I I I IP VOU WISH A COOO REWOLV«« aeyttfi JVursery, a cigar, in his usual carelsss man­ as my future bride. I know she SMITH & WESSON 3 never would have dreamed of scorn- Finest ner. Of Payette Idaho. ed -1 And so the topic was discon- >ng n>y love, had it not been fur the ta.nuftKtu I and the IL -t u-uice of l J wed vispa r. ACurrr ism . experts, la caHbrv* a.', j-fiMlr, • are thus« pu* up by invitation extended to Ledyard.” U and 441 ml kra^le or T ' tinued. Harter’s double action. Safety Hain- / S‘v*-V D. 111. FtRRY SCO. I rnerlesa and Tarset models- (■ V 1 Vnwl; “ I am sorrv, Charley, ” said I, A fornight later, and all three of I Why a>« the Largest A CHMQED WOMAN. HARDY TREES A Best quality nraugbt VtX J _ S cdsmsn in the world. carwr..uy Inspect i — . | us were on our way to Peyton’s sympathetically f, “but if I were you f ttierl, L>. M Ft rky &C o ’* jr workinaruhip and stock. I urr aled SPECIALTY. Beautifully IUu«tratod. Uescdptiv« Cui eh, du rub. lily and accuracy. Do . 1 L L u 8 T |j. I would write to Lottie and tell her Hol be dneetvud by cbeap nuiikabU * ' Naw YwkWwkiy home on the Saco. c fteo sold for the genuine article. T mj - v weunre- ll.ibie and dauguruuM. The smith A wms < n Kr- Charles Peyton and I had been I There was to be a grand reception i just what Frank is—about women; v - lvirs are scarn|>ed upon the I-am 1« with orrn a fc/1890 will be mailed FK EE to all addre«« and date* of patents, encl1 are guu • Thi< Extensive Nur«esy, comprising 12» college chums for nearly four vears. at the Peyton mansion on the even- and offer myself in a straight for­ name, uuteed perfect. Im»tax upon having them, uml if «pplicoAU, and to last season * cus­ y »ur dealer cannot supply you, an order sent t<»a i- tomer«. it is beticr than ever. Ev­ acFet, h located one half mile from Pay­ < res« below will receive prompt attenf b n Dvscnp We had entered on the same term of our arrival, under the general di- ward, lover-like way.” en I t »’on *4*‘nI Garden, Flower ti»o catalogue and prk-«upappllratiun, or Field SB k.DS should semi tor it. ette dei»ot, on the O. 8. L. Ry. Thia MM1TU »L AVKMHflN. He accepted mv advice, and c.t Brown's University, and were erection and supervision of Helen D. M. FERRY ACO. ILLU8TRA] • ptprluufivid. ^nua DETROIT, MICH.________ Nursery has done mure to pro­ j wrote her a long letter, confessing and Florence Peyton — Charles ’ sis- now each of us in the graduating mote fruit growing in East­ A no i« 8 Kak repeat • • his own earnest, undying love, and J ters. class. Magaziu« f)Jr in ply: are ac- • J.UK«,.n>orn And and affable. Mrs. Peyton was a i sort. I remain, as formerly, your I w ill red in limited quantiten Per .. " ai :1 1 j : - M v ’;•’ brought up on the legendary batiks little, meek-eyed, pale-faced woman, i friend and well-wisher. for the first time this year. This pear H A i:ri,i; - wn- ki'?1 -k.a. ■ ■> $ is a native af Idaho is considered the finest A"---- and the girls were fine specimens: L ottie M oore .” of ‘ the Saco. He was ~ ------ twenty-one, H a 1:1 , 1: . 1; r 9 - pear grown and is extremely hardy. Do Combines the Juice of the Blue Fijvoi and passionately addicted to out I of the buxom, country type, of the | This cold, cruel epistle drove my l o-iuge Free to d, "’'4.