f burns A Double Ti-asedj advertisements . This provision was adopted not matter by whom committed, THE HERALD by the Senate; 35 yeas, 8 nay». whether it be stockman, corpora-j Tariff, silver and politics are the . A double tragedy occured at Mil Th> r > is r.o probability that «d tion, or settler. The settler organi-l topics uf Congressional considera WZbXESDAY. JL'XE 1». I»«- waukee, near Portland June 11 mission of Idaho and Wyoming will zation have it in their power to tion at present, and are likely to re wnich resulted in the death of a commit a wrong, and cannot al main the subjects of attention for be considered this session. The W. C. UVKI> Har- chai . w Leadine Merchant of Harney Co«im ways be depended upon any more sometime to come. Some man star silver and tariff bills. and National mother and her son. Daniel years -------- DEALER IN-------- election bill will have to be disposed vev, who ha« lived for many than other organizations or monop ted a report that Congress would j Bun with his mother, Mrs. Mary of before any attention is giv n to lies. For example, Burns has been ; take a recess from July l,to Oct. 1. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS nell, and his step father, Charles a friend to the settler, and helped but that is extremely improbable, as state hood bills, but it is possible BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE Bunnell, shot his mother through that political consider:.lion may through every case of emergency, it would be difficult tu keep a quo-i STOVES, TINWARE. CROCKERY, GLASHW arf when called upon; still a great rum here during the autumn season. induce the republicans to admit the the temple, and then placing the PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, THE CELEHR it V weapon to his hiad, blew his own SULTANA RAZORS, AND “I X L” CUTLERY, WlNFs many of these very individuals tried | The solicitude of the members new state next session. brains out. Both mother and son CIGARS—AND A THOUSAND OTHER AUTICIF? __________________ to leave Burns “out in the cold by concerning their re-election is of ■ TOO TEDIOUS TO MENTION. W M uni Hang. lived until about 9 o ’ clock, when voting favorable to the ’very ele more importance to many of them ! ment which so bitterly opposed than the buisness before Congress; Clinton Pennington the slayer, ot death came to their relief. The their interest. while those who don’t expect to be Chas. B. Balcoin, must hang. The family were living on a fruit farm Full Weight Full Measure, and Extra, Qu If all the lawyers in the State re-elected will be altogether too in- decision of the lower court has - about a mil- east of Milwaukee, Has always been my motto. and I intend to main Inin my UepulaUul and courts in the State, should de 1 different about results to return be- been sustained by the supreme I Harvey was about 35 years of age, cide to count the blanks, that fore the next regular session. It is court. On the morning of June 5,. and unmarried, while hil mother is not conclusive evidence that j the general opinion now among Con- he was 1 rought from his cell to the was 05 years of age. The family there is any justice in it, neither: gressman, and those best posted on court room, in Baker City, and always lived peaceably together - does it effect the right or justice of' the subject, that Congress will not Judge Clifford sentenced the and Harvey seemed particularly the claim that Burns has a maj' r- adjourn before September 1. doomed man to be hung, Friday. attached to his mother. Ilarvev owned the farm until ity vote and should have the coun-j The republicans of the House July 18th, between the hours, 10 about two months ago, when he ty-seat. i have determined to take the lead a m, and 2 p in. sold it for $12,000. While he has We have been asked whose dut v [ t)11 me sliver question, which the TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY,*, A Seii.tus Matter. always been of a morose and sul it is ti» give the order for the re-1 ¡senate has oei n wrist..ng wiui, to i.o len disposition, he seemed to be nioval of the county records? Not | purpose, a.1 tins seusion. They will despondent since the Burns Victorious. beii g a lawyer, our answer to the pass under suspension ol’ the rules When la grippe first manifested particularly BUR«, uA sale of his property. He regretted W. E GRACE, P uoprietor , question cannot be taken as author wiiat is known as the “Caucus itself in this country there was a the sale and attempted to buy the THE VOTEHS OF HAItSF.Y COl'N- ity, ours being placed upon a plain bill,” which provides tor the redenip- i I general disposition to regard it us( TÏ I. C 1TB TH K PEIIMA- farm back again. His mind began coin moil-sense view