—Attention is called to the card FOURTH AT Bl’ltNH. —Hay ba >utnan is still very sick. 1 Th* 1.*»**-•( OalherlBs »v*r Gatb»»»J of our dentist, Dr. Horton, in this Some of the good people of our1 —« ages in\vegt,, I1OW ¡n fuj] blast. Tupthir la «>■>• plac« In Har­ ()—DEALERS IN —() ney County weeks issue. ! town and neighborhood, together i 2.00. , ,1 , w hav-field per day with Dr. Boyd and coroner, J. C ■ The Fourth of July, in Burns, —Mr. William Osborn, who is ri®» KI —The hay crop* GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I 1 Parker, met with rather a peculiar [ [IllV q,,a,Uy- — -■ -» - a J r 1 wns a decided success. You could afflicted with asthma and paraly- »finc BURNS. OREGON. adventure and an agreeable disup-1 J th. ..!• ul I < w Q.voru J* “eavy ¡hear the exclamation frequently ! sis, thinks he is improving. -Joo. .... . ................... iUl»,«»»*““ ------ M bavera pointment, though all parties were during the dav from strangers who ’L\- o?ii£- IK!w house, one mile Carry the Largest Slock iu Eastern Oregon. A11 orders hate our prompt attention; — I’be ladies ice cream and moved into his j were present: "What crowds of orange stand, on th • Fourth, fcr the placed in rather an awkward posi-1 tiled 1" i,.r l«*’: vestci'iay- . a.T eagt Burns, people, and where did they come benifit of the minister in charge of tion. NW‘, •1 J the C.ndv - SU, ^^d'wlSl - -At , - * - — The report was circulated by this portion of the Lord’s vineyard, "ra* Vaughn you will find K - -- There were more’people in Burns was patronized very lil erally, the some children that Johnny O’Hill, ban for •*’"„’i.i t - ' and fire works. I're of Mrs. a bachelor living six or seven miles .»arx LUNABURG & FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon u. J>h 8ta- ,,n 11”t Fri<,a7 than ever wa’ jn proceeds amounted to $84.00. 4 uh figs, H it a Rtf»- tb. i-.»11 — Hon. Pussy btaivjp. o j the town at one time before, and the f om town, was dead in his bed and 4t iieMf. , — lion, r uooj ---- rw "Albert Ward. —Let every one follow where alone. Mr. A. J. Wilson immedi­ A $6,000 stuck ol Boot« and Sheet, of tht very beat qn.'lty, Just rocolr.l <-»u"U,or | trip to Burns to attei^| | .. . I most conclusive evidence of success , .dve'«elv ,h* 'duty leads the way and let justice, ately after hearing the re|>ort. tell is on a L mlt'le’Deir was the satisfactory remarks of Jr«!.! Ibth da, I tion.—News. •' the celebra* clear-eyed and strong-armed wield hitched a span of horses to his commendation made by outside XX Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, Yes, i’u»»y wa8 every weapon of csfense. We all (spring wagon and came to town parties. Í. B. pleased with the w ¿f ere, and much OP"* A '«J, Custom work and Repairing neatly done. On the morning of the Sth, Robt. love justice, especially when appli­ ixjst chase for the coroner, jury nnd out the program., f-ly Burns carried Baker, of Silver Creek, remarked: ed to the other fellow. M. I)., gathering them as quickiy mhed at the larg^ and was aston- “Yesterday morning Buri s only — The celebration at Burns on as possible, he then in company HARNE Y A D V E R T18 E M E NTS. u June I*« ’ present. • crowd of people ; had 8 majority for county-ssat, but our National Day is attractng atten­ with the jury, coronerand Dr. Boyd —Music sbo/ I now she has 700 majority.” tion from afar—even unto Baker hastened to what they all supposed |e\ery L‘"‘* be cultivated in u Land ufli' ®. * City—and people are flocking to­ the chamber of death,Mt o hold the I Hctmey- Feed Stable - iiTaivv. ... ^' e counted 126 wagons, car- •2.111. I'U; i refining acce/ It is one of the most r>nges a,'tl buggi™. a'1 loa(led ‘° ward that city. Everything ought usual coroner’s inquest on the I ka B oyce . Proprietor, Harney City, Or. e U • lac-quin, npliehinents one can the guards, grew tired and quit; to be successful.