East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, July 09, 1890, Image 4

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    They surround him, uttering ,r you wish a cooo aivoLvea
; He had not walked more than ten
and making wild ges­ raS".VB SMITH & WESSON 8
steps when he noticed a
Of Payette
Finest small
■__ i s—*~T
a »• in « ever
m.nutectu od
th« fir .t v...vice uf ► 4
One of them had, meanwhile, SiU
The moon having new einergod
experts, in ciuibre« &!.
M and U-luU Bluglv or
action. BaXtty Ham
BierteM amt Target modsls.
Best «aalliy wrMMabt
enough of these personages for him cured about William’s neck.
r<!r^oVi^i%l°nS Uurt nied for
ri« xew y »'* ’»•»Wr
... „
The other end of the rope was Cnlob. durab.l.ty «nd
“I am glad I came when I (lln, to perceive that they were moun­
l ot be deewivod by cheap mailable
then thrown over a high branch of eften aoLl for the gruuinr •v’lclf« I‘
«id the enptnin. “But yon ehould taineers.
¡1 .bls and dangerous The
o. .?.•<
fit m t
They had long beards and high the tree, to be seized by several of na-ue, addrwsa nod date-oi patent«. »»»«««».:
not have Mrnved »o fur from the
aiiteed pwrfeec. Inatot upon
veuel. 1 hope no other of my eail- boots; some of them carried car­ the band.
y <ur ilealer cannot supply you, •»‘ *
< rera below will react* e prompt attain bn
li’S CAUUuguc and prlc»,»up«,ii applreRi***“»
'“Haul!'” shouted the leader.
or» have come »o far away from the bines slung to their backs, while
bl>rlu»ll<l4. Slab.
The men hauled, and William
I others were provided with long
swung from the tree.
The young man colored and knives.
The vouth, who understood Span­
hung hie head.
Then a »mile
At the same moment, a strange
wreathed his lip», discloeing teeth ish quite well, beard one of them rumbling noise was heard, a mete-
which were dazzling white and even. say:
or-like flash was seen.
“I’m afraid I’m a sorry protector.”
“I tell you he is here to-night,
"An earthquake!” shouted the
said he, in a voice that wan pecul­ for I saw him at sundown start on outlaws, in chorus.
iarly coarse for one of such genteel his return, and I know he could
The mountain rocked and swayed.
physique. “Here I came for the not have gone far in the present The out’» vs rushed from the spot,
sole purpose ef being on hand to condition of the roads.”
to seek refuge in the lower land,
protect you in case you were attack­ i
“You would know him, if yau where there was not so much dan-
ed by the deeperulws, and instead saw him, again, I suppose?”
I d it are com­
bined the (in­
“1 am not so sure of that, He
here you come to my rescue,
The shocks of the earthquake
ent mechanic.
“You had better get back to town was down among the trees, so that lasted a full hour, Rocks wye dis- al skill, the
to town as fast a» you cun,” said I could not see him very distinctly, lodged and went rolling along with taost useful
but, as well as I could make out, the din of thunder, crashing »nd practical
elements, and
"Ay, ny, s’r<" answered th« youth. he was a small, slender man ”
through the shrubery and into the all known ad-
“Enough. If we only overtake gurgling waters far below, while vaniag>-s that
“And you?”
“Never mind me.” said the cap­ him, we may avenge our impris­ many trees were torn up from their make a sew.
ing machine
tain, with the dare devil, indiffer­ oned comrades,”
roots, to be sent trembling down.
desirable to
“Ay, wo will hang him to the
ent air of a man caring little what
In the morning Bernard, who, sell or use.
tallest tree that grows upon the undisturbed by the shocks, had re­
Lwrame of hini.
A peculiar expression of pity hill.”
i mained all night in his hut, rose Factory and Wholei&ld Cffico, Balrlder«, HL
“His vessel will never leave tlu# to depart for the town. Ruin greet-1
pasacd over the face of the youth.
Hl! WalMmh Art., Cfctrapo.
99 Broad IM root, Now Ytrk.
More, u tear gleamed in his eye, as port with him as her captain.”
cd his sight on every hand. Fin­
he turned way and walked
ally he caught sight of a paper fast
William knew well that their con­ to a twig, lie seized it and pe­
the town.
