THE -AL ADVERTISEMENTS. HERALD —■Everybody making hay. —Joe Louman is still very sick. ^LAND U kitkd S tats L aud Ornes,/ Hurki, Oregon, April29, 1*90.| IB HEREBY GIVEN that incora pl I I the provisions of the act of Congress i |»7S, entitled “Au act for the aule of ds'ln th« Mare» of « aliiorma.Oregon, ino Wssbiiigtuu Territory,” James »u, of Diu a >n«l, euu it v of Har- uf Oregon, hua I his day filed in tins I .vorn aiaieinent, No 9. f«-r rhe pur I« h W'4 of SW4. Sec 1, NW‘4 J NW ES vf of NE qr. of Section No. 11, in I d, Hauge Nu M E W M, and will to show that th« land Bought is mure »rits timber or ruu« rhan for agricul •es. and toesiablish his claim to said I he Reg s er and Ke< elver of this urti«. Oregon, on Tuesdav, the loth f, 1490 He names as «vitneues: i«un « Georg« McKnight. Albert Ward. ¡1er, of Diamond Ha?n«v county. Or Mil prisons claiming adversely the -id land« ar« trauered tutiletheir otti» « un or betör« said ibth day I nt W TIOI «iv«d. I ÌEFI of th< HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. Official County Paper. Local News. —Mrs. Vaughn, our postmistress, is ill. I —Burns ift es will come ofT in August. —Burns will soon have a new school building. I.oal —The Burns, B. B. B. B. B. B. Guess. On the afternoon of July 12, on the —Mr. Albert Ward and lady are rond leading from Burns to the Fry guests of W. W. Cardwell this week ' field, a lady’s red plush portemon- —The burns races will com­ I naie, containing a gold watch and BURNS, mence on Wednesday August 27th, some other small articles. The party finding the above men­ and continuesixdays. tioned portemonnaie, and leaving it Curry tbs —George Kirschlierger of Dia­ at T he H erald office in Burns, mond valley, was in Burna Monday will be liberally rewarded. and Tuesday of this week. B. J. DURKHEIMER dt CO., ()—«( DEALERS IN )>— () GENERAL MERCHANDISE, OREGON Largest Ntock in Eastern Or«fon. All order» liars oar prompt attention. —The finest quality of wild hay House and Lot for Sale. this season we have ever seen in the — Pete. Stenger says he is going to WEDNESDAY. JULY If, IHWC. vallev. A good house and lot, situated have—when m the stack—800 ton LUNA BURG A FRY, P roprietor », B urn », O regon . . . X of the finest wi Id hay ever put up in in the town of Burns, can be pur­ — The new school building will —Fearless and undaunted we chased cheap, for cash. House A -L>5,000 ,loc)| O( Bot-la »od Sho«», of th« very b««t «aallty, )ul r«««lv«4 be erected just as Boon as the bonds Harney valley. take our stand. well built and furnished inside, con­ J. B HUNTINGTON. Re«i»ter | can be marketed. —We had the pleasure of shak­ taining 4 rooms and one store —A goodly number of strangers Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, ing hands with W. F. Moffit, of —Hugh Smith will, in a few room. Lot 50x160 feet. Warran­ in town. OOF . Drewsey precinct, at the clerk’s days, have u first class butcher­ Also.Custom work and Repairing neatly done. tee deed will be given. Apply at —George Moore went after the office on Monday. UHiTin S tat « I.AMnOrric«,| shop erected in Burns. H erald office. vj Burn». Oregon, June 1«, IS90. J Ontario mail. IS HEREBY GIVEN tb«t the follow- —Sheriff Cowing has rented the H A R N E Y A I) V E RT 18EMENT8. •ettlerba» tiled iiolli e of hl» inlen- —T. D. Harris has moved his dwelling house owned by N. Brown, —We salute Idaho, our new sister ic Anal proof In »upj-ort of blgelalm, al.I pr,«>f will ba made before the family into the house formerly oc- and will move his family to the ad Keieivel, U. S Laid office, al across the river. uu Friday. July a lb. itao, via: county-seat in a short time. cupied by J. M. Vaughn. The following is the program for S. W. B ■»»>•l be horses on Wagontire mountain dis ­ county Beat, this week. id Receiver U. S . Lind Office, at dash, free for all, $150. it short. Örtgun, ou August 11, 1890, viz: covered metal of which the outside Iaines M. i arker. —Ed. Hanley is stacking 40tons Fifth day: Three-fourth mile IM, for the oEar of NEqt NU of 8Eqr —Miss Annie Parrish is now appearance would indicate iron, but BWqr» Ser. H, Tp .4 s. R, 30 k W M of hay per day. and will have in the dash, for three year old colts, $160. [the following witnesses to prove his the metal is too soft for iron, you istmistress of the Canyon City residence up«m and cultisaiiun of, P Sixth day: Novelty race, one »tack 12U0 tons in a. o’.I e. week. is: 8. W. McMurphy, ThwS. Dod- Curri«« a full Hr.