—Harney races will begin Sept. —Burns.—This little city is on a —County Court convene» next J. DURKHEIMER <& CO., 2d and continue five days. Monday, August 4th. boom since the election, and every body feels good. —Received at the Hardware IIÁS LAIIUEST CIRCULATION OF ANY —Mr. L. Harlow moved his house ()—DEALERS IN —() N. Brown will go to Portland Store of Cal. Geer, a supply of doors i NEWSi-APEH IN THIS COUNTY.’ IBS I. and O ffk -from Harnev to Burns this week. »«>, Ju- e la. imi and wiudows. soon to lav in his fall and winter GENERAL MERCHANDISE, EN that »he folluw- —As near as can be determined . _Ro'ert Baker of Silver Creek, p,"( k "f i< e of his inten- i Mr. Brown is one ORI GON. BURNS. II P’ Tt of his**laiin, Official County Paper. there is a population of about h a- e before ihe a call-^..«1,;«. leaving at o our best i ili:, ns - P it d H. 1 and offit e, at íth. vis: sn Burns precinct. |(ho gpecimMW of wht.al and World. Carry the Largest S.ock iu Ea. tern Oregon. Z1 orders have our prompt atttn.¡on. h . —We had the pleasu-c of shak- |,ar|PVi raised on hi» ranch, which Local News. lof HW A, Ser 12. House and Lot for Sale. , ....................... F. W. M. II« ing hands with Bnrt Cronin who cannot be beaten in Oregon for qual •s< 8 to prove .his |nu . u> i\ a i >n ».f, HARNEY C'OUSTV I t EMS. this A good house and lot. situated | visited our town the first of ity. The heads are long, well filled T. Whi w. r h. T. Portland Boot and Shoe Store j ., h . «11 of Bun a. week, and the g ain plump He has 25 iu the town of Burns, can be pur-! > gtun . Regis er. WEDNESDAY. JULY !A ISSI. chased cheap, for cash. House , LUNABURG A FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . —Ed. Staufft-r paid Burns a visit1 acres of wheat, and of barley 40 well built and furnished inside, con-1 this week. He reports millions of acreri. ; —Chas. W. Jones was in town on t lining 4 rooms and one store a $*5,OOO stock of Boot, and Shota, of lhe aery beet que'lty, Juet received crickets on Crane creek, but doing — Ren Brown of Burns, Harney room. Lot 50x160 feet. Warran-1 regon Junei.3,1MM\ I the 28th. no damage to grain. ENtharthe follow- county, who has been in the city tee deed will be given. Apply at —Smith <t Young will have 650 b> i e of hls i.itei'- ¡1 in supp«iri uf h e Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. —Sworts it Miller, of Anderson for about a year left for home to day. H erald office. ilit i>e made befere ’ tons of hny this year. S , i an<l'<*rti< e, ui Ben is a good liov »nd we commend valley, are in Burns this week. , 1S91, vix: £9** Also, Custom work and Repairing neatly done. ii krr. —Ike Baer came in from Baker They report vast quantit-es of hav him to the kind citizens of the new- i Notice. ■ Eqr N’l-i of SEqr r 8. K, 34 k. w. M City vesterdav afternoon. capital of Harney, and trust he will in their section, but few la bon rs. * “ IC88 -8 tu pr >ve 11 iR I Notice is hereby given that Agnes I HARNEY ADVERTISE ME N TS. ktiu < u.ti*a i.»t» «4, —Thos. Stephens returned from Irphv, rh s. D» h I- —Charles Johns, attorney of the sbe as welcome a v’nitor to the news (h-arhart. my wife,did, in Septeni- t>\ r<l. all vf i ur s, Baker City, on the 28th, INGTüM, Re.is er. firm of Hyde, Olmstead it Johns of paper offices there a» he has been • er, 1889, leave my l ed and board, to the Worlds sanctum.