IF»aeytte jKTursery, IF VO’J WI3H A GOOD REVo°onmO "No, dear; and, upon the whole, , estrangement; for Nona was re- PKSIVE SMITH & WESSON 3 Of Payette Idaho I I am glad you liuvc never under­ • s|HCtful, kind, always mindful of Finest small ever J?£ST SEEDS A stood, so far; but when we are mar­ • proprieties—hut she took marve­ r.-1-iH in. nufact-.i od WEDNESDAY. AL’Gl'HT If. I**. kb J V..UaL'HuI. >l Hirer’s u ried, we shall live Tn the city, and lous care never to be left alone with Alld experts. In caul Urea B-'. 0. Who H. sr« FCiaVSCÜ. tk< and 14-1AJ. Si.ula or V A !>'« Larges, HAPDY TREES double net ion. Salui/ liani- Z-'V we must dress and behave as city him. A MAN AYO HIS OWX WAY. t cdsmcii *u 11»« w“»M« rie tine a and Tartit luudU--*- (i J Now York l.edirer ch E quality wtoui’ht^-' !> \| fiaHV&C<»'s SPECIALTY. Three miserable days of continual > E ieel, •M'ople do. Cecile will show you caieiUly inspect -4 iplluily r«i:i-i?'• d. IX .nptiv« 1 L L V8T ja j ,r uorkman-ibln ■ udat v.. • On a lovely afternoon, when th'- ' all about it, darling, sodon't trouble disappointment, and when Philip r. ni vh. du rub. I • Ir » ii <1 JJ. dati »>• i. a( i>e d«»ceiveu by **h»*.-;i «nnucaUi. i- » , H unte- ?.ED ÄÜhüAl, halmy air ami the fresh, bright toi­ r your prettv little head.” sold for tku aemun*» ;.*iw.v. N n,;. determined to go back to New York, < 1: ftea .ble and daugen.ua Tho .bM,Jn *. ftrni’s fcrzBgo will be Htailcl Frf Eu» to all Thh Extensive Nur e y. comprising 125 V LVBLS a™ siimi■Wupni“' « Luni • „><•11 » - l CUS" let* of the ludies imnle a kind of "I thought you liked me just ns and see Nona no more Until he rame, apphc.inV’, a»'* --------- — address antidate»'4 j-ateiif . an 1 n J uk - is . h h bciwr than wy. I’-v- nuteed Perfect. liu*Ut up* “ ’'“.W’f.l?* ,’t 'a 1* u< res, is located one halt mile from Pay­ . . • >n usini Gs'den, Flower gala day, even on Broadway, Philip I am. Philip. What is wrong in he could do so in her country home. y »ur des ter Call not M||iplv you, "'Vn.i^n ¿T iu 1,11 Et. I >3 I""I.U'-n.llorK. I -e.-.s b»»lov/ Will r«*c ngep. 4U c<»lnnin ’ <. lie turned rapidly, all the great and word from Nona. Still he was » Hunt a tv -•• < !*♦*• I nssctiirisi*« hi i - t the right kind of eyes could desire not much troul l«-d, for he relied passion which had grown to a high­ Harper’s W .so. i . but P,trn»"ri f rti'ifh ¡-iul I’liiit . tiaclitni t ;-,*-. .• I L LT STRI iniN. mi I"’ iNxt ' I'id! In who «sitineand irne. I i Every body pretended to believe feet which Philip Hays, in his own fering, burst out in one imploring THE SELF-THREADING i . pina »«a il.. . !:iMt a tuid th«* oíd people, mid it® II ohj - en branded OU Il «-Liv I ‘ ll< C»l leHwGli* Hl'«' Lllpflll A HeriitllD t'lH'h the story about the berries, and proper person, could not fail to whisper of— ;uk ,>il;t .pl •!■ 'id st,«. V OuS.v S4.2S « 1 rar. H a itpER R W eekly nu i ' i' I ll's.