Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1890)
O rego BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1890. $2.00 a Yoar I«®* J. lau>lall. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. The NeugleiiabettH oorbus case wa» Mecided by United States supreme Hon Samuel J. Randall died at court, April 14th. The judgement 5 o’clock, Sunday, April 13th, at r. \ . B. EMBREE, M. D. of the circuit court being affirmed. Washington, D. C. office at hie re«lt’er<e ou (he east ide ol Hil FKOM ALL parts of the would vias River, ten xrilçt below Burns This disposes of all proceedings Samuel Jackson Randall was against Neagle for shooting J udge born in Philadelphia, I’a., October Terry. 10, 1828 He was the son of a wi ll known lawyer and Democrat IPEK LAWS. Open Every Day except Sunday, from 9 a m to 4 p m. S B. M< PHEETERS, M. D. The Senate in executive session quire»’ (»• give notice by ic politician in Philadelphia, was Every Lady and (Jeu tie in an a welcome Visitor to ths Btadirg Hc< m cuj.'rg U e hcure i aa; d. the paper d» e* no’ anawer the PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. disposed of the report anb recoin bl'K' ribcr doc« nut take hja paper Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. l-!y p. un i ilie rea«<>n for i<a not being mendations of Dolph’» special com educated as a merchant, and after fcglec th» d.> *• nittk« a the poat- plt e o ih publisher lh pavpient mittee U> find the leaks by which being four times elected to the city |CiS"U . r lc.8 h a paper diacon L pu ul> arrearage», - r the Fun the proceedings of executive ses council and once to the State Sen L. 8. Taylor, an attorney of Sac- ■ hinue i. sen-i if until pa> ment i» feel the whole aniuuiu w hether it sions became public. The report ate, was sent to Congicss, taking ramento, on Sunday morning, April the offic e t r not 'i here run I e Notary Public. his seat December 7, 18G3. He has iiinuHLuetil paymeui i» made, 20th, when heawoke found he could recited the failure of the inquiry to b n who take» a paper from the I). L. GRACE, since represented, without inter |titer directed to hia name or an establish the complicity of anv one , not speak. Doctors were called in BURNS. OR nul- ho has subscribed or not. ia r ihe pay Land Filng«, Contest Blunks, Applications for with the newspaper men, and re- mission, the only Democratic dis feriber ordar« hi.» paper slopped Publication Notices, correctly and promptly and pronounced the cause paraly trict in Philadelphia. He served ite. und the l’ubiisher continues attended to. Dee»is. Notes, and Mortgages sis of the tongue, lie will prol«- comhi':.:ded t)wU tl)ej, i.- be.citcd d a riher is bound to pay for it if eg iblv drawn up. Charges reasonable, on the committees on banking, rules ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLAR« fui thefcpvRtoffiue. Thia proceeds before the Senate to be dealt with bly never speak again. rtliut a man must pay fur whut he and elections, distinguished him for contempt. The report was dis ‘“The Leading Company of the Pacific Northwest. ft» have decided that refusing t< Alexander Cameron, the wealthy self by his speeches on the force trs and periodicals from the post cussed nearly four hours and at g^- yer-l'RlVATR DWELLINGS AND FARM PROfiRTTA 8 PECULTY.-^l 'XK1 Ing them vueiilled for, withou Toronto lawyer, who recently mar-< Btime, i» prima facia evidence ul the close the recommendations of bill in 1875, was a candidate for ried a rich Detroit widow named! J. NAT. HUDSON, The Farmers’ Company. the committe were rejected. This speaker in the next year, and was Ward, has returned from Europe. A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. is supposed to end the lastest farce appointed chairman of the commit Mrs. Cameron and -her step-daugh OF SALEM, OREGON. Office: BURNS, OR. in connection with executive ses tee on appropriations. He gained ter, Miss Ward, are still in Paris. credit by his success in curtailing & sion of the Senate. — Ex. ------ BurnstOi's. It is announced that the young expenditures by enforcing a sys J. C. PARKER Agent, The following cablegram, from tem of proportional reductions, and heiress will in June wed Prince de rtAI.I» CI.I B LIST M:t ......... Benyon Caraman of France. Miss Panama, is published by the Star on the death of Michael C. Kerr, I a A. SWEEK. Wardis 17 years old.' With the and Herald, which says it is very was elected speaker, December 4, eraldtUbifliarper’s Buzar 5.20 i ,, erald and HI arpe r‘s \'(»uiig People .. 