(wMr I BURNS Pro<eeainK«. ADVERTISER closer and and people certainly cannot expect 1: When the State shall refuse or Hon. Judge Miller on the bench. eign corporations arc . . - THE HERALD ’ an e exception, neglect to provide for the election more exacting with their employee* Harney valley to be G. W. Anderson vs. Win. Black; «".... j.: "1—.TT —— 1 “ Senators and representa- than American born citizens. Ths According Th* x-------- „ to inforwtaiio.n we get of U. 8. 1 1 ' islature may continued until next term. WEUNÈSDAY. AUGUST S. ISSO. lives the national legi»i-»—~ ----- ... . - men employed by this foreign ele- there will be as much grain -aised appoint the rePre.entative. of the John S. Devmo vs. Hm. Lowe, ment are expected, by their bosses | here as the country will consume, judgement for plaintiff for #200. -Editor« to follow at their oall and be their land a sufficient quantity of vegHa- State. But the times, places and Oek a chinamun vs. M. A. Fry; willing toils in all cases, civil or hies to supply the demand; we do man’ner of holding elections torsen- disiyissed at plaintiff s cost. Leadine Merchant ofHarnev : alms and representative» shall be -------- DEALER IN—___ ' Robert Drinkwater vs. E K. Tay O ur said to be "daily mail” from , J criminal. Th. motto, ofthe bosses, I not think that bad for a new court- I prescribed in each State by the leg- • is poor pAV, that the men may be try. Ontario to Burns, comes over the lor; jury trial; verdict, defendent DHY GOODS, CLOTHING H at « . The loss of horses and cattle last , islature thereof.” foute now once or twice a week, , more easily controlled. BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES h ’»ni It is a notorious fact that a num pays plaintiff $27.50 plaintiff pays winter was heavy, that we do not That there is cause for alarm Which the contractor, Mr. McCoy— STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKFRY m , ber of republican senators are dis the cost. PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PUTTY TH«7? we presume—thinks is sufficient , none need dispute, and tht soon dispute, but the heavy loss of stock gusted with the Lodge bill, and i for people living on the frontier, er Americans take warning and wa* not confined to Harney valley, would say so, but fur the trouble Horse« how Training for Burna llMcea, SULTANA RAZORS, AND “I X L" CUTI»» CIGARS—AND A THOUSAND OTlIku and just so be gets paid for a daily take steps to stop the influence of other older settled communities, meh frankness brings. No sooner John 8., bay gelding, fi.ycrs old, TOO TEDIOUS TO MENTION ' and grain and hay districts lost mail, its all right for him; he tnay this class of men, the better for our does a senator say that he depre sire, Prince of Norfork: dam. Min just as heavily as we did. independence and the life of our •' -■ 1 Be under the “weather,” We hope Harney valley will make a farm cates such legislation than he is nie C. Owned by T. J. Silman. liberties. the gentleman is Well. Emma C., eotral filly, 3 years Full Weight Full Measure, and Exi Our corporation laws are being ing country and don’t you forget ■ hounded by a lot ot vartisans into If any misfortune should befall old, sire, Prince of Norfork, dam, denying,or modifying, his published it. 11a* always bean lay motto, aud I intend to ««¡atain», our contractor the citizens on ths I abused, corporations disregard our Mollie Stockton. Owned by J. 8. j expressions. It has become as i laws, and bribe legislative bodies. route would weep tears of—well it1 ■ much as a renublieWn senator’s life Devine. should be made to feel ■ i>is*vavv I i Monopolies * would be a slam on the government T he insurance agent is in town . is worth, to think aloud, contrary Steen Mountain Belle, bay filly. to , nn<^ real*ic **'at l*iev are creatures this week. In conversation with for so punctual and useful a i man ---- — 3 years old, sire, Prince of Norfork, i to the republican journals in this be “knocked out” for a short time. | of the law, and the law the expres- him, one can easily see the impor matter. dam unknown. Owned by Henry ’ Tt nothing of "ion of the people, and the peopls tance of good flues; because in We sincerely hope that Every senator that is reported Long. j the power in the United States ’ gov- th« kind—we tuean we hope that | buildings with good flues the agents lukewarm is immediately seen; and Cicero, bay gelding, 3 years old. rill, at an . earlyl the Department wi... ---- er,linel,t do not hesitate to take risks; build- j if he does not authorize a contra sire, Connor, dam Sagehen. Owned date, reuaamber that