if vo’J vzi-oi a ocoo r.rvoLvsx T^ayette IXTursery, long after dark win n we neared the tin* white* too plainly vi»¡hie <>’*•• SMITH & WESSONS and below their dark pupils. Her spot. 1 listened for the name, and Finest small iii- ni-ma ever ed fc lì r«« »«—'([ at last heard it called in the con- motions we •• restless, too, but sub livnufactu Of Payette Idaho. WEUNESUAY. Jl'NK IS, IMO. and the lir.i',c*.oice "f uil in calibres IL. ductor’s high nasal sing-song: dued to a bird like grcc ; her c »!• expert*. bo and 44-luO. Single or D. Who M. »re FERRY & CO. action. Safety Ham- “Black Ilock sta-tion!” My heart or was exquisite, her mouth of that double the Largest merles* and Target models. ATELI.-TALF. VIUUW 8cedsmen in the world. lÀcst quality wrought HARDY TREES A ruby-red so seldom seen. There was steel. carefully In iMclcd bent loud at the sound. I>. M F &C ’ From PetcriOlVsMaiSiine for workmanship andstock. Uurha.cu for Haroer’s |d| Beautifully Illustrated, 1 >«'scvrptlvc SPECIALTY, There was a J urious half fi ight- fluinli, durul .lity and accuracy. 1 had been traveling all a long a little waiting, and the train moved lint i>e deceived by chert-,» malleable i on »..iiianu»)« Often sold lor the genuine article. Tin y aie unro i ened air about her; she had a trick SEED AXtfUAL i --------------- ll tide and dangerous. The S H - summer day on the railwav, and nt on. v «¡.VEHS are scamped the barrel-vt idi fit m J for 1890 will be mailed FR EE to al! I L L L 8 T R j j address and dates of pateuts, and are guar- It was a dark night—I could not of glancing over her shoulder, like name, applicants, aiui to last season’» cus This Extensive Nursery, comprising 125 sunset was still fifty miles from my nutt ed perfect. Insist upon having them, and It tomers. It is better than ever. Ev vour dealer cannot supply you, an order sent toad- hope to see much; but, leaning a child who had just heard a ghovt- ery person using Qarden, Flower hope to see much; I acres, is located one half inilefroin Pay destination. Tired enough I was, <’roes below will lecci ve ;>r-.npt at tom I' n Dusctip or Field SEEDS should send for it. liv«catalogue and prlvsupou application. ette depot, on the O. 8. L. Ry. Thie D. M. FERRY & CO. but passing through those Virginia 1 through the window, 1 watched for story and fears to see some hoiri 'c tfMlTH WESSON, f-priugflciil. Matta* DETROIT. MICH. ' the huge black outline that would thing. Hod she really of late wit- Nursery has done uvure to pro highlands, with their noble moun mote fruit growing in East at least be visible. Suddenly there nessed some awful sight, and in tains and far-reaching vallys, al ILI-ISTR. i ern Oregon and Idaho most made me forget the fatigue. came a shock, then a tremor through this very house? M ' suipicuns than all other Nur A new »hakespeart-tk. The day had been hot, but new life out the whole train,¿then erics and were «¡uick to ask—and it was not win A. Abbey—win be * selies combined. Magasine for isw, wl.h followed by a only our common youth and Hr confused sounds, 1 — , . came with the breezy stir and cool I sug. llAMrcs * Magna ms the tress ial arrangejueu:« »infT ness that sunset always brings. great crash. The car 1 was in shud- marvelous I canty that i .tcrcittd »T*' ” ,,v,n« frueh are ac- llaldanc . dered like a live thing in terror and me at «nc ii Lucia Fans were closed, books laid aside, climaied and people shifted about, and talk grew | turned over on its side. 1 felt a I This startling I ackward glance of tl such varieties are more lively. I was alone, but en i>harp quick pain, a deadly sick ' hers, intelr.ipting her gay t. Ik offered for sale that t: and frequent, s< metimes causeless, joyed none the less from my open ' fear, and then became insensible. are Known to thrive and t ti laughter — this strange little gesture There js no need to dwell minute- j window the sunset and the beauti In it are com flourish in the mountain I ly on this part of my story. There was very suggestive to me. 1 bined the fin ful change of view. country. The “IDAHO” pear est maekanic- will be off« red in limited quantile« The green world around had be had been an accident, and I—the I used to watt h l.er. wondering al skill, the for the first time this year. This |»car come gray, stars were coming out, ¡only person seriously hurt—was! what it was she saw or feared to most useful is a native a f Idaho is considered the finest practical and twilight was settling down, ¡carried into the nearest house: the see. She was so young, so lovely, and elements, and ¡peargrown and is extremely hardy. Do when we passed a house which, i tall dark bouse by the railway, and so innocent-looking, that no all known ad r.ot fail to plant a few tices. one cou ’ d <onnc :t the thought of vantages that from its own singularity and from , My arm had been broken and lad-' { Addrecs, Payette Nursery, with For the ne»t two or thre--i anything «¡ark or «liminal make a sew ly cut. after circumstances, stands out so Payette Idaho. ing machine ni.tu oline», Canada,oi vividly in my memory. It was a ( hours, I was partly unconscious—J bar; but Dr. Haldane and the old- desirable to The volumes of the M tall square structure of rough stone. ' a »urt of sick apathy—partly sutler- er sister •—they were kind to me, sell or use. btock brands . the Numbers for June each year. When Ib. tinJ with a high black-shinglcd roof and 'ing from the operation of setting and yet—I thought, with ashudder! ELDREDCE MFC. CO. NcriptK ns will b< ii |j many staring windows. It stood I the bone. At last, 1 was made —they might be capable of any Factory and Wholesale CfSce, Belvidere, DL rent nt time <>f re., ; ¿j Hound volumes ui Hu bo close to the track—not ten Steps I easy and comfortable, propp'd up thing. 271 IFabash, .-ire., Chicago. linee y.itr» burn, in ilnl 3!) limati Street, New York. be sent by mail. po,t-pai away—as to show that it had been with pillows on an immense bed, to I Lue'a was sometimes talkative, ¡.er volume. Cloth C» there long before a ra'lroad was ¡to become again imensible—this ¡sometimes drooping and silent. «■cuts caili—bv mail, Absolutely Pure. Index to Harper , Ji J i When she el.uttered, I listened thought of. There was no defen ' tiipe with sleep. cal, Amdytii al. andCli, When I awoke, the sun was shin- eae-rly for some elue to my mvs- 1 to Tu, inclusive, tn««««;» sive wall or paling in front, not IH.M5, one vol. a vo. Clod, j, even a porch; nothing but a few ' ing in through an old torn curtain, ' terv, but none did she let fall Kvinittam cs ihouldlxii, erald and 11 Money Order, or Uraii.u,, emld and Al steps leading down from the great ' falling on a woman who sat near However, some outside light came lOM. Each a Idi. 1.