“What is there about that young versation referred to Captain War­ rused its contents, which were
fellow which always effects me so ren.
strangely?” muttered thecaptain to ,
He hurried noislcssly along to­
“D eabest B ernard :—He who
himself, as he moved oft, leaving ward them, keeping in the shadow followed you to sea as Williafn
th» two dcpcradoes lying side by j of the shrubery, that they might Marvel was none other than Selina
not »ee him until he should come Hathaway. She meant not what
side, still senseless,
Then he returned to the town close upon them.
she »aid on that night when she re­
and made the vigilantes (police
He had heard enough to show fused you, for »be really loved
E» nLlish.'.l T'_ i.tv Yo r»j f in;vj, 4ti ctdtinin«.
vriiliotif advfi’t
Inw: tniian. unpnr-
oflicers) acquainted with what had him that they hud mistaken him- as her life. She meant to let
tisun. btjt carn»«t f r trulh i»n.l,pulir, temchioc
Christ, I.ut with th« bro uret-t churl y. Have n c I viir
self for the captain, and he seemed know who she was before the
taken plnce.
rnligiotiH p>ipi»r in yuur t.iinily. I' 'tag i o hobbit-» or
croc hot«, but
to a pp y the placo of vile, or
■-iiink'59 r«»arlin*; bv that v hich ii* wlin-eecwcanti irn<*.
Before nightfall a party of these anxious to carry out the deception. of the voyage, but an event
It plca«*M (he rhil.!r«n 404 the old people, alni its
Stp ilay-achool fci;«oiin are iivipful A surmon on* h
men arrested the two robbers, who
Filially he gained a point within happened to prevent her. She
week Hh«l A «pien.li'l «tory «•»»l.t 81.23 m 1 «•»«•.
l.i club»: 1
i\.f Fiv.
Stmiplucopies free. Either Right or
were brought before the authorities a few feet ot the robber#, when he
died to save you!
Long before
in the town. Captain Warren and »uddeulv arose, half turiiii g, as if these lines reach you, her spirit
Califon.ia, so laxative and nutritious,
Willi. Ill Matvei, the youth whom a..out beating a retreat.
shall have lied. The mountaineers I with the medicinal virtues of plan:.-,
known to be most beneficial to the
he had re cued, appeared against
1 tie outlaws, with tierce cries, will have hung her on one of their
human system, forming the ON LY l‘EK ■
the pris< new. The latter were sent ' pounced upon him.
They gath- trees.
FECT REMEDY to act gently ye:
S ei . ina H athaway .”
promptly on the
to the c.ilabuse, senUmced to hard ered round him, brandishing their
Berdard's astonishment may Le
j knives, their fierce eyes gleaming
labor for a lifetime.
imugined. He rushed wildly up
The name of Captain Warren be­ like fire it, the moonlight.
i the mountain in search of the re­
came from that moment, a hateful
Your \ains of his lost Selina
“You are our prisoner.
lie found
— »O THAT —
one to the mountain robbers, who , name at once?”
her, xut not dead. Tin ar ’¡quake
resolved to get him. if possil le, in
“Captain Warren,” answered the had uj -Xoted the tree to which she
their clutches, and hang him upon youth, pale but firm.
was hung,"Xi time to save her life.
some tree wltero his skeleton, high
He folded ins arm» as he spoke, The false bea'X’ was plucked from I Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and s.!! arc delighted with it. Ask your
up on n topmost branch, might and stood with an unflinching air.
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu*
her face, the dark stain rubbed
inclined only by the
swing as a warning to others never although a close observer might
from her skin.
to ,’ttcmpt to prosecute the band.
: ha»c noticed a slight tremor of the
Bernard recognized now the well-
S am F rancisco , C al .
The captain, who neither feared : lintbs.
hmri! t r . K
Nt .v Y ork , N
known features of Selina.
for, nor in fact eared for hi? life,
“Curses upon you!” howled a rob­
The sequel may be guessed.
continued his hunting excursions. ber, advancing and pressing the
They safely reached the schooner,
On some days it was t ightfall point of his knife against the
and Bernard nt once sailed for
bofore he thought of returning.
youth's heart.
home, n ver again t > doiil t the love
One evening a terrif c storm
“Away with him!” shouted an- anti faith of 1 i- w< 11 ni d i c i a
by\7CODV/ORK‘r XÓ'5 Affaetitzc !
bi rst u|M»n him, while on his way other of the robbers. He was there-
We will »end the entir» I'st of Twenty Valuable
who soon been tie his bride.
Books enumerated mid described below, to every »ub-
acrilwc to thia pain»r for the eusuiiiK .’ear, who remit*
¡.eft Stifle: Horizont»]
to the town. The heavens were ob­ upon hurried tiff to the hills.
tw-:utif e-nlt in addition to tl»e rogulnr Rub«oriptieu
rrsen. Z2 UNIONGOUARÍ.UY ««r
price. The«« books, each one of which contains a com
— a -.-UA.1TA.G4.
