BURNS ADVERTI^ j on this side of the water; and old Not l«-o. when lie saw the detailed neeounts themselves and yotng will read with interest THE HERALD Alb persons knowing pl, ase ..... toiai-l profit the curious fiiets a> out which certain r< | id liean » ; )<rs indebted Lee t’aldw 11. gave of hi- going to Maine to earrv animals eml odie«! in “Disguise» in a i' il.l’i n W ednesday , sept : ihi : i < and sitile, for I r.m in i.er<l of Animal Life,” and iofl-sli.il « rals! monev to I eat Reed. As a matt r hen I h vo'< y to send ai.d get a wi .ter a I uhi of f.u-t. Mr. Gorman ha» n. ver leen money w-,11 be inv« »te«i with a now interest ■ Ml -irrippi I .* M-. c iivirn. ( lit- r« stuck of liquor. ch ts. w . in it'. < woman's in the state of Maine in his lite. after on has read about "The First; .iridi in tin the step. H.cr.tarv Ru.-k should Ii .ng ¡li Jits Armor-Wearer*. ’ In lad, every flout»** und Sale* TlIE passage of tIo- :mi land I :w I <»• ? f mp. thy forth«- . ..... liten of Davy Crocket’s motto “Be sure you page is as go«nl as it can he. Dem hi re [ A good house and L t. situated i orest’s Family Magazine is the ideal which withdraws from s« ttl n.ei.t «. F X .»r «lenire in In II T jiiFti. e. : are right a «I tl.i'n g«> Iiheud I” w here Dealer in General Merct of lie i an See it all tin- time. Then in the town lit l nr e. cuii be pur- I _____ BlOSt of public domain vest o'" tic tu I to i i • o . e th .'.l i ie s ( p rhap.s he W 'll'd not III. kcal other chased ch. ap. ! ■ 1 ! ?" House i magaziue. I Mississippi The eft', cl* of wl.i h |? llt this iiioiitu there is a S|H'einl AT THE OLD sta X d , li'.ldiog the supremacy «»I w« ’ II built ai.d furnished inside, con- • bit. » I ore already visi le. p iwi-r Th. s in', as the guv rn . such I ad hr«; k as he did when he t lining 4 rooms and one store attraction; the new List of Club Pre B uhns , H arney Co,0ltoj We understand that the reg-'s’i-r* ini i . lb. lase ■ f the le g o v. I stt.li d in an oil vial umili unica r,,oTU |,„t SOxltlU f « t Warrun- miums. Not only is there a host of our I inno ■« Foil > lit Wl.it«« stJrk of the general land ollie«'* are «. will I e given. Apply at 1.1« K race timi that I arh-v is the ■ oil ceri.il te,. i lint og .. hand.-ome as well us useful i.rtielesj IlfCIIAl.D ollie«*. dered to reject all final pr. fs o' li r Jit ot of which tlivre is lint raised a suf not i rimisi offered, inclul ing materia) for un homesteads, pre-emptions ..nd tim i hey t h”ii. Ill lii'i.t.cv for home cu.ioumptioii. elegant silk dr.ss, but the morel w- rthv, Allei»i< >0. ber cultures and de»« rt la d ’’'.ill i -al.mcc fl W.dnesl iv Sucr.tary Evarts pre rin.ply In la than liberal off- r is mr.de ih. t ii Ofall persoi.» stili indel ’ed to wherein filing' were made aft se. .t, <1 to the S •nate a coiiimuniea- po i i-r. this generous list does not inc.udc October 2d 18^8. tio.i fum Usiy.-gn N Y I» «.»rd •>! u d rsigmul on lsasr O keg . n II eii - ths thing or things desired, the pros . Trade, ew¡itr.,dictiiigá‘'cretiiry Rusk ai . ii uccouut.s 'ixt eubscriptions The injustice of such n law fi I I. . pective getter-up of U club R'iiv a:.d f I i . i v Ì ig t;i it ve ra.se 1 1 i.OJO,- su se«;liciit to NoV 28 1889, advel- plain to Ivo seen; it pro’ i its fur write to the pu. Usher stating what UTO.», i C Si pt. lUlh. lo'JO ! ■ ulto b istlels Ilio th I l A ’Cl l-UI II I tising a. d jo Work «Ione prior to ther settlement of public la: d*. i d A'.. would l.e lik d lett. r, and special M .reh 1. 1890. is calle«! to thè fad l..rm«>ny of the mu k«*.- ui.d i last ieur. deprivi s tl e s t'l-r of all igl.ts h terms will ie imide for the coveted ,4» i» hi 'ij ii <»s pre-1 It looks Vc> . mm h lik M . i.