IM CONTEMPLATION.» , ! of choicest, and commonest va iety A number of private buildings as: g’aiioli, cacti, peony, dah'ia, ■fusehiii, roses, lilies, »te.; shrub i: fur accommodating renters who winter here for school conveniences. such as tnowhal), lilac, laurel, etc, Oi.e of the most complete book ornamental trees: elm, box -elder,! and job offices in Eastern Oregon, Editor«. ash, cataipa, locust; fruit trees in the late H erald uuilding. cherry, plum, apple, peach, pear, i etc.; there can be no doubt of the! 1' he foregoing is compiled with DEMOCRATIC TICKET. dwelling-house* being surrounded i care to prevent the increeping of by richly ornamented grounds. any form of exaggeration, and we ■TATS TICKET. Pineries for building purposes believe it to be correct in each and are near Burns. p<RGOVERNOR | every particular. Not one word Ice free every winter for all *hoK~ wr7t’ n jn the gpirit of SYLVESTER PENNOYER, ¡will pack it. ¡vain boasting, but with the single p-OR secretary or STATE: Burns is easy of acces. to a plen- j (o reniin(J the reudcr of the WM. TOWNSEND. tiful supply of good timber for fact that it is to them a saving ef poK TREASURER fuel. individual time, ease, and money G. W WERB, Much more remains to l»e said on to locate the permanent county this subject, but we now puss on to seat in ( Burns, a town which in a p OR SUPREME JUDGE. the Acquired Advantages. , variety of ways has made its ex- B. F BONHAM, , istence a business necessity to cv- pOR STATE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Acquired* Advantage*. |ery householder in Harney county. A. LEROY, THE HERALD TKr.w 1 A Wort to the People of Harney CcKBty. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. ÉDI H kba LD: Having been Sometime befare the conventions were held, the Items, then on *n nominated by the Democratic State "Independent »coot,’’ advised the Convention for the office of Joint Representative for the counties of "good jieople of Harney valley wait "till the nominations are made Harney and Grant, I feel it incum Leading Merchant of Harney F C*J by both political parties, then se bent upon me to sav a few word* to ------- DEALER IN-------- '**’ lect good men from either ticket, the people of Harney county and thus form an Independent through the column* of T he H er DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HAT8 (*An Republican-Democratic d°,e ald regarding the issues of the cam BOOTS, SHOES. GROCERIES, HARbw.k. themselves Under the above head paign. STOVES, TINWARE, CROCKERY, GI A hri T PAINTS. OILS, GLAS8, PUTTY, THE CE®! we propose showing how. after pre The Democratic governor of Ore SULTANA KAZORS, AND "I X L” CUTLERY S paring such a senseless mixture gon nominated for re-election, has CIGARS—AND A THOUSAND OTHER art , (sugar-coating it with such phraso fulfilled the duties of his position TOO TEDIOUS TO MENTION C|4 ology as “We never allow politics in a faithful and impartial manner; to get in the way of business, etc.,) has given general satisfaction, and I i>— for political suckers in both parties, will be re-elected. But such re it refused to swallow the dose 1 election will be but half a victory, Full Weight, Full Measure, and Extras self. Has always baan my motto, and 1 intend to maintain uiy Having kept an eve on its course unless a sufficient number of mem as to Joi nt-Senator for Morrow, bers of the legislature also lie elect Grant and Harr.ev, we were curious ed to snstain his views, whenever to see the outcome after lie sees fit to exercise the veto pow IN GENERAL. tions were made, provides,.Bl* | er. The monied power of the State pOR STATE PRINTER Burns is the trade-center of Har Let us illustrate: One of our Re man be on the Democratic and will doubtless use all means at their ney county, and has the customary MeHaley on the Republican tickets, JOHN O’BRIEN. publican subscribers, Mr. Simms, respectively, since to be eon’iste’i command to defeat