the Ontario ings without such protection they diction of aj^Fative x xpg/l-i ~>n that by George Hayes’. mail route calls for a daily mail to risks; hence tk^o im- e/cape<f hiiw A live business town iglptuot>4al ’'•alff/ T* .C-h any The FliTil ?cars old. ,.Jlce of such protection, and how. It is not strange that under name Mollie B , sire, Connor, dam Burns, and will haul the contractor | People want no uctrer over the coals and scorch his wages ; evi<Iei>ce of a good, lively business why is it the citizens of Burns can the circumstances senators should, unknown. W. K GRACE, P roprietor , to the full extent, unless he (the p]ace than to krow evnry business not see the situation and make' for the sake of peace, keep their Bay mare, owned by Cutting. contractor) has a broken leg. | anJ trade jn the <own .g HberaI]y preparations so in case of a fire We views to themselves They will Dandy Jim, a quarter horse. advertised. And on the other hand will at least have our insurance! not, however, be regulated or subju Split Ear, a quarter horse. A Large Assortment »f neither do people at a distance money to fall buck on. gated, if ever the tipte comes, to Iron Wood. a half mile horse. T he Washington correspondent of .. The«citizens of Burns (in respect jump upon tjie.neck of the Lodge want any better evidence of the Conswelo, thorough-bred, mile FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS the Hartford Times sends the fol- ( to accidental fire) remind us of an bill and choke the life out of it. stagnation or death of a town, than horse. lowing interesting item to that pa; ( Has just been Received. to see in its papers very little ad individual who is thoroughly con I Mr. Harrison must have learned Harney Humbug, thorough-bred ■per. vinced that he has a soul, and that something recently which caused heat horse. vertising of its business. Mr Wilson, of West Virginia, re You want newspaners to boom there is a hell, a place of punish I him to think that his chances of be Steen Mountain Swell, thorough marked this morning that the house the town and the country around it; ment, for the sot.! that sins, where ing re-nominated are improving; bred heat horse. was demoralized; that the members I you expect the town paper to pub fire is never quenched, and in those i he has authorized a statement to be The Little Daisy, half mile mare. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY! made to the effect that his wife did had no respect for the speaker; and lish the amount of business done flames the soul must forever and I not accept the cottage at Cape May I Woe Be Gone, quarter horse. Everything guaranteed pure and of the nn he evidently eit rtained none for in the town; hpw well persons of ever exist, world without end, benr-1 Point, because he refused to allow them. He called attention to the ¡every calling are getting along, car- ing the torments of the damned,J het to do it; and that he paid for it —The commissioners court met very serious charge made a few days i penters, blacksmiths, merchants, and no help for it except tepent- with ilOJWO of his own money. to day. ago by Mr. Stone, of Missouri, who and persona of all trades, livery ance and acceptance of the gospel The effect of this statement would ' have been greater if it had been boldly declared from his plilcc in —Messrs John Lyons and son stables, lawyers, doctors, etc., peo as expounded by our ministers; | made sooner. the house that Reed fiad organized ple at a distance reading this great still he goes on in sin and trans The House in obedience to the William, and Wm. Teal all of Dallas the house in the interests of the boom report, made in the reading gression, and finallv dies just as he dictatin' of Speaker Reed, has Polk ehtinty haVe lately arrived in the Valley and are going to locate Pacific railroad barons, and the I columns, turn to ads, of your town, lived, with the words upon his lips passed the Original Package bill, here. speaker him self was swayed by the and the National Bankruptcy bill. [and see for themselves that more "If I had only repented.” The Behring Sea correspondence This large and commodious Hotel has been gtn baleful influence of the syndicate. —Judge Deadv decided the crazy Burns will say after she is in jthan half of these men we report has been sent to Congress, ahd the vated. The Proprietor wil. spare no pains to pleu Such a charge against’ Carlisle I Indian, taken to Portland by W. ashes — no insurance, no protection i doing so well, have no ads., they fact is apparent that Mr. Blaine has would not, or could not, have been , shake their heads