-r-i th.it payment must In- nr.de before ruay have aequind by re.isim o 4 r nt arliele. Theotferis unpri cedented, settlement ai d In pr. Vi III ' t Ilo', V lis among the repli ¡i .11 S • . if I . risoli would • givenal opp rtui.it; lotti day of Si ptem'ier, 1890, to TO I I. ET A RTICLE8, G(,A«ÿ f anv thing from n paper i f needles .«..d Hie closing de ote u.i t many settb is have located in « h ... ¡to i to Vito v. to tin iln Riv. lite, rumi rami liar or ur It), ••;.v«' further cost of eolhetiou. Io the complete furniture of a house D. L G race . west since Octo er 2d. 1S88’ ? ..ri.. i ill. p irt.cuu.rlv . upon ih • Í |it. thieate ii. d to do < arly in the ■ heii< obtainal lo without paying out < m . city aii.eiidiiK nt. would hav ' s .-sai i. it I...S ■ <•< I. >< l> ri. d I m I • tiri Oregon Aug. 21, 1890 great many of them, Making va' 1 • 4 cent I able and exoensivr improv, n e / - ---------------- - ' Published by W. Jennings Reniorcst l-’Olt SALE. The government at the tin., i.iet tli.il the prosperity ot this! Senate mm inline, t are pr .< t:< ..liv 15 East 14tb St., N Y. j country tor solije years to come ' l( clia: g'd. promising a title when certiii: I predict that Mr. The lhd Front Livery Sta'le. A Large Ag,ortiMi,i •stipulations were complied with , i. vu.vid therein This is the way p Harrison will sig it io spite of the j siiuated burns, opposite tin I siimited in Hum*. Exihai ges nil over Washington Every inducement was held nut to Aei.ator Edmunds paid his respects .25,OtO,(X)l), which it curries. [ n n i.s i.s hotel hotel Mr. Mr. Wilson offers are printing this sig nfiea it utter Fifc’E O’J TLERY. persuade persons wanting horn- - to Mr Blaine's idea: "A.< to recipro R p esc .native Kennedy of ()o <■> this vi.luaih Livery Si.-.I le for san to locate, promising to give a ti'l city with Ce. t al and South Amer comp.ired Senator Quay to Jud .s i ,t low figure?, lie lives in the ai.ee: Has just i.een Rrcdvu!, "Mr. Harvey Scott, the editor to Mid lands at the expiration of .' lea, the demand of a country for Iscariot in .i *|i. e -h i 1 th-: J > idu ! country, some distance from towr.. aid proprietor of the Portland Ore PHYSICIANS' BREST'RlFT’ONs- t.lTi!. given time. commodities does not di pend as ; yp,ri) r.pu liean harmony, and cannot give the business the gonian, in a recent interview in Se Now the government refuse* to much Upon number» as upon the , é F" Everythii g inan i tud pule ai«d «>f ¡i, attention it requires, is his reason attle, was asked his opinion m re- fulfil it* part of the contract Bi t [ state of its soci. tv. its wealth and for selling There is not a more A II..I '! C. nier, igard to the Mi-Kinl.-y t ill, and | as such laws—if even the g. v. ri ! b civilization. When I look at ■ v.dii ,b!c piece of p opert v in Bu • H The age <130 is a hard c<> ne»- fai.d fit.y oi.< disiliig to invest in ¡replied: ’It is simply lik«1 all oth.-r ment does forfeit their pirt o J n. Central or South American ! efforts—a piece of patchw« rk. as the contract—are favora* !<■ to *_> r. ! Lite, I think thi.t any one bun- for a wcnrin to turn, and 85 is still that kind of prop rtv, cannot e ter dicates cf land grabber*, the co; ired aver.qp' people m North Amer- harder. SliC Oils that rhe is fust 'hcmsilvesin any town. Call im hiny iffi rts shoit of absolute tr. < science of the government is entire ea have, during the la.