9 E ast O regon ÏERALD BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23 1890. ERALD. $2.BO a Y ear. very little, too. But Mr. Black- Wednesday at the power house BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS I * I burn was well posted, and in order of the Baker City Electric Light that everything should be clearly Company, temporarily located at VERY WEDNESDAY T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. li Y understood and «atisfactorv, he the Triangle Plaining Mills, the Office at his r*-«;»»e»,ce o». Hie east Ide ot Sil­ YRD&SON. vie« River, let xzilei» below Burnì. said he would explain the code. arc lamps were given their first AND PhOIRlETOES. So he took the floor, or rather the test and adjustment by the com­ The Aztec Treasur -House, by ground, and began to talk. It was pany’s experts, Messrs. Dan Thierv S B. M< l’HEETERS, M. D. PAPFK laws . Th >s. A. Janvier, has just been is­ very interesting, for as you all and George Crodel), and the test (»pen Ev«rv Dav exrcpt »wuc'av, fr. m f i ■ to 4 > a. «quire 1 t o give notice by PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. sued in Look form by Messrs Har­ know, the gentleman from Ken­ was witnessed by a number of peo­ I Every Lady aud G«uilen>au a ae!c* u.« \ iaiur tu iLc hiaCii » Re* w ¿arii a tb« kaax rameff. t paper d. ea nut a> «.ver the Office ai W. E. Grat e a Drug sh.re, 1-ly •Iber due« n.»t take his paper ple. The light was all that could per A Brothers. The volume con­ tucky is an orator—” Hihe rea«uU f*»r i a Uui being it tu <1.» «.» mnkt s ihe p. bi - Just then there was an interrup­ lie desired and the lamps will be tains several striking illustrations the pubiiaher for pavment Notary Public. vr.:e;« h « paper Gi«<,on from drawings by Frederick Rem­ tion by the bread plate, and Mr. in position on the streets, to-dav,| «11 arrearage«, or the P ud D. L. GRACE, a tu «eu i ii uu il pa^ men: is Stevenson paused to help himsef to and Baker City's first lighting by [ BURN». UK. ington. lie .» hole urn.>un ..heiherit Land Fling«. C«>iiU*a. manka, Applications for tffit eoi nut There < un he bread. But the pause continued electricity will occur to-night or to­ Fuuiii it iuii Nuii. c«, evrrut ii> unu prwanpik an e till pa'men i« niude Deeus. Xv.vi, Utid AivrigUM« Mho lakt« a paper iruin ihe a.iendva to. charges rcuguugble. aa -. aj . A Bostpn man on a visit to Colo­ and Mr. Stevenson was apparently morrow night. Tne company has la r.-rdjra hi« paper a . pped "Well—but the duel; you havn’t getting matt rial front the east for is indeed a great country; every bn i the Fu > ¡«her <. n ¡ ihhb »rl oer is itoiiu i io pa fur ii ii hamlet a town, every town a cijv. toll! us h<»w it ended,” said several their incandescent lights and it1 ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. ^^SjjWW'lht- p. > offit e Thi« pr.-cee e J NAT. HUDSON, KCMVUd U m », a mull inua pay iur wiiu. i>e every farm a ranch, every barn of the guest-, eagerly and spi a' i n will l e some time vet before intf-ri- j Hl I)u I ATTO R N E Y -AT- L A W. “The Leading Company of the Pacific No: th west" ■ tie-. 1 !ed that refufi itK t. or lighting will take place The| yard a earrol, every mound a at once. ¡0(k u ■ irom the p. Oilice: BURNS, OR. ^SF' gee-PRIVATE DWELLIN'«* AND FARM PKOFFHTYA »«CULTY.