« Address IIABPEB ibl J lu cents exo closely-shut front door—and no out i my bed, busily knitting. She did I to my aid. One «lay, a lady of the York. rV-;:.ipl,B buildings of any kind, no trees or j not see me awakening at first, and neighborhood «ailed to see me, amiue-i m I« st loquacious dame, w 1 had leisure to study her. Dark- j bustling shrubery visible near it. All about stretched a wide waste field, level gaunt and muscular, with harsh (poured forth sympathy for half an yet elevated, dotted with bramble features and iron gray hair, she hiur, m 1 presently when Miss 1889 bushes, and with masses of black was not at all charming to look at. Haldane left the room, began con OF ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. iron-stone sticking through the thin ■ Her expression was half sullen, doling with me on the subject of : F.;Ci.blished Twenty Ye r#; 8 40 column«, ; ' without a<lvei*ti»<»n>«*nts. ('!««•<•< tnrian. unpar- Hamer’s W | titmn, but earnest f r truth nnd purif , teaching soil or scattered here and there. half sad, with something of deti- my loneliness. ; Chrif-t. But with tin* broad« st chnritx . Have a clean 1 religions p iper in \ our family. 1 1 linn 1 o hobbies or ‘ Tam not lonely, ” I said. “ They ' ance in it, too, as one who silently Jis as we passed this dismal man trot« hets, but Heek* to utipp y the place of vile, or I L LT8TR.U { aimb-HH rea«ling by tlmt v. hich its wholesome and true, i sion, glancing upward, my eyes i protests against the universe. l’res- arc ali very kind.” [ It pleases th.- i hiblr ’n and tl.f old people , and ita I Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of Str «lay school lesnons are helpful A sermon each 1 California, so laxative and nuiritious, “Oh, yes, I dare say. They lUsrstt's W ssxlt tn iJJ week and a splendid story. Only fl.25 u Year. took in, as one sees I y a light-liash I ently she preceived my open <•; e ’a. .. a, 11.e l.-a.ling i.li.no L4 _ . J'’” I la chibs*. Fi vo for Fiv*.-Dollars. Sample copies free. ' the medicinal virtues of plants liin-rl.» Th«- f.imrH „( i,!<?L “ ! cou'd t ve'l be otherwise — but with something at one of the upper wind ! ami bent toward me. known to be most beneficial to the ■ TEN HU,n”2r.l“THEV/0ESTF0E’’ai)rKiiiiM uo-11'...i, < IIIII-I.: p Illi.Onl;* .. 1 . A '. t mid iitiifitlri.f c (!f all lrJ* 1 - 1 ows. It was no fancy; by a sort of ! “Where am 1?” was my first s ill, you know, they are such human system, forming the ON I.Y PER and the variety and FECT REMEDY to act gently yet 8 range people.” ii'iiien s. which include »trit J li'.>TICK T' instantaneous process, there wa- j question, promptly on the * Illi- la«: and in. >t p..pul,i „ w,.... '•"•I’.- I"' r ....... ? .„.J™’ “ How, strange? ” I asked. One of the SPMh f ■■ photographed on my brain a white, j “At Black Kock house, near | P. O.—Burns. Grant county, Oregon. 27-ly HKSTTel L fl L b ft . KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS ai d l.ur>ui a. The Wreiht , escopes i 11 I I’LL “Oh, very queer people, my dear! rrma, lain«- variety, iinrn,., ' *_ ‘ agonized, terror-stricken face at the where you were hurt in an accident the world. Our faellitie.are -AND TJ — ■ " ’ • .................... i. ■ •*“■,¡¡7,. . unequahd, and to introdaee our ' u u "Vta’a?! ■uperior good« we will •endritEB casement, two wild hands lifted I last night. Your arm was broken, I don’t think it's ail pii le, thou; b Cleanser System Effectually, to ONE PERSON in earh locality, 11 I•• «•>'« ■■ ¡.a , ' .