CA i -
scured by black clnuls, and the
“Now, then, if you have prayers
plete first-class novel or other work by a well known
and popular author, are published iu imat pamphlet
noise of the wiml was like the roar­ to sav, say them at once!” shouted
form, printed from good readable typo on good paper,
aud many of thutu haucisoiuely iilusi rated. They com­
prise some of the finest work* ever written by some of
ing of the sea. The tall trees shook the leader of the band. “We i
the greatest sad most popular writore. both of Ameri-
Absolutely Pure
Cleanse tae System Effectually,
as if ubout to t-iv ■ way, their lows
cracking with a din like the rattling
of volleys of mi »’retry. Meanwhile
the rain came down in slanting
lines, driving against the young
man’s face with a force wl.bh near­
tend to hang you upon this tree’
pointing ton tree beneath which the
group had halted.
The lutid light of a torch
now throwing a wild glare upon tl e
scene. Tim eavave nioun'iiin ir,
¡leaning upon rel'e ami club, looked
ly still, d him.
The violence of the gale tncre.ised like daamons holding revel l,y
every moment, the streams ami riv­ i light of infernal fires.
ulets in the traveler’s pathway
William was dragged to the
of the tree the moment he had
swelling to torrents.
On came the hitter, rushi ; along a short prayer.
with a force which were m ar throw­
"I have a req ed to make,”
ing the sailor otr his feet
Finally t!ie youth, as lie took a small
the waters increased to such a <l<- b ok fiom his pocket and tore
gree that Bernard, to save himscit a 1 at', “wliieh is that you will
from being overwhelmed by th m. m write h lew words, and that,
sought refuge in a doser ed hut ter my death, you will sun I
note to my vessel. ’
.half-wav up the mountain.
In the hut there was a pile <>f
This id< a seemed to rather p’e.tsv
logs, behind which, at this moment, the r 'fibers than otherwise.
crouched a slemhr form, drenched I
“We intend'd to »«nd word to
and shivering with the wet.
your raseally otliccr* of your exe­
It was William, the youth whom ' cution,” said the leader of the band.
“Nay tliat is not all.
the captain had saved on a form« r
I have
occasion, ami who, on this day. had more than a lucre statement of mv
also foil, wed him, reaching. 1 v a deal h to m.iku ”
circuitous rout, the hut before L<t-
“5 ml let us read the note after
nard, who. he thought likely.owing you write it?'
to the direction of his steps, would
“Yes, on condition that you
there se» k refuge
In alanit an hour the storm a' at
ed. so that Bernard thought he
would now be al le to make lit» » - y
back to the town.
1 luting sll this time William h >1
remain d crouched Iwhimi the pi,»
of logs, evidently f :>■ n; th, e: p
tain’s displea’itro <h ml 1 he make
himself known.
Rcrcxrd had not proceeded far
before he discuvered tnat I'« could
go no farther, the water filling the
hollows and oth' r spaces in the
ground so a» t • p e event his pro-
He returned to the hut. W II
who wss ol-lig, <1 t ■ .
shruhery to hide hiu
cnpt dn’s v »■»
til the. ou,
I i:’ when I
* f »' 1 !-•
I ••
not read it until after mv death.”
“Agre»d; we h ve no nt j. ctiims
to that.” shouted several simuitaii
f w
hot .
Thev altempt to »natch *1»»- note
from the writer's gra.p,
“My l.iet wi»h is J»f«rred,'' cried
William. “.Veil, let it le «>.”
And he tiling the paper to th
The g-i!c catching it, carried it
far awtiv.
The ri b!» r, despaired of finding
it—-it b »*t at night
»«f --XJ. -----
I have been trouble*! ninnv years will­
disease of the kidney» au*l have trie*'
many different lemediet* and have
«ought aid from different physicians
without relief About the 15H1 of April
I was »ufferinT from a very violent
¡.ttack that almost prostrated me in
auch a tnanucr i ..«I 1 was bent over
When I sat down it was almost impossible lor me
I» gel up alone, or to put on my clothes, when
kin I Providence «ent Dr. Henley, with the
hotel. 1 liunicd.alely commenced
using the tea
It had an almost
mi aculous effect, and to the aston­
ishment of all the guests at the hotel,
in a few days, I a tn bappy to sute, <;
that 1 was a new man.
1 will)
willH- C3;
recommend the tea ta all afflictsui
as 1 Lave been.
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
xauta k sa. Cal.