|,er M California, so laxative and DUtritioux, I ime J Male,, not fail to plant u few trees. I respective ageB of seventeen ?nd ' friend almost to the verge of dis door spirts and exercises. with the medieinaf virtues of plants Address, I’ayette Nursery, ¡traction. He neglected his studies The volume., <,f tl7u., M ^:. He was broad-shouldered and ! nineteen. known to be most beneficial to,the Payette Idaho. the humber, f, r ‘’‘’itoÄJ human «ystem, forming the ON f.Y PER­ muscular as an athlete lie stood | Frank became an immense favor-j and made but an indifferent show FECT REMEDY to act gently yet five feet ten and a half in his stock- ' ite with the ladies in the start. In at tl>e closing examination when promptly on the ' rum ut time of receipt Hound volume, <,/u“.*"*» ».éff ing», and tipp’d the scales squarely j the evening there was quite a gutli- the final degrees were awarded, KIDNEYS, BYER AND BOWELS three year., baux, i„ „ •t one hundred and seventy. His ering of elite of the village, and This was. perhnps. ton or elcvot- be M-IU by mail. —AND TO— ( >4| i Hied to hrinfth.iiJ resembled a exquisite piece of wax peciully when it was evident that a* above. Only those who write artistic ability to hear utiou tie3 T al skill, the to us at once can make sure of the chaiigeful phaara uf hentn3 stationary. His hair was of raven ull were equally eager for his smiles. the chi«noe. All you have to d<> in most useful tory. A Alexiian ruinanrt, 1 m I retim is to show our poods to T homa « A. J an visa, willaiMKil But, from the first, he seemed to those who oall— your neighlx>ra blackness, with eyes of a correspond­ I and practical and those a mu nd you. The be- LY in lo9U AVI I * gfnning of thi" ad v reti «ente M elements, and ALMEDA A. STENGER. ing color—large, languishing, and be perfectly fascinated with Lottie PER TUI: 1 shows the small end of the tel«- "¿St. Mope. Th« following cat «ivo» the appearance of it reduced to all known ad * seductive as those of a Spanish Aloore, and hud no eyes or ears— I JARI’ER WKEKLT vantage that ATTLR brande HARPER’* MAGAZINE J Creole He was slightly effemin­ further than the merest politeness make a few. i HARPER’S RAZAK. on Left aide; clrcle- tboiit the «flirt!« part of its bulk. It is a rrand. dcubi« size tele* in? machine ;!ARPKK r 8 YOlNGPnpid required — for any one else. He ate, though in form, feature and Tope as large a* is easy to curry. We will eleo show you how you ran make from 'S S to'« I O n >tay at least, from the start.wirn- PoUiHge Fiee to all autacribn J desirable t) !■ A Split in eat h sut eztH-riem e. Hetter write at euue. We p A hen uu time is inentiotrt.iiaj ELDREDGE MFC. CO. In spite of his reputation us a Charles and every one else. I <‘gi*' uiih the Number tsmaJ ■ ange—Harney anti g 1 eipt ofvrder. 1 Factory and Wholesale Cfflse, Estates, HL ... Oiegon I saw, by my chum’s look, that roue, Ledyard was the most popu­ j i’Uud Vulumea of HamrifJ **• O.-w-ùuri.a, ilarnev 27! n'ub/tufi Ave., Chicuffo. -a a hark, in neat cluih b.M-wl lar man in the university. He if his rivul had been any one else »' mail !\ata«e paid, or bt rm £ 20 Broad Otreot, Ntic Ya rib. • rae 'provided tbe freight fang scattered money a« freely as water, but an invited guest, the affuu er volume) fur >7 00 a voluat 1 luth Ci.«ea fur each Voiaatd and never hesitated to accommo­ would not have passed off so quiet* I •Hiding will be geul by Bull «J Valle3 — RILEY * IIARDIN. <*tpt uf |I. date his fellow-Rtudent« with a loan ly. As it was, I could see his eyes I *53îUn ------ >1V\ Th. MRM MOTH T* E Ê 3 - kemittancea ahould be traded *^2 TM 7A« Thun3.tTing Cid B aca " li.gamllrl N . 