Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1890)
XI____ ’------------ «-1= IF YOU WISH A GOOD RBVOLVB* With the usual bliudnees of elders, 5 wife as they were to adopt her as rn§WrK " smith a WE8S0N 8 THE HERALD. Mr, aud Mrs. Raymond are oblivi their daughter. Finest small ever Toward evening on the following arms manufactured ous of what the young people them are those put up by and thu hJ*i>t choice of ud wkdwxssat . jume a . MW« experts. In calibres 3.’, day, a traveler upon a jaded and selves have not yet discovered— Wand 441A Single or D. M. FERRY i CO. action. Safety Main- rather forlorn-looking horse, might double Who are the Largest merluM and Target models. they are only perfectly happy. FRAME KAYMOWD ti FAITH. Seedsmen in the world. Beet quality wroagbi I). M. FsnsvACo’» carefully iu* pec ted One day, as usual, when the sun have been seen jogging along the rteel, for workmanship and «tock. BeaatihiUy Illustrated, Descriptive From Peterson's MagMino. high road just outside of the Ray A shady wood at noontide on a is low in the west, Frank pursuadee i monds’ land. This portion of their summer day—what quieter, cooler Ethel to bring her embroidery out for 1899 will !>• mailed FREE to all applicants, and to last scasou s cus place was wild and uncultivated, Mr «pot can be inngined? Into itB in the grounds, where it was still tomers. It is better than ever. Ev Kayiuond having just lately ery person using Garden, Flower depth«, no outride Bound can pene perfectly light, though not sunny, or Field SEEDS should send for iL tive catalogue and prtce>»up«>n application. D. M. FERRY A CO. MM1TU A WBHHOM« trate; the «tillne«« seem« *0 pro lie places a rustic chair for her bought it. DETROIT, MICH. Bpringfleld. Ma no* Thvre being no fence yet erected found a« to be ahno«t oppremive. near the great fountain, where they between the public road and the But «uddenly the «tillne«B is brok can hear its coo! gentle splash, and, private land, the horseman guided book in hand, stretches himself at en by a merry peal of ringing laugh his weary Least across a stony ter, in a clear girlith voice—euch her feet. She throws off her sun- THE SELF-THREADING meadow and halted under a tree. joyou« heart-whole laughter as only hat which she no longer needs, and Here he fastened his horse, and, by P. F. STENGER. prepares to work very industriously. happy youth can indulge in. Frank reads for a while, but Eth a roundabout path, found his way A moment later, two figure»—a into the grounds near the house, young man and girl—emerge from el is not in the humor for listening j H obbes branded on where the shrubery was thickest. I — she is in a mischeivous mood, an unexpected turn in the road and Either Right er Left That uicruirg, Frank and his enter the wood. Two care-free den- and begins to tease the young man. stifle: OK. father had got e to town on bi a - In it are com "You Beom pensive, Frank,” she iien« of that enchanted country— bined the fln youth—you would ray; for t lie observes, laughivgly. "You have ness quits unexpectedly, lean g eat mechanic Range—Grant county, Oregon. girl’. look« are as joyou« as her evidently left your heart behind 1 Ethel and her mother alone togetl - al «kill, the P. O.—Burna. Grant county. Oregon. er all day, for which the young girl moat useful laughter would betoken, and her you in Cambridge. Come, confide | and practical was not at all sorry. Fa mk h d companion «earn« thoroughly to in me,” she continues, coaxingly. element«, end enter into her mood. Gay, hand “You know you assured me that pressed 1 er hand \erv tenderly all known ad- and when he bade her good-bye, vantages that some, and young, two happier mor you regarded me as a real sister ALMEDA A. STENGER. make a sew tal« never laughed and jested than Tell me the name of your fair ina her eyes had fallen under his clo- ing machine Ethel and Frank Raymond on that morata and all about her; I won’t quent gaze, desirable to C attlb branded Late in the afternoon, Ethel had sell or use. bright June morning. breathe a word to anyone.” on Left aide; circle- “Nonesense!” says Frank, almost taken a book tn<l sat in thegaid.