Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1890)
I=>uyette JXTursery, if YOU WISH A C003 r.E/OtVr® -on my part. Probably nothiiif til I.e star ed on his present trip %5F«.¥* 8MITH & WE880N 3 kept then from ’wiling but lh? con- front Derision. He a brace narrt err.uU,<3_„,______ ter .j... -------- . - ---------------------- . ::i ft eve ; . — - ; solation that I was to be between ote’ige to keep hie head in position, r. uL.nufae'.u el . wtoMuo.-.r.srFMxsBit:? i»:» an J ih j í¡x-t V-vke ui - 1 •> ,-5riW as without it his head would f ill experta, la CAJbrvd d., Y - them or.d the rncke. uuri.HjO. m : action. Saucy mm- f/ We went alowlv. on in silence, Upon dither his breat or eholders. doubl recrié aui farte t au-v.*. AM AUVEXItBE W1IH A MAKE Elût qur.liO- v.'ofrbt tÄSÜife Sitó tun .¡cd £ I without moving out arms or heads. His general health is gool, but L While travelling in South ¡;1 orjer to prevent alarm as much lias retired permanently from rail lea, I experienced many adventures, ns possible, lest the snake should roading after having follo ved it for <.n.n .tlfi.T Uni n-'.oe - ■ ■ J- 4>n® of which was particularly haz- gljje off or attack us in self-defense 30 year?. y vr4«>r-tcuiM>'. .apply r*u> ’’f',*!,- ' V ardous. I carried the lance perpendicularly i whln-ct-uopT' 't’< «rrui'H- tìvo oateAujiui wiJ 1 rt ■ - upp. «•fti- -• The sun had jost pa-“ted the me- before ine, with tha peint about a rid .an in fi cloudless sky; there foot from the ground. Th? snake' r. as scarcely a bird to be seen, for bad not moVed; and, on getting up, tbe-winged inhabitants of the for-, to him, I struck him with the lance est, overcomo by heat, had retired on »be near side, just behind the ; to the thickest shades; nil would neck, and pinned him to the ground have been like midnight silence Jfbat moment the negro next to me ■ were it • not shrill voice of — seized and . held ■ •*»•.* .v * V * thut * v the • - • I I O'. kA I the La •- 1 u 1,U. «114*1 IV 4 ’-4 . it v H firm I 14. 4 in 4 4 the pi-pi-yo every now and then re- place, while 1 dashed head fore- ^ounded from a distant tree. I was |ilust into the <kn to grnppk , tilting with a "Horace” in rn.v;the suuke, nt.d to get hold * of its 1 arid, when a negro with his little tail before it could do any mischief 1 jo nui 11 Id k «fog came dow n the hill in haste, On being pinned to Hie gr u id Cannot bo ssGce’bfully traveled with out cood I C2?th. To roach uea'th or any r od informed me that a snake had with the lancl-. it gave a tremend oove.oJ pct Jen h li e requires thofurf 1 een diacoverad. and that it was a ous loud hiss, and the little dog poscctclon ar.d creratloncf r!l the to ultleiLIr.d ratura t.23 cnicv<cd us with. young one called the bush.naster. u ' ran aitay, howling. We had a Combine» the Juice of the Blue Fa:» of There cetr-tttonqesnnot exist tmteeelM rare and .poisonous tried. I in- sharp fray in the den, the rotton I Califorbia» so hxmive f ml n- ’r-wotii, phyJcd being is in perfect working with the medic* al vim et cf plA.T* or’er, and this is Impossi-to «'.