Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1890)
I^ayette IKTursery, ,r Vj-J WISH A too» nsvOLveu HUMS privacy, a young lady of twentyone SMITH & WESSON'S or twentytwo, in a simple morning- Fl: e*t »mall Of Payette Idaho u . i.i « c u-r dress and modest hat, is sitting . .farm i 1 »■ *-■—■ SEEDS VEDNE.«!» IT. JVSE IL m ; Jib" Lu lx .i«f • ‘I are tho*e put up by expel is. In Cambre« »-*. with two children. Removing h r „ D. Who M. ate FERRY 4 CO. “Peaceful! Who started all this looadB-fL du'. '-le : m .■■■«. f-. - •* u.n f hat, »he enters into a romp with the Largest FRANK HAYMOND'S FAITH. t .. . i rar.ti St ed3men in the »«»rid. HARDY TREES dispute, I shouhl like to know?" the youngsters, feeling secU’C from 1» M FratwaAC«»’* f •r«»oil- r.uu»-:> p nndstiM’iL- Uuri **.«««. * Beautifully Illustrated, lmcriptiv« SPECIALTY Fri n PeteraunAMaraririv “Why you did!" intrusion. "Miss Ethel is with her, I suu- -I didn’t!” SEED ANtftlAL Suddenly there is a step on grav for xboo will I* mailed FK EE to all ]<ose?" uskist the young in.-iii, as lie el—someone enters from the front I LI “You did.” applitant*, and to last season's cus L mm S i Tt«l Ih---. ••Ill Extensive Nur-eav, <'orn prising tomer*. It is better than ever. Ev- followed his father up the I road garden; and, turning round E h< 1 y , , , , .. eanuM melilr r-u. ,n ,.r<l. r »«i.t “You know I didn t so------” erv f-rton using Ga.drn. Flower I- -s ix-l MV Will rrc< >•«•} ’•«•■.«i-t Kite' •! n acre!», h located one half mile from Pay or Field SEEDS shouM si nd for it. stair». ...„ eaLiuonic* and i rl ■ .ur>-n applicftl.u.u “I rejieat, it is all vour fault!" 1 sees once more iter adopted broth r. D. M. FERRY 4 Z m........... ■ ■• .. ette de;<»t, on the 0. S. L. Ry. Thia DETROIT, MICH bpriugfleld. .uau» The solemn servant only shook an J. forgetting for a moment every ‘ O, L-oo huo! hoc! I m co ng hem • Nur-cry has done more to pro hi* head, sn 1 with a strange pre thing, allows him to clasp her to to my mother!" mote fruit growing in East monition of evi). Frank ¡Missed his heart in a long do e cu b aee. • Go, ai.d Le------ ’’ (slams the ern Oregon t rid Idaho in’o hi* mother’s room. She was « A new • Found at last;” he exclaims, in door.) than all oilier Nur- THE SELF-THREADING »itting there alone, but she rose on deep thankfulness. Mr. Newlywed (next evening)— m lies combined. her husband's entrance, and burst as the tress Then, suddenly remembering, “Fanny, l ucle Tom didn't have xrvH't Bt ..f Iivi '• » ing into tears, th-ew herself into •■, uro bc - she hastily withdraws herself from mv a cent!" «'•••' -r.. L his «pen arms. Mrs. Newlywed (kissing him) — cHiitaicd and hi* arms. and. pale and trcnil i t g “Ethel is gone." »be gasped, as stivh varieties are whisp. r to the a-tonished children: “I in e < glad.! '— Am r soon as her sobs would allow her offered for sale that •’It is my brother, dears; go into icon. In it are mm- to *]>eak. «re Known to thrive and fU* FW bined the fin In lllui retel .... flouri-h in the mountain “Gone? Ethel gone?” Both 'the house and play