/ ir n i / / / tZ^ Z>, >7^/z- ■Al 1 $2.BO a Yaar. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 1890. I 'O1 III--X HERALD Cnîv < n« E«e cd porch. As fhe stopped to open The massaere by a ban ! of rene this murderer again raise«! his- gun I IllCD KVEItY WEDNESDAY gade Cheyenne Indians of Chief and emptied a second charge of TR.V T. V. . EMBREE. M. I). BY Enginie.- William L CritteiiLn, shot in her back. She sank down Office at his n-wit’e»*« e »>.« the vasi Lie ot Sil viva River, fi. î : '.let Lvlow Burns. C. BYRD à SON. in charge of the third division of up«*n the porch, her white night thîjj the Government survey in Wyom- dress crimsoned with her life blood. Í1IEKS AND PlnjlRlLTOKS. Ith AlJ A Paris correspondent sa vs Count oming, together with three of his The cool villiany of the murderer ■K'-TS neh iu S B. McPIIEETERS, M. D. Herbert Bismark is conspiring to men, was reported in Denver, June was then made apparent. He ■ NEW-rtl-Ei: laws PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. A j>ovr Is required t o five notice by obstruct Emperor William’s policy. 5th, by J. H. Holt, Purchasing went back tc the sleeping depart- Office at W. E. Grace'« Drug Sk re. 1-ly n,’ ihv piiper duvB nut hi hwvi .he a sulacribvr <iuen u«>t take biFpuper — Ex. Agent for the Importing Company, 1 ment, reloaded one barrel of th«' Wire, un 11he retttLHi for i a it »t Dem < | neglect to d.» t> » ntak< a ihv p. n who had just arriveil _from the ' gun trembling so „much, however, btiHialeto the publisher for pa\ ment Emperor William has informed I Notary Public. | pein >n or.lem h’« paper ihn ' oii X. scene of trouble. 1 thatcajis and powder were spilled ■ gs pity all a retira ■/<.*, or the Pub Prince Bismark that if he docs not. li«««« I). L. GRACE, Kptuiiiue t<> fen i it utltil pa> men. in BURNS, OK. The terrible butcher occurred in upon the floor, laid the gun upon ¡plied the whole «i’.n..uui whv: her it stop his press litterings the result I. rih I Filit.s. C.’Utest Biuiik«, Application« for K the office <>r nut. There can he Public aiiou Nutices, correctly and pruaiptly . the Upper Green river country, and the bed and placed a mopstick be ■uniiuuutii e tiil pavinviu is made attended t.». Decca. NuUa, and Mortgugt.« will be serious.—Ex. ■. th >n who take» n paper from the cgi oy drn.vu up. ■f resulted in the death of Chief En side it, evidently possessed with an uhufgia reasonable. ; Kiel her directe'l to his name or un The World’s Fair at Chicago ex fl i.«■■ h« I. is bn. s u- ed «1 n..i. . k gineer W. L. Critteden, E. W. Tim- idea that it wouhl be easy thus to [fur ihe pa ■ pects to have the sarcophagus of | lr Tiber order» hi» paper (Popped lierkll'c, Geo. Woods Olid Henry account for his victim’s death on lime, an I the ruinl»her cuntintuB Cleopatra and the mummy ofKam- Evcrinye', yliain-carricrs, nnd the Kul h i iuer ip l>outui iu pay fur it if theory of suicide. ■ii oi the p. s.'iiiiThT» pr- <e h J. NAT. HUDSON, |escs on exhibition. It is claimed kd that h num must pay for what he on th« serious if not fatal wounding of As There is no living witness to this ATTOR N E Y-AT-L A W. that in Ca'sar’s camp, near Alexan ■art» have decided that reftiB'.nx ti sistant Engineer Jesse Lee. ala, or j* *. '1 «■lime but the murderer. Either Kie.H and periodic u s from the p. si Office: BURNS, OR. tnkè <i dria, the Cleopatra sarcophagus was ■jdii! them uncalled uiicu.'lvd for, with. withoii «uffiv«» WC-ÄSB v'n ; llivin hi Eleven Cheyenne Indians rode William Scott is guilty or innocent. h« Me, paving forth H.inie, in pH.nu lu« ici e. bleui v «H 1 recently found.