E ast O regon H erald Vfl! III —Nc 29 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 E HERALD. BlilNS ADVEKTISF.MENTS. A cow belonging to a Norwegian living in Luverne. Minn., gave birth to five calves. The calves are but little larger than dogs, but alive and frisky. 'X E\ EUY WEDNESDAY BY C. BY2.D S, SON. L1S1IEHS AXII I’KOrillETORS. TT JfEW-iPAI’ER LAWS. S B McPIIEETERS, M. D. KinuMter 1« required t o give notiro by juruing the pnpci- doe« not answer the PHYSICIAN æ SURGEON. en h hu ba.-riber due« not take his paper 1-ly e uilire. and the i vaaon for its not being Office at W. E. Grace'll Drug Store. Anv neglect to do no makes the poat- jtspoiisible to the >ublisher for payment [ h ’. iv person orders Ills paper diseon h • must pav all arrearages, or the 1’ub hiv continue to send it until payment is M l collect the whole amount whether it prom the office or not. There etui he Eiis oniinii«'!, e till pavmcut is made Notary Public. iy person *5 - takes a paper from I he . whether directed to his name or an- D. L. GRACE, u heiher ha has subscribed or not. is BURNS. OR lo for ilie pay Land Filngs. Voniest Blanks, Applications for Subscriber ordors his paper slopped in time. Hud the Pubiisher cuntiuurfe PublicfUion Noticts, e«»rrcctly and promptly he sul-R Tiber is bound to pay for ii if attended to. Deeds. Notes, and Mortgage*« (I out of the postoffive This proceciis eglbly drawn up. t barges reasouabk* 11-uO. juuri that a man must pay for what he court« have decided that refualnp t«. ppapers an.I fivriodicals from the post leaving them uncalled for, withou f tii-. same, ia prima facia evidence oi Bl tiaud J. NAT. HUDSON, I’BSCIIII’TION RATES: ATTO R N E Y- AT - L A w. ar Office: BURNS, OR. Ilin. MUll.fi ......................... r (iw advance) It was rumored at Pueblo, May 29, that a fight occurred near the Ute reservation, on Pine river, l.c- low Durango, between a party of cowboys and Ute Indians, and that two of the Indians were killed. The fact has been discovered that a large number of Mexicans in Laredo and other border towns, are attempting to organize n revo lution party to invade Mexico. The leaders will be arrested if found on Mexican soil. Here is puzzle that lias started the rounds of the newspapers and as many bother their heads over such trifles it is of interest just now: A friend asks me to multiply $5 by $5. I do so and announce the re sult as $25. Now multiple 500 cents, giv-’ Ou- answer in cents, pure and simple not as a fractional parts of a dollar. I do so and am sur prised to see the figures elimb up to 250,000 cents, which is $2,500. As $5 and 500 cents are equivalent, the result is puzzling. It cannot lie urged that decimal marks should be used. A cent, as such, is as dis tinct unit as a dollar, and as the result is to be announced in cents, the decimal cannot be pleaded in extenuation of the rather surpris ing result. But there is something wrong. What is it? I 1890. electric spark. The motor is start ed by simply turning a lever A link chain belted on the rear axle supplies the power. In its make up the carriage is something like a trycicle, has only three wheels, and is guided precisely the same way. It is easily to increase’or diminish the speed, and the carriage can be stopped in a moment. The system can be applied to small or large ve hicles. The cost is comparatively low.” $2.BO a Year. