T ----rt E ast O regon H erald BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 I —No 20 EHE RALD. $2.BO a Year. 1800. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. He resided in Oregon City then. in 1889 to $1,756,700. The amount He had a wallet full of bonds and actually loaned, not including cer-1 taxable paper. tificates of Bale, were in 1885, $733- 48HED EVERY THURSDAY T. V. . EMBREE, M. -I). BY The time for the assessor’s annu- 288.62; in Decomber, 1889, $1,- Office at his r»-«l<'er« e o.. (he esst ide oi Sil- vies Riser, ter. cilea l «1 ow ¿turns. • 568,071.14. In 1885 $75 per schol­ Facts for O reff ou Voters to Study. al visit cuine around. • t ar was distributed to each county; A great hue and cry was I.ISHERS AND P ro FRIETOBS. The following extracts are taken that Thompson’s home had in 1889, $140 was so distributed, from the Sunday Mercury: burglarized and these papers and $160 will probably be the NEWSPAPER LAWN. Open Every Day «xeapt Sunday, from I a m to 4 p as. .master is required t o give notice by Every Lady aod «oaGaaian a «•!•««• Visiter U lb« R«adl«g B««m iirtiftte te««»®s»®4. If the reader is a taxpayer it is been stolen. amount this year. In the manage ¡turning the paper does not answer the S B. McPHEETERS, M. I). I eu a subscriber dues not take his paper his duty to rend this article. The assessor came and poor ment of the State affairs, strictly PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. e office, and the reason for i s not being Office at W. K. Grace’s Drug Sture. 1-ly inv neglect to do so makes the pv«t- No matter whether he pays tax- Thompson had nobondB to tax. business methods were adopted tspjnsii’leto the publisher fur payment hn* pe.s »a orders his paper <’ns ■•»n es upon a modest home, uooti a Not knowing the address of the There have been no fat jobs under ke mus par all arrearages, or the Pub i cuiuiutie to send it until pavineui is palace, upon a farm, or upon per­ I “burglar,” the assessor took r*o cog­ this administration. Work has & 1 collect the whole amount whether it from the office or not. There < an be sonal property, it becomes him to I nizance of these collaterals. been fairly let to the lowest bidder, I dis >nrin »ance till pavnient is made y puis>n who lakes a paper from the know whether or not his neighbor He performed his dut}- and went and he haa been compelled to ful­ e, wne her directed tu his unmo or an Notary Public. | whether ho has subscribed ur nut. is is keeping up his end of the ex- on his way, and, singular and un­ fill his contract to the letter. The, 1). L. GRACE, 1 ble fur the pay k >ubs Tiber orders his paper stopped BUR Na, OR penses of the government of the precedented.iis H tnav appear to penitentiary and asylum were never uu time, an I the Puluislier cuntfuut-s Land I'ilogs, .Contest blanks, Applications for ill.- f,u. b i >er is buuud to pa . tor it if l’uhiii aiiun Nuti< es, cvrrectiy and pruniptly State. ’the readers nt ibis'paper, in ft few under ) etter management, and the ' ASSETS*OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. i out oi tlie.p'siuiftj *' Tbi8 Vp M eu‘iS ®Wended to. Deeds. Notts, and Mortgages '.;U!i. charts reus.>uuble. il-»U. The showing is taken from the days the "I urglar repented of his trust confided to the asylum and “The Leading Company of tho Pacifie Northwest.” i f.-urtB have decided that refusing t< officials records, and David P. sin. and one dark and gl*i«my even­ the reform school bonds to purchase ! som e t aG i pcriuilk uis ¡ruin lhe pusi £*- <9-nUVATE VWELUNOS AND FARM FROFRRTTA arBCULTT.