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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1890)
PRIME OF WOMANHOOD. SCIENCE AN0 durable timber . SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Stephen shuthlseyes, and only openei ( Feuiinliie < l*arniM Nm ililugs Exclusively on Eicbt Valuable Su«e»tioM* Bamed of Youth. —London Indus'^ them as the little family bundled ou —Th»« first iron works in colonial Frol. Kaiikin«*» E»|»*»rieii«r. He WBlkeil th« world with ben led b«ad{ One of the truths which this woman’s »lew f.u is,ti. ,ay<. lw«> stations further on. America were established in 1621 in • There is no thing." he moaning said. professor Kankine says: “There are ora. us one calls the present period, bus thut »•«. owe »in,,wt • aawM “ The Monunieni! ” “ Mark lane! ” Nt That must not some duy join the dead." W. C. BYRD & SON, Chesterfield, Ya. certain appearances which are charac further passengers invaded his carriage made emphatic, is that u woman's charm dovelopmvnta ¡n „ *_______ l*ubll>«herN and Proprietors. Electric wires strung through tubes He sat where rolled a river deep; “I can't stand this any longer, and I of paper, tt 1« said, are made impervious teristic of strong and durable timber to is not, as the earlier novelists taught Novel boiler», valv, * 1 «he n> A woman sat her down to w ep; what class soever it belongs. 1. In the OREGON A ohild lav in her lap asleep. ♦ 1.« condensed fog chokes one. I shall and people generally believed, a thing ».•e_nl 1 of A merle,n w ; BURNS same species of timb««r that specimen g» t out at the next station and go back.” Ito fire and water. Northern ii 14,1 u ( —An important industrial departure will in general be strongest and must exclusively of youth. No changes of the waters touched the mother's hand. THROWING THE LASSO, “ Aidgate!” "■ in Philadelphia is the establishment of durable which has grown the slowest, thought wrought in the last century are His heart was touched, lie p issed from laad t Out he jumped and crossed to the re more nuked than those which note the ..dWnol »me Kemarkable l*y an Expert But kit it laughing in ihu sand. | a trade school fur young women. as shown by the narrowness of the an turn platform, literally feeling his way Witii the Kiatu. — Many of the laundries of Paris are nual rings. 2. The cellular tissue, as steady advance in the period of life at That one k nd word, that one good dead, The underground station at Aidgate b “Of even more importance in throwing Was us if you should plant a seed i said to use soiled potatoes in preference seen in the medullary rays (when visi which the feminine part of humanity is douW* «•‘»‘in< p.,, often quite dark in the middle of sum thought to reach its prime, says a writer one-third m .„utb iasso is it that the distances are In sands along death's sable bred«. to soap for cleansing boiled linen. ble) should b«« hard and compact. 8. nier, and on this day the fog was dens« . whack gauged correctly. You remember that J And looking from the farther shore —The berries of the maqui plant, a The vascular or fibrous tissue should in Dress. The heroine of the original brick. Ho found his way to a seat and (so thicl —A use h;lM tw|i , *kh‘ ** ** spoke about holding the coils lightly in He saw. where he hail sat b fore, novel was th«'thirteen-year-old. “Sweet i small evergreen native of Chili, where adhere firmly together and should show was the darkness) did not discover. tlF two or three fingers. Well, that is done A light that gr ; grew more and mor«» MM* it grows along the banks of mountain no wooliness at a freshly-cut surface, sixteen" and “blooming eighteen” were .•mined <-o-n. ||ith he had taken his place at the end of it that as many coils as may be considered Hcfcaw a g owing, growing th*ong worthier. streams, ar«« being used to a considera nor should it clog the teeth of thi^saw the favorite ages less than half a that there were two other people near necessary may be let go. If you are Of happ |M»<»ple white and strong lias sprung up ln th ‘.broth. tury ago. him. One of them, a man. was speaking ble extent for coloring wines on the Con- with louse fibers. 4. If tho wood is wielding a riata you know that each of With faith, and jubilant with song. (. “No woman is so charming as the American tin««nt. France is by far the largest con- colored, darkness of color is in general in u disagreeable querulous voice. your coils is almost two feet or two feet woman of thirty years,” wrote a wise York, where It 1, ; sumer. It grew and grew, this little seed a sign of strength and durability. 5. The “I'm sure it’s not my fault if I g<» and a half long. So if you want to lasso Of good sow n in that day of need, and witty Frenchman, and many a man kraut, the ,|ualHyo(s —Experiments with a new explosive nothing to do. 1 am always trying tt ■ called oernsite, which is to dynamite as freshly cut surface of the wood should be of modern society has echoed his senti Improved by it. something twenty feet away you let go Until it touched the stars indeed! bravely firm and shining, and should have some find something.” ten coils. 