„o •x above. Only tho««* who write cither in appeal or an effort to raise and set by my brother, Dr. Haldane. they are an old family ami were l--ry. A i Mexican Man. an ruinante, r..n:uire, l'-lfl «, ™ _________ i-atl st — SO THAT — to uh at once can make »urn ot the ehnnee. All you have to do in rimx.a ‘ l.J.aviia, ...................... . PURE BLOOD, once rich. But it ’ s i ot oridc — just ALMEDA A. STENGER. return is to show our good« to You are safe and will be taken care tv in tsvo the sash, while two hands clutched those who eall—yonr nei.hl,ora REFRESHING SLEEP. and those around you. The br- PER YEA l A p ! the throat from behind, dragging of.” This in a singular hard and a natural closeness. They live gfnning of this advcrti.ement HEALTH and STRENGTH shows the small end of the trie- , Ai mi WEEKLY shut up here in such a si 1 «1« <1 Naturally follow. Every one is using it repressed tone of voice. »cope. The following cat (rives the appearance of it reduced to the head back. , 1!1 Eli’S ................ MAGAZINE way—just is if tiny had sone 5ti<l all are delighted with it. Ask your lAltl'KK'S 1IAZAK.. This I saw for one second, then, | My heart beat fast. druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu UARPKK'S YOl NIi PF i U^B “Is this the tall house—in a wide dreadful set ret to idle—visiting factured only by the »bout the fiftieth port of Its bulk. It la a grand, double size tele- r..uin»u Free to all uilw ri as the train glided by with a shiill x-ope, as large as is easy to carry. Ws will also show you how you >ta »s. <. nnnde, or Mrxtro. tan make from S3 to 1S 1 O a «lay at least, from the «tart.witn- hardly at all. ” field — s > n 'ar the road? ” I askei . The Volumes of the WeeHr whistle, I heard mingling with a •nt rx pel icnce Better write at onec. We pay all eapress i tinftrea. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. lie fiist Number fur Ja«iuiri3 Iddress.H HALLETT * CU.. Box H HO, ¡* >. M . T» be CoDlinucd. “Yes, Black Kock we call the S an F rancisco , C al . When no time ia meutioi scream — long, anguished blood- Range—Harney anti Grant county Oregon begin with the Number turi Lovrsvtt.r.R, Kv. Naw Y orx , ’’ place. The station was mm d ' eipt of order. P. D.—Burna. Haruuv county, or. curdling, like a death shriek. I bound Volumes of Harper'» veiiiB buck, in neat cloth bind! rat motionl«»-«, staring with coid ; from it.” by mall Postage paid, or bv ti pense (provided the fieight chills down my back; then, rotis-j My first sensation was one of fear, per volume) for |7.oo a voiumt Cloth C'Nsea for meh Vol ing myself, 1 looked about, Stir, ly even horror—then came a thrill ot RILEY & HARDIN. binding w fll be sent by mail pleasant excitemei t What gcod reipt of |l. everyone else had seen nnd heard We will 'I the entire 11« nf Twenty Valuable Address 1SAJ Books enumerated and described below, to every sub Remittances should be midi scriber to this paper for the ensuing year, who reinin Money Order or Draft, to avuid —but no, my own horror found no fortune, that had given me such a tuynta C'litx in addition to the regular subscription Accrue HARPER <k tKUTH price. These books, each one of which contains a com chance for fathoming mv mystery. reflection on any countenance. Ap plete first-class novel or other work by a well-known T 1er Prices II oksf . s branded ou and popular author, are published in neat pamphlet form, printed from good readable type o<i good paper, parently no one had seen the vision In the very house, and likely to be •nd man of them handsomely illustrated They com ¡.eft Stifle: Horizontal ^rise souse of the finest works ever written by tome of but myself. I was sure that it could for weeks--aided, as it seemed, by ie greatest and most popular writers, both o. Ameri Double-II ca and Europe. Each oue is complete in itaell: fate — all my curiosity, my intuitive Harper's Bai not be fancy, but still wanted an M . 