-Vn*^ c.i. u- .i-'e'ii uncalled for, withuu Thompson will not—dart- not—de­ ing. after the robins had ceased to laiiils for those institutions, has ir 'i* b.i is priuia facia evidence ui irauu. , ny one sentence—one word—here sing and the charming notes of the been faithfully and judiciously ex­ w hipporw ill rang out upon the air1 ecuted. written. J. NAT. HUDSON, ■mmoN rateai OF SALEM, OREGON. Let the struggling granger, the po-sessor of the stolen treasur­ A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. ent $8.00 | nuis. J-}» whose brow is so often dampened ers slipped up slylv to Thompson’s HKliALD'S W1HIIIVGTON I.F.TTEH. Oilice: BURNS, OR. Mu.i Lui • -7i a in*above works can be ex bard to have that appropriation bill | sure .ii lie Reading Room. ■ of speech has drawn into his greedy scionable and wicked ourglar. disposed of the first thing, but wr. ' net scores of people who found him As stated, all old settlers remem­ Reed liiid determined that the Tar- out when it Was too late. ber this occurre. ee. and these linis ifl should have precedence. Then M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . He has inveigled theinnocei.t in- are written simply to draw the at­ they wanted second consideration, GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ' to his snares, and many there are tention of later-day citizens to one but were denied that, or any time ATTORNEY, definite and were extremely exas- who in teals have regretted that of the most remarkable incidents in EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. I perated. The time to be taken up H EGON. URNS, . ..................... O h 1 yr. ti mo 11. 1 a man like Thompson was ever the history of the West. by tariff talk was discussed. Speak­ I CoXcc i< ns, Land bu-iness, and Lleul born. •Al »ft 'M 1 »fl.ti.j b-'« 11 Now, in in all earnestness and er Ib i d suggested that general de- Ó0 12 V-» ! Li (Jl Zft..» 4 Estate iiin /iT prompt’^- aiKMided to. TUÍ» Hotel mi ««w (Haase, Rooms, and Fnrnitur«) and ofTarseoar taow mnt 1««W avstf 1-j.Oo i ’. 1 OU 4 . (X) The aching hearts of fellow I c­ candur, are the people of Oregon l ate be omitted and the bill taken ;» ;. 0- ! •o pi 0) •..S.OJ 43.'JO .-I.OÜ ings he has not considered worthy ready to swap honest Sylvester up in detail at once. He knew the IÍJ IS.0J 1 SJ.OO 1.0.Ü0 bill would pass and there wasn’t 1 JU .» 00 1 11).uo U J.00 of even a passing t) < light, and lhe Pennoyer for a man like Thomp­ any use of much talking. Mr. Mc­ IN CONNECTION WITH TH1 HOVBI. son. ! moans of the suffering has awak ­ Bi. I" > . MEIJN ADVERTISERS. Kinley jumped to his feet and pro ­ Attorney-at-Law. |c? ■ • H'l- s >!i< iiilU V(,nr vatroiui-v Can it be that' party fealty will tested vehemently against the in­ ened no compassions withili him. |iv o k up our i eu h re p» s co us » lu M. DUSTIN Jan i fii’ii.s i<»‘¡cal wiiit, <•« i lead our neighbors and friends in­ sinuation that no debate was neces-i Ilislife has been an inccessant I «> : 1 > '■ I’. t.-' i r.Merring t.< ;he t.pi e: Harney City and B i ms rt; tt c n a.n i (ised u;».»'i our cirvu u struggle ft r I). P. Thompson; his to a mire that means destruction? sary. He declared that the party , ■ . hi i n ijuiiutig court its n cd nut fear to discuss the bill be­ ht,ru t ; i liuu to uu »ctiriv ndver- There is nothing in this election every energy lias 1 een devoted to n11 ut Ui'ih e, or write to Publisher. I fore the country; that to cut off' is < haigt!'.* extra, uc<\.ruing tu space; the accumulation of wealth for him­ that can effect the tariff or any general debate would be an out-i W. W. Cardwell, pm.