A UETEtTIt I.OVE STORY. No, »he don’t board t« Such, dear friends, is a brief the universality of its extent and fConciudfdj THE HERALD lunger. Her '.hunband view of Odd Fellowship, as it is the motives presented for action in Pvom New York Weekly Corinne, her maid J By I’rof/E. It Baker, hi Burn* church. to-day. That there is opposition, is | Well, I took Rose to my room, _ with high and benevolent teaching. ____ 1— - * * get hJL Muy 3<i. 1MOO. money be - could 8 ATI’RD 1Y, MAY 17. HW. While, therefore, the Order in its known ami expected, for that which and I had my cook, my dear old Although they were strangers to organization and development, is is lovely or of good report, never nurse, as I told you, sir, come and he soon tired of her, atli| [Advertisement.] each other in the general accept»-1 . being just the fuol we j founded upon eternal principle», it escapes the »cowl ami sneer of the help me to keep her there. tion of the term, yet ns Odd Fel are. took him back, anil REPUBLICAN TICKET. only gives direction to the known gloomy Pharisee? But the princi You see. Rose was very high-tem lows they were brothers and regard lie lx haves hinoi-If to|J ples of the Order may be tried by and admitted truth, and enforces pered, ami I expected to have trou ed and esteemed each other as old Of course I sha’n’titH pOR REPRESENT..T.VE: their fruits, and who can rise up the duties it teaches by discipline. ble with her, and nurse loved her ami long tried friends, because i they live, and, of count! and say these fruits are evil, or BINGER HERMANN, From this very general view, we IMMENSE TERRITORY almost as she did me. tliev knew the most implicit confi I told you their real P'OR GOVERNOR: adjacent, adapted to both farming dence could be re-posed in one all may pass to consideration of some that associated action by which all But, bless you, Rose Massy never i you in the first place, IJ the achievements of the age have and stock-raising. The town of ot her, and that it mattered not of the specific benefits of the insti did one thing hut lie on my bed ami DAVID 1’. THOMPSON, and 1 trusted your liN, J been wrought, is wrong?* tution secured to each and every Burns has two newspapers. The cry all to herself, She wouldn’t | P'OR SECRETARY OF STATE what language they spoke, or tray me, if you ever r... 4 H must be conceded, dear friends, member by the stipulations of the principal stock men of this valley what country or clime gave them answer any of us. She just lay and Mr. Fanfarelie on fj “' geo . w . M c B ride , that the present standard and effi are Messrs. Peter French. J. S. De birth—they met as friend», and covenant agreement. If a member there ami cried. She is worth a null,! pOR TREASURER vine ami the L. F. Co, These par were bound together in the ties of of the Order is unable to attend to ciency of the Order is materially Well, sir, we tigually dined about for all »he tried so wicj due to the hearty co-operation of PHIL. METSCHAN, his ordinary avocation from sick ties are all said to be millionaires friendship. seven o’clock. I Rose, and we all think » poR SUPREME JUDGE: ness or providential disabilities, he I the ladies admitted to the temple and their wealth is variously esti Mrs. Fanfarelle liked fashionable I Love, sir, is a god otl I No motive but the purest brother- through the degree of Rebekah. mated from one to fifty millions. ig paid every week, during the con-: R. 8 BEAN, hours. i ly love had called them together; i you use him. Love kJ This degree was instituted about The L. F. Company have lately But this night it must have been ! rules us all. We go Op, J poR STATE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT t othing but tl < pure spirit of be tinuance of such disability, such thirty-five years ago as a pledge of law, consolidated their stock ami land after eight, ami not much of a dinner e . b . M celroy , nevolence and a desire to advance benefits as may be fixed by He the Order’s confidence in woman’s then. Mr^. Fanfarelle had her» in down, down, down, a»l>l interests here with Mr. Jno. Devine, from the funds of the Lodge, and improve the condition of man, pORSTATE PRINTER: if ever he gets the uj the goodness and fidelity. And it has ; her room. and are partners as “Lux, Miller, actuated them to assemble on that is visited by the officers of The safest way is not lol FRANK C. BAKER, proved one of the best and most de ftir- Mason & Devine” and are known on Mr. Fanfarelie came in and went the upper hand. occasion; no motives of gain; no al-1 Lodge, and proper attendants this coast as the Pacific Live Stock nished to watch by big-sick bed ami sirable improvements. It is for out again very quickly. I don’t lurements to wealth or power; no them to cultivate the intellect, and DISTRICT TICKET- Association, w hich is perhups the high-eounding titles of distinction attend to hi» wants. In case of to make moral and religious im knowif Mr. Blackheath hurried him pOB JUDGE: Some! I i | i > s to Lug strongest