•« the stantly rose up. and laying hold ot sticks flying on all sides, and each known to be most b. ^eib'i *i^to ^lb » llv:rand spleen aro torpid, thus obstruct fin eight-foot lance which was close party struggling for superiority human system, forming tbc ON i - H-.<- i ing t:.e f&crstons, educing Indigestion erd c'jtpeps'a, r.’.h g !I cf tbol? iicccm- FECT RLMEDY to art gc»U,' yet by uie, started to have a look at the • -pi^, 8ceond negro threw himself up- par.ying horrem. promptly on thi tnonster. I was barefoot, with a» l)n me. aa I found I «M not heavy DR. HENLEY’S KlDiiWS, LI7EK AND KW English Dandelion Torse r id hat and cheeked shirt and trolls j enough, and the additional weight I —■AND T > — •xorU a specific Ir.fluenrs over tho liver, ere on, and a pair <rf braces to keep . Wit„ ,,f great service. 1 had 1 ow excRcs 11 to healthy action, receives its Cleai!SBi:i9System Effectually, them up. The negro had his cut | gl(t a flrll) ij0]d of thu tad. and, at- chronic engorccnien’3, cr.d p.-cnotes t!io THE HERALD. Of Páyele Idaho. Hii’sS HARDY TREES SPECIALTY. TLU — A. THAT *- ASK FOR IT! mBOFTiCO. i 1 L Lr, IN Nur e*y, coiiipnsiiig E»ten»iv* acres, is located one half mil« fron» Pay ette depfrt, on the O. 8. L. Ry. Tb* Narotry has <k>ne more to j to- mole fruit growing U». East Idaho ern Oregon nml than all o.htr Ntw sclie.^combined. ns the tress are ac- clima »ed and such va riet te are effured fot sale that j in lip? eoercticr.c; euros IndlgocCon a.'.d consti hss, and w® ascended the hill; an-;u.r a Vioiellt struggle or two, th. PURE BLOOD. pation, sharper. 3 the appetite, up REFRESHING SLEEP. ihaentl.o cyetan, end makes life worth other negro, armed with a cutlass, gIiake xuve in. While the first re living. HEAL1 H and STRLNCTH joined us, judging from our pace | ,,ro continued to hold the lance firm Natiirrilljr follow. Every one is li'ir.g it that there was something to do. I to the ground, and the other was sn t ¡.I! (U-i.gbted with ii. A >"U< dn:(’£,st fur SYRUP C-- J-1G3. The little dog came along with us, helping me, I contrived to unloose f.,c ej or.l / by Ito and when we got about half a mile mV braces, and with them tied up C=r CALIFORNIA. FIG SYiw? CO. in the forest, the negro stopped, and the snake’s motith. S I'lfANCiSCo. C al . pointed to a fallen tree; all was ‘OFX, ' : 1. . ! We contrived to make his snake Still and silent. I told the negroes ! ship twist round the shaft of th.- I not to stir from the place where1 i nee, and then prepared to cotiv. -, they were, and to keep the little : it out of the forest. I xtood at itr I dog in. and that I would go <m nud i THE SELF-THREADING head, and held it firmly under nn ïïn L ee . ** Why, ?.ddie. you ncc’n - c j&bo’îi reconnoiter. I ndvai c. d up to the j arm, one m-grrt supporting the bod;. UI I only eaid ;.n. . lice v.:is r*. vr y weil- Informed i.ouia, c..d I uac., jv4follow place slowly und cautiously, At ’ ami th ■ <;th ,-r the t.i 1 In this or- BOT ài ta. ., ..:i L e le. . ” “Tes. rv.d ? ‘ week you su’d you i last I made the snake out; it 1 wa- I could l.ia. a u l ; ; .ok r. j et. .LL us . <. begun to move slowly to i wklud /ben.—and she v.ak • ■ -T. Lu* w-iuaitu. Lox not poisonous, tut large enough I to nik whsi 1 ha vi n’L” ward home, and reached it i fo-i a.*e ML-t. aXv ¡at I j that ?’