- .i uuse u lmilied. i i ■ i. e i :. jural tneui( iital «• e. a’ no pike. other national question. rage upon both minority nnd ma-! self alone. |er lEe.uen s at R m » il»an i * cents i»er A T T 0 R N E Y - A T - L A W. pm c, yearly, or -J cents, traasiertc, Mr. Burrows created; Then shall the ring that is led jority. In all the firmament there has Cd. B urns , On. he«B. rial ptial’iuu *- extra fhitrge per in- by the most ccrrupt and unscrupu-‘ B'nl'ïeni.entb.v B1,yinethatsome{æo- ’ I reptoared do all Kinds of Wo ■ th Blacksmith Uu«. Kara« Bhoetaf al ft-M been l.ut one star that shone for Pi in all the cour*« of the State. Ifijt end of position u standing reader pie having made a tariff speech . tea :>«n u> ad. each »\eek is run in with Also, betöre the I’. S. Laud Oliiee. him, and that Lut illuminated the lous politician in the West, the thought the subject exhausted t mnticr free. L and M atters a S pecialty . I we s ereotvpv al! our n verilsements way that led him onto iho place head of which is David 1’. Thomp­ | for all time to come, and were na­ ks after rBt four puhiications, ¡ m eutli. pveills'lng in Io R* culuin:.f. i: c a inc. where he could grasp still another son, triumph over right and fasten turally impatient at hearing other tatriaite, nirth, mid deulii anuuUiKe- »e. mi 11 iie i r. H 'lir i ed t.s bear, upon Oregon the most villainous : people talk. (This was a drive at dollar. iberal rates altered io reji.rs- Hermann , ! laws as will secure the equal and R. _ Binger . facturers of sugar made from im- [ D.Sylvester Pennoyer , ’. l z: 7 ~ *‘z ~ r ■ Bt'ItXH, OREGON. regard to the management of State ported molasses, now insist upon a '¿¡•o. W. Me bride i < State ‘just assessment and taxation of G. V\ . Webb D affairs. Four years ago I was select­ bounty. But out west the light of I J. B. McElroy j P Instruction It C. A SNOW 4 CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. «. ■ property at its full value.” Frank Bnkei i 1» pr ed as your servant to have charge reason is finally dawning upon the | R j *. btrahan I I» Pakent» ub'Ained. and all patent basin®«« stl®«d«d to promptly and for m«4«raf« lew In order to carry out their virt- I people. The leading republican i Wm. P. Lord ! R H iff Our Office i« uppusiU lhe U. B. Pat®nt offie«, and w« can obtain In loss M m thee Ibee» $ W. »..Thayer CIIAS. SAMPSON - - B urxs . O r ous intentions they nominate for of a specified branch of your busi­ paper in Minnesota, the St. Paul] D rernou-from Washington Rend Model or Drawing. W® advise ea te >atentablifty tree ETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: ness, and it is but proper that when Pioneer Pres«, says, that if th«- M< -' of chat g«; anti we make no charge uulew patent !• se«»rod. L. B I son i governor the “Honorable” David I’. D Igo W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R I speak before you in regard to J.. L. R and Wo refer hero tu lhe Postrn>«ter, the Superintendent of Money Order Dlrlaleo, *aad" te .K jrncy Kinley tariff bill passes, that state I -AND- ! Thompson, banker, money loaner, — I official« of the U. X. l atent office For sinrelar, bdrioo. term», aaArofereeeeo W f . so S m B questions of public importance, a will go Democratic; that all the Jeweler. . COIXTV —UARNET: < Hunts in yeur c wn State or eoontr. vrtte to above add^et land public spirited (?) citizen, who G. W. G tlham plain statement concerning my farmer’s necessaries are grievioitsly I t « (R) J. Ì. bUIF.LOS (D) has acquired the bulk of his wealth stewardship should be made. And taxed and that he is given no cor­ .W. E. GP.A< K (D) T. H. lb)3ERT8 ZD) by systematically dodging his I am greatly pleased to tell you responding relief. The session will W. R. (.RADON ; A. A. (0 ING i .