-^B'^I »ttUe, ur i««vin Jiliv »1 iifiia.ivo L»r, wLtioti “Oh. it didn't end. It didn't be­ I company has ordered a 75-horsel mountain and every man a liar.” taa (urtiMaaaie, i« prum fuvia evidence .1 ri»'< btSasUHF gin. You see, Blackburn begun to power engine and boiler from the •hd(L_ * The Farmers’ Company -------------------------------------------- talk before sunrise and never east and is expected te arrive at an With the next issue of Harper ’ s •UBgCMIPTlON KATES: C. A. HWEEK. OF SALEM, OREGON. «.-.00 Weekly will be published a unique I stopped till after sundown, and then early day, and until these arrive ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. it was too dark fir the duel. ” and are in good working order the eight-pnge Supplement, giving ance) . .2.50 I’.I'EHq O>> YsarfB Burns, Or«. Office: Burns Oregon. incandescent« cannot be furnished. J. C, PARKER Agent, — views tif London in 1G16 and in HKKAI.D < 'Ll I! LIST 1890. Old and new London are A detective write* in the Chicago —Bedrock Democrat. ilenidiml Hur, . : Magazine . .. 5.00 lleralU and libri>t r’- Weekly . . 5.^ I placed side by side, and the changes Herald: It is net often you hearof 5.20 I fletaldand Harper * Dazur GEO. S. SIZEMORE, which have taken place in the citv a man in the country beating his ___ _____ and liar cr - Young Herald „ _ People 3.7.5 Several weeks ago a young man llvrald «nd Alden'« Manifold Tvclupcdia, LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. livrai«! an« during the last three centuries are wife. That pastime seems to lie re­ by the name of Mattson, of this ATTORNEY. t Each artditiunai volume af er Vol. 1, 55 ctnt b . 1 OfiP lo ceut« extra »er volume, p. Btaite. ..................... O regon . graphically presented to the eye. served for the city men. The pub­ county, but at work in Portland, f^^Cupieeuf all the above work« can be ex The same number of the We< kl.v lic doesn’t know one-third of what swallowed a leech while drinking I mined at ie-iure iu t lie Kenuiug Rwui. >er’s U — will contain an article by Henry is going on in this line. We don't out of a hose. As soo i as it got in­ THE HOPKiNS HOUSE ™ r^^Publlaheifi of perLulicals are «.»’i< ite i Innian entitled "The Last of the give all the complaints away. Of to liis stomach it took hold. The to «end clubbiux th vs. a <» p' of «heir .v..rk for T MTn^iur FreaRea itaJ bison, and givingm: account of its them. But there so many cases they failed to dislodge the blood M. DUSTIN EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. fairntH >.!’ e: Harney City aid ! Bu thf ‘•”t tuiiij ADVMRTISIN' extinction. The article will be ac­ which are hushed up only to break sticker Mattson was a robust 1 deiMc ui ¿j -----------o 1 vr. •• mo 1 mo : mu l»k •z wk ar««'» companied by two pages of illustra­ again. There arc women who oc­ Swede, but in a few weeks he had 1 k*'"1 tne« fi IneliK’eiiS ílarh fl.40 I-...-' >1.1.01» IF- •M in .» This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offe recourt cou* servie« ta er«ry Qua« I I tions from drawings by Frederick cupy good social positions whose wasted nwny very rapidly. He j IS th' JI.00 t 50 12 l»> k INI * •• ’ i.(«" 40 00 '.’4 s 00 1.. ÍV» 8 M « •• Remington. W. W. Cardwell, husbands from some cause or other came to Vancouver and consulted ' The »M,. 4 ;! '2 oc. 50.00 ft. 00 10 00 •_t 00 4.5J “ irieti, ImJ J; «•.’