—Grant County dead bod/of John O’Hill. Hay and Grain constantly ou hands. Give ma a call when at Harney. Arriving at his home, where I commit^ world would we made ho effort to count the News. number of horsehackers and the quite a numoer of persons were uicide without the solace —The oration delivered by Capt. number present on the ground that already assembled, they were wel­ HUNTINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. „TO.»TOS. R«*1* «r- Kelly was something more than ex­ comed, not by thejpersons who had were not in the procession. Some cellent, it was grand; covering as Clymer, a resident parties puts v«av the • number at 2000, assembled, but by John O’Hill, F.’ • • • • of I v»«*» l.vu irk.'-.' • *. ““ it did the period of the dark davs, jnn.23.1^ n- ntington, who was visiting the feul win gay J5()o niOreCON Junt23,l*0 himself, alive and well, who polite when the world was ruled bv kings ,h»t t ih^ L'U'^^/inilv of Mr. Cal Geer, of Burns, k(!? The procession starte 1 at the ly invited them in to tarry awhile, and priests, to the present time; L r "i’n •uvi-o .-f.- left this morning for his home. \ M. E. church, our marsl als being the invitation waB gladly accepted, I i OREGON I twih I* .<« vividly and pathetically picturing ul h R —John E. Martin has purchased ¡everywhere present,—J. C. Garrett and the hand of our friend, John, • ll/u- «»ail® befere the gradual dawning of the inspir­ , t Land office, a of Cal. Geer, a self binder of the Os-! chief, and I’. Stenger, J. )Vo<>lev hiB was warmly grasped by the whole , vii: Carries a full line of ing light of liberty upon the honest ii kar. party, who felt as though they were NEqr N’, of SEqr borne patent, anil will be prepared aids—to prevent jams or accidents, hearts and minds of the noble “ fa­ GRAIN, s. K, JN K. W. 51. FLOUR, HAY, welcoming an individual back from tnvBH 8 n> prove hi* to cut his own grain, and all of his going south through town to the thers of freedom,” and their in­ SALT, NAILS, SULPHUR, a i U FUlli > H’ion oi, neighbors. the tomb. southern extiemity, there the mar ­ Murph., Th.«- Dud- SEEDS. COAL OIL. BARB WIRE. comparable faith and fortitude us , h > rd, all of buri s, BACON AND HAMS, TtNGTtx. iLegis er. —Lunal urg and Fry have re­ shals were compelled to park a great shown during the long and desper­ After conversing with Johnny for lu car lots. — ceived their stock of boots and shoes, many wagons and carriages, so the ate struggle for freedom, and a Ito- an hour or so. the whole party re­ turned home, wishing him many- i'OMji FRUpF. pro cession would have space sufli- which for style and genuineness far gethermost beaullfully and clearly Burn« Or««.>n, June 23 is. K,, s Orrn s. Bur cientto come back on ti e same street happy nnd pleasant days this side surpasses any stock of like charac ­ demonstrating the correctness of OtVEN that the follow- Ako. «gent fur the is hereby . of the tomb. it went down. The band discoursing -9K<1 notice of his iiiien- .1 MHlsr basil o the popular theory of-‘the survival in blip port of ilia < laini ter ever brought to the town. aka Snsl natioi al airs a id spicy quick-steps 1111 be made before ike — ***‘J j Housf anti fur etale. 1 cf the fittest.” k'-’C M. l.an'l office at —-‘Buckeye Mower” spur wheel all the while. Uft lsr 1S« i 0. v : b : MMW: And keep alwa' « a large s ock on hand«. r ■ at her, and spindle, at Vale-Burns stage A good house and lot. situated ___ a—JU vf Be“. 10 Tp. C4S R Tne pic nic ground was on the Farm for Sale. i. Ha nam«#rne foilowing witn«‘88< n line office, Burns. If not called for in the town of Bnrns, can be pur­ hia rwniinu .u. res de. < e upon ,*nii river at the new saw-mil), a dis­ Tti1 jii uf. Midland, viz. <». D. Rusk. Peter The farm belonging to Mrs. 8. chased cheap, for cash. House -ClW. W. J.»hSl3E an.i Tho«. G. hut.