unt.l mamma l'Urient in , rct Father—1 don’t understand why est luechauic- returns, ” and, with the habit of country. The * ]»car an-l • hnelv llr*>L-11 men spoke at orce. al skill, the. • sin I you obj-ct to marrying that girl most useful! readv ols-dience, thev depaited. will be off» red in limited quaniites For answer, Mrs. Raymond held She is rich ai.d ei iucj of a g.Hjd and practical I HARPER-SfÜ • ’ Oh, why have you come, Frank? for the first time this year. This pear nut a note in the well-known hand elements, and! family. How did you find me? ” asked Ethel. . is a native af Idaho is con.-idercd the fine t lIAltl’Elfs MirJ writing. •Son—Rut. father, don't veil know all known ad in a despairing tone. pear grown and is cx'rcimiy hardy. I)o HAltl’EI;s wif? vantages that “My dear ones,” it began, “can HAllI Elt s i-.v7: ,- rot fail to plant a feu trees. But Frank’s voice is full of joy that she is blind in one eye? make a sew you ever forgive me for what I am ing machine Address, Payet.eNursery. l’o-ihge En, as he answers only by saying: “Are Payette Idaho. l nued titaiei, «-y about to do? Iain going to leave Emily—DidGeorge propose last desirable to we alone, dearest? 1 have so much cell or use. you—you, who are the dearest to Tlu-v..- . night as you thought he would? to say to you." me on earth—after all your kind rrocK B HANDS. ELDREDGE MFC. CO. ••••*’ »» v*-.«r. Ruse (without much enthusiaain) Ethel points toward the littl llplh 11. wi|| |„u ■ ness. But what eke can I do? My Fscijry *:i Whsleix’.» Cfflcs, BslTiiire, IH. walk by the wall, where no one can i ■Y e*, he proposed. rem ut lime o, V7f If'ubih/i .-ire.« Chicago. father ie not dead; lie has come see them. Mechanically she puts lioiinu votuiiie,,,.nM Emily—Lid you accept him? ilin-e.vear- 1M,-K 89 iircMid Sttvci, Xc:u York. back to claim me. He is not—no, IS- -till by mail, Rose—Of course. on her hat and accepts the support : r volume. c|0.|| (!U I will not say it—but there is noth of Flank'* arm. feeling hardly able Emily—But you don’t apjiecr ' «-ni- each- l.v „„j « Ir iex i.. II. rier'.'M ing else to do but leave you. lie to do without it. With one hand, u> Le very li:ij pv over it. Absolutely Pure - al, Aiml.Vii, al. andicj has proved beyond a doubt that he she hastily pushes the loose waves 1 lu 7<>. iiK-lu ire.tnZu Rose—1 am not There is a l'Sh. une vol. k j-■ is my father. Alas! I am very un- Kemiu.ime. sl„.Ui,: B of hair, disarranged in her romp gathering doubt about Georgs Money Or-k-r, uenJB hapuy. I dare not trust myself to with the children, under her hat. my mind. 'ois. Address HAlU‘Eg|B Lid you all gooJbve, for fear you while they pace up and down the Emily—You surprise me. might urge me to remain. Fare Herald a walk. what account. Rose? Herald a 'V " »'-td the Cheapest well. Yours forever. E thel .” HeraMa< Rose—He didn't appear to “ I have searched for you ever Herald m A silence fell on thorn as thev Herald an s'llficiently nervous over it. (Thron since you left us. darling. ” he says, finished this strange epistle, and ing herself into her friei.d’s arms GXDEN c .4S5A —PUBLISHED.