10d to 7o, have rec«H»tly been made in ment. In the better circles girls do not i.riM.Pss And then the old man smi fng said. what of a translucent appearance. A dull “Yes; in other people’s pockets,” an i Australia, and are said to have succeeded “As to letting go, you >imply open With youthful heart and lifted head; enter society at as early an age as they weaving glnss inU) ledounl swered a woman's voice. “You wan ! so w«’ll that the invention has been pur- chalky appearance is a sign of bad tim did when the big “old maid” was affixed your hand at the correct time and the "No good deed ever joins th»? dead.’’ 'I "f 'I". lornan.W ber. 6. In wood of a given species, the — Joaquin Miller, in N. Y. Independent. the wage, not the work. ” rope slips off. chased for military purposes exclusively. to them if they didn't marry by the groundwork on which J mu heavier specimens are in general the “But even after you have roped your “Good heavens! that is Millicent': time they were twenty-five. The modern —An English inventor claims to have 111 stronger and the most lasting. 7. Among steer your work is not over. Almost any voice, exactly." thought Stephen; “ wha» A PERFECT PLOT. a system by which coal gas can be com- resinous woods, those which have least young woman is busy with her studies sixty of the origin,] .kfl animal can pull you from your horse, an extraordinary resemblance!” and preparations for th«' future up to 1' 'il; 11 ' 'I ’ I pressed into eight percent, of its natural jendov resin in their pores, and among non- and to prevent this you must get your “What becomes of money in youi bulk, and in that shape carried about resinous woods, those which have least the age of twrnty-one and later. rope around the horn of your saddle. Reason Why He Was No Better hands I can't conceive,” she went on. The age of our* grandmothers, who j and turned into an illuminant at an^’ be pr.slu.-ed in Off After Discovering It. There is where you have to be quick. “It is Millicent’s voice! What in God’.« time by simply turning a stop-cock and sap or gum in them, are in general the took the responsibility of life upon There are two ways of making this strongest and most lasting. 8. It is name is sh«« doing?” and Stephen trie« j lighting the evaporation. vr.‘D hitch that are used ordinarily. The one stated by some authors in fir-wood that them while they should have been chil “You are rather late, Stephen,” said tq catch a glimpse of th«» figure that wa- --Potato paint is a novelty which is which has the most sap wood, and in dren, is past The girl who marries at V'.r.s an ■ ente.l I prefer is simply to take two turns screened from him by the man betweei Mrs. Mostyn, as her husband came into sixteen no longer exists, and the old- performed ..It a In.y of said to adhere well to wood and plaster, around the horn, taking care that the the dining-room one day, just as she had them, and still more so by the darkness. and to be very cheap. To make it, boil hard wood that which has the least, is time fallacy that girls are earlier ma without 111., us,. ,,f'()lh(.rW second turn comes lower and overlaps “What have you done with the money 1 one pound of peeled potatoes, mash, the most durable—but the universality tured than the boys for the cares of finished breakfast, “and 1 can not stay the power.,! hvpnotl^l the other. No pull in the world could of this law is doubtful. Timber should I sent you last?” i with you, as I have to go out.” existence is rapidly giving way to more was led to and frotnthe, those 1 i dilut«» with water and pass through a make the rope slip, while 1 can, by “Done with it? Spent it, of course. j sieve; then add two pounds of Spanish be free from such blemishes as clefts or progressive thought. “Go out! Why, you said last night ami even assisted the o-,®* *stl simply throwing off one turn, let it all i cracks radiating from the center; “cup , you were going to finish that china paint A family can not live on nothing. 1 The average boy of sixteen or eighteen suming any position ,, ,r * ’J white in four pounds of water. Different shakes" or cracks which partially separ slip off. The other fashion, which is was not much for you to give—you, wh< l colors can be had by the use of the ate one annual layer from another; V is quite as matured as the girl of that ing this i irning, though I really doD'* really taking a half-hitch around the fered no pain, lay perf, ” „ “ live in luxury: you, whose husband i. I ordinary mineral powders. “up-sets,” where the fibers have been age. She is no more fitted at that stage hours and then .ailed Jf! “ horn, holds just as fast, but you have to know why you should work so hard. Vie rich; you----- ” are not in absolute penury. ” crippled by compression; V “ ringalls, ” of the growth to assume tlfe role of operat >r had suggested i.lln Btr —It is difficult to find an industry for push the rope through to loosen it. You “My husband is very far from rich which, where power is used under a or wounds in the layer of the wood womanhood than he is of manhood. The see, in making this sudden twist, a , “No; but it is pleasant making money and if h«» were so it would benefit you ir. I system of distribution, the electric mo which have been covered and concealed Spartans recognized this physiological » certain ......... in a way ne likes. Besides, there will finger is very likely to get caught, and I by the growth of subsequent layers over A famous Vienne» truth when they made a law