-n, “What can be more delightful gLDREDCE MFC. CO. 2. A Split in eac h oar. than the shade of an old wood, on crossly. He does not relish this so busily reading that she did not Factory and Wholesale Office, BslvMsre, HL ■uch a day?” cries Ethel, Hushed I sort of teasing. He is beginning to herr foot«tep« as the strange intrud >71 DTaba.A Avr., Chicago. 99 Broad .Wreet, Xewl'orfc. comprehend that he does not regard er entered the shrubery. and warns from exercise. Range—Harney and Grant county Oregon A of about fortyfive or fifty, P. O.—Burna. Harnarcounty. Or. “You know I wanted you to stay this beautiful girl as a real sister at Absolutely Pure. his clothes were shaby as well as here and re»t, but wouldn’t do it,” all. But the more Ethel sees that travel-stained, his face dark and •ay« Frank, provokingly, proving that the “I-told-you-«o” spirit is Frank is actually teased, the more sinister, and his entire nppearance RILEY A HARDIN. not confined to the feminine portion delighted she becomes, and she is was decidedly repellant. A shad Adilreaa ISAAC FOSTER. about to go merrily on, when he ow fell athwart the page of Ethel’s of humanity. book, and she looked up with a AndthsCheapest ' Ktlitl glances at him in a guperi- suddenly interrupts her with: H orses branded on “I don’t look upon you as a real start of astonishment, to sec this •r way. Left Stifle: Horizontal “Ah! but I should not have en- sister; there’s no use in pretending unprepossess'ng stranger near. A cry broke from her, but the man Double-II joyed’the shade half so much, ex that I ds—” —PUBLISHED.— cept by contrast; «o I was wiser, Ethel’s neglected embroidery falls shook his head and spoke in a tone 5fy?(ioldeQQeQ8<?r after all," «he retorts, triumphantly, to the ground, as she springs up and ¡of command that she was silent. OF ROCKFORD, ILLINOia .Mr. llaymond and hisjson being settling lierself comfortably under flies precipitously toward the house, Entablished Twenty Ye rs ; 8 pages. 40 col idib a, C attlk branded on without advertisrnx-nt m . I’nsectarian, unpar I > detained by some complication in the shadow of a great old tree and j exclaiming hastily: tisan. but earnest f"r trull» end purity, teaching Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of Christ, but with the broadest charity. Have a clean V. Un Left Side leaning against its huge trunk. religious paper in your family. It has i o bobbies er “Hark! Mamma is calling me.” t ieir business over night, they sen! California, so laxative and nutritious, I crotchets, but seeks to supp y tho place of vile, or dcr-bit in Right ear, the medicinal virtues of plants Jimlees reatling bv that which is wholesome end true, ‘ ‘Little philosopherl ’ ’ laughs Frank makes an attempt to fol a message home to that effect and with t pleases the children and the old people, ami its known to be most beneficial to th a Sunday-school h-ssuns Are helpful. A sermon each close up. Left ear remained in the city. Krank, with an air of good-comrade- low her. He is wondering whether human system, forming the ONLY PER week ar d a splendid story. Only fil.SB * Year. In clubs: Fivo for Fiv. Dollars. Sample copies free. Early in the morning, they re FECT REMEDY to act gently yet Smooth crop. "■’G'uCS' shlp that seems to imply some fort he was not mistaken in fancying promptly on the “ BEIHUrui‘‘HE WORST FOE”«num Range: Grant, Crook, and Lake counties. relationship between them, though that hot blushes chased esch oth< r ceived an unexpected telegram in P. o.