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BURNS READING ROOM. open Rvery Day except Sunday, from H a m to 4 p n>. Er«ry Lady MsdGoMlemau a weteome Ytoiter to she R««dt&( Ro««« de ring titre heotw mmb IA STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. To inundano residents of the AS8ET3 OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARM. States of the Mississippi valley it The Choctaw Lottery Company, “The Leading Company of the Pacifie Northwest.” will, no doubt, seem like rankest which obtained a franchise at the folly to attempt to prove that our <0- rar-MUTAVr. DWILLUWI AND FARM TKorilTTA SriClALTT.-^Ba-0 last session of the Ohoctaw legisla water supply is becoming less and ture, has elected officers and is less year by year. There is how ready to commence business. Nine ever, evidence that the amount of OF SALEM, ORBGON. hundred thousand dollars worth of water on the surface of the earth stock has been subscribed. has been steadily diminishing for J. C, PARKER Agent, Burn», Or«, Madden refused to draw down many thousands of years. No one ^^^^«.[EllALD CLUB LIST the $500 posted for the McAuliffe- doubts that there was a time when IMhdd'antl Harper's Magazine Harper s Weekly Sullivan fight, May 29, insisting Among the stories of the German the Caspain sea communicated naraklantl Harpe r « Bazar Herald ami liaipvr’s Young I’otplc that it should stand until Sullivan Emperor's domestic life, is one with the Black sea, and when the ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Barald mid Alden’» Manifold < ycl.ipv-.ltt LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT Kacb add it i.imi I volutne ftfivt Vol. I.-ucttHs; is in position to accept the chal a' out his second son, Prince Eitcl Mediterranean covered the greater taamote r xtiM tier volume, pi nt age. Onice: Burns Oregon. lenge. Wakeley offered to return Fritz. At the table Prince -Eitel part of the desert of Sahara. In , bleaof all I lie above works can bw ex [if.sure in the Heading Room. the money but Madden declined. Fritz, using his fingers instead of fact geoligists tell us that,at one . I his knife and fork, was corrected by time the whole of the earth surface I A report reached Denver, May S. SIZEMORE, ’ 2<X from Alamosa, that a wonder i his father several times to no pur was covered with water many fath ful rich strike has been made in the pose. At last the Emperor’s pa oms deep. M. I). HOPKINS, I’ bopiu rro*. ATTORNEY. All rivers and small streams are _ Golconda Mine, which is owned bv tience was exhausted, and he said: . O regon . u , ,,, „ , Senator lorn Bowen. A solid i "Children who eat with their fin visibly smaller than they were »PVERTISING KATES: EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. To* Kti"'«Teak of gold, an inch thi .-k , runs gers are like little dogs that hold twenty-five years ago. Country 3 mo 6 mo Estat« matte«- , through the mine. Ten days ago ■ their food with their paws. If you brooks in which men now living ’W «II »M IM. 0U 12 0» »«•« 2Í 00 ' a pocket was oped from 1 which use your fingersagain you must go j were accustom to fish and bathe TW« Hotel i« o«w (B ob ««, R« od # s . b «B Furwlter«) «BÍ cr«i«««urt«c«s wt I m I...«) kO.UO k’2.00 4S.00 ¡$200,000 has been takei _N 0) taken. The under the table, the proper place in their babyhood have, in many Ml.0(1 4.