—Ex. J unii*____________ R*UUd into the surveying camp, but noth It qas a cold blooded murder and The reixirts that Mexico is over ing was thought of such a common it is hard to reconcile the above i I»attisa 'lit l'TION >!A >'” ' C. ?.. S’.VEEil. I run l>y Chinese is sheer nonsense. ■ occurrence, and they were given a " H.n.- One VesH V.oo facts with a verdict of manslaugh > i.ealrkJ sis NuMlia . ‘ "O ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ; There are not 1000 Chinamen on the kindly welcome. It was soon dis ter rendered by the jury. Mauv wt-luij Tbiw Mooll.. , One Year ( [in advance) -.aO ’ entire coast. The majority of these 1 covered, however, that the Indians people believe Scott to be innocent, Ofiice: Burns Oregon. ih Ixht J are arrivals, simply passing through were intoxicated anil disposed to but that he knows the guilty one ’’S liFI! \L1> ( LI B IJST •I Claïqj^ tera'd and 11 tirptr's Magazine............ 5.0A here on their way to* the United be ugly. They demanded liquor and by his silence lias place« 1 his truin juj leruld and 11 Htper’s Weekly .............5.2f‘ State«.—Ex. GEO. S. SIZEMORE. rlorald and Harper’* Bazar '••20 of the surveyors, which was of life in peril to save that one. ulti be lu J Herald and Hari'tr’s Young People 3.75 hrait.tuj course refused. The Indians then ierald and Al«l vii ' h Manifold Uyeloj.cdju, ) , Pugilistic John L. Sullivan next ATTORNEY. a litl»i«mal \ oluinc nfier V«»l. t, ;¥> t eals; ER t fi J Each 14 veins eftru uvr volume. v««s«nze. Oiis.io:«. season will be a star in a drama commenced to drink from flasks, URNS, which they brought with them, at f^»Cupit>s /^‘•l’apTre >f ail t thv he a a'MVf hove work« Works <:ni cnn be b» ex A Win LV« Ballway- (.’<»1!« c ions, Land bu incss, nr.d ... Kcal . j I which Duncan G. Harrison is writ a«nlucd au to^urv in thv Bvaoitig Kouin. Estiitd matter . ro.nptlv attended to. ing for him. The play will be replete the same time inviting the men to America, argues ex-Governor |^|lls'i TH of p.Tl.xlica'H are « ilicited with exciting situation ami climaxes join with them in their orgie. The William Gilpin, of Colorado, is a lu ratta, a cupv «<f ihvir w«»rk tur ing Kuefin—Wvfilc, ntiii Limi Ihv A prizi-.ight will be a feature.— Ex. men again refuse«! ami the Indians fallow continent, capable of sus of evvry htilf-vuluiue, »• "u »”•' « t Ifriiscnieiit. became boisterous and threatening Attonoy-at-La w. I taining half a billion of peopli? in The 'Vhitc Star steamship. Dor ami finding out that they cdulu M. DUSTIN happiness anil plenty. It is the : 1C, trading between London and ’s get whisky began to demand SU- like: Harney City and B.i n.s ArtVEKTISINi; HATES: mission of the United States to le New Zealand, claims to have made 1 rr. gar, coffee, etc., and were again rc- , _ ., ,r «r, ¡ 1 wk 2 wk 1 111.« ;> ino 6 m«> distributor of foo l to the hungry i the f istest voyage around the wofld fused. *10 $11.Ud fl.». 