Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1890)
O regon H erald AST $2.BO a Year. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON,'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 1890. LD. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. He said hereafter he would be a • Democrat whether the Lodge bill KDNESDAY became a law or not. This is only T. V. . EMBREE, M. I). a sample of feeling among the Office at his rewu'eute o.. the east ide oi Nil SON. vies Riker, tei Elica Ldow Burns. white Republicans of the State, who are leaving the party in droves. PRirroBB. The Pension and the Tariff bill» There are 1.000lepers in Bombay S B McPHEETERS, M. D. arc attracting but little attention, Open Every Day exeept Mnflay, from 9 a PHYSICIAN Ä SURGEON. most of them destitute. give notice by Several Pennsylvania harvest as the Force bill is the __ particular _______ Every Lady audQenileman a welecme Vieilor toih« Reariii.g Koon aaricg ihe be Office al W. E. Graue s Drug ature. A-ly not answer the take his paper hand- quit work the other day be- question which has put all others for ba nut Dei ng makes the ptoi- I Law and order people in Indiana cause the wife of their employer put OUV UI HlgUl. ter f«.r pa» incut j Notary Public. '.a paper d*s.-.»a i - counties infested by white cups nre on u pair of her husband's trousers gee, or the Bue I 1). L. GRACE, i ni il pa meni is preparing to organize for the purpose i and drove a reaping machine. It T.ake Countv Examiner: Deer IlliUNo, UK. unni whether it I Land Filngs, Contest blanks. Applications for r There can De numerous in nothern Publication Nuthva, correctly und promptly of huntirg down the miscreants and oucht not to arou-e much sympathy are quite rmenr is mude DeeuS. Nvits, and Murigagvs a paper from the attended to. v'narges reasonable, it-uu. giving them some of their own med for these fellows’ifzthey did’nt g< t Humboldt countv, Nev., and the' Ills nume or an- egibl) drawn up. L ribed or not. is adjoining cp.unties of Harney and : another job all suinnter. icine. paper stopped Malheur. Or. L. W. Napton writes her cuniiuucs \ " ¡’ I to pay fur it if comivv Stanley naviTiinai say».tbat qj rp/uu qt-iin portions i»v» nuns iuav iuivv riubvo that uutmv alxait forty Piutes arv are ikmv importation of m ickerel at assets over a quarter of a million dollars . This proceed« J. NAT. HUDSON, pay fur what he of Africa'-with-wiwa^M IwÇ.WTirthir-se hunting inltbat couaty and .killing ’ up to July I t ww* »way .4“ ATTORN KY-AT that refusing u I last vear and 1888. They on account of the grnsrhwpi'ert. T- deer by the hundred. They make s from the pom Office: BURNS, PRIVATI DWELLIN'.» AN» TABM PROPIRTVA »PBCUI.TT. lcii for, witnutt io distinction between bucks and amounted to 10,642 barrel», as one instance he saw a column facia evklauce ul I When a doe irf killed at this I against 2,024 barrels last year and young grasshoppers ten miles broau does. I season her fawn starves tb death, as 6,665 the year previous. by thirty long marching down a RATES: OF SALEM, OREGON. valley, and when the grass was fired a matter of course, as they are not C. A. SWEF.K. The Chicago Tribune says the against them they were thick enough old enongh to live without a moth Burns, Osa- ATTtíRNEY-AT-LAW. er. Mr. Napton says that deer are J. C, PARKER Agent, Northern Pacific and the Baltimore to smother the Hames. becoming fewer every year, and if Office : Burns Oregon. and Ohio Railroad companies are LIST azine . . It is not generally known there ' the Idians are allowed to slaughter ( to join hands at Chicago and . 5.20 kly 5.20 r form a continuous line from ocean are more wagons manufactured in them indiscriminately, at all sea 3.75 ng People LAKEVIEW ADVKRriSj’LMENT. Id Cvclupedia, ■;.9O to oce in. The purchase of three St. Louis than in any other city in sons of the vear, it will only be a ! 