*. 1 « •• zi.-, l’iv D- Hut s. Sample copie* tree. Either Right or P’ m » v it» tl.r kH.iinx ilun left that, of course, gave him a chance make. This confidence did in t Amrri h . The fiinicH 4k ‘ Nona!” SE«} ¡U'r’srl “THE WORST FßE”äs tai» stifle ok . invìi » .,n < urrvni )-vli.i ihn to go with Nona to gather them. f pv< oiid e.-iithivf,. e ui u n agree with events. He arrived « t I “Philip!” and ihe var.ely ami iXle; What Philip said to Nona, and the springs, and found Nona out I _ fvnic » » hit h int u. rUi:| Well, you know the end. Philip SHUTS COiNGW Oneefthe fnCF b\ ihr i rs tinti ni. ut p. |,01if what Nona said to Philip, the ber­ driving with Jack Christie, a young did not like the fitshnnnl le Nona at Fange — Grant count). Oregon.' PM :«NY. H KST Tel fc Lf p *> thrpfivsa » f >*v«-piewf «iaw MILES .«¿f enK'opca i «» B F ’ ff«» Au ntH. pul Bill The Aeeki- m tilt* world. Our fa« iliii< - are ries and the evening star probably man whom he particul.irly dieliki d all his w.h >le heart cried out forth ■ In ii uro com­ 1*. O.^Burna. Grant county. Oregon. uncqualed. and to intiodwr- our remai ko.-e »»riet , I superior good« wc will seuiinntX expr *»•* ¡B Hy ikteti lu Lr’üxi know; but it was very delightful for his pretentious manners. to one PERSO» in ea»h liwality, bined the fin­ lir ,S ir H- Ül,y I,, | VM: U|M,,, | sweet' natured girl, whose worth he a- above. Only those m ho « rite t! e < Imi gt-iul phnKBi t b.n inecbunie. to us at oner can mnke Mir* of and so satisfying, that the young He was on the piazza when they ¡had not realized until h" tlmuglit est the < b»nce. All you have tod» in L-r-. a Mvxii an r. n am» skill theisms return is to show our g<>»d« to T homas A. J arv IE«. Millib people came back to the house returned, and lie was certain Nona Ixrlost. Tangl ’d c rls.short dre — al those who call—your nrigiihnrs LY ili 1.-.HU eye most useful and these around you. The be- ginninr of tlii» adv. r*i«<-nient without any berries nt all, and pres­ saw him. though she kept her eyes |es. ruffled apron never again lu; k and pruclii-n’] ALMEDA ay 'M0 l’Ek TUI shows the «nell end of lhe tele. wpo. Ths foliowin* ent give* th* appetirai!«* of it redued to eleni' ills, inid ently their was a »rent deal of uii Jack's face, and preti-ndid the cd homely in his eyes. JAK Ei: WEEKI.T all An iwn nd í ' attlk branded J AL i ’EK'- . m agaz . m hand-shaking and kissing, which greatest inti rest, in Lis foolish con­ ijÈI- ------ -JP . I A lil’h.K b li.’ZAÜ Ever ufterwaid he had the mo-t '.lining Unit n 1 eft Eide; < ir< le tfxmt th- Af»lr'!i part «Witsbulk. It is s rrand. d. uble aise tele- JA KI’Et '« 1O| Mirh ended ;n a bottle of eampnigne and versation; for of two things Philip wholesome fear of Nona l eeoming mitke 11 sew *o|j»’.a.il«rgea« i er mvto' Hvrv We will ahn snow you bow you 1'oM Hxe Erecloai »H i n, fan ni ■ !