0u ♦ .00 i.s oe of both Europ • and Asia, lying as ZM.IM 1. 50 12 U » 1 00 I'he total time is 77 daystl hours 4.) 01 •_i UP Ó.00 3.01 15.0 J Then begin finally to make W. W. Cardwell, 59 0< 72.00 6.00 10.00 20. o0 50 minutes, the distance being 2S- threats ami was ordered from camp. she does, midway between them. 5-1.00 4.<*X) 9.00 15.00 •_S.0o X >.:‘O id). OU The time is at hand when all lt> tn •_x.de ■IX 0 ) A T T O R N E Y -AT- L A V'. 0C0 mil« s. The engines worked A quarrel then ensued, when the . 0 IK) 40 01» ..0,00 11) 00 U '.00 :.?? 'i’" Bi uns . O k . the ships of the seas will not be <•< i.tii uci rly. There was r.o slow I’.-rii'ti- as i:i j '1 th«' ■•olir s ill.' State. Indians suddenly attacked the K «TH.'lÄ» FoKEl.iN ADVKKTtSERS. ■lude . sufficient to carry the articles of Al.sti. l e t.re he V. S. Lana Oilicc. ing or stopping. •tpi.pulif w. s ilit v.iiii pn' routr.’c ■surveying party with knives and L and M attehs a S i ’E« i ai . ty . commere • around the work! to the Hiro b k-. p our r«Gl Ivi« p « va t«K <•> the " ‘ * <■»>»'■• HU ' . i.v tii 111B .<• Uval vi h, < ««i In a suit against the Southern guns. The attack was so sudden nations fast enough. Then will J be h.u.M 1.1 le •t-fiuX 10 Ihv '» ''rI,JKth‘»®4oWlll4 • »'.V'to-H «U «>ur circti.u ..j, h , i i.h.-ii if« .......... 1’iiciiic Company, brought by Mrr. and unexpected that the men were come necessity for more rapid • *r UfkJU I t U ibi« ana It O J .1.1 I 4 - '. < .. '■'.Hl ’.ni i ' r, r <* « f rv -t . i irtvii.ai 1.1 nil yearly nUvet M. R. BIGGS,' ! Emma Miller, widow CEO. w. HAKXKS, of Engineer not ■ repar««! for resistance, and transportation. The plan of this lenii ut I > ■'.!■ «>r a ;«.<•..» I a • . 1 urti ..Or . Prii.u.iri«, Gr. I Tiaigvi ext 1:1. m (•««raiiig .«■ h¡>u< e: 1 Miller, who was killed in a rai’r.«n 1 when th«' Indians departed all five transportation has been the dream ». . . b .* U lllli .t' l. . BARNES BIGGS, Tnieuit itigl »1 s. h ' n • pri« e. accident, r.enr Albany, about a men were left on the field fur dead of Governor Gilpin for forty-seven; EK ÏÏAII Kt -null F IU ll Fb iiUll « < <■ • s pTi v, yvMi'iy, ><r -u cc . i . k , trur.B.vii.. KI.Y. year ago. tl «> jury nwnribd the Assistant Engineer Lee wan not years. Il«' it was who originated ; Attorneys at Lav. ’ , I AZIM. ». fii i.in $•.’ extra ’lafiiv j er in- plaintiT ¿’ot ( 0 damrgi s, The ad killeil, however, ami revived sui'i- the id.-a of tic Pacific railway Will pnu ti v I i «1 of tl?v c.’tir R <-f the H'n'e I AU. Du of p. hi i. Il a K amiiIld reu..er Ml huíii'icf« p'a cd iii tr.r. ».f .i.ifi ilr.a v. il’, be 'Mi PFifl Lil 1«> U . Vtlt'll W W k K I UH ¡il M Î 11 ministrator of the estate of Clino <•>« ntly to «bug liin*i '.f to the near connecting New York and San pr.tnip i? n .vi.ueii u>. «er t’rev. I «iibii-rlu t eTPonpe n’FBtf/a ' » vr iRcnien's Uexfev. ■Guthrie, a fireman win» lost I.is life est ranch, wlnrre assistance was at Francisco. He broke the first r r k : f..ur puit.i« a i.» s nit it. he Weekly L bìhk iti !»>« a. volitili f . 