O regon H erald BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 1890. $2.B0 a Y MP Brown, alia« Peter Swipes, alias dwelling houses. Just as I ar­ BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. James Jones—real name Carl Da­ rived opposite a pretty little green- I vids.” blind cottage, the door was flung EVERY WEDNESDAY From New York Weekly. T. V. . EMBREE, M. I). "My real name, Mr. Detective open, and out flew a young and BY Office at his n*«lder< • Ou the east ide oi 811 I took especial pride in it, for it Paley, is Herbert Lane, at your very chaining lady in a pink dress, vies River, ter. miles below Burna. BYRD & SON. it was^decidedly a becoming gar­ service. ” and throwing her arms «round my is and P roprietors . ment. My complexion is such that neck, she cried: “ Oh, is it? much obliged for the ■ I look much better in light-colored I I S B. McPHEETERS, M. D. Oh, Harry! Harry! how glad I »•»PAPER LAW». Open Every Day «xeept Sunday, frua III tall B. i clothes than in dark, it was this information. So you have rot a PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. is required t o give notice by am to see youl You darling, why Every t-«JX endUeutiemin a welmne Visitar te ike B m <1 b « Eee«* <■>!■( Ae new alias, eh? But never mind, I Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug More. 1-ly the paper does not answer the fact taken into consideration which Ecriber does uot take his paper don’t you kiss me? And you’ve arrest you, all the same.” ami the reusoti for i s not being > made me select a light overcoat. I “Mr. Paley,” said I, with digni­ been gone for three whole days,” |ect to do so- niaku the p«ist- ! 4c to the publisher for payment Aunt Judith, with whom I board- Notary Public. [Sou orders li s paper dis-’on and how she fell to kissing ine to p*» all arrearages, or the Pub ' cd, said it was poor economy, be­ ty, this is a «tep you will regret. I). L. GRACE, nue to send it un-il pavinent is such an extent that I came to the BURNS. OR 1 By what authority do you act? ” It the whole amount whether it light color would soon Land Flings, Contest Blanks, Applications for cause the i office or not. There can he Publication Notices, correctly and pro at pity decision that the world was a big "By wl.at authority? Look here nuance till pavinent ia made, at leu Jed to. Deeus, Notes, and Mort gages soil, and the mulberry velvet collar n who takes a paper from the egibly drawn up. ' Charges reasonable. 11-ob pot of honey and I was sole proprie­ ter directed to his name or an ! would fade readily, and I would i young man. It’s as plain as the tor thereof. r he bus suLs* ribeu or not. is I nose on your face! ” and he thrust i have a shabby-looking coat by nn- he pay T« tell the truth, this mistake lber orders hit paper stopped a printed Blip of paper under the , other winter. i, and the Publisher continues was not bad to take, I like mis­ crioer is bound to pay for it if ; nose he mentioned ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLABS. J. NAT. HUDSON, But the garment made me look f the pvstoffic e. This proceeds takes of this kind. iai a man must pay for what he I read with, I mtiit confess, some ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. I so well, that I laughed at economy, “The Leading Company of the Pacific Northwest “My dear lady—” said I; but have dei ided that refusing t< Office: BURNS, OR. and felt as if I could well afford to amusement as well as indignation, and periodicals from the posl r* AST-PRIVATE DWELLIN'-.« AND FARM PROPERTYA »rkCULTY. she interrupted me. [ them uncalled for, wilhou the following description: "Said Da­ throw it to the winds. ime, is priina facia evidence ul “Why, Harry, what ails you? I The Farmers' Company How thoroughly I surveyed my­ vids is about five feet ten inches in never saw you so cold before!” and i I height. Rather slight Brown self in the glass! IMPT10N RATES: C. A. SWKEK. she repeated the dose of sweetness, OF SALEM, OREGON. 