—Foreland and I will not T.e responsible for —The daily edition of the Baker Baker City, is visiting Burns this World week. any debts contracted by her what City Blade has been discontinued. I ra B oyce , Proprietor, Harney City, Or. reg.in. June 2318t>0. —The Register and Receiver of ever, from this date. ¡EN that tn»-* follow- —Lee Ca.dwell and family, Mrs. —At the Candv Store of Mrs. e «»f his luten- the land office at Burns have re Dated at Burns, Oregon, July 16 ■uppuH of h » * laini Vaughn you will find fresh figs, Sta Stenger and family and Mrs Jame MW-îlay and Grain constantly on hand«. Give me a call when at Ilarncy. 5 maie lien re the ceived instructions from the Hon. A. D. 1890. W. H. G earhart . son and family, started for Emi [H. !.a i • a« tionary and fire works. a MM. \ s grant Creek Sunday the 27th, to Commis.-ioner of the General Land 1er, — Harvest is in full blast, Harney Nt ticc. Se<-. 10 Tp. 24 S K Office, dated July 11, 1890, that HUNTINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. rusticate and fish for a few davs LlluA'itlg willltSSvB valley has an enormous crop of hay üb de 'e ip »o /• contests will be allowed to all set This is to certify that on the 16th 1; <•. i>. Rusk. Puter —C. B. Raker has the contract tlers who have .received filings on day of May, A. D., 1890.1 bought d TI u b . G. L> u < b u. and a very fair crop of grain. for carrying the mail between •iNGTON, Regia’er. —H erald is only $2.50 a year; Burns and Vale. This contract lands in “List 5?’ the ‘•'Red S.” ofJ.T. Ivy, his interest in a band of now is the time to subscribe to a calls for a daily mail.—Prineville To determine the character of the sheep, which were Teased by I vi IF. live local newspaper. land if its natural state. The let and Vestal. I also agree to settle- OREGON 1 IDAHO WAREHOUSE CO News. V-- tes hand Office,I ter also stated that 58,000 acres, of all indebtedness contiacted in the Lam- — Our old friend, David We wish, if Mr. Baker has charge ion July 11,1MU0.1 ?EN that the follow- bert, is again in town, and, we are of the mail route mentioned, that the land, are of doubtful character name of Ivy & Vesta), and to col Carri».« a full lint of | noth e of his inten- and a contest will have to be in»ti* lect all bills due the firm. in support of hi« sorry to say, still afflicted with he would take charge. If it is a HAY. Will te made before GRAIN, TL0UR, LT. 8. Land office, rheumatism. A lbfrt V estal . daijv mail we like to get our- tiiail tiited-in Order to.det»raikie whether NAltSi-i*-- --- SULPHUR, SALT»' \ it 21st. 1890, viz: it is swamp within the meaning -.of q VFDQ’ - BARB WIRB, COAL OIL, □ruff. —Ralph Geer has completed his at Burns oftener than once every Section 10 Tp. 24 Farm fbr Sale. the grant; /. ■ BACON AND HAMS, ten days. [ names the following Tin-shop and is now ready to do le car lets. Sniinuous residence The farm belonging to Mrs. S. 4’ ' " kid land, viz: N. R. all repairing in that line. ® —Adolph Tupker looks happy •. irt Terrell and Wil- Notice.. Haskell, one mile east of Burns, *. - . .. j • regon. —Crawford Gilliam, once a resi and contented, and why shouldn’t INGTON, Regis’er. 160 acres. This is a very desirable I have in my hands All unsettled Alm. agent for the dent of Harney valley, who left he? He gets his Bhare of custom, ranch, having on it a good house bills, notes and accounts die Geo. i and barn, and excellent well of wa charges reasonable for his work here about the beginning of last wir- TI EMENT: J Uli LUUlt Bl i U I Ut di ter, died in Oklahoma, a few days and treats his customers with McGowan in this county, and am ter; one of the best gardens in tho And keap abv<< a a targ« S ock on htr.