1 c ti i v. fur Januirr i i the same accident, was r.ls» once sent or.t, 1 nt too late to ground for il, ami every stage of ji.rih, »• "I death iiiih . ji . h v - ! ■ ent ioiied, mi® jl h i Vil R F .11« i vil 11« V..', limber tui. a ’ varded damages in the sum of the others. I KA( TICAL n nVEYOK. the marvelous development «f the i^H^B rn - f dRi jd Id rv;ini. us. n ¡a’, uod.v«. >f Harperi 3000. West has been the fulfillment of a B U HNS ADVERTISE M ENTS. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS THE BURNS READING ROOM. <»l>en Every I.ay ext-ept Sunday, Iroia k a m to 4 f m. Every Lady aud OviHlemai. a wale, me VleUer tetl.e Keedlac Koem durlai lhe be«.« eMk«< STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLAR». “The Leading Company of the Pacific Northwest” w /WFHIVATE O'» EI.I.IN'iS AND TARM rKOrEBTYA SPHCULTY.^Ba"»i The Farmers’ Company OF SALEM, OREGON. Burns, Ort J. C, PARKER Agent, LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. THE HOPKINS HOUSE. M. I). IIOPKINS, P roprietor . EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. This II.it.el is new (House, Rootnr, rr cl I uir.lturc) r i ¿offermiaurteoM» 8«rvtoe to erery 4fa««t È-1 cluth biihiittfl ild, or bv tut I e fi fight diti I M> a votone. I each V u I om I m i I by mail uld be midt aft. to avui'lt.0 K di tKUTH JOB WORK ■rip i«‘U exc it eò wi 1» ncti’ntts Lu rei 8«-imb.v hi » a I F. a eis, • I’nmph'v s E H i i'vu- s I v vr rl»«(l a, th.. C lieu s. (ar a. Ti k< R. ■ Inv a i J.I». I. wuav a. r. bp* regli'itf:' « r i!,‘- i\ r re r. i: » V» «H Nv. t j ci .\u pl U1 V a»... bu.» Ì « I k. er’s ITRAH x ’■ a Journal i 11 for inaiiuu i ■I'ous ilivittf i sheet luppi u the home J □dial. No« rtia'dc attract clever abort tfu! cua.Mtt fuinoua u a S PER10I ’er Year R................. IZINE ELY (i PEOPLI I II aubacribariii Mexico. be Baxarhp ry of exh ’« ted, auLacripiij u riant at Ard if Harper'» ft binding, will»1 by exprera. W ;bt doc« nut e»i • |7 a volum* J uh volume.«® U.ll dike . Tory. NATIONAL : Benjamin IlnrrijGn . . i.«?. i I’. . luruiii “.. Ju.;.i«G I'.lai..t* ikliasH W i.ttKOM . . Ji.h . W . Noble Rea lit >«• i‘iwvi«»r Be- jam in F. 1 ;u v . Jeremiah ,«i. itu«» kulit)i\? Win il. il. Al ii.vr Jt.ii.i Wui.au.ukef -OUEUUX : « J. X. I>.»i|.li R I J. II. ...in lie,I li. Biiiger _________ iivrniuiiii l».?Vt v« s er Pc ii!«>\ er W.. Me briete . R tea. .................... * — G, W. Weub . 1> J. h . MvElr«»> IructLai II Frank bnkei . * ....’. D B .'iluillHl 1» Wn . T. Lord . . K W. h . T.ta^cr D » s JUDICIAL riMTiiliT. n !>i»N .. L J.. 1.. nAM . I> K HARM Y ? ! U-T N .. ,. M .LL IK . f.. 4iR.k< K T. H. R od E ìc I» A.C.v IN NUN I« » <» ING Al. EK> «A . .»K EL'. . MJBKKMC . old be nail’ .ft, to ar.iCl HABFtlO . ' L‘NO •’ N. E ./i .* r .N C1890JÍ TRATIP Wl Young! ilumeof with s an attractiwl ràderà a* )•*’ and < tbrra cd Murtal* * id th* Haby. Ji ar,” by JobaR y" bv Maria*] by Jg , Tale. «III «1 thu «’»■»••'T ▼ Hcward PT* j bim. •ui«*’] [dw.rd M Ij • b, w p .«3 r. wnkM.’fl r.od, il. «»«tl □ a Atm’« ? 11 ¿rar. lenty of rm t: I. nUMTlMOTUN ..’I A U.tI.wON rxELI. «IY PI REt TOK Y. •1ST ll’U ».’Al, L Mrt’Aitr. l*aaU;r. ill’K h'-n hiitg bv th» pt »‘«r in cat ¡1 I tinti, iurilter 11...1 r hi a-«J ll a to. «tri 1; Op m roil«« •*« h.M-1 H> t>«— a« I. a ttt pr r - ai 7 ■ p tn. bfk.lt—«I «J H Mt. HI <1 4 . P tn |a t e. — m « i ft tu. noti 7 .