forbidding f'T ' he |„ ; , |, , , have known many fingers being taken be some to give away when we find we no way. Every farthing I have giver tor is not eminently qualified. A strik- them." ' mr their females to marry under twenty- off before such a hitch could be un have too much ourselves. And how is you for your wife was my own, made by j ing instance of its versatility has just to earn a livelihood your trade going on?” my own work. I. a woman, worked t« been recorded in Minneapolis, where posali five. fastened. A SINGER’S LUCK. "Never write on while[t^B “ To tell the truth, not brilliantly. In help a woman, as I would a man, but not then, “It is often advisable to take an extra the motor not only runs the sewing- The women of prominence in the get yellow paper. ■ •w Chevalier Scoville Won Eighty Thoa- twist around any thing you have lassoed, fact, I am rather hung up for want of a such as you.” | machines in an overalls factory, but world to-day, the social leaders and the the same shade placedÓ- yled^ tiantl Dollars in One Sitting. plot. ” “Whatever you may have given you does all the cutting. More than this, and this is done by simply throwing a Chevalier Scoville, of the Boston society favorites, are no longer in the the dt sk will assl,tinrj™ “A plot?” owed to my wife.” coil. Practice again is the only thing j the current warms the irons that do the Ideals, is one of the few men wlio have freshness of their first youth. The rest, and this will faeilluJtbteo “ Yes, it is ridiculous. I have a short “ I owed her? ” that can teach this. Now you have the 1 pressing on the goods.— Electrical World. broken the bank at Monte Carlo. It was reigning favorites of th«' present are He has made the story to write this week, and. though I “Yes: for taking from her what was whole theory of throwing a rope. —Sir Frederick Abel recently deliv- luring sixteen days spent between Nice women who have studied life, and whose “There are four sorts of throw«, but have ra her a neat set of characters and hers by right.” 1 j ered a lecture on smoki'less powder at faces oftenershow lines of thought than thanks of those whohtnl “Shall I l«*t this brute go on speakin«'- i the Royal Institution in London. He and Monte Carlo, in the winter of 1878. cheeks of bloom. )ut spe< they are all mad«» alike, only th« posi small incidents ready, if you understand, Scoville had gone to Nice to sing in by it. It is simple and h a main idea is wanting. ” to her?'' said Stephen to himself, hold tion of the arm being different. They 1 »1 i 4 °f th< I said that the smokeless powder now The color of “ blooming eighteen ” no “Lohengrin.” Perhaps no living man an; i.y philosophy to prove the not “Dear me, that is unfortunate! Why ing the edge of the seat tightly in each are the overthrow, the underthrow, being manufactured in Europe was a can claim to have had better fortune at longer concedes its crudities and so ion’t you go out for a walk, or for half hand. n n.. or whitei bordini — Terra alba, side th row and backthrow. gelatinous substance shaped into threads ciety's queens are of toner women in the exclusively for ailuh-. “And now that she is ill and in want and strips under pressure. It is made cards than ho had during those sixteen “Yes, backthrow—catching an object in hour in the underground, or to the thirties than girls in their twenties; ..... — i — — tonter than yet. n«> less than « 6.000 you in your prosperity grudge a little by dissolving gun cotton or some simi days. At the end of that time ho was behind you—something that you need sity on a 'bus, and find one?’’ 1,500,000 francs winner. Talking about women, moreover, who have something stance were recently imp, edi Is th “My dear Millicent, what nonsense help to her and her hungry children.” notevensee. That sounds difficult, does lar material with champor or other sol this at the Burnett one evonin# after more fascinating than beauty, more real New York. Lozenges r p plane it? Well, you stand behind me and you you talk. As if I were the least likely “I have lowered myself by listening The modern woman is to find my ideal plot that way! No; J to you thus far.” said Millicent, “in or vent, an«:* forcing the compound, when dinner, with a glass of claret before him than style. can see it done.” properly prepared, through perforated and the loose comforts of a beautiful learning the secret which made Mmes, this earth ar«» dipped ins;upliei , must try and worry it out myself some der to see if you would not in time say dies. :..nd The reporter took his position twenty 1 de Stael and Recamier the rivals of the then sold as g««nuine ” sqi ent gj traveling suit about him, he said: feet behind Mr. Ohnimus—quite out of how. * what I expected of you—what 1 waited —French meteorologists, it appears, youthful beauties when old age had When it is known that;Id not 1 “ Well, I must be off. “ The atmosphere of these places Good-bye, his sight, of course. Ho swung the for. Now that you have done so, I will have just discovered that the Eiffel claimed them, or would have claimed mineral Insoluble hy i? nor oiit| loop around his head and. without turn Stephen; take my advice—go and look answer you fully this once and never tower will prove far more valuable to breathes the gaming spirit. A 1,000 your ideal in the