— they lookeil from one to the other tenderlv; “but my search was vain. and bursting into tears.) Oh, Em The other day. I received a tele i‘gram ily, I’m afraid Gcorgv ha* pro] MmlnedAt in bewilderment. 1 went anil to some girl 1 « foie! “Does she mean that »he has calling me home, Hamer’s 1 learned everything, The man who T’ OF ROCKFOKD, XLLINOIS. left li*. to go with him ?" asked .Mrs E<*,.‘»bli*h»’-I Twi-uty Y* r-; b ] nsea. Mcolumn», our claimed you as his daughter was without a<Iv<-rH*«*ii*r iiMitsritiii, wnpar- I 1-I.TSTi: lausratcl Combines the juice cf the Blue Figs of Raymond wearily. tisap. but earn *«t f r truth nu.i puriD. teaching copiss br H ordes branded California, so laxative and nutria us, Chriat. !>ut with th<« broml'-wt (!o«ri y. Ilnve a clean dying in a hospital, and sent for < 5 rpIigioiiM pH|*r in ' our I k ciily. 11 bus to hobbit*« or “What else can she mean?" an with the medicinal virtues cf plains Ilaseri!'« wratnv >>1 croii beta, but n» f.'pp y Cue p!<u« of vile, or Either Right ur TON SCALES my father to confess the truth, 1 »•ci. 1 Le h a . known to be most beneficial to th? ainik»« roauine '■'• that v l.i, h i«* wl «• «•»■..nn*and ti n*. /fl!NGH^MTOa swered her husband, sadly. \ieerh«. Tlie iiu:u„ « It pl-aiwra ti •• rl :1 ;• n t-nd tiir* old people, and ita human system, forming the ON LY PER $65 J know now why you left us so cruel Su1 day hvo! I«*?»..:, - vs helpful A *ermon each •tifie: OK. inri ' r t.n < urrent p h?U)| w-ck »¡id h -pLn -I fm : • Only >1.25 a Year. FECT REMEDY to act gently yet A NY. When she was able to explain ly. That wretch had stolen papers \ Beam Bex Ta.-e Beam ersos ! 1 ► P‘< i a:.«! v.nifiiieiue «.( 1 a clubs: Fite.'.-t Fivi 1>. Burs. Fam pie copies free. h n«i ihc varirtv uüd promptly on the >*- ,‘BEIHU.n,,ai<iTSEy2RSTFBE’’8sjiaitM uiitci ■. « lin h inrlwtiJ 1 Inch fl things, Mrs. Raymond told her be from your own father, his friend, r«< '•v ibr I es; ami m.npAj Range—Graut county, Oregon. lhe pen eal ..f pc. pievf <r3 wildered listeners how this disap anil palmed himself off on you and purFui « ThehnkŒ 1’. O.—Burnt. Grant county. Oregon. —AKO T > — pearance had occurcd. Immedi He wanted m >nev, of course. lb iv’nail.ah v varietr, j expv. ».<• m are«! to iLt/l ti ÚítíÚÉ SÍ My Si erra.* .** ately after dinner, which they to .k ttr i»'ir a. iîi !•< ldrU| mu One of th<‘ thought that through you he coul< * BKSTTel |a |f 3> fa — SO THAT — l 11 • t hfl ! T* lui pl H£tB oi ■ encope» i n | Í » k 3 b * about half-past five, Ethel had, as work on us—that, rather than con t- r>. A Aiexn an PURE ELOOD, ÜOTIC rAc G ri \W df . sî "B oc K . the world. Oor facUitiesar* ! i JIOMA LjÀSUM.vliij unwqualed. and to^utrodur -our While n usual, repaired to the grounds fess volt wi re the daughter of an ■ s REFRESHING SLEEP, i LY il* ig>fcü superior goods wowill «mdrr» a c ’M *T t—. EX (M we deeii “ toOXK FERSOX in earh locality, PER ïJ HEALTH and STRENGTH a* above. Only thoor » ho r rita brt« gsKMS with a Issik, wnile the elder lady- eaped (o iviet, yeti