245. Mr«. Caudle ’ « urtaln l.reture«. By rr (■.•NEäi'^ma^'OEÖT vs D<H’ . jRtRot.n. Very ohl and very funny. The I I. I. ustrat J ; WOODWORK'^®” AffAetlMCHßfz'J other’s testimony. In front of me womanly keenness, my det ct.v< younger as well as older generation should read them. No. 244. Adventure«» of a Bachelor. Bytheau thor of " Biiah Beanpole « Adventures in New York.” sat a pleasant-looking woman; lean instincts, were instantly on the alert. A great humorous bonk by a popular author. H arper ' s B azar ’sajournil Miss Haldane stemed wil.ing to No. 21fi. II to Mahr and Save Money on Cannot be successfully traveled with ing forward, I touched her on the C’ATffcK branded on Giving the leading iufurmaiku the Fava». A valuable ■• ampliation of useful facts, out good health. To reach wealth or any hints and su?g.>stinns for tanners and gardeners. “ MO- I ..I ■l. T VIjW'.I.U 0ALLAC7ZX bEshiors, i s iiurneroua ilium tell what she knew, when presently No. 217 F« ««at (he Earth to the Moon, A coveted position in IKe requires the full arm. Left Bide- V. Un p a rs. and pattern sheet aupj Novel. By Jct.Kjt V . oispensuble ulike to the home<1 possession and operation of all the fac 1 asked her some qt:e t mis about N«>. 21' The Little Old Man «»f the Ralls- he professional modiar. "I)id you notice tlu> house we nolle«, v Novel. By E'HiE G HUV. der-bit in Right ear, ulties kind rature has endowed us with. No. •_■.'■.• A D inveiou» Woman. A Novel. By n making i.s artistic atlric the accident. The engine had There conditions cannot exist unless the M.-s. Axv S snci’tiHxs. passed just now?" I asked. “That highest order. I s clever »hod close up, IstH ear No. 2t>8. The Linden Farm Bride. A Novel. pla.'s, and thoughtful ciaaii physical being Is In perfect working ! struck a large stone, which hud ¡Jv M Ml - Buir.M queer tall house, like* an old barn, and i s laat page s furnuua ai i No 271 Simon Derrick’s Daughter. A Novel. er .1er, sad this 1$ Impossible when the Smooth crop. b vii 11 iced there on the track. e< r By M T C kt.DoK HARPER’S PERIOI liver end spleen are torpid, thus obstruct* standing just over the track?’’ No. 212. 'Phe Baron'« Will. A Novel. By NTL- Range: Grant, Crook, and Lake countie«. '- i 1 ’ 'itu. Jr. ir.3 the sécrétons, causing Indigestion P. ().—Riley. Grant e.uutv, Oregon. k7-v Per Year N«> 249 The Peril of Richai*d Pardon. A “Yes. Wasn't it dreadful-look tainly by more thin one person and dyspepsia, with all of their accom HARPER ’S BAZAR Novel By B. L F . ' Effor s have been in ide, so far tin- H A RI’EK N MAGAZINE No. 25” Blackbird Hill. A Novel By E panying horrors. S . . K . ing?” HA Rl’ER’8 WEEK l.Y No 2« The Guardian’s Plot. 4 Novel. By sixcessful, to discover the criini- DR. HENLEY’S 11ARPERS YOUNG ______ - —j- PEOPLI I>r. J II. RoBixsov “Very,” said I. “But did you 1\ staeo Free to all subscribirii N 2U. The Gray Falcon. A Novel. By M. T. English Dandelion Tonic bulls. Some ol* the cars were over- Stales, Canada, or Mexico. C ? r.DoR. see, at one of the upper windows, a exerts a specific Influence over the liver, ?