Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1890)
7 THE J. DURKHEIMER & CO’8. LOCAL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT. 57 SCARCEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES ONLY FIRST WE ARE y* a . 1=3.azxE3m ® Wilh Their E SOLK IT YOUR TRADE. inTHar°neyy cXty OLASS OOODS THAT CAN SUPPLY THE TVTxrm stock . FALL St, WINTER SUPPLIES Our Prices are the t SAM a • -. J. DURKHEIMER &, CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. — 1 he (iugü cisters are filling up Rev. Embree officiated in udmiiik- ! the Euetny’« Scout« in the Fichi. — We se< Mr. t rts, < f tin ti m T-jrr of Sworts A Miller, in our town ihe budding opposite the Durk tiring the ordinance Alter Lap-! The "scouts” of the enemy is in heimer dry gxxi store, into which j ti ;::i Rev. McCart opened the d «>rs this week. they u.tend moving their millinery of the church and received into fob in the field, and their mission is — V< e hear the sound of hammer connection Mr. and Mrs. Varian to defeut Burns for the county-seat ted >rATe> ijiMn O ffk b ,» ai d Prof. Baker for school super- and saw in every direction iu I stock of goods. I ra B oyce , Proprietor, Harney City, Or. ■Urm«. Orwuti, April Li», lM-u.i lh? religious ini. rest ia rapidly ¡ntendent, who they charg e with [h «Y tiiVLN that the fullow- Hums, county seat or no county- —. u lgo Dustin gave us a speech 1 liiiH ! » lit e of hte itiien- £W**IIay and Grain constantly ou hands. Give roe a call when at Harney. l-roof ! kv | ’»vrt of his laiin, seat, Burns still goes ahead. on the evening of the 2-1, that was increasing under the supervision having assailed the character of a pwf i.iii De tiiailu before the of Rev. McCart and tho outlook is j »a<b’- I'.cr «■' ; . S. : ai d Oflee ai lively. Spirited, and interesting A They c ’ aiin J. C. Garrett ns he —.lames Russell is the happy Tn u r«day, June Dth^lHVU, vie: decidedly favorable for permaneii < —W W. Cardwell spoke V’ the | good to our valley through Rev ling now a Harney man, on account father of twins, born to his wife HUNTINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS. -<‘4. HLj N k‘.4 S<M . of the filing on Hnrnev. . Wr .M. tie liumus the fol* one day iai-t week. citizens of Burns, the evening of| McCart. ptoivhie »’«/ntinuvUK rvei- T he above is take from a letter liv< oil. «I suiu laiiu. Viz — David Newman, who is suffer •-he 24th. lUXincia»;.-, (»«,.rge Wilcvx- we received this week from a party n. th i t i > i ^ db , Oregon. —The Swamp Angels, Owens whom we know to be responsible t HI’NTiNG TON, KegiBier. ing with t rain fever. Dr. Embree, his physician. reuorts improving. and Barnhart, are against. Pennov-, Why I wont vote for T urni and truthful. That leing the case, Hanot a ••pretty” p'acr nLo Harney. Mr. Newn an is stopping at Mrs er. but the people are with him — > »riole,” •’Oriole ' i we can further state, that he has And at | itri.a thes give me b.artie , l opshall's. in 1 iriis. ’<)ri.>le," '•<Iriv'.e.” | written nothing but facts. Lakeview Kxatiiiner. T he •'Coine and have a mefhi’.g” H:rj a«». : -”t I AML O ffk r,i CavriiH • full lln« <rf I never ana .er a • n, April'¿9, II —A Venator, candidate on the Anti H erald during this campaign in — Cal. Geer and his daughter. When ‘’mid anti water” pavg my v.av. • i'N that in compil •■.»riole.” ‘■oriole.” j the comity seat question, also, the HAY, FLOUR, GRAIN, ile tu t of Cuiigrt&t. Miis Ida, who lefi .¡ere some time Republican ticket for countv asses L”. uci for the an c «-i SALT, SULPHUR. NAILS, political fight has stood “from un - t v a if. i n n, ore/,on, . i'i>, Mr. Geer for Portland and ' sor, is in our town, this week • i: Tord lory/’ ..’» hifb SEED8. COAL OIL, MHRp' BABB wiaa, «Jim Bryant. • • • I der,” when it come to throwing • (-..Univ of liar Miss. Ida to visit friends in Baker BACON AND HAMS, —William Bennett, of Harney. I :e .4 Ores . n ..a fl led in ihia » This celebrated Norman Stallion, slush, and mud or personalities No. V. f.r the pur City, returned to-day. In car lots. is in Burns to-day on his wa.' homo ! •w. 1, NW»4 of NW owned by C. IL Dewitt, will stand likely to injure the reputation of if Section No. il. it; r? V. M. •»<] W>ll —We learn from parties living .n from Warner Marsh, loau.d with this season at the st®' le of A. J. any one. The accusation against am' K,.tight ih more -ne tha:. f. r agricui- the country, that Jack Frost last salt. Aleo. agent for the • t»h h « duini I. Baiti Wilson, Burns. Terms for the sea Prof Baker. Why has it not been i'./Sei ts Ke* river of lit.6 —The farmers of our valley re-' son. lb 00 published, with the evidence to >re.,vti, on 'hug. h , the Lab night (May 27tb) did considerable He t-aintBua .