would give V GxM^STSuîncT tunta: once an »H«ke »ur- t-f him *««4i*nw . WEEKLY I zeapotiden Nsturally fn’Io’.v. Every one is using it th«> chance. All you h« • do in ? i ri r ¿uliuwiu« had retired to hir room, On going money. lie littl«- thought that yet return it to »bow our goods to C a TTLX branded sn i r..l are dcl’fjhtH v i.h it. A.h yaui i : iei ,'. s MAIUZIrf thowe who ea!J—your m iebbora T’h*. û‘ot\l-T^T»ownt^ Valley m » and those around you Y h» b«. •J: — -t f. r SYRUP CF FIGS. Manu- downstair* when it grew dark, she would leave its altoge'her." i. lier.i, > »‘AZAK. I >n 1 eft aide; circle- ginning of this a<berii«em-nt Th* r ' ‘ *•'Mr'r ’ 11S . Ectuiel only by the ÜTtlhn I.« riu:..- Yol.MiM ------ »how* th* «mall »nd of the tela- Ir.ul seen nothing of her daughter, •A. TH H vichinus — 77>a ThunAenrj Catata«!: ♦»ope. The fcUowing eat rivo* th- appe-mnee of it rvdu -edni 1- .•■rfv Free to a<! gijU A Split in «u< b “I never would, if I had rot f f—h - Q—.iu. GKi (3‘tcu.vd, XaluAA. ChM .a, < r l-nkT -'li K S- » - ei'it..a. CALIFORNIA FIG S7RU? CO. •ftb. Vail.^ —- at which she wondered a little, sure that you loved tic," whi-pe Tuv V„ •> tnnrt ,.i lb. I S a « Fa asci sco, C al . be n:M Xuli>Irr tvr Ji.¡ nh yjfaiel îi ». anà C t » t R N • though she did not become uneasy Ethel. “I could not bring th i -li id L l - "• ••’. I . b . ■ * W ben no t.inr Is n-erl *t> »ut the fiftieth part of ita bulk. I: i» « rrand, double siae Ule- •f t\<« Suh' • .«< vMic ti large a» ia ea«y tocan v W e will alao show you how y "U '■■sii. »Li Ige Xiatau until later, when she sent a servant grace on you. or en them erh '. Berti kOW fw Îervr^’i »Trnake ' a «St >• ! O a day at least, fra« the »U.J.« .«»- Range—Harney and Gra ; cor.tit> ( regur e: i>. <.f ■ : • _________ ttpxsduitä irilvtl H Mti »etter« rite alance W - pay all ripr. M cbarg-ea. IhrprBHM 1’. <».—Euri a. jjaruev c. ui.tx, of c.H H11.LE11 AC' .. Ik x S6O, FVKILAND, MA1W-B. to hunt her. Not finding her at jil - *u< üiicovwTS T » ¿Tune I have s nt that man mv ea s. *« mail F. Ma^c ¡aid.orbici esin«»« . &*<■> i r ; *4P~Aa once, she of course became in tieli but I have m v r se -n him since we L-ï. ■ t u ¡he iirish'.iW por . oliiiiic, for m ■ .o.ufl iev WT O?KÆ »1 alarmed and instituted a thorough reached Philadelphia. I 1:; d pl « lu:li < »iFi*e ñ.r tatù T en W» will »«a<l tLe entire ! -t of Twenty Valuable £jr‘Tou^i8T»Tt;N,tw V’eJiK' l i d i 2 « 11! tir bei:', in bt ■( Rooks enumerated and ileacribed below, to every sub- search. The note was found, ai.d, RILEY A IIARDIN. ' ript >»f |1. sori'^r to this ptper fcr th • ensuing rear, who remits ty of money of in;- < wn, and I v ;.s rii.Awi» Vit. » * Ve Cl.-Ab . lie min ni ce:' si.- uhi k tnfl ttv'afy C'-nl.- in addition to the regular aubscriptioQ G« fl.SO E.r«»)boij Y«'«xnr* t — • as soon as possible, she had tele- Address ISAAC FOSTER. price. The«*e books, each one of which contain* a com- Motiüy Ordir «>i l fortunate in in di ig w.rk: lit 1 w«»»-- vuoi« rstM r.vj,Co, píete flrst cla*- novel or other work by a well know d «U 1 .. i l t.k a ' graphed to the absentias. and popular iitL- r. are published in ueat pair.phlel r es Col, knew how unhappy yon would al: form, printed front good readable type on good paper, iri Basait,P.