• 2B». The Morrow of a Aceret. A Novel, Bv 4 C . H . The volumes of the RaiarbtP1 esciten It to healthy action, resolves its W B TO911 UNTER. face—and someone struggling to i turned into a stony hollow near the No. k ’. Percy and the Prophet, A Novel number for January of rath ’ chronic engorgements, and promotes the Bv Wil Kit. •’■■LLIX“. ' road. There was a great fright, is time is mentioned, sutscrif No 287 The Mtory of a Wedding Rin if. A get out?” secretions: cures Indigestion and consti with the Number current etw Novel. By th» author of ” Dora Thorn« I but no one hurt so severely as my pation, sharpens the appetite, tones up of order. .<<>. 236. Martyn Ware’« Temptation. A “Why, no. It is too dark to see Novel F M « Il > A W.... ■ Buuud volumes of Harper'» theentiro system, and makes life worth self. No 2X» A Modern Cinderella. A Novel. By year in neat cloth binding, will anything much now, but I’m sure the author of •• D«ra ih on» ’’ living. postage paid* or by exprefi. > N«.. 231 The Ialand Home. A Novel. By M T. I lay with closed eves and thought. (provided the freight does not e C . there was nothing.” Int per volume) for <7 a volnmt No. »1 The Faw’ Glove, A Novel. By C I must be detained at least a month; Cloth caaes for ea»h volume.« C a s r ________________ -_ “Didn’t you hear a cry?” Ing will be aeut by mail pcapaia there was nobody to take strict ac- ♦1 ear h. “That was the engine,” she re- Remittances should bo road»?! eotmt of my comings nnd goings, THE CRY OF MILLIONS'. Money Order or Draft, to avoid'2 joined, confidently. Adress HARP«* . 7V^Y EACK1 “I heard the whistle,” I said, none very nearly related or inti •TOP IT NOW, “and a scream—that is, I thought mate—I might stay indefinately, SOON IT WHL BE TOO LATE if they would take n.e as a 1 oarder Cf the v?.rip^ D-ling lerJeiT —it must have been fancy, though.” 1 have teen troubled mativ yean» with It was a morbid unhealthy feeling, (rated frozi tctral tectx disease of the kidneys and have tried She seemed curious, but I would I knew, but never ha«l any project 1 many different lenjedics and have "j AM ILLU8TRATID * sought aid from different physician, ! tell no more. Sounding the conduc ho fascinated me. Probably without relief About the nth of April the 1 was suffering from a very violent tor, who passed just then, I found only person on earth who had r.ttack that almost prostrated me in Hamer's Young Ka"gn: Grant «-»d Malheur counties. seen r.7VF3RD-3 ■ (’.*«_■•’i ___ —CM LOUISVILLE. KY. such a manner t .at I was l ent over P. o. addrcMt. Buruf, Grant co., Oregon, him not only ignorant of what 1 thnt struggle at the window, When I sat down it was almost impossible for me Ths Eleventh VolumeofH« that 1» The tMilng Agricultural Journal ,i the South and W»«i. get up alone, or to put on mv clothes, when pie, whir h begins with the Nt had seen, but inclined to luugh at wild swift outlook cf horror kind I’ruviditKe sent I>r Henley, with the her 5, 1W9, presents an attisfl nnd oregon CHA7. 1* !: rowder).. i —~!!—2^ Made by Farmers for Farmers. will offer to its readers st 1«*T kidney rt:\. to my -SCc f C A 0 I H ill pay Five Hundred Hollars for my questions. A few minutes later, perhape crime from this lonely hotel. 