>- 4M . -0 54 00 0.1 f.l>) 15 00 t». H? t ecome brutal and beat them like Dr. J. R. Smith who advised him I e»! to l'.r!D|i SO.'K) 4.0.00 K 00 « u W.H M.G> A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. !’ie»ru|utl 1 “ 00 11) U0 14 .«10 4’ 00 j>.0 slaves. The woman doesn’t make to go home and take his treatment:' ph«Hl Vl I’. ukns , O il ouiu“J N-OTICK to F oreign auvlktisers . f*racti”es in all rhe eoiir - o’the $ta*e. any complaint herseli, for she Go to bed and keep fu.l of whisky. ite ore he U. b. I aim Ofticc. While re«pec«fnil «u!i« iliu< '-ur pa r..uage is ashamed to. But some of her The young man took a big jug of j »ru *• d«t«ira»ukeep .»ur nm ieiap. ■ «•< hb ... the L and M attekh a S pe < ialty . rtH Hfcfg ra.ia > r Ann« io ..cat wi ll, c.>r friends stand it as long as they can fire water home with him and kept Kffk'iv re«pj» lv a . va. b weak .a run ill ..Lh ai , ..... busi cfs piti' ed in « are uf this fins will be prump.lv attended to. son or daughter of the South, to- »¡«.V »••<-' I'»17 «'><• begs. Any I remedy to kill a leech providiugl MAUK TO OKHRK V1T1I NKATNF.KK, IXII Of untili QUALITY. Beurvpv-aHunr «dverii»on»«»:a W o wit> -Si.iii.it wouiun io » j diet to.ppeiic-11 ui nave one in lie ii | _________ 7 .«: four pub.it a ioi «. «. ea« h. rfny, nka woolil have slavery.- ^3»X>rrlMe. li.Gli. «il d-alli Aiiiioiitue stortd. While for four years the C'tvarl. Aulas io n r.s he sees i stomachs.—Vancouver Register. ____________ ■ Bhuul.l 1.JT«^“LlMHIl r>.«» ~!Terv low-citizens, anti the Southern! rs beating is tiie whii ping post. Bui DHEWREV ADVERTISE MENT. JOB WORK and nuthe and ieu«.»i.a.»!e .erma. Be iler Dorothy Tennant took place ----------------- Ot a F*.« ♦««. I eaer lieu B, London. Stanley showed the ef-: JC»T«lup«a, A f ill • ea b who fought with Grant and Sher­ our books who are in the habit of ( ar 8, Ti» Ke 8. , rita:«m«» a, JUte Uea b . i DuÚgeiS. LtC. fects of the illucfs wi ll whh ll he I . poi S. M«mumaua. in » ; • I indulging in this pastime. Hellen g Ziwilt. man.” I ! was attacked sonic days | revious,' t IISTR1 far«»««, U iKwe- ,B ke I*. P' Rsv*e.i rHgu ®r? ” , ” ‘ 1 ' CONTRACTORS it BUILDERS. Nev «»«per Ad was compelled to use a stick to as.-! DICKSON & SULLIVAN P rofiieto »«. - «r.iain» par«au, 1 bpru< e «. . he- A duel took place close to Paris, In his “campfire musings” Mr, w. sist him in walking to the altar, ■lop IV UK DONE NEATLY. H aiak in adjniciniori Lou. J. Rosenberg, Mixologist. numerow Shop in Huston 1 uilding, Purus. July Sth, I etween to acrobats be­ C. Gray, editor of the Chicago In- 'flic Ab iv was crowded with friends an«ri. ibtti longing to a traveling circus. The terior, discusses farm loans, lle of the l/i ide and groom. The tere- Everything in our line of the Pest. Liquors—M hiskies, Brandies, dike to ihe Mi IDOdlV. men quarrelled and resolved to says among other things: muny was performed by Very Rev. Wines. Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on band when i « trd»ii< '. B«eww_ lieiijaiiili) Harr a n light in the ring after the perform­ "I asked a loan broker what George Bradley, deacon of West-[ you call on ‘Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. mughtfu: nmn l.cvi F. .d»»r . it Ju.'