<«• tï.. ail to'S I « " «.ay at least, from th« ntnit.tviin- mg machine A Split in each mutual good wishes. •tau b « Hi at.a,. r aicx.i.., •Ut rxiH-ri) t. ««. Better write nt surf. We imy nil eXpr-ss charges. was ci rtiiin: first, that her inter, st fashonalde; and Non i to this d iv. deA’raiilu t> ear. fcidrasi.ilHALLE IT ¿ CO.. l’ox MO, Fur.lLA.ND, M aine . The \ o im « b of diu Wnk.i Well, after this, fur a couple ofj was "prete ide'!;” and, second, that v h-n Philip is in op|x>.-ition, bland­ bu fiigi Number für ,a. sell or use. " heu nu tune ia inenti»;«:. weeks, there was no hesitating fit Jack’s conversation was "foolish.” ly reminds him of his one experi­ begin will» the Auivirt t vip: uf vrder. ELCREDGE MFC. CO. the oflicc door. Philip said ‘peaches' i» und Vo.uuirg uf ffarpet Then he fiflt unaccoui.ta.Lly ment in managing women, and as- Factory ar.i Wholesale C2:o, Belvidere, Ill. ) efli| I> h < k, in nesi tluih u. now, when his friends rallied hiatt b. niuii 1*. ßtage p«id.„rbi him that in the long run he •> -- chilled by the greeting of the splen- i surcs H11 -tec., t'hleafio, pei se proJded ;-he freigtii z- about his sudden passion for the per \ ultimo? für <7 m» a vollst 8i> lirnad Street, .V**w who ealtnlv like his own wav even if didlv dressed N oi)«l, who uh imiy j would»not I i.'ioth C i . bvb für en- h V vü country, and the “peach” excuse btiKung uni b« Betii by mihi II gave him the tips of her gloved flit- 1*° Sot ti­ And so he takes hers. raft,tun^ Philip’s mother nnd sister were Vuotih jiAklEKibK ; ” the most senciide thing he cou! ' do. ( < • - of being "glad to see Mr. Ibivs, going to sonic fashional le Virgin­ .and the information that Ceciic ian springs, and he greatly desired ¿'Xf'NtiS'f j had been expecting him since the IVs will »end tlio »ntl.-e list of Twenty Valuable j v/QBuworjt • » y-/ r.r íashm ^ tí j j that his little Nona should go with Cooks duumerutt»1! and described below, to every sub­ J scriber to this paper for tiio ensuing year, who i emits early morning train. //JÜNE3X\ tW'iitj c-'iilD iu u«i«lition tn the regular subscription them. For, to tell the truth, he 5 u.’tCHsrunnE.ti:,'. ■' r' price. Those booka, each one of which contains a c< m "Cecile!” lie said, reproachful!v. z / TON SCALES Harners plate first-clast» novel or othor work by a well-known a , LANT L8 *, ‘ AU did wish she were a little more styl­ popular author, are publish«'! In neat pamphlet f DALLA | “And you, too, Nona?” forui, printed from iroo I readable type on poc paper, ! bingh ° mi W ar.d I L L (ÌSTK.M $6ò ish, would put up her curls, nnd and many of them hisndtoniely illustrat 1. They com prise some of the finest work* ever written by some oi "Ob, (b ar, i o, Mr. Hays. It :s Beam Box Tare Beam tne ureateat aa-i »post popular writers, both of Aiueii- abandon aprons, and dress like Jes­ ca and Europe. Each one is complete lu itself: I quite too < xliaustiug to expect any­ II.turKK's B azar bi K a C attle branded on y S4.5 Mrs. Caudle• uriuln l.rctures. By sie Mabin did. Gi \ ing the leauiUKill DOL’ilt.m •!