M r L f «. * >Vhy, A&te. you n«ertn*' Ci^aVnt
It! I only txd AsTS, . lira us» a vc-y wcil-
lu'oriiA'd t i'nun. tud I
wco afuUow
bctrSMU to.'*
Xt ns I...«. **T m . cud IM week you sa d tob
wiebed I eon 1*1 ma: a • to I ok as at. Hah «9 Am,
Zlie».- and the mah «.-UÀ tu uw4¿;uá«i. Dot
•si» na« whM i haw ■f’
AtaL. “tv ut tettai«"
Alu« Lte. •• v. ai'. Uc rcL» aHoJ ter Informa-
from tho «Tsjtx ne t. ej taira. I ¿du.it Chat
»be knows ail that to eo!n>* od and te bn bt and
•at* ruluiaj In conversa*ica br.t I eoa d do as
well as rbw Lors if I ta4 <J*o ee«N Bouree of
Information ttoe I'M me tba I am nimba» of be:
M a essi n lately, «nd 11« n»e ‘ Borato owe lour e
rtndire. about Tartu-« eo<i?l marera aod iba
k>p:raof tlu. day.uaa I w<>a.d p . k cjrin a
by me oc«*isk tai - har.« wth f* « nd«. it rev atole
evesrs every toe - of tatovm» hra» the news -4
the die down t> tie detx e o.* tuue»«^pirg;
en«l evcvyi nj is eo baaunfallr lllurtrjt.d kxu
Every um Monile fO'S over to Ihr Ai •no’ eta
r uace h*cM aid ’ of « me to ».ct yon to take
is laorr«« « Family Ma-ovina, »« th »torteo are
oocoot. Eve th b«y» • »ich for I every n orth,
co a p!ice la foe nd for t ara ai o to ite parve end
Mr Alien ««ears he it It te rvally «• n nuarfto
bow it «alta «very re rm Sr r of th • family l ••
Mr L«- ••Hell parh.n »|h 4 b> ffrrsraH frw a
Rporfmee ’'one : ti'f. it H i- « rj thiny like wbal vow
•aviti» MwIJamur aadiastmr lite whole' fee ”
>: a Ire ••|«ce th»t W ram nr» lteranrrat,
the ruMtrbe* IS Ü4 ! th tre t \<w T^rti ta
offerto? I • * nd a 5prcjaa* . < npy fot W eral» -o
wr c - ir I lore ay th la?. . , eo<h tn®!*» eontafra
a i j«.e-n Or c. ‘ eatM r< the bolder I« aae
! «tum >be m*.v eboo» . and m me ateo whieb
aleno u» e« e ch cpy «* ~r » Vctnl* atto 1 into
•r at a *4kk *. p*. < n ilk \ n. . fle- *• t W
•ab« rrncn p-1 a io ra -y
a yo*t: atd I
■xA .5e I aaa't see h w th-y e«n prbHah to
toageol a Maaaúoe f r «r ititk hwww ^
ca and Europe. Eacu one is complete hi itaelf:
M . 245 Mrs. C» nd !••» • nrlaln I. ret urea. By
Dovat.A.s .1» <Rf»i D. Very old and very funny. Tbi
younger aa well as older generntieu should read them.
No. 24». A ti venture a of m line hr lor. By the au­
thor of •’ Bnali Beanpole’a Adventnrin in New York.”
A areat humorous bonk by a popular author. -
No. 2M5 llnw to Mnke and Rove Money on
the Farm. A va< uable compilation of useful facts,
bints and auTgestlona for farmer.« and gardener«.
No. 247 >'• ••«» the Earth u- the Muon. A
hovel. By .hn.1 s V krnr .
No. 24«. Tile T.iltle Old Mau of the Riitlg*
nolle*. A Novr>
i’.y E mii . e G s BORIBV.
No. 2G7. A Daiserroue Woiunn. A Novel. By
Mrs. A nn F. SrKiniKN.«.
No 2-X The l.tnden Farm Bride. A Novol.
By Mia . amet JUxicsr.
No 271 feilmou Derrick*« Daughter. A Novel.
By M. T. C a ’ im » h .
No. 211 The Baron*« Will. A Novel. By Srt-
v ocs C mi. Jr.
No 249 The Peril of Richard Pardon. A
Novel By B I. F a WROX.
No 23d. lllackbird Hill. A Novel. By E stobr
No 243 Th'- Oitarulan’a Plot. A Novel. By
Dr. J II. R krinmo '.
N 241. The Gruy F o I cuh . A Novel. By M. T.
C '.DGR.
MS. The fierrew of a Secret. A Novel.
Rv » ary Cacti. H av
No. i'T Percy mid the Prophet. A Novel
By TVl'XtK C oll . N«.
No 237 The Siwry «»fa ^Tedding Ring. A
Novel By the author of “ Dora Thorn«. ’
.in iW
Miirtyu lVnrr’s Temptation. A
Novel I* ' Mr« H x V IVnon
No. 235 A Modern Cinderella. A Novel. Ry
the author wi ” l»ora i borne ’
No. 2.34 The laland Home, A Novel. By M. T.
No. 2X4 The Fain! Clove. A Novo!. By C lara
b cur«» a . ,
»F10WPJ pan »pail Jfa.l »
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Hanger’s Ycun?
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