.tsG b.aihe SADDLE AND H ARNESS SHOP age I fan«um ance was over. The conditions reason is why capitalist do not like minister, Very Rev. Frederick ' ER’S niu \5 it.iatit WiiiduiH j uh it W. Nuhie leriur were two shots each twenty-five farm loans. ‘The fluctuation in the William Farrar, Archbishop of Reutield Frucivr J C. WELCOME - P roprietor . Per Ya I Bci.jumiu F. Tiaiev BAZAff ry paces apart. The weapons were vnlue of land’ he said. This is Westminister, and Rev. M'iiliam jercmiah M. tiuhk rit uh nee. magazim BURKS. OREIIOK. Win 11. IL Mi. er »1 ft EEKLY pistols. Combatant was wounded true. 1 know of a farm which sold Boyd Carpenter, bishop of Ripon. J. hit Wai auiaker »teral YOUNG PE'M ita r».—oi ee tu ail iuL«fM and the incident at an end, tut the in 1850 for $100 dollars an a< re, Miss Tennant’s dress was of white » J. N. I>ulph la, ur Nexiw. J. H. Mih lied duelists and their seconds had over resold in 1865 for (50. But the corded silk, trimmed with white CHAS. SAMPSON ---- B urns . O r Binger tlern.ann IB of the Ktnrl PATENTS. y,«i a er l’tnmux er January of ««J looked t he presence of a couple of fluctuations is no greater than in satin and embroidered with pearls txt.». « . ue. ri .e W-A-T-C-II-M-A-K -E-R euiluned, C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. t . A Weuh ,nber turret!«« tr.inid moi.keys, who sat muneh- city property and farms are not and orange sprays. She wore a -ASO- J. L. .UcElTuy • .>!> amv I. an I «Il paient kualniM attonded I« promptly and Nir moderata tee«. Je weler. 1- rank ■ akci The un ­ moitgnged for over half their low­ miniature of the Queen which had ing nuts duiii g the affair, ume« <»! Ha'«’1 Our olla i-is ,.pp< cite the V. s. I'.iehl lifla e. ut.u w e i an ut ain In I ih nu.e tl.ati II. um K. ». »truhaii cloth biadiiit’d re a > e Ir en W u « iuixi .> a Se.t.l .»!.> lei or Dras lint. Wuadyiau a» k> patentability trae Win. I', s urd imals had I ceil taught to ride est value. The is equality here iieen presented hy her majesty as a I* .T by «xprtMj ft. h . Tna er e freifhi duiM of r liai e. K III we limite Bo i-li.r.v unii M paient It set ured. IS! Kt* T; mound the rii g dreset <1 as soldiers, which has no basis in good busi­ wedding gift. The representative ne i for |7» »- We reier Ime Io ihe I'. Mnmater, lhe tu|.erlt.lem ant «I Money Order Division, and to » L,r each ») (D/ 1. A. MiMNNON they took their positions at a dis­ relief endowment fund on this sub­ A. A. co ING . D) ft . E. ALDKRSUM tance < f only five paces Poth fell ject. They did not want western | An exchange gives the following: C hab .N»: ELL Inteude&l ft M. MKKKKR defid, the wadding of their old fash- securities at all, and I positively Rain-in-the-Fuce, a i.o'.td Sioux »-r JHIouses and Oottages tl.Ll-STlim Wr, XLTNO V ID) » ioned pistols acting as bullets and would not allow farm loans. The cmef, ranking next to bitting Bull N. E. v LNC a N Pr.unptlv exe< uted. Thv LuiMin» ha« been en -b; Í largen »ml improved « p -I i« tvrepiirea t*> >urn in renown, and made prominent out all kin*'«<*f bla< kwi hing «»n «hurt iivthe blowing oil part of head of one of result of this general prejudice is er’s Yom and in »he be«t «Ijle Tern.« Cash. 1-ly tl e combatants and wounding the that farmers, who can least afibrd through the Custer massacre ini D. S. HOPKINS, A uciiitect . IFF. y ü. a. LAMP office : «th V«J»«f’>’ > J P. Hl'NTlNGTO» withlÀ<- other frightfully in the breast.