him at the polls country town outfit of blacksmith p AR CONRRESSMAN is very busy this month putting in with its advice to the good people, but I believe their efforts will be in shops, carpenter shops, stores, feed R. A. MILLER, stables, eating-houses, saloons, l grain; he finds he is needing at it ought to declare itself openly tor vain. Should I be elected, I will . try and serve you as faithfully as town-hall, church, school houses, | once a larger plow; enters the the former. To begin with, it took no little house, says he “has to go to Burns, DISTRICT TICKET. etc. trouble to <it ftne the good points a if I were a resident of your county. Burns Business Men have no I and if wife wants anything there, Joint-Senator mijst show,thusly • pOR JUDGE The early completion of the rail “moss on their backs;” are men of | get ready and come along, ” After M D CLIFFORD. ‘ He must work for all his di»- road through your county will be means: of keen business foresight; means; foresight;1 a pleasant ride over a good, level trict as well as his own county. WIIB, of great benefit to your section, in W. E GRACE, P roprietor , pOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: I men who having invested largely •Must be up to snpff, one who road, they arrive in town. Mr. 8. cluding southern Grant, and any in town property, are directly in CHAP. F HYDE, see a point before it is too late terested in the development of ev goes to the only Agricultural Im can ‘ Must have some capacity and legislation necessarv, and proper J1OR JOINT SENATOR: ery resource that has a tendency to plement house in Harney Valley; business A Large Assortment ef to secure the early completion of knowledge. ” increase the commercial value of selects the kind of plow he needs; HENRY BLACKMAN, ‘ ‘ Must be a man of brains and that road I should, of course, favor- the town. Whenever they see an subscribes for a copy of the only yoR JOINT-REPRESENTATIVE: experience.” ,-ci.. If the system of internal improve FIKE CUTLERY.KOTiCKS.El“* advantage, they set themselves Of Mr. Blackmans qualiniva- D. 8. DUSTIN. unitedly to work to acquire it, and Republican newspaper published ments by the State, is to be contin. Has just been Received. it says in the Baine A,reat^: have in the past four years accom in the county; gets a prescription tions ued, Harney county is entitled to “ We are willing to admit that Mr. plished what it generally takes the for influenza made up at the drug Henrv Blackman would just fill her proportion of State aid. But 1 ( OVNI Y TICKET. mossback element of a town ten store; arranges to sell what wheat the bill, and make • good, capable should try and have all appropri. pOR COUNTY CLERK: years to obtain. he raises to N. Brown; orders wire Senator.’’ . . ationsfor the same properly guard W. E. GRACE. Burns has secured a daily mail fencing at J. Durkhcimer & Co’s; Having shown what kind of man ed so that a greater proportion of PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMP through the Valley. makes a Timber Culture applica P ill SHEHI.-E: should be elected, it proceeds to tion at the Land Office; replaces a sav the sort of man not fitted to funds so appropriated be expended £0 Everything guaranteed pure and of the very Lest Burns originated the Bill for and A. A. COWING. secured the establishment of the broken harness at Welcome’s shop; that very responsible position, in the actual building of roads, and pOR COUNTY JUDGE h aves his watch at the Jeweler’s and. doubtless, had the late master a less percentage for surveys and new Harney Land District. Burns is the terminus of all stage for repair; goes to see if Mrs. 8. of tricky “Old Jordon,” who is red-tape. , WM. MILLER. has finished her shopping, impa now on the Republican ticket (the 1 Democrats of Harney county, I lines into the Valley. P R ASSESSOR tiently growling to himself because master, mind, Bro . Harney Press, appeal to you tostundbvyour