« et •storti ce. can easily cut it with a knife. There mile, $50 a quarter. Free for al!. arker and W. C. rtvrd, all .if Burns, P —The Canyon City escaped jail are also parties in this vicinity J. B. H untinqtok , Regis er. FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY, » —Received at the Hardware birds, have not yet been captured or looking for the much talked of Blue SALT, SULPHUR, NAILS, Store of Cal. Geer, a supply of doors : oof . I. ouk Orec-k liaces. SEEDS. COAL OIL, rather if they have, we have not re­ Bucket mine, tw-> of the party were BARB WIRE, and windows. - ID O ffic «, Burns Oregon, June2«» 1890. BACON AND HAMS, First day’s race, one fourth mile ceived the news. in Burns on the 15th. The party C£ 18 HEREBY GIVEN that tne follow- lu car lol». —At the Candv Store of Mrs ' Settler has filed notice of his inten­ —There are a good many persons' have with them to aid in the search dash. Horses entered: Pin Ear, se final proof in support of his claim V iughn you will find fresh figs, Sta- dd proof will be made before ihe nd Receiver,. U 8. Land office ai ti >nary and fire werks. intown who think the water impure, one of the men who was with the Grass Widow, Jordan, and Nona L. • ° m, ou August 1st 1899. v.i: Also. Rgent for the Walter Biker, therefore, unlH-althy. They have emigrant train that went through Won by Pin Ear. fur the SW% of Sec. 10 Tp. 24 S R —H erald is only $2.50 a year; Second day’s races, two best in this country wheu the little blue He names he following witnesses stepped drinking water. Good ex ­ Is cominu ms residence upon / iiu now is the lime to subscribe to u three, half-mile heats. Horses en­ bucket was left at the mines. of, said land, viz: o. D. Rusk. Peter live local newspaper. cuse genth n e i. . W. Johnson , and ThoS. G. Dods m. tered; l.ittle Joe, Jordan and Smok­ And keep alwav» a lare prepared to receive counifuniente «eitler bus filled unth e of his iuteu- Burns, linking across the counter and I will not be responsilde for of freight bv ’ho iir'- dav <»f A* ril MiBke fii'al pr.xsf in Bupport of his — Peter Clemons purchased, of and anxious to accommo­ SOP'Tho Company is prepared to make liberal advances on consignments of #ool. ■d that Haiti pr*Mf will b* made before ready any debts contracted by her what­ Eter and Receiver, U. 8 Land office, Count j’ Court Prucecsliugs. m e Mr. Cal. Geer, on the 15th inst. an date customers. ^Oregon, on August2lBt. l»90, viz: ever, from this date. Osborne self-binder. Mr. C. ex­ The following are the proceed­ Dsled at Burns, Oregon, July 16 —Some of the town folks are ex- D. 8. N«. »29. for the NW’4. Section 10 Tp. 24 SARAH D. HII.L, Chris isn Sekuliaia, pects to begin harvesting hie crop A. D. 1890. Six thousand People witnessed ings of County Court, hold at Burns 0.*. SI E W. M He names ihe folluwinic p cting, in a few days, to leave the \V. H. G earhart . Burns Oregon, Vlin4h4hSI to prove his Ctsniinuou« resident e of rye, on the 16th. the race in Chicago Saturday J-me the (lermanent county seat, July KWoa Bad cu’ i. t»-i »n of, said land, vit: N. K Office in Stenger r»*sldenr? Board, lodging and »own behind, and hie for the inoun- VTouilftii. fa. Ta- Clark, R<»nert Terrell and Wil- 28th Racine, the California horse accvinnuxlMiivi.a for putieuts S j desiring 7th: Wd fMmi.all uf liuraB, »re-fun. —There are two cases of cerebro­ t tins to rusticate a short time. Farm I--r Sale. i J"_ HlNTINGToN’Re|[l*er lion. Win. Miller. Judge; Lytle won the mile in 1:39|, beating the spinal meningitis in town. The —Lunabiirg and Fry have re­ The farm belongs Kg to Mr*. 