<0D i,0.00 H'J.OO strike has created the greatest ex- for little dogs.” The little Prince [cases, totally disappeared in eonse- Attorney-at-Law. IM CONNECTION WITH TWS BO USB. • citemcnt in the southern part of the did bis best not to forget this timeiquence of the failure of springs and ! FWJ w E Tt foreign advertisers . M. DUSTIN and used his knife and fork like a fains which onco fed'them. The| ; State. While res? J.1’ue: Harney City and Bu rr.s to keep our renders p. man; lut all at once he forgot again level of the great lakes is falling i rrii.iule firms t«> ue.nl with, cor I F. II. W. Schmidt, cabinet mak-i TeapoildeiV’ will be saved b) referring to the and began using his fingers, year by year. There are many | i.diowiug te’n'-emcn s eased ir-.’H <«ur eirvuln- , er, formerly of I.os Angeles. Cal., all 1 a “March under the table.” said his piers on the shores of lake-side1 ygip-iAbeini reducti. hi to ml vearly ndvei [and late of Seattle, Wash., commit-; : eklï â (Worf Ki! at ‘»m< «. or Write to I’ll .Usher. father. Prince Eitel Fritz creDt cities, which vessels once ap-1 W. W, Cardwell, AG AaiJr»LTr«r‘ Vitaiged extra. u< < ordiDX D> ►j-acc; j ted suicide tit Salem. May 23, In- IAZAK LiKavinr, O1M«I. II . SCHLÄGEL under the table (as bidden, After; proached with case, but which now ' jrnl mi .i< ilia! a s. a* no price, Humping in the river. He leaves rus-mett s at, kss than l > veins per a little while tlnp-Emperor, think reaches the water’s edge. Harbor [ hruc, \ early, or -0 t cats, t rausient, i two sons at Oakland, Cal., and a ing the l’rince very quiot, lifted up ¡surveyors will tell you that all bar-: il. r«rpio*red Bo all Ktetf ■ sf Wo « th Blacksnaittella «. Her»« Bhoeiag «I |B. I* >«r te«<4. il pi r It ion A” extra charge per in divorced wife at San Francisco, the tablecloth ami peepd underneath hors ar? shallower than they were [ :cn I .»f pi shii.ti a Kiiituling reader S u ' d ii to nd. ent h Mvi-k is run in with lie hail been having iil health for mallei’ free. -B U G G I E S, WAGONS, ET C.,-> There s:;t little l’rince Eitel Fritz even d< cade ago. This is not duej c s.i i’c.il \ pv all our iidverl Isemenls some time past and became de MADR TO ORDER WITH NKATNBIM. AMO «F OOtlB «WALTTV. liter mt four ptiblicu-iotis. each, His father asked him •<> the gradual deposit of earth i undressed. I spondent over a cancer in the irertising in lo a. columns. IK1 a line. .age. b;’th. a i death anuoiiuce- brought down hy rivers as somel A L L W O R K WARRANTED. what he meant by undressing him [ Sit< h i' rii st /cl ns news. i stomach; he procured a revolver, self. The child answered: “Little may suppose, nor to the refuse from iritis .»II«TC ; ..J religious, social. M. K. Timos. m:o. w. RAttMES, MMB:ic^’il u-iios. Juin . Ur ' it is supposed for the same purpose PnnwvHle, Or. dogs don’t wear clothes; they only [city sewers. Theharborjof Toronto I I lit his in entions were apprehend BARNES A BIGGS, ; has almost ceased to be of use, de-1 ■ have skin.” j ii ed and it was taken away from spite the fact that it lias been ran* At Sioux Fulls, S. I)., May 29th. ! him. I’nmpD.lv’ r dreged out to the permanent bot Le te. U•- i R. tile oUiecrs of the Western Union Will nrnctife in a’l of lh« cour a <»f the ^tat«* I t ar* », i i» Ke s. kll bu.MiticFF placed in tare of this firm will be tom rock. Rev. Dr. S. M. Barrett, of St. ' Budgets. Etc. prompily attended to. Telegraph Company claim to have ■ner's Memorai All the dredging ¡that can be Stephens Roman Catholic church unearthed a gigantic fraud by Tile HKB vi. ' ifi kept rogu p.i'r on r’«-for re [I STR fet»***e> I« tli«< «■«’•>. I'. I’»«ell Nv\ fut'itr Ad was shot and fatally wounded, nt which the company has been robbed done in New York harbor has ertitiag MG »au. l’l spruce r ’-. hew V.ri. I Chicago, May 