òa. I all peraona whom his authorized agent to collect and county, besides the whole 160 acres courtesy. [lYderiigned h«8 filed »go- is splendid meadow land. Parties es ate of Henry W. receipt forthesame. Persons know, County Court ’of the —R. J. Ivers, from the Red-S. • —Mrs. Amy Byrd ackowledges ing themselves indebted to him desiring to purchase, call on Mrs. hntv of Harnev, anti s»f AUTUBt, A D. 1M90. the receipt of a nice present of veg Haskell for terms and purchase Prices Low st in Eastern órgóü- day has been Bet bv country, called on T he H erald . will please settle immediately and price, of the same and lhe etables sent by Mrs. Robert McKin Monday, and reports hay in abun ill objections, if any, save cost, for if not paid in one The Oregon and Tdaho Forwarding Company have just completed a targe stene and dance in that section of the coun non. The potatoes were the finest month from this date July 9th, all J ohn W. J omes I,oat iron fire-proof warehouse at Huntingdon, and will be prepared to receive confeigmueuU j of Henry W. Jones, try, aid grain and vegetables we have seen this season. of freight bv the fir-t dav of April unpaid bills, notes and accounts ¿®T"The Company is prepared to wake liberal advances on consignments of wocl. looking splendidly. —Dr. Boyd was once the recip will be put into the hands of an On the afternoon of July 12,-on the road leading from Burns to the Fry [7E —S. W. McMurphy returned ient of a serenade, music selected officer for collection. field, a lady’s red plush portemon- State of Oregon, for from California a few days ago. He for the occasion, “ring dem bells.” J ohn E. M artin . Residents in the Twentv-seventh DR. H. M, HORTON naie, containing a gold watch and Irnnty: That serenade has a moral. ward, Chicago, had an experience te uf Ruyal Glenn, informs us he had a very pleasant some other small articles. trip; but some bad luek, two of his —Dr. Ashford <t Boyd are cer ti*: i»i to Rtf. The party finding the above men with a mad dog on the evening of DENTIST,............... B urns O reoo ’ n . Program of Bums Races. ie 27th dav of June, horses getting crippled while on tainly meeting with success in their tioned portemounaie, and leaving it July 21st. Early in the evening a Office M resldonce, in thè Jvbn Robinson named court, the un profession here, not having lost a to of A<l<ni iWraiioii the road. The following is the program for I at T he H erald office in Burns, large bulldog came tearing down building, ru < ì is prepare t tu a tenJ tu thè pratile e of tieni .s.ry iu all Iti branche!. la nu-.v lhe <iulv ap- They cured two the Burns races commencing Aug- will be liberally rewarded. M-ii'tjr Ad'iiiuis ra «.r the road from the Niles, snapping at —Clara Stenger gave us a call patient yet. refore. httving < lain s B. Reed attacked g s 27th. went the name. <iul> this evening, the first since she re children of E. everything he met. He crossed lhe id. to the uu<iersi«ned H. BOYD. with cerebro-spinal meningitin a . Pit inond rant h. in turned from school. First day: Six hundred yard N< tic® of Iiiftsclutit u of Partnership. river and ran down Main street to J. W. ASIIPORD, Oregon or ai the uf- disease we are told, that generally [g. one of ihv a'torne 8 Ashford L Bod, dash, free for all, $150. Montrose, where a German, whose —A. Dunn had a runaway this' Notice is hereby given that the co n of Turtles ,sixid coun non hs front the date evening, his horses ran off with the proves fatal. Second day :»One-half tnile.dssh. partnership existing under the name was not learned, endeavored to PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, fcly. A. 1).. 