of the question. tim of silver certificates m lawiul «INT < -OI -NTT-SEAT something to be ridiculed, and the AT IHTLNM. A Large Assortment of : to be affected and he seemed to We claimjthat immediately after it money or bullion, it is expected to am au early sufferers from it were laughed I i think that without his farm he was shown, by the official report of be somewhat amended tu meet the at. But when the disease began to j the canvassing board, that Burns views of the President. The extreme spread with such fearful rapidity | | would soon starve to death. While i ' talking to a friend a few days ago had a majority, that moment she sliver men coniplaiti that a good Has just been Received. and such alarming results, joking| had the county-seat, and official many republicans are deterred iroui he intimated that he would cause H ek - We did not purchase T he became too serious a matter for in business transacted at any other taking a bold stand for free coinage a sensation in the community, but alii for purpose of fighiting for any dulgence. An idea of the extent to point is illegal. did not state what it was. and no Local by their desire to stand Weil with the citizen, coporation or sect. Our in which the disease prevailed, and thought, [ one gave the matter any White House. They are beginning tentions were to publish a peoples its futility, will be gleaned from PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COM txEY to feel a sense of the futility of x>ass- the fact that American life insur | About six o’clock this morning paper. Our political views were HV'nxs r.on JVBTICE. , ! mg a free coinage bill, now that it ance companies paid over one mill- Harvey arose, and after loading ¿W Everything guarantied pure and of the very clearly defined in our first issue Burns is not lagging on her hips, lEDXESl door of his revolver lie opened the is not uouoted that the 1 ’ resldeut mid it has been a point With us and like a dead beat on the street cor on dollars on policies held by vic hope we will always be able to ad ner, waiting for something to turn would interpose his veto. The con tims of the epidemic. In Great the room where his mother and here to the principle, to do justice lip, but she is alive to her interests,! stitution authorizes and encourages Britaii five million dollars, it is es step father were asleep, Stepping ■ this w< to every one and to every cause. and when justice demands, it al ! the I're.-ident to recommend uieas- timated, were paid out by the in- up to the bedside, he placed the re volver near the right temple of his ! ures to Congress, and it seems mat Notwithstanding the fact that ways “gets there” if there is any ' I mis wuuid be an excellent tune to -urance companies.—Salem States mother and fired, He then walked we labored with all our energy, Ouey this constitutional injunction man. show for it, - - Plij :8 up j E. K. TAYLOR, to the foot of the bed and fired a power and skill, at our command “A majority of all votes cast.” m regard to the silver iiuestion. lie bullet into bis brain. Mr. Bunnell. to elect the Democratic, ticket—to | How should a court of justice—af iougut sny ot the subject in his mes This large and commodious Hotel has been general!« *t recciv ! who is very deaf, was sleeping be voted. The Proprietor wil. spare no pains to please fur.' Cal, Gk which every man, woman and child ter reading the bill—or any man sage out said “at a later day 1 may cotnmumcate lurther with Congress side bis wife, but did not hear the _ nt of poc in the town of Burns can testify— £H5~Good table service, and tables furnished with *11 muifl of sense, not interested, define it? I j O on u this tins subject. ” A message num pistol shots. Several minutes after it does not necessarily follow that; Would such a court of justice de-1 Inin now would probably expedite a I'd rather be a low-down chain- the shooting, however, he awoke we should approve of every net of cide that >od deal *1...* it :* should .«.«.,1,1 be 1.« a „ majority ...„G.,-;»,. of <>r j ' settlement settieineiit ol ot tnu tnulong Uebatcil ques iiues- gang negro than one of your little lung debated the officers,—elected—in their of votes cast for some candidate? Fori | Hull. Many ut Hie ext.viiie silver infidels. You won’t be in hell two 1 and saw his wife by his side covered c'nity, ; mull are blill cunlident tliat they minutes before you’ll be hopping a- with blood, and Harvey on the ficial capacity, whether or not such ’ 1 1,1 rftbe la instance, county clerk, sheriff, or I act be in accordance with our ecu some at her office? Or does ,r ueaole to pass u bill eiiioodiiug ' round the tire and yelling: “What a | floor. He immediately gave the irn —to ! their views, including