• I have crushed any of us to death. >l::a LTD. “ t. cl!, the it i- all 0? I er ra reBting every ten minutes, for the ' tion from t’’*J '’n^dz no t. »>7 tr. :c. 1 On ascertaining the size of th. knows a.: tiiat ts coin;; on rr.'l is b: lit pr.d -nake Was t- b heavy for us to nip ehe In ‘t nr<* com ent. -l.dnin^ i 1 iva }, I cun d c.:» cs serp.-nt, I htired stowl. the wav 1 Mell «3 eho Cot’ If 1 hr. tho irne rotino of bined the fin p irtil wi h mt 6te>-p-ng to recru: Information, bho 1 ■•trie too 1 - pc mu ber of het est mechanic came, and [> o u i d far 1-’.la . blegasina lr.rc’y, r::d 1 k. rr c r..< re in one 1 our h i.r stii . -oh As we proc cd-d o rcftdir'’. oboi:.- \ rio. •» ßtxkl 1: I '' f <1 t n al skill (1 h *< the negro v.! j In -ho vn it to in. U pics ©/the (:fty. r-ra.l w . J p c ; c;> I d f iuoe C i -..rd it f.i-.m: : h ird for fi - L t my ecco., c’i :u v,-.!.h •? .•..■ifl. * IiCtnr-t. 17 useful iind one to the other who h->-; j - ozt.ry top’5 it.ur J, n t 0 rev. a cl and pr.ifiiiH! I- ni, ¡mt i'. was all m vain. Th Coverà t e t?y d<-' .a to t-e t. tni’» o I on-v’.vr. : •.; us. Aware th:.’ the day was..nth: and 07CT4 '•'( w boa u.lilubiraicn. tco. lay was n.nv t .o far spent to thi I ife/y L. ri :..a.ù o 'Q.j ever ; j t?o z.ltn? t .e fill kn nvn nd decline, ahd that the approach co .ion bro’: r-n m tu f rt- yen t<> t.-o . di.-, - cling t II rd 1 killed it vnniag's that bemjrc-L'1 .- Family -.e m lb. • tories rro night would 1.-. he'. : alto th geo I. Jh l i boya - iK'tfori every i. onth. make n s< w. ■partial putrefa. t.on would h..v so ex a pince i ; foiud ort en J o in it? piper pnd disicctiop. I th- -Ig'lt '. . I w :- j !-i in 2 machina Mr. Aina ewetrs l y it It i r a"y • oi.derfU ’akuii place i-efore moriiing 1 h U. w It stiiu every ineinb r of th y I ” desirnblc t> take it I Imagined, t.. i, it I Mu L e •• • til porha rllid. .rEcnr’fcra nr: ugh! ith me the forest i, Specimen Cop j» ; 1er. ititi vnytLir.-; lite wthl you coll or use. ,u U could strike it with the lance l-enm ■ 1 rung bag, a gc ornuigh to c mtai perlt'ólainu •? andins'rnc tl.é’.\i o!o fus.” ?ii s I. .u. ■ ( . co lint V7 •■•.nnings Demon«». ELDREDGE MFC. CO. the head, and pin him to th- I’..« publisher. 15 ' r.sf ’ t’i f tre r ber; York, fi any anitn-il I should wa it to dis otïcrla.; t • s;nd a Spcci^o i ( opy tur loc*r.ti. to r-tt::y r?..;l«i!e C£;., «dividero, Ill. ground, I might succeed in c iptnr- W3 ctu t lose r.j thlr-.;. ■ « cìu h nutrì er contain« sect.’ I considered this the Ic-t a iLti.rn Or <r’ «wtiU n>r (he .’.•>«< ct to fdv — / JJhr’/r.-,7* I !■<!., Ctlrarji^ tng him. When I told this to th.- l^L-.-ra >lic ia :v chodi . ¡n r-r.y ci. o- v.birbi ¿V«I’orfc- 1 mode of keeping alive wild animals Mone vu'bf ? ■ ;• •• v-rr . and I jr.-1 v.r. t a I ick t ’ 3 c.-.i . !... .Mr. . . ik i's The negroes, they begged and entreated I when I was pressed for daj ligh: w ’ k r’pM rj p i ç :3 . ¿y ¿rj a ye r; nnd ! muet if / 1 Cua’t ft-c I. a -.- fry C°n 1 iiblibh M me to let them go for a gun and f r the I ng, yield d to every d r e- i elegant a ila.a^lac r u* Hd.c laoaey.” bring more force, as they were sure ti. n to their afforts. they would the snake would kill some < f us. v?