1er Vol l,óo cents; GEO. S. SIZEMORE, p<.si age. hundred and eighty acres of land the country. The entire south and short time until they become ex-' e works can b« ex in Cicero marks the junction point. southwest are supplied with wagons t'.nct. attorney , Ing Kuum. There will be erected car shops <>f of all kinds from this point. In the urns ,.................................. O regon . licnls are solicited July 31st was the hottest day ] the Northern Pacific railroad and line of fanev wag >ns and carriages p of their work for Collection!’, Lund bu-ine**«. mid Reul efile, and bind the and more sun strokes occurred in 1 St. Louis manufacturers beat tiie through the property will run a Enlute muiter ; romptlv attended to. ’ ultime, f»’»d r«v <) M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . new suburban railway The pur- world, shipping even to Europe and New York City than any day of this 1 season. ! chase was made last week for a con- Australia. Men who had work out of doors 1 EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. siberation of $570.000. The traffic Attoney-at-Law. A phenomenon is reported from kept well in the shadows of awn-: mo 1 alliance of the Baltimore and Ohio M. DUSTIN ‘W| 1 and the Northern Pacific contem Toth-Aradiizc, in Hungary, nings and buildings. : Harney City and Bu rns This Ilutvl is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offersconrteous Mrvi«« to every deefft 112 u>i Ambulances from Bellevue, Gou-1 15 00 plates a transcontinental line, and lite of eighty pounds weight is said y) M) ill 00 freight will be run through without to have fallen with such fyree that' vernour and Chambers and other 44 07» .Alt» IN CONNECTION WITH THE MOUSE. breaking trains and without bring it opened a spring of water in the hospitals were dashing al) over W. W. Cardwell, ---------- — town, picking up persons who had earth. As the neighborhood was , ing cars into Chicago. The North ! ADVERTISERS. ! • -n ICE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. •ulllkon tff tititig \uur painntagc ern Pacific company will expend badly supplied with water, the in- prostrated and conveying them to , WiliiMg la iersp. s ed us to the B urns , O r . llrn.K io ueai with, Cur Practices in all tile cour.sof the State, $250,000 in erecting shops, employ habitants are talking of the occur- hospitals for treatment. 1 "TRed by referring to the Al.-o. he < re he U. 8. Land Otllce. he<l upuu uur < in u.a The exact record of the day's ing 1,0)0 men, and it is designed to rence as providential. The aerolite ffi.uii i< «■: L and M atters a S pecialty . F tu all yearlv adver- ‘ turn out every class of 'freight and was purchased for £200 by an An sunstrokes is not very easy to se [wriie to Publisher. (a, a< i orditig to space: glo-Australian, who has a collection cure, because, in addition to the i passenger car. L akkvilw , O u «« m . II. . SCHLÄGEL oiled. Fa b . at no price. of such things, and who happened great number cared for,at the hos css than lu cen:s per 1 [¿r *0 tents, transient., MEO. W. BARNES, M. R RIGGS, Douglasville Texas 1 oasts of u to be the guest of count Ilarnon- pitals, many victims were taken p rairal to do all Kind« of Wo n th Blacksmltbliue. Hurts 8b<-«iLg at jet k««4. Prines tile. Or. Burn , ur from the streets to stores and offices t extra charge per in phenomenon in the shape of a girl | court.. lull a s adding reader , BARNES & BIGGS, and sent directly to their homes in wewk IB ruu in with j ^BUGGIES, WAGONS, E T C.,-> giantess, not quite ten years old. |>H our au\er*lsenients 1 private convi yancea. MADE TO ORDRR WITH NEATNESS. AND OF GOOP QUAl I She is five feet ten inches high, and Attorneys at Lav/, Military circles in London are rpublii'atiuns. >i each, i At the hospitals the house and k ai columns, n c a line. 1 AL L W O R K WARRANTED. the daughter of James Rutherford, greatly disturbed over the suicide Will prat ti« e in ail of the Cour s of the Sta ’ e. an«l death aniiounce- ...