*wT.rtt.wx aud luán» oi them han homely .11 lstratcd. They com It was then, on witnessing their he al out me. If it had not l ien »f everv prise some of th- finest works ever written by some of tne Greatest and mast popular writers, both oí Ameri son's grief, that the parents under for our love, I should hav • staid ca and Europe. Each one * h complete iu itself: Left Stifle: Horizontal THE CRY GF MILL ONS'. N . >45 Mr*. Catidl«‘*M • urtaln l.retnre«. Ry stood for the first time his feelings Harner ’s a blaieiMlu D ov GLA j B JlCtR 1 U. Very old and very funny. The H ' - ------------- and told them everything; I ut I OH, 7VÎY SHOK! I L I. (,'STK.l! 4 «mora a*l tn EhtrleSr C&rt: toward their adopted daughter knew you would never give me up No _'»4 A«l vent ur«»» of;» Bachelor. Pv the au » thor ot ■ R ah B anpc • AdT<*ntur<Mi in ?<ew Ycrk.n STOP IT NOW. A Great humorous ■ ,->k by a popular author. Tiler looked at each other in silent —it seemed the only wav'’ í / a /:, scon it T hb R ki No. 24t. How to Moke and Save Money oa V. Ill el TOO LATE the Ftsrm. A rmua < mpilation-'f useful racta, I! ARTER’S B axar lajvCri liewildcriiicnt which added to their nt- and <uT»as'..' n« lor farmer« and gardeners. The happy lover»' explanations ffl I have been troubled tnanv rears with b No. '■iiiuK ibe ¡etiiiiiixiiJ.ini mm 247. F’ -«ni the Earth to the .Moon. A K.-xr. R; • V,,.KF C attle branded on basili.>i s, i s tturnervui lllw sorrow. disease < f tlie kidneys aua have tried ng Arguments, and last until Ethel's cl.arg.-s interrupt N • JI' Th»- Lilli»* Old Man of the Bnl!g- !• u • a. n. <i paturi sheet i___ _. . many different lcnicdics and have n»Hr*. Left side V. I n ‘I i J.c Terir.î. sought aid frutn different physician« “We must set out at once to find them. and. the next day. the don - x 2.7 A erons Woman. A Novel. By c <■• ! F.-r. ; '» ’ir. wilhaut relief. Ab -ut the isth of Apnl X < Axx F s- sc pxs . t; naki jf is ar ja.ic i"---------------- I was suficring ft a very violent ■ . ' The L>nden Farm Bride. A N ot »!. dcr-blt lu Righi ear her,” cried Frank, in an impetuosi ly-united family are together—n - J e < leier f .-.'SH By M > ; -A • t B: \ t attack that aimost prostrated me in X > v-inton Drri-lc kS D.itlffhlrr. A Novel. P >* » . ¡u etri st’cn a manner i .at 1 was Lx-nt ovvr. M cl, se up. Left car n. c ty of haste, anxious to give some er as they fondly tell each other, t. By M T Ca PvH MDU i f it' pape a iamut.i u fvaldent w: hen I set <k>wn it was almost impossible fur me x-> The B.irou'i Will. A Norat. By BtL- 11ARPEE > Let vp alone, or to put on my clothes, when ___ vent to his wretchedness hi action, part. A week later. Ethel l-ecoi.i s t. T.ixrs C 'HX¡. dr. Smooth crop. kin I F>. *' r.idcnic sent Dr. Heulcv, with tilt \ 2W T It«- Peril of Richard Pardon. A Í ver try ÿt:-r^icuiiauvexurrsisETTlEn'î Per Year Range: Grant, ('rook, and I ake contiti»••. Novel By B L F out x and he went immediately to make Ethel Raymond in law. and Fra k or : :<;o.