real of life, 1 am speak with you again. I feel that jroi franc note becomes nothing. A fever is them bad it been given a chance. the rxii'ii! wf ' - • k of an ing, let it fly backward. It circulated for ’ them for obs«»rvation than was at first The loveliness of youth is the loveli tion may be underatooi '®ou^ the newspaper man exactly, and by pull sure you can find it there.” can not bavH lived your life without imagined. Indeed, it is said that it pos upon every body. Great winnings are After his wife had gone Stephen Mos- some one’s having called you liar and of hourly occcurrence, and nothing but ness of the rosebud, but the glory of the danger of incurnbledisoax in theij ing it quickly Ohnimus had his arms tyn ate his breakfast and then sat mu- coward, or without your knowing that sesses most of the advantages of an ob the gaming table is discussed. Men stake garden is the rose, . What woman would * i • propol pinioned to his sides. servatory built upon a mountain. In ‘ to Ju] “Are there any more trick throws?” »inga little, after which, springing out many had a right to do so: therefore 1 confirmation of this, it is stated that, their fortunes and win and lose them wish always to be eighteen? Whl Chronicle. Holland expresses it, would be, as Dr. 1 □f his chair, he said: Surgeons ar • noweni-^* ^n' asked the reporter. will not pause* to add my testimony t< recently, while a severe frost prevailed again within a few days. You breathe gambling and desire nothing but to always a kitten? Who would not rather <xl of treatment in cases a “I never l’elt less inclined to write in theirs. When your first letter came last “Lots of them. I never put myself in the city, a strong, warm breeze was de Stael than to stay grow into a Mme. i up as a crack riata man, and I am out of my life! Really, I have a good mind to year, addressed to my husband, ‘to wai blowing at the summit of the tower, stake. Soon after 1 arrived at Nice I boilies have been accidental® a for all time in Clarissa?—Boston Herald. practice now, but I can lay the noose on follow Millicent's advice and go out.” an answer,’ he was, happily, away from and it was three days before this tem became infected. Success there and at which originated not Monte Carlo flushed me. I grew daring. the ground at my feet and kick it around In a few minutes he was standing on home. To save time, 1, contrary to uij perature reached the ground. profession, but through t’^kty I cared nothing for money. your neck, or pick it off the ground from the doorstep, deciding upon his next inclination, opened your ‘appeal.’ Ii A MISSIONARY’S LIFE. of deft members of anothe-^^^^H —An artificial sponge industry is “One afternoon I sat sipping coffee in my hors«» and land it around you while move. contained a manly reference to you) being develop««d as an outcome of ex th«« London pickpockets.® 7* the horse is going at full speed, and do “What a beastly fog! I certainly shan’t wife, and my husband's regard for hei ' periments made by Dr. Oscar Schmidt, the great bay window of the Mediterra Heroic Work of an American Woman in reptit iously acq'tiring sat 1 the Wilds of Africa. nean Club at Nice. Prince Arem Bey, lots of things like that, but none of them lose much under ground, so here goes jq past years, and a cringing demand . jewelry. th«»s«« are often. of the University of Gratz, in Styria. a cousin of the present Khedive of In this place, one of the most uncivil are any good. The back throw has been for the Metropolitan railway.” lor money for her and your children, ii | Small pieces af living spong«« planted ized parts of West Africa, an American lowed, and in order used by Mexican highwaymen to con “Where for?” said the clerk, sharply, not for you, and it ended with a sug- by the experimenter in a favorable spot Egypt, came in, and speaking of my through without singing in ‘Lohengrin,’ proposed a game lady is living without white companions or th«« jewelry, the gent siderable advantage. You see, in that is Stephen stood vaguely in front of the gt'stion as to the possible unpleasant ® • have yielded large sponges in three of baccarat. He was then living at instructing the natives and cheerfully country the traveler always looks out ticket office. consequences t.o his domestic happiness years, at a very small expense. In one - performing all the duties that devolve elusive and abundant potak^ for danger from the rear, and is pre Paris with 10,000,000 francs a year and a if the subject of your letter became | “Oh, Whitechapel. I should think that the covet«««! article is ajiiw®’. trial the cost of the cultivation of 4,000 upon her as a missionary. She is .Miss pares! for it, but when a pleasant horse- leaves | room for discovery,” he thought known to me. Every detail of th« sponges was not more than 225 francs, mountain of debts. He was a heavy Prof. Bilroth of Vienna man rides past him, playing with his to | himself. story, as far as it concerned himself, m;, including interest for three years on the player and thought nothing of the ordi Martha Kali, of Cheyenne County, Neb., plan has proved sosuccessh.