246. Hr». Caudle*« • urlnln l.eoturea. By C attle branded on DoCQ lab JK tRot.o. Very old and very funny. Th« Charles on the Siuco This was all him u]>oii the tolly of his behavior. U,u,. VMinc Vni»» Kb’^to, 'ivingthe leading in iurtnaùM «US younger as well as older generation should read them. Left side V. Un tishi.'b«, it« numVroua illuarriaf No. 244. Advental^-a of n Brvc-helor. ny the au ­ w » .Ot«».MS Cel- pleasant enough, and one day when “How can 1 helpit?” said he, with j I p'ak«. ana pal ten. fchect lupp.t» thor of " Biiah Beanpole’« Adventures in New York.” Y3 A great humorous book by a popular author. •dispensable alike tu th« huuieanai? de.- bit in Riitlit enr. we were discussing th»’ mutter, and a gesture ef annoi mice. ’’She takes No. 246. 1I»W to Huke and Save Money or ’ t,.tli knew a f. How of ruv t tnper. ment to resist By MtR 1AKKT B lucnt HARPER’S BAZAR THE ONLY TRUE No. 271 Slmou Derrick*« Daughter. A Novel. HARPER’S MAGAZINE that he ha»l a sweetheart, and when tbo chanc.’s o( such a conquest'.' By U. T. C ai dor . HARPER’S WEEKLY No. 2kJ. The Baron*« Will. A Novel. By Srv HARPER’S YOUNG ____ ___ __ BEOH.I _______ - vanl ’^ C » bi *. Jr- -we saw him kiss one of lhe uaint v Besides. I liav»’ already talked to I No. : *0. Th»1 Peril of Richard Pardon. A I’» «taite Ere« to all aut acriberiiii Novel. By B I. F arjkox . 3taii«, Canada, or Mexico. eni-elopeii, we were satisti it it was In r ai lit Peyton, mid she says sin No. 22’ Blackbird Mill. A Novel. By E sths « B TOOHUNTER. g ri . k K rnnkvh . The volumes u; the Baur bejtortt .from the object of hjs love. Aceom is under no m iigotiuns whatevei ' No 2kX The Gnardlan's Plot. A Novel. By Dr. J U. R omivmok . number fur January of each )« I N 241. The Gray Falcon. A Novel. Br M. T. panying this letter »as a , thin oti to him. Il is a mere matter of pre- , is lime 1« mentioned, auLscri|tki« C - -DOR. tv ilh the Number current at HiettoR S-Wrench”on »•- 240. The Barraw of a Secret. A N oyj I. long package, which he proceeded ference or fancy on his part, as it is of order. eft Hip. By ->Asr C kcii . H at . Bound volume« of Harper's Im No £'). Percy uttd the Prophet. A Novel Will Fwily *4« Bluodi regulate the Ear mark«: Close- to undo after he hod perused the on mine. The same field is open to liter and SWseys acd Kester* th» By W h . kie Cot.LiN«. . year in neat cloth binding, willteR CTO* off the Kight ear; No. 137 The Siorr of a Wedding Ring. A ■eeltte aa«I Tigcrof i ouih. Dyipepsia. nn.n? ’f’^veZOPPSSETTLER'S pvataaa paid* or by expreil. fw»*i Novel. By the author of “ Dora Thorne ’ ’ Under «lope In tu< Want of Appetite. Indigestion. letter. GUIOEf 124 pp I price only 25c. (postage stamp* (provided the freight due« tM both of us. Let him win who can. L-.ck of dtfenrh as. Martyn Wiire’» Temptation. A Left «ar. lar per volume) fur |7 , voluae Feel La g ab«ol utei yen red. Bo-«*3 No?el I’- Mrs. tl < T Woo.?. It was the photograph of a won is mv motto." Cloth race« fur each velum«.wit* —■qtcle« and nerw^s r-.- ive No. 235. A Modern Cinderella. A Novel. B, ' •w force. E&iirvr.s the ml no the author of ” Dora iborr.e ” lug will be sent by mall putpaU*» nd l'c-3 Brain rower. No. 234. The Island Hora». A Xov«I. By M. T. ; ¿lerously beautiful young girl, ot fl each. And Frank started gayly off again a * SuffortEg from ».oraplaiiSs Cs’.DOR Remittances should be mad« y No 231 The FaiaJ Glove. A Novel. By C lara , perhaps eighteen or twenty, with in pursuit of Iwottie. Money order or Draft, to afdddg ROuOStX ____ . . ____ . _ TONIC a safe and sceedy c re. Gives aoiacr, Adre««: KABFKBAM I thy oomplexioa. Frequent attempts at counterfeit­ •n exquisitely oval face. and. com­ horse « are branded We remained a fortnight with the ing