and say that the whatever, no recourse and to late done nothing but maintain the I W. Jchfison, to be a Statfi charge, JiF'Good table service, and table« furnished tithill uttered; or if it had Been, would I town is “N. G.” and wonder who for repentc nee—“if we only had put claims of Air. Cleveland’s adminiS- ¡and the latter has taken the Indian have generated a sensation on the on to the State Capital, Salem, and up flues and insured.” To late for 11ration. pays the paper for lying. floor and in the public prints. '«cutback here to the County Judge repentance “ the summer is ended, If vdu Want your business and Cr.ir-Weatlier KtilietlH No 2o When applied to Reed it attracted for the necessary papers. town boomed, advertise in the lo the harvest is o’er,” arid our town 1 Of the Oregon Weather bureau, co- no attention whatever. is in ashes and not a dollar to —George Grace, who left. Burns cal paper freely, ntJt niggardly, put i operating with U. S. Sighfll,Service, build it up. a short time ago, and went to Ore in a large one; bring your busi- ¡Central Office Portland, Oregon. t =^ urns osculating l T he numerous syndicates organ , ness before the public in a way it For the week ending Saturday, gon City—where he formerly resid AND l ed—oh business, expecting to come I ized and operating in the United will attract Attention. A town that | HEItALD'S WASHINGTON LfcTTF.i: July 26th, 1890. back to Burns and go into business, States. Do they not threaten our does not patronize its town paper [ WEATHER BOOK EXCHANGE '- • IN TUB 11X8X1.3 HVIMrlNU. republican institutions, ^lie liber by advertising, don’t deserve to be i W ashington , D. C.« July 31st 1890. The week has been marked by will not do so. W. E. Grace re ties and freedom of our people? The southern Senators deprecate continued high temperature rang ceived a letter from him dated the SIRS. GRACK, ------ L ibia Kiir boomed; don’t deserve a good Object ot opening thi« bnalnera In ronnacll.-.n wllh the Tree KeMlm I m These syndicates are composed trade; don’t deserve to do any boycotting, but decline to talk about ing from 50 to 70 degrees along the 12th, stating that he was going in Fum.* for pun hualng book« ivr u l-ublie Ubrr.r> L.r num -Th« Iuka of capitalists, the majority of whom business. it; some of them, for instance Gor cost, from 48 to 90 decrees in inter to liuisttess about, eight miles from TERMS: Membership Fee ?1.‘e < ear. Reerllrrg Fee toe, Pen.«!! olSr.r odit til or Book, mane wi;h the Librarian, in every ii aiauce. he ud for* »in are foreigners, not identified with Visit any town, of which you man of Maryland and Vance of ior valleys and from 50 to 110 de Oregon City. We are so tv to learn /W The Librarian la uueiil h.r and will lake Sul aeripUura «1 llaluc our i dependent form cf govern 1 know nothing before entering it, go North Carolina, see nothing in it but grees east of the Cascades. There that he lost, bv death, one of his ioieal. andI < ruer am Bo..k. puuliaherl in lhe I liner, snilea ur ( ion .1 1’kturi-», w.,rka „1 Art, HuUw-BuUuIu* bcaljna. Etc. ment, but to the contrary a great ' into the business houses and see for the silly vaporings of superheated has been an entire absence of clouds, little children since he left hen. many of them are bitterly opjmsed 'yourself what parties are doing the highly excited imaginations. except along the cost, where fogs, He has the sympathy of I.is friends to it. These foreign corporations most thriving business; then exam Senator Vance said; “I am a as usua’, were frequent; no rain is in Burns, and also their fervent are monopolizing the most promi ine the town paper and you will Christain, and therefore I do not . reported to have fallen within the heartv good wishes for his success ' nent, profitable and important man find those ¡persons afe the ones swear; but if I were a profane man, State. in his present location. Burns, in 1 ufacturing industrii s of our govern- i whose advertisments af# in the pa I should call it the d—st nonsense losing Geortze Grace, loses a capa CROPS. ment. The weather has been very favor ble, conscientious, honorable citizen per. If a man's bushwis pays, he | We ought to oppose the Force till Putting so much power into the I should advertise; i? he does not his by 1 every constitutional and legal able to harvesting operations, and one that any town orcomntuni- F. E. B each . President, I W' m . M c F all within our power. If it be which are in full sway throughout t ty may be proud of. hands of foreigners—whose politics < business will sohn begin to lag) and means 1 E. H ughes -, Vice-President, | W. F. B