evide »« e «»I Notary Public. News from the agency is anxious­ OF SALEM, OREGON. Washington. Sept. 12.—The In­ The text of the resolution is as fol­ D. L GRACE, lows. ly awaited, as there is not only a Dl!K.\.% OK galls bill to apply the general laws ios rate - l.aiui Filngs. mankp, Application« f«»r Burns, Ora. Resolved. That the filling of strongfeeling against the Cheyennes Pub.i. a.i.«.. .N.»ii b intd an American settlers claim that he Ins aided in LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. _________ IVI.l t. 1.1 H Alaska, was to-dav sent to the Jud - "hip, and while under the protection the escape of Ferguson’s murderers J NAT. HUDSON, srald «ad Harr.r 'Ved1 from justice, .-raid und 'lur ' r r . ciury Committee, Chairman Platt of the flag of the United States, de­ A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. raldsnd Har er ' '"‘"S 1 7' . of the Territories Committee report­ mil nils immediate investigation, and raid and Aidai '• H« " i ' Office: BURNS, OR. Chicago, Sept. 12—Colonel R. E. adì addi: lai al in y s ’s rly have jurisdiction of the bill compatible with the public interest, er from Colorado, paid to an Associ­ ¡ne»' a- .e sure h» tbc Kvi «i:i* K '>•" M. 0. HOPKINS, P roprietor . The object of the measure is to to lay l.efore the House of Repre­ ated Press representative in an in-| i. i. wi i : k . secure jui.ical determination by the sentative« all iiifiirmation in his tvrview to night: ‘ The people need i have no fears al out having ample' err - RNF.Y a T LAW EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. United States Supn me Court of the possession concerning tiiis transac­ room for their exhibits. There will I tion. u. its >rcgon. lights of the United States in Behr- be at least 600 acres in Jacksons I Park and the jdaisnnce or tin: lake1 This Hotel I« new f House. Room ».and Furniture) and oAorscourteoua servie, i. .ves,* G. est --------- ------ — i Chicago. Sept. 12.—P. Alexander front will simplev nd.I seventy-five -It* 'IH© 1 Ì RTs : gton. Sept. 11—Senator Johnstone, a mi d-ieader, porform acres more. On the lake front are to be placed buildings for the fine IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. li ij< r ived ntiim roll- teh - ed a feat in this city yesterday arts. This place is to be simply >-dav. cn .taini g inquiries which eclipsed all smaller records used as a gateway to the great ex- ■ .. i id' ill gms i .to IL- hud ¡.een doing many remarka nositimi proper at Jackson Park i: ct .u ;...sacr t..e Senator lias l ie things, and finally his manager One admission from either end will r t rr. <1 Sun Fram-ircn merchants d cided to attempt the test which cover the whole show, and no extra charge will t.e made for transporting' lo ti e >an Frur.ci co papers. Tin- result'll in the death y water or by rail I etween) Cenerai Blacksmith Waeon-maker. ill ¡.ui.-: into ,fh , i Oi to! < r 1st k. o v mind reader Bi-Ii in in New tin gateway on the lake front and II . SMilHL ______ LA< kvikw , O rwgss . KI - I : ■ d Ir.::1 fo: i-ign ports Yo k -that of finding a name in a I the main exhibit at Jackson Park. I •M (G.u ' I to e August 1st will have until legisier and pronouncing .t. A I The time required for the transit) p k rief’ todo all Kincfl of Wo n th Mai kamlthllne. Horae Fhoring at |?.K j-lt Bead. bAin Y o D ü ' Nov. ml.c-r 1st to reach Ami rice <■ .'in mitte.- of well-known newspaper will l e only about ten minutes, and I • iva'!»., i ports, v itheut I ei: g su! ji i t to the men and physician drove in i buck all the way is along the cool and z-R U G G I E 8, W AG0NS, ET C.,-> ■. < r Neu. • J.fe /Ve Car’d -veil, MADE TO ORDER WITH NRATNKRK, AND OF OOOO QUALITY. iinercared duty Tbose ie.iviug tore- from the Auditorium lintel to th' beautiful shore of Lake Michigan. •HW M 1 it mem UÄ I’H • >’ > I 10 ü N F. Y -- A T - L A W I iun pods .