« .»•»•' ei*on» Woiaaii. A Novel. By No. 2ú7. ------------ -------- Pur Y» Mr«. AX’* F. S t BCHKN'’ made his sister Cecile suffi ientl : right to position with Iris betrothed, TEE CKLY TRUE The “ L'liden Farm Bride. A Novel. No .vi TL. ’ ’ HARPER’S BA CAB l ut she kept Jack Christie persis- i By Mt’t IA ■: T Buwr HARPER’S MAbAtlM interested in Iris project. s|ni;>n lierrlrk's IJail&btcr. A Novel. N'» 271 . IIAItPElt’r, WhEKIA' By \( 'f C v non.. IT-"W IIARPEK'S VOCK« _______ r^ , The Baron'» Wl'I. A Norel. By Svu- "Nona is a d -ar little girl, Ce­ tentl« l.etwein t|uiu; and, in giy No. Ili. I P r’aae Free tu all Ml* fA'iUA C ' :in, .Jr. __ Th»* Peril uf R‘. hard Pnr niackbird afll). A Novel. Dy F. stuer ! Tlie volume» „likeHaw more stately ma.uoer aod «tvlisb -----: . ii 8 KI.K - Kt'NX < number lor janaari vl •! oìt Meder *>\T erms. Th Gminilnn't Plot. A Novel. By No. 2H T- — ' Cicile,'' Le said, “ a hat a chang«' i la lime ia men lolled, w: Dr. J II Romxco dress " • attlp : branded 241. The — Gray Falcon. A Novel. By M. T. N 2" I A Illi Hie Number < urna, il with • si-Wrunt h” on C .non. of oruer. "If that is what you like, Philip, tiier«- is in Nona! \\ hut is the Wi’i r»»!fy *h» Rioorti rvaa!s*othe • 2»». Tho^errow . —............. of u Secret. A Novel left Hip. i b.-uiiU voluni.aof llamo |.|v»r snd klilney« and Itestwri» the Br » ary C bch . ll.iv. - li-uriti netti elolh bln>-«|>e| hia , why did a oil not you marry Jessie cause?” No . '. Percy and the ____ Prophet. ____ _____ ----------- - A Novel Ear marks Cl. se Want cf AppadtH. tmiiKo-non, ipa:a.e pnld- ,.r h> »xpf* B y W i \ ik (’oLi.iN«. top..fl’the Light ear; "A wonderful ehilt ge. I never L-ick of Mrana'h an.I Tired No £17 T:.- Th«* *' S«»»rv - - nf -f n - ” 'yrilill.^ Rln^, A ; 'provbleu the irvixhld-rart Mabin? I thought you liked her tn.ir slope in FoelinRabsolutelyctircd.BonM, Novel By th? author of " D'. ra Thorne ' i lai per volume) lor It a /J Wiiir'.t Teiuptatlull. a efi car. iuuacl«n un.l nerves r-c i/s saw u girl improve so rapidly. 1 .io. 2.E- Vl.otyn Well enough.” n w force. Enhv<-n-th* mind Dioi h i ate, for e*, B r Noval. ____ _ H . v V Woe«». Mri Woo-» nd j»uy•lies Bra n Power. I UK will be aelil by mail n .. nv /_ .r .2-- l :_.: i A “ M xlcrn - Cinderella. A Novel. By he nt i • ’ •PP 01 * ."' u * ‘ rv B"' cause. 1 oyou _ _ — — _ Buffering from . on-plumti th-» Aiit’tor of *• Dora . uorne ’’ "Because. Cecile, I want a Ii ea< h I ■* la I pei'»'i..r to th *tr SCI II iiml No. SM. The - Island • • •• — • A • •* * - Ham Norol. By M. T Remi,lance» ah.