Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1890)
E ast O regon $S.BO a Y BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4 1890. Ne 28 ■ E HERALD. H erald ' HERALD'S WASHINGTON a. ... . LETTEIC. BURNS ADVXXTI8EMXMTS. happily solve it, will eonstistute a do and wh:d|*o wiar wh n do ng degree of emancipation as veritable it. All the other Departments are ED EVERY THURSDAY The sensation of the week in Con- as any that ever freed serf from full to oveflowihg with entertaining T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. BY I gress was the tariff speech of Hon. thralldoin, but more universal in its and helpful matter, and the stories Office at hii rewk’ert e Ou the east ldo ot Sil- vies River, ter. miles Lwlow Burns. . BYRD & SON. Benjamin Butterworth, Republican application. It will proclaim the are particularly good. A remark 1 member from Cincinnati, Ohio, freedom of the whiie race the world able 20 cents worth, surely. Pub- HEHS and P roprietors . i He said a great deal, and evident over; it will lift the bowed head li.-he ljbv W. Jennings Demorest, ly meant more than he said. He of labor; it will hush the thienody 15 East 14th St., New York. NEWSPAPER LAWS. oh * Bvwv »«y •1"»< «•»«•r. ••««»*»■». x er Ls required t o give notice by S B McPHEETERS, M. D. has kicked out of the Republican of toil It will inaugurate the true E.wy L«*f »«MlaaiMi a V N* to tka B m * Ba*a ng the paper does not answer the PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. lulwcriber <ioes not take his paper Josh millings ’ PliiloHopby. traces on the tariff issue ’and will renaissance—a renaissanil wf pros ce. and the reason for its not being Office at W. K. Grace's Drug Store. 1-ly neglect to do so makes the poet- not be whipped back. It requires perity, with which industry, learn-1 The very thing that most men ible to the publisher for payment t person ordens hi« paper diacon courage for a man to s(^.n ontzidc ing, science, (literature and art are think they have got the most ov, ust pay all arrearages, or the Pub ntinue to send it until pavinent is of the party lines for the fmrpose but apples of Sodom. they hav got the least ov, and that ilect the whole amount whether it I the office or not. There can be I of stating wholesome truths, but Bully for the Bonanza Senator! iz judgement. tinuance till payment is made who takes a paper from the Notary Public. Mr. Butterworth was equal to the no Sophomc»,, could have done A man iz vain juzt in proportion directed to hie uaine wat er ha has subscribed or «ot. is I). L. GRACE, L\ . J tew hiz pholly, and wize in ’propor i occasion, and, while he ha’ no , pretvier! the pay BURNS OR her orders his paper stopped I Land Filnga, Contest Blanks, Applications for I doubt invited the displeasure of A'hill in v. -di the country is tion tew hiz humility. mad the Pubtisner continues i Pablicatlon Notices, correctly and promptly hecriber is boned to pay for it if : attended to. Deed«. Notes, and Mortgages | the blind party press, the people greatly interested was introduced ■ A vain man, flushed with success Assirrs over a quaxtib or à milliox dollars . t of the puatoffire Thia proceeds : egibly drawn «p. Charges reasonable. 11-60. that a man must pay for what he who have become tired of the swish in the Senate, yesterday, May 15th, ; spreads himself like a peacock on "Tb« L«adiug Company of th« FaaiS« WarthWRa." rto have decided that refiwing t< of the party lash, will applaud hiB by Mr. Edmunds. It is to estab ; a fair day; but when hiz hour ov re and periodicals from the post r gVBMVan DWll-UXTR ABB VAM rBCfWBTT*«■BfeWW.