û wLl BìR-I C” antira r.u cf Tfr-vy Vaiagli!« have nothing solid or fixed to work i Ba .n «ittumeratad and ueat'ribed behnr, to erery sul*- but I had neen in sear.-h of a large sa, ».^r to this paper for tba en-ulti y ro.T, who rcatits on, ami thus would be prevented flAw'j G’rtf-i in aJlmoû » the re '.1- vrlpt.oo F/ Serpent for t ears, and now having ft E c . Then-’ rook-, •’ voli od " u 1’ whi- 1 cunt ih . s h < ni j from making a hole through it. I pitÆj first ’f' -iv*’ I ' r vt‘. i vi ki ! ivtiì-kwas M.1 popular ftuMi' are r . itti • .n ac-at pati i ..ì-* eome up with one, it did not bl- j «ay iixi d, f-r after the mouth of the J fortn.j'tint-O'l frou -od 1.-« r.b.» '■ , '• <¡r- -roo-.i parer, LOU1SVUA.E, KY. su.; in iaj* Ot i .•; ‘t-i . 1 • 1 • ' -•-■*• r. come me to turn soft, Ho, tu king .».'tao <*t Cha fi» "*t "0 ■ > *rlit.«*n by snt..*. et I -ag was closed, the b g its. If w. s R m loading Afrirult-.s1 ! erna! cf JauUi ai.i VA.t. rtlsj the qreat >-t aal wost P’*p thir write! hoth «>f A tue-fi a cutlasB from one of the negroes. ca and Boro¡ o. E acìi one . uoto. ’.e. In itself; i not fastened or li. d a..y th.n;, but y 215. Ur«.Caud!fl*3 ni inîn l.crtnres. B» Made by roa mers for Farmerc. and then ranging loth the sai.k- D0ÜG1..U J» |R ’ • ' old ; d ' ■ ry ! .t.tiy. Tue | moved id out wherever the animal As a record of sueccs»«ut agTicwlitu «, K; mu yonnger ai ' ùii ha g !- -r u-enrrauon should i'-'i'A tbeic. Stj. ; .i K.1 < cnt«i - -4 of:i r F fthoan- r-lavcs behind me, I told them to and F arm has co ;.l. E’/crv ’epic • thorof ” Ri ih « 'c'a -.-«tresin New York." inside caused it to roll. After se- to aRricu.lure ir '.•[x.-Hly •• jn It ; eolnrtns A Croat h xtuorous t-* >’< • v Advi a popolar ntithor. follow me and that I would cut by tbe farnierA the h . i<••:-.«. . • -pared 2 c. 2ij fiotv to M :• ìm -:imi ‘•»nv»* Monev ojì u ing afresh the mouth < f th. in securing a b !. ..ceuiii.t cf ever; rouble suc- Hie F a >n. *• ’ • ■>! » f usef'il lac;«, them down if they offered to fiv. tinti and sn for •! tn<' ■■ and "nrdnnera. cesa ou rhe faiiH. :» .■ discinet!veiy the No 2»7 !'• • » Ecu til t«* Ilio Moon. A monstc", it was f.rc.d into this big, F armers ’ own paper . «N’oval Bv-Tfi. 3Vt:n\E. When we g< t up to the place, the No 213. Tì*e L.ct’p Oí 1 TTan «>f »l e Batís» A record <‘*f their I M’y rie»nin a furai and 1> f to its f ite till morning. n »He«. A Novel J\ re ; »■■ hi .-. v . and language whit-; in :L-? it ¡.¡aid to al!. serpent End not stirred. I could No. ¿if N l> > e .uu» ■.iü:u;;:t, Ey I cannot say it allowed me to M R. F ITS LIST OF CONTR BUTOR3 see nothing of its head, and I ¿Ji. The» I. F.trm Bride. A NcveL Contains the naninsof the •■■.jAr nrogrtf«.:^ form By No. M .1 A'., r B1.1 ; [ have- a quiet night. Mv hummock ers of the South and «Vest, i .. v do nc». trenjt Nn. tn. Siman Berritk’. Daughter. A Novd. judged by the folds of its body that of theoretical firuiing, but of the actual condi B>- M. r c.f bf.-R. was in the loft just above him, and tions which confr v.1t tir. to-day : 13 P. Jo) nson ; No. ¿li. The Ihirou*» Wi 1. A Nov«;!. By Pvt it must te at the furtherst side o! Waldo F. Brown • tttury S tewart : Joi n M, ,--abl ; rives C >3i’. -I " ' the fluor between us half gone to de A. N». 