guns Burt s is the center of all public he will have to go to Harney to not / W. E. ALBERSON. the horse, nor the ticket) in the on the 2d day of June, 1890, and highways in the county. j pay his taxes, when, if the eounty- mind’s eye at the moment: ps,R TREASURER: Burns has the location of the U. j seat were at Burns, he could have • Must not be so narrow-minded gi ve as eood an account of your E. K. TAYLOR, - - ------- - pj S. Land Office, and both the offi- ! attended to everything nt the one that he cannot work for all parts selves on that day as you have in THOS. H ROBERTS. the past. cials as property owners. ; trip anil not one of his important of hie district.” This large and commodious Hotel has been generally *! poR SURVEYOR: There is discord and division in Burns can furnish the purchasers ! business matters could have been “We must not send some 01 e vated. The Proprietor will spare no pains to please hit J of lots warranty deeds, that will [ filled by Harney. incompetent because he has a fast the ranks of the .opposition in id- T. A. McKINNON. L. hold . . 1 . 1 — 1» » !• I T Let >ac i n î rvi a kna most every county in the State and us cm. see I 11-knl what Also Mrs. Q Simms has horse.” good 1 as 1 long as .. .1 the Republic ., Good table service, and tables furnished with all muk«a| P"R SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT: done meanwhile. First to the post- stands. Taking all things into considera in some cases open mutiny and re bellion. There is not or should office to send off a postal note for « L. B. BAKER. tion, the reader would naturally Burns has the only distributing 50c with her order for that new suppose after the nominations of not be serious contention in the postoffice in the Valley. JfOR CORONER: Democratic ranks, and if you vote shade of zephyr to repair baby’s Burna has the only Money Or socks; left a pair of boy’s shoes to Blackman and MeHahy were made for the candidates nominated to F. P. MOORE. der and Postal Note department to he sewed; calls for the coffee pot the Items would show its “busi- represent your principles without ness capacity,” it» “manlv Inde 0foR COMMISSIONERS: her postofflee in the county. .IBRA left at the tin shop to have a han pendence,” its love lor its homes, being influenced by petty dislikes, Burns has the only Express of WM. ALTNOW, dle soldered on; gets baby’s last its altars and 5s fires,” etc , i or local jealousies, your triumph is fice in the Valley. T. B. JAMES. set of photos just finished at the, advocating Blackman, as*t>eing the , ' assured. BOOK EXC’HANGE Burns has the largest number of .gallery; gets a new stew-kettle at man best fitted to represent the. ; My buainei* has prevented and IN THE HKRALD BUILDING. | doubt less wijl prevent, my making private residences, and resident in [(Jeer’s hardware store; looks in at intsrests. of the whole -'istriet; It J J70R COUNTY-SEAT or HARNEY COUNTY: i ♦ MRU. SR ACE, ------ L ibraria *. ankactive canvass of your county, habitants of anv town or locality j the Land Office to ask a question did no such thityu but Jast week Object of opening this bugiti cbm in connection with the Free Kemiinjr Room ii Jo « , bill you can rest assured that the in Harney county. i, ¡for the information of a lady friend accepted Mcllukf in this half-j Futn.s fur pureh««inK books fur a Public Library for Burn«—The lut fur thebu/Mn BURNS. ! Democratic Platform adopted April TERMS: Membership Fee (12 « vear. Readins Fee 10c. Deposit of 2’>c, or Rett Burna has Ike- onlv Sadrfle and v+mt hrta takrn tip a hoioesteail claim; returns reading matter to “IHs a foregone conclusion that ! 