free eoinag; in ception of right and wrong. A mean a majority of votes cast for the Senate, but are iloui tlul ui its i mistake I made.” I have Some re- ' alarm and the coroner took charge BURNS O’RCULATING T ,IBRl>re’ 8at of tiie bodies. The coroner’s jury clause in the net creating Harney county-seat? What was the bill passage in the House. They say -pect for Bob Ingersol, because he found that Harvey shot his mother AND '• county, reads thus: “At the next passed for? The creation of a new taut republicans in both brancnes ■ can get $200 a night for his lecturing. and then shot himself while labor- of Congress are more conci-rneU general election, the question of lo county or the election of officers? about relainiii;, pleasant relations | But some of these little fellows are ing under a fit of temporary if Cal. G IN THK HERALD BUILDING. insan- cation of county-seat, shall be sub indows. If for the creation of a new county with the administration and the dis j infidels for nettling, pay $2 to hear ity.—Ex. MRS. GRACE, ------ I.1NRABIAW. mitted to the legal voters of said and the location of a county-seat, tribution ot patronage, than settling j Ingersol, and board themselves. I Object of opening this bu«hn ff in ronnecti.tn with the Free Rending Rooa luj ERju.n i county, and the place receiving the understand you are running “ so I' uih ' h fur purchMfing buokit for a Public Library fur Burn»—The let furthebniiM the tin then the clause: “a majority of all a great economic question. One oi l>e!Doi*VNt*s Magazine majority of all votes cast shall be | TERMS: Membership Fee $L h tear. Reading Fee 13c. I)ep«>«it of votes cast,” must have reference j the ultra silver nie'i has said that ciety” here pretty lively. Society! ; the permanent county-scat of said “ ‘ Funny!’ Well, I should gay so odit al or Bouk, munt with lhe Librarian, in etery ii-a'iinee. bend kr <'»talv|W. ( A pair of 75 cents slipper j and | to that and cannot be otherwise they intended to make an eliiort in i’tSf' The LibruHou ig agent h r and will tuke Sul a« riptior.s at lhe Look at the one in short lace skirt county.” Clearly defining that if idieal, and t«r<>er any Bu. k puhhaheu in the lulled Stale« or ( aiiiica. Aiic, construed by parties who are disin- the Senate to have the certificates i $1 25c. wasp bom. I lets you into Pictuiet, Wurkbuf Art, House iluilulng Design«, Etc. ¡etT JI more than two places were candi to the knees, rubber boots, bare arms, terested, and believe in honesty, made legal tender, and further lit. There is no manhood, no wo-j dates that the one elected must re an immense muff, straw hat, and — truth and justice. | amend the pending measure as to manhood in it. The fruits of so >icd on ceive a majority of all the votes. a beard! ‘ What is it?’ Why. that is ■ ■■■ —- j make the bullion aggregate 4,500,- ciety, so-called, a>e dude and the We arc fully persuaded if Gov. I’en- ‘ A Modern Columbus’ in the bur dudine. If ion don ’ t like what I am 1 GUO ounces, instead of that . many noyer, who sign« d the bill making B efobe censuring or condemning , dullarB worth niollthly. They saying, just get up on your hind lesque of that name given by a dra Harney a county, were consulted a man for some supposed ibj'i’’.' -1 wolll(l fonow this by offering matic club of the celedrated S venth JtulphG a free legs and slide out.—Ex. as to bis opinion of the meaning of be sure you have evidence sufficient | eoinage bill ag a substitute. Regiment of New York, and these wp am Should F. E. B each . President, the clause, his answer would agree or what is better, put yourself in Live I’rog in a Kock. W m . M c F a Lt, pairing illustrations and the account of it aie it pass, they will use their best en W. F. Biinw.\T.i.4w,»WL E. H ughes , Vice-President, with the statement we have made.1 i his place, and calmly view the sit as you see, in Demorest's Family If theindividual, or committee— I nation from ’that standpoint, ask- deavors to have the House follow Magazine for July, which has just Many well-authenticated stories as the case may be—who framed : ing yourself what you would do if their example, and take the chances arrived.” The pictures of the six f^-i ast of Directors and ¡Stockholders at the uftii««tl,e ] and wrote the bill, were asked, we similarly situated; do not conic to of the President’s veto. If the mo of the finding of live toads and footers of the Seventh arrayed in believe their version would coincide hasty conclusions, nnd censure a tion fails they will content them frogs in solid rock, are on record, feminine toggery are about the fun J. D. Sha* .