Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1890)
edS —If Dr. McPheeters leaves, what1 —M. N. Fegtley’s mother arrived ' will Burns do for a phycian? ' in Burns Friday last. 1 r'‘“r"“'<‘b'>FJ»ly. —-Messrs. Comegys mid Willshire Capt. A. W. Waters’ President of the Blitzen, were in Burns on of the day. D. L. Grace, Dr. Me- Friday and Saturday of last ^week. ()—<( DEALERS IN )>—() —George Stanclift was in town?l —Burns is expecting a large Pheeters, and J. M. Vaughn, Vice- ------------------------ crowd on the 4th. this week. Presidents. Houw and lx>c for Sale. S tate I asi - orric«,l Ip*. Oregon, A|>r¡r.9, 1MK). ) —Frank Reider of Rock Ford —Quite a number of strangers in OREGON. Capt. H. Kelley, Orator. A good house and lot. situated BURNS. BY GIVEN thui incoinj.H- l<j'^ of then l ».f • •.»ogrtBR visited Burns this week. town. Mrs. C. A. Sweck, reader of the in the town of Burns, can be pur- tl ,,An art tor the *a'« «4 —A general invitation is ex^ Carry ihc ocl> i.i Ea turn Oregon. All order < have our prompt attention. B'esuf ( aliivrniH.01ei4.Hi, Dcclaration of Independence. chawed cheap, for cash. House — Lawn Tennis is the popular <¡on Terri’crj,” .»••aiiia ia 1).»nd, cull itv of Hgr- Grand Marshal, J. C. Garrett. well built and furnished inside, con- tended to all to come to Burns on : ha* thi* (lay tile»! in lbW game of Burns at this date. n ent, No 9. L r 1 he pur Aids: W. E. Grace, J, BJ Hunt- taiuing 4 rooms and on“ store the 4th of July. For fun, music b W' m . Sec l.NW'/^iNW —New typo at the Items office, E ur of Se<‘ti«>n No. 11, in and pretty women, Burns is the ington, Peter Stenger, John Sayer, room. Lot 50x160 feet. Warran- No M E W M. and will his name is Emmett Holman. . at th« land auuuht i* niufe II. C. Levons, Ed. Hanley, J. C. te? deed will l.e given. Apply at boss. ’ r or * «Hie than for auricul- T.I NABURG >“ FRY, I’ kopiiietors , B uuns , O beuon . —-‘Show a man a million dollars ucaablùih hi* claim tu «aid Wooley, J. C. Welcome, T. J. H erald office. «.er and Re< eiver ‘»f tint* — Wo are sorry to hear of the kun, on TtuB lax, the lòih and the gate to heaveu and he will Sheilds, Peter Clemens. j« name*a* wi nenev* Lun 1 stock of Boole and Shore, of the very beet quality, just received death of the baby of Mr. and Mrs. [McKnhthr. Albeit Ward, die a millioniare.—Silver State. Parade at 10 o’clock a m. Farm f\ rSr.le. mund Harnev county. Or Harry McClure. I* eluiiuing aiiveraely the The Procession will form as fol- — M. M. Drierly, his daughter * are reaue* ed lutile their The farm belonging to Mrs. 8 Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. on or before aaid 15lh day —Several persons in town this lows: Miss Annie, and Miss Grace Can- Haskel), one r.iie east of Burns, . IU NriNGTlN, kegiatcr. 169 acres This is a very desirable Grand Marshal, and Aids. field, of Harney, were in Burns this week, residents of Harney, among £3F- a :. m - ui :« work and Repairing neatly dona. ranch, having on it a good house whom we noticed J. C. Buck land Band. week. and 1 am, and excellent well of wa and R. Claypool. Ofld Fellows. H A R N E Y A D V E RT1S E M E N T8. ‘—The average mans politics and ter; one of the lest gardens in the tip B tatm L and O ffd k , j Grand Army of the Republic. — A German living in the Black county, besides the whole 16<t aeri - Mr uregon, Juue 18, I auj . i religion are either inherited or are EBV G1VEN thiit tlie f«»ll»>w- Liberty Cur. •TICE IS is splendid meadow land Parties hand. — Dayton Forests has invented a clock which r.