-liter August 1st nil! • e Grin d I a ific I y a tonttfiTUs route . As for Colorado and California and A L L W 0 R K WARRANTE D. be Nuaht i. U U B Ulb.iUA h ..etok RI’UH. all of the great empires in the west, I HNS. O k l.v and, going to the register, selected | su j-lit to the duiii-B imposed Hitt OÍR :■ I • :i .1 he emir ■> he Sure nem rivi lit ..nr h . er !««•• they will be amply provided with I th,» new Tariff' Bill 1-e < r Le C. S. I.iiuu i'Hi -e. a name. Leevitig one of the num-1 !«• paid, .ti ¿¿•Afe' «■ Ml. pul».I hi F ea ¡he i space, and especial care will be tak-) L and M atters a S leiialtv . H l VTTIÍ s I'-'K I- •*>« u ' r I7.UM a rrtage. hi.r»h. •* 1 1 vn 1: “ ' for eiA I en to provide for their minerals, ag j h on h Imn • b i i e. cB * DREWSKY ADVERTISEMENT. Novalla returned to the Auditoriim. win re ewiii L.a )» vSæfferc re i_¡ ' b k ricubural, live stock and fruit exhi- Demo- r etie State ticket: <*>v rn- Johnstone had remained in the cus­ i ahouldteHk ! bits. r i-nit.RnJ or, T heodore Winters; Lit utenni.t tody of another committee man LHU íí J I I Governor, R jSaddl r; Congressman, They bandaged his eyes securely. RACTICAL SURVEYOR. I Eilenburg (Oregon,) Sept. 12.— (I W. Cassidy; Supreme Judge, J. Johnstone instantly rushed down T A M. KINNON, I H .; h ’- k ’ ■ h «4 anr.e ing done «>»• ah i II. MacMillan; District Judg-s, the stairs, mounted the l ox of a An exciting shooting nff'rav occuri d ' h - u icrma. ,*‘r i . ¡, ,k >, c 11 i « h ub n i «;•' . ■ ui. h.a«e p ate " furu.Bbr 1* itzg ' .1 hi. l OI NW. I oidlilhUd Dllil carriage ami drove, blindfolded, to at the residence of J. C. Gray, one I PlMTBIBT»* ’per’s 8 K isn ; Sieri-lari of State, J T. the Grand Pacific, avoiding cadle of the most prominent residents of I . : 1«- L I» k > n I- - HST ll.il | Bradv Contrôler. Chas May; At­ ears and thousands of vehicles on this city, shortly after noon to day. » u V« .i Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors— Whiskies, Brandi«*, un u-n^l Ü.lkn I 3 MiTT.lt. torney General. W C l.ove: State the way. He rushed to the r gister The trouble arose over a father try­ Wines. Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when I itu iu fornii ing to get possession of his children you cull on “Mack,” nt Drewsey, Harney county, Or. IRACTORS A BUILDERS. Treasury, N. I! A Mason; Clerk turned the leaves rapidly, found the UlIWMil i..ul Li-ri. thetf nJ I of Supreme Court, W W Booher; name, repeated it. gave the number l>y force. Some few years ago iei* inrivJ u« w liK DONE NEATLY. tiniouii. 5« a I Surveyor General, T. K. Stewart; of the page and the date of the Miss Louise Gray was married to ...» .ja.ui . ■«. > «• i «riinlt iiiid i evi P. .‘iwr.uii ( T. M. Russell of Albany and the iti fieitr twF 1 Supt. of Public Instruction. W. G. month. Shop in Huston building, Rurne. Ju t «'i inaine ! ughrfu ecu ti .William • fruits of their marriage were two ;c i lattai d On liis way back to the Auditori ­ i Hyde: State Printer', W. N. Mac- mh«W. Ns.ble : kó I irhì Re<:fk iu Pr.«ci«.r ' children, a 1 oy and agirl. Mr. and i um Johnstone was taken withsevere kev; Ri g< nts St te university Os- i e' juuH.; r. 1’.a v • Per Yen creiuiah .. «-UBk ’ burn and Deal. The platform fa- chill, which threw him into a cata­ Mrs. Russell were not living hap-) AZAS W.U 11- -I- '1‘- »-'!’ S.V) >LK AND HARNESS SUOI AGAZI.M J.,hu Wa.iMiiiMkvT ' vors secret ballot and a constitution­ leptic fit. The physician at first pity together and about two months .EEkLY »N : )f.NU EE'iM i j . n . iMipb ,j c WELCOME - PuoritiETOR. al convention pronounced him dead, but after ago Mrs. Russell came to live with tu all utili rii* •» .1. tl. Aib« be i - - _ WASHINGTON, D. C. ur ilexitu ■ R. imiter ilcr.t.m.ii working over him for two hours life her parents, brineing the two chil-) C. A. SNOW & CO. ID UN.' OREGON. [ H..-VÍ1 V8 er Pu 1.1» CT Pa’e iia ob ained, and *11 patent bualneM attended to promptly and fur moderate faea. of theBu*ri4 ti'cn with her. Russell followed) ■ .K t .ev. . «•< '-ri e was again preccpliiile. Last nigh, There is nown distant from iiuarv ui tati Our Office ib < pp< Rite the L*. t>. Patent » flit c. and we can obtain ui leaa time thaa thuaa K . i hi.. Me ß i«»’ • iiont-d, luirffl L «J. »..