213 'ih- rem nf lilthat .1 PnrJon. A P. Ford Jtif. WVioor ♦ Huah T. E. ;vks : Tohii bis den. A species of woodtine1 ’. By B L -'I' Edgar ; hteelc •* Ra’-o-’. . T E I’ l’.dv tn « ad a Novi No. öb nine’».bird 1111!. A orci. Cy E jthe * cay, so that in parts of it no boards C. host of others make this *01111:31 indisp«usable. 8 m e K:: n ti- had formed a complete mantle over Moreover, it is equally No ¿♦'!. Th- Gu;cr«slai»*s Plot. A Novel. By intervened between his lodging ai d Dr. J H R •'»o A HOME MAGAZINE. the branches of the fallen tree, al N 2«1. The G» a y Í.»leo;:, A ï o «4. By M. T. mine. He was very re-t'es. and Every subject of intere***, to the horne-Tnok''r is C ” .non. 21». The <t»rr<iw of A Scci’Ct. A Novel most impervious to the rain or th. fully treated, aì . u v n. LoisCn’e?by, Mrs. Ci • U «'• fretful: nt d h id Medusa b< cn m Brown, U ta . I*avi<. ù -, Miss Cabcil, blits Mosbv, Bv "No «U» •_ . 1* and the Prophet. A Novel rays of the sun. Probably the snake ; Alice Winst«ou an«; -, score of others vrVl coairib- ß«* Wii :t : C * i . i ■ wif-.-, there could not have been ute regularly. No ¿37 Th;* S-i»rv of •• at «•»’<?!«•£ Itiag. A had resorted to this scqm st.r.-i i Kovel. By th • author of ■ i - : rhoroe.'" FAITH LATH Jo. U*®' -vi» V :.»•«•’.» Towiptatlnn. A more couth lie I an I disag ■ c. le Is in charge c*f ©Mr Nor !. *•, Mr_. •! ' V W - * . Childt ei place for a length of time, as it her. No. 237 A ’•< ni»'.«--« < •• i-el!.». A Novel. Bj she has the neculiar iaculi h ssing in tl e 1 e.'- h -n.b r t int tcregting th® aut hor <>f ‘ D >• • nud hi-Uructire. the marks of an ancient s. N - -2U. The lslanl .n . A Nov J. By M. T THE MASTERY CF T n ght Al daybreak I ie it to bm- O’ '.'-H. ft. 1 now took mv keif -, de'< r uin.-d Nn 2TL The Fa V Glove. y 0LAX* I.s a thrilling stiry appearing AC,ca: mw ten ef the r.ey:o s who wer F ak . m . by John R. efuMCk. .»nd to cut away the wot dl inc, ui.d attention. Short Fiori.-, by disti; cutting at a distance, as 1 appear from time to time. break the twigs in the gentlest man-, ARFS li.T7E ägk'T-« MP Judged it most prude .t to have a ?xppear in each BILL ncr possible, till 1 could get a v.ew issue, ord this b go..«! for. e. in case besh uld try to pher was neve* more hnc.-et-ti of bis head One negro stood guard ' 1.N 11. di i'-se:ipe from the 110111*0 when we close behind me with the lance nud H ome ano F.-. rv speaks bold-.y 1 opened the bag. 11 >w.-v r, nothing Uhalf cf • ranr.trs’ X: r ’.;U 1 near him the other with a eutla-s vision cf the tariff in beh.-lt* of the i “eriotH occured. ! We untied the roftiis icr the f-r'ni'.r ; Fr;e The cutlass which 1 had taken former : Co-operation tua .- k t' *.•. hag, kept him down I ;■ çriin fexki is to ” TruetA.” Its mot! from the first negro was on the t ai.” Trade end RHhwrs’ ! I force, and then I cut hia throat. ground close by me in ease of need fie bled like an ox. Bv six . 'c •< k After working in-lead silenC foi i'ihe same evening he w is complete a quarter of un hour, with one knee i Iv dissected. all the time on the grv.und. hut On mensuiing him afterwar«*, h clear, d awav enough to hi I was found to le sotu. thing more head. It aptx-ar. d coming le- J than fourteen feet lonf. Th s tween the first and second -pc.