* fiied nutice of hi* inien- accepted second ruui in suppuri of hi* claitn, desiring to purchas-?, ?r,ll on Mrs Burn» Sunday School. is warranted to run, without wind f will tee made Icf. re ihe Herald. Haskell for terms and purchase her, I’. K.<l onice, at Burns Fire Department. ing, until the year 9999. ay, July 2- th, HiUO, vi«: price, —When a man is kind to a wo ItlA B oyi e , Proprietor, Harney City, Or. President of the day, Orator and L ì J m - iip 1. il . —Dr. Boyd, of Baker City, reg f..r thè E1 2 of SW’4. Fcc 1?. man she forgets he was ever cvobb , Reader of Declarations of Inde p. US K YK E W. N. He istered at the French hotel, 23d Stray Notice. «TH ay and Gnd.i constantly ou hands. Give ute a call whon at Harney. ^ii d wititBR’* to | ,hi* and when a woman is cross to a pendence, in carriages. e tìp.iH a.'<i < ul.ivmi.Hi of. inst. We are informod he expects Strayed from the range on Pea ■ Ini un. W. T. W hi< Wur:h, T. man lie forgets*she was ever kind. Representatives of the Press. A. Murriiun, ail of Buri.*, to locate in Burna.or Ilarney. —Silver State. Citizens in eaftiagw and on horse ver creek, six head of horses: one 11U NTf N ¡¡TON A I) VERTISEMENTS. |. B. H untington , Regi* «r, —C. A. Sweck returned. Mondavi lack. iron gray mire, 4 years old, brand ■ > —Dr. McPheeters and his brother ■ ed PC on shoulder and hip, also, on l’iute Indian». Cal., have sold their property in evening, from a fishing excursion, MAL FBOOr Procession to form in front of i JO on left shoulder; one white' . ! am » k Burr*Oregon June25,1800. the town of Burns, Chas Dewitt highly pleased with his success; KBY Gl YEN that thè fdlow We do not know if the having caught a goodly number of Land Office, and march down Main |lllure. 10 years old, I ramled the I file 1 n.iiii e »if hi* inlen- purchaser. ! . proof in mipporr of h * tu make r? ri —e Pocter intends leaving Burns or the little speckled mountain trout. street ns far as Jefferson street, then r, lni1’; two bay m ■es branded J-O W Id proci wiil Le mu le Ledere n, «nil th*1 WIU/« i: È I iter lT. a . I and Office, al counter-march up Main .street, and 0,1 left shoulder; t •»•,> l ay yearlings not. —Dr. Horton moved infs Burns, Auxu*i 1), 1 9>, vlz «*« Vi; I ftt Iter. then to the picnic ground, where the J1< rse <-'°lts> 1 rand d JO on 1. i: iSEqr of Nl qr N1, of SEqr No. SS*, fur — Fourth of July will soon be Saturday last, and is now ready to i Carries a full line of . M, Tp .4 S. R. ) E. W. M. (r o/HWqr, following exorcises will take place, i ‘ Any imorm-fmn given, doctor your teeth in any shape you .viu« witntR* s to prove hi» lain j* th-1! here and then — well we would like (¡RAIN, HAY, ice up.Hi aad rulli'u ion uf, i Addressof welcome by the Pres • *l'a* 1 >nav 1 e able io fi id them, or Gin uuu* re«L . McMurphv, Thug. Dod- to have just, one dollar for each desire, either to pull n hat you have land, vis: ». ■ SULPHUR, ■NAIL«, ntr-., all uf iturr.r., J. C. Parker ami w. c. ' ¡anyone bringing them to me at ■ out, or nut others in, or both. COALOlt, pTj. B H untington . Re^i* er. ¿on. headache on the morning of the otli. BARB WIRE, Praver bv chaplain. my ranch on Beaver creek. Crook BACON AND HAMS, Guess we would leave Burns, and — A “ black list ’ ’ has been cistri- I U ChV ¿O.S. 1 v rNAuraoor torofthediiv * ; county, or any written commumca- take up our abode on 5th Avenue buted among tho saloon-keepers, of Lest (j||. J uno Orr^L'K. Burn* Oregon, Jure23 1890. Rending of Declaration of Inde-’ ti‘>n givinP ^formation <f their j ®5f‘E. Burn« Pendleton, containing names of ha □TICE rafiER’ LY HIVEN that tne follow- New York city. whereat outs, addressed to me, P O pendence ihtiH . notice hiBiiitcn- naineti ae« ‘ . flJv ............... " of 1 ................ bitual drunkards to whom they are > pi\.«»i i;i support of h s claim Also, agent for tLe -— ‘ * • make | Music ns ordered by President. Paulin::, Crook county, Oregon,; week — as a — We received last |>f will be made before the i ha aaidi forbidden to sell liquor. iver. (’ S. Laud Office at Basket dinner and Barhaeue. .ia-er andi will he liberally rewarded. complimentary—a book of fiction, AURUBt 1st 1890. V Z •o* ure^ —Dr. IL Boyd, and his brother» Eevcning excrc ses will consist of iter at ker, J oseph D elore . tie sW1 * of .' l ' i 1. 10 Tp. 24 S R •‘Doctor Jack,” by St. George Rath- No. 441 And k.cp a’vui K a large c ock on hatu*. Dr. J. W. Ashford. The latter a clinlbing greased pole. . Prize, $2 50 ; mes the following wiinttses borne, and published bv Street A Catching greased pig. ...” . .. 0 2.50 “n ' liuUuUB rts de o e upon ,”nd graduate of San Francisco Medic d land, viz: <>. D. Ruck. Peter Ci- We. it her BiiEeliti N • 11 “Doctor Jack” Pack race.................. . .. 2.50 tins->’•>, Rud Thu*. G. Doi.s ;n. Smith New York. al College and New York. The Girls egg race it •• 2.50 I f)f ()lu Oregon W eather 1 • !1. is very interesting and entertaining, B. H untington , Reg:« er. lureau. co- u ... 2 50 former a graduate of New Crleans Wheel-barrow race. ¡operating with U. S Signal Service, and a Look we can heartily recom Medical College also, New York. Sledge-hammer tl r >wing, 181b 2.50 Central Office Portland. Oregon. lerally mend to lovers of that style of lit The orrj < n .oil ’■l:iho l‘< - : v riliny Coni; -nn ’ eve jn-t <■< nipte'cil n larKC «'.ore std K HERALD Horribles will parade the streets For the week eliding Saturday, iron le hi« These two physicians will locate in litr-iw o'war hiue it Hunting on. und wi 1 le prepured lo receive eunuignweni« erature. of Burns nt 4 o’clock p in. • of freii’hf bv'he lir dnv </April June 14th, 181'0. Burns in a few days. i Compnaj ig prepare I to make li . era! a Ivancee on cur.*; junxoni* of wool. 1 nurt Exhibition of Base Ball and —Don’t forget when in town to WEATHER a'ljkáá** circulation or any Lawn Tennis. — Everybody come to Burns to visit the Red Front Saloon. The NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. The whole to conclude with a I The week has been ei.ld and p:xrt- reading room is furnished with all celenrate the 4th, a good time you Grand Ball in thg evening at the —W. 8 Marsh, i f linker City,I ! ly doudv, with light tprinklca of the late papers; the billiard room shall have, the citizens and busi Court House' calad at T he H elal > office to-day1 , rain on the 8th and 1)th. Tir? rain is open, the tables ready inviting ness men of our town are deter-1 MILLINERS. _________ fall was light and did not mu li in company with Dr. II. Boyd. mined to make it a success, and to 1 you to amusement, the best of liq- —The ladies of Burns and vicin I more than lay the <|u«t. Vegeta Just arrived an assortment of tho i — In Ilarnev county the official ! every one, who w'll honor us with itv are solicited to meet nt the ors behind the bar, and the accom IBRA-J-,V' ■ ;.'Eocal News. latest Dress Shapes. church, on Thursday^ 2(»th of June, tion of all kinds would be benefited ¡ returns shew that the town of 1 tiri.s ________ modating bar tender can mix your their