8. Howard, Conimissioner. world ’ s record. The mile nnd one children of E. B Reed, one a grown Haskell, one mile east of Burt». ceived their stock of boots and shoes, 0» KIN AL SETTLEMENT: Henry Long was granted ft sa­ eighth was won by Teuton in 1:52| daughter. Miss Minnie, ami the 160 acres. This « awery deso-alile l^gtSfiiBiB h«r«bv riven to all p«r«ona whom which for style and genuineness far DENTIST, B urns O regon . loon license, to sell spirituous and breaking another record. rancn, having on it a good house rern, that the und«rs»ined liu filed surpasses any stock of like charac- other a little boy al out 5 years count in the r« ate of Henry W. and barn, and excellent well of wa malt liquors, in the town of Burns, old. Offici- al reslileare. In Ih» Jo*n Robinson ^..ase l, in the County Court *of the t r ever brought to the town. o ter; one of the best gardens in the for a period of seven months. building, litui jg picptircd to attenti tu thè reg"««. L>r the CuUntv of llarnev, aud v, the Ith dav of AnittM', A 1> pravi k e of deut n.ry in all l;s brani ht-s the Attorney Highton finished IGO acres — A new threc-storv hotel, a new eoxtrty, Derides « of a iv an ! all objections, if any, and spindle, at Vale-Burna stage license to sell spirituous and malt on M r.«. m-ss buildings and a number ofnciv desiring to pnrvhnre. mil v b« toeaid report. J ohw w Jour« line oflioe, Burns. If not called for dwelling houses, besi les the new Haskell for terms and purchase liquors, in the precinct of Wild will case at Sun Francisco, having Btor of th«ew at« of Henry W Jones, spoken four days in behalf of Alice, I within-«.we week it will be disposed school house, etc., will keepthe mill price, Horse. the alleged widi w of Thus. Blythe, and carpenters busy till snow flies. of according to law. ° A. A. Cowing qualified and gave the millionaire. The trial of the Pension andplaim A t- J^MHNISrBATOR NOTICK N<>4«cc. bands. The amount, $10,000. —Julius Durkheitner,-of the firm —Miss Lallah Pierson, typo at great case began July 15,1889. Two I Sa ih« llauntv Court of thè stata ni Oregon, for Viewers appointed tn view a pro­ Th» is to certify that on the 16th of J. Durkheimer and Co, started the Items office, who has been stop­ llarney Couniy: ‘.orneys. hundred and eight witnesses were teftMaialter of tbe ea ale ut Royal Glewu. iielow, on tire 14th. to lay in a new ping with Mrs. W. C. Byrd for some day of May, A. I)., 1890. I bought posed change in the Poison Creek -xamined, and the depositions of aeceaaed .NOTICK TO CKKI1ITORH 015 “th St.. Washington, D. C. 4oek of goods. Ike Baer accom­ time, is now an inmate wf the fam of J. T. Ivy, bis interest in »band of and Drewsey road: J. 8. Bowen, 8. one hundred and thirty-nine other Il men rhaton thè 37tb dav of June. sheep, which were leased by Ivy Lampshire and Tlios. Whiting, on ily ef Mr. Tupker. lerof ihe » l ive named court, thvuu- panied him as far as Baker City. persons were read. The argunr nt rei-elved lettera of Admink-mlioii Opposite U. 8. Patent Office. and Vestal. I also agree to settle Monday, August 28th, W. R. Gra- ve retate, and le now '.he duly ap- of case was opened Apr.I 10th. — Dr II. M. Horton, our pronii —W. H. Gearhart and his brother qiialim-a and ai-line Adminia.ra ..r don, surveyor. all indebtedness contracted in the All pareune, therefore. having ( Ialina >ent dentist, -is now permanently J. P. Gearhart, of Drewsey, were in All person having Claims for leeaae I wiU preaeut Die aame. dui. name of Ivy A Vestal, and to col­ Viewers rppointed to view a I ->y lev reuuired. lo tbe.uoderaigned ocated in Burns, all wishing work town several days this week, We Pension Increase of Pension, or of .lance, at ihe Inamuiid ranch, in road comm .nciug nt the NE ooriiri The more fact — says the Grant lect all bills due 'lie firm. unly. Stare of Oregon or ai me ut any nature whatever against the lone in his line of business, will do had the pleasure of adding the tento» William», oueof («Mattoriiewi of section 29 Tp 23 8. IL ai e . 