on this coast if not the brought them together. They were death, he is decently buried by his pressions upon the mind in the i out or not, but I suspect. My sweet strongest in the world. Their do R. EAKIN, Lodge; his remains are followed to old lady lodger came ami knocked She sang “Take Back men without any particular influ minions extend from Grant county, “the house appointed for all living.” days of infancy and childhood, at my door with velvet hands, ami that Thou Gavest" r, poR PROSE! rriXG ATTORNEY ence, with no pecuniary mean», ex which will endure through life. Or., to the southern «online» of Cal J. L. RAND, cept such as was necessary for their and the dust is smoothed on his None so competent as our sisters of Rose put her arms round her neck and effectively, but hen ifornia. They can travel hundreds grave by the hand of sorrowing and sobbed aloud. But she never a newspaper man and comfort and temporal happiness of poR JOINT SENATOR: of miles from here in a southerly friendship. This is not the end of the Rebekah degree to simplify i spoke. She just cried and cried, anything back—Phiiai life. G. W. Mi HALEY, direction and camp every night on the duties of Odd Fellowship. The the cardinal precept of the Order, They accordingly applied to Eng chain of earthly fellowship may lie “Love thy Neighbor as thyself.” till I thought she would kill herself. J1OR JOINT-REPRESENTATIVE: their free-holds. Pi ter French Esq. I felt so dreadfully alone for some is administrator to the Dr. Glenn land, ami after much anxiety and broken, but some of its several links In response to the behest of this W. W. CARDWELL, one to help mo then. There was estate of California, Mr French’s j delay procured a charter from Duke remain in the persons of a stricken liable impulse, they cheerfully nurse, to be sure, but one man, if he j of York Lodge of the Independent widow amlhelpless or] han». Odd leave the hover of pleasure to vis- wife being heiress of that estate. COVXTY TICKET. is a sensible one, is worth twenty Order of Odd Fellows held at Pres Two established surveys Fellowship repairs to the desolate it the couch of the pained and suf pOR COUNTY CLERK ton, England, which was directed to home, refillsthe cruse of oil and re faring, leave the company of the women in such cases. FOR RAILROADS H. C. LEYENS, 1 sent for Mr. Blackheath. have been made through Harney Washington. No. 1. No sooner had plenishes the empty barrel. Over joyous and gay to visit the abode P<>K SHERITF: lie came to the door for an instant, the charter been obtained and the valley by the Oregon Pacific R. It. the night of desolated widowhood | of poverty and woe, •, leave the do- anil when he saw Rose, went to the A. GITTING8, , Order organized than prejudice and I Co. and the N. P. R. II. Co. it watches with sympathetic care.1 | inestic circle of peace and comfort side of the bed, and said something . superstition started up on all sides poR COUNTY JUDGE: j to watch through the dreary night With the advent of railroad fa and comforts the stricken-hearted in a low voice. I heard it. It wasi cilities this year to Ilarney valley . and proclaimed the most unblush- mother, with the assurance that her I hours. II. M. IIORTON, “Hope and trust—God ami me.” With such teachings written in and with the advent of the electric . ing slander against secret societies fatherless children will be pro- poR ASSESSOR: ; and that this Lodge of Odd Fel teetedand educated. Rose kept her face from him, but our temple, leading to correspond telegraph in our midst, we will ask ALPIIENA VENATOR, she held her hand toward him. ing practices without, the Order for no more, for these are the requi lows was the very nucleus of im Pause for one moment, to exam poR TREASURER: sites for modern civilization and morality ami infidelity, and it no ine the strong argument furnished will withstand all the sjiocks of “Vindicate me, anil I will worship G. F. HAINES, the “evolution theory” of develop doubt appears marvelous that this in favor of the Order by this view ; opposition, and the changes of op you the rest of my life,” she said. poll SURVEYOR: ment will naturally follow. I have small band of brothers bad the of its character: the young man position grow firmer and stronger "I love you already.” received lotters of inquiry’ regarding courage and firmness of purjiose to in business far from home, the in its moral power, until the wreck W. R.GRADON, Well, sir, nobody need ever sav ! this region and having lately trav. sustain themselves under such tri man of family, who eains his bread of matter and the crash of worlds, anything to me about little men. poR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT: elled over a good portion of it I send als and persecutions, and with so . by the sweat of his brow, can, when change our theater of action to one Napoleon was a small man, wasn’t STOCK BRANI'» CHAH. NEWELL, "you the above ns the best means of great weight of public opinion in health, spare, say ten