—Riley, Grant cwiijitv. Uregou. *7-v it can hardly be that of brother and across his companion’s cheeks, 'reply. It said: “Come back at —AND TX — sister. Nor are they cousins. when she fled so unceremoniously. once.” Alarmed though uncomprehend Cleanse tbs System Effectually, When Ethel was but a tiny baby, Her confusion surely was encour — ,O THAT — ing, they took the first train and PURE BLOOD. Mrs. Raymond had adopted her, aging. W. B TODIIUNTER. and, while children, the two played REFRESHING SLEEP. Ethel does not stop till she reached their destination before HEALTH and STRENGTH together as brother and sister, un reaches her own room and drops in noon. catti ,» brande»! EY wlth “S-Wrent h” on The house and gn un Is seemed N,l,r»lly follow. Every one i> u»ing it conscious of the truth. Accident to a chair by the window, to let the •nd ,11 »re delighted with it. Ask your ¡.eft Hip. had disclosed it to both of them, evening breeze cool her burning strangely still and oppiessivt', as druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu Far ìnarkt Cinse- crup off thè Righi ear; and, though a great blow to Ethel fa-e. She is in a strange whirl of Frank turned the key in the hek factured only by the Under «Itine in thè .¡nd rwang b; ck the great door. A CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. at Srst, it was soon almost forgot mingled delight and dread. S an F rancisco , C al . ten in the tenderness of her adopted Does Frank mean— Ah. no! servant in the h .11, evidently wait X« outsvt !. ls , Kr. N ew Y ork , N ! family. what is she thinking of? He only ing, came forward and gravely in Six years spent by Frank at a meant to rel uke her impertinent formed tl e n that Mrs. Raymond HOR.sts are branded with “H-wranch"on the distant school and c liege, some curiosity as to his feeling«; but her was in her room. Left thigh. what altered the relations between heart tells her better. It is grow I To be Continue«!] We will send ths satire list of Twenty Valuable Book* «numerated and <le«cribsd below, to every auto- them. At tweutytwo he returned ing dusk now, and Ethel is thank scrlbsr to this paosr for the ensuing year, who remits Doenty crnU in addition to the regular subsoriptio« home to find Ethel developed into ful—the friendly summer tnilight price. These books, each one of which contains a com plete first-class novel or other work by a well-known a beautiful girl of nineteen, who will hide her conf ision. and popular author, are published iQ neat pamphlet Range: tirant and Malheur counties. form, printed from good readable type on good paper, and many of them handsomely illustrated. They com P. U. address: Burna, Grant co., Oregon. was, after all, not his sister. When it is quite dark, she govs prise some of the finest works ever written by some of the greatest aud most popular writers, botti of Amari- “Really, Frank,” says his com downstairs, knowing they will won oa and Europe. Each one is complete iu itself: K . MA lfire. Caudle*« C'urtaln I.eeturee. By panion, after a aiomentary silence, der where she is. She finds Mrs. j DotTULas J kkroi . o . Very eld and very funnuT. The IJCnH 1 win pBjr I’ivc Hundred Dollars for younger as well as older generation should read them. w v V V the arr< a: and conviction of any per “you are a very lksy young gentle Raymoi.d alone in the d awing No. M4 Adwentus*ee of a Bachelor. By the au son or persons, killing or stealing any of the thor of " Buab Beanpole’S Adventures in New York.” stock of the above brand or belonging thereto. A great humorous