®^^® and she is the only representative left riata and wishing him ‘good day’ as he nary ¿1000 franc limit at Nice. “What class?” husband had long since told me, and n tions of opening •¿jim capital expended. The new industry passes, he is likely to consider the “ ‘What shall the came be?’ said he. of the missionary party established here nails, ti'eth, etc., are no “Third better do it thoroughly. Now mild thrown by you could shake my j on the coast of Dalmatia is regarded of danger as gone by, as well as the man. then, i And then he proposed 50,000 francs as a by Bishop Wm. Taylor. for a trial trip between Kensing trust. —An electrical shoa’ w j such importance that government pro- Several men were in the party when at a That has caused the death of a good ton | limi.M ‘That is only one bet,’ said I, and the Mile End Road, to test Mil- “You lie when you say that I took tection has been extended to it. has been devised by towa many. The bandit gets the right dis- licent | with thjo memory of my Monte Carlo it came to Africa, but the trying climate ’s theory. from your wife what was hers by right tors. It consists of proved too much for them. The super the tance ahead and then lassoes him as I luck to spur me on. He asked 100,000 A TWO-SIDED MORAL. A small boy with a large, heavy par- My husband once loved her with all hi.- did you. A touch of his spur jerks his 3el got into th«' carriage with him, and heart and soul, and she made him suffei francs credit of the cashier and obtained intendent of the station, Mr. Steele, was filled with shot, so that i low d< a cable from a ship it ffill®]L RPI How a Thoughtful Mun Was Prevented it. victim from th«' saddle, and that ends 5 ipent some moments in vainly trying to bitterly. But he had Hved her, as I say We sat down to play. An old friend compeled by ill health to return to from Being Keekless. it.”- Interview with Louis Ohnimus, in secure his burden more firmly, by and for his sake I eon ented (if the mis of mine from Vienna held my cards for America last year, and then Mr. Sortore, fectly upright in the water “It is true that much human misery me. I instructed him to throw the lit of Missouri, ami Miss Kah were all who in its center is a glassorv *nstan San Francisco Examiner. . means of a knotty bit of string that erable story should n »ver reach his ear? half full of mercury, thei crossed it here and there in purposeless to give him further pain) to help th« results from a lack of economy,” said a tle pencil, attached to the betting card, were left. In April, 1889, Mr. Sortore closed by metallic plates. BUFFALOES AS PETS. j festoons. Mr. Mostyn lending his help, woman who had repaid his love with be man whose face wore the marks of mid into the center of the table where the died with African fever and Miss Kah communication, by insula'e.^^^H The Monarch of tli«> Plnin«« I m Not Intelll- is now alone, and is far too busy to be between them they made rather a neat trayal. his confidence with treachery, night thought, “but I once knew a man bets are placed. ried bv the cable, with an Jin th Rent But Very Affectionate. who now owes his happiness to riotous “ ‘What does this mean?’ said the greatly disheartened by the sad events but who had been dear to him before h( Mr. Hornaday, according to the Pitts thing of it. tery and bell on the dec«O]q ; living. The story is a sad one. There Prince. that have robbed her of all her com “ Adventure the first: ended I fear. ” gave to me what 1 took from nooneelse burgh Dispatch, places the buffalo very The action of the appara: • C0I panions. were two brothers, John and Hank Bull “ ‘ That represents 50,000 francs, ’ said I said Stephen to himself. “ I really can't You lie again when you speak of hei low, indeed, in the standard of mental Miss Kah superintended the house When the vessel appro» finch. They were twins. They were I, and at the same time I obtained of ask him how old he is and where he pr«»sent suffering and th«» wants of he capacity, and makes this stupidity the l( graduated with credit, and with equal the cashier credit for 250,000 francs for keepin; whiln the others were with her. water the cylinder drags oi children silence!” as the man attempt«*«] cause of his extermination. But if the j lives, and if he thinks it healthy.” and now she is obliged, in addition, to below, and is consequen: jtitnei showing they went out into th«» world. the night. “ Temple!" to so« ak. “ Do you think that in dealing monarch of the plains laoked intellect, “ ‘The cards wore turned. My friend keep the school going, and to direct the upright, but is thrown on ndid a Out tumbled the parcel and the boy, w ith on«» like you I sh uld tako no stop> They had no money, but they managed he certainly did not want for affection. to get into business. John was careful held the necessary nine and won. I labors on the plantation. She teaches causes the mercury in and in walked an elderly young woman fo verify your statements? Of the two The manner in which the bull buffalo school five days every week if not pre both the metallic platesata^ of li| and economical: Hank was prodigal and protected the calves Wf the herd is a with a fringe and an American cloth children that lived with you and tha! reckless. If John could not save one placed the pencil on the stack of chips vented by sickness. The plantation was tube, as above explained; for the second bet. hand-bag. She sat down opposite to Mr. you called hers, one only was your wife's, glorious «»xanipie of paternal instinc circuit thus becomes con.: , that dollar per day, he saved fifty cents. If “What does the pencil now represent?’ opened by Mr. Sortore, and on it is An army surgeon related the following Mostyn. put both her hands to her head and Ims b«»on dead six months, you cur! Hank could not spend one dollar per day raised considerable manioc, bananas warning bell on t.he shipin'- gun, < instance to Mr. Hornaday: “II«' was in as if to make certain that it was still in Anil your wretched wife flung from her it was because he hadn’t that amount inquired the Prince. Id bee and coco. It is necessary to keep up the “ ‘Let us say 50,000 francs,” said I. th«'camp one evening when his atten its place, opened her bag and realized my husband's love and trust, not for tb«- At the end of their first two years in bus ’•* rineab “This made my bet 100^000 francs. plantation, for Miss Kah, in addition to tion was attracted by the curious action that she hail not lost her ticket, looked love of another man. but for life with RATS IN ENGL« iMffi you. who dragged her to the mire in iness the difference between the brothers Th© Prince again played, and again I her missionary work, must support her of a little knot of six or eight buffaloes. at the window and sighed. moMI “Not exactly ideal, but scarcely which she died nearly a month ago was very great. John had money; Hank won. I was now 150.000 francs, or $30,- self; the theory of the Taylor missions The Riftht Little. ------ Tiffht fl Approaching sufficiently near to see had nothing. John owned a fine horse 000 ahead of the game. There was being that the missionaries all support N eeds a I ’ ied Piper ,! ‘ j. clearly, he discovered that this little real," thought Stephen, ‘•Do you feel Nearly a week since I had proof of all themselves. and buggy, but Hank was compeled to exactly that amount in the chips which the draught from that window,” he I am saving, anti my only reason for con- knot was made up of bulls, standing in The plague <>f rats, iron ince8 It is marvelous how economically Miss .‘onting to see you again, as you asked, walk. He did not complain, but it was I had won with my pencil. 1 again put a close circle, with h««ads outward, asked. Kah and her recent cdtnrades lived in than one of our agricultural with a sad smile that he would step it upon the stack. “ No, I don't, thank w as to tell you of this, and also to warn while in a concentric circle at some at present suffering, threat*-ar from the middle of the road, to keep “ ‘What is the pencil worth now?” this savage part of the world; and yet serious proportions. In twelve or fifteen paces distant sat at well-arranged look of spiteful timidity, you that if you ever communicate with they have always been prepared to en from being run over by his brother. One demanded my opponent. ami changing her seat to one at the or molest m«« or my husband in any way. least a dozen large gray wolves (except though the vermin have be«j0 “ ‘One hundred thousand francs,’ I tertain hospitably any traveler who by the thousands, and all I hav«« means to make that your last pub night while John was driving around ing man. th«« most dangerous enemy of oilier end of the carriage.. “Is this a beginning?” thought lic porfurmanc«' for a considerable» time." town his horse became frightened, ran answered, with the calmness and as comes here. —Mamby (French Congo) steel traps and phosphorusFen or th«« buffalo). The doctor determin«»d to Letter. watch tin» performance. After a f««w Siephen “Now, 1 should like to ask As sh«» said the last words. Millicont away and smashed the buggy. Just as sumed indifference which my luck neighborhood are in requis^.%een The Prince rose. He A FEMALE SAMSON. moments the knot broke up, and still her if she thinks my life for thirty-five ros«'. walking straight up to and getting John was striking the ground Hank was brought me. numbers exhibit no appf" vs tha keeping in a conipact mass, started on a years has been working up to th«» climax into the train that had just run into tin beating his wav into a minstrel show. couldn’t stand it. I went over and took A Swiss Girl Who Lifts Two Hundred and tion, while from the trot for th«« main herd, some half a mile of meeting her. vailed in golden fog, in station. Th«» man she had been speak John was killed. Statistics proved that his place. That is, I was betting my Fifty Pounds with Ease. Lincolnshire, it is reported »»IT. To his very great astonishment, a third class Metropolitan railway car ing with sat still while she moved away. he did not even kick after he struck the 250,000 francs on the Prince's hand. I pg The strongest woman on earth has not never w. re so numerous ord^ the doctor now saw that the central and riage? 1 wonder if it's any good going 1 but as sb«» opened the carriage door, h< face of the earth. The dead man's prop turned over the cards which he had been long in making her appearance at Pne potato pits are invaded-M^" controlling flgurt* of this mass was a on with this incident? Madame----- ?” started up with an oath ns if to follow erty was willed to a charitable institu abandoned. 