< p in • > » i!vn h F»:ut i> K 1 K T ram r ®r: a-al L pm te a nt i « a m. M IF.TÎKS. j Pr,P.i<.r; it« • j nt on receiF“ 1 Five < «U1Ü b. aft. tv •<*•• ‘ H «t B1R ». M Al«.». - •re not advert H »SPSS » r ex»?j«vd. lee t<* X J! rhiMr»*! j Wir» t j * j H to AMM« *1TV : I.ÍTMI a r. Fi: "» a. « - •- b «e avilir».«. » , , The emigration of Mormons from T Utah into the Seirra Madres, has In this case the jury found the been large doing the last’ six months. prisoner guilty <•( manslaugter. At Jtiarz there are seventy families, H.llrnl Zumwalt. at Corvallis ami Cove valley twenty He was sentence«! to ten years la CONTRACTORS .A BUILDERS. f.tmil'es each. The Mexicans give bor in the penitentiary. Ilis an swer to the question alw;ivs aske 1 mtieh encor.riigincnt to Mormon JOB W..I.K DUNE NEATLY. by the judge, was that ho was •in colonies, as they will aid in destroy Shop in Huston building. Burns. i nocent; ing the Apaches, and arc raipdlv William Scott in t'i«« fall oflSSJ, developing the ngci'ult'.ir.il re was a wid«jwer, looking for a sec sources if the state—Ex. ond wife. He picked -out Aunty SADDLE AND H ARNESS SHOP Victor Poulet, a poor workman r.t i Cook, a widow well-known in Me J. C. WELCOME - I’ kophietoi ;. Keenville, N. A’., has made a lucky Minnville, whose children llad i’md. The path from his house to grown up, luarrie«) anil' left her the gate hail wern down so that lonely, She was a well preserved some sioi.es in i' leeame trouble- woman, a little over fifty years of CHAS. SAMPSON - - B e ;« n «. O h some. One morning lie I im «1> a < rmv- age, of good business judgement, W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R bar and began prying them up. He and with sufficient property to sus -ARI— found that they were cobble stones tain her comfortably. Scott pos Jeweler. that had 1 c «:i driven into the sessed a ti ic farm of 110 acres, a ground, forming a circle. Beneath g >« «1 wi ll furnished house and llu.m was a large tint st re. His some st«»« k. lie bor«‘an excellent BLACKSMITH. curiosity was excited, and he pried reputation among all men as an in up the la'tt« r, when he discovered dustrious. sober, kind, ami above ADOLPII TPPKER----- P ro j ’ I.eiieath it a black kettle f ill of all, a Christian, man. This Mrs. money, 1 nt whether gold or silver is Cook wi'll knew, and l.elfovcd that in him eric would foul a companion not stated.— Ex. who wouhl brihg c.mifort ami hap Tlis* N« v. Ke* uhne. piness to her il»«-liniug-yciirs. Fr«>in ; United States Marshal < c rg ■ E. lu r own ham! writing, disuvered af ’ Ganl ar i ;< <1 r.t Sm/Diego. Jun«? ter her «leath, it is known that sh«' 13, fr«»m Ens< nnndr, wh «rc 1 c h. s <li 1 not fm«l the happiness that she I h « vii nicking ii vestigations of tl c anticipated, nnd that, to use her T*. i : il vt : :« *i filibustering ninviinin'. wh’c’i was her own language, her husband lee ntly exposed. During his in- married her ' to gratify his lust.” Iler d«alli was a most horribl , vvstigation a copy of the provision al « «institution < f the new republic, murder. Whih*»b' was lying in I. A REVIEW A h\ ERTISEMFNTS. which the tiiil listers « x,eete«i to the bed th' murd r r enfored the tbrm, wa< secund and this,docu room, picked up a dmiLIc-barie'cd ment bus been forwarded to Wasli- shotgun, that sto <1 in the room, Wachmakcr & Jeweler, ingtoii. The constitution assert p<>- ami fired ,«>iat blank at her head li'i. al from the Uni'c I States i n 1 The aim was bail :i«id the «Inrg««. W. TONE BRAKE. Mexico, am) declares that the peo- while inflicting a terrible wound, Laks. lew. ores»*««. i le hereby delegate their i.u horitv «lid not kill Th«1 1>!