book by a popular author. man," and she accentuates the re room. No. M6 How to Huke sand Sure Money on the Farm. A valuable compilation of useful facte, mark with a severe glance from hints and suggestions for farnie*s and gardeners. ‘/rank went f>r a walk, and amanti, and No. 247 Frons Ike liar th to the Moon. A Novel. By Jri as V krxb . what the reproved one suddenly your father accompanied him,” the No. 243. The Little Old Man «f the Batla- nolle«. A Novel. By E mils G aboruu . realises are the handsomest eyes he lady explains, and Ethel is much N«». 2GT A DMSserons Woman. A Novel. By Mr« Axx R RTErns’ra. has ever se n No. The Linden Farm Bride. A Novel. jr -lievidto hear it. There are no By M UCTABKT BLOCNT. CRY OF MILLIONS, No »71 Wlmots Derrick'« Daughter. A Novel. “Laay ?” he echoes, in amazement. l'ghts, and, as it is a moonless night By M T. CAi.DOK. No. M2 The Baron’e Will. A Novel. By S tl - OH. MY BHCK! “Yes, laxy. I said,” continues his I e • mother's face' is h r ily visible yisui Coss, Jr. No 149 The Peril of Richard Pardon. A luouitor. uncompromisingly. Novel By B L F arjeok •TOR IT NOW, i 1 the shadows, so »1 e takes an ot No. 2W Blackbird Hill. A Novel. By E stbu B xbi . z KBMYETIt. SOON IT WIIL nt TOO LATK. "Why?" is the astonished quiry. toman at Mrs. Raymond’s feet ! nd No 243 The Guardian*« Plot. A Novel. By U. RosiMRO'i I have been troubled many vears with Dr N J Ml. “Because you have idled away : sits silent for a while. The Gray Falco«. A Novel. By M. T. disease of the kidneys and have tried C alpoil lin L ib . " Why, Addie, yon needn't cry manv different temedies aud have N- MA. The Borrow of a Secret. A Novel. nearly a month heie, and have not' "Mother,” she says, suddenly, in it! I only said Airs. Alien was a very welL sought aid from different physicians By 4asv C och . H ay lnformed woman, and I wished yon wouid follow Ne. 2*1 Percy and the Prophet. A Novel without relief. About the 15th of April done one useful thing.” her example." a low constrained voice, “have you Wn sis C olli jm . 1 was suffering from a very violent By No. 2Z7 The M««ry of a Wedding Hing. A Mns. L eb . “Tee. and laat week yon said yon attack that almost prostrated me in Novel. “Come now, Ethel, it isn't anr- reai'y told me all yon know aliout By ths author of " Dora Thorne." wished I coaid mana :o to look as stylish as Mrs. such a manner t .at I was bent over Jo. M6 Martyn Ware’« Temptation. A AUen,—and she makes all her QWB Clothes. But When I sat down it was almost impossible for me Novel I’** Mr« HA v Wool». thing like a month,” is the indig my own parents? Is there nothing to She has what 1 haven't" No 235 A Modern Cinderella. A Novfil. By get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when M r . L ee . “What h that?** kind Providence sent I>r. lleuley, with the the author *f ’’ Dora Thorne." nant protest. "Besides, haven’t I n orc to tell?" Mun Ln. •' Well, she gets all of her informa No 2M The Island House. A Novel. By M. T. OREGON KIDNEY TEA. to my Cs’.nou tion from the Magazino they tako. I admit that hotel. I immediately commenced fJr* No 231 The Fatal Glove. A Novel. By been lagging away hard for the she knows all that Is going on, snd is bright and "Nothing, dear. I wish, for your using the tea. Jt had an almost /• 7k A oovsta . entertaining in conversation; but I cou>d do as last six years? I think 1 deserve sake, there were.” is the gentle an miraculous effect, and to the seton- well as aha docs if 1 had the same source of ishiuent of all the guests at the hotel, (• fA J information. She lent me tho last number of her Magazine lately, and I learned more in one hour e a little vacation—don't you?” a few days,I a tu happy to state. > swer ‘Your father di«d abr< ad, in reading, about various social matters snd the that 1 was a new man. I wi!l> But there was no relenting in th.