«*• 4. I»»’ remote fro«n tVHalt.iifiou. ocii «spriM. ■A4. .-ibiKUi: clients in yuttrawn »talc uriuuntv, write to aix^e address. -AMI»- reixh. •ktf BUI MTp M. D < Ll> FORD Helena (Mont ), September 11.— to kill the whole Gray family. This! ■ the ;ars are fairly good, says a writ­ fvr 17» Jeweler. H *D » HAS. «•'. ilYi-K ,r e*, il voiuiMJ afternoon he started to get the chil- l er to an English journal—but the It is now ascertained beyond ones- K_(D; D. D ubt . n r by uni. KD; tlEXKV i-LH KAAX line runs through a dreary, wholly tion that Hugh Boyle was killed by dren. A boy held his horse in the! ih. ald bt ni* irmly : r Unii, lu »vvifi alley, while he went to the house uninteresting country, except possi­ Cheyenne Indians. turili W m . M illfm .W. h. UB.M F. He started from his ranch Fri­ and demanded the children. Mr«J bly, for the first hundred miles, a BLACKSMITH. T. H. K osertb ibi T. A. .w« K1NNON region abounding in wild elephants day morning to look up some cat­ Gray was present and refused tone- - A. A. co 1XO ADOLPH TUPKER - - P ru / i ’ W. E. ALHKHSuN and other game. The elephants tle. Not returning, a search party cede to his dema-ql. He attempted CNAS.NK FLL —GENERAL REPAIRING— are said sometimes to block the -tarted out to look for him. and on to take them bv force, when Hugh' A n . mkkm «« Huses and Cottage« AND ÍD) ) WR. ALTRO* roadway in a flock, paying no at­ Monday his horse, saddle and bri­ Gray came to his mother’s assist- j I’STlATin ’ rp» $ Ljtie Ho*«ni. mice, and the three engaged in a) dle were found. Later in the day tention whatever to the whistle of s Ycuag Boyle’s body was found in a coulee lively tussle. Russell struck Hugh : I). S. DOPE INS, A kchituct . the engines. aUhAM» OFFICE: Voltimi «IB* J. B HVMTIMGTOW Promptly executed. The building has been eu for which he received a (lit with a Kimberly was established about with a bullet in his head. Grund Mich. , Wltb 11«-'* ..H ARRIMON I k RLLÍY larged «nd Improved «nd ia prepared to «urn . ,11 a US’ Ml)! fnr^'Rh DmlgrRof Ifonaca < of’««'« and Ma- ai«»na rs-atlng fF«»wi |H00ea np to a«> «tut Nil kin' a . f i>in< ks » i hing on «bort n«dler tel- pen knife on the arm. filin'wanted. If *«»n meau l«> hulhl.»and |1 t<>nn a .dnaa and I wlllinal1)vuaportfc>- I ria erta1 a ami it. .he bet: «• > *e Tvrn.B < eeh. 1-iy 11.i of. :< dcRijin 4 of duel inga Hketheona on die E art O regon H erald wWb h. ai-, .»t» Et TORY. town with a large open marquet sgrathed to Mlles City f.r th- Cor­ drew a large revolver and aimed at full p'a i of ra h. full Rize de al a. t ompie c ape«»fl« a’i.«' - and Mil of materia a. al’ very R.J Mr, aMihaiaK full n id romp e «' a » anv «.r iinnrv r. If » mal V.>u w ill it na - heap to erec-t a han<f u.ibnrneG . iiuilar to the taking off of Boyle, at low figures. He lives in the tel. r - er ur>.a E? WILL Brv THf nnri.i. tyvf . whitfk warranted to do U'Ad K i ■ j ki -»y. N. at Buy <»na Hundred Dollar Machiua. 910 oft E’ti<»X (:,». O. A. K. Callie I r - rguson ran and cannot give the biisitKss the It combine« MMPI.K ITVwith Pt «ABILITY — .FEED. KASE OF OFERATIOW V red » i I» him ! ci rrugnt d mens Ft. I < . ..IKl •1 HAY .y Gil \ ■l e i i a « wears longer without cost of repairs Ilian any «th«r inschin., h«s r a ri .I.K'il I acr s ( Dilli 1 • li t. act I n pi event attention it requires. is his reason no >nkribbon to both) r the operation. It neat, substantial, niok- for ». iliug Tia re is m t a more llth g I IK ..mimrilM* tin . ilm I el-plated—perfect and adapted to al) kinds of typewritin g I are «.t w* v .iu.i fi- pii of property in Burna auVCfWp* Ulen I’rin in< Prt< it »sro*to4^bY, ¿Jak *• V*«« lite we .'vco.__i.-d .1 tv Lv. Cwi » A A..t* Í * . . BIRX’» AhVEHTISEtfKNTft. p oniMi OUB EXCHANGS THE BURNS REDAING ROOM. THE HOPKINS HOUSE. FATENS. JOB WORK. 1 y p e w r i T n