< KIDNEY TEA. to my CUIDE, l£4 pj.j Mly 25c. (pártsjs ctimpa • - 251 Block bird Allll. A Novel. T> E stbkb J F. ().—Rile». urani c«uutv. <’regoli. hotel. I inr.uctlaitely commenced IIAr.l-El-.'S l:\ZAR F. m r. KE5X- IH iii<|uiries at the station. No one loses a sister only to find a wife. using the tea. It had &u almost iiaki si: .. MAG AZISI N 2V. Th ■ Guitrdiau’w Piet. A Novel. By IIAKPhH-S anti to the aston- Dr. J It. R ' bivso ' miraculous t effect, ~ W i -.EKI.Y N 241 The Gray Falcon. A Novel. By M T. hud left there yesterday, ho was in llM:i-hl:'s Yur.NG ________ mmi ithtucntofal ill the _ guests at the hotel. C '.bo* P* si wee 1'1» f tu ail Firt- ! in a Rw day»,! aiu tappy to state. '■ 2d. The Morrow of a Secret. A Novel. formed bv the man in charge, who C i AiTisSÌ?^ - Y Siu IF. < Mt HL.ll. or Mixicw. Rv 4SSV Ci ‘ I-- li tY. lbat 1 w; « a new rúan man I wiU^Y ui’.l^y N - Percy and the Prophet, a Nurd T!»<<r I'iisi Quarrel. rec. muienJ the tea to all aflEctedf I of course knew him, except several R,- Kr K1K «V‘LL1" The \. ,un ts of the hanrltdH as 1 liavc becu I < XL, 2V The Siwrr <»f a Wedd!n< Ring. A c Ja? uar* of n-ti- W. B tojiiv \TER. Novel By t!i* an. •<: f ■' I» m Thorne." peraoiis well known in the ncigh- Mr. Newlywed—■Fanny. Ln c i. Miiilyn M :irv*w Temptation. A G. A. TITFEX. / s'-i _ó v. i-h iliv Naiuber cunsni tir>*f«31^ Lorkood. Then Frank rode ovei Tom's will is to lx- re.i-1 t-.-m rm rictor Hotel, x TA A M.idi i n < ¡ndereHn. A Novel. Ry f'ATTLC hrgvr ’ A.» i\ ’Hid v. . f Hariri 4 th“ anther **f ' lb -v I i. -rue K-au. Cal. with "S \\ ranch" *-n t<> the next stopping place. and iia I always was a f;vur N ±tt The hlaiiil Home. A Novel. By M T. Marin i » a, clui h i i- . ht * I CiLbOR. left Hip. I- Fta.r paid* or by expirtf. 1 x i'.l The Fat« ’ . Glove, A Novel. By CLaka pr.i\idcii the fi Here he was informed that a nepbewr of the old gentleman’s Ear mark» ('!»•* l »TA. ■ hi per xv.'un-.e, for a cr-j-off the l.i till car: » 1«. h < ases f. r <•« b vJuir» ««IIHj man and woman, the latter closely am sure to come tn f->r soim-thii ; i'* in L’K Mill It sent by n.ail ■ Left ear. Mrs. X’«-wlywcil—“Oh. I. w ni fl en< h. itrlet' veiled, hud left there for Philadel 'i-V Hr.’Zif CE5T 'f He r Lta-ice» *h. uld b« u:adn^M| ' V/OODWO^K'\ - ■ AfÎAeiWE ‘ îf$( Mui r'. < Tócr vr Draft, tu « t «*H^H phia, the precveding evening Will! Then we can giv • tip tl Adrctfi L'AKPKMi^H r WISEST Frank at once sent word to his horrid <-Id Hat aiiti Itid a s.v< -J UNION 5GURRÚMY. iuoth< r, and took the next train. little H ie -n Ann e in the ini n r , atlanta ,BA u ^»* c --a ff\ 1 arc branded i yra». g-- i oahactsx wrench"uu the In three-quarter* of an hour, he ;uul------•• ling P owùîts Mn Lsr. Y-0 • ven. c.'.Y. cryaM* Left thigh. “You mean a brick ln> ft I I only r .id .’ re : ’i. a »a» n very wol- reached the city; but. once arrived, tzM t?:tx ”1‘- iuforrned wr. . .c, C-.11 -. ..