1 was again winner. If he the music halls, and, according to ac fields constitute a browsine h*ad had the nerve he would have won “Sir, I think this is Blackfriars’ Sta nor. Stephen Mostyn’s umbrella be tion—” poor little calf, so newly born assenrcely “Say,” some one remarked, “ain’t you it all instead of allowing me to win. counts, if she had visited the Aquarium the swarm of rodents, andevfl^^^ to b«» abl«» to walk. After going fifty or tion,” she said, whisking her head coming unfortunately mingled with th* some few weeks ago she might almost has been compeled to pay 4:la ii drifting from the point of the story? ” This gave me 400,000 francs. $80,000 in a hundred paces th«» calf laid down, th«» round as she spoke, th«» emi of her nose swearer's legs, he was precipitated pain have entered the lists with Cyclops, for titne to the horde whieh ba? timw l “ Oh, no. ” three plays. The pencil had been my depriving ihe glass of a very tine smut bulls dispos«»d themsolves in a circle as fully on to th«« platform, as th«' train she seems to think nothing of lifting the country. “ But you said that you once knew a mascot. at the same time. before, anil the wolves who had trotted left the station, and Stephen bounded 250 pounds. Mme. Victorine is a Swiss, Since “Hamelin Town in “It is not my business to tell her that up the steps to the surface of the earth, i man who owned his happiness to riotous “During those sixteen days I broke along on each side of th««ir retreating and for many years was ignorant of her Land" was afflicted in siffiU living. one of the tables of ‘ rouge et noir ’ at supper, sat down and liek«»d their chops sh«' is now still mor«' attractive than Mrs. Mostyn had dressed for dinnei extraordinary strength, or, at any rate, such a pest has seldom be« “Yes. it is a fact. You see that Monte Carlo. I backed the red to win again, and though th«' do«»tor did not sec when sh«» got in.” thought Stephen; that evening, and was sitting by the tin It is true that for the prese- Hank, hat! he been able to buy a horse nine times in succession, and at the last of its remarkable value. th«» final«», it being lat«« and th«» camp I “she would probably give me into cus when her husband came in. It was only by chance she discovered not “fought the dogs and1 distant, he had no doubt that th«» noble tody if 1 diil Black friars? Yes, it is. “Well, Stephen, when you do follow — had he saved up enough money and turn the bank closed, while I walked it One day, when out walking, she cats, and bit the babies in M fathers did their whole duty to their l)o you get out here?” my ad vic«» you follow it generously, I bought one—would doubtless have been away with 500.000 francs. (>, yes, those saw two men vainly endeavoring to lift and ate the cheese out of w killed, and, in fact. Hank was trying at 1 sixteen days were wonderful. The Rus offspring, and carried it safely to the “Yes,” plunging at the door as she must say. Have you been out evet one time to buy the horse that killed sians who were winning there thought a huge fender from a cart. Smiling at licked from the cooks' o*u herd." Th»» buffalo, if taken when «poke. sine«» I saw you last?” their unsuccessful efforts, she volun they are in a fair way John. Hank is still living and is enjoy I was a supernatural being.” young, submits with surprising readi “Ah." he said, turning the handle for “Very nearly.” teered her aid. and. to their extreme plish all these misde “And did you ever lose?” ness to th«» restraints of captivity. Mr. her. “1 don't." “And walking, or in the underground, ing himself, though he is afraid te save money. I think that the careful, eco Hornaday d««clares buffalo calves make The chevalier sighed and looked surprise, accomplished the feat unas their career is brought to a 8 There entered, before he shut the or on the top of a ’bus?” excellent pets. nomical man has been praised too much. mournful for a moment. Then he said: sisted. The story reaching the ears of Indeed the rats seem to M door, a small woman, holding in one “A little of all three, and the club to We ought to give the spendthrift a “But who cares to hear of those who an eager exhibitor, overtures for intro stay. Unlike such vermi1 arm a tiny bundle of a baby, and push finish with.” Durllng’ in Germany. chance.” lose in the gamer’—CincinnatiCommer- ducing her to an admiring public were they are burrowing holes The Emperor of Germany has his ing before her a little boy She sat “Well, and have you found your plot?” instantly made. and.after a few weeks side, and when we remember “I think,” said a member of the com •ial Gazette. faults, but his resolution to put down down, th«» baby keeping its position in “Yes. but 1 can't write it now. so am of severe training, she made her first ing rapidity with which * pany. “that the moral of your story is the practice of dueling merits the warm the sling formed by its. mother’s arm. not much b«»tt«»r «>ff than before." A More Rebuked. appearance. it is hard to say whether destroyed by one fact” est praise. Of course* there is really no th«' boy holding close to her, pulling at “Good gracious! why?" Mr. Awger (looking over editor's Mme. Victorine is indeed a prodigy, wish the farmers of Li*" “What's that?” difference» between the» duelist and the her shawl, and continually asking her 'Because," said Stephen, bending and shoulder as he clips an article from an for, in addition to her really marvelous Ea<t Lothian a severe