-t year, con- leaving lu-r y out li ehi d her. Im m iliatrlyatthisoil.ee or on Mr I trad" must l-e. It is conceded on ly easy. | mm d more of the products, liter théie is no reason why a woman W ilson, for vi.u art- likely to lose all sidis that some ilit« rest must It waa supposed that this arid I hamlise, ibi d aial clothing that go sin old I e faded and piasse at thir i ' argnin. The Sta' le is just what i be protected. But "the trouble ie -ach man wants to put the other on WM. II GXÀ3. land law was gotten i.p tn nclaii« t.i make up the comfort, luxury, ty five or even at 45 The ehi it we reconyw^.'d it to be. «he fric list. I am in theory a fr-.«' desert lands, but the facts of the .nd luitipiiKss of mankind than e .use of .the early fading of Amer trader, but doubt if it will come in i aac are it was to I cm fit or in the any orfe thou*:ii.d average people ican women is found jin tin fact Bui!<Iit«g in Burns. i this generation. However, it iJ sure This House has an ide and well knor.n n»m«'. ,i interest of the land sharks,. An in the Central or South American that many of them 'stiffer irom fe lluiidingrf recently completed ; other dodge by them to get control ¡State». Therefore the expectation male weakness or disease which I Ware-house, Ly J. Ih.irklieirner A ¡ to be the inevitable result in time.' m nt of the present proprietor it is bound Ugnt nf largo tracts of “to called” arid «if the United States being able to robs the free of its bloom, draws Co.: blacksmith shop, by 1*. F. ! Yet. notwithstanding this, the Ore tame ami renown. No pains spared to plus land by reclan.ation. dispose of a large increase of its j dark circles al out the eyes, blings Stenger; clvngCT) iwellr.'J house nollbv by ,,y Or- ! gonian is a firm adherent and de It was thought bv those syndi products there, is, in my opinion, | early wrinkles and salb.wnci?, and/: vj| Rusk. (lwt.1Iing |)y T. p. narris [ fendant of the MeKiiib v measure cates of land grabbers that the pas ¡.me of the greatest illusions that ¡stamps the lace and figure "'t!l' lneat market bv Smith and Rich I ! Further comment is unnecessary.” -ii* . men or sober . . . ;n i.... uk I Dr. .». i>;«.v«*» ♦«. « "¡,. •’ ’ , —East Oregonian. sage of that act would be the "hair . brilliant Pierce ’ ’s u Favorit/'-j" statesmen ill-health. ,, , 'ardson; dwelrng, 1. J. Morrison; to break the camels back;” that is nave lately fallen into.” Senator Prescription w.ll cure all then«- [dwelling. John Witzel; dwelling, J [ a » I «7^7 JMBT“(¡ood talle service, and talks fumista it forever put a stop to the settlers Siu rninn .n advocating hi-Citnadi-i troubles, wi.l bring back the L.^t Nat. Hudson. Buildings now-un- bloom, and remove the pains and I etrugge for homes. i ........... n, • *• ir .. The Burns Sundav Strhut»’ will an reciprocity amendment was ana :.;.J 1 der way. rm.tini* oihcc Jor the- The position is an open one; qually emphatic in condemning ailments which make women grow Items; photogranh gallery bv|give two entertainments during there is no secret about it; a com ihe Blaine idea. It is not that old Lefore their time. Gitarrante« d I Henry Canad.iv; «tailing, \V. W {cn"rt wet !t’ (Oct' ,5,h i!nd 1(}th > mon sense View shows the situation. these gentlemen have anything [,o E've satisfaction in every case, Johnson; dwelling, B. R. Witzv|. j The object of this concert, is to get Wil) we let go and surrender our -pec'ially against reciprocity, but!or Pr*t'e ( !!» <-^) a'Btuded. [dwelling. Mrs. Haskell; dwellingj I ,"one>’ . i.... an organ for the _______________ rights and liberties to foreign syn ihey hiitu Bluinn, in fact the repub- ! i l ------------ .Mrs. M. A. Fry; dwelling. J. By-Ichurch- The program, will consist dicates, land grubbers and railroad ( ¡can Senators al! seem to hate each <’i "-V. Oiitlii-r Dutt« Un No 23 SURNS OJRCULATINC] tl ' | of music, recitations and dialogues. 