2-yth, will be the guide to my odimi ur Book, made with the Librarian, in every insiance. bend fur ( «talugsv. Harness Shop in the county. ■ .H^Tlie Librarian 1« agent for and will t«ke Sul scriptions at the Loarst Rita WHY BURY* FOR COUXTY SEAT? Burns has the only jeweler estab the Library, meets her husband at ¡Hon G. W. MeHaley. of Grant j official action, should I be the I'llcal, and order any Bo« k. published in the United State« or (.an ad a. Also, bh«t the Reading Room, well satisfied ! choice of the people at the coming Pictures, Works of Art, IL/UNe-Building Designs, Ktc. ¡county, will be elected Joint Sena- ; lishment in the county. „ , , •, _ i with her outlay of time and money. tor, hence, should the Senator and , election. 0. S. D ustin , Burns has the only Boot nnd . f)nvin>; f R-ss than $3; no Representative both come from] Long Creek, Grant co , Ore., May The people, all the Voters of Har ' fh0Ugpt of Harney troubles her, as would leave Har-1 3d, 189Ü. ney county, are invited togive their Shoe shop in the county. Burns has the only Brewery in not one of her trifling but necessary nev practically unrepresented.’ attention to the following reasons . the county. 1err*nds could have been accoin- Since the Items don’t like the, for locating the permanent county „Th« Burn« Church Burns has the only grist and j pfished in that town that has done seat at Burns. The Natural Ad merchandise Flouring mill in the j comparatively nothing toward ae- Grant county nominees, why not Is the only edifice sacred to the muster up a little independent vantages offered for the considera ■ county. | curing the location of the countv- common-sense for the occasion, and holding of divine services in the tion of people of the county, by j Burns has the only Tin Shop tn ; seat, by making itself capable of work outright for Morrow’s nomi-' county of Harney, and is a large, r. K. beach . President, I W m . M c F all , Treaiui E. H ughes , Vice-President, | W. F. B hovnton , 8ee supplying every ordinary demand nee for Joint-Senator and M. « well-built structnr.e, creditable in the county. Burns, may be thus summed up: unit ra Burns has the only Drug Store farmers anil stockmen are liable to Cardwell for Joint Representative?! apjiearance to much older counties 1. Burna is situated in the midst ! make, while called to town on It can find no fault with the latter’s than ours. The pastor. Rev. A. M. SEtfe «£3 reliables. in the county. of the richest farming lands in the strictly county matters. abilities as a man capable of repre-j McCnrl of the M. E church is in Burns hns the only Public Bath jflO^List of Directors and Stockholders at the office of the Ip eouDtv. i Siipposi* n stockman having busi- sentiug “the whole district, as well charge. house in the county. 2. Burns lies on the banks of the Services by pastor, and by Elder J. D. sfiaw, »-«*• ness at the county-seat goes there ns Harney county.” Burns has the only Photographic I i to Taylor, also, Sunday school, occu Silvies, the largest river, or stream i Gallery replenish his supplies, outside of 2-30tf BURNS. OREGDI-fli in the county. pies every Sabbath day as it rolls ! his usual full and spring supply of water in Harney Valley. Burns is the only point in the I trips—it would not be possible for round week after week. A Ladies M ay 16, ISSN, when T iie H erald .">. Burns can be easily and cheap county that keeps ftill and well Aid Society entertains the public, Harney to sell him bacon, beans, ly approached from every direction, Stocked Merchandizing and Hard- ! dried fruits, canned goods, salt, issued its first boom edition for ad occasionally, fir its lienefit, with from north, south, east and west. I ware stores. etc., to the sum of $300. because i vertising the great Harney country, little appropriate social meetings, EDUCATIONAL. I. Public buildings erected in such amounts are not kept in stock, the leading article said “a daily that are always well-attended. Burns has a commodious school so he must perforce go on to Burns' mail, a new county-seat, a U. S. Burns, are not liable to destruction JNO. W. SAYER PROMir The United State»» Eand Office from cloud-bursts, as there are no house, grounds fenced and set out I to complete the