3.75 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. bride 'he Prince will receive an in important, inasmuch as the means 1876. He was re-eleeted speaker LAKEVIEW ADVE R’lIbLMlNT. Ê1? “irald and Al >en'B Manifold < yelopedia, 2.90 ; c^)Each ado»onal volume after Vol. I, öö cents; of carrying on work at the canal come of nearly #150,000 a year. — Cilice: Burns Oregon. in the two following congresses, LU Ceuta extra ver volume, postage. must necessarily have been provi serving in that capacity till March E’x. L l^Sp-Copièe of all the above work* can ba ex niaed atlti*Gi< in the Reading Room. ded for before an effort to approach 3, 1881. Mr. Randall has borne a The Gilbert starch works of Des. the Columbia government was con conspicious part in the debates on V ! : sliorci >if linei tiiii-ll'K tiro Hiilit itoil THE HOPKINS HOUSE. Moines, were destroyed by fire, GEO. S. SIZEMORE, templated: “M. Santeroau of the the tariff as a leader of the pro Bng Room—We file, anti bind I lie April 14th; loss, $125,000. The Eòi every half-volume, t,r»d v»v <j ATTORNEY, Panama Central Committee in tectionist wing of the Democratic M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . rei tiscrn eut. I works were situated •three miles ......... .'.... O regon ! from the center of the city. When tends soliciting from the Colum party. His widow is a daughter of Bin ns , EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. Culler ¿ions, Lund business, and lie ill the cry of fire was given, a mad bian government .an extension of General Aaron Ward, of New I'iH the concession in favor of the liold- York. 1 yr. Estui ’ matter i romptly attended to. 1 inu :: ino 6 j .<• Ai’l ! 1 Wk rush was made to escape by the ñch I ÍLfiñ »2.50 $5.00 »N 'M) »11 ÔÔ »15.00 ; ers of titles (porteurs de titres), employees, many tumbled down QO Gl IN. 00 3.0» 4.00 G.50 with the concurrence of the liqui A Murdoretl Man Found in a Barrel. This Hotel 1 b new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and off«: «courteous service to every Guest “ 2.5-' 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 40 00 stairs, several girls were seriously tì.00 V >.» .0 <.i) 32 00 50.00 “ í 4 5 Attorney-at-Law. dator of the canal, based on the . At the Appraiser’s stores, New y oo 15.00 :>.05 48.00 51.00 col. e.w injured; three had their arms bro “ 12.-') ln.U) ■_s •«) 4> 0 ‘ 8J.00 1LO.OO M. DUSTIN ■Sautereau project.” .10 00 113.00 14 ' 00 “ 1 isO.Oo SO. 00 York, April 14, the body of a mur ken. The factory was in full op )Ji<e: Harney City and Burns. eration, with 112 men employed April 13th was the day set apart dered man was found in a barrel and as many women and children. bv Mrs. Woodworth’s disciple, Geo. consigned here from Copenhagen Í There were no lives lost, but many Erickson, as the day for the de The body is that of an elderly man narrow escapes. The building end struction of San Francisco, Oak and was covered with lime. The contents were insured for $200,(XX). land and Ain eda by an earth customs officials have not the I Cenerai Blacksmith & Waeon-maker slightest doubts that it is the body I. aknview , O upoon . IL R. SCHLÄGEL A large number of doom-.