-. i ¡.twt-p I aid $<• ‘.H’.-.< igti . Alben Ward. damage to trie vegotaoles through port, grain «fall kinds doing well, This full blooded Norman Stal Lack it? We answer for the sim •! :ir.a.tioi.rt .itirnev c..nnt-, or. And keep al way« a large clock on banda. 'ege-a e« hurlp Lt le by the frost lion. is from the breeding stables of ple reason, there is i.ot any charges |.H.8 riuiintng adveracit the out the entire neighborhood. B .- “ arc req ut «ce-. »«. li :e . heli <e o: or iK.jorèaakU lòih uuj I the famous breeder, Dillon, of Ill against Mr. Baker that can be sus —Teams loaded with freight for last night. . ri. HUNTINGTON, ttégîtter. \V. E. Grace unloaded at the drug —The Band Boys are improving inois Jim Bryant is a dapple gray, tained. The lady in question is Prices Lowest in Eastern Oregon- store to-dav. every day, which seems to.Leasorei 17 hands high and when fat, weighs the same we presume, who desired | The fine showing _ of his through the columns of T he H er The Oregon and Idaho Forwarding Company hare jurt completed a larre atoae and —Elmer Pot ce, of Harney, was eye to poor Harney, which has rot: 1780. ald , to vindicate her character, by iron tirc-proo* wan house at Huntington, and will be prepared 10 receive cOhtigamaata “ get-up ” enough to organize one of colts, in this valley, demonstrates in our town one day this week. of freight by >hc iir^i duv of April its own, and gif’ed with so much tbe tact that he is the best breeder having us publish two certificates ^¿flgr'The Compauy ia prepared to make liberal ad vane m on eon aign menu of wool. Cito l LATTO» OF ANY —C. A. Swtel: and John Sayer, e .vv and nrejmli-e, that it cannot in Harney country. This fioni responsible persons, the same ‘ * th^ ’ ■PER IS THIS col STY. left Burns t ¡is morning, on a jaunt I appreciate the worth of a band in horse is registered in the State which appeared in the Items last He returned this spring, of his expecting to be gone several days. the town of Burns. above mentioned, which proves him week. Not having any facts before Gage Sisters. us proving that her character had own free will, a few days before our to be a full-blooded Norman horse. MILLINERS. —Mr. Morris, of Portland, who —Attorney Finn, of La Grande, been assailed by Prof. Baker or any circuit court convened, gave him Latest Styles in Straws, from came to our town some time since, who visited our town last week, is one else, we refused to publish the self up to the proper officer and Efiiy to Riga Thing« New York City. 27 has been riding over Harney valley very much pleased with our valley :al News. certificates, until after the election, demanded a trial, if the grand jury and reports himself very favorably and new county; he spoke very E d . H erald : Reading a letter knowing full well the purpose, not i had found an indictment. The in I COL'XTY ITEMS. impressed with our country. I flattering of our prospects, and which appeared in last issue of so much to vindicate the character dictment not having been trnnx- been verv beneficial to crops of all —John Jaquemin, we are l n- complimented our county officers the Harney Press and signed “True of the lady, as to defeat Mr. Baker, fered properly from Grant county kinds. Spring sown wheat espe IESDAY. HAY 2». IWC ■ Blue Drewsey” causes one to think formed, who is now «n the road very highly. which has been clearly proven, bv to the new county »f Harney, our cially needed rain and in those dis how easy it is for some persons with freight for Lunaburg A Fry, the fact given in the above letter. I county officials felt they had no tricts where it was most needed it fragrant ciga- go the —A Gittings was in Burns sever-: , to Q 8iBn ' thing ” A solemn "pledge things. A solemn pledge was taken very sick at the Harper al days, last week, viewing the po-1 ,Q sign lore. ai(J an<1 6Hpport the town of Prof. Baker is well known in Har jurisdiction in the case, conse- 1 fell. Unusual as it may appear • ranch, where he was compelled to litieal situation, with an eye single: Burng jn it„ prcgent racfc for coun. ney county, and the people know quently Mr. Page was left at liber-i in the Wiilumette valley the soil ia «1 smoking and chewing o the Postoffice Store, lay over for several days, which ac j to hia own chances for gleetion to b-seat, was. not .long .ince, signal him to be a gentleman in every re- ty to go whithersoever be saw prop very dry and in lections hard. counts for his long a! sence. the office ofeheriff, for wl^jch he is t, j, game . True j j e l)rvwueVi , > Bpect, and as such would never, un