*•« and that such things are possible with ours, and further, ifthe same known frie id tl r ,ugh anxiety or selves with the bill as amended. niest that have appeared in any’ 2-30tf BURNS. The House republicans are more was demonstrated here on Thurs body of men that composed the fear that some pet scheme or cause > ■' —'receiv- magazine for a long time. This num and will endeavor to day afternoon, when a workman legislature of the State of Oregon, might go by default on account of ‘‘J | conservative ber also contains a beautifully illus .... - at that time were called together some mismanagement of that friend | pass a bill of such tendencies, be- engaged in Valley <t Everill’s lime trated article on the interior of Vice- mid a vote taken, wo arc sure there Place yourself between two opposing ___ ____ ___ e caucóme to a vote on rock quarry, north of the cjtv President Morton's house, which is NEAR HI RNS, OREGON. of this broke open a large piece of rock would not be one dissenting vote forces of equal magnitude, then.1 the subject. full of suggestions for modern house As for tiie tariff the republicans which had been blasted out, and a JNO. W, SAYER to the opinion wc have given. furnishing. The article “Stanley’s thitrk and act in accordance Taking these poiuts and facts ! with the prompting of your own con- can’t agree. The Meki.ilev and Al frog hopped out of a Docket in the Rescue ofEniin, ” profusely illus into consideration, we cannot see ! science and decide the question ini- lison divisions are as irreconcilable centre of the st..lie. Of course, the trated, is also of great interest at Keep« constantly on hanS « lar«« »toi* «I the action of counting blanks for I partially in your own tnind whether ' as were those of Randall and Morri < c.’urrence created a tr.-metidious this time; and “The House-Boat in 'sonin the Democratic House of sensation among the workman, and Harney, and against Burns, in no J cr not your friend is to blame. For American Waters” will give a hint other light than a clear ease of en la man to talk justice, and then aim- other days. Even the committee of operations at the quarry were for to many who are wondering how to vy, malice. hatred and pure cus- ' ply, upon his imagination or belief, i the Senate that has the Mekinley the time suspended, and the move spend the summer. In fact, the sedness. It is sometimes the case I stand up and zensure or condemn | bill under examination is divided ments of the frog were watched whole Magazine, from the handsome that the actions of persons, corpora- ' another, is to inconsistent, and against itself, and will in the end with great interest. The animal Water-coier in the front to the All kntda el «-.irl.ee lumber tborouzbly mra«u«ed for bulMiM >*I lions or companies, justify a news shows plainly that justice could not substitute a measure totally differ, was somewhat smaller than the or “Spice Box” in the back, is artis REDUCED PRICE. n paper in makiAg Viry pointed re ' i>e expected fruj.n.aim. That man. ent. This eubstltut - bill, it is i <■- dinary fli.^aud was perfectly white. tically and handsomely executed marks Hud the shoe licen on the himself, might be some day similar- ’ 1 cved will Is1 modeled on the lines Its eyes were unusually large and It is wonderful how Demorest’s —o— other foot, and Harney receiving, j ly situated; then he, undoubtedly, j of the Allison bill uf two years ago, very brilliant but the frog was per Family Magazine has conic to the instead of Burns, a majority vote, i will want the sympathy nnd help except that where changes occur, fectly blind. There was only a frent in the past few years, and now •evil stands in the forward rank of the «U m ' s any onu think for an instant of his friends, and would foci some th« duties will I e lowered and not line where the mouth should have Great Magazines. Indeed, there is rfai N. B. A Good »wad all the wav. increased. It will pro'ia'ily ie been. and on the feet there was a that the Pacific Live Stock Associ what eorc towards them, if—with I no other Magazine published that so ation, Harney, or the friends of out a just cause—they deserted him | passed sometime in August. Il is dark, horny substance. Mr. Ever- acceptably caters to every member ex|>ected that when the Senate biil ill at once took charge of the curios of the family. Publi.