row and ideas of government are differ finally die. Why? Because some passed in spite of us, then we should the State, the weather was favora —Curly is the boss dog, this ' as the town clerk of Emphesus ent to ours; whose feelings are an one in the same husihtks advertises do ble to late spring grain, hops, fruit, 1 morning Curly was in T he H ehai . d tagonistic to our republican princi and finally takes his trade. ‘ did, and coltncel our people to do etc. ¡office, which is situated in the ,ist of Directors and Stockholders at theuffiu rash.” ples, and men whom it would be The fai! wheat is reported to second story of the building. That is the outcome and end of nothing 1 _• He suicide to trust with the reins of' the business of the man who re Senator Gorman was equally fne have a fine large plump berry, as J. D. SI was giving what news he could in our government, because they j fits» s to advertise. 2-30tf BURNS 1 in expression. The Maryland Sen little threshin» has been done, 80 ' the usual wav intelligent dogs have would rather see the stars and ator is very blunt, and although ¡ar, the yields cannot be given. of transmitting news that is by the The man who tries to do a profit- 1 stripes of our glorious old govern able business without advertising that matter is liable to offend, it One report from Washington coun wag of his tail, when a dog fight 1 ment trailing in the dust, and our is a complete failtire. usually carries with it the sincerity ty says, one field of 60 acres has <><;(• u red in the street, Curly r waBon- waB on- republican institutions trampled of the speaker. He said; “'Such been^cut and threshed which yield- ]y one moment taking in the situ und< r foot, giving them the right utterances are senseless in the ex i ed 45 bushel per acre. lieing raised, Cur- Cttr- ation, the window being and liberty to erect on the ruins,' From a private letter written by treme. No public man in Wash i At Gervais on the 24th the first I Jv went out at the opening like NEAR BURNS, OREGON. thereof, an empire more congenial John B. Embree to T. J. Hayter we ington is in sympathy with such a wheat was received at the ware-i Joubje gear),d lightning' landing in I ----- -------------- ’— ----- ;uouote geareu itgnintng tanning ini to their own feelings and ideas of take the li licit v to glean the follow plankor would encourage it fur a , house, from Mt Angel, on the same , the glfeel flnd info the fighti got; JNO. W. SAYER a proper form of govern lent—is, we ing: He thinks it a failure as a moment. The effect of the passage date last year the first wheat was I hlmself dccentlv whir)pPd, rct jrned think, a bad stroke of policy on the farming Country. Last year they of such a measure as the Lodge ■ received at the same place. | the wav ,)f the gfairgi Keen« cnnalantlx on bong • tar*« Ho< k«i part of the governtLen’. The gov said it was unusually dry and now bill would be bad in both sections. It is estimated that the entire I quietly laid himself down to dream they say it is unusually wet. Very ernment had better have control off It is having its effect already, as a section of country within 20 miles of evils of this life. these important manufactories, and i many of the grain fields will hArdly result of the mere agitation of the 1 rnd'ous of Athena, Umatilla, coun —Hon. Thomas G. Stoddard, thereby prevent foreign syndicates ’ *'e *or**1 cutting. The frost bit question.” ty, will yield, on an average from ' down much grain, many of the gar- from getting control. He said that several Baltimore 35 to 50 bushels per acre. In the assistant Superintendent of Rail The vote of the number of labor- I j dens and even some of the wild gentlemen had called upon him, French prairie, Marion county the way Mail Service, arrived in Burns ere necessary to employ in large I grass. Nearly all the cattle and who have projected large enter- ! wheat is generally better and larg Tuesday evening, coming via Onta Al! kind« of «urtare lumber thoroughly «rationed for bnildiM manufactories, cuts no small figure and abotYt half ofthe horses were lest prises in the south, “They told ' er yield than ever before. Crook rio. Mr. Stoddard is here looking BKDVCEB PKÍCE. in important elections, and the fact I last winter. Wild hav is abundant me,” he continued, -‘that they would county has an increased acreage of after the mail routes and the cause« I that this vote is unquestionably and is now being cut, WAges ranging go no further in the matter until wheat and they expect to raise of detention. He will report the I controlled by the bead of the firm, from 11.50 to 12 