1 immediately commenced | T" the vsual length, and Hhsraj’l As a record of successful agriculture. H oms s) w w v the arrest aud comictioR of anv per- i pars, vis ‘-The Red Mvetast.,’’! r vis- • c. t using the tea It had an almost the train paused at a station, and, house—how strange a chance was miraculous and F arm has no equal Every topic relating s. n or persons, killing or R’enlfng anv of the M. dtlsrd: ’ Phil and the »'«V-J1 effect, and to the aston* *’•*■!A to agriculture H openlv discussed hi its columns ia« k of the above brand or belutigiug thereto. lie -Prince T. mir.r," by Jobnn Ckrvrur.D’3 at the 'note!, ? \ b> the farmers themsehes. No expense w spared listening eagerly, I caught th- it that had brought me t > it. 1 iahment ol all the guests and ’ M'» her's Way" by Mart»* in a few dayn.I am happy to state, V ■j in securing a full account of everv n.Xable M«- : fmci-c-) CMELZ two short serials by Hjalwsr *x*s 0« the farm. It is diMmctively the name. It was “Flick Reck,’ saw the brother. Doctor Haldan , that I was a new man. I C3! Two aeries i.f .»airy Tales will rec nimen I the tea to all a 111i<led] | CZA3 r lion of lovejs of tbu wondW’ FARMERS' OWN PAPER, Through the gathering night, we later in the day. Ilin face had im us I Haye been. quaint tali s told by Howard PT* A record of t’--ir d div life presented in n form • blv Jilt sti-attd by bim. auda D3L price *: . . .‘-nd language which make it plain to ull. swept on our way—the house and pressed nv*, eveu amiil the pain >f g a Trrri R different vein by Edward M. / ITS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS ila ;. l > r jjxtzz will be nhert stories bv *'• Proprietor Orckfeiital Hut el, its mystery left far behind; but in his setting my arm—a dark harsh Contains the names of them.,st nr .vre*»ive farru- Nelson Page. Mary E WilklM«1 Santa Roaa. C.il rrs of the South and West. T! ex do not treat riot Prefccott Spofford, Fs’id l * v X u RE£S .................. * ' creasing distance did not lessen ths face, like his sister's, with emu- of theoretical binning, but of the actual condi Butterworth 9*|-hie cweU. tions which confront u •. today p, 1- Johnson- HECKE.Y3 SS3 Jobuston, etc. vivid horrible impression that my pressed mouth ami restless gli.t r- Waldo F Brown Henrv Slewart John M stahl ' A P Ford . Jeff Welborn . H »^h T. Brooks John In thüftart of Uy St UUXT3 = glimpse of its interior hud loft on ing black eyes. < Edgar: Steele s B..« on 1 B Baldwin and a A sui scrip.ioc to ¿AsrS®^ host of others make this journal muispeusable. HANFOr.3’3 f'.' ir • Such’, nhen not frosh. .1 secures n juvenile H ran A JOUKNAL FOK ADl EATt^liR -.. ms. Moreover, it is equally □ite G t ^ de st TiooK knowledge, a’so plenty of I also saw another member of •"> FtARL And t: va & C< l ) ... ES A HOME MAGAZINE. Advertiser. U Unit >1 U« Int U» IriMtk Un >! The visit to my Virginia friends this family, a see«.ml sister, a Vi eng TERMS- iv«tare PrepnW. Every subject of interest to the home-maker ia RUMFORD’S* (Ph.’sphate», when r t frc-K Suunci Vol. XI. begii a fully treated Mary Marsden. I.ois Catesby Mrs. ta-.L ul li tu rt^nnutln ini. passed delightfully and was pro girl—at h ast much voting« rtl a «2^ -perimen Copy sent on rec«V . Brow«. Mrs Davtess, Mis« Cabell. Mis* Mosby, Sinx’e Numbers Five cents<**|| fruiti ci lawteM aiwtlwn. !t ladlai«, u -a, Alice Winston and a score of Ubers will contrib Ecpcrtj cf Cavormacit Cwxisti • — longed week after week, far beyond Miss II •!dane and of a very il.thr Kcnii tantvs should be tn•’ ■ ute regularly. lunuineH U.ulli« tra. .u., ud .U n U •’ 1 Levai Baking romkr is c omposed of dVn.