- and your mother came home to recommend the tea tu all afflicted! topics of the day. than I wouid p ck up in a month by my occasional chats with friends. It certainly as 1 have been. judge’s face. covers every topic of interest, from the news of give you lirth and then ¡o too. 20 UNIONSQUARE.NY the day down to the detail» of housekeeping; G. A. TITPER. and everything is so boantifally illustrated, too. "And then you make me waste The shock killed your grandmother, ST kSUtS tnO. FOR VALE BV DALLASTEX Bvery time Mamie goes over to the Allens' ohe Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Of ths various Baking Powders ilio .Santa Jc^aa. Cal. tomes back and teases mo to get you to take so much time, too," she continues, the only rela'iv.-she knew <f and Demorest’« Family Magazine, as th«* stories are trated from actual tests. so good. Even th- boys watch for it every month, severely; "why, I accomplish noth the > you came to us.” se a place is found for them al«o in Ita pages; and Mr Allen swears by IL It is really wonderful P.TTAL <r.r»> . , ._ JIM m ing at ail lately.” I Eth-I sighs. how it aaits every member of the family I" Ma. L bb . “ \\ ell perhaps I hid better send fora Frank laughs, quite unabashed. caxxrs- ( Uu»> rzsKss^saansi “Ntver mind, dear, since vov K lVe~Ktatt o| Ug SitTTvi« Specimen Copy; for. If It i« anything like what yoa sav It la. It will amuse and instruct the whole cf un." "The mother told me, »bn I ca > learn to little alsn.t them— LOUISVILLE. KY. r.uxroxD-:- cmy —- ■ M m L bb . “I see that W Jennings Demorest, TK. iMdlng loumil of th. South and WMt. the publisher. 15 East 14th Street. New Turk, to •ame home, that you were the most you belong to us now.'* TV G randest "B oo K i.isrcao-s ¡.h» fr«!.) esKnao: offering t«» send a Specimen Copy for 10 cents, so we can t lose wnything, as each number contain« iudustrious young woman of her Mad* by Farmer» for Farmers. cintai« • (Alu-, r.« j„> ta-j_____ za a There is a world of tenderness a ‘Pattern Order’ entitlng the bolder to any Ch\V<M.ST SulItCT cav : s >- u>d c. u.- !«■—-•——■— A« a record of successful agriculture. H ome Pattern she may choose, and in any size— whien acquaintance; but I haven't reen in her adopted mot hr r's voice. Lut alone makes each copy worth 30 cents : and X JusS and F arm has no equal. Every topic relating agriculture tsopenlv discussed in its columns want a jacket pat era like Mrs. AUen’a The auy indication of it,” he g< es mis- ccrrtuxD-: L- -« to sabscrlpdon pri e ie only MCOa year: and I that cannot quite satisfy Eth< 1 to nv the farmers themnelve« Ne expense »« spared .WtH Vallej _ mai>t say I can’t ace how they can publlah so in securing a full account of every notable Me cholvouely on. Tks NA RM MOTH TìllitS. HOIEER(Saa Fnccise«). elegant a Magazine for bp little money.5* night. cca« on the farm. It is distinctively the W T M 7A» ThvnMeeia^ Cs»«>«<h "Its entirely your fault—you're FARMERS* OWN PAPER, CZAR m EOBUKK □ho ffUui .takuc “If I only knew something al on» •It*« ¥>0*1 A record of their «laily life, presented in a form always dragging me off on some ex Qold JAtneo — ZR. PRICE’S ...................... I 1 T3 and language which make it plain to all. C a»tRMU them — about mv father," she goes pedition or another," Ethel defends •< YYw. ITS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS ¿ROW run: (CrsTs)............... CLmz Contains the names of the most orogressive farm- herself, while ablush Hits over face on, in a low voice. the South and West. They do not treat Thmtwy. TO ^kve O33CRU3 ---------- 1 II — , theoretical farming, but of the actual condi 1 Your mother and I were friends leceva vs “Don’t you think it must be nearly tions which confront us to-dav R F Johnson • MECKERI .................. . W«M.r Brown Henry Strw.rt ; John M si.hl •’ luncheon-time?” she added. And when we were young, as I have told '-ha Fielst. S«wR I t rs .