dollars of repose. he? poR CORONER: Then, let us, brethern, with Divine imparting the information desired pressing upon them. These perse annually, and thus secure such aid Mr. Blackheath was a small man; W. W. JOHNSON. through the columns of your valu cutions, no doubt, had a tendency and attention during sickness, as blessing, give men vitality, and I don ’t think he measured over five to chasten their conduct and to ac could be obtained by no other pecu strength to those blessed instru p('R COMMISSIONERS: able paper. More Anon, feet five, perhaps less. But at that tuate them to walk upright before N. E. IH'NCAN, II. B. II.” niary expenses. The merchant, the mentalities, and surveying the past God ami man, they leing conscious man of business, visiting San Fran and rejoicing in the present, let moment he looked taller by a great M. V. SMITH, that, without the strictest moral cisco, or the cities east of the Rocky us resolve to be more abundant in many inches than the Police In spector ever did, and he was a tall There arc not less than twenty ' conduct, the inference would be mountains, may be taken sick, and labors to elevate and improvo so man. lakes within the boundary of Har ■ drawn, and with reason, that their who that hag ever been sick, a rich a legacy, to spread its princi un ney county. Mr. Blackheath kissed my cousin’s purposes were evil rather than good; strang! r in one of the largo hotels, ples,to exemplify in our lives its hand. Then he turned to me. ami the result was that Washington knows not tin- neglect with which virtu|-s, and to leave our impress A larger acreage in wheat is i I.rdge soon hail its Bcores of fol persons, under sqch circumsta ces, for gpoil upon this goodly heritage (Don’t you see how delicate he was. sown, than heretofore tried; the lower», ami ultimately became the i are treated. They may have abun- bequethed aus by the founders of sir? Most men would have gone Mr. II. B. Hendricks, of Rose beyond her hands in the matter of burg, while making a business trip entire season to date propitious for ■ center from which emenated the jdant means to procure hirelings, our beloved Order. purest moral precepts; and from kissing, but he thought she did not heavy returns. through our county, wrote the fol but they cannot purchase kindness this once feeble band, were soon es love him yet, though she imagined lowing as the result of his observa ami sympathy. The possession if Wright's Point, the eastern ter it in her gratitude.) E fforts to secure water by tablished in the city of Baltimore, I an Odd Fellow’s card will secure STENGE! tion». minus of the great long, dark, low “I think I shall beat them,” he Harney Valiev is a beautiful val means of artesian well-boring, a numtier of Lodges composed of a all this, for its presentation to the ly-lying ridge forming the south said to me, in a whi»per, “I dare ley in ' Eastern Oregon in Harney was successful in Burns to the . portion of the most wealthy and Lodge is an assurance of fraternal H orner branded on ern boundary of Harney valley, re not say more.” intelligent residents of that city. attention. county, between 118 and 120 de depth of 107 feet. ceived its name from Capt Wil ! Either Right or left This glorious work of benevolence grees West Longitude from Green These, wi- may say, are the com Well, sir, to make a long story i and brotherly love did not coniine mon duties of humanity acknowl liams in honor of Gen. Wright, who short, he did beat them. It was atifle: OK. wich and between -13 anti 44 de No sickneM this spring to report; the spring before, lost his life by grees North Latitude, about 3,500 only two practicing physicians in itself to the Monumental city, 1 lit, edged by all men, am] needing no Corinne, Mrs. Fanfarelie’s maid, the sinking of the “Brother Jona diffused to the remotest limits of feet above the level of the sea, with th<‘ country, and they spend but society to enforce them. We grant who had put those things in my Ksnxe— Giant county, Oregon. I P. O.—Burna. Grant county.Ong| the continent, and, to-day, there are that they are the duties of com than.” It is close to the site of old an area of about 2500 square miles, little time in the saddle. cousin's drawer. She owned it all Camp Wright, and the present resi Lodges established in every State containing 1,600,000 acres of land. mon humanity, but are they per up when Mr. Blackheath put it : ami Territory of our Republic and formed? We have very little con dence of John S. Devine, whose This valley is nestled in a brok straight to her, and threatened her N othing , but cash, is more wel- the adjacent Provinces. name lias become a household word en chain of mountains on the north ception of the amount of suffering in this county, as the purchaser of with the consequence if she did not. , come at all seasons of the yea r, to Gild Fellowship, weak in the be endured by virtuous poverty when east, south and west with the high | T iie H erald , than a sheet of local "You