-< alers quake and tiual wave. In S.n of Pilipsen’s victim, and the story of Francisco littk hc.d w... given the spent the day on Taylor Mountain 1 v’ crime was told in a previous near Santa Rosa, in expectation of prophecy, but at Oakland a good reptoared do all Kind* of Wo n th Blacksmith line. ' llorae Bhceiug at L IC pi in»’. ! dispatch. deal of faith was phic <1 in it. and --------- o—------ seeing the .valley til’cii with water. The Copenhagen cablegrams have B U G G I E S, W A G ON 8, E T C.,-> Among the number are one or two hundreds went to t-he mountains, MADE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. business men of this city, who, late some selling their property at a narrated how a merchant of that M. n. BIGGS. place was strangled to death by a Burn . Or A LL W ()R K W A RRA NTE I). April 15th had not returned, sacrifice, putting the money in fearing that perhaps a mistake of their pockets. We see in ar ex soap-maker, who shipped the body a few hours had been made. Re change the most comical features to New York in a cask of lime. Attorneys at Law, ligious c:»ercisos were con/lneted of the “tidal wave” or “doom-seal- On February 6th, a mysterious re cask, consigned to Beresford Bros., Will practice in all of the court« of the State. throughout the day on the moun ero” scare ire was seen on the city DRCWREY AbVKKTIiEMENT. All I t sine«« placed in tare of thia firm will be Racine, Wis., arrived on the steam front. Many ship captains and promptly attended to. tain. The Oakland “doom sealers” er, Thingvalla, Wells Fargo & Co., men, engaged in shipping, carried that went to St Helena within the in whose care the cask was ad past two weeks as a safe refuge in a champagne cork on each lapel of r dressed, promised to ascertain for i their coat. When asked why they which to escape the predicted tidal whom the lime was intended, al- ( did so, answered, that they did it | wave of destruction of Oakland and PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. *BM»uirrofl» - - - _ though they had no patron in Ila-! DICKSON .t SULLIVAN San Francisco, to take place, April so they might float when the tidal * cine named Beresford and had re- ril-IAI. DIRECTORY. t . a . m . kinnon . ; 15, are now fleeing to the mount wave struck them. Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. Any.tun «.11 kind» of surveying done on Fhui i civcd no request to forward the ains, having discovered that St. notice anti reasonable terms. fifF “ ¡settler national : Prince Charles Tranttmansdorf, Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies Brandi cask there. Meanwhile the cask to bt lot aled, can have plats furnishc Benjamin liarrkiun wishing Helena is such a wicked place they the celebrated turfman and crack Levi I’. .Morton free of charge. Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on band whe» remained in the Appraiser ’ s store. jRinesO Blaine are not safe there. A large num pigeon shot, has been judicially de William Winduin you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. EHBury After a cablegram detailing the JohnW. S'otilu nterior ber went to Howel) mountain last clared a »pend-tiirifl, and placed Retlficld Proctor ar facts of the Copenhagen murder Benjamin F. Trncev avv SADDLE AND HARNESS SUOS’, week and one party' of negroes went under a guardianship. The Prince Jeremiah M. Husk ilir ultnre were published the cask was broken Wm H. H. Miller to the summit of.Mt. St. Helena. is 45 years old and the head of a John Wanamaker open. From the top of the barrel on : J. C. WELCOME - PimrinF.TOR. At Los Angeles, April 14, the princely family, with vast estates protruded the light hand of the I J. N. Dolph •) J. H. Mitchell case of Mary E. Towner, who was in Bohemia, and in fact every prov murdered man, with a gold ring on Binger Hermann BCKNH. OREGON. D.Sylvcstcr Pennoyer committed to Stockton from Santa ince in the empire. His income is one finger. The arm hail been II. '.(¡co. W. McBride PATENTS. .