* i J0*4 ■ }tlr w<-lborn !,„Kh T Brook, John GiLUTJ m» «> »J on« h < hd»«r . Steel«'. Bayou T. B Baklwia snd • you.” answered Mrs. Raymond, S. the two returned to the house T en HJUIFORD’a (Nam j Such,, when not frssh. e»^»-'-•« host of others make (his journul indi.«pens(ible. A JOVKNAL FOK ADFEKTISEKS. Moreover, it is equally Three weeks later, the Raymonds “but we hail not seen cat h other for rv««w* FterwN Cl»tx peía-papa FKARL (Andrew* ft Co > K3—Cj A HOME MAGAZINE. It.»© Ivt’jktl'j Wk»«« w • • Il lttz.4 :• tka Ent aak Sfittali Un at aaak ysirs. It was a strange coinci Kvenr subject of interest to the home-maker is are still at their country-seat, al *•"*•; »MIK» Tniw Nk\.U, RCMrCR9*S • (rbmphato), when a«n Mi. —E3 rally treated Mery Marsden Leis Catesby, Mrs. «riti. all 11 lk< ttJTMWIaUr, .Waal- Ik. Oil, though discussing plans of travel d -I ce that I should hear of your Dar,e**. Miss Cabell, Mis« Mosby, Ovu»» Cel. |nml a Aaarteaa aAttrtlam. It laklaaua u tkt S3 Alice Utnston and a score of others will contrib Beporti cf Oovernjn«r.t Cjsmirtx ute regularly. Frank seems satisfied to loiter at fii-ml'e-s st ,te and take vi u fir luiytrtnead Uimli« U». wkaa. ul vkar, k, •‘ I ke Moyal Baking Towdcr is composed of FAiTR LATIMEM home, nut even caring for the visit- mv own. Lut I < ould ie.-er )ea-n pure and w'aolesome ingredients. It does not Is In charweof our Children's Department, and iknU UT.rtlM ; kr* tente, aa UrwtlwMt ; kw she has the peculiar faculty of betug both in eentain either nlnsa er phosphates, or other in U ihylay m ; what Mwrapm u im : kn auk ors which his im tlier suggests as a anything about your. father.” teresting and instructive ju ious kubstances.-EDW ABDG. Lovi Bk-D.’ •»: U «ad k tea. L mm as mry plat THE MYSTERY OF THE RATIO« Ethel only presses the so* t i g ■leans of enlivening thing«, Ethel ’• TTie Royal Baking Towder is undoubtedly Is a thrilling story appearing in K omi and «Ut Ualti rf waSUMa llmula. Al’wiiatas a hr.n 1 in rt ply. The (Endow <f a was indifferent. F arm , by Jeha K. Wsslek. and is reciting wide t’.e purest and roost reliable balung pewde M art >rt«taai kr Baar Kt utanwA ky tew. Tie attention Short stories by distinguished writers efft-red to the pubLe. "What ever papa and you prefer; eon.i g sed: ess seems to minglt appear from time to time. ndiMi «i nana :-jx ui . tus . a. u “ litNBT A. X*OTT. If. D.. Fh. D.w BILL ARP S LETTERS I am quite content hers, this hot with the joy that is awaiting in he- tuir (Svtaa 11 kim4 n kl .«saaiaaaa sf Bar, tkaa "The Royal Baking Powder is per— in qua! Appear in each issue, and this humorous philoso pher was never mwe interesting than at this »waalM-» 7Mn 11 >tada< U-wtiaU« Mitntu ter weather.” she Beys, "where we can heart as Frank’, w-rdsn stlelthcr . r end highest in st’rnprfi of any baking pow uir if tu ’Artwt u4 mi aueaaaX Mwrilaan. r of 1 hare knowledge. IS ITN EDITORIAL WKPARTWENT do as we phase.” So tLey stay. When Etht I goes to la-ti that •• V m . M c M litbib , rh. D.” F*B* *P*«ks boldly and fearlessly in A rWl aakaartyiaa WU Sat C m Sanaa : amate Frank still ineis • on his adopt'd night she cannot hrlp wand r of • Farmers’ Rights It favors a re- ”! Ahi-n baling powders, no matter how behalf vmon of the tariff in behalf of the farmer better a r » rrnvth. are to be »voided as dur- roads for the fanner Free Mail Delivery to the sister's rt.L't .