presence. nt 2 o'clock, p in, to arrange for the! i-.y good heavy rains and especially i beat all her e mi] e i ora for the I drink* in any shape or fashion you — From the number of mowers HAKMEY COUNTY ITEMS. couuty-scat by a majority vote of dinner and decoration. would the wheat crop be 1 mefiti d light over all rivals. — Prineville desire. and rakes daily h aving the hard- » a’ 3 I'he weather, has, however, not into tlii^ware s,ore "f Cal Geer we ar? led News. vmd | i ¡: si > ay . jrsK me. Keporl of Burn* S c I mwi !, F i isl Term o' —Many person* come been injurious to crops, the cool, 1HSO. to believe, that a great deal of hay |H *“..’LJr * -J“ .. v». • *■’ . office, speaking of and praising the’ pension and Claim At" cloud y weather being more benefi undaunted we fine l o an of logs—in the river at will be put up in Harney valley ‘ or Rrgli __________I*., and IF YOU WISH A GOOD REVOLVER The amie.xed lia^khow» the total cial than cloudless warm weather .ornyes. I the present site of the new saw-mill this season. SlfllTH ft WESSON’S enrollment and average attendance would be, but rain is what is need *v. e*t Fatui A.Sv, th«i — J. C. Wooley, a fe.v days ago, — which John payer will soon Le at the Hardware of students, scl.olaj-tliip m standing ed for tho growth and maturing of .nu£*ctu v.l HM0M 015 7th St.. Washington, ’). C. tad tfcj Ib’-.t v..t»iceo£ i 1 tow of Cal Geer, a supply of doors sawing into lumber, several inc got a very severe kick from a coif I of different grades, etc., at close oi grains, vegetables etc. i in cadbrea i»., hJ und 4 1-1 A ELi ;lo or mouth chanics are working on the mill The calf kicked him on the ad, windows tljubioaction. Eai\ iy Ihm- term: IBIIFS. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office. I rirrlwea and Tartut moduli*. » "* and in a few days “all will be weli” loosening up several teeth. I IJ ch C quality wrourlit p —Freight teams with wagons Haying is generally in progress I tool» carelully. I-. ii - cck I and we will hear the “toot” of her 1 >r’■vorknianHhfn mu block. Uori ad d for —The hill-side, we«t of the Lusi-1 All person having Claims for- d;irub.I»ty nntl’nr< urn< y. Do * | eavily Tjd'ened. are coming into and light yields are generally re £ i >H!t, bo deceivud by clic.-.p mail, able I < n iinitalLma engine. Pension Increase of Penmon, or of ness part of town, is beginning < .ten *01 I lot tho pctiuiii . ri'c’c. Ti.< v u eun'e- qitgHwh'ery d»y- ported The continued dry weath J’.ible and dangerous. Tho K nitii &• \V e .-»< n l;r- K * u v lveiis a’o sittnntod npon ti e I i.rr» h with firm’* any nature whatever against the c —J. J. Donahoo and family, to look something like a min addrcHH aatidutcHof pntantf«, nnd ate g»tnr> er provid to be quite injurious to naitte, j ■ * <c © rnteed peifect. In^li-t upon Hoving th •:>, nnii if Gouernniei.t, should write tons for b£ forfiierly of Lakeview, but recently ing camp, so many we’ls being sunk a i h y >i:r ocufor CMiinot supply you, nn «>rd'-r sent triad. E a u informatimi, PrQfjoaod new law« >, Trr«»uri°W >*rtft,tj mu to subscribe to a the hay crop in most sections. J "t ‘ »s belov/ will receive orotnpt. n £ “ >. X ä g Shu catalogue mid urh - »up->u application. à — •- a r disposed of their ¡iroperty there, are But the dwellings going up show affecting, Soldier» rij/ht» fully ex- The fail and early sown sprin;’ IB JI ITU Coi WF.KKi!N ¡TON, ' o •< ¿ c. b O 'il.liucd. Ad.viiu free. looking at Burns and vicinity this the stranger the progress the town ‘•G t» 95 95 85 9(- wheat are in goo I sondition.