« ,ii. within one week it will be disposed tance of aliout one mile, when the Prices Lowest in Eastern Oregon- D ru!,Qr«soii. Haskell, one mile east of Burns. of according to law. 0 ’ tiOfin J.B. HUNTINGTON. Render. bat d w:g»n entered 'h- grounds, 160 acres. This is a very desirable well built and furnished inside, con­ —Dr H. M. Horton, our promi­ wsgo is a d vehii les wer ■ still com­ ranch, having on it a good house taining 4 rooms and one store The Oregon ami hl .ho Forwarding Companx have ju«t. comple'ed n large ntone and iron t 5(?xl60 feet. Warran­ of fr d.iv of A? ril «e hilj .'Eor NIXiHiSKTTI EMENT: located in Burns, all wishing work Everythin» wei t on smoothly ter; one of the best gardens in tile tee deed will be given. Apply at chairing. The grotesque and laughing fea­ price, Nation oí «i’iy uni au objur, i-.;.s. if an.', —The Red Front Saloon, Lee owned by C. H. Dewitt, will stand ay be to Mid report. this season at the stable, of A. J. Caldwell proprietor, is a pleasant ture of tl e day. were th ■ horribles J ohn W J ome » LOUISVILLE. KY. ib'ratur ofti ate of Heur.v W Junes, Wilson, Burns. Terms for the sea­ . The Loading Agricultural Journal of tho South and West. DRoH.M, HORTON i resort for every one, rich or poor, that parad'd the stree‘«at 4 o'clock son. $8.00. This is to certify that on the 16tli all are treated with that respect Capta n Sn, pe. of Snipeville, p tn. Made by Farmers for Farmers. —_ ___ IRhe Stale of Oregon, for I IBRA.Í ■uut> This full blood' d Norman Stal­ and politeness we owe to everyone. one of the borrii., s made u day of May, A. D., 1890. I bought lion, is from the breeding stables of As a record of successful agriculture, H ome DENTIST,............ B urns O regon . Hvrtiey County: and F arm has no equal. livery topic relating ¡••ate of Rujal Glenn The best of liquors are behind the ver;, appropi t speech, which was of J. T. Ivy. his interest in a band of the famous breeder, Dillon, of Ill fo agriculture isopenlv dfocussed in its columns Offbeat real ’.-ire, in the Jwbn Rublnp >n ««<■ f lure, the genial proprietor to please all and Vestal. I also agree to settle 17 hands high and when fat, weighs I made to leel exc 0 .11 ly large. FARMERS ’ OWN PAPER, ve named court, t he un­ 1780. The fine showing of his A record of their daily life, presented in ’a fortu it* « «»! AftiuLi» raiiuii customers. c The cleiia ion w. s one that all indebtedness contracted in the colts,an this valley, demonstrates and language which make it pluin to all. fouM i I« J tj s now the dulv «p I u< i jug Admii iw ra ■ r r ihtbuiujq I name of Ivy A Vestal, and to col ­ LIST OF CONTR'BUTOFB the t t'i it 'll ii ti! >!» «'regur, or a1 the .4- 5th inst., to wed Miss Virginia A- honored us with thou presence ap­ e ici jn anci(j '.aim n. Waldo F. Brown : Henry Stewnrt : John M. Stahl ; above mentioned, which proves Inn A. *’ ,v’ ““ Thornfon Wifliai: 8 uiieuf iheaiiorne a P. Ford ; Jeff. Welborn ; Hugh T. Ilrooks : John preciated our eborts o jUase, ac­ s ate, in the tu« n ,.f Harnc?, said c«»un- Edmunson, the bride elect aecom .orn^ys. to be a full-blooded - Norman horse C. Edgar; Steele's Bayou ; T. B Baldwin and a iwithinaix mon hs Irvin the da-e Notice. host of others make this journal indispensable. pimied the bridegroom to Burns. commodate and entertain. luM Moreover, it 1« equallv July, A. I'., ls« I’ETER FREM'H, 1 the license they were married by fully trailed. Mary .Marsden, Lois Calesbv, Mrs. bills, notes a:ul accounts d ie G«o Noth c to the taxpayers of School A«1 ¡uiti i»i rtor. Brown. Mr.