<>« h I stained bed to a c«.uncil of administration tor ami 11.x>.- gave silent but damning the purpose of a r ar of ii.de, k ii <1- evidcnee of the woman's fearful P H. MVRPHY. cr.ee, an«l that the autln rity of struggle for iif« that immediately y — — — - ORE«'.« X t si.hl count ii iball !'<• de« 1 i&e«i wl en ensued; that she fought the uxnas- a constitutional convention of th«' xin. though no eyes witneased it HAY v GRAIN ■ people shall l.c called. All legisl.i- save those of the imir.lerer himself. tire ft nctions arc vrated in s .id The l.losxly coat, worn by S«ott. I -our cil and until the declaration of which lie coin’calixJ in the barhand • _>eacc martial law ih«u!d pnv.il waicli lie refme«l to <«wn, is, al/e. 1 on the p««nii sula. The ar.t <f aiiother witness to that <l««ath strug- ’ ml «'as corpus is <1 -clan <1 suspend- *1'. It was tq prevent a recund I <1 during the war f« r ir.de, n< n 1- cl’i'iiarge of the gun that she was ' .-ncc. The president wr.s to , re struggling. eAt last she brokenway ; -i«|e at all DHi'titig» « f the council, and run tbro igh the sitting loom ai «1 have thed*«i«l:i g vot" — Ex hr i ugh th« kit« 1: i. ••• tie- L:i« k * Cenerai Blacksmith Wagon-maker L akhview , O ke »* n . — o-------- reptonrc i do till Kinds of Wo n th Bia ikamlthlino. -B U G G I E S, Horae fehceing at tf.M p«r hetfi. WAGONS, ET C.,-> MADE TO «Ill'KR WITH NEATXL8«. AND OF GOOD QUALITY. A L L W O H K W A R R A N T E I). J “J!» prophi'cy maib; by Governor Gil- ' f>:tEWHEY AOVERTIME« MENT. pin. He has made one. mere proph ecy. I is that the next great pro ject in the world's materi.il devel opment will be the building of' 1 what ho calls the Cosmopolitan pKOFII!EtWM. DICKSON A SULLIVAN railway, It is a railroad which Lon. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. shall girdle the earth. The first | link in the chain is tiie transconti- Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, nrntal road of‘the United States.; Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when S'arting from the western terminus you call on “Uncle Dick.’*at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. of that, the Cosmopolitan road shall extend northward through I, « BJ..L Alaska skirting the base of the! Rocky mountains, where are plat eaus that will render the building easy. Then will come Behring's strait. C. A. SNOW Jt CO. _ _ - WASHINGTON, D. C. It is forty eight miles wide,says the Pii'vu'a o*>:Mined, and all patent buaincM iitlendo-l t«> promptly and tor moderate feaa. Uur orto e m iippr cita the U. H.J*aU*nt (office, and u e < an vb ain in 1< ra time than .tfaoaa enthusiast, who has been studying rtrn ile from Washington Mend M > iel or Drawiug. W’wa.Iviae aa lu patentability free the scheme tor nearly half a centu of chai go; nnd we make no churge h nie aa patent i> aecured. Wr refer lure to the ¡*« «et in Haler, tlie flu perinterw ent of Money Order4 Diviato«, and to ry, About midway of the strait is officiala of tlie V. K. l'atout <)ffite. Fur