win*’1 “Well, you see, if John had been murderer, except that the' former more in an unintelligibl«» mutter for some- kissing her eyes, “the story is so pretty exchangei~“Dues that require much strength, she is not, like so many one. frequently kills in cold blood. But it thing that sh«« had not got or didn't that I hav«» no words in which to tell it: more economical he wouldn't have intellect?" wonder», unpleasant to look upon, but is For though the frost has taken peoplb a good many c« nturies moan to pari with, I lor bonnet was no character that I have hitherto con- bought the tine horse.” Editor—“None whatev«»r; why, I be ixtremely fair of form and face. This rats from the fields, it w** ‘‘By George. I believe you're right to learn even this elementary truth, and slipping off her «lull, untidy hair; her •««ivvd is good enough to play a part in lieve even you could do iL"—Munsey's makes the third exhibitor of unusual force them to seek the in Germany, which is not the least en face was white, with tired, luster leas it; no incident that I have known or Well, sir, I thought I had that thing Weekly. muscle in London, for Samson still has stable and byre, while Thought I was lightened of nations, tt has been difficult ey«»a. pink, pinched little nose and dia- imagin««d but seems poor and tedious fixed up all right a numlier of admirers and sympathizers, going to give economy a black eye. I frost would favor theiria to drive the» fact home. The dullest oontented mouth. The poor little apol beside it.” —A young lady in Weston. Oregon, while Sandow is drawing crowds at the time the naturalist who!»8* was going to be more reckless, but I man in th«» Father and understands, “Thon it is very good?” ogy for a baby might Lave hung round dreamed her lover gave her an engage Alhambra — London Letter. don’t believe 1 wilL Was going to or cultivator of the soil however, what cashiering an officex “Perfect!'' her neck by a ribnon. and the other “ feel a certain qualified i»^j I order the drinks, but you have taught ment ring, and thrust her finger into a means, and it may safely be concluded “And is it real or id«»al?" child was small and sickly. A shrunken, knot-hole as a substitute, from which, me that it is bettor to economize.” that the punishment which the Em|X»ror latest inroad, which is A Mutter of Economy. “ Both. ” depressing little group. When the man who had told the story when she awoke, she could not extricate proposes to inflict upon the «'ballungei “Won't you tell it to me?” “Wait a moment outside, Maria I've attempt cn the part of D*:* 1 Just as Stephen Mostyn was begin got up an 1 left the room, the old fellow itself. It is a protest a*** will have the effect of stamping out the “ Some day London World. got to step in here.” ning to weave round in bis mind a —known as “tough”—who bad changed ilv. This tir»«am was doubtless meant as severin? effort«» of civili**®* duelists in the German army. London “ You ought to have more regard for pathetic, tender fancy, the small l»oy Many a clergyman w ho ran preach the moral, looked at a companion and a warning to foolish maidens that mar Figaro. the balance of life. becoming more than usually importu a canital sermon is very unhappy a« a said; riage is not only a failure, but a delu appearances. John, than to stop at a drug crease of rats must I* — i »tore on the way to church.” nate. hi«* mother said, with no flicker of speaker out of the pulpiL The Phila- Slow-germ in at mu see Is, such as par- “Blamed if he didn’t beat us after sion and a snare, as well. It Is awful (Fiercely “It isn't a question of ap •truction U the birds slei, carrots aid parsnip*. should he rf Chang«» in the expr«»s>ion of E ct face, ielpbia Timet has heard of a clergyman •11.”—Arkansaw Traveler easy to get in. but it sometime* requires stoats and other animal’1 the beat quality and aben d Is* pl <nt*d but with a voice whose rough gratins ah«*ae duty it was to introduce to an au the assistance of all your relations to pearance*. Maria. It's a question of them, just as the nuilue —A South l aruiina man preaches in get you out again.—West Shore. earlv. m > as to take sdvaii'a^c « I the easily overpowered the noise of th« dience a missionarv frotn Ceylon and did economy. I've got to buy a cigar or two spring rains in order to have the v<>ui g train. and get some small change or else throw weakling grouse has nut11 as follows; “This faithful missionary of his sleep. The general rule, it will be —Bronson -“See here. Cadle plants well advanced in grow th l«e;o*e is to did this twenty-five-rent piece in the con been attributed to such I** - the clergy, -, “Jest you stop a worritin’. Tommy, the cross comes from Ceylon, a land remembered, among the dry season »■on es on. The are<la else I’ll tell ver bloomin dad whan Do you think I'm a Jay being afforded, owing to*1 where, as you all know, ‘every prospect preach in other folk»’ sleep. —Boston you tell Smithers I was the m«e»est tribution-box an extra chance in the* should go in as soon as the ground is white man that ever Lived?” Cad ley— Gould?”—Chicago Tribune. Tran scrini» picases and only in a a is vile.' ” git orue sea if I don't." istenc©. —London Stands^ n arm. “No, I didn't draw the color line.”- IMMORTAL. br"'k 7"'"; PH L L'*- < ) i / in the . ......