1W90. «-agon. No damage except one / ■ firm name of J. Durkheimer X- Co., intercept him The huge beast fas- J B urns ...................................O regon —Mr. Mark Emhree has charge free for-all, $150. ; ., .. PEI Ett FRENCH. wrist slightly sprained. Third day: Onq-hilf mile nr.d has this day been dissolved by mu tened his jaws on the man’s arm Adiuiuist riur. of T. J. Morrison's ran ch, during bis Office in W. E. Grace’s Drugstore. ¡ttorneys. —The grain on the ’anchi of G. absence on a visit to his pArents repeat, free for alL $150, tual consent. Isaac Baer retiring. and multilated it to such an extent j Maupin, G. Stanclift. L. Harkey, N. and friends. We noticed—a few Fourth day: Three-fourth mile that amputation will probably be J. D urkhei - jeh A C o ., Brown and Thos. Whiting, all situ days ago—when passing his ranch, dash, free for all, $150. necessary. He then ran on down Stoddart and Co., I saac B aer . Fifth day: Three-fourth mile thatsixtv davg from ated near Burns, is looking fine. All those knowing themselves in the street, bitting a dozen or more ! the grain partly harvested and 1 uiuawlul for 8 \ ine to At] dash, for tjiree year old oolts, $150. debted to J. Duikbeimer <t Co., will dogs in the neighborhood. |ity ut 1» fur the fiisi and(jlaim A1" —Dr H. M. Horton, our promi ftould judge his crop to be good. [and every subsequent Irvin Park he sprang upon two! ' pension Sixth, day: Novelty race, one please settle at once. from lhe owner uf the nent dentist, is now permanently boys who were playing in the road i —Lunaburg & Fry received, last mile, $.'0 a quarter. Free for all. the name of the Ma e J. D urkheimer A Co. tòrneys. let* of the Pea< e of the located in Burns, all wishing work Or.e of them, a son, of Mr. Klehm.j Burns, July 1, 189G. week, another supply of boots and 1 owner or keeper or Ide, and such penalty wa, frightfully lacerated about the ! done in his line of business, will do shoes, of tne very finest quality, pf, and when t oile' ed cheat and was taken to the hospital I C15 7th St., Washington, D. C. Notice». ¡eho.il Euntiuf the< oun- Iu Justice Court. well by giving him a call. Office and made of the beat material, since fs brvUghr, within 6 x- The other, a son of Mr. Gayer was 1 Uu ie proved u> be ai at his residence. Notice to the taxpayers of School the opening of their Boot and Shoe Justice court, of Burns precinct. bitten in the right side. Opposite U. S. Patent Offioe. ,Jub , A. D. 1H90. —The old Robinson and Dodson Store, the firm has been liberally Distrist No. t,-county of-Harney. July 28, 1890, criminal information W. E. G race , By this time quite a party of ci- i Clerk, Harney County. State of Oregon vs. G. W. Scott tizens were in persuitof themad bog. i All person having Claims for Saloon, was opened on the 7th, by patronized. Why? because their State-of Oregon. ■ Youare hereby notified that the Scott held, under $250 bonds, to He was followed out into an open j Pension Increase of Pension, ot of Henry Long. The proprietor asks stock is of th« best brands and their field, where he turned on his pur- any nature whatever against the tax levied on the 3d day of March, apoear before grand jury. ° for a share of the public patronage; prices reasonable. suers. One of the party shot and 1 Gouernment, should writo tons for d Order of Sale. A. D.. 1890, by the School-District