¿cg r cu.ufU. i town. ” ■ far - . ,:.r k. he scarevly knc.v what to do. It *» ILI.e»TR ITI» «1 -k IM?« ■Z?--" T Mia I. fs y-Tes _________ c:.d i ■■•• week yen gg’d yea — « - — ... WLbed 1 could — nana io ■ I "No. dear, a Qui cn Annie; g seemed almost a lu>|»cle*s undertak Alien.—and fiho r?alt ■ .1* L.: c .. ..Lei Cut Harter ’ s Yeung ». e a- '•■ ha> 1 bar i t ’’ ing; and, bvsides. tln>v had nearly with ga 1. s and------ " LOUISVILLE. KY. Range: Grant bmi I Malben reniant ir«. ^ ir . L •* V» oat L# thaï- The K'eventh V«hiuie«f F. u. add ri mt Ruma. Grant <•«■.. Orejón. JÙ1L-» L k ~ •• vc .!. thé al Of lier fnfoTD«- “<2'i-*-n nothing. )>. t! I eouldn t twcntvlour he iii> start of him. p’e 1-esirs w •htk«5**t^H Tw ln. -g Ajricu?.- a )»rij IS, ».-id Wilt. Hoi f m th* ?!r7i£ n t e- î I ; diuit that ■ Á her 5, )*>M. presen t» an a k*-.>T4 a-, t.. -: is r !n ’ ca rnd is br tt and The folios ing dav w i.s Sjwnt in a Gar to live in a cottage, v. a know •he will ufler tv its r* «• (r • •' Made by Farmers for Farmers. cut. ruinlaj la curve k . a bet I cun d ¿o st tfr lsum I ’ enrli. ai»c « lb«« ■ Will as - ,e dr-, v i* 1 t ; t’ “ » ”c sourc? cf bHnn J"1",«l IS.I1,,, f,,r search which resulted in nothing What we want is —” ■MUMHUI A« • rseor-i c< -uctx^rul africultMr« H-ivs Informa:: ■:? bin) : * r.. tb? « i«: n^>.-bt-r of «IUVV 'nr • -,e and eon.Irli.., ,.f „., . ,.r. S’..-«;«:sr i; • Phil and the and l x»’*4 hns no equal Frcrv topir re'mtinr “Nothing of the sort. Will! 1 > an-rinala-c'y, rrd I k r e r.- re in ote Lour s Returning home by the evening ■ no >. kilHn, or r'ralln, «, r . I ihr .<- "i r:;.< »• T. mir •br .ahtll •- ■<* tu .rriculture i- • r-nty m u,, r. ...ÙT'’, a. ¿»u; x ; ■ • co 1 : : t:. r< cnc lb« • • ■ k. l ihr «bvxv bruud or Let.n vini: thrrclc ■ > th, fir-i.r-thr-a. No ripen»,«.perrf M • ■ topic*¿Ithr t’vy.r -uln -?.d p ct c;» in train he found his mother very ill, want a cottage, at «1 I e m’t liv«- »- th s >y liialuar in «curing a full account of ererv notable s-ac- k - * It certnitiv l - «- • t e farm It is _ .•’.inctiveh the 1 •»«; serf»* .4 .'»fry '! a.i* »¡> ’ ’MnEfli < a - -3 »•«•*... : r> ? f ’• r -t. 7.- ! .. • «.f and for week* father i ami sun an I'ptown. stulTv------ " of i, \ i n uf tta l e ¿«y d vn t?t;< <ktiP« o' bona« .v ; ; FARMERS' OWN P,\PER. qi-.iint -a »s t< id bi H.-vard “Stuffy, «b? I'd like * T*S°rri c: t''k ’ d«i’y -I*», t're—ckri in a form watched bv her side. !>«:y t. . • ’. ax . o m. G er to the ... l . »to :.!» j ian^u«“. a it make». p!aia to all. <•*'•« t -1 •• t ? to ¡et yen to t-'_e «bat cm b. nmre stufl'y ti an a For two years, after bis mother'» i I* ITS LIST OF CONTRtOUTOna «w:r.->rc : l a:. . .- • 7“ . » tl. *tor>F r -« Ne -vn I'age Ma*' F * ao ru »1 F ' ■ t ¡ t, y- « uch fu» i everj r.or¡ih. Contains the nantksof the n:o*t or, gre»»ive farm recovery, Frank trav< led every, th', squeeted-up one st.irv Frvjtvlt bpeff* rd. i'aiid c* *; 1-found «»rt * jo ri n in Ita p«rv«*. and er« ot the Suuih and Wert. TSey »io not treat Mr A!'- :■• ••• 1 - D r ■ -_c. -f-j • !. e . ut theoreticrJ ‘arming but of the ..ctual coiidl- “Will, you mean thit where, but no trace of Etb< 1 could b<u it-a.:» e\ rv to?:iS r of th *.”