- S iu . she w titer 1’r snd Mr llaym i1:> < » J- wdrrs liberate th«-ir pu fanner ; Co-operatk.n among the farmers, its doe« Met se»«* Uu task. ae as wili...a u.claim hv. a» 1 rau* . ana is to ‘ IW Trusts ’* Its motto is 1». vr u. v..^atu cLar.gcs suffer dw Sttb^MWAk ASK FOR IT! ELDREDGE POWDER ■ àbprb a »»«U, Haruefj | iLLUBTt.j ILL üsti ^ A no« Sh»kMe,._ .. will A Abbe.-Kn’Ms Ian«. llooriR-,« r ial '•l»«lve pubhi .It.Wj .>«.„• mcou : ihil ut Ad,2?W '»'■I'!-" hr«« pan«. ,ud , Iu llluatratod , rnrrent intereot.> «nd th.,al, an d„ tai« has.llkiL.;'^' HARPER’gpd Ptr v 1 HARPERS MAfitnS HARPERS week ,2?*? HARPERS 1" a Z ar I,’| HARPER-SYSrx“0J 1’oMage PrN Iob t i Lnii«dSiai«,.CiU1,dI,fi ,The»"lu>nesof ,h7j lhe Number« the Ituniber* for (no jiM ...*] each year. Whenn« ’ 'criplion., will be-;- rent at tune ofreSSI rent at timeo(re*' Bound volume, J nJ ihree h - three year, year, bacx" bac«,|„ lie .«ent by mail, ¡»j” ¡■er r volume, «.'loth « loth £ n Ills each—hv ’ cents by ...ui ..„¡j J Index io Harper','£ cal, A_nalytied, «„j m 1 io 70. ilii'Iu.iTe. In. 1HS5. one vol. d »0. m Remittance* should ¡, Money Order, or Iw lostl. Addreaa HARPgg J York. 20BG0KS1GIVEMAWA P rinters - I nk . .. ¿»..a. “ Fair Tn!» gaA Faraen' Bights" •t U É o N Ite He n* •n» Harper’s 1 illtsti ? H arper '. W zkklt im place a» the leadinf America. The fairura, nieiitg un current pu sped and confidence ui ami tbe variety and contema. which indudt by lhe beat and m<«t the pcrnnal of peopleui atnl purmu’a. The W remarkable variety, expenae is spared to artihlie ability to bear the chaiireful pbaaetdi^K a tory. A Mexi« «n runtiH '' ritOMAS A. jARVIia, Wiia;« LY ill lb90 h“t4 reap FEB n .Ml you AR PER WEEKLY • ARI’ER’8 MAGAZI w T HARPER’S BAZAR. ■ HARPER’S I’oalMKe Free to all rule '»!«■<• « ai tola, or Menu . 1rfeh The Voiumca of the Dm nut I he fl rat Number for J. MH When no tune is rnentiObd begin with the Nooittri reipt of order. a If 111* Bound Volumeaof Huy \ eai a back, in neat rloh cloth . «11 <• i»y mail !\ stage paid,or lid, of ï A penae < provided the freigk per volume) for |7 W n« MI«Ri Cloth c»»ea for each V binding will beaetit by al ana ceipt of |I. Remittances should hri|g| Money Order or Draft,lui Adcrcas HAKPKlfiN Harner's' H abpcr s thin _____ Giving the ¡eauinsinfurai . : I- «ohi.o:», i!» numerous i'Agftjg pan and pattern sheet c&9| Giapenaable alike to thttaMF he pr.j!4B»iutial modi*. n making ii sriiltif^^H highrot order. Iia playa, ami thoughtfu Vw” and ii« laut page n lani'-'11 HARPER’S 1'^99 Per !«■« IIARI-F.R'S BAZAR IIAKl-KK's MAGAZIN TE1 IIAKl-KK'S WKEKI.V IM UAKFKii's Yorxu rce» r. a,•«« Free m all •State», Canada, urMeiic* (J. B. The volume» of the number fur January of« ia time ia mentiuned, ai with the Numbercurrew of order. Bouud volume» of HN! year in neat cloth biodlU pi-siage paid* ur by Ml" (provided the freight do« lai per volume; for F»J Cloth ca»ea for each w Ing will be »ent by Haa« h. Remittance» »hould» Money order ur Profit« Adreo. LEAVENING POWER HOME AND FARM, K rei 1 ^F amily P iped KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS II MITI AN ILLÜBW Haroer’s f Tha Kiev.nth Vdfi* pie, whi« h begin« wi’b her 5, 1M9, preienti •• will offer to it» rr»MNH the uiual lenjflh, •H'JJ partfi, viz: ‘The Stoddtrl: ‘Phil 1 lie ‘l‘rin«e T« mik I "Mu her'» Way two »hurt aerials Two aerie« uf Fairy Ty- th)» of lover» of tM quaint taka luld b.T N« ai>ly il’nfitrated by » in different vein by W»®! wi I be «hort itorifitFL’ St'aitt 1‘are. Mary »• riot Pr.acott hpofytf Butterwurth S- Johuatun, ate* J A »utaiript’.oal* »ecurea a'» knuwledf e. aiau pi»»t’*T| Aílvertiaer. TlRMtf P«<af»PMQ Vol. XI. bef‘rt’21 Spannen Cupv Single N uta beta Remi lance« /gj Monev Oruar ur .«uuriaa: HARPEB D j ab, uf tbc «b«v« «iprtM arder al ■*’ A «ir***