— to pay it, pay the highest rate of Montana, is lying at Standing Rock Grand Riirid", Mk'h. „{lAMRÍNON k KLLCT irreal« •«» WIV fnrn’gh Dctlir« o' H< «nd «i »nfi rrf’fnf fr«m fKiff en up to au> j it« reader»* interest. This ptcjudice arose out agency, Notlh Ducuta, dangerously I flrnrewa Portland Examiner. «•<». If ».»u mean 1.»»ulld.aend |1 t.» nv a xlr»«« «nd I will u.ail juu • p*.nh»- h \ h ^.: y adv ?;iruEM £ nts . engib, ««<» 11 . f .r »:<«•■’ » »f d . »” in'.« like the .»»•« ..»» file In E*» t o«Mox oft««, tvuundid. Unless u change fertile •the Red Mu« LT Kt. II DIRE« TORY. of r-ckless lendings upon unim­ full T. to of til h. fu’l size de «1 a. rump’« e ape« ifl< a lot.« and M.l uf ma.erla ■ ai’ very Phfi «od tie full and r.»tnn't f »■ a .v <>r linarv ««rpeiiterur builder u Ll hat« nutr. nbia in ««-in» better t-kes ..lace he will die. • TVR)BIL,,W11 I proved lands. Lati-ly 1 see some ah< u ad. .o. p c itiK »he w. rlc And if ««u du nu< find ji • what «on waul. Ex assistant Postmaster-General r’B Way" b» N loo 1ST EPISCOPAL CHl«l H whi» Ufe— «I H « «n in bj» Har« «v—et 7:àü p m. t Storie« b.t guests at a dinuer party not long I have not books of reference cn agency are greatly excited and Luri »—4t «1 n m. *ud * SG P ,r ï. Mary K *j«, -Han«v—«1 11 • m. and 7iOp n» trouble may follow. The chief was it rpufford. , S a ,pài« K*1 Wachmaker& Jeweler, ago when Mr. Stevenson, looking the subject to enable to reckon ac­ stabbed in the chest and side sev-1 rriAM t RÜB H 8EBYUS curately the history of the surplus across the table, said: K Tarlar - Burt ■ —»l 7;Ppn J. W. BONEBRAKE. “Scnauir, do you remember that loan of sixty or tuorc vtars ago.. eral limes by a squatv, a Uundsvmc fare«--at 11 a m. L*k«vienun n ah un« One Hun*»11 ar Mn< Jilue J. E. M* Ki KN X. X. G. of millions at bond she drew a knife and the chief re­ LAKEVIEW - - - - OREGON ait event, and the other guests out a couple called for the pa’ticulars of a duel rates, sav four |a-r cent., to mature moved to another lodge. That It combines StMPI.IClTYwith DURABILITY—SPEED, EASE OF OPKRATKNI HAY V GRAIN wears longer without cost of repnirs than any other tnschin«. has which h..d left in the minds of the when the bond mature, mid confine night, while he lay Hile. p. she en­ no .nkrii l on to bother the o|s ration. It neat, substantial, nick­ tered and plunged it long ktnfe in ­ the loans to f«rin laud-—:hat re .nt, ds such cheerful meinor.i s. el plated— perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin.g “Well,” I,egan M?. 8UrV«ti*o< h would be good financiering and to hit side anil els st, making n ter­ Live« I'rin i « Previl J rcxlurc «b.trp, rc»»n. letfili’e manti < rip Two io tei» copia» citi» in t I' nt one wrl ¿ip"«. E .i < r . Ittwyer*. iui.»i*irr*. » anker-, au«ri*hanuh "Mr. Blackburn drove me out to good st-teriiianship. It would put rible wound. She then give her­ ». MAILS. man i ” ' rer . I»u ine»* • met». •• <•-, rannoi make n b«ir iuve« m**nt i< r J15. the ground. It was 1 efore sunrise mi end to high-interest paving l>y self up. sayins she wa« sorry she Au in ♦‘ni . ii ;:<» -on in a week imi beronte ;i <><«■»•! <». eratur, or n r:q idone in 2 uton he. out we were the seconds, and. of farmers. This i« not paternal gov­ had not killed him. The utmost 11 (w>o ofTcn <1 ..tty ojx rator who cat» du lx tt< r work with a Type- course, were first on the ground, ernment. The money is hoarded excitement prevail*, and should the Writ« r than that product by th«- <>