98.00 My coat was perfect in every re- hair and blue eyes. Wears a mus­ .1.50 and simultaneously I felt a sharp ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . .75 i spect. It was just the right length tache which is blonde, when not .2.50 vanee) whack across my shoulders, and a J, C, PARKER Agent, Oilice: Burns Oregon. which is a great desideratum in an dyed. Has delicate hands and feet hoarse, masculine voice cried out: overcoat. It was not so long as to and had on, when he left this city, LD CLUB LIST ’• Goth, “What the dickens do you mean rper's Magazine............... 5.00 j make me look like a pear tree in a light colored overcoat with a tnul- •Uldht» rptr’» Weakly ..........5.20 by hugging my wife in that way?" GEO. S. SIZEMORE, rper’s Baxar ................... 5.20 ' straw and coffee bags ready for i berry velvet collar.” ri»er’* Young People... 3.75 Your wife!” said I. If you’ll ex­ LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. ER in n’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 ATTORNEY, “There!” exclaimed Mr. Detect* transportation; nor yet so short as ________________ ¡al volume after Vol. i, »5 cents; cuse me----- ” HRMHMMMKDer Vvlutne. Pt-stage. urns ,............................... O regon . ; to insinuate that 1 had run to ! ive Paley, with a victorious air. “I’ll excuse you with a will!” MBR*Copieaof all the above, works can be ex- “Could anything be more complete? Col I ec .’ions, Land business, and Real shoulders like a Dutch cabbage. lined at le«SUrv in tliv Kva M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . I broke away from the lady’s ■•s t’W'-------------------------------- — Attoney-at-Law. I that I should take pride in recotn- Dalton, and here Mr. Palev insisted arms and pounced upon the scoun ­ M. DUSTIN I mending him to the patronage of on stopping. He was to meet some drel, and we should both have STI^MlijSWEKTlSING RATE«: EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. l.f'. e: Harney City and Bu rn». | mv friends. associates here who would assist jÖWERTISING RATE«: come out of it with a pair of black 3 mo | f> ino All the time, I was wondering j him in taking me back to Boston |N ‘K) I what my fair Alicia would think of] where it seemed the robbery had eyes, I reckon, if a couple of police­ This Hotel Is new (House, Rooms.and Furniture) and offirscourteotmasrvi»« to smry ArnoM W. W. Cardwell, it when I present myself before her been committed for which I was men had not happened along and pvii i I tu taken the casein hand. A. F'ixie B elt *, held to answer. '•V Ul an ||_ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. in all its glory. “It was my mistake,” sobbed the IN CONNECTION WITH TUB HOUSE. But my good fortune came to the Alieia lived in a large city, which dU'.t aeriti B urns , O r . the lady. “ I was watching for "t P1 puar Practices in all the courts of the State , I shall designate as Westland, and j rescue, for on the platform we met le »f wkrt y -MMjMMFl'KU.iGN ADVERTISER«. w : ^ t Also, beiore the U. S. Land Office. A e»ki.> eoki, ft- kv JN ' / , S wu;iA rMMelIn.li sulkltlng vour pa’rvu*«e l'HereijJ I was going to make her a visit of a | Judge Welford, an old friend of my Harry. He has been gone three L and M atters a S pecialty . ¿’bn ’! 'et we desire tokevp uur r«a.M pet bead. , yearly, vr J) cents, traneieut, Attorneys at Law, I dark. The journey would occupy : long and hard, and Mr. Paley was done ZAK the niO3t of the kissing. I Mi IT i —----- o—----- Bition S’! extra charge per in- Will practire in all of the couria of the state the night and a greater portion of i very humble, and very much dis- of pvsiik.n a standing reader III klltwrLr, My back smarted intolerably, but /-BUGGIES, WAGONS, ET-C.,- tv a i. each weuk i* ruaiu with Ali huainers placed In carc of thia Arm will be Mexiw, the next day. ¡concerted, and apologized hand- promptiy mteuded te. l each. peulloi;___ ALLWORK WARRANTED. H-f in I mabi coinm.r.a.lu? R lit;«. - umbsr mi am not sure, when I was .aroused ¡aroused protested that the mistake was al- wait until it was better, so I has­ , cirth, and death annouuce- tened to Mr. Conover ’ s. The door th Rems solicited as news, faccd little man [Together nn'i> to injritgm of Hwrpn'i by a small, weazen-f __ 2 "1^ ____ , _ i’RACTICAL SURVEYOR. laves offered to religious, social, was opened by a red faced servant it cloita »¡a 1 