* They c’.r*r., pr. 5 has completed •• - A 9> 93 S5 if- 83 week. Mr. D. seems to be pretty is making. .. , NO FEE (LXLESS CLAIM IS AL- 9Ó 90 95 95 M 9C would I e benefited by rain, but if in-shoR*nd is now ready to do !’.r» 95 95 !3 9 “ 4 well pleased with Ilarney valley, LOWED. —The weather continues cold and “ “ X 95 85 9(. no drv noitli wi. da prevail, the ' » ieeofthri.OMBg in that line. ° !*) 95 95 85 9' “ “ 3 * *1 - JI - L J1LM M and may Luy property here and dry in Ilarney valley, but wc are 94 95 92 90 9* crop will average very weil. “ 2 The .. .. j Shaw, Jordon will have, in a become a Burnsite. informed that grain is doing well, 97 late sown spring grain eontlnues to s. on —T iie H erald office was the rc^ supply of the Walter Grade promotions, 2d grnde: be in a po.>r conditior, and lees except what was injured Ly the lowing machines and the Cannot bo succeosfidly traiT/od wi"> cipient of sonic very fine strawber frost, some few farmers are cutting Homer Reed, Edith Bi rd, John than one half thu average, from out gdoi i ca’’.':. To raauh t»ca”h ozary kes. o cove'cJ posi.ion In li e requires ihdfull Sweck. Earl Frvs, Josie I.ocher. ■pling _ »own >wn graui gram is expected Par ries. last we, k. They were grown the grain that was injured and mak- pcsij.cLn er.d c 7 erat lor. cf <!! t%o tac- itirg and Fry have re- Clacc promotions. 1st grade: Vi it into bay lev, rye and nuts oats are doing quit, uhiealJrj r.c’.ue las Gr.dowcd ut wl’.h. on the ranch of Chas. Adams, and eived thei ir stock of boots and shoes, There ccr.: !llor.3 exl t ur.’ceitho olet Morrison, Carl Fegtley, James i veil. Corn lias a slow growth ow sent by Mrs. Martha Adams. phydccl belr.j la In perfect forking ^^^^^ttyle and genuineness far rhicjifor ’ Harris, Thursie Porter, Garland i ing to the cool weather. Hops an cr cr, a?J t'.il3 13 irnpciaiblo when the I'struy Notice. F- i wpiqpia nv stock of like char.ic- Thanks to the donor. A party of liv r tr.J cf.lccnsrc torpid, Crisobstruct- McGee, Eldcn Johnson. reDorted as progressing nie, ly twelve or fifteen met at Mrs. Chas Ir.j f e eccret:or.3, C-iutlng Ihdlgetucn The best and s'mplcit T:k< n up Ly T. A. McKinnon er evsr ■’ought to the town. o Number of visits by patrons, 13 Vineyards are healthy and cxeal- and c’yrpeps’a, v...h a!! cf Uiolr accom Adams, on Sunday, 15th inst., and panying horrers. -II c Leyen«, who with his* were treated to strawberies and three miles northeast of Burns, one Total enrollment 72. lent prorp-cts are shown by them. DH. HEX’LEV’S ¡'bay mare, 14} bands high, about wifi» ardftlie family of J. C. Wei« creams. Average attendance 45 Eastern Oregon crop rep >rl» are MADE. English Dandelion Ton! 8 years old. white hind feet, brand om» hare been out in the motin- “ Deportment, 00 1 more hop ful thim from th- Wil- oxorfa a cpcclflo inf.uence over tho Ihor, Strongest Sheeting, — Hunt is expected in Baker Ci ed on left shoulder with a square, exclice II <0 heal'.hy action, rcsoSec III Students offfd. 4th and 5th g’ados l inu tt'“ valley. Fruit, h > rover in aint hm M? itin retur iol oi the EASIEST WISKIIO. chronic engorgements, ar.d premotea t!:o ty with'ii a few days after he arrives connected at bottom with JH. the making above IK) on final exam: All b I zgh from 22 calibre .'3 mat. eeoret'enc; cures ladigectloa ar d conatl- the Wil,amette valley is i’r as to 45 calibre. iat Walla Walla from New York. Hotter Z in center «f square, and on nation. petlcn, cb.arrcna the appetite, up a condition as could ; e de, i- d <1 theenti.