^B^S lag them uncalled for, wlthou j utterances. lish here the University of the trials cums, like a peacock on wet came, io prims facia evidence oi Md j Mr. Butterworth said that the United States, and the bill provides dav, he folds hiz spread and “steals The Farmers* Company. J. NAT. HUDSON, price of an article was not reduced for a corporation, to be governed : silently away.” SURI PTION RATES: ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W. OF SALEM, OMWOI. on account of competition alone. by a board of regents, the Presi When vice leaves an old man, Office: BURNS, OR. It was reduced on account of the dent, Secretary of State, Secretary it iz no wavs certain that virtew r.HS .................... (in advance) . • I ‘ improved methods of manufacture. of Treasury Secretary of War, takes the placeov it, for sin sum J. C, PAR KER Agent, I The committee had tried to do I Secretary of the Navy, the Attorney times quits us bekauze it haz noth CllALI) CLUB LIST Harper'» Magazine ........ .. 6.00 the best it could in framing a bill, ; General, Postmaster General, Sec ing to feed on. Harper’* Weekly ... .. 5.20 C. A. SWEF.K. 6.20 Harper’s Bazar .......... ■ but it was not always safe tc rely retary of the Interior, Secretary of Munny aint akumulted sojmutch 3.75 Harper's Young People Idea's Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.90 LAKEVIEW ADVXBTISXMXMT. I altogether on the testimony of the Agriculture, Chief Justice of the tew satisfy wants, as tew kreate ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. onal volume after Vol. I, 55 cents; ra ver volume, postage. j beneficicries under law. (Applause United States, and twelve citizens- them,—New York Weekly. Office: Burns Oregon. of all the above works can be ex j on Democratic side). He had indi- ■ - of the United States. All branches ' ure in the Reading Room. i catcd his belief respecting the prop ■ of education are to be taught. The first instalment •[ Alphonse is hers of periodicals are solicited er function of a tariffactand would I j_____________ THE HOPKINS HOUSE ing rates, a copv of their work for ■ Daudet ’s “Port Tarascon: The Last - iug Room—We file, and bind the sooner resign his seat than depart i Adventures of the I llustrioue Tartar of every half-volume, and vw c t Patents Granted GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, tbeinent. M. D. HOPKINS, P mfbmhm *. one hair’s breadth from that belief. in,” translated by Henry James, will To inventors in the Pacific States; ATTORNEY, Of course he respected the wisdom Reported appear in the June Number of URNS,............................................. OREGON. ! of the committee, but why was during the past week. fVEinlSINU RATES: EVERYTHING NEW AND FIX3T-CLASS. I Harper’s Magazine, as already an- ’ I 1 Paul favored and Peter turned ; for this paper by C. A. Snow & Co., - ! nounced. In the introductory chap-1 J 1 2 wk 1 mu j 3 mo 6 mo CoHaetions, I.«nd business, and Beat . 1 iHo |5 00 I |N *»0 »11.00 Eatato matter cromptw altssided tu. down? Why increase the profits ! ■ Patent Lawyers and Solicitors, op- terM. Dauflet, it is said, humorously SUO 1 4 GO « 50 1 12 U) IM.00 S.W 5 00 H 00 I 1. » 00 24 (X» of certain classes? He could name ' posite U. S. Patent Office, Wash alludes, as follows, to some of tne i.K> « 00 10 on .U 00 32.00 1.00 9 00 15 00 : 2M 00 4 M 00 capitalists whose profits had ex- ington, D. C. □ 16 00 28.00 I 4M.00 •WOO consequenee personal to himself, 30 00 40.00 J b0 00 110.00 I ceedod those of nil the agricultur J. E- Beach, Routier, Cal.. of his having poked fun, in the Tar j Attorney-at-Law. O FOREIGN ADVERTISERS. alists in any State of the Union. - Trashing machine. tarin stories, at the little Provence rt fully solicKicg your patrouage H. B. Cary, Los Angeles, Cal., M. DUSTIN (Applase on Democratic side.) rto keep our readers p. sled as to the town of Tarascon on the banks of Lid idiable firms to deal with, cor Jffite: Harney City and Bu rnj If. we bad protected equally and 1 Monkey-wrench. ■ ■'¿11 be saved by referring to the the Rhone. lenient« baaed