a day. Haying the Force bill had been finallv dis sufficient wheat for local demand. condition of the various lines, and ! and that head composed of a for will last two months’ and the prb- posed of. If the measure passes, In the section south of the Blue it is eettainlv to be hoped that the will zee that the people N. B. A Good m«d all the wav. eign clement, antagonistic to our ability is that it will not be worth they wil) drop the affair altogether, mountains croops arc all reported department of this country receive their mail on over 13 per ton this fall. The republican institutions, is sufficient and similar action will no doubt good. Union county has the bright schedule time. Mr. Stoddard is a I cause for alarm by all true Ameri istreams are full of dead animals follow in scores of cases. . All talk est of prospects. I' _____ A Morrow county business-like Mld hftg fulJy genial gentleman i , ---- ---------- /informed himself as cans and lovers of cur free govern i and there is much fatal sickness. of boycott, however, is foolish.” I will have the best grain crop ever to the inconvenience this country ' The above, taken from the Polk ment. Attention is directed to the Forty- produced. Sherman, Gilliam and has suffered through negligent con-1 The profit derived from thia use County Itemixer, are not facts of Third Congresi and the attempt to Wasco counties will have more tractors. He will start for Port of foreign capital goes to foreigners I the condition of Harney county, as pass the Force bill when Blaine was than average crops. The entire land to-morrow morning via Can instead of living any natural benefit we understand it. There is not an Speaker of the House, and B F. Willamette valley sends in the yon City. W m . W oods , M anage »- to the U. S. government, is actually acre of grain in Harnev valley, that i Butler was chairman of the Judici most excellent reports as to wheat an injury to us, because it goes to we have seen, that will make less ary «ommittee, which reported the prospects and Southern Oregon will Johnv Tice, asixteen-year old boy I ARGES T8TABLE AND RARN IN THE HA aliens, or if used in the United than 20 bushels per acre and the (bill to House. General Wheeler, have fully an average crop. Hops Was found dead in a corral at Han Cleû,n— Fresh-New States, it will certainly not be ap most graih will go 50 bush« 1* per of Alabama, recently made a great ■»re good yields and good prices are lev Bros ranch in Jackson Co., last _.. c. V, Feed. Water, an d Compete”* •’ plied in a direction to aid ns hi the acre, and some of it will make 75 argument against the present bill, expected. Large quantities of fruit week. It is suppos-d he was gored Tbi« Stable, with ■ full I n «. < < rrircd«Mt a. ir open to «H JJ*” to death by the animal*. He left Carefully FftKTucd, fed «r.d water««- further progress ef establishing as bushels per acre. CSABOBH kBABONABVK. W and Gen. Butler wrote to him for a are being shipped. Prunes, plums the house early in the morning and a fact that man is capable of self Gardens were injured some by copy, as worth preserving, and re and pears are especially plentiful. was seen no more until found dead. governient. fr.ist, btit vegetables are plenty. ceived an answer as follows: "Up The melon crop will be unusually —Gazette. Furthermore, this money going Wild hey in atmndance and of ex on the question of the constitution large. The flatering prospects for Murder aeem* tn be the least per- into the Coffers of foreigner», serves cellent quality, but we do not know al right of Congress, involving its a bountiful harvest, indicated tb« i lious of all the felot ious pastimes only to impoverish our own coun of any hay Mling for lew than $5 a I right to take charge of federal elec past few weeks are uow about to be known to this country. Out of 14,- Burns-Canyon Stage! try just to the extent, it enriches ton. We have had some few per- tion*, in rases of emergency, can. realized. ?70 murderers who took human I J ewitt , P roprietor . in the six yean» from 1884 to them. ‘sons sick hete, ami some have died, by the U. S Statutes and constitu I. ear eg Purr« oa WnMayi, Wednwiati, and Fr B. S. P asce , 1 life 1889 only 558 paid the penalty of « onae^r« with the O b U f K Prtwcwllle, and Latevtew •»* Jtis an indi»putcd fact, that for- but people will die io all countries tion be only this: Sw 4, Chsptcr Observer, U. S Signal Server». I their own lives to the law. ti<»r • fur ptwnfef». THE PACIFIC FIRE INSURANT CAPITAL 8300 iri safe db z-elial Tb.e Saw‘M ÄzTolcling-s. n. vistió. Mew ÂÆa,olxin T he W hite For L ivery aw f