see, Mrs. Fanfarelie was ginning, with but few meifibers, has the supplies procured by industry thousands of acres of hay lands, est peaks of the Blue mountains on jealous. She knew somehow that C attbk branded items from any section of Harney sold by the State under the Swamp crowned itself with unfading lau- are cut ofi by sickness; when the the north and the Steen mountains ’ county. Land Law, ami bought in for stock 'ler husband had once asked my on Left aide; circle- I rels by good works; gathered strong man is prostrated, and lies on the south, towering up into the The Point is only 15 miles eousin ,o marr-v lli,n’ and 1 suppose, ‘i. A Split in each range, strength and multiplied, until now, stricken and helpless, knowing that realms of perpetual snow. This that as far as the puppy was capable ear. drive from Burns. llarney Valley was so called in no adequate estimate can be made loved ones are in want, when no valley has ¡of caring for any one, beloved Rose in honor of the brave Missouri sol of its influence on the people and AN ABUNDANCE friendly foot-step crosses the thresh- Harney valley has changed very - *bat was nothing. He : Range—Harner and («rant cov« ' dier, General Ilarney, in memory institutions of this great and glori holil of the obscure home, to which of water supplied by the Silvies I*, u —Burra. Harney couuly.w much in some respects in the last ^d married his wife for her money, of a skirmish he had with Indians ous country. It has no marble al he has fled to conceal from a heart and Blitzen rivers and their tribu The only thing he really loved was taries. and other smaller streams, in 1853, while escorting emigrants tar, no wreathed statues, no offer less world, the bitterness of his pov seven years. Seven years ago but himself. His wife was a great deal through the valley. few housi s were to be see in this ings of incense, but hearts of affec- erty. \\ ho can tell the anguish of all of which have their outlets in I valley. There were two or three to° 8°°^ for him, and I never j tion build upon its shrine—the wid his heart when the wife of his RILEY A HARDC the Malheur and Harney lakes. houses, one store, and a saloon at *"an,cil her so much after all, Aiilre«« ISAAC DNIB The Malheur and Harney lakes T he Oregon Pacific, which will ow end orphan are its living monu bosom bends over him with her old Egan, now known as the Levens though, of course, she contrived have no outlets. These two lakes pass through Harney valley within ments. pale, earnest face, ami as she wipes Bros, ranch; then1 were two houses everything to make Lose seem a are connected by an artificial chan the next year or two nt th- furthest, The principles emblazoned upon the fever drops from his brow, with H orikr branded on in Burns: the Burns Hotel, which 'hief. nel and are on a level with each will“ open to the outside world j the banners of the Order and in the sublime energy of a woman, Left Stifle: Horizontal other, to the contrary not withstand-' a vast and wealthy country in scribed upon its altars, are Friend- whi-pers hope. Alas! what has he was, at that time, a saloon and ho- i You see, sir, women, when they Double-II ing. as you will observe by the maps East Oregon, now largely undevel ship, Love and Truth, nnd it is the to ho]H> for if, God. in his provi tel; the house where attorney C. A. are in love, are the greatest fools Swetk now resides in which Peter going. I’m a woman and I know. giving the geography of this region. oped. constant and unvarying inculcation dence, should call him uway?| Stenger, at that time, had dry goods Mrs. Fanfarelie was a fool about These two lakes cover an area of of these principles that causes Odd Notiiing. That wife will be a brok C.rrui ami groceries, and Ed. 1 1 ind em that handsome idiot, her husband. I about 150 'square miles and are “W ho is Henry Blackman?” is ' Fellowship to be strictly practical. en-hearted willow, struggling sin L»ft * ployed to clerk for him; George Rose is a fool today about Mr Black NEAR THE CENTER a natural query from voters who Its members receive with reverence gle handed against poverty, ex Stanelift's residence, near the upper dee*» heath, and you can see for your of the valley. Their shores are only subscribe for the county paper the teaching of God's Holy Word, posed to the heartless insults of a rM» low, but they have never been during the run of a political cam which tells them that they are the heartless world. Those children, bridge- the house above that on the self what he is, and what she is. known to overflow. The low shores paign. and therefore, do not keep children of one common Father, fel in all probability, will be reared in river, belonging now to Thos. ami I’m a fool, for, actually, though •f these lakes account for the shal abreast of the times In addition low travelers through this dark ignorance—possibly for a life of George Maupin; Thos. Whiling on Mr. Blackheath never pretended to Ranee: <¡rant, crook, and F. (>.