'etlv; dwelling, 1 himpson.' . ,, , magnates? Or, rather should we o', her. AM) I’”*1’8 " e f,Parr(' "V »'ie ^u: - • Of the Oregon Wcitla r I tireair, co- Building*. contemplated: \ new ' contend to the end f r those rights ___ ..i.L with U. S. I Signal Scrviei Ofeourse the reciproeiti amend-joperating day School to make these entertain t BOOE EXCHAi: school IriHise; dwelling, Capt. Kel- and liberties, which arc as dear to , ueiit will l.e adopt, il when the Itentral Ollii'e Portland, Oregon, ments interesting and enjoyable, IN T1IE UER VI.;» ley; drug store, F. M. Jordan; r the settler and poor man as they ’¡me conies to vote, and I'll bet n i For tho wn k ending Saturday, <’ftAS. W. IJTRD. ------ Lini • •*v> liti" by (Jul (Jeer, a d a U. 8 and hope to receive a liberal patron * Sept. 6th. 1890. arc to tho rich, greedy, moncy-luv- horse that both Edmunds and Ohjort « i « per In re thh Inno ih fm in cot>nv<*i bni witli Ihe Fr»c R’>d age. Land Ot'.ico WEATHER Fum s fur puri I. hììih ? hu. k« f.,r u i ubile l.ibir.ry h r bnrmt-lkJ ing hard-hearted shylocks. Sherman vote for it. TERMS: ’temi er«‘iip Ice $r. a vear. Rcmhng Fce lOc. a About average temperature pre- ADIOTIONAl, limo. udii ttl or Bih.k, nint.e wi.h ihe 1 ibrttriun, in li « unte, k ..¿il Senator Vance bad some fun with ! I vailed during the week: both day Our Sena o.-’s Visit. The l.ibrarlan 1« uvìt . i f. r nnd v. i’l tnke > tu i< n>!<nii ' — California celebrated her .. . i i< ni and < n <?.• hu \ . k, puhhidicu in thè l ni cu .t.u v« <’ tiq “Aftitecf nature is a state of[ -enntor Edmunds bv giving tin ¡and night temperature gradually Hon. Henry Blackman paid our Pitture«, Wni ks vf Art, Iiouse builuiiiK 1> lfì « hb , Eie. 1 .Id gentlemen rope enough to gel ' war." The stronger animals—ami , [falling. Frosts are reported from town and Harney a vis t ucco -« i g mission into the Union on the llth [ in this case nan is itch «!<«'— J [ iinself tangled up as to the duties I | the more elevated places of Eastern to i romise. inquiring into th • legis- ult. grow find flourish by devouring and I i ijsm the products of North Caro): ; land Sotbern Oregon. I lit no dam- live wants of the country. His re —Mr?. Mi flee raised in not' trampling under foot the weak | , in. Mr Edmunds is in n! le law : age done. Light general rains pre- ception, botn in Burn-’ and II.:r:iey. quite two acres of ground, 82 bush- ’ r By strength, wit ami intellectual • i er, but he knows simply nothing i vaili d last Sunday sufficient to lay was very warm, showing the confi els of wheat. advantages, thev strive for the su- ! ' 4 all al out the tariff, and every | i dust, I ut doing no damage. In dence the citizens had in his honor Attorney Mitchell, of Portland,' premney, and without thought! I in.ie he has attempted to speak o: mo-t sections <,f the State there is a.id ability The people of Har accompanied bv Mr. Dea ly, arrived I I hntsu j ct he has ! u ’ . exhibited for their comfort, or a word of sym- j less smoke in the atmosphere th .li ney county are fully persuaded that in town at noon to-day. F. E. B eai n. President, pathv. leave the weak by tie wav-! ! his ignorance of it. is usual nt this season of the Mr. Blackman will strive to do all E. IlfottEs, Vice-President, i Tbe> House has. after n debate • side to.fr.lnt sod die. — Mrs. Brink informs us that she vear. he lias promised, therefore, they are You notice it has bfen th«' fate of ' which should raise ablush cfshain« resting easy, believing him to le expects to rent the French hotel. «tors. woman from tin e ii.memorial ut> I'o the ?hn k of every honora li , and gets posession before the next Hav m king is vet in progress in fully competent to p:ot«ct their in List of Directors anil Stockholder» ztt to tho present, to take her idnee ■ \ merican citizen, unseated Repre- 1 term of court. terest. Mr Blackman w.