58, at the threshold of upward of ♦oOO.OOO. There are failed to permanently deepen it. I PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. DICKSOK & SULLIVAN - - - - (EAR I m :M| of his residence. He was accosted forty South Dakotans in the deal, The growing shallowness of the ing in fur» un ero» Aa OFi D IAL DIRECTORY. T. A. M. KINNON, Hudson river is noticeable, and, tern Atty and «11 kindfi of «urveviugdone on fihoi by a young man who professed to and the stealings have been going lain. J. Bosenberg, MixoUgiit. k« tu th« w n.iii.c and HNUtenabla term». seiner like the outlet to Lake Champlain be in a dying condition from heart I nt odili- K ‘.T1ONAM -’ wifihing to bt located, ran have pluis furnlshe on for years. The company pro Everything in our line of the Beet. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandie«, i art ink £ if ch ».’; e. Benjamin Harrlxm trouble. The priest gave the man poses to prosecute iv. ry one who which was once navigated by Indian inclita Wines, Fancy Drink«, etc., Cigar«, etc., always on hand when Levi P. Morton ightfnl JaitH-iG Blain«* aisle directions to help him physically had anything to do with the whole canoes at all seasons, the upper e it fanuu you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewaey, Harney ceuuty, Or. V* iiliam Windom reas i r v Joh tW. Noldv K’S P röf lntvii .-r and was considering the matter of sale stealing. The two leaders, ac i Hudson is now almost bare of wa- Redfield Proctor J ar Per [ ter in the summer. The Dea P.vnjainiti I”. Trm «■> •f Na-'.v IZAR Jcrctniuh M. Kl.fik SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP spiritual consolation, when the fel cording to the Western Union peo Agrit ulliiR1 AÜAZIS1 tteruey lucrai Wm 11.11. Miller low drew a revolver and shot him ple. are E. Mannix, of Sioux Falls Moines river, Iowa, once navigated Ji.'in Wunnmakcr eeklt filerai MMt )UN(i STATE— («KEG on : in the breast. lie gives the name and Blood of Aberdeen. The grand to the mouth of the Raccon Fork, I tu «II w I J. X. Holpll .J. C. WELCOME - PRoriuKTOB R ur Meiif* I J. H. Mitchell I of Cady. Father Barrett has been jury indicted Mannix for embez the present site of the city of Des BI ENS. OREGON. _ Bmg«*r Hermann K. of tk« Pcnmtyer I l»ylveii:cr . pastor at the St. Stephen’s for twen zlement. He has considerable Moines, will now hardly lloata fish uaar» R ’■ tieo. W. McBride Itatc ermans row-boat; the steamboat G. W. Webb tkaed. ty vears. 1> property, having a handsome resi j er run* J. H. McElroy C. A. SNOW ic CO. _ - - WASHINGTON, D. «. ns!ruction. K 1 has not ploughed its bosom for over Erunk Bakci D I Much discontent exists in France dence on Tenth street and heavy I’a’enUt od it «in el, and- all pallet buaiaeMi attended to promptly and far moderate feet. ea of R ». Strahan n a quarter of a century. In all »tb bindluf Win. P. Lord re« R Our Ofiice ia opposite the U. ,Pat-ent Office, and we can obtain la l«ae time tbaa .th««« W. n. Thayer CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , On in regard to the virtual embargo on real estate investments in Yankton ur by D remote front Waahiu^a Send Model or Drawiux We ad via« ant« patentability tree parts of the world there is the same reigbt TH JUPtCIAL riMTIUCT: and South Sioux Falls. His salary American Dork, May 29th, which ofchaiKv, and we make no charge uult-aa patent I n aveured. for |7» I. B I ron W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-K-R ' decrease in the waters of rivers and »r tacit We refer