«. W. Webb Monica, some time ago, upon the estimated at half a million florins. forced down by the top of the cask, J. H. McElroy C. A. SNOW A- CO. _ _ - WASHINGTON, D. linai; Erank Bakei rimer I uO R. S. Strahan testimony of II. C. Towner and Mrs He has always had a magnificent and had sprung up when the PatcniK obtained, and all patent buaine«* ntlauded to promptly] and for uDtderatt- Win. 1’. Lord .ram« Jwk S» Our Office is opposite the I) 3 Latest Office, and we rail obtain in l«»n l.tuo than racing stable, arid in his betting weight was removed. The cask by W. W. Thayer remote from Washington Bend Model or Drawing. We u<lvi«e as to patentability ( HAS. SAMPSON - - B urns . On Freeman, now bids fair to develop ' fl’: r W ' at [li JUDICIAL IHSTPIUT was favored by fortune and is un-! sensationally. Mrs M’. E, Towner was partly filled with dry plaster, j of charge; and we make no charge unless patent is be cured ■ ■ L 41 ÏHGN trlct jq< D W-A-T-rC-H-M-A-K-E-R We refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order? DlvWion, r. . - • , .J.. L. R and it key a sister-in-lawof the young lady, derstood to have cleared large sums piled around the body so that only officials of.the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to - J -AND- HNTY ;—Il ARNEY : clients in your own Statu or countv. write to above address. has communicated with the author Last December he lost at the Jock the head and one arm were visible. G. W. G iliiam (H) Jeweler. ities, as has also a brother in Hays ey Club in one evening, at baccarat The face was that of a man 50years ' J. T. S hield « (D) AV. E. GRACE (D) City, Kansas, making serious 900,000 florins. He then bought a of age. He wore a brown beard. T. H. R obert * .. (DJ yv k . gradon charges to the effect that false tes number of options on spring wheat streaked with gray, The body was A. A. (’»»»VING .(D) ..(PL W. E. ALDERSON timony had been introduced, and i and March cereals, which, going fully (dressed; even his hat was L. B. B aker it (D) BLACKSMITH. W m . M eeker or that the young woman was not in down, caused a loss of 15,000.010 found in the plaster, The clot lies Fee (D) / I.YTLZ HO FARD ADOLPH TLTKER-----Pm V TIouses and Oottages ,u .. L 1 II J ar F h sane at all. It is understood that florins. These could not have been were of good quality, and nothing r> I er fa S' her relatives will take immediate settled with the promptness, which was in the pockets to tell who the — 11 E N E R A L R E P AIRIN G — - pn few- steps to obtain (her release and se the exchange demands, had not his dead man was. r. 8. LAND OFFICK: D. S HOPKINS, A rchitect . i twu a J. B. H untington hr Wii'j cure tlie annulment of a deed con brother-in-law, Markgraf I’allavi- The face was distorted, as if the ..H arrison K elley Grand Rapid*. Mich. by I.*’1 Will furnDrnigr.sof Houles, Cottages, mid Mansion« costing from »800 »>a . urteil'’ veying certain property, of Miss cini, come to his assistance. man had died in agony, and looked figure wanted. If von mean lo build,Bend »1 to inv a<l«lre«K and I will wail you •c * Hoof M design*uf dwell!»**, Hks the one on file in M ast O kkvo » H ekald oti jorth H LHC!! DIRK, TORY. Promptly executed. The building has been on Towner,», to her brother, Harry C. Berlin, April 14, the program for as if he had been nailed to the cask fill) plan of each. full 8i?e details, complete speeiflcatton*. and bill of material* rMtlk« large'1 and improved ami is nrepaipd to turn full and complete so any ordinary carpenter or builder will ban co trouble i..rii, » Towner. — 8. F. Call. while ¡insensible and striven to get out all kinds vf blacksmithing <»n short notice lODLST El’iS OPAL < ilURuH and in the best style Tenn«; Cush. the visit of the American riflemen, nip a-l and completing the work. And if you do not find just what )ou want, 1-1 y what changes vou desire made, and 1 will accommodate you Or leave Order» •herir*’ M. M c C art I’aator. out before he lieeamo overcome by II d Z ald Y ou will It as cheap to erect a bandaum? house as to *u"!e material who will arrive during the latter A sensational murder occurred t preaching bv the pastor in each aigbtly building Wil) aid you in re conatructlnf yeur preKent bclldii r suffocation. iub . until further notice- part of June, is published. They near Springfield, Ky , April loth. ■ bun k —at 11 n nt. and 7 '0 p m Advices from Copenhagan Btate '«land Sc hoo! 11» ure— at 11 a in While quarreling over their wives. will be received at Bremen by the Harney—at 7;Su p m that the murderer is one I’hillipsen Purn>—it Ham. attd 7 CO pm Bremen Rifle Association, thence Abraham Kelly shot and instantly -Ilarney—at 11« in. and 7 ;Op m killed Samuel Logan, a well-known go to Hanover, where the local as a soap-maker. 11« needed money citizen of Springfield. Both men sociation has organized a contest to strengthen his waning business. ELITE SALOON. were but recently married. The for all coiners, from June 22d to The murderer was arrested while r r The Odell D HARNEY.-------------OREGON men talked of theit wives, ns newly 29th. The visitors will reach Ber nbout'to emlmrk on a steamer for *K Î STIES. I Y P 3 W R I T Ell COAT.iWi.RTU A TUEGASKM. made husbands are wont to do. and lin July 2d. The riflemen will South Africa. PRACRIIT o R«. finally from bantering on the re meet in Kroll’s garden w.«-re a nr. No. 77. i. <>. o. r t v».« Hall, werv ^aturda A powerful telescope, with the k : will ifrt the oi.t.i i. t » win im w mr. is : il io no spective merits and demerits of procession will !<• formed. The J. t. KINNi».s. N. I ■* (H“’ llurulP«*«l Dollar Mm Mut fy. their wives, the joking gradually procession will march by Frieden’« largest object glass in the world, changed to bitter remarks. Kelly Allee. Bradenburg Thor, anil Unter will be mount' d nt the University ft combines siMri d 11 vwith di haiiii . i rv—min, ease or or w. ars longer without cost of repairs than any other macb then went away, and in a short den Linden Avenue, past the pal in Southern California, Exchange r no inkribbon to bother the operation It m at substantial, i state it to be the largest refra< ting time returned armed with an «Id ace to th- Town hall, where the teles< ope ever constructed From cl plated—perfect and adapted to ail kinds of tyjs writ..' Wachmaker & Jeweler, army musk. t. Walking quietly flags will Is- deposited. Weber, its lofty position in San Diego it I.ike a Printing Prsmi it «Ii.irp,. Iran Irgibla ntar.u« Iwotno- • un I <• ,.t w wii.u X- K'lin.i' l.wy»i- inliil-i<... l.aiArr». mr toward Logan he advanced to with the presiilent of the Traveling Com will pierce further into the re cess« a J W BONEBRAKE, ni-.n'tiu. n.r* r. Mt r men, rt,- < uiim.t niskr .i^lxtler eivertment.l. r. f. . mail «* l-akeview »»refun. in lOOyards of victim, whom, «'.th mittee, will deliver an oration nt of spree than any inqtnim. nt here- Au inieliixvr.t perron in a wrrk run hn-.mir u il.url operator, or a.raptdona out a word, lie Tired full at Logan the banquet, July 4th. On July tof< Y j designed by ha ><l The es ♦ 1 .ODO offered any operator who can do better work with a tablishment of < 'n'k Bros will Writer than that produced by the Odell. giF Reliable Agt who fell to th • ground with blood 5th there will lx- picnic at Wcis- spend marly two y cars noon the and Salesmen wanted. Special imitiur tnenls to Dealm P. II MTRPIIY. flowing from his wounds. Kelly sense«. The entries for the con- glass liefere it will I. fit i-.r > . it For Pamphlets, giving endorat menta, Ac address the test far exceed the expectations of is the largest piece of work of the LAKEVIEW _ _ _ - OREGON esenjs-d to the woods, and up to to » imw-PKIMV.US ODELL TYPE WRITER 45CO., T h » R. <»» ry . C hicac kind ever attempted anywle re kr* at < a in (h<- Central Committee. night has not 1>een captared. — Ex HAY A GRAIN I» « at 6 « ui RALD. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BURNS READING ROOM. ai T he D rewsey S aloon JOB WORK.