bodies. ■aid, or by n in a short bluo coat, who aked me I (overcoat, i ' girl entirely new to me. The in- he freight T. A. McKINNON, Of course I was allowed to go on | | itant she saw ine, her face lighted Anv and all kinds of surveying dune on ahoi if the seat beside me was engagi d | •l-i a »viUBt KJOB WORK •ach Vo'sn notice and reasonable term», IHSF“ beit'er DREWREY ADVERTISE MINT. tell him no, ai d my way in peace, but before I could nt by mal; riytlon exvuted with RvatnesB wishing to be located, can have pin:« furmsne ■ I hastened to up like the sky at sunrise, and itsc »( ?har j i. t re&souab.e ra rs manage to get into the next train, , cleared off my unit rellu and valise ould be nw ^..•stors, Pamphlets seizing me by the arm, she ra.'t, tua»ui<<( Leder Heads, I I was tapped on the arm by sharp­ Lid Heat's, ¡for his accommodation. K AhltUTu Carus, Tic Ke a, iK.He Lie* s. screamed a the top of her voice: Dodgets. Etc. luviiati- ns. Hellen 1 Zumwalt. i He was a sharp-eyed, shrewi- nosed, f-it-bodied little man, who “Miss Allishy! Mr. Conoverl I’ve la kept regu'crlv ot fi’e for re CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. I looking little fellow, and entered intimated that he wanted to speak I’ve got him! Here he is, the Geo. P. K»well Newspaper Ad ¡into conversation with n>e at forty­ to me a moment. lü kpruce st., xe.v York. DICKSON & SULLIVAN - tl afe of the worruld! The nasty >er’s Ss JOB WORK DONE NEATLY. horse power, and fairly took my 1 “If you please, sir,” said he, when peddler that s ole.your ear-rings ST1ÍAT Shop in Huston building, Eurns. breath away by the rapidity with I had stopped aside with him; “can Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. IAL DIRECTORY. and ine own little ’statoot of Cu- you let me have the money for that ,, which he launched forth his ideas Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors— Whiskies, Brandies, ’ AX 8 a jvQrtl A iiii.>rnt*d, iu a-iiy P. Lord s R remote from Washington Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability tree utes for refreshments. I began to “The overcoat!” said I. “Well' ‘I ainon8 a thousand!” urrewi siHrii $ w. w. Thayer b of cbarge, aud we make no charge unless patent is secured. " Look here! ” said I, angrily, U JUDICIAL blSTKLCT: what of that? ” feel void in the region of the st< m- We rater her« to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order Diviaton, aad to J of ■ :arpei'i L. R Tsox D i I p •‘'i.ig.vfl “My dear sir!” cried he; why, I »’»naging to extricate myself from officials of the U. H. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and rnfaraaoes to. J„ L. R and ach, and when th« conductor rang «R BLACKSMITH. b/ exprivi. S the 1»A t girl aw« «al ’ «' I A taw* Urtta ’s clutches. “I am Her-1 cHen’s tn your ewn Slate or oonutv. w rit« to above addrees. ighi y n< ail puspaiJ (D, A .W . t. WBAt E ! —GENERAL REPAIRING— passengers. But to infinite sur­ "No,” said I, “I don’t see any-, Conover by her own invitation, and | (D e T. li. R oberts 1 i. uld be madt (D) thing^f the “ kind" ¿7 SnYppk of ! if ’ ; hi# j» ‘ he 1 I l>rait, hi nveid (Di T A. M c K innon , prise, my new made friend laid his A. A. CO ING ; UABPKBA .(D) 1 dld not fin,8h the eenUnC0 b” i W. F. ALPEBSUW head cn mv arm and detained me. Boston, made this overcoat, and 1 CBA9.NK ELL (D) »» MBEKXD “Gently, my good sir," said he; paid him for it; and my name ¡, i fore Alicia was in my arms, cot- (D) Í WX. \LTNOW Promptly executed. Th« building b&s been tn Lane, and not Burns, by a long i 8oling me as only she could console ; 'i>H ». E. D uncan largea and improved and ia prepared to turn “I regret it exceedingly, but I can­ CT189OJ0 There, toko a good look at! mo- and Mr- Conover wa8 blowin« out all kinds of blackami'.hinR on bhort notice not permit you to leave the cars.” chalk! and in the beat St) In Terma: Cash. l«J> . ». land errici: IfiTRiTIB W “You cannot permit me?” said I. me. and satisfy vourself!” and 11 h’a noae‘ and rubbin* tha bald D. 8. HOPKINS, A rc hit »cr. J. B. HVNTIKOTON pulled off my hat and showed him '. "P01 on hia head in a wild waX P*’ “What the duse do you mean?” Grand Rupids, Mkh. .H a KRISON KKLLKY 5 