to tUe 1'uatmaaier. the Inparintandent of Money Order4 Dirl«l«n, and I* J.. L. R and has raised the price of meats con- has been $(!0 jier month; he comes -ASl- t by ■» official* of the U. M. PaW a I Othe«. Per eirealar, advice, terra a, and refareaeaa to ae<n<| lakes. If this state of affairs con Je weler. siderbly throughout the country. from New York and ia charged by elfeata In yoar awn tt-aie er eenatv. write te above addreng. «halite tinues until the vear 2,000,(100 A. r Draft w , w. G ilham The American product is discrimi the Western Union Company with mad J.T. MH I KI.'» D., the water question will be of .W. F.. URA< K nated by vexatious and unccessa- working up the scheme by which it il. K onkrtb more interest than that of prohibi w. R. r; KA don ry inspection on the pretense of was defrauded The plan adopted A. A. Co >1MI BLACKSMITH. tion. W. E. A I. f. EK SON that disease may l.e lurking in the was to act in collusion with the I.. H. B aker nh ’ Ddeot fiFli W m . M usimi ADOLPH Tl'PKER----- I’«o.#I’ meat. The working classes in the managers of the offices in the small L ytle H o vakd city are indignant over thediscrin.- towns around that had considerable Young Cavalier!to his man ser 1. ft. J amk - —GENERAL REPAIRING— ¡nation, which they regard as in- business with them. Mannix ap vant)—John, what has become of lou > orrirr.: I tended for the benefit of the peas- peared before Judge Alikins and the letter that was on this table? D. S HOPKINS, A rcritect . J, ». HVSTlMeTOS i ant farmers of France at expense was arraigned. He pleaded not John—I put it in the post-office, . I1AKK1.OS K kllkv Grand Rapida. Miete. Will fuen «b D««if a« of l«w»o«. < «ttag««. aa«l Maiaioaa e««tlag fr«* IBM oa ap to aw Promptly executed. The building has be<»n en of consumers in the industrial cen- gn.ltv. His bonds were fixed at sir. flltUK* wanted. If tov ntttu lu balld ond |l foutiiddrNi and I will aaall y«u • portfo L’RCH DIRECTORY. largo«! and intprov«»d ami is nrcpnred to turn ♦ lO.IMIO, which were furnished. lio <>f ."X fhaigna of dw«lllnira, like tb« one oa fll« In laar oaa««w M bbald alee, wiUb But it wasn’t addri s-ed’ out all kind« of blr.< ksmlthing on short notil e . ters. Del.iliiivc, who was the full plan of each, full •!«« detail«. e<>tfipl«t« «p«ei Beat ion«, and bill of material«, al* very and in the best stile Terms: ( ash. 1-ly French representative, in the Ber He has employed an attorney and full and rompi«!« so aor ordianrr rarp«ul«r or bwlldar will ba«« d « troable la f«laf I know it, sir; but I thought you ■ (»DKT KFIJ*\>FAL CHURCH Kh«*a<| and «unipladajr lb« work And If .«•■ do out find jaat wbat yon want, write m« i M. M c C a BT. Pastor. lin conference, for the benefit of the refuses to make any statement. what rhaufcf»w w« d«a ra atari«, «ari I will aeram ta«<late yoo Or tea«« Ordar« With TSB didn’t want anybody to know to »• preaching hv thr }«nt«r in carb II on mi . Yoa w ill it «a cùaap «r««t a haariaom« bo««« aa to wa«te mater iaRw* workingmen, expresses himself I “Ten years from now you will whom you was writing to, sir.— jue. utitij Jurthrr n«»ti«r Rightly balliliM W11J aid y•« in r* ««Mirwti■< yw«x pr«««M bolldiM A-M IfAft.XKY ADVOTISEMENT«. -•inr- K— at II a in. uni i ."0 p m Id b< «'i1 very plainly against the policy of not see so many horses in Chicago,” Texa« Siftings. lbrklsj FiK.r.n«l School IL iiae— al 11 a in k 11 ’ •vy—al 7:30 p nt. to M»*, excluding foreign meat. ►Etiri»K—»1 11 a m. end 4..