-a cyc’.em, and r.akos I’to worth All prices from ■ Red Front Saloon, Lee He comes, here to look over the sit- right shoulder branded JE. Own- .940 Minni.ce Cald’.vell, LiLLARD 'outhern Oregon promises to clip s*ir».o<> up. jpro]>rietnr, is a pleasant 1 nation wi' h a view to extending liis .935 l er can have this property by prov- Louisa Tupkrr, hns won moro former years by her fruit yield.-, Stand without u _____ ^Bevirv one. rich or poor, road from Union on through I’ow- : ing the right to it and paying the 11, ire* at Target ,9.‘l0 riviil for nc<ii- Fatdie Orser, hooting timi» I’he strawberry crop is ta cuiuijig iacyninl killing ^rented with that re-[x et Jer riv< r valley, via Sumpter, to charges. nil other ninket T. A. M c K innox . .915 Elumetl Reed, if> I oweron largo «•f rifles put lo- exhansed at.d < hi tries ara?¿ now. oramiill giuua kvtlier. ries* wc owe' to’ ewyone the Ilarnev country. Baker City -OluJ Mad ge Byrd, f i plentiful in th “ market. Our f liquors are behind the can’t have too many roads, in fact Notice. ClIAK.NjiWtB I I Teacher. W j ßinranteo RIVERS. ^Hcverv effort is made by all roads should lead to our own P uers : K elley i 1888 | Bill Woods offers to run his proprietor to please all particular Rome, and Ilun ’» will horse, “Jim Mac,1 on the race-track • ... f.iiiia'i... The rivers continue to fall slowly ■ arc tno-c put up by Cata- EQUAt* TQ ® 1 be cs welcome as any other.— at Burns, Hartley county, Oregon, and ri ports do no' in lieat • th it D.M.FtRRYfiCO. Ire 1'i-emn. I.emona-te anil Orinr" ^fc’ho are the Largest t’s a place in our town for |qa(]c. there is much snow to be milted. Anjiliag Produce! Sttind. legue ■ on the 4th day of July, 1890, five S edsmen in the world. ■ t go, especially if yon have , J). M Fi RRY&C<>’a I N TH AT LINK. D 8 P a ' ue ; Beautifully IHu-iiated, DaaedpHvt —Died—At the resident of T. J hundred yards, for $500, against I» just A few of the ladies of Burn» and , to liestow, that place to O! server, U. S. Signal H rvice Ask your dealer to »how Morrison, on the 23d inst., at 5 any horse in Harney or Grant vicinity, met at the M. E. chinch our rille*. Tex’* Saloon; if you like for t&7> will L’e n> .¡led FREE io all o'clock, a m. of typhoid fever, Orn county. I on the aft< moor of June 9th, and lliiMtnitfMj ( utnloHiie writ applic.ints, ami to la»t season'» cua- |c or laughter you can’t ITChH i n ap.tllc-atiou. tomcn». It is better than ever. I .v- Any one accepting the challenge, Dell Fmbree, aged 17, son of Mr. resolved to have—on the 4th of Ju /.ddie«d er> pw-n u<ing Gorden, Flower too soon; if its whiskv RNEY Frequent rains have enured th i>r Ficl 1 HEED 3 should »t n Hur it. and Mrs. Mark Embrce. This is address, T he H erald , Burns Or ly—an Ice-cream, Letminadc, and D. FERRY ACO. er, it’s the same he’s got, ’ MABLI’l FIRE ARMS CO. water in the Galway Retry, ir to OETROIT, MICH. the fourth child out of that worthy naming their horse. Orange stand. The nroceeda to go " 1---------------------------------- r. a. no» a® r, y best brands, l>iil it is u be higher than ever before. Water family that died of typhoid fever. ervic*. towards fairing the ministers salary Í7ZV7 HAVEN, CONN. I the snot Now boys re- i*. baarliM his been flowing o'-er the sp Ilway The lody was intered m the Burns Jim Bryant. The following committee» were SHB|H^u|d don't you forget, that sinec June l ith. and the hotel and CASH. cemetery, on the morning of the 4M|Hg*loon tlw Lest. This celebrated Norman