—F.ilev. (»rant (••niitr.U lowness of the wells in this valley, j » to our own knowledge of him as a world of sin, alike need it g the sym shame, a death of disgrace. But the opposite side of the river from love me, I loved him enough to which are from eight to twenty feet gentleman, capable, shrewd man of pathy and support of their fellow different would be the condition of the Maupin rauch, and P. F. Steng have married him on any terms, if ers log house; which now stands in he had asked me. deep. Irrigation is business, and an Eastern Oregon men. such a person, if in the days of his NOT NBCESSARY man. his fellow-towsmen, who hon Not that I begrudge him to Rose, It is true that the means of the health and strength, lie had be the field near his old barn. If our W. B TODHUYI to raise crops and gardens. The ored him with the position of may society do not enable it to relieve come a [member of this Order—A recollection is not at fault there she worships him, so do I and the were no other buildings in this im soil here Contains all the properties or of Heppner, one of the most all the wants of all men, but they Competency would have smiled mediate vicinity. Going from here children. Mr. Blackheath was a rATTLA branded necessary to make a successful prosperous little towns in the State, do enable it to mitigate the wants around his hearth-stone, sympa east the next building, or i nprovr- homely man to me once. My little with Wrench” on Hip. grain growing country. Small fruit answers the question bv stating: of many. The relief is. in the first thizing friends would have watched ment, that you come to, was near sissy used to call him ugly, Rose Far mark«' Cb-te the Kifht ear; and shrubbery, and berries of near "II. Blackman is of the tirm of 11 place, justly restricted to the mem around his sick-bed, lie would close where Harney now stands, and go called him an old fogy, and my rrupoff Cnder-alope in ly all kinds can be successfully Blackman A Co., successors of bers of the Order and their families, his eyes in death with the assur ing south the John Devine cattle Jimmy used to run whenever he Left «ar. ranch. There was a great abund raised here. Heppner A Blackman, the pi. neer but these demands answered, relief ance that his family was left in ance of grass every where. On the spoke to him. VACANT LAND merchants of this town. The busi is extended toothers ns far as it hands of brothers. "whose constant head of the Islam! could be mowed Now we all run, even the cook, as level as your floor in bodies of ness of the tirm is managed ly II possesses the ability. The pecuni duty it is to watch ami protect the from one to two tons of grass to the when we so much as hear hi» step. acre, where, at this date, there is thousands of acres, is here to be tak Blackman, mayor of the city of ary contributions of the memlier» '»¡•low ami educate the orphan.” scarcely any. Five years ago Geo. But not from him. Mr. Black en ami is just as go->d as any that Heppner and one of its most ener which consist in small monthly Odd Fellowship is calculated to Stanclift mowed grass on the com heath is the angel of this house, sir. is occupied. Home-seekers in Ore- getic and enterprising citizens." sums, constitute a fund for the ex mak men social and humane by mons l.etween Burns ami the upper If you don't believe it, come to din-' gon cannot do Is-tter elsewhere. That language speaks volumes for clusive purpose of relieving the bringing them frequently together, bridge: II Simpkins, the same year, net with us once, and spend the This Eden will not long remain ti e man DcimH-r.it« have selected sick, burying the dead, protecting thus breaking down the barrier», cut hav between the Geo. McGow evening afterward. I don't believe Ranni?: Grant and Malheur*^ n an unsettled state, but in a few to serve the interests of the whole and assisting the widows. 1- this created by sect or party, nnd unit an and L.'wn s Br >s. ran "lies This God ever made a better man than P. O. addrraa: iiarna. Graal "■ short years this land will all la- tak district, as well as his own county, respect the Order is a vast mutual ing men as citizens of one country, country was. more liable to frost Mr. Blackheath. Of course Rose di’”ng spring ami summer months. en. the golden opportunities now as Joint-Senator for Harm ', Grunt aid society, differing from nil others members of one family, the human 1 "in For arrret and «’»»odfjJ 1 <l'cations are that Harney v Iley thinks so. but the odditv of it is w J wU the • • killing or MM otlervd will l>e improved. an<l Morrow. in the perfection of its organization race. is getting more seasonable. . r bekMM that Mrs. Fanfarelle thinks so. too. et<>ckj>fthe « i _____ _____ The climate is salubrious and will compare favorably with any other part of the “Inland Empire.” Burns and Harney are the princi pal towns and in fact are the only towns -n the Harney valley. These towns ar? about fifteen miles apart in the northern jsirtion of the val ley. Both towns have an AN ORATION 3 I