'ounty news—of the prisoners es-1 Gouerninent, should write to us for A lbert V estal . late, in thè town ut rlaruev.eai-l Coun name of J. P. Gearhart to our sub- veji by giving him a call. Office «. wirhiu eia momba from ibe dale running thence east to the count v eaping from the jail Sunday night information. Proposed new laws »lleatiou it his residence. ° scription list. la »ih day of July. A. D.. ISSO. road from Burns to Silver Creek : caused ‘‘creeping feelings” along' affecting. Soldiers rights fully ex­ Notice. RETEIl rKENCH. ’ —Messrs. Joseph Lamb, Bnmuci —Tiie old Robinson and Dodson F. L. Mace, Thus, Maupin nnd 'he spine of many. Because just I plained. Advice free. Admi oklrlur. I have in my bunds all unsettled 'aloon. was opened on the 7th, by­ Jones, Jno. Sells, George Morgan, Samuel King, on Monday, 21st dni two years the night before was when NO FEE UNLESS CLAIM IS AL­ Henry Ixing. The proprietor asks Jack Prison, Stan Bristo, G*iii« lu receipt for the same. Persons know­ irler pe.iaity ul |> for the fitai spect, tri» Liquors are of the licst -lays l*st week, an land business. W m . M illeii . Key of an old cage knife, nnd un­ Gods blessing to humanity—So and »lifor each and every •u eequeut ing themselves indebted to him County Judge. locked the outside dr of the jail, says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety oe recovered from ilte owner of the brands, and by strict attention to — It is lictter never to kick t!l civil action in the uame of ike stale will please settle immediately and L ytle H oward , Commissioner. i, o«fore a Ju«, ice of I be Pea- e of the i.uwmess, and gentlemanly courtesv ■ you arc spurred, and when spurred poking a wire through the grating Years Old. in which such owner or keeper or save cost, for if not paid in one them »nay rrei le, and am h penalty I lenry hopes to receive his share of; decide not to kick until yon count md lifting the lock so the key ' Forest Crovc, Or., March 19—I '.»rtbe benefit of, and wiieu collet i«d month from this date July 9th, all A Ilare K< t «»¡'Cotna. ® , the >,'ui«in>u ¿rhool fund of the coun­ custom. Could be inserted. one hundred. In nine cases out of have used the Oregon Kidney Tea cil an h action is brought, within c.x- — Bud Howard, of Drewsey, ac­ ten after counting the hundred you unpaid bills, notes and accounts iter such animal ia proved to be at and olrtained immediate relit f. It will lie put into the hands of an companied by Mr. Allen, of the will come to the conclusion it does bib 1» h day of J«b , A D. 1890 is God’s blessing to humanity. I At a sale of gold coins some time k* E OftACE, officer for collection. Aii Indian, named Stinvod-Hcad- Haystack country lielow John Day, County Clerk, Harney Connty. ago in New York, there wore sold Hob, who shot nn Indian named take plenums' in recommending it to J ohn E. M artin . are in Burns. Bud Ims been for the not pay to kick. la.t forty days io the Malheurcoun- a set known ns the -‘Nova Constell Big Mike, in Burney valley Cal., the afflicted. I nin now nearly nine­ —Our neighbor, Milo’ Cushing, ut eight years ago says the try, looking up horses of different met with a painful, though not Natlra. Htod,” consisting of an American last December, and has since been ty years old, enmc to Oregon in 1842 nd World, a brother and brands. He says the average find dangerous, accident, on the 13th dollar, half dollar and dime of 178; hiding in the mountains, was ar­ in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Notice to the taxpayers of School then mere children seperated ' with him has been 15 per cent of lie was riding on the running gears District No. 1. county of Harney. ' which belonged originally to Charle rested. on the (ith in»t . by two con­ Company, and since I liegnn using the numlK-r turned loose on the ndon, England, the brother range last fall. ■ Thompson, the first secretary of stables, anil taken to Reading. He the Oregon kidney teal enjoy good of a wagon, and in crossing abridge State of Oregon. tosea. A year passed and uei- health. the reach pole broke, allowing th.