__ __ us ______ All bwsi.iess plat ed in care uf this firm will be ambulance surgeons had their rsolicited news. who is himself a giant is size. Her of two guardsman, a private and a :d to religious, sot ial. promptly attended to. I ' mother is six feet three inchis in coporal, both of whom left letters hands full of work. I height. declaring that they w-re subjected I fORK A shocking triple murder occur The girl, who was, her parents to such abuse by their officers that go. ti ed with neatness DREWSKY ADVERTISEMENT. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. ibie rales say,an unusually small, sickly ba it was impossible to endure their red in a barroom, in London Julv Pamphlet« Leiter Heacs, T. A. M< KINNON, “I* lI - |e ---------- London r paper«| by, began to grow when she was miserable lot any longer The .„c af- -r ( ar. a, TivKeis, Any and all kinds of snrveyiiig dune on shot Dodgers, Etc. notice fair will be investigated, and the characterize as an “American trag-J and reasonable tertnK. tfSF“ Settler about 9 years old, m d in four years wishiug to be located, t an ha\e p’ats furmshe has gained two feet six inches, an inquiry will be an important one, l’dy- regularly.on fl’o for re I a.« c >f th i.- ?e K-wt-fl Keu «paper Ad I almost unprecedented growth. She in view of the apparent corrobora-1 A discharged soldier named Har- ice si.. New York. DICKSON & 8ULL1VAN - alias Harper, Harper, quarreld quarreld with . is stout aud well developed in pro- tion offered by these two suicides S* gan 1" alias Hellen = Zu-n wait, portion and has the strength of a of the complaints of ill treatment. " illiaiu Lambert and John Wheel ■RECTORY. Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. CONTRACTORS <t BUILDERS. man, but her mind is fee1 le, or else which led to the mutiny of the er. The landlord ejected them. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors— WhiskiM, Brandi««, When outside Hargan immediately l : JOB WORK DONE NEATLY. has been outstrip! d by her body as Grenadier Guards, Benjamin Harrison Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand whan drew his revolver and shot both men Levi P. Morion to give it no chance to develop ----------------- —— Shop in Iluston building, Burns. James G Blaine you call on “Uncle Dick," at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. WiiHaui Winuum The giantess presents a most re-j Mrs. Blattner, an aged widow through the head, and they fell dead J uh nW. Noble on the sidewalk. Raufleld Proctor markable spectacle with her child living alone in tho suburbs of Benjamin F. Tratev Bystanders attempted to capture Jeremiah M. Kuak ish face and dress, seated playing Frankfort. on-the-Main, Prussia, was Wm II. H. Mii.wr SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP . John Wanamakar in the sand or amusing herself with murdered early in May of this year. the murderer, who fired again kill I OREGON: A traveling tinker by the name of ing a third man J. N. Dolph J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . a dull. a ,| , J. H. Mio hell No one had the courage to make ’ Newbrad was arrested and charged Binger R. 21 ___ Hermann BURNS. OREGON. D.Sylveaier Many iiersons have asked the with the crime, but. as the evidence an attempt to capture the murderer, j beu. W. McDrine U. W. Weob C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. D qustion: “How is the Chinese against him was wholly circumstan untill William Knifton and another J. B. M< Klruy n R Paten*« obtained, and all patent business attended t« promptly and far moderate faea. Frank t.akci D in grappled with him from behir • S. Mrahan CIIAS. SAMPSON - - B urns . O b mail handled in the postoifice?” tial, the case was dropped. Now I » / R Wm. Our ofilbe is opp*.site the