Justice court, of Burns precinct, ie presen.s hat pursu- his saloon is first class in every re Proposed new law» ’ —We take pleasure in noting the No. 1, county of Harney, State of July 25, 1890. T. A. Crump vs. L. wounded him, and then a man arm-; information. jT uh evur; uf the oia « ."cvuuty, njR'.c and eii- spect. his Liquors are of the best ed with an ice pick struck hi-n a affecting. Soldiers rights fully ex r, lvju. in a aui , h bere change for the better in the case of Oregon, is now due and paya.Jc at B. Springer. Jury trial; verdict blow on the neck. The dog fastend plained. Advice free. it iff, and E. U. Weaver, brands, and by strict attention to Wa eis and A R. Ultase Mrs. Maggie Levens who for sever Burns, Oregon, office of N. Brown, i t favor of defendant. his teeth in the handle of the pick 1m ,.f |4_.\k0 and IÜ per buisness, and gentlemanly courtesv Jerts- thereon from the and wa» prodded to death with a NO FEE UNLESS CLAIM IS AL al months has been in ill health. and that the said tax will be Justice court, of burns precinct, LOWED. Tur .be iorechsure uf a Henry hopes to receive his share of pitchfork before he would release! She is improving rapidlv. her manv vf «.a e the . ni da uf deemed delinquent unless paid July 26, 1890,T. A. Ciutnp vs. J. o tie b) Brtiu defendant to CUStOlIl. his hold. Some fifty dogs, suppjsed i friends are rejoicing nt the change within GO days from the date of E. Dees Jury trial; jury disagree, rued tberiMÍicr iu Blai..- to have been in the path of the en ke< . z.. Tp K ò. t. —The Hardware Store of Cal. for the better, and hope it may la* this notice. C has . N ew X i L, iitv, Oregon, anti uir»‘i t- Same trial. July 29th. Jury ver raged animal, were shot the follow ds sa.isfy »al>l uecree I Geer, is giving genera) satisfaction. permanent. June 8’90. District Clei k. ing mon ing.—Bedrock Democrat., dict in fa »or of defendant. 1'. N>:*"0t“«*!**“-p°i! I »’eer endeavors to keep cvery- Li the righ —W W. Cardwell, while assist « , ti'.e, ... u:er-1 thing in the hardware line wanted the sal i E. i>. ' The Az'ec 'Pressure-House, by THE cry of mill :.. XST Stray Notice. ing his wife in living down carpet, vii .he bh I4 - rt < _ ___ vr.« 'to he bights bi \? -cer, a: 1 |’n *tii» country, and has made im- OH. 7WY BKCK1 L»-..««» te ■ ■ * «» I I... I Strayed from the range on Bea i TI i >s. A. Janvicr. hu, just, been ia- i'2,"<.. r. h ui u!.K Tr/i e .4 < »re- ! niensc sales of all kinds of niachin- slipped a knuckle of his knee joint, rr.e i>, .*ta rroe it now . ! sUed in look forni by Melar» Har- eniitigal ^ v’clutk p m, '• erv. He makes it a point to accom which has since given him some ver creek, six head of horses; one m her, 1«MM. •OON IT Wilt ■» TOO LATt. ' ;>er 4 Brothera. The volume con- fju.y, 13.» J. trouble slipping out of place at will. iron gray m ire, 4 years old, .¡ rand | iuod,.te his customers, consequently A. A. CO IPO, w I h»«« been troubled manv eeara wl.h disease uf the kidneys and have tried e-d PC on »houlder anei |iip, also, on t.iin» several striking illustratiori» H.rne. ...uur«»uu ; p,. ¡s Joingj a thriving business. many different letntdies and hare —Teter Stenger, on the 2flth. h-'d ùoiii drawing» by Frederick Reui- *>ught aid frum different physiciani JO OU left shoulder; one white »runout relief About the ijtn of April “ ——— — t ,. x Silmaii’s Saloon is still the the end of the front fineer on the 1 was Bufferin'? f-on» a very violent mure, 10 year, old/ i randi d the ii ginn. attack that almost prostrated me io ►ter tlir. iiL’bout (he favorite resort in Ptiriis, and Tex left hand, cut open tn the bone »o ■ucii a manner t ...t 1 was bent »ver W.i'n T sat down it was alm j M impossible tor me rto. d at 104 ” July k <-ps up his reputation of one of stop a felon. Dr Ashford prrform- ».line; tuo Lay imitys UaudoU JU Upon a writ of tumidai. ius issued t» ret i p alone, or to put on mydothea, wnen on left should, r. two Lay .'earli ,g- kin I Frov»<knce sent Dr Henley, with tb< which pr.