Tcuii? Will tandsb Dvofgns of Houses. Cvttages. and Mansions eostlnn from IMAnn op to««» HAHMKY ADVERTISEMENTS. “Softly; don’t make any distur­ my face by the station lamp, re. culiar to him in emergencies, figure wanted, if vou meau lo build, send |1 to mv address, and I will mail you a p :a an a t,n barn»-at ll a m. ami < S3 p tn ay" by .Vsrgat we now?” said he, with a chuckle. hop« you’ll excuse me-I really!. If any one is desirous of purehas- Island School Hvuse— at 11 a m ( LyHjr.iatar “ Haraer—at 7:Wpm. ry 'la ta will* “Whv, it'« about that ‘crack’ up to do! No harm intended you kuow, ’r'K a B00«! •Pr*ni5 overcoat cheap.! Barra—kt 11 a ■», and 4 SO pm i !he wonder . . .. , . , I let him applv to me. I shall never Haraay—a: llam. and 7 1Cp m by HvwardP'h ¡¡ght-colored overcoat iv him. anil Wach maker & Jeweler, Swasoy’s last Monday night. I !t was the overcoat that deceived w0ftr Adirar I M. »TIAN CSGJU H »ERTICI suppose vou never saw about two uoc. I made one precisely like it again. The very sight of it makes k a tn W I». i . K Taylor ■ K. Wilklcsi J. W. BONEBRAKE. — burrs—al 7 SO p m dozen silver spoons and four or five for Mr. Burns, and be has neglected me nervous. L-fF. ni. Pa» id Sfl ur. »--at 11 a m, Lak» view. oregui. >blu -.»et». set« of jewelry, worth about a thou­ to pay me for it. And your height SOCIETIES. Gods blessing to humanity— So sand dollars each? Now did ye?” and general air, and the coat itself! and he gave me a punch in in the And I am a little nearsighted! says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety LODGE. NO. H. I. O. O. F. P H. MURTHY. ribs, intended t« be extremely Hope you’ll excuse me, sir. I Years Old. Fallows Hall eretv Ka’urday M W’U. DvY THE onm TYWK WWITBB. WARBAMTV» 10 >0 J. E. McllNN 'N, N. G. •aF One-Hundred DoL’ar Maeblne I really hope you will. Forest Crore, Or., March 19—1 91 O w - - - - OBEOOX facetious. . Sert’y. “8wa«ey’«? jew«lery? silver It was with difficulty that I dis-' hare usad the Oregon Kidney Ter It combin«« aiMPLiciTYwith durability — ipbbd , bam or ombatmb FO»T X«A. «. A K. HAY V GRAIN 1st and ’d WedneoJav of each wear« longer without eo«t of repair« than any other machiao, hao spoon«?” said I. “O1J gentleman, eng> gel myself from the Utt!« and obtained immediate relief. It Fellows’ Hall. Ait Contra-lee no inkribbon to bother th« operation. It neat, «ubatanual, aiok* Ing Invitad you must be either drunk or craiy.” talor, so pro uie wa« h; w.th bis is God’s blessing to humanity. I M M BRIEBI.Y. P. C. el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kind« of typewriting U Ad’j’t. M«hU-K “Neither,” «aid he, “I am Mr. apul >gies; but succeeded in doing take pleasure in recommending it t< U' k « a Prin-t'-f Pre»-It pm'-ue«' »’ ,rp e'ean. leylbl» wunu-o-rlpA. Twa latea Detective Paley of the W----- po so. and g.tting on bo^rd the train the afflicted. I cn> now nearly nine lu I* uud. nt on« wn E»ii.<-r-*. lawyer«, miiiUwr« baakar., uurwto r. 8. MA1I.I. » are net to tutu .loci'.rare tu 4i>«a- uieu. ax-., mnnoi ni*k, a.bwtar hi*wini«at lor lie«.” I wt« soon at Westland. th« home ty years old, came to Oregon in 184. Aa InteU^eui invert ar*«“’ paraos to a wewk .u bcoou.« a Good oporaix,« • ra}M«a« la > H.tRPKR Ä * nenne— vali ; “Well, I wish the W----- po'ice cf my tslovid. in the employ of the Hudson’a Ba; ana dailv, âunda s excepted. 11,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Tyf» Springing out, I took the «bar • Company, and aince I began u»ini joy on having such a blockhead in Writer than that produce-! by «he Odell. gS^Blliabla Aganto XXa—i ANYON « ITT lie, W«linee a a. Frf'?■’».Cam. their rsnks. Fur whom da you ent cut to the home of Alicia, which the Oregon kidney tea I enjor goo- and Salewtnen wanted. Special inducement« to Doaleve. iTanrVwO s a -atvrua. s 10 b»p m For Pamphlet«, giving er doraementa, Ac . addreea the take me, pray? ” happened to lead through a Lack health. ■w r » e—mi » s «-mx. “For Da v*jd R •ys at « a » P avid Mc:«Kor. ODELL i .11 WRITER 4500, Ttrt R cobwbt . Ositao«k »•red e w;,p i qthirg HERALD. BERNS ADVERTISEMENTS. MY LIGHT CObOIlED OVERCOAT. _________ STATE INSURANCE COMPANT. THE DREWSEY SALOON JOB WORK. a i a < a a