circular, advice, torma, and refrrdneee to actual the island of Di iniode, a large, clienia in >our wm n Htatv or cotmt>. w rite to ab«Mc addr«eg. long island. This would be the central point of the road, and a track of twenty mil •« on each side / of it would finish the work. There are no icebergs in Behring's strait,’ because of the warm Pacific coast stream which flows northward through it. Once across the strait, D. S HOPKINS, A rciiitbct . which is shallow water with hard Grand Rapid*. Mirh. rand bottom, offering no insuper Will ftiri. ah DfRlauFof >|«naca. (’ottaicN. and Mannion» eratlR« frawt |M0oanptoan> n.’ut«« MHiHf«i. It '«»ii mean lu bglM.Aend 11 inv addr»«» «nd I will mall jeu a pertto- aide engineering difficulties, .the ll<> ..f ;.3 <k«i«n« of dwfllliiHa. Ilk« the on« on file In K ant <) rb «» n U kralu Mliee, with full plan of h. in 11 r I xo de'al r . romple'v »pacificationa. and Lid of luatarinla, al’ very roatl wouhl connect with the R is- full and foinplvtr f < any orliuarv carpenter or bulld«r * ill bn»« n« trouble In «»Inf nli< h «! H'nl «•.aiipa«’ltiir thv work. And If * oil do not find jaat what you want, write an« sian railway through Siberia, con what rbtingrR vou dealre made, and I w ill avvornmuilHte vua Or leave Ordara with Twa H » hal . Yoij w ill it »a rbvap to rrcct h handaon*« hwuac aa to wa-ie malarial an an un necting again witlu wstern ami • Uhl.. LulltfhiK * ilj aid >ou lu re r«ta.'M'tlnf ?€«r pr<a«’Hl bcltotn« ♦!-€< southern roads through Aria, Eu rope and Africa, and th- work would be done.— Ex. 1 HLi UK FATENT8. ZEXouses and Oottages T The Odell p Th" Electrical Review, in calling ype write i attention to several instances where murderers have eh«'at "«I I he gallows. HUgg'Sts that derth by electricity cur « 1.1, fit T TIIE OIIM.I. nrt: W ItITt It w «KKbNTKb TO IH> ae 1 ,, nuy Ottv Hun>tl<*.l Dollar M.fhltiv. 4iP I c in be eva«le«l in a number of ways, A coat of invisible varnish can le It combines siMrticiTYwith DVK ability —« feed , ease of oferatiow wears longer without cost of repairs than any other tuachin*. has applied to the laxly that will render no inkribbon tn bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- th ■ condemned man entirely invul el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds uf typewritin g nerable to the deadly current. It Like a Ilin ing I’rev it t r.»!«c • -1« «n>. H«ui. legiM. mnuwriF Twd 1.1», < i<0«a I,.- r: a.- :■! <.»,< «ri inr. Bailor«, luwjr.r«, mhihter«. bsakrr«. mcrchaaU. wouhl b quite a difficult matte , litontilu. -.ri r-. btlMr.e*- itieti, *1« . rwmo.t rusk«* « Ivtwt tuve«ln*“nl H r |I.V for a victim to feign death until lie Au irit.lliv ’iit |< r-ott tn a seek een become u Otssi «»fierotor. or . rs| i.tou.- tn ? a.onlha g >t into th’'h > H* >fhis friends,but ai.iMNl I.Ai red ,.ny operator who can do U tter work with a Type- it might bcd'Uie. Other methods Writ« r thin that produced by the Otleil. g^F“R«diable Agenta are also suggewte«!, but it is pretty and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Deniers For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, 4c., nd<ireesthe saf" to say that no one nil! try anv ODEl.L TYPE WRITER 4*«< <>. Tnr R<< kfrv . C wkswo . I iu of them as n’n rxp'-rimentnl t'«t I I