upou our circula- E. II. Chcsterson, Los Angeles, lifted up all our industries, and the BUd adjoiniug counties: “You see, we had a terrible ac Hal reduction to ail yearly adver- General Blacksmith Wagon-maker time should then come when we Cal., Waffle-iron handle. | at Office, or write to Publisher. count to settle, the Tarasconians Be barged extra, according to «pace; L. M. Clement, San Francisco, W. W. Cardwell, could not hold our own—being the ■tai base admitted, and I! Clever people as they are— II . . SXILUI3L L ai kal medicinal ads. at no peine, most intelligent, the freest people Turn-table. iisemetvs at less than 10 cent« per ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. like all our people there — I knew ¡rice, yearly, or J) cent«, transient, on earth—then we had better re-! ■ oT. J. Daniels, San Francisco, their backs were up; thev here me B urns , O h . rsptosrvS to all XI. Si to Wo • Ik BlaokMllkU»«. Tirti niltBSSte^ I position |*2 extra charge per In- Practices in all the courts of the State, tire from the field. (Democratic Machine for sewing up the mouth Read of position a standing reader Also, before the ü. S. ¡.und Office. a black grudge for my jokes about Ltlon to ad. each week is run in with of a filled bag. Applause.) L and M atters a S pecialty . patter free. -B n Q Q I I 8, WAGONS, IT C.,-« their town and about their ye stereotype all our advertisements S. J. Ford, riaee/viller-Cal., Car Mr. Butterworth then proceeded ■▲»•T« nmwiTi nkfiBH, ar » e* •••« « vabb W. after 1st four publications, <1 each, man. the illustrious, the delicious irtislng in local column«, ivc a line, to expound his views touching re coupling. riage. birth, and death annonnee- ALLWORK WARRAVTID Tartarin. I had often been warned Such items solicited as newn. II. Gimmini, San Francisco, ciprocity with Canada He said iral rates offered to religious, social, by letter, by anonymous threats: ieual • KO. W. BARNES, If. R. B1GG8, that we were endeavoiing to culti i Yarn-winder. ‘if ever you comethrough Tarascon, I’nnsvllle, Or. Burn . Or W. C. Hamilton, San Jose, Cal., vate relations with 50,0!X).000 peo ! JOB WORK look out!’ Others had brandished BARNES <fc BIGGS, fraeriptlon executed with neatness ple to the southward, and yet were Fruit grader. over me the vengeance of the hero: h, at reasonable rates. 11. O. Hooper, San Francisco, afraid of Canada. Abraham Lin Attorneys at Law, Fa mphlets Fosters, ‘Tremble; the old lion has still his I eiter Heads, . kill ! I rail«, ’ Type-writer attachment. cards. Time:s, F Note Hea<i«, Will practice in all of th« rour a of the State coln and Ulysses 8. Grant were not beak and claws! A lion with a beak Dodgers, Etc. L Invita ivns. All business placed in care of ibis firm vsill be suspected of lack of patriotism, yet : F. A. Huntington, Sail Francis-: —the deuce! promptly attended to. 1LD is kept regularly on fl’e for re they favored reciprocity. There. - co, Crushsng-mill. “Graver still, I had it from a com be Geo. 1*. K*well Newspaper Ad J. Mason, N. Bloomfield, Cal , 1 teau, luSprucaat., New Yvrk. were some things in the bill he did mandant of the mounted police of - not like. He had known of an i 1- Stump-extractor. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. the region that a bagman from Paris, I DICKSOX A SULLIVAN W. II. Massr, Los Angeles, Cal., 'I(T AL DIRECTORY. dustry that had been able to make who, through a sorry identity of' T. A. M< KINNON, Lou J. BoMnbarg, Mixal«(i«t. Metallurgical apparatus. Any and all kinds of surveying dune on shoi $60,(XX),('00 dividends on a capital name, or simple as a ‘lark,’ had atiomal : notice and reasonable terms, Settler ' Everything in our line ef the Beat. Liquor»— WhiaMaa, XramSian J. W. Mitchell, San Francisco, Benjausla Harrison wishing to bo located, can have plats furnisbe of $1,250,000. signed ‘Alphonse Daudet’on the reg- Levi P. Morton of ehtfi«. Winea, Fanay Drinka, ate., Cigara, ala., alwaya am XamS vtamm Incrustation preventive. Protection! Why, the country JatovsG. Blaine . ister of the inn, had found himself William Windom ressa ry you eall oa "Unele Diek," at Dreweey, Marmay aammty, Or. J. Rigby, Seattle, Wash., Car could in such cases better afford to JuhnW. Noble Interior assailed at the door of a cafe, and Redfield Proctor Far keep these men in Fifth Avenue1 coupling. Benjamin F. Tracey Cavy threatened with a bath in the Rhone. . Jeremiah M. Rusk .gricultnre M. C. Robiehau, San Francisco, Our honest. Tarasconians have in Wm H. H. Miller .SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP. ! Hotel pay their board and expenses | ersi John Wanamaker general , and set them up in the banking 1 Street-sweeuer. STATS—ORIOOM: ¡their blood this gauie of the duck • j Do] h J. C. WELCOME - I’ kopkiktor . business. He favored proper pro J. L. Stillman, Fresno, Cal., Non R | J. H. Mitchell ling.” B R. Ringer Hermann BURXH. OIIW1OH. tection, but these men held th» conducting covering. D.Hylvcster Peunoyer ¡«ote . R Geo. W. McBride MeBriP- world in their grip. When he said 11. Swain, San Francisco, Deliv 1 Guesswork han alwnvi* had a great G. W. Webb I- D J. B. McElroy llmtruction R that he did not favor that kind .of ery finger for printing machines. Frank Bakei deal to do with the art of hitting ’ a H Wm. 8. Strahan protection, he_was told: “You are P. Lord an enemy as sea, simply because „ . W. W. Thayer CHAS. SAMPSON - - B uhns . O r not sound on the tariff.” The M JUDICIAL ^»ISTRICT: ' there has been no trustworthy ■ Demorest's Magazine. W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R L B Inox time has comewhi njsoir.e little con .1) U K amp , means of determining the distance -A Mb- .k aey cern shculd be shown to American to. Last month we visited Washing i of the hostile ship. This missing i Jeweler. COÜBTT —«AXMXY: homes and American firesides. A ton through the pages of Demorest’s G. W. G ilham (B) ' factor in the most important prob- J. T. X hirldb great number of the employee« in Family Magazine, and enjoyed the w e . gbavb ; (D) i leui of naval warfare has now, how ■ T. H. K obkkts : . (D) this country was foreign. In come very interesting views of the exteri- W. K UIASM (K) ever. been supplied by an American. A. A. CO* IMG i (D) BLACKSMITH. factories in the East they were : or of the White House and its sur- W. K. A lbf . rsom . 1' Lieut. Bradley A. Fiske of our navy ... lb . B abb « rinlen 1 (D) known on the rosters by numbers | roundings. This month, in the W m . M kkkkk ADOLI’H TUPKER - - PRq.r’ has discovered an electrical range because of unfamiliarity with their June number of this popular Maga finding apparatus which determines <D) { L ytlx H o ^ axd j —GENERAL REPAIRING— names. He did not believe it was T. B. J ambs zine (which has just arrived), we the enemy’s distance accurately, wise or prudent to make such a enter the Executive Mansion, and automatically, and instantaneously. it t. s. laud orne«: sw< eping reduction on sugar to be are treat«! to a ramble through Park Benjamin, Ph D., explains the J. B. IlVMTtWOTOK ..II a XKISOM KXLLXY supplanted by a bounty. Wliat he the corriders, its executive and invention, its significance and its Promptly executed. The bmlding has I «tn en We thus par possibilities in an article entitled larged and improved and is nr ep «red to turn wanted to avoid were such features private apartments. IVBCH DIRECTORY. The Ei.emy’s Distance: Range-' out ail kinds of blacksmithing on short iiotite as he had pointed out in this bill— ticipate in the special favor shown “ finding and in the best style Terms: Cash. 1-ly at Sea by Electricity,” HODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH there was a thing as paying