-ies of snake is very rar -, n< d hi»body, and was I) a on the ground •- Thia was the very position 1 w..-hi .1 ¡nnrcli thicker, tn proportion to length, 'han a. y other snake in the it to be in. 1 rose in wilence, and forest; one fourteen f-et in I.- gth is retreated very slowly, tuuki'ig a as thick as a common tea of twen sign to the negroes to d - the same We were at this time ,-.i , ut tn ... ty-four After skinning this snake. I «■ ul.l « wily get my h«-id i:it< its yards from the snake's dvr 1 . o,v mot,th, as the formation rsng.-d the ne^roe® lehn d m. . and a»4e'» rtnry • t Stanl.-y’s rroi»ul f ar/.. s • "I t:» d.Wlu» • « Í I. * i i of the j iws admits a w. mdc: ful ex ’V .lap ar f.y i.,v C • t a- in t 9 told him who stood next to i nr to tension. (1.8. V*. r«-< • 1) » n t b a d c Iz ib» p.)y o p,.. lav hold of the lane. tl,. t «a a-», i-,,...... ... ,:.rt .. ~ — c< «4.., L«. 1 Struck the ,.k.. htt thv ’»h-»»•«»«! ni. at r>i® j .* a vmt a ì e nrf other must attend m V e n<—vj-ri Ir ' ia ; x le. it. . 4 i-btü. EJ r ron<lii< - ♦' ’ 21»"* ’»U**en a •ü! -u » ». It now only r. mai ... tv • • * ' l.elr tor o . (j'.IJT'F 1 ln <* »">'<»>« mir and » : ..<-t cutlass, s from th. in. to i v . . *u. e T x.i-, i-roti * 11 n CHARLES SCRIBNIZiV SONS if I did nut disarm them, t h> v ea .raidn; axut egr-i«e .. ca :;r. ,.f Ju f si 1I‘ -* : » y .'** ûj would be tempted to strife-- the h « w V A. L. [ snake in tim*- of d.kiigrr. ami tliui» I W: h, is forever lus ski 1: -* “> COST STREET, On (..King liv.d U I . AM SCX their cutlasses f our them, if 1 . Il! AgcattforV.e Cd.ut tnigbt judge from thv’.r physiogoo M J. 0 t my. thev se.-m«d to n y amt t r a moat int«.!-.-at.!« a«t of uraunv U.Ì rated Lv. Al lira Known .0 fit uri h rnuuiry. hrive and in the mountain The “IDAHO'’ pe; will be » ffi red in limited quan for the fir t dine »his year. TLl a i.a ive uf Idaho is eomducred th k.;.r grown end is ex remely b: r< j.o f'il to i)lum a few trees, del re s, Pa j e ‘. Absolutely c N ur »ery, Paye.te !| P eto . ,nhd .¡»Ml nolJ »nd H maki »ntl I .raid «nd tl raid and Al< Cach addisi*» 3 teuia extra tji’C-oldsoÇeDS^r CP rOCK/’vi-D, n.LINOIS. '.- Ah/r’ied T-.V utv • •. .• « - - i but *-.-¡n. <r f r i.i th-.- ,. . .u p<;«•; in «mir ., » ¡t i .. o Ï - ; 3 15P-9. «0 columns I í:.-.-« tai mi., urpar- truth and » r.»it , f.iichur; ive’< han .'. llaveatlcau Luiiiì.v- li bua 1 v Lobbie» ur h i>p y the piacu of vil«*, o* ¡ , 1 • - . i ,.i -t ‘ ■ we. I i ..- . •-. in i i tii. l 11 •• old pfjpic • alu’ ¡tí ; '■■R.'.--' mon ,i:v b'-'rfnl A a’-rnum »aiu , , > a . . n-r,.. ••• »i «1 t Bl.üô u 1 rnr. J m -»> '.lui:. .'Latple tree. r.;ü!. ' ‘ Viu^FSTFßE’teira , * | ¡ ■ STENGER Hotibgs WÜ iT.S LOiüÛW branded Right Either or ” Z' ì Ì ht ’ F<‘-t £ |$Ff* ouoopc* in| r’' the w»*rld. Our tï. iliib-nem unoptaled, and to in’n dnr-oar superior good* we will R-ndri: : a " »ooar piRsoir in earb l.wnlhy, a- abwe. Only tho».1 v ho m rite g» to hr al onoacen niako *nrv of K the chance. All you have to <!