-.s given •orne s« étions. \V In at oats and bur with the weak anil lowlv, man. not !s ntative Breckenridge of Atkan- —The free concert, noticed in i by have generally been harvested a dar.ee at II irriev, we understand, by his wupi’rior wisdom, but In I s is. an address of w. Icon.e was deliv 1 t we.-ks issue, to I e given at the ' and thrashing is for the main pari I Representative Cannon having biutr.1 force, has kept woman in the ered ly Mr. McKinley, to which church, has been inv finitely post-i m.deit k 'ti I v a “cooked us" state : compleat. <1, though in s ctio .» t is position »he occupies. Mr Blackm:i:i respond. <1 in a very ponied. [ vet in full I l..st. We ge> from ane’ent. legeml that ment lo show the House that the .•eat logical speech, shewing the1 —T guess it wou’d be proper t c Stuck is in good enndition. R «ng- God created man placing him in a I reel ipts of the Government for tile p ople that he canie among th« in • es furnish all a' ui.ilai.ee of fee 1 . mention the f ict th it our coroner y a-den filie«l with beautiful plints present fiscal year would exceed (ir.iss isqiul d y S e usar. «iw, t.. inquire into their wants, ai.d he *' go' somewhat worsted in a little j fowers; but still man was not con 'the lipin oprial ion made by Cun- [though more water in them tha.. alt piuud cf n s r«<eption in t e “melee" a few nigh’s since. NEAR HI-HNS. otti*'1' tent. 0< h 1 seeing the discontent of giess for the same pi riod, It pre < lllity a: <1 highly ho..ond i,v hav-| I at this time last year. his “favorite” because he mad«'him s. ntative Ha i-rs. of Tc.vns. > he line —Tb.os. McKinnon, son of R. .1. i Hop j it king is going on, hop l;ee mg so many »launch friends in , .1X0 W. SAYER in hie cvti likeness and after Ids i 'o a large extent taken the lair McKinnon came in vesterd:i«-.1 has i een found in sect oas Pota'.ia .- «Limey c. unty, llis ricijaion in'l own image. 11 nt he n.'yht le con , Samuel J Rand.dl's place on tin Tom lies l i en ahsent some months I .iru 1 ein^ delivered and large sup- urns was similar to that giv.n in tented made wnmnii'tl.«'s.im< isanv , Committeeon Apnruprinlior.s pune He pre ented the ba d ° ’ " ,rip ”"k',tn' Jiirney. I plies of th lu on market. PeaclKs Keen« •••»>:« «Mb »»u h«r Other animal, wit) out soul, to Ivar p I iih <1 the Cannon I til leai.d demon- I O'. s t!,e flag promised them which ! — The census recount of Port-' [are quit«' pk ntiflil. though the aver- him eompanv. forgetting that ac stinted by n carefully prepar« d ¡age cn p is n«>t us 1 rge ¡.s usual I- a very fine ony. nn<l with Wl.ic'.i 'nnd and Mullno-ni.h ci.tmlv has cording to their philosophy n"d .statement that for the tir t time F’loorJi I en eomp'eted. It ihin « gnini M- I -es are unusually plei t ail the ! oys are m< re than pleased. logic, that th ■ offspring of 'io* -ii.ee 180G tile nppr. priations w ill c' 24 per cent ov, r the previ. u< I The large prune crop is U n g twain, if a girl, had no soul. 1 ut if a for the fitcai year ending June 30. Item re».'. Jia ,a i.ie. I enumeration. d; icd. I lo9l, exceed the revenues nf thi Loy, bad A fall harvest of all p’odu« ts is 1 he ide..I magaaiue should be like — We are ihfurn cd that J- r] W >n an has never b 'e-i able— <h.vcrment. The difi it will le •'I1..W icing cured st or. d or soled " 1" rf.ct hilltier: seasona Ie, tempt Howard has th«- c nlrnci for fur pbvsicallv—to bottle with men suc j ■ « tween 6000000, anil 112.010- Pl ices are go al ing satisfying, never heavy, each nishing th«' b go for John Saver's cessfully, ther« fie«» tiirougli fear ■DO providing of Course that the Repot ts of hug. ;e yi. Ids ionise p.