-hed hv W. Harney, eithor through their attor in his time of trouble. maches the House the rep iblieans ity and put it in a tin can, l-ut J he Jennings D mores’, 15 East 14th St., ney or the “Press,” would have ac vote will non concur. This will frog died yesterday morning He New York. knowledged the fact, and made it known to the friends of Burns, that ( Lx our issue two weeks ngo we send it to a committee of conference brought it down town and it was I.aruence Hutton will contribute -The WJi. W oods , M anager although Harney having received a urged the necessity of our citizens when the different items will le examined with interest by a large to the June Number of Harper's , ia m majority of the votes east, the making pteparations for protection, fought over indefinitely. The mor« numter of people, and afterwardsit Magazizc a singularly complete i 1 ARGES TSTABLF AND RARN IN THE blanks should be counted, and in case of accidental or incendiary I orominent S« nate democrat« don.t was presented to the museum, where article on “The American Burlesque 1 reviewing the subject from the very Clean-- Fieih—New Dd- thereby leaving the permanent .tires. Unless we do attend to this ’ expi-ct a tariff bill to be passed, and it will be preserved in alcohol.— beg^ming of the history of the Plenty Feed. Wator. an d i v < ciiirto < < - believe that the republicans will Salt Lake Herald. county-seat still a question liefore I our losses arc likely to be heavy if stag’-in this country down the davs Thi« Stable, with a full I ivery a.'rommc.dath n. :«upri> inope » tu tv ■ n-1 ’! j Hvr»* Mr** , ’ fU < feu .< * > and .1 u ■' St et I • pursue this course in order to oc Carefully gro«<med, watart*** ” the people? of Jefferson. Lewis. Crane,Robson, such should occur. Burns, gener I HARGB' hEASONAFLE. ■ Do not understand T iik II kh - ally speaking, is al've to her own cupy a negative position in the Con Mr F. A. Abernethy left last Thurs De Wolf Hopper. Wilson, Powers, Neil Burgess, Dixey, and Goodwin. ------------------- •--------------------------------------- 11«* Al.ntobe an enemy to Harney, the interest, but in respect to the gressional elections this autumn. day for Burns, Or., where he will ac I he artie[e is accompanied with FOd fl Stock AMociation, or the friends of probable losses by fire, we seem to When the campaign la’gins they Burns-Canyon Stage L‘n? r wee cept a position in the United States drawing« by W A. Rogers, Albert a - Harney, but we ileein it our duty lie asleep. That fire will break out can sav to their friends who are dis I J ewitt , P hoi - rietor land office. He has had many years E Sterner, T V. Chominski, and to condemn an action, which has in our town, no reasonable man can satisfied with certain items in the Leaven Burr« on Monday«. Wednesday«. •nd rrlZ«r* ArthirJ. Golman, from old experience in the land buisness and CV'Coiiaecta wtih ike Ontario, Brineville. and lakeview ’ - ** upon its f»ce—as clearly as the noon doubt for a moment, and bow soon Mekinley bill that it is not proposed we know that he will give great sat- paints, and from a sketch bv tlui .« fur passengers. fl|v■ Charles Parsons. One of the most -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- day sun—an effort to perpetrate a none can tell, but its coming is a to pass that imasure but th, Sen- i.-f.iction —Wasco Sun. interesting of the illustrations is wrong upon the people, in order to certainty. I ate bill. A similar argument will ___________________ „ . advance their own personal interest. A party of intoxicated Indians this sketch of William Mitchell i lie made to those objecting to items which Mr Parsons made while seat I in the Senate l>ilb ’’ This is probably putting it pretty recently attacked a surveying camp ed in the pit of the old Olympic T he Republican senators who The conference on Army Appro in the upper Green river country, more than half a century ago. atrong, tnft all unbiased mimbd TON 8AM _ _ _ _ _ - ' ptnon« kre bound to acknowledge favor a lilwral silver legislation, priation report, included a recom Wyoming, and killeJ Chief Engi The draughtsman—then a mere the truth of the statement we have aav unless the conservative« come mendation that no intoxicating neer Crittenden and their chainbenr- lad. just lx ginning his professional CHINESE AND JAPANESE Fire, Fane’Tul- and Vai? written. It ia the duty of a newa- to their terms, they will go with the drinks should be supplied in can era, and wounded Assistant Engi career—received a pass tothe theatre from Mr. Mitchell in return for the Gtv« thi« Mor, » call «h«. |n town, and examine the W*1’ paper, that ha» projier respect for Ikmocrats and pass a free coinage teens, or trader's stores in states neer la?«. They had refused the sketch. \ ery few other portraits of **•***&!• Price« for Coh Ona d<w euwth.c.' and territories where prohibition ex- Indian« liquor.— this old actcrare known to collector. 1 nF.r.it.D’s «■•.»tiixcTox JUSTICE. i.r.Trr.i FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. E 3 33 XT JXT S8 H O T IK"1 BOOK EXCHANGE TEE PACIFIC FIRE INSURANCE *'* CA^ITALi safe «ft? x-eliabCw The Sa - ■ fs: Flooring, Moldings, n. txstio JXTew iiY ,v- AND F T he W hite front ir/bn a BURNS CHINESE BAM A CHINESE LAUNíB*