- You are hereby notified that the. congress. They remained in the with several other Indians were in a —The Hardware Store of Cal. e.ird of the other. The sister D avid M ukrot . possession of thia family until the hound» of the wagon to drop, strik tax levied on the 3d day of Ma r <-h. cibin, 8 ha veil-Head-Bub and his I up. married, and Last vearshe Geer, is giving general satisfaction. ing his ankle with such force as to A. D.. 1890, by the School District death of his brother, 8amu 1 Tomj- father met the oil c rs nt the door i.e husband, Mr. M Howard, Mr. Geer endeuvers to keep every­ make him a cripple for a few da.s, No. 1, county of Harney, State o’’ s n of Newark, Del As it is 'he on- with winchester riffes, Bob showed thing in the hardware line wanted i to America .and then moved Oregon, is now due and paya. le ut 1 set of these coins in existance tin light, blit one of the officers com — A Mossback settler—may tbe Hlaud. One day last week in this country, and has made im­ Burns, Oregon, office of N. Brown.1 l idding was brisk, and was tinalh pelh-d him to lay down his gun, iHowaid n.ct a young man on mense sales of ail kinds of machin­ tribe decrease—awoke one night— and that tbe said tax will be’, knocked down for $1850. and nil old »qilaw secured the gm, ery. lie makes it a point to accom ­ awakened by the fleas—and saw, |reet whom she imagined ru­ An A met Lean penny of 179i out was confronted by a six-shoote> deemed delinquent unless paid modate his customers, consequently within the moonlight, iu hl's shack led her long lost brother, She which is »iippoied to have l>< e i n m th»- hands of mi officer, and sir —’’here showing batches, here anG .«¡thin 60 days fruin th« date of ired to speak to him and call he is doing a thriving business. p cket pi-ce of George \\ ashing < n thought it wise to surrender. .this notice. C has . N rwki l . bis baby name, tut was —Tex Silman’s Saloon is still the there a crack”—A spirit—writing District Clark brought «220. It sold for 5 0 n led to disappointment as the favorite resort in Burna, and Tex -in a book of gold. Great ignorance 1885. A Silver half dollar of 17 l.d ot ecogmze her. A few keeps up his reputation of one of had made the settler told, and tu lieariug lhe lead of Washing I) fttray Sutler. later »lie met Hie same man tl.e most popular saloon keepers of .tiie presence in the but, l.e said: brought $175. An tborofthes e Strayed Irion the range on Pea date, but lieariug an > agio of sm , and feeling more conhdeut lhe age When in town if you de­ "You writing? Wliat about?” The iver that he was her brother sire a tries c< ol lemonade at Tear’ ghost just rais. d iis hen-I und, w.tii ver creek, six head of horses: oi e • »iz-, sent for $77.50 and a copp. r ‘ Bud. ho* do you do.'” Tbe Saloon is the place to get it. or any a vmce that fil ed the room, he iron gray III ire. 4 years <»M, I.rand strike of the same coin was sold f. r said: ' the ut those who try ed PC on shoulder and hip. also, on I man gazed lew moments and tint class drink you wish. = JO on left shoulder; one white 117.—Ex. ' their town tu I axiiii .” ' I s my name mare, 10 years old, brand» d th«- I: oisier is that yoj . ' i o, tl - — LecCuldw< II. propriet. r of the sii-l*r had met. The iouog theis?” said the Moss truck—"Nay, same; two l-ay inn res branded Jo llar e. county’s records have all vid tie bad »--.ircht d l*>ne aide to fi d them, or being tliecounty Seftt.—Grant Coun­ eel my uahie down as one wb> dea l. He h «1 just landed and fiogs, the latter having settled any one bringing them to me nt 1 city, and the «later who al- to Hie i.ottoni.and be now lias fresh saves hi» money ' The critter my ranch on Beaver creek. Crook ty Nows. l a lookout for hvr broth -r. nice, clear, pure water, as well as wrote, arid came next night, at.d county, or any written eioumunii a- j Tlie Rural New Yorker offered be first to find tl»e otb - lhe of Liquors, also, Mineral ; allowing f. oiu his bouk of fold— to turn giving information of their five prizes for the lest sauiplss of ■d Thomas and hk Mater water which is very healthy and a whereai out». aa< k'a will be literally reward-d. sent. Oregon getting three out of name led all the rest.—Eft- county-scat. « L eloue . i lav. I HARNEY COUNTY ITEMS. Portland Boot and Shoe Store OREGON » IDAHO WAREHOUE CO & lime co . Prices Lowest in Eastern Oregon- paini to J itbed tii ---------- ,__ ING T han :: Di MG. - Liu > Owl UU-m» ’• tla»afl if«. ii»-lo|»t »• -r uiw REGOW I » a oKi >tage Li« -FRIETOB. I-a. and »•»!•• f'•«** * »•cirr.. DR. H. M, HORTON Stoddart and Co.,