object of his ab Land Office and a railroad are sence from the ranch. in shade trees, which make it the > tilings of the near future for south At Burns, under efficient manage canyons, nojloftv surrounding rim best furnished educational struc-1 Keen ronitantlr on hand a lartt «tu« k »I Then, when county-seat is locat ern Grant county”—to-dav we find ment of J. B. Huntington as Regis rocks to threaten its safety at anv ture in the county. ed at Burns, Money Order and ! ter, and H. Kelley as Receiver, is season of the year. Burns has the only church build mail matter can be attended to at only the “railroad" in the future, doing a thriving government busi but all our advices assure us is ad 5 The fine, level, unobstructed ing in the county, and has secured j the same trip made to transact , ness, and so far as we can ascertain, tracts of land in the immediate vi-. thereby, the services of a pastor, | land or county court, or circuit vent is not only an assurance but is giving entire satisfaction to all at an early date. So mote it be. i who are dependent upon its mode ’ cinity of Burns, give the town per which guarantees regular religious court business. ; services throughout the Valiev. The location of the permanent' of work, for correct transaction i of mission to extend its iHiundaries as | Burns has the only Reading county seat of Harncv county, is their business in land matters. far in any direction as progress can Room and Circulating Library in simply and solely a plain business Our Town*. AU kind« at «urlare lumber lhon>n(hiy «caaoued lor balMln« puri«aMta<* STATEMENT OF BUSINKSS KIDL'CKD PRICK. demand. proposition, and as such only can I Once upon ft time a Mr. Roade- I the county. Transacted at U 8. Land Office, it be met to the advantage of each (i Burna has a fine, cool, healthy L-Towne, after careful selection of Burna has the only two broth-1 Burna, Oregon, from September ' the best location to “start up” in, 18»9 to March 31, 1890: flow of water at less than 15 feet | erly assiH-iiitions in the county, an and every citizen of the county. ' had. owing to his fmesight, ability, depth below the surface, for drink m«h receipt« (24,152.89 energy, and iiji<-ralirv, built up Total land «ale«, fere, and romminion ing purposes, that never dries up.' N. B. A Good ’ond all the wav. T he E ast O regon H er aid was .quite a good business. I ring well For Land ealea 1. >O4.97z ecrea I2O.288.S8 Burns is the place of issue of the 100 original lid. entries, 47 original Timbtr- never overflows, ami never changes cuituru entr‘e« 1 Miningappiieaiiun; y urig E ast O regon H erald , the only planted in Burns in the month of liked by all bis heighbors. Draeit l and entries. J17 Pre Meclaratory with the season. Is soft mid plen newspa|M*r of general circulation in Novetnl er, 1887, by I). I. Grace, a One day, however, while walking inai btatemeat«; 109«a»h eutrie«; 7 Timber Land along, hand ih hand with a friend. appli« atiuiif. «6 cuntcet« tiled in Burn« office, tiful when dug for. 15 feet and over ■ the county. newspaper man, well known as ‘Miss Prosperity,’’ he was rather -7u pending route«’« transmitted from lake I H<i 4 desert entrh ». 7. Burns has an equable climate i The Burns Brass such in the East, and an expo- surprised and slightly annoyed, to view pieces, is the when compared with other locali only I riem-ed editor of marked ability hear that two of his second cous W m . W oods , M an 4 geb . The Burnn Niwapupfr» ties, and can show smaller percent- county. The intention of Prof. Grace was to ins and neighbors,IMr. Towne-Sight- LARGEST STABLE AND BARN IN THE HARNEY COl” ETERraisKs SOW UNDERWIT. age of spring and fall sicknesses start T he H eraidou such firm ba- Towne, and J. Bull-Towne. Esq . Are the two largest papers printed In addition to the faregoing ac than any t >wn of its size in Eastern ' sis as to enable it to grow up with, had formed a co-partnership, and in the