er. He will in a short time return J While all crops are growing, yet teen sheep shears just —Just received, at the hardware a candidate on the Republican but w|10 j6 ,,ow a di^runt|ed and der any circumstances, assail the to Coos county where he will re gixid, general rain would prove to tile Hardware Store of can main until summoned to app»ar be very beneficial. The sub-soil is store of Cai, Geer, an excellent as ticket. defeated «spirant for official nomi- character of any lady. Ko we sofely sav in this case as in all at the Court House in the eountv generally very moist yet, but small >d at the Hardware sortment of pocket and table cut —Ed. Lumpshire, while cutting nation and owns a $250 or j inter other like cases, such low flung ad- of Harney. Mr. Page wishes me : seeds, spring sown grain and the . Geer, a supply of doors lery. Young Ralph Geer has just cord wood a few da vs ago, accident- est in the Harney Press. It is in te. — received the requisite tools forgun- a,ly cut h-g foot wjth the ax yery deed funny that three such talented vantagis as the one to, is. .to further state for the benefit of like need surface moisturf. The similar to throwing a lull against | acquaintances and friends he has cooler cloudy weather that has pre- r> is only $2.50 a year; smithing and is prepared to do any editors as now run the Harney a building; the n bound will do the ! uiade in ( ~ vx>s i county, that his I vailed the latter few days has prov- ° ime to subscribe to a work in that line. Press should have to sign such party mors injuty throwing the character in Harney county, also —The dwelling house of J. C. cwspaper. in Crook, where he lived, Lefore ■ en very beneficial. Grasses are —The county road lending from Woolev’a was consumed by fire, names as “True Blue Drewsey,” bull than the building coming to Harney, was above sus heading out in sections, alfalfa has nt of Fishing Tackle at Burns to Harney by the lower “Democrat” and “------------.’’to The assertion claiming J C. Gar picion, and he still has uianv a good stand. The grass is gener the afternoon of May 24th. Every Hardware store. Call bridge, is being put in order by our their eloquent and Lightened re ret, to be a Harney man, is a plain friends l>oth in Harney and Crook o ally reported to be in good condi article in the building was burned, road overseer Mr. Zeigler, and will l ut one bed and a sewing machine. plies to letters written by respect barefaced falsehood; which on the counties, and very few enemies. tion. Crops are growing finely and negan nn<l Jas. Leasey. le in good fix by next Friday or Mr. w?has the sympathies of T he able citizens within the county. ' day of election will do Harney a rain is needed, is reported from all Crop-Weather Bulletin No. Q. C itizen . were in our town on the Saturday. great injury instead »fixing of any sections. On the 8th general rain H erald . benefit, J. C. Garret is now canvass Of ths Oregon Weateer bureau, co prevailed in eastern Oregon which —We are informed by Byron —Lunahurg A Fry’ are expec'- operating with U. 8. Signal Service, ’Connor, agent for the Terrell and Frank Whitworth, who ing every dav a suppliy of boots A Notice. ing the county, for Burns first, last Central Office Portland, Oregon. will tend to lessen the possible in n Nursery is in Burns have just returned from the rail ah.x’S, ot the nest quality and make I For the week ending Saturday, Slay jurious effects of the warm dry All persons are hereby warned and all the time. , 10th, 1800. weather. road with freight for Cal. Geer, that to tie I cuzht in the market. The when floating logs down Silvies public will do well to give them a . WRATHSB BIVBRS. Com in u nicaf Ion . ; Court adjourned last because of the wagons cutting up River, if they injure my dam I will call and examine their stock, for in J The high temperature of the pre The warm weather has rapidly hold them responsible for all dam their field so badlv, the L. F. Co. ferv little business trans- W. M. Page desires, through the inaktr.g ilits line ofhuslneas a sped- ; at the agency refuse to let tenuis alty, they have taken great pains ages. e are informed. i columns of the H erald , to place vious two weeks continui d lip to melted the snows in the mountains N. B kowx . go through. Teamsters are now in their sei-ctione. - himself in a proper light before the j Wednesday of this week, w hen it all streams in Oregon are rising, Barnes, and J. F. Moore compelled to unload their wagons people of Harney county, and also. full, being more near the normal i but no danger ia apprehended. —Mr. Finn, deputy prosecuting^ from Prineville, who j at the lower crossing, and ferry attorney for this district, visited The Willamette river at Portland, Coos county; where lie resided dur ' the temperature fell to near the Ks<-rw. at Harney attending ' frost point, but owing to the cloudy has risen six feet during the week their freight over in a small I oat Burns, 24th inst, remaining over ing his absence from Harney Val Ct to start Program for Burns races com weather no frosts are reported to arid the current is swift The Bow- crossing their teams and wagons night. In the evening Mr. Finn ig, on the stage. menci ng on the 3d. day of bine, ley. Mr. Page claims, that after have occurred. | der, Grand.