.nuly!" etc. w.?’£h co»*'rvnt u» to dax e i luhwaoa: v • --T ’ fera aldo b Brown H?nrv S'.nrurt lobv M Stahl *r«‘ ao unreason il>l . and— he evi r discover. whatyoa A P Ford . Jeff WHbom H s n T Rr^.ka John •■»it.- :tw mû ir-¿rrr t “ eu hole < ffa.” A puls rip'b n to • h b.«l< t BUdc <* B;i* ou T I Baldw in nd a ‘ I a ie, is it.’ Weary and iliriour. ged. 1., »st 1.3« V»* -tenraues lxmoewt, aecttrew a nnetd'e li-ar?. »■ ho»t ut other- make th»« •oi;1_i ind.&pcsizable Sjch), uber. n«X Hi* pn th ?tr* i > rw York, la know rd c.i.i, p>nty of »■"* Moreover, it it equal!« A JOVKXAL fVK ADV£XnS£KS. jou unde stand. Fra :-. t in his room at a large hotel, o^'r.a ion < opy frr li cent* "o A<’r< niter. A HOME MAGAZINE. ra fa i.utuber couit * ■ a very reasonable man---- day. when a servant I rou^lit 1 Every «ub*-ct of tut: r<t to the b »ire maker ia r lb» toMer to V..I. XI legii a .<««•** rfaeti, wbea a-t fus* fy y treated Mary Maradcn. I. »»Cate*bv Mr«. 1 in err eiro « bp-mnen <\p-.-» fu ! or reerh»’‘ “No voil are not! i.< a tflrgrntii from hi* father. It r. h < i* Htd 1 Br wn Mra Darr Mi«« Ca'wli M;,- Mosby • e« f Goremeit Cù: Alice U in «ton aad a «core of other« will cun tri f> e Mr*. ..Ik»* anything 1 want • o i to. Rem i tr.nrt-B »¡mu be ii * thus: tie regularly. f «0 1 ye*» Muoe? orurr . r lJrkft I*««** aldag rctrder ù composed c thry e-n pn FATHI LATItTER» •'tome at once. Noihing R always try to disj ►.c.ulâM» a. ise f r ». 11 1.c iao»♦y .*' HB i.TTrvtiier.t.-. li doc.- rc ¡«in c'-'-reof cur Cliih’.r-n • Department, and IIAIIPER A TF.' arx——” t-.-n cr plèCSptMrtes. cr ir i ‘he baa the peculiar faculty vi being b«Ah in- wrong, but I must »<c you." tere«t»ng and tnstrudiv«. < -I d a i E d C. L qae . I L.D. "L «>k here, in.idam. tii THE MYSTERY CF THE MTIOM Powder Xav. spapc*« are n«< !* ’lorL «p?«nn< in Kanrw a ^ d J took y »u when you we • ■ . ..! the Hbo>r » *t *•••*] . vwm by >••« p. Ww«irk. .?n«i *.a exciting wwie 11 • a prega ord* r of MalfftV1 ■tte it*on «.hurt rtorie« by di^.ingmatocd writers a cent, and you pron... ■P9,'ar trou* time tn time. me. a- d 'icn I iiav WIL A3FS LETTERS /.gtlrt t » *•’* THE HERALD ASK FOR IT! ELDREDGE KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS Cleanse tie SystsinEiisctua'Iy, MISISIMA æîmi h TOWER HOME AND FARM P rinters ' I nk Appear tn each :«*«■• -nJ this hnmerrma phCora> it wa< never mo«c in (erecting than at thia it * < urivua gase. Within in ¡ c rniToiim. ■»rpt’rmsT bo* Tr a:,.’ ft,r»ee^y »n rhta It fae«*r» a re- *lf of the f.irm.T . Iwrttcr t Vi3 Dehvrrr to the - the farmer«, a*. J au.. m to hurt T fu - a * ' Ils motto m * I air Ttad« ¿.ad Far Ker«' Blflrt*,” *F-n r?M. : - Cto. P. ROWELL a co.. Uwrm., — -jpo»» St , V.» TwS. Mm. WtraVu'a ft.» M«S Wy ruoti r r Lr • hiîclgj fit . '«- rm > i h i wi--» t *•* hr litiiv « ifferrr ■ ■ w e. I », iff - »■♦ p 1. fuori ’La " . • im I hr li tir r berrl» a «»fr ' p ■ •»'tc-T ." ft • ver» t >?••***. ’¿J ■ br«T known rained* f^r Arising fr< m other <tr»»i