«> in Aj r« tun. iu to rhow oui y ■ •<» to S Ütooe V ho oakl—voiir uvighhore and th'-Fv around you ’I he he- ,-fnuinfl. of thi* mhiTiheraent .I,. amali .«,«,,11 e»i<! i H' . ah tv ® tii» -f th, the tele- KcpJ- Tho iUlowli.-g cut frfvw •>'" oppeamute ol it reduced»«* linage— Gratit county, Oregon. PEN d . vn < I i a i;.-i:u •y”- STENGER ALMEDA H,.>nt Hat flfilHh part of ils bulk ft is n rnm>L <*• u»dc »lie t<-U- vorw. i- l.-irge V- L. « asy r.- ,.1 ; ry. Wo will ako »bow you how «»u ten make from 41 toSjklO ■» -Uy n» frost, fi-nitti-* 1 ... i. tirite r v.,i V h uli «•tl.r-’ m Ni < twrg#®. .uirviU. Ovtex-H rii i «• ImiU-r ut IV«. .. pur I) wKpr Udíei», I!. llALUErr ACO.. B« BöV, ToUftAÜ», MX*!«. C attle wkíüíi T . I A r. l’EK'.' M Mi.ii-jjr- i • » I I*-' l.> l-AZ'tf ■ r. u luv rrvctv* r.rKÿ - . r branded , " hl- S «t .'«ai« W I»* «bcNii.. ,me h ..yy i'-, ■ HKi.i 'O.h the • <•:»»< ..f vriitr. ’ Tj$, b- und V.-'uinfioniqfKJ^L, '** « m k ninvtitUR SA' s ves »V ii.ti|, P-» ng«Kl« .’ S jzcs Afe pei «t j. >vjii<a .h* id vert per VelU.IHJ; iuf fl m »MlBjfftrrtal i Io h t mes fur ei.h ÜX 1^9. '»* ìGiHiing w m Leeen: 61 ¿B l f Cipt .d »I. J I ;1 •„ Kvinitiuiite» should tene - M. hic - oraer. r .li.Lius J..-!iHLà#i-4(Kjé RILEY & HA RD TN Addreww ISAAC FOSTEh. lloruip.s branded on HARrER’S B à IAK u M"N iilngihu eai ituiuUiiitiA i.Biii. » b i« uumeruii ii.uM ;> u <« tu.t. ] Ml vri. ihril mjl i.igpft.Biihle alikei® iheUtl lie pr.iitf-BiuiiMÎ mo<ii». n niaki.iK t» «rtiaih- itnfl kight». orucr. lucieitrcb« p m h uiKi ¡buughtfu etM <■ u u ! B I.s |Ugc Iiai:ki8 4l t’ATff.h branded on Left HCw ^-*4 * \ M l A V» Un der-blt tn Rigtii ear, \ J. !f I ck*v upv I'cfl **r HAK1EKS 111111 Per Yw Smcahcrop. Report Ceri j HARPER’S BAZA* HARPER'S MAVAtlSI HARPER’S WEIklV rt'im .lAKPhK’S yolng ......... j -- I'. F'H-r I !'•<' 10 H-l ' '-.¡alOra S.u.vs. ( aim!.», urMexiw, - Range: (-'rant, Cr«>0^ and latke cotiutien. r. (>.—Rite.. Gra.v. Aantv. urejuU. l 7-\ AV. B TODIIUNTFR I I i (pCátS^O £tlT!p% I ; iiorme » are The «1 u nc» of the Biar number fui January of '**-* _, , ir ! i tn e i r n 1 u; ioned. su> i.i h the Numb«r<urre«.: • f <«n er. , 1 «.uua volunntof Harpen . earic ne« «-I.» h bin’iiJt. p. a M e Lai-I- . f b> e*p,at ' M1xT»» pr.,\ii.e•-. * he irdghi 'IvtSkv' bn j er . fvT fl ‘,w i i.,ih rufi-e LreaihvuluiM^^^^M runt by miL MÄ< h■ iau . r.e 1.1 ta « sb. aid •* M./i.C' • mier vt UrafiJv tf*™ €N1 Airv.„ HAZI’IUMd branded with “.S-wren<h”«>n rhe Left thigh. kn «e Grant and MalheureountM. P. u. aùiirirs .nr: », Graia co . Oregon. AX H.LV»nATtl”^M Harper’s Y cu '¿5 m | he E’ewnih Volnm««f b.e. Ubi h i. -r.\ i»*!i. yr.wwz 1 will « fer i.< it« r»’ ‘ . ■■-------- . tbc ». « 1 a ! le ng. h, an« *2“ ' —w J ’vin r«' Hre Hundred Ooltars for * .>-.ouiiaiu; "Phi: ai d -h« 1 * — > METridJ ttie »rr«<v ai», eun^lrtiva of anv nud Mu her's ») * ?r ’? k‘ ¡ r. ’ r ‘ » f «h* tv.,» th,.rt se ihm i'X • A*« k ef th., above nrainl or below Jag «here!». T a . ftirii « .4 f HIT' r« Vf iw 1 li.»!, uf luve * »MUw q’.aini h ■ * ',-id b> ar»h dir» FHied by M«« ai;T>rc-'' vrl-i b FdwaN ¿T* ui.l ».-e Fh. !- M ■ r * ±W!> ■ .. .........». I’ h ^ ‘ 1 ri.,t Prrwe.4f ftp-<> ¡ butterwuHh ftoph-« **r W $ ^On P rinters - I nk A JOURNAL FOR ADFLRTfSLRS.