Stallion, elected: Committee to obtain b in Lymn'i Patent Combination Cun-Signt. barns near I y are sourroimdctl br 24th. owned by C. H. Dewitt, will stand ons, oranges ar.d candiea. Rev. Me- -n. public in general, when in water from three to four feet deep. —We have before us a lettir re- : thia season at the stable of A. J Cart and W. C. Byrd, Co’iimitfr ■ le. re solicited to glance at the The rererv«;r is ¡ elirvtd to I c strong ceived by Cal. Geer, agent for the Wilson, Burns. Terms for the sea to solicit cake, eggs. milk, ite.. te Store of Cal Geer, in front enough to st it.d the strain. , But Salem State Insurance Company, son. »MOO. M « • ■ 1 Mines Maud Ja m son, Elsie Har 4 0 Per Ont. ) see a aw: ing. under the should it nice wav there would be a Kurs«. •"** Flcdticlluu In from the Ass’t Secretary, authoriz This full blooded Norman Stal- key. Callie MePhevters und Madge Price. »n the ]M>rch a display of Committee on icecream. fearful outflow, a* it is eight 11.¡5 s ing tbe payment of full amount of Hun, is from the breeding stables of Byrd. PXn Ff»R tnpnrc Cat a lagna TFaJtX —PUF Li »H ID.— in circumference. — Ex. pump* ever brought to this rii'tiM. Kid », etc. insurance to J. C. Wooley for loss the famous breeder, Dillon, of Ill Mrsdanies Harns, Orser. McGee. AddreM» ilso. mowers, rak-». etc. Wm IÎWA». by fire, also a receipt signed by J. inois. Jim Bryant is a dapple gray, Harkey, Pratt. I'vrd r.i.d Fry niddlrflrld, Ct. »ve the awning yo 1 will Excli ng'-« state that hot an acre C. Wpoley for the uniount, and an 17 bands high and when fat. weighs Committee too tain ire, Mesdames, 07 ROCK7O!*T\ rLlTNOia Mice the sign of Hardware, E-*hM Tw- ’ itv Ve F : « ■. .--». ee.lnfnn*. lo.Ai mmiii tmi > expression of gratitude and thanks 1780. The line »bowing of his Orser and Harria. Committs-e on of wheat or I arh”' will I <■ 'ai - i d. in >vHh mt adv ru--»’ » i»'— * i t »•»«- t •*<;*. l’Ut »Mrijeel f » tT' S LI1* ptltlt « , t*WCli*U< Jarid Cutlery; do i.otfor git «on ALL I hr^ì, • ut wit- th* bf' .*. -t • |«<«ti » !!««•« H mii by him. for theprompt and in i rai colts,..n this valley, demonstrates freezing iye-sream, Messrs Prat’, in Sutter county C;.l f r .i i.. Tm » tallffiort* pwp*r IN v«»«i <•■>11?’. 11IMH > fiF ■••■ax æ RIFLES, Piatola ’si jn. you find everything the t that he is the best I render Ora r and T. A. Morrison. Com n hole district has I <.«, fka <b <1 wil • ru iurta, l.m »-<-L ■ • ; i • ti.» pl«.« of »il*. »»• recoin- settlement of his lo s. and i Bhnt Cun«, s »Imiew« r«*'l.n« Ir. t { telrj» wb». «»• me io<t Irli*, in the Harney coun:ry. This Hardware lino that the r... iw r»* Man «rME le ri -1 - t 1 • • ”• mending the tbe company to any horse is registered in the State mittee to arrange <he atand, Messrs writer since last D < cm < r ruining Na* ,r .¡»».tr.o l Drecripilv« I day I«• »*»» «i» 1. • fdi.l A *£yam*a < urtt ani a - 1 t ' • » «3 f» » ear. i n«l«r- demand«: and at prices dp. • w'wk hr!«.k! F*.»r for : MLr» tMnr»e«oplea fr*e. one, wishing to insure, as Leing en above mentioned, which proves him T. I). Harris, Johr. Pratt, I’.ev. Me- the grain apd fruit trees of all <11 131*1 wr’O CO..’ g foot exorbitant 5 ' ÉEüitc ’ i'.' ;-.¿f .a ; r-riptiom 1 except pear trees. N«w Ua><a, Co««. Ito lie a full-blooded Norman horse. Cart »¡id Orser. tirely reliable. ’ERTISEMENT*. I J. & CO., GENERAL MERCHANDISE, s-ortlsnd 3oot and Shoe St ore 3Tecd •> c Gaga Sisters. ’ Official County Papor. J Stoddart and Co., RIFLES LorVH ^ST SEEDS Our Goods SEED Aitifl/AL í Í