U. b ., Patent Office, and we can obiain in leaa time thaa tfreaa win. I', r. lord i-urii .. R rerno'e from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability face It is a q eit on which I as < xci’e < c imes ti e • pa t of the s*o. . i'hen began a desperate fight for > W. W. Th»; er D W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R of chai Ke: and we make no charge unless pateut la secured. HAL DtsrkKT: life. -AND- c uisidi rabie discussion at different Her relatives are very rich and 01 We refer here to the PuetmMter, the Superintendent of Money Order Plriatoa. mm I to L B I son . * Jeweler. J.. L. R and The fight lasted a quarter of an officials of the U. M. Patent office. Nor circular, adviro. terma. aud reference« to times and one that everylody fi red a large reward for the convi • diem« in jour own Htate vt countv. write to above address —- IIARXKT : should understand. It is generally tion of the murderer. Hearing this hour, during which time Knifon was D. 8. D ustin . (R) supposi d however, that a Chinese a Munich lawyernamed Ebenhardt nearly killed, aud Hargan almost W m . M iller (Dl .W. h. UBACK . IDl inteipreter is employed in the post- had the remains of the old woman torn to pieces. His clothes were, .. (D) T. 11. R obrbtb BLACKSMITH. (D/ T. A. MvaiNXON office expressly to handle the Chi disinterred, the eye taken out and stripped from him and when finally ' A. A. VO ISO W. E. ALBERrtoM ADOLI’H TUI’KER - - Pao j’ exhausted and Deeding, he fell to; nese mail. But that is not the a photograph of the retina made. CH AS. NB s KLL the sidewalk the crowd stamfied on W m . M eeker —GENERAL REPAIRING— case, the government never having The picture of the old woman’s him. threw stones on him and would Ww. A ltbow n . £. D uncan found it necessary to employ such last eight on earth was strikingly have lynched him but for the arrival a person. When a Chinaman clear. It was a picture of New of the rxdice. I ». lamb orner: D. 8. HOPKINS, A kchithct . wishes to send a letter to his na brad. holding a daggar in one . J. B. HV»TI>,'>r'’S Thei'afitury Magatine. ..ilAKRlWOX KELLEY Promptly executed. The building bes been eu tive country he must einploy the haud and a’hatchet in the other. Grunri Rapids. Mich. larged and improved and Is oreparad to ’urn Will fnrn sb Design of KoMrff. < uttsges and Ma' sions r. s ’I re from <*n up to M»» At the time of General Fremont's out all kinds.>f blue ksmi'.hing un short notice services of an interpreter, unless he He has gone to sea as a sailor, but figure wanted. If you meau 1.» »mild, send |1 to m» address and! »rill aiall yu* • F** ■ nd In 1 he bes! style Terms Cash. 1-ly Hu <>f : 3 designs of dwel'ings like the one on file in E ast Oft«4«|i H erald *<lb DIRECTORY. death he was engaged upon the man can write English himself. He will bo arrested and- tried for the full plan of earh, full siic de al s. complete «Mt* i flrat tuna, m bf .1 of material, al’ very full aud compile s> anv ordinary csrpentor or builder will have no trouble In going uscript of a paper for TheCentury ’ s r ^FWCOPAL CHURLH i ahra<l and r«»rnp e’iug the work. And If vuu du nut And Just wbat yon ’•f,1!*-®* writes, seals and directs the envel crime. forthcoming series on the California what changrs tun des re made, and I will accommodate 'uu. <»r ••BV® *,r,**£? *,,\^** <’ amt Pastor. ope in his own language, and then H rkal *' Y»>u w ill it ■■ « heap to erect a handsome house sa to material on aa WiB- Gold Hunters. It wai to be enti- hinr bv the pastor in each I LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. •lfhtJy buildln< WHJ «M re constructing your present bcildtuf. ill further nuti<<* The situation in Alabama poli tl ed ’Finding Paths to California,“! goes to a Chinese interpreter who —ai 11 a m. and 4 ¿Op tn bvh.Mil House— at 11 a m writes the address in English on tics, is a complicated one. The and was not only to deal with the y—at 7 3D p tn -it 11 a m. and 4 30 p m another part of the envelope. The State is literally-arouse! upon the several explorlngexjieditions, but to ey—at 11 a m. and 7 ;Op tn narrate the writer's intimate con letter is then readv for the mail. question ot the Force bill and lit Wachmaker & Jeweler, nection with the events which led to < HVR. H stilt ice It then goes to the postoffice -and tle else is talked of in part of it. K Tavlvr the conquest and occupation of the ft-«! 