-uldbe MU In UK. HARTERS IE ON C i '.t«n. inside the dregs—a pure, loving know she is really the Lelle? Jack Le Monet • irUi-r ,.r brail,I« TONIC n Rafe «nd aceedy c ra. Give« n clear, h» *i- No. HI. The Fa <0 Glove. A Nove!. Bv C larj Actreaa: »A» thjr complenon. Frequent attempt« at cout.t.'i 7eit- Christie in.d Ed. Forsyth and half iv .rari invoiily add to the popularity of the oriirinnl heart.” L>o m.t en>eriiT>*iit~-vet. tlrt, OHItlVU aB.i RX3T. horses are br«n«k’tl i a dozen cithers are raving about her. | (Dr. HARTER ’ S LITTLE LIVER PILLSL with “S-wrenc h" on tint "It seems to me—" but here «Ce­ Oure 1'onBtipaiion. I.iver Conn ui.it and S’l kn Headache R .mple Dn«e and I ream li ukU ¡.•ft thigh. mailed on receipt of two cent» tu postage. F cils stopp'd. She was wise enough Positively three are Phil." Or. HARTCR MEOlCINu CO.. SLUuU, Kix "Very kind of them, Lut—' to know she would be "throwing "Weil so it is. you know; very words away.” AX ILLCWSitW first families, and all that kind of The nex.t difficulty was to make Runs». Grant and Mathcureoantlca LOUISVILLE. KY. Haroer’s Ycusf I' o. a.ldrtM I.uri a. l.rant cu . »rann. Nona understand his wisliea and thing; upon my word. I Lelieve No- fw Lead»; AgrlcJisrilJottr?«-.! cf the South ir.d West ■ na mil make a sensiitieo next « ’ in ­ The Klevenlh Vol»»¿ induce her to accept the invitation >, uhi- h Itegli s »» H b IM Made by Farmers for Farmers. r» ft, iNbîi, prtse a •” • sent bv liis mother ami sister, Hr ter, and inumma is quite satisfied 111 to its rra«WH now,” As a record of aueccs-ful agriculture, H oms le length, approached the subject under the ani » . \H'i .a? no tqu.il Every topic relating ar -iheKetlMW« .:rves So expense if red e: "Print e Tommy, ■i tu s*cutingr . ‘an accuttut of evrtV notaUte sue* _i d ".Mo het’s jiK>i»nlight did not U'tray his con- a.I; very tar from it iiid«’ed. That ce«s on the firm. It i- d?aHTV tivcIy the tuo short seria a night at tlie hop, Nona looked grand FARMERS’ OWN PAPCR. T wo seri«*« of Fain 1« «* fusion, and liis encircling arm held Mn I- s. “Why. Mille, yen i,e. •»’ c^yabcit A reconi ot !hHr daily lifi. presented in a fora ti.»n of loveiB of 'kt , I only said i . m . . ilea was a vc y well- qua! di ta vs t.-l'i by lio’W’ and laugu .fc* w hich make it pl..»»? to all. her so close that he had no fear of enough for n queen; hergolden hair It! informed vor.uu. Í *, teaXu ¿cd voa.u L>Uuw al'h llh.B rated by hir. «lone up in some picturesque style; ITS LIST OF CONTR BUT0R8 grrox uM le." diffcrei.i vein by Ed«*1* J securing hei nth tition if argument Mt» I. •*¥*« rn«| I-*?, w-y'k ven fs ’ i I von Contains the namrsof the most or.-,grestive firm- will be ah/»rt b . rie» by • yards of satin ami lace making a wL-hed I could laura « to i ok : -i e . .Isa as '■ k y4 the uth tnd V e -t. T liev j; Ur c\. .1 uuUa.L Lui o: t.ie«to F r.r ,wn Henrv Stewart . lulin M Mahl ’ JoltiiR on, He. Aina L xb •• g ell. iho r?' w ill do you good." lie said. Moreover, it U v«|iuUy •r.t rulninj i i curve a * .