-.v'tù M oneT order or Draft, tv a*«’“ FMTM LATIKSR its expected le»'kt! . Not t 11 the ent type. Ah, Lucia llald.ie! WtlMin V- AddrtEa „» a I T k . mrmmo ’ m T>tcs• pure and wholcson.e ingredients. It doc.- nc Ure ’ J UmtiK ; ir. UW.lt u il-irt-oiaMi : in Is in charge of our Children’s Department, and TX« Tkwn&tting Cataract, HARPER A ER' she has the peculiar faculty of being both in middle of th ptember did I say your face is one never to lx forgo - y T M HvVCU«^.. cc nt.tin c:t cr alum er phosphates, or other in U nt ; -U: u ,M ter BMk Oka 6’Ll ted iaku ^ teresting aud instructive. juiivussubstance *..-E dw \R d G. L ovl , »HTIi !»«, Ilm-in a mrj W-» “good bye” and start homeward, ten—and never till my dyii g d. v Gaoled »nt* — THE MYSTERY OF THE NATION a»«) C a • t n - • " 'I he Ro’ .Î Baking Powder is undoubted! Is a thrilling story appearing in Kovr and làtl Malta it ;roSuk;< La-mia. la YMk- New«papere sre not f taking the same route by which 1 can 1 think of t. of vo , n. h r .. . . '¿J , ■! •f n.» .. al U of the ab«»ve advert's»**" I ’ A rm . by John K. Musick, anti i.< excitiug wide the purest and meet rc.'iatlc baking powdc HtÇlOH «r« u ut ^actlMd >7 aasr Ut u4,n«M< »7 fa. TU _.. , s..» Hew %< tevm.X attention Short stories by distinguished writers expr«ae order of H a KFE1*1 bad come. 1 had not me tinned pang! , Shew..» c rrca to the pttbl.e. I e «utiiul, thong , “ appear trom time to time. Mlacto, :! narms' nrx M4mual n aU • II vxbv A. M ott . If. D.. Th. D.w BILL ARP'S LETTERS the occarencv just relate«, feeling strange to say. »he re»eiiild«d th. IUp DlfiCOVWV» »«4 P« y Ariil«-- «<• ■ ’UM UM, aMaa la tua* a u u^rttMt -J atri làa» The Royal Baking IVnvder is purest in qua! 'Ah tav<a 11 fk Appear in each issue, and this humorous philoso M:. Vl Bio»’. F<Mit*l«*23 a str inge shyness about doing so; other two—so sligl.t is the I n «>1 pher was never more hitemting than at this twatT-S», 7«ara la ; ul>< Uwtlita« mkwu !» ar. .1 hi -he t in sticnrth of . nv bakin ’ now u.«-u »v rnoii. ra fcv r h1 « *t M »nil time. fifty fesr. »1 It ttar ti» Ufw u4 =-.rt avcaatM Ui-itn but it was not fergot.cn, and with difference sometimes between beau c f v itich fhov-lnowfeOge. II ITM FDITORHL BIT UTT WENT ihe Hft’e sufferer •’ ' 5dl ,, F^Toy«« »TjXorhaj *• V. M. KcKl KTBIt, n». D. ’ H ome and F arm speaks boldly and fearlessly in quiet s eep b fn St«® consideanlde excitement did 1 look ty and ugliness, I («link the coniti cutn behalf of ” Farmers’ Right* It favors a re- and the title cberuu .'.iii”) baking powders, no matter hov vistou of the land* in behalf of the farmer better I button.” it • very r »•**• ft,J forward to parsing that house again. have been perfect, but for hi r eyes I h ./.• r srrrngbi. are to bu avoided r$ dar- ruuils *br the farmer ; Free Mail Delivery to the the child, s^ftess is*! Vaimi TWtw os Phcs. bate powders liberate their pu fanner ; Co-operation among the farmers, and its Starving late in thaevening. it was —they were too restless, too bright. lieves wiud. negwla1«* gMfl o _ c«l. t-r-lv. vr w. ¿cr clkaatw s sufeur de- aim is to * Bust Trusts.’ Its motto is , best known remedy ’•* , THE HERALD frmy o s r mith S^doldepQeQS^r omtlani aine 2BB00KS1IHWA soq h im ah The Road to Wealth oav erxk abo iawi t va ahjeox stoeb kki f exxhih ary kch av aldor lara a LEAVENING POWER HOME ANO FARM, P rinters ' I nk . U: - Fair Tra4e uJ Farmer«* Bight*.” arising from othsris* S* 1