7** p «> J. W. BONEBRAKE. takes a journey across the country There’s not a white Republican in territory. The work will be prompt .-•t 11 • m. Lakeview, Oregon. u qp The Odell n to Snr. Francisco. A China-bound Alal>ama whois not openly opposed ly continued by Mr». Fremont. A; first draft of the »reticle had been steamer conveys it across the ocean to the passage of the Force bill, and made, and the subject had been so to its destination, where, after go faith in the party is considerably recently and closely discussed by P. II MURPHY. ing through the Chinese postoffico shaken since the agitation over the General and Mrs. Fremont that I WILL BcV THE OPRI.l. TVCK TO »»> 910 se euy Hundred Dollar Machins. WIV I i.AKEVIEW _ - - - OII'.'GON it is delivered to the ¡lerson to question began. she will have no trouble in complet It combine« aiMPLiciTYwith durability — « peed , eaie or opbratio » ing the manuscript, for which »he whom addressed, The incoming Col.T J. Brown, a well-known HAY y GRAIN weam longer without Co«t of repftin than any other niachina. U m mails are handled very much in Republican of Wir.ston county, haJ already written an introduction, do inknbl>on bother the o|>eration. It neat, aubatantial, nick* as well a» a supplement describing; the same way. An interpreter in ■aid he bad been a republican since el-plated—perfect and aiiapt4Ml to all kinds of typewrilin f her life at Montcrev in 1849. A the Chin. • po-totfice writes the ad eight years before the war, and had fine portrait of General Fremont Lika a Printin< Pre* it t-rodnre-«hnrp. Haan, kirilde manuxeri^t Twa to tori dress in English on all letfers ad always voted the straight ticket, but from a daguerreotype of '49 or’ 50 can be marital <>ne wriiiiiir R.U;<»Pv hwyer*. Rihri-tef-. banket-. mrr*haato. ff. MAILS WlJtl '• nianulaci*’ret>, Iru-it»««- nien. •!<•., cawtot make a iietttr iwvratui-ni dressed to this country. Wh.n be had determined that there was will appear in the September nnm- Au intelligent jier-oti in a week cosi becotue a Good <>|>eratur, <«r a rt»| irioue in months IH»—V»L*-. ber of The Century, along with por- , the letters reach the postoffice the no place fur a white man in the dally, send. ■ excepted. trait« of Commodore» Sloat and! • 1,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type clerks never pay any attention to ranks of a party whose sole objee -CAWTov CITI. writer than that produce I by the Odell Reliable Agent« Stockton, “Duke’’ Gwin, and Gov > rtde - e. Sen. •nd Salctmen wai.Ud Special inducemvul» U Dealer». the name, and not one time in ten Menied to be tl.e annihilation of the ernor Burnett, in «n article giving feda.» a -Winnie' > W K ■' ■ For Pampbleta. giving endor»ein«oU. Ac . addraMthe thousand do they know whether a white mat ao¿ th« clwstiou of the account of “Hew California Came -va» ( vim : al » a an ODELL TYIE WRITER 4«C0, Tea Booim, L' wraoo , I lk . io to the Unwu' 1 l*tte»i>kr* Ckioaiuan or sstae-1 r.egro. ■ «•a. body else Tbev look only for thu street and num! er. The mail is sorted and is then delivered by the carrier. So, what seems a very complicated process is indeed a very simple one, causing no incon venience whatever. STATE INSURANCE COMPANY I The Farmers’ Company THE HOPKINS HOUSE -A. Fine Ba General Blacksmith Wagon-maker TH DREWSEY SALOON PATENTS JOB WORK. lY P E W R I T n *