«. I)avi<>s, Mi-s C-ibHl, Mfo. Mosby, we re McGowan in this county, and am t4 OppO'-il»- S. I’atetif OHe-n. j Atloriu^i. the Rev. E. K. Taylor. Winston and 5?oreof other- «ill contrib­ District No. b. county of Jlarn y. Alice ute regularly. his authorised agent to collect and State of Oregon. FAITH LATIMER — Uncle Tom Adams, who has I All person having Claims for Is in charge of our Children's Depart ment, and Youarc hereby notified that the i »lie has the peculiar faculty <>f btinjj both in­ Pension Incn-.isc of Pension, or of been almost prostrate from paral- • —Several persons in towr yester- receipt for the same. Persons know­ ERALD teresting uud instructive. L, TrsMtnJ ing themselves indebted to him tax levied on the 3d day of March, vsis, for the last three or four i j day from Harney. any nature whatever against the THE MYSTERY OF THE NATION will please settle immediately and A. D., 1890, by the School District Is a thrilling story appearing iu K omb and Goneinnient, should write to us for NT0M, years, is reported in a critical con- j I —John Marsh, is somewhat under ; F arm , by. Jufan IL Musics, and is exciting wide RCULATION OF ANY save cost, for if not paid in one No. 1, county of Harner, State qf ; attention. Short ttoti«« by di.«titigui.>hed writers information. Proposed new laws dition, at the residence of Mrs | I the weather, but not dangeio js . T n this county . appear from time to time. affecting. Soldiers rights fully ex­ month from this date July 9th. all Oregon, is now due and payable at BILL ARP’S LETTERS Haskell’s. i — J. Nat. Hudson of Harney, was Appear iueach issue, and this humorous philoso ­ unpaid bills, notes and accounts Bnrns, Oregon, office of N. Brown, pher wa« never mure interesting than at this plained. Advict? free. -' Jice of th« L ater : He died this morning on hand court da)' at the ceunty unty Paper, will be put into the hands of an and that the said tax will be time, IM ITS KDITOHIIL DFPAItTMEXT NO FEE UNLESS CLAIM IS AL­ (Wednesday) at 8o’clock» Shaw, LOWED. seat. officer for collection. H ome and F arm speaks boHly nnd fearlessly in deemed delinquent unless paid N8» 0B \ —There’s a place in our town for behalf of Farmers’ Rights." It favors a re­ J ohn E. M artin . vision of the tariff* in behalf of the farmer ; better within 60 days from the date of — Attorney Parrish of Canyon 1 News. enjoyment go, especially if you have road« for the famier ; Fret Mail Delivery to the former ; Co-operatioti among the iarmets, and itu this notice. C has . N ewei l , any jokes to bestow, that place to City was in the county seat on court aim ia to “ Bust Trust1*." Its motto is Stray Notice. District Clerk. “ Fair Trade and Farta*r«* Kights." pOVNTY ITEMS. be sure is Tex’s Saloon; if vou like day. Strayed from the range on Bea­ fun, music or laughter you can’t —The first session of county court ver creek, six head of horses: one AY. JUNE 25. I SX. The south bound express train on get there too soon; if its whisky at the permanent county seat, Burns, iron gray mare, 4 years old, brand­ the Philadelphia & Reading ra 1- you’re after, it’s the same he’B got, was held July 7th. ed PC on shoulder and hip, also, on road, jumped the track , on the and undaunted we of the very best brands, but it is —The new mill will be in run­ JO on left shoulder; one white mare, 10 year, old, branded the morning of the 23d of June, r.ear M r L ew . •• Why, Addle, yoa needn't cry about cash on the spot. Now boys re ­ • «. ning order by the first of next same; two Imy mares branded JO It! I only said Mri. /Ikn WM a very well» Wa will Rind the entire Het nt Twenty Valuable luforincd woman, aoil I LMhedyott wou.d follow member and don’t you forget, taat Tucker, a town ubcut five miles Booke enumerated and deacritwd below, to every anb- month. at the Hardware her example.