too to Demorest's Magazine, as we are which he will contribute th Harper's I, M. M c C ax T. Pastor. much for an industry. Such is the introduced to many features not Magazine for June. The flagship ba preaching fcv the pastor in each K>wa. until further notice HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. case with tin-plate. The duty usually seen by the general public. Chicago, of the Squadron of Evolu •-Hurua -at 11 a tn. and 4 :30 p m -li ana school House— at 11 a m would be a tax on every farmer’s The White House ha* never lefnc tion, now in Europe, is equiped -Harney—at 7:AJ p m. — Burna—it 11 a m. and 4 SO p m patch; on every can ef go ds. been so fully and leautifully illus with this remarkable apparatus. 1— Harnay—al 11a m. and 7 ¿Op m That tax would amount to $50,- trated; and the numerous hand ELITE SALOON. Tailor—“The fashionable spring 000,000 Lefore the manufacturers some pictures which the article sir, ha* but three buttons.” HARNEY,-------------OREGON of tin-plate Could declare a divi contains, including portraits ef coat, Old Customer—“Put on the usu COATsWOKTK A TKKOASKla, m The Odell n dend. He was anxious that his “Baby McKee,” Nrs Harrison, and al number. They will soon get rxorsirro»» y 2 WRITER party should not take a false step. anti the four generations now resid- down to three.—New York Weekly. LODGE. MO. 77. I. O. O. F. The silver tongued Senator Jones , ing in the White House, make it I Fellows Hall, æery «aturda/ from the erstwhile silver State. 'especially interesting to every LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mrs. Jaggs (suspiciously) “Your (•1 K wiu. s»r TBB oraLL nrs w^rns ttM J. E MCKIMNON. M Q , Beefy. •• >*H m HesBAax Nevada made a five hours silver American father, mother and child. eyes are watery arid terrible in ¿5 | O r It combine« MlMPLICITTWith MFR ABILITY ■ VIIB, speech in the Senate this week, and T hie number also contains a pict flamed.” IV POST NO «S. a. *. B. Mr. Jaggs (with an injured air) let and M Wednesday of each wears longer without Htl of repairs than any other demonstrated to his own satisfac ure of four of “Mother’s Darlings,” “Well, d Felktwi’ Hall. Ail Cetnradee next time you give me a no ink ribbon to bother the operation II neat, swbataaUal ■ < f ¡tilled Wachmakeri Jeweler, tion at least that the cloud had a j “Out on ari Airing,” which is a Bible for a birthday present, don’t W M. ERTEILT, F C. el-plated—perfeot and adapted to all kind« rf ty>»*riS»g IX. A<J‘t. Mita 13-24 silver lining. I will give some of select viii with such fine print. — superh water-color, equal in design J. W BONEBRAKK. Likes Pnnttaf Prevail df M mms Aar> Lakevic*, Oregon. his jingle: “Remonetized silver^and and execution to those Belling at a New York Weekly. can b*- ■».ide at mic wri t ie g h ROi l ew C. B. MAILS manufacturers, busanees seen, ate., activity will replace stagnation; high price at the art stores; “Ath Au intetlirent person in a week «sa beam Mrs. Nubbins—"I didn't that movement will supplant inertia; letics for Women” is also finely il 11,000 offered any operator who couraee will banish fear; confi lustrated; and the “Lady Tramp” 'ere chocolate I got here yesterday Writer than that produced by the Odell. Have you any Menier chfccolste?” P. H MURPHY. dence will dispel doubt; hope will will no doubt start Biany of “Our and Salesmen wanted Special tad Honest Itealer—"No, madam, I For Pamphlet«, giving oodaveomei Girls” off on that healthful ’exer none meaner than that I sold you LAXRTTBW - - - - OR EOOM supercede despair.” i ODELL TTPS WXIKB MOO, Tv The act of Congress, which shall cise, for it tells ^the m just what to last.’’ MAY y GRAIN BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BURNS READING ROOM. STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1 1 f THE DBEWSEY SALOON s I JOB WORK. I P «