-0 pm WHO',’. said Charles Herold, who ¡was reg P-ilarner—at II# m. and 7 : 0 p in Uncle Mose—How are you coin- I.r> . 1 The police at Taris received it - istered from Germany nt the Grand ing on at school, Raatus? A1 ELITE SALOON. formation, May 29th. that a num Pacific. “A firm in Munich ia Dr Rast us—Mighty purely, HARNEY,--------------- OREGON ber of Nihilists were organizing a making carriages to I m - pro|adk-d teacher most pounded lie life outen COATsWORTH t TRUCASEIS, plot against the Czar. The infor bj- gas generated from benzine. me. so. IET1ES. rKorutKT.B*. mation was followed up. and the Several of the new vehicle» 'are in Whaffor? result was that fifteen persons, successful operation, and the com LODGE. NO. 77. I. O. O. F He asked me how many teef a EFelkiw« Hall, eirrr Suturila< i charged with being implicate«] in pany is securing patents in ’all ,the man had. mid 1 Cole him “a hull <&» K WIIJ. BrT Tilt OOWI.LTVra WRITBB WtSB.RTB» SO »0 -«’^0 ■ J. E. M« KlhNuJk. N. G. LAKEVIEW advertisements . a ■■,<>•• D.IMr S k U ii 01 O Berfy. the blot, we ar-ested. A number l ig nations of the world. I rode mon f fcir ’ and den he climbed 01 Q of incriminating docamcrits have in one of these carriages only t wo right on topob me.—Texas Siftings. It combine« Sl.Mri.IC1TrwithorRARII.ITT--- OMKD, BASS nr OrCRATIO« wear« longer without coat of re|>air« than any other machine, has beer, seised at the lodgings of th - months ago. On the country road« no itikribbon to )>other the o|«-ration It neat, substantial, nick- Son — Pa. a monkey is five times we went at the rate of ten miles an leader in the nihilist plot, named WachmakerA Jeweler, el-plated—|w-rfcct aud adapted to all kind« of ty]Mwritin.( Mendelsohn. A quantity of c.ipk- hour, but in the crowded street we ns good ns Deacon Good, ain’t lie? J. W BONEBRAKE, take -> I'rin'inr I'rr«-il | rnHurs-shsrp. rlean Mari bls eon Mmpi T wc la UB Mgtae Pa—Jimmy, I’m surprised! Why It. «. MAILS. siv.s were also n-iz<d. An.ong the moved about as slow as a horse car ranis iiis.lr at niw a rt Krtitor. Iswyer- minltl.r banker*. lurr.ksaM, lutkeviev. Orejron. ■n dinfsei'.rrr«. bustoex nn-n. « tr.. eannot make a.lauwr iooim-ai «ar I IF explosives, seized at the kxlgi g- The motor is placed in the rear do von say so disrespectful a thing? Au inwlligmi |ierM,ii in « week ram tsn-oiur n bwl operates, or a rapldaar ia 1 awaBa V» lx : Son—Why you only gave him a IB ¡B daih, 9«ui¿8. « escep<e«1. of Mendelsohn, were a iiunil er of over the main axle, and tlie bcn- ♦ 1.000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type bl»—' »«' os CTTT finish d I oinl «. The material for zine carried in a receptacle under cent last Sunday when he came writer than that produced by the Odell. «MS'Reliable Agent« iAr.nee«.« «. Fri.'.B* s. C a re. r II MURPHY. ■wra .a « < rallr'.i r» 4ü L« p v th • manufacture of exp’, si v.s was the Beat. It holds enough for a around with the plate, and you and Salesmen wanted Special induecruents to Ilealera. h * «—F»I n ff TILL* LAKRV1RW - - - - OBMOX seized at the lodgings of a Dumber trip of eighty miles The gas mix- gave the organ-grinder's monkey For Pamphlet«, giving endorsements. Arc., ndiiriws the Built« tore is ignitH in a cylinder by an fiv« ceuta thi« morning ODELL TYPE WRITER 4.500., T h « R oos hoy , C wtcao «, Ixu B« st « • at of nt for persons arrest«xl. HAY T GRAIN The Farmers’ Company THE HOPKINS HOUSE. .A. F*±Yxe> General Blacksmith Wagon-maker. Attorneys at Law, T he D rewsey S aloon PATENTS. s XIouses and Cottages JOB WORK.