-vaib d al] the most popular saloon keepers of : ing the operation. Ti» wvfM» «or, ■ f Suoi., , rseiil UtllUa» KII’XKY TEA, to my B TH.du CS 8 11 t 19 d-AClu« ;*• <jf L« Im.urtULt norse colts, imuled JiJ mi of. I b > Judge Ciitfurd the count, rec O^EGO.4 the di .triictioi^of the age. When in town if you de hotel. I immed.ateiy commenced u.>; -T9 I twjm »r for Ibi Mrs! t tm ia t • ord» ot tiiirm -. county were rmiov- using the tea. It had an almost *■? * TL**$'-’• br >■ -nseW. •nUM 4 "la Dt.kato — Rev. E K. T.-i'-lor end l-ova »huulder. Any inloru.st on a iven, A ri -a. 1» » n t !>• d I by sny o the to> I acres of e rn. A sire a nice ci ol lemonade at T< xs’ eel uu the lit. from liamey City <0 m: Gcu! mt» ebect, and to th« ast'm- ** ',,**-,ey lo wb ¡ngoff .- <1 b * "f«:.- ishmcDt ol nil the gueHs at the hotel, « U and s i b» «j * T o au oi » b of ihwM I um |ve oi 1. i he corn in Suloon is the place to get it, or any are making hav: Mr«. Tavlor ia that 1 may le aide to ti .d ihviu. o > i.uru«; so Burns will • e the e ui.t rwt .but. d a lin . in a t w days.I am happy U» state, ! rnnnine the lintel, and w>- should any oi.e bri: giirg ttiom to me it ïh ■’il s no«| »eut on r >, «tt ’ils lUt.-tnen; b«h< that 1 was a new man I wf* ds all other b< ing first class drir.k you wish. 0 in»r* T nir L' lar. V > fuaraut«« il, and se-ul io; a wo i>. at .earl, in u til u l> rec. rancB 1 the tea to all aUxte 'judge sncce«afiill_v. from tho amount my ranch on lfeaver uFe-ek. Ur<»,k <- I r ' r-’ • ' -’lia a on a -»pli -»Go I. Dy i d The f. fmers gal Contest ‘li.clen otl.el M ibl-. \V . as 1 »—ve been. —We made 8. Lampshire a visit,’ CAUTION 'Veï O. A. TirpFFM. dent, but much of last wei k. it was a real pleasure to ’ of bnngrv folk.’ we see cning into county, or any written coniniiluica ■t-ile-vi* ti.e i.-.nU oUiCe toon fairly p fut ot ¡the hotel when the bell ring«. tmn giving into.-m..tmu of tueii Proprietor Occidental II a A c !, CHA1LE3 8CR!BN=R’3 SONS las not l>een sold, see the rye gcass on his meadow us bMnui K--MB. Cai » ii i Lt mu. t_. Seat v.emry ui.ei A nd th i». t’>w et-Twilni acmit tirlH a oa. tiSoata wi.e-r.-a. outs, addrewed to me, 1* <1 ot *j. ffro.uiu it I e without fuel —Tn paasintr the ranches, nf A J high as a horses hack, and wheat Paulina, Crook comity, Ore,,« ., ' l¡1»l II Ml.i remain ti.e p 1 u.alie nt ic.ipiiuloi Harney eouiity.—1'ilue- that will make at least 20 bushels Wilson. J C. Woojev. A Hein’-ree. will ue literally r< warded. 172 TOST STREET, VIHv .Yews. to the acre; oats that will make, we Peter Clemen». J S. Powen and J oseph I elore . C an 1 an isco. other« living on the Canvon Citv think, mure than 50 bushels per Central Agents for ths Paclflo Coast With the next issue of Harper’s acre; garden limking fine, and fruit road, we noticed the grain crop« on .»