county. New—Fresh—Clean* The Harney Valiev Items, a five-; Oregon, and the death rate too in tually acquired advantager. the and become the exponent of South started ¡info business in <ip|s>sitinn following are in course of construc to him. ind with the intention of column, patent outside, quarto, ; Plenty Feed. Watar. an d Competent Service. significant to l>e mentioned tion, or in the hands of designers Eastern <iregon. ami his sucessful trying, to s > alienate, Mr. Roade claims to tie printed in th«* iinnie-i This Stable. » lih & full 1 ivery sccurmodsttof», fsopen to all. Horses, < «refnllv groomed, fed attd watered. n H iving foothills of snffieien: and builders- ' management <>>«taine«l ail h-* en L's friends, from him. that thev diate interests of a part of the peo ' ■»JGV KIAROMARLS. £^>TKRMB CAR«. heigh* on tit« north and northwest | A Court House (should the deavored to accomplish March 1. would not >»• willing to vol.* for ple of Harney county—for settlers to shelter the town from the only county seat !»• located in Burns) 1890. he sol«l it. clear of all encum him. when he aspired to an office, , that are contending for certain lands I I Burns-Canyon Stage Line. severe winds that could < .... otherwise .............. *,r ,own 1,n11 l,“‘t wil1 ’he larg brance, to W. <’ Byrd «t Son. who that which he was justlv entitled under dispute. | to. cot in the county. I J ewitt , P roprietor . visit it; and being removed from • E ast O regon H krai . d ,» 7-col all- kept it fully tip to th« high stand- Mr R I.-Towne naturally felt at-home folio, claims not only to be I •«▼•« Hurra on Morda* «. wrdnrmlsya, and Friday«, at A a. m the immediate vicinity of the; A $10.000 new Central School i ard already attained T he H er 'Connect« wLh th« Oatart.«. rrln««‘!le. and I.«k»vt»w «t«(<«. at Hura». ,'*”< indignant, and in protecting his published in the immediate inter building. tlol • for pue-cm iiiarsli* s, is fr«e from ths annual The largest and ald ia. undoubtedly, on«* <>f the rights was somewhat assisted bv ests of all the settlers and all the mosquito and gnat visitation that Saw Mill in th<.* county, baa than test paner» in Eastern Of gon tor: his first t onsin. wr Dogg-T stockmen, but ai l. th« p -uple in the and Mr Baere-Towne. who r afflicts other parts of the county; 1 mile from town county, as well a« the general inter general and reliable news; it is fon i)|, di-Dionstrated to Mess Bums is a town pleasant for place Machinery for operating » Fur published in the interest of th« est*. a* its title implte», of E.i*tcin I. A j-1—Towne, that Timh Oregon. niture manufactory is ordered of residence. - whole countrv, r> fiini)«»e of sect, Culture ar- sometimes lacki We Arc proud to be able t» add, i TON SAM A fine large Rank building is ’♦ Barns' citizens having tested* cm d, nr religion and it is. also, one the make up of a permn'icut what very few owmtty paper* are now in the builder«' hands C?H’NESE AND JAPANESE Cjt°° the at ility of the native mi), air. neew. ever nblc to**y with (ruth, that T he > The foundation work work is is being being of the L aning Ih mocrati«* pA[«ers 1 n,< lountistloti mid water Ao produce u i.i Fine. Fancnul* and Varied. Mr. Road. -L-Towne sold hie H kraid is totally free fiom i«f va this st.»re « ' when le u»wn. and riamine the prrttv array of F«nay ‘J**! ’ " ■ i done on the R.«< ine hotel. w hieb is of the Stete of Oregon, and its growth of plat t lift*. iu fi rm of i,« I e the largest and brat furiiiatw4i***n4»rd shall ever be, "sub hoc, go>id< With s guarantee and liad d«bti dness to any man, nr snr keea>»ab e Fri ewe for CsSh Owe d.ww emth of Geer's Hard ift> mn-iet ti_,n with That firin ovi ri of men, _ and !» lull» pripand i ..« Bun* r<*. from seed, I ulb. and •t Itff H»»f* l ,n tbt i igr.« vn.rrn.uî» rontinue. A CHICHE LAUNDRY BUH.MS HOTI T^URNS OIRCULAT1NG XXxxstio T he white front livery and F eed sis BURNS CHINESE BAZAR. lu sa u« *>□'. Mln g