E ASI o 23 HERALD. O regon H erald BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OFIE39N. THURSDAY, MAY 1. 1890. BERN’S $2.30 a Year ADVERTISEMENTS. Rdigi > uk Noles. The Democratic convention of BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS ! Umatilla county in their platform I) EVERY THURSDAY , demand the enactment of the Aua- . Every moral quality that man T. V. B. EMBREE, M. I). BY trailian ballot law; the election of possesses, he owes to the Christian’s Office at hia re^b’erceo« the east ide oi bii- *ies River, ter. irilet below Burna. [BYRD&SOH. senators by a direct vote of the peo­ God, the infidel not excepted. Is AM. P bobmwtom . Political, Social, Hol iglou«, and Ed­ ple; the Umatilla reservation thrown Morality has been since the be­ ucational Events. open; exemption of homestead« to ginning of the first age of the world, k-PAPEll.t.AWS, the value of y 1.000; repeal ot the out cnristumit) since Cur.- t's time S B. MePHEETERS, M. I). Its required P<< give notice by Open Every Day except Sunday, from » a in to 4 p in Murder«, Suicide*, Theft*. Accident*. usury law, and the completion of Itlie paper«!--e* tPut ni.Bwerthc PHYSICIAN .< SURGEON. Every Lady aud UenUeman a welcome Visitor to the Reading Rcoin tier .rg tie bt urs lhb H only. Losse* by fire, Flo. <1, Kail, fee ri her due* not take hi* paper und Cickne Luu the reason for i>* not being Oilice at W. E. Grace'* Drug Store. 1-ly the Columbia river. iect t.> do so ninfee* the pusi­ l man can be a moral man and lle to the publisher for pay inent The condition of the flooded sec­ not be a Christian, but he cannot i Ron order* hi paper diacoa I pa all arrearage*, or the Pun Two female foot-pads, held up tion of the Mississippi is truly de­ le Notary Public. lunati t till pa meni is made robbed him. in many places w- re soattdd- f. t‘,at m nho lake* a paper from the D. L. GRACE, Wc should not allow ourselves to her ■ ire< ico to lus name or att- the farmers barely escaped uh. e imii>vi>e>i»nvr continue* attended to. Deed*, Notes, and Mortgage* nudiug the government land, in Even the people are t ■ ; 1 er is b..'in . tu pay for it if eglbly drawn up. Charge s reasonable. IT-50 " ? • y . OW-4-» p ath; i . b'lrtov iv wit'll the gos­ » • ■ Montana, of timber. I i lie p. gtoftiee This proceed* Boats are continually takit g ’ ' ’ pel ot Chris in a man must pay fur what he ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS To -.'icriflce truth‘>r> Jerry O’Donnell, convicted of sons from the tree-tops, a d othVfr the niter of pubdic opi-iion is to Ria ve deri.led that refusing tc “The Leading Company of tho Pacific Northwest.” Be nn.. perioiti« a s from the p. st trying to bribe the Cronin jurors, j places of refuge. Property of .it I place otir-clvcr- in th" hmil- of Sa- Kg hem u.H alleo for, wilhou Bn <•> i* primu facia evidence oi .W ¿ ^PRIVATE DWELLINGS AND FARM PRODKRTYA BPKCI a LTY. has been refused a new trial. i kinds has been ruined, crops de­ tap. lienee, the n ie.-sitv . f the J. NAT. HUDSON, stroyed, and all over the Mississip­ Savnir'-- admomtion. "Watch ye Isaac Wenner, a Hebrew rabbi, The Farmers’ Company A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. I pi is dotted with cattle, horses, and pra; . ye enter into temptation.” Ysf0““ died in New York. April 4th, aged Ofliee: BURNS, OR. I sheep and other stock. Mout| OF SALEM. OREGON. Even mi' elievers respect firmness, 100 years, 1 month and 14 days. •e M.| Yew s< it de: i i! and cm sistenev on the United States district attorney Ex-confederate soldiers of New J. C, PARKER Agent, Burns, Ore. I !> (1 i B LI>T York city, propose to start a camp ■ F. 1‘. Mays, of Oregon, has been | part of those who profess to love 5. cent*; . The Vienna correspondent of the ' Oregon central Military Wygon line from tlu counterfeit. There I vultnnc. pi Btuge. Times declares that diplomatic re- ! Roa “ | Co to the suprel ne court" of ;. I >• are many things wearing the name al Ic FAifc it. Reading Room lotions between Servia and Bulga­ the United States. He has, also, of Christ that he has never saction- ria have already been severed. ■re of p •• arest.licited | been instructed to appeal the ed. and ninny things done in his r:t.i f. a i upv of iheir work for I THE HOPKINS HOUSE. [Ileum—VVefiie, and bin t ihe I case of the United States vs. the name that he will condemd at his Ixe.v httli-v<..ume. end V«-. < ji At Huron, S. Dakota, the house ATTORNEY, UM Ul I M. D. HOPKINS, P ropriíto «. ¡of Wilhelm Brown was burned. ■ Northern Pacific railroad corirpany coming. Lotus not be deceived, ’riltifl George Weidler, and others which therefore by pretentions, but testify e UÍ all Three of his children, who were vx i The Horace Greeley homestead, ' recently decided by Judge Sawyer, ’ bruig This Hotel is row (Huu*e. Room*, and Furniture; andofferaaourteou* servlae to ovary Uaest men ridicule, or despise us for so nr upon .00 ! at Chappaqua, New York, was de-1 of the United States circuit court Attorney-at-Law. B ut htilllt 0 • doing. God’s will approve and re­ •binante, O' j I stroyed by fire, April 3d. The loss adversely to the government.