(D) share of taxation and conq>el)ing here, my fellow-citizens, that I lx- a long one. The Republicans. BLACKSMITH. . D). W. E. ALHERSuN j have full power to enact any incas- j !.. h. B aker t (1») the less wealthy citizens of Multno­ can render a good account. The I . W m . M esser ADOI.PII TUPKER - - Pi«ui ’ (tur uro they want, nnd arc not likely to mah county and of the State to pay State is prosperous; the small debt leave, until the approach of the con­ (D) { I. ytle H o ward j era '1. B. J ames - a ; —G E NERAL R EPAI RIN G— it for him. His assessment for that existed at the commencement gressional elections this fall warn.« I taxation for 1889 in Multnomah of my term has been extinguished, them to go home and correct the IX kt u. s. ». LAND office : D. 8. HOPKINS. A kcwitbct . county is $171,700, of which there and the ordinary expenditures of ideas the farmers are getting that j . J. B. H untington the tariff is a heavy tax. . ..H arrison K ellcy is exempted, as claimed by him for the State have been kept within Grand Rapids, Mich The Senate Republican commit-, Will fnrn'il. Lesigr.s of N omw . < vttsf»" aud Massless «esi ss fi«m IMS ss sp M rromptlv executed. The tmlding has »’ton eu indebtedness, $33,900, and $300 f.irere want« hatxlMB. ko.M t. w,.t, «•<«• Ke preaching br the pas'or In eat b ' mined on the iluor of the Senate ‘ • «l ily 111U4.M *‘l) *l<* »«• •• ™ «0Mlrw«UM !•»« ►*«•». V.U41M •-« ows. until further DuU.*e nmtf ADvg3THs*4f:vr.«. value of it, showing how his les- tal expenditures were les« by over An influential member of the Fi-1 - urua -at 1J u nt. au I t 0 p m •!«ianu nd h< u» H* use— a; II a in wealthy neighbors who hold prop­ $200,000. and the ordinary expen­ nance Ceiniiiittec said that if they , 'i!«r»»ey—ut 7:i’O p tn. •Lun >—il L a in, ard 4 .0 p m erty in Multnomah county mid ditures were less by o*er $5UQ, not­ deaired it, the free coinage people) -Harney—at U a m. and .’.-Cp w. throughout State are compelled to withstanding the growth of the could pass their measure :•« the/ ELITE SALOON. assume the burden he shifts upon State, and necessarily a corresp r. fss sfalnst been increased by over $25,000 for tn«n was whether they abould go1 Tb-impauii lodge , no . n. T. o. o. r, actua: and ra.ima ed ralue of tl.luV.’A't. ahead tn vpito of this intimation, I Fellow* Hall, ever* JM urday w LL lie I llir Olllttl TV l-R WB1TRB. W*at4»T»B VO »0 AKA4 ft LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT«. Itei ng about one-eighth of the I the two years by th« creation of or whether they should agr - to j C14 J. E. M c KINN ci N, N. U. •• an, On. Ilunr. cleen, HpU. manuanript Twe lelea aeMa city, county and State. J. W BONKBRAKE, an in" nin.l« .t wrl iur» Krtltor«, l»wy.r<, mini,tnr« banker, n>w«n«aM. lakeview. Orerò» This it a nice «Lowing for the sometime« money w»« permitted to tueky, condemned tin. administra-l n.nti .fa' .’. t ■ - bu«u •* men. e»c.. cannot n»«ke h Iwtdbr iuvestn»«al Jwr |LB.___ V B. MAI!.! standard bearer ofja ticket with a lie idle, and all the hicney M paid tion for lieing opposed t<> reciproc-1 j Au ^teli’rrnt p*r on in a week » an become a Good operator, or a xapldon® ta t aMmw. ■ TALS: into the State treasury, whence it ia ity with the South American states j 11,(XIO offered .ny operator who can do better_work with a Type- platform as adopted. va O;' exc*y4«d. and for keeping the pro -edinga uf [ Writer t.h-in that protlucrd by the Odell. gSF"Reliable Agent« at once loaned out The growth of And n ,w a word as to the bends Nft— la NTOM ITT the Pan-American Cuiijr-«» a» qui-1 and Sak- mr n wanted Special induaementa to Dealer». P H. MURPHY. * cdDc*!« s, FrlCl: 9. I • a. thewliool fund baa l**n gratifying. atulen as mentioned above. . , ,. „ et aa a Htar-Cbatn»*’r The Me- intla.s a «marea/si» *■ a »■ Fur I'aiuphletn. giving endoraementa, Ac , add reel th« ~ tariff _ _ bill, __ be aa.d, cut oil All old settlers remember the in-1 That fund in 1885, '• ,n*du