*’ ecriber to this paper for the enttuiiiR year, who remit! on left shoulder; two bay yearlings (MrrrUi/ crfUd in addition to the regular- auMcrlptlon Ulna L eb . ‘'Yat», and Inst week yon eald yon eer, a supply of door* Tex’s Saloon is the best, you bet. Tbeeo tMKbrlnted from good readable type on good paper, MALr.iL "What 1« tbatt* that I may I.e able to find them, or car were derailed. Louis Heller, and wtauy of them handsomely Illustrated. They cum li us Lac. . Vi ell, the ac u all of hex Informa­ tv furnishes the moat Burns, are solicited to glance at the pr«*e some of the finest works over written by some of any one bringing them to me at the engineer, was killed, and his Che greatest and most popular writers. bot4> of Amari tion from thi Magax no ti ey lair o. I admit that been very sick, is now improvin'». Kurope Each one is complete iu itself: •he know« all tbat is gofnn ou. nnd 18 bright and Mtns for the transrnis- Hardware store of Cal Geer, in front my ranch on Ijeaver creek. Crook brother George, fireman, was r r.»b- ea M aad entertaining 1 a converanfimi but I cou d do •• . 345 Mro. C«eKlle*a « aria In LrtfnrM, Ry D ooglam J mhiioi .P Very old and very funny. The well as she dop If I had tho reme source of ir known to modern they will sec a awning, under the — Rev. Tri Wakfield Presiding county, or any written communica­ younger as well ae older generatloto should read them. Information. Sbo lent roe the list nnmbar of her ably fatally injured. Gecrgi. Ham ­ Mo. Ui Adventures ofu Ilach ’ -lor. Hv the an llBt’ftzinc lately« find I loarnc.l mt re in one l.our • awning on the porch a display of Elder,during the quarterly meeting, tion giving information of their tbor of “ Bn ah Heanpolo'ff Adventures in New York.” reading, about vartotts eoctel matters and the A groat humorous book by a populareuf hor. whereabouts, addressed to me, P O ilton the bagfag»ma‘>r, Joteph No 3M. How to Wnite and Save Mnaor on topic« of the day. than I w 47 F«-..ia tba Earth to tho Mooot. 4 Bld le displaced hr : town, also, mowers, rakes, etc. mons. the day down to tho details of housekeeping; will be literally rewarded. i severely brui'-.u, Roliert Cotton, Novel. Hy .Iu:.'e Vra*n •nd everythin!* K so boautif.-illy illnstratcd. too. No 244 Ths Izlltlw Old Man of the Balls- J oseph D elorf . Dvery ti;ae Mamin goes over to tho Ai'ens’ sbo «orc in keeping with 'dust above the awning you will ■toile«. A Novel. Ry E mii . b G'H okuv —T he H erald office was visited parlor conductor, sli htly injured co-.no« bftek and teal*! no to f.et you to take No 287. A Ditnwarono Woman. A Novel. By I ' please notice the sign of Hardware, liebt of the age. Mrs. AW 8 tremcVN Detnoreflt'ff Family h:a*a-1ne. ra th ttoriea ar» vesterdav afternoon by Mrs. M. A. ** The l.inden Furia Bride. A Novel. so goo 1. Eve-i th ■ boys watc> for i- every manth. All are train nun an 1 r itereand fora were hurt. Their escape was al V an vs C »*■, Jr. Vo M> Tk- ;*•»«■ of Rkh.rJ rard.u, A Hpedm«n C'«»py | for, if il I ■ any thing like what you I Years Old. wspaper. Novel Ry R L. F a WNOW •ayit i«. Itwlllamu-e and in«iruc. th<4whole; fa«.’’ most miraculous. country demands; and at prices —Messrs J. S. Divine. Henry Mu tan Blackbird Hill. A Novel. Dy Estnra Mu« Lna. ' f see that W Jennings Demorest, Forest Crove, Or., March 19—I I HI.B KMNWVH th * publisher. 15 fa«l 1 th ftrei t. New Turk, ia Tb<- Cluarsilan’o Plat. A Novel. By leer has completed hi.- which is not exorbitant. c I Miller, nnd H. Mason, of the Pacific have used the Oregon kidney Tea Will a meicliant who is wise, ever Dr No. J 343 offering t • a*nd a kfxcime i (<r. Boyd, arrived in Burns yesterday. is (iod’s Messing to humanity. 1 t ees grow up. id .