• .. is i.geut for Har- Gods blessing to ’lumanlty— So Weekly will ie puidi.lied a Unique trees growing nicely, although the those ranches looking well, and n. v and Gra-.t counties for thia cel- e-lglitpage > Upple-luelit, giving what i« »till I etier, the acreage is say», an Oregon I i nicer Ninety appearance of tl.e fruit trees, »how e’ rated book. vi. «• ui LciiUuti in 16.Ii una in j not small for Harney valley. Year» Old. plainly very rough treatment. | 1 ois J. Old unel Lew London are Forest Crove. Or., March 19—I pteic. d side ny ».de, and thechaiig.» «r you wigh a cooo nrvoLViw —George Stanclift arrived in —Lee Caldwell, proprietor of the j luive used the Dr-gon Kidney Tea widen liaVe taken piaee ill tlie ciiv .;r- 8 Ml Til & WE880IJ8 Burn», from the railm d. Monday, R d Front Suluoii. gave his well of and <>l tci.ied il’iiiu di.ite r. lief. It din'ing tne last tinee centurie« nre Faest s-^all with three wagor. load» of freight a li ■ t/ct water, a general clvanilig up this n. ;i ’ v4---------------- I is God’» I b asing to lium inity. I gi.iptiii'aliy pr- senteel tel llie ey e. DO NOT CRIPt, ílCXtN CJ arUMdfe . .1 , I. plucky girl, has n.c k "that is, ’ uip|K d all the watc r for our hardware merchant. Cal. take piea-mri-in recemine ding it to 1 )«■ same i . u . ih er ot the kti-emy MMYIMTt. cxpsita. in « U B td U-I 4L Teen driving» -Inge tnwo the well teg< tber »itbthelnod 'Gier. Two Indies accompmie I k III emit..In all ultiele by HehEy act io®. B-.iui/ Lam Se«r Cw« re« S-e. tt'»«re>-«, double rv-iH-D au i Taj,uk mudwiB. Brid B't ¡IBM-. M »ri-M tf .*’• «A al.d Park K..p.<la, and frogs, the latter having nettled Mr. S . Mi»«e» Seward and Mheito:!. 1 the afflicted. I ani now nearly nine liiii.an entitled li e l.ast ol tile L‘-*M vr«c<’*t I» 1 ve Cciotip- i»n. s:ccl, ...iy lus.eeul ty year.old. came to Oregon in 1842 1 luprtr»«« th* O-siipi «.vA ■ threeiri|x* a Me, k. tn the • ottom. and he now lias fresh Miss Shelton met with an accident. llullam, reh.tl.ig smile- l.dereitll g t r wov’. iuuK < praUktor«. lux. .. djfrr • g ì'i.iffi't .» «- M io4. Caleb« durab I ty A>'d nrcaracy. IX» h» »w*»r »dpivM •• •«. t »I* ••• w in the employ of the Hudno.i’» Bay l.u-i- in t»e ii.-.ore <d lhe Annrieuii »< r, ruin or »blut, nice, clear, pure water, as wi ll as a -c tx 4«* < i>y «h* »•t<<Ur<w4«i nUmtob«» »••Tb-OH» * a rw »»Tteloi rftesatoldtor the artte’a T.«£B «®®r* rwr tos Hili» pM r». • •»rr'r.«»’Al Wien lhe r< ads «re the cat ol i.iqi:ii.-t>, «¡so, Mineral <-n the 2.1th ii st.. - while going oVi r Compnny, and since I began ur ing te'.ii a U gin. g.n: ..ec. u.*t ol it» I, t»i« ard dahtfwr* lb . T*»« K«rrn to W bb » ■ K > •h-r» . >-«, •rfkD'l <• ••• r-iM » e*' -• •• »• Tr»««4»r« »«d B«»D-e« N.»w —«•«1^« V Ltto B B*® B .i®»i*’l RVw. t I’ « 1 ofT' ' wfti» flint ‘9 ui.r i.oi m s In in tlie water wli.it. i- very healthy ui.d a ei nic very rm ky roi.d. ehe io»t In r the Oregon kidney tea I enjoy good extii.etiu.1. .1 ue article will be ac- • »4 !»««• •'S r»-*»•»’’T - S-.rg. fe 4 » v-ry « teer». TB« S r ? ‘T, ail'tre®« AtMidst*-.- 1 1 Htrnta. bim I at« gaar* B»-,.'» >.«4 t . . F •• r Í- <•••» >rf **n. |n*t*t ®p.-n b-Ti* t i*wm, • <i if cutiipaii.ed .y tivop a - oi illuan. * ime e»»y glare and uelicioiisiy exiling drink. L*on t balance and fell from the wagon, • ,r <■• *r • i»t ■ ’ y.^t, uo r-» it r*>. usarr».- *•* • < z • 1 rcr r » I.—AJP ' i.o.i» tr n> o ’,... . ■............ i«don that »he terives furg«t to eaii ot, lxc when iu the spraining her unklD and geitli g health. ' D avid M i mk < f . feMU euuntv-seete o •oaae slight l-roi»e». • •a i»»« -Á m « b L fc »».« . .«» « • I KM ENTI. THE HERALD. I Harney Feed à LIME I p II31ÍIY M. STANLEY IN DARKEST AFRICA c A. L. B.Y13R0FT 4 CO. LOVEK PILLS. ♦