only add to the popularity of the origlniil « Do not experiment—get (he OBIGlRAb e«4 RC»T. with “ S-wrencb ” on the plexion •» clear as porcelain. Her Peytons, and^very day Frank and 1 • •'‘•'■.fi Left thigh. Of lbs vaiioiu Baling Fûwdcrs iìlu» eye» were large and luminous, and Lottie became more and more ab- i ■ emailed HendHuae Sample l.kwe and bream B.ooka < n receipt of two cents iu poetave. y 1890.11 ; tritìi 2c:u21 testa. her dark hair fell in clustering ring-1 sorbed in each other, and every day ! Or. HARTKA MEDICI MG CO.. SkUula, Ke. n , r o __ _____ ____ let» to her shoulders, which were the breach l>etwcen Frank and1 AM ILLU8TKATEB bare and dimpled, and as white a» Charles became wider and more ap­ LOUISVIJ.LE« KY. 1 O addr«, Büro«. Orant cu.. Or.roti. ivory. It was plain to be s « m * u at a parent Haruer’s Young ft file Leadluf AgrfctPtural Jornnal cf tt» South and West The Eleventh Volum.of Hwi**? glance that the original must be At the end of a fortnight we all which l t avis ’• acj and F arm has no equal. Every topic relating ( Mum;— I t.rn, vit: - rhe Ked Mu. «nt’ SJ h> agriculture i« openlv dieew-sed in :»« columns wr.nMnnl; -rhll «nd th. Brtr. XS miration that played and flashed ultant, Charles moody and silent, CUVUARfi'3... by lhe farmersthemsalve«, its» expense is spared tic: ’Trier. Tommr.” br .lub.Ht*, tn securing a full account of every notable »i»c- like sniumer lightning iu the durk and I, as a general thing, well pleas­ •nd “Mo her'. Way*’ by Marnnlb ceM OU the farm it u disdnetivetv the PI0HEZ3 jSaa Frasciac:).. caKSQSMKSE two .hurt .erl.l. by HjalW WJ! FARMERS ’ OWN PAPER. eye« of Frank Ledyard. Two Krie. of «airy T.le. will MU* M r L rh . ** Why, Addia yon ncodn’2 cry about ed with my visit. cua ... Lsanan A record of their daily life. prele.” •Mr Ilium rated by him. .nd «hwy. ITS LIST OF CONTR'BUTORS wrought a powerful influence upm enade dock, our conversation turned her Mua L lk . •*¥•». and h«twcek yon «aid von I différé it vein by Edward M. "SJ Contain« the names af themu«i nrogTeseivr farm- ¿ now runztCmr«».. —■ winbed I could mans e to I ok r.s st.- J«h a« A. 1 a . ’ win be ah.rt atorle. by W P O’«- s«ith ,u.rt WX. Th«. ck> 11.« ti«»t him. Whether for good or evil, upon IxHtie, and the part that Frank Alien,— and »he tnak •« nli Le? on.1 ¿.olbea. Dot 01 theoretical ; Selia.n Pane. M.rv A WilUM*1, OJSGdZZS r —i warn» farming, but of the actual condi- •lit nt» what 1 hav« n't.'* I : rl.4 Pr.-M-ott Spofford, »v”!s wh’ch confront tat today B F. Johnson ; tima would alone reveal. AIM. Lx.:. - Woat U» th«!?* Hutterworth Sophie Bwett. »»*•* --» y. „ had played ineffectiug the estrange­ Bliui L««. •• v»«ll. «heptts all of taf Hfonna. U aldo F Brown H»nrv Stew art . Jah»» Si Stahi ; RLCXED3................................. j Johuaton, etc. A P yu d do as A «ui« ripiento MA«r«a’« Y**1, Moreover it i« equally “And do you really love her so Mtirtalning HAKrCr.D‘3 ( Such), whan net fresh ■. ” ■• well as she docs If I hat* the ««me source ot .« JOVKHAL FOK ADV£KT!Str.Z secure« a juvenile library- est, all of his faculties seemingly much, Charles?” said I, sympathet I ¿formation. Bho br.t foe the I. im nninber of het A HOME MAGAZINE. PEARL ..ad-e - 4 C; Co.) ........... T??.* ~ knowle»l- e. a'ao p.enty vf shh *** lis^aaine lately, rnd I Iwmc • more in one Lour 1 a YTn. Interest to the home-maker U X» A ux M : i U, L-H txi Ì.1M.U U.-i -f ua ■ Advertiser. reading, about carlo.:« aockl matters «nd th« abaorbed by lhe exquisite likenesa 1 ieally. mlly treated. Mary )T«raden I.isin Catesbv. Mrs. TERMS Por aire Frenai J,»*» J. RUMFO.'