- dowr ; when th« No. i’b Prrey nnd tbo Prophet. A Kovel want a iack«t pa’ era like Afr, ^Beir'«. Tlw By Wi' «ti« •ubacription pri e ia only f S(0 • y«9r; and I IABSIY extends a semaphore. town on the eveuing of June Sth. Mo W The Btarw oT a Weddl»« Ring. A —Mias Gunther, the dress maker. take pleasure in recommending it to beggar wears a gown; » hen ice Novel. mud r»y I can't ere how they ean pubUffil MS By the author of •• Dora Thorne ’’ An XM Morlra Wtsre’a Trnsytutlon. A •fogant a Magazine for ri' little money." r , to every one in the These two phvsieians understand , hue moved from the mom; she ra- the afflicted. I am now nearly nine­ forms on the sun; when t ie spar- Novel T- Mr« H < v Wono No XU A Modem < Inderolln. A Novel. By raw weighs a ton; when ;od dol ­ •r. their profession, and tbat is a the author af “ DAra i home ' i copied, and now occupies« room on , ty j ears old, came to Oregon in 1842 t Servi* No m. The Island Monee. A Novel Ry M 1 Lifhtiftut e'rtySiem*“ turata, I* the same floor ofTHF. H erald office., in the employ of the Hudson’s Bay lars are too cheap; when women No^nt The Fatal Clave. A Novel ByC -Abs in nearly ail ages have I sufficient reeouimend. I. secrets keep; when the fish forgets Company, and since I began using BNS CABS. a man’s inferior.; —Presiding Elder—Ixxrk here! j Gr,r\s'DF.3i LooK — Another load of window« and I thu Oregon kidney tea 1 enjoy good to swim when old Satan sings a intelligence has gained ' ; You greased hog and pole cortimi'- QfU TMfE door« received, this week, at Cal l •hymn; when girls go beck gum; t fouling are they al- teemen, what become of your Geer's Hardware store, brought in health. ( yk ^ dast S ushct .ine. when the small boy hates a drum; D avid M lxrof . chance with men. greased pole and pig? by W. 8. Southworth of Canyon w hen no px iltii ia < schemes; when Tu* VY«AA-I\« n 0 wmì V«V««| * Committeemen—Parson in at- City. TVs MRMMMN 'Fitti. of 8 votes and the __ mince pie n>ak«-s pleasant dreams; Notice. 71- ThunAtrin) % •r» «new put up by M D. Clifford, for tempting to grease that long nosed I OK* IJL uá Á JCakw« when its fun fo break a tooth; when —The old Robinson and Dodson Ç^oVd punt» -• D. B. FERRY 4 CO. hazelsplitter pig. it slipped from Bill Woods offers fo run his I of the county records j when al! 1-wyers tell the truth; Who ar« th« Largest C a » t n* a F,-:1 A n Saloon. was opened on the 7th. ly horse. “Jim Mae,'’on the race-track our arms, and jumped into tl»s riv ­ Beedamen ia th« world. •< iV* y, established the per- when cold water makes you drunk ; S«4 j fw t • T TH "4 D M Fnav&Co*! XtVMA er, and we threw the |iule in lifter Henry Ixmg. The proprietor ask, at Burns, Harney county, Oregon, Baavtifally Hlu«fr*tM. IiouHpdv« «•f • •4«*sN Tituhn« ’*'*• ÿ*« nty seat at Burns. fur a share of the public patronage, on the 4th day of July, 1890, five you lev** to smell a skunk; when lit n her. vf.ung people cease to wed; his saloon is first class in every re­ hundred yards, for ♦500, against tu V-.' -¿«i. «.va i; I. Haskell presented us‘ P. E—So. e», such is life. W applKADt», and to laat Maaon « cua- V. h ojftl spect, his Liquors are cf the l>e»t any horse in Harney or Grant then human tare is dead; it hi n Com.— Yes. yes. mce gooseberries, laei tom«ra. It better than «ver. F.r- VtM Í3r Tfiçtv.’TyXnrttÆ! t»’!’«!' then the drumn er has no brass— •ry 'eraoa Bamg Garden, Flower brands, and by stri< t attention to : se i ■y were grown in her « Field BBEDBahoulde«*! bxlt. county. —J>r. Mi Phcetcrs srtues m«.un- ,when all things com« t® pass, then D. M. FERRY ACO. «<• It.:! V j’««4 j W*wv» «• • ir Burns, and for size shiners can make corn whiskey and buisness, and gentlemanly courtesy ! Any or»e accepting the challenge. iris d, DBTRQIT, MICH. Mm». ";iw r*V» C®, im? ®f sell it at t«i.-tiU five tent« • gallon Henry hopes to receive hit sharw resa, T he H skald , Burnt Or.. perhaps the man th it» wise wil they average with sn; 4l « Ktrdv neglect to advertise. .t,«ao.^rs Hl. jn-iuiug lileir horse. |«u4 make utotiay—nell. custom -here we have been. I J. DURKHEIMER & CO Portland Boot and Shoe Store IDAHO WAREHOUE CO CELEBRATED OREGON MARBLE & L ime C o . HOME AND FARM, Stoddart and Co., Al" 2onuoram ^£âT SEEDS IZAR. I