-rfecl in itself, with dainty saw mill, anr' h ys a er iv at w .rk up of wheat km ’« i'irig. v lumber ’h..r. n-|il «<•**• ' and force of «•ircumstai c« s ha 'iiii.j-.rity springs :io new Slid Um-x- oats Ht.d I urlev continu« i el.trees and eiitoememts Io give Zest the river, banking log* REPt EP > • to 1 « re- l*en relueeci to absolute sti’j«'«' p. ct- I ,i|'propii.itions to inereas it Iceiv.d. The uvi r.'..- livid fr the and > iquancy. the who), affording — X ah' Atlas: T: X levy i«. Ma], Mr Say « rs also pr«-se t d n detailed tion. state will m.doul t. div le la'ger Filch pleasure and sati-fuetion that h'ur eotintv and total valuation: All the oppression, injr.stica aril st.itcmei't showing that nearly -.00, than for ycirs. while the crop will It leaves » di sire for n repetition of v.-ilii ition for 1890. 8.38 391. coun outrage woman has suffernl in the 000.000 will l«> neetssary to meet • e the larg. st. the least. This is the ea-e wi h ty tax levv. 20 mill*, school 5 mills, past has been due to that one fact the <l< fieiencies of the present fis the State levy would m-ike it 6 or oxaz Pr.eecs .¡mit. d to day, in this city Iteiiiorvst's Family Magazine for 7 more mill.-«. Total 31 or 32 mills —her inability to physically e.q*' cal year. A11 of w|,i.'h shows that for wh« al are. Ea.-t. rn On-gou wl, ,t th to! er, just received; when one w 11 man. if the I i.ihd States was eoinp< 11« <i x B. A Gi«»l " sm ! al) t’ir way —The Ih.pkir.s hoti ', Lak view, How can a woman ever exjset on tin 30th day of next June to 72 cents per I u«h< 1. Valley w h< at «8 has read it all through (and every is fir t class in every particular. cents per < ushvl. morket is r< |sj;t<«l one who lakes it up will dosojthere This we learn not from « xperience ♦o Le free as long ns she looks tc ;>ny al! its tbnOmg ii.dci tidness, it :s a desire to I egin at the beginning but in «•< nv. rs .tionwith parties who man for her d il« brrad; th" tyran eotil;' not do it, notwitl.stnndii g pi l e very fluctuating. live h re and have Iwen called to The wheat crop m the Unit, d ami enjoy it all over again. ny of man will last just so long as enormous rurple of « ash whi< h the Lak. view on Luis:ie»s, and from Statet iipjH-ars to le short, while Tiie Octol er number tak sus vis woman is dependent on him for d n.iH-ratic administration tnr .ed parties residing in the town anil vici foreign wheat crépis r> ¡sirt.il to it iting again, this time to the p.iia i ,1 support We are told that origin over to tin r< pu licai s on Mar, h 4, nity. M- ally »divorce d.|M'mi«<l upon the These fccts sp« :;k lot!«.« r unusual),, short. Hops are active n -Fidet.ce of Senator Heat ts < f Cali tìurns-Canyon Stfl9 Rnbt. McKinnon, who returned with strong prii'es. fornia; and win n one has lo k< d miscvmluet of t!i«' ivo.i.n. , th-- I in- Ih n c dun.n< of argument. ............ I. J ewitt , P110***^ from 1 leppr.i r a few day»* ag»»t load- thr. ugh the mai.ificent ill Jrtrations, I'd B. 8. P aoi e , band erml.i ne guilty ol n«> mi eon .-pe.kcr R.'- d g .t so f ight -:i-«I «n « M..«.. . « '<• ed with salt for the fin.í firm ’of «>f J J, Durk- OLsetver, U. S. Signal Servir e. <>ne feels quite at home "upstairs leinier leinierACo i... would u <*.t»tu,rrti«vin». A- Co. tell«. tells us, he duel, «•«■ »tv ■« . 1 • f • ■>v r »he n-is.rts from h s distric and downstairs arid in my ladv's much rather fr«ight ov«r the road *«l.F a chamber.” The young folks will from Canvon City to Heppner than til« <J... ii 'Lia. resulted oil Ie interestrd in "The Game of from the form-r place to Raker ifu.iUv.i was « ..aas.y QvuaUu ..Liu Vatlvry i Golf fur Ladits,” which is quite new City. Portland Exchange Sold. Connu -¿Vttei'it ive aj CAPITAL. S3 safe rfb TMe Saw M^ld’ IXT Hiacfr