« j t,ct ¡ c< n d ¿n as A JOUtNAL FOK AOFEKnStKS. 11 re« n jutenil« lw>,- cd tor u «in ice; Nona had L««n e:i well av »be dots ff I tJ*e »e»»e snurrs of And tl.i i. Le sti i j i d 1.1 d k.»»«d A HOME MAGAZINE. kn.aw e«i e. # » P rt,t* laronMtkm. bhe 1 r: nt tbo. i«t n*v 'ber of In s”h»|4ia»iR. T k :< -» A aa«f”ft mlly treated Msry Marsden. I.Ma Catca. x t 4> « ro. ¡. J rut.vn end ti e Ft wn M m iHvn-j*. df^Csle" Mbs M^by. voi. xi i«< •’J; :r.X ui li Ite rtpaaocuttai ;nna:-thi trau m,«l sli h «limit <1 hi in, rather nia- tv pics of the G*t,t :sn | w a.,| p Ck up in r nor.th "I am g ang Io ph ase vou. Phil p Alice u iijston and a *o.re of o^liei» will ixuirib* Lymyocea oral citi a th ft. .dr Itccnnu.is •pr-imtn C. r •’Ü’** ;~rsrt e! Agirtela Hrortlorw. 'edlritii tU li< i< u - Iv. oi the i < e« ssity of ubeery - tutors e/ery top 3 .7 Liar -4, fix r.i t. 0 n m U ute regulirlv. .-Inir’i» Nimi* er» Fi*J for 1 aw quit- w.-ll, thank you t • dip d< ,TJ t :• d :iPs 0 f*oB.e cevb n: Ua^wlaul alrenlnr Uv, sïm . ta< «Ban », reni latice « F»m> t« <’<• ing the usages of »««chty. So he »rd over.i im ii w bei «Jal/ ¡¡luanitn. fi-o. Mairey Or cr».rDr»X* I« In fh-wre cur Chiklr at! Tirtment. an«l "Oh, I don't Im-An n out v»»ur UrswlM ; ïi» lavra, ia olrtrtl3«fiatí ;iov Lwry t *- :.sx o r, cr t j the Zi cis’ b ’_ g •I« ha, tk- ....... .................... inîiar faculty • •<" t »’inn both ta- I h:ul tlie Satisfaction of watching Co ist U'.c.; r.-»d cas a ni tu jet yen t<» L.’.e UrnH.n^ «n.1 .., lr .Kth»7 ’ ’ health, you little witch! Who HARPER * ' U s.:y.*7 so ; vtit nvrjarei ti ua ; 11» BsU Demjeost^ Tjx"y Ma s-’o» rs ih »feries (RE MYSTERY OF THE PATIO« K ti boy« wntcl for I rverv n orth, caer U a ra cculd have such bright eyes und the social triumph of th«- future tnffnol. rs s pitee is found or t ero il o in ne tN^a ¡«nd î< n tSritlin’ «ton» apporr.- ; r in Ko^tw Awn Mr All n »«rtar» by it It i« r ally . ocdcrtul ► a «': j h» K. fta&k. W as aiata it paiuUi Cenarla. Ainnuia* ta :» excitin; wide red lips and not lie quite w« ll? J Mrs. Hays. ’•»-!<* X’.*P»" »"Jo« bow tt »nits every memb r of th lamd> I ’’ ■ l. -lls.ii '-l-.mt -t.,»Se» by , «lus. ujui«ced writers . i ..f Ibe sb»»» »»"yu aa art partáü I, easr M tUeRwl »? ca, But lie was not the victor, and it Mn Ls* -prii perha «ib db iter *en:’fora apnea •> time. mean al out dress snd dep>rtiueiit e r* ss order «»i « nr *f men C»ny: lor if iti aavaingHke wbzi ton ■ttaun «i nansa- ki uumau i-, m LETTOS hurt him sori Iv to be dr.igg> <'W.o»e*:, Udì Udrà b tant n aa c^rtasM rt ne tùa phtte» iKv rahli-.t - IS ti «; 1 th J tre t. New \ »rt is the chariot wheel-, when he should at thfas Them was n little ominous si­ Mrs Winsl.tw * ** raan ts j'adr, aArmtda« cattnaU kr ,-ti” ■ t i « nd a S,K'»'ir»hteh A JaCa aateeftWaa enta W: Ça, oot r »‘seats audited qutet sle**p b "I don’t thii.k I understand you havior was perfectly irreproachable. '.