- Monde, Um itilia, limp- still lower down one and a half wax serenaded by Burns Brass having a preliminary examination, 1st day: I’ur»e, 1100, j mile, During the week rain fell in all qua and Rogue rivers are using. Greys of Grant county miles. for the killing of William Brown, Band, and being called upon, made free for all sections of tho state, being copious The Columbia baa rises and is now ns this week. ; —We see in the Harney Press that a very nice, eloquent little speech 2d day: Purse. $100. | mile and and being released by J. C. Parker except in the Willamette valley, on a slow steady rise. J. P., proving conclusively that it durkheimer arrived in a gentleman who is a brother-in-law in the interest of J. L.' Rand, the repeat, free for'all. B. S P aolb , of Chas Martin, of Silvies valley, candidate on the Republican tick e _ 1 ------ mile wa* “n act *elf’dff,,I>«<>. he was Neerly two inches fell in Jackson le 26: b. 3d day: Noveltv race. county, an inch in Douglas and Observer, U. 8. Signal Service. while on bis way from the Dalles re et for prosecuting attorney. Puree $100, $25 to the quarter, free advised by friends to absent him- it teams coming in to cently, discovered the laxly of a man ¡self for a short time, he was also, Josephine, generally less than one for all. tv day loaded for the i between Cole camp and Currant Religions Service*. She—Charlie, I can no longer 'told that he would be again ar-est- i quarter of an inch in the Wiliam N. Brown, Durkheimer, crick, who had been dragged to ed to await the action of the grand ette valley, and in eastern Oregon conceal my passion for you. Do Rev. McCart, of this place, held you love me in return? Mettre. arò ware merchant Cal death by hist -am, which war rtand- divine services at the the residence jury, and probably lay in jail for from .10 to .75 of an inch. Rain He—You must ask pa. He knows lias been needed, and moro would Bill Woods offers to run his some time, a proceeding exceed I ! ing in the road near by. Heun- of Alonzo Varian, of Poison creek, more about such tniugs thau 1 do. prove beneficial; present indica ! are leaving town daily hooked the team tied it up ar.d went 24th inst. His subject was “Bap horse, “Jim Mac,” on the race track ingly obnoxious to his feelings, —Texas Sittings. tions are for more rain. it parts of the county to on in search of assistance. The tism. ” For a week day services, at Burns, Harney county, Oregon, gnj one lie wai determined not to The amount of runsbino has been on the 4th day of July. 1S90, five aubni jg ( 0 possible submit to if to avoid it, Bobby—I want seme more candy. for county-scat, ar.d first house he came to was the resi ' the congrrgaticn was lar^e. The l>e cou)d rtive tickets. __ ____ __ ¿u by ]eavj„g the about the average. Thunderstorms I Mother—I can't give you any lience of the man who had been attention was good ami the remarks hundred yards, for $500, against whicll any horse in Harney or Grant valley, he therefore determined to were experience.! in southern Ore more candy. Whee auybodv has Harris, assisted by Geo. killed. Sheriff Grey, of Grant by the pastor were well timed and too much candy a big black Lear county. go away. He went from here to gon on the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ar.d 7th in I comes and eats him. I R. Witsell, is putting ccunty, brought the news, but did were edifying to all. After the t Any one accepting the challenge, eounl/, changing his name to stants. Bobby—Then give me the paper, esidence for W. R. Gra- not know the name of the party the preaching the ordinance of bap address, T he H khald , Burna Or • William McCoy, this he did to quick, so the big black Laar won’t tism was ail ministered by immer t southeast part cf our killed or the man who discovered The woatber cuaditior.* have ! eat you up.—Texas Siftings. ¡avoid arreat. sion, Mr Varian being the subject. | naming their horse the body. DVEUTISEMUMT B. Feed Stable □RECON I IDAHO WAREHOUSE OC i