.L’S • .Phuephcbi), whoa no« fresh. ETT* tuples off the day. than 1 w.-nwl p ckup ;n a month a .'”* D«*«c«a. Mins Cabell. Mian Mauby. Vol. XL begi t s NtfVffigfcS CWA. U J Ü, H;rw«u»i„ ;rxiuj-a, t,,u by «ay occasional chats with ft ends. It certainly before him. Alice U in«ton and core of others will con tri b> “Love her?” reiterated Peyton Covers Specimen Cupv sent un yrcefpl«*-**■ «very top 3 off InUrcst, frrm the news off »te regularly. Uepcrti cf Covorr^acxt Caeaiit:. iwm! ct Aa wto e M tw U mt , j , H«f!e Number« Five < M th« dvy down to ts« dctsl ’ v o: bouaekoeplr g; “That,” »aid Chtrle-, with proud “Ay! better than my own eoul! i he Rrû*r w Draft, to av^E in l^dvnrd’a « Every tLae Aian.:e goes over to the Al cns* she Satisfaction in his tone, "is the girl What pave ai»d nbc! $orr« ingredient«. I< r imI 1* ueajara a passion coinpar- tome« back and tess^s mo to ret yon t<> take AtfC-i U.m>< ; Uw uwr.u u U«r*4uattt : trw i??- !1"* peculiar faculty of 5eing both in- \ Ganan: cental.-» either afant er pl.csphates, or other beta wsst'fl Family Ma a-in» rath -tort«« are .erestmg auts pe^ts «nd "You will give us an {ntrmlue- ’w*’ «Î-4-1. fxrt. “Hsve you cwr conf» ««cd mnr as Mr Allen •»rear« by H It is r allv 1ooderful Morr appearing In K ono : and - ’”.e Royal DaLir.g Powder n undoubt«* by “• '»•¿STand H ewfttng wide It «niu every member of th • family I ’* «X« xi=fi» If f-rt’.a:, fcM-uda. urmuu,, tion, won’t you, old fellow?” he in­ Jove for LotticF* t itiquir«] feeling bow lhe funert amt rre t rciaUIe Lakin; pov Newspapers are net to short *tcr’es by dlaUngmMied writers _ Mx L»- ’> ell perks • I h d b tier send foe* • ppear from time to t wte. • vl the ah*vc au\ cri.ae»»«^L^ RpeciasenCony ; lot If It I-anything Mkc what roe offered to the pub’..e. quired, suddenly resuming hi» hab­ a boyish svn>withy tn uiy ,«>or asylti- It wUaiuu-e »nd in-true tbewbM-fua ’ • if-KM vrvter »»f HA kit» A &iX Afin LETTERS «Ixrtan ,1 nairxM OT •‘IlE^rx V ?'O ’O' ’T. T ?r. D . Hl. r Mia L r « i «ec th st W ■'•ctoanta l>cmurr«t itual poiM Qf easy indifference yP^ear in each i«ue -nd this h »mornas philo*** j friend's troubles. lhe nahitabe' 15 IkM 1 th Mm » New Y >rk la <»<■• „ tMf4 „ „ a ,t) •' The Rr;, ! Baking Fow/t 'OW( r is pun'st m < A4 «lee «• .••*•** h i was nexer u.»r.- .ntev-^ting tfc-.n at this t • send • Npeetme v < opy foe m c nts. «n “Certainly,” answered the other, j ”Xo.” was the »tillm rejoinder: •CcrtBY ♦•y ar.d h»jb..-:t in sr--i*th < f i r.y ””m.’-» run lx fUdx, uu-uu w.-evnt l alo w t.iaKes eurb upy woe. » 3 tear« and 1 h»«t '¿ight»” It faro«» a r>- £rw 1 n1xH;Cn na. tei Cu :tìu, w,,,_ he liUte «uuerer ai •*r* KS« ¿ it wns tacitly nn«1er«tnod be iavfl. want a vack< t p> etg tlkr Mr-. ..U» n a Th« ■'‘I m efthe tanffi » behalf of the f.?nuer '-setter .Vnm I skmg pw< d.-rv Bn rn»p r ‘ qmei «leep b treeing »ba ■•d« f« th- firniei ! re* Maft Delivery to »be * A» H«ht," raid Fr.nk. lighting * ;n pH e is only • «< 0 a ye* r : and I 1 ’!> < s riKRth. .>r- t . U: > £ ■ ut. I* * hH*a « baiuV **,l<*¿*^ ’ J •*•»/ *• T *** -nhlhb sr »tuer Co-oneratii fsn ilic. that I look upon Lott». the tarme:*, i.“d ita —n->r« l'l>n:-k.»tp»i I . • u s- . F ► - n -ev*’’- • -«a. artao f r o Utlk* mo.. . •• J air T tm - hs motto m =4 IBM»* «ft is.” w trvWv . ur -r fe. £---------- .. 1^0^ c«®- «« «owtLu a c®.. fi-w^.p^ AS,rtlM( --------------- »-teg? —-'-'-JU. . m »» vwy. iLithiid, s«itei a the lie» «• wina, lagclait* I- • ¿ h«< known rom rd y trìti ng frr« «1^ tat»«a t 7 . . j / \