—Ex. ward us. Fine M. DUSTIN . will appJ TU. IM I . (J irt) i IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. is estimated at $10,000, fully in- nt UAL1 TICK TiWuREk.N ADVilRJ'lSERS. )iluc: Harney City and Burns. Jesus foresaw that people would sured. The building, at the time, rcBpectm'ly ititix vour patronage . 11IHlHHi Chicago Strikers. : i . y ¡ iUßii use his name to further their own j 1 ’C IO Ufi pii ;■ <>ur rcadeisp. « eO' ß nnd Ali.t 6rjkblc firm* tu:i i r.: «hi* tiudbdi ......... « ............... I »'ilKr.,. ter of Horace Greeley. earlv ndver-1 ‘‘Xu1., J •LioeraLW'l'i. iiuu to mi \u¡ A T T 0 R N E Y -AT- L A W. plumbers and their striking em-j “Lord, Lord, have we not prophe­ «x.»,, ................... ii.iie'.ier. Weekly at 1 " r " 1 i ‘ ‘ " , te I' ¿d extra, a< ciudiug to «pace; tor Januar Edmund Crawford, who stole ai ployees has disappeared and in her sied m thy name? And in thy Cenerai Blacksmith & Wagon-maker. B cbns , Ou. □*e ad mil ted. . ^uit iua! a< f. u: il.> pri< u. package containing $-11,000, which place ¡6 the figure of Pinkerton men. ■ mime east out devils? And the will If. R. SCHLÄGEL L a review , O bec Yn * at ltE* ihaw 1' ceui* per Practice« in all the courof ilxe State, fyearly, vr *0 teal*, transient, [ ALo, before the U. S. Land Oilice. was entrusted to him to carry from 1 The master plumbers claim that’ I profess unto them. I never knew f Harpenl ( loth biiuL Jti.in «2 extra charge per in-1 the American Exchange oilice to the strikers an1 intimidating men you depart from me ye that work reptoared do all Kind* of Wo n th Blacksmith Hue. Horse Shoeing at I'i. t.T bv tq L and M atters a S pecialty . ■>f p. BiiioU a p nndiug reader ; per keRd So ad. cat It week ic run iu with tlje Adams express ofliee, New York,! who refuse to strike, hence tin ir re- > iniquity.” The things here men- -null VoluiHKt^e*| Kotvpc u 11 W. i & .' f i < .»■(»( '" s Eho four puluieti. iur*. >1 each, r- B U G G I E 8, W A GONS, ET C.,^ I b.r mail ^ge* re not wrong in them- M. IL BIGGS, | Santar ^Barbara^ He has confessed’ strikers deny this claim kg iu lo(nl coluiiHi*. He a line. Burn » Or : .... >: ...... 1 ( .... ' HADE TO CEDE« WITH XKATltr. IS, ABI» OE GOOD QUALITY. ild læ n rt^Eirriaú ■ birth, anti death announce- | eor ant, nf /j..»!} his crime, and implicated two hiring of S'leeial police is free. b«i It iiein* 8->li< i vd nr. newF. a, VTm . A LILT -¡Bend G. H >.tim'd to r. :i.,i. :if , *ot ial. bluff. Both sides are firm in their But Jesus .calls those unathonz others. The money is all gone. bodies. I I r iphets or preachers; workers of *!• The Vossische Zeitung says: At determination to hold cut and the ini juity, and drives them out of his -r- Attorneys at Law, .. j' the farewell interview between the tight promises to be a long one. D R E WHE Y A I) V E P.TI8 EM ENT. erv der.'’rip win practice in all of the cour> of the stn'e. The Master Cai] tnt< r Associa­ presence. They used his name All bnaincMl placed in (are of this ttrni will be Emperor and Bismarck, the latter without his consent, and went i .ronip.ly attended to. t ’ s F,/»!*. • L **•’ ■ L declined the dukedom of Launburg tion has decided, in view of a where lie never sent them. t i: .nt"*;, n declaring his desire to live in histo­ threatened strike to make eight If an angel of the Ixird was sent ' ry under the family name he had hours a day’s work and pay .».'iceiits is n ¡dumB.’-’M''’.' to the churches'in our land with per hour, and the men will be in ­ ■ made historical. The Emperor in- 1 ' Jvnjllu pRopBirror orders to condemn, as worthless, DICKSON & SULLIVAN - roue illuti’^^^^B PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. | sisted that the honor was irrevoca­ formed of this on pay-day. Ihe sheet nippi all that Christ and iiis apostles > the huinej ble, and agreed that a Piince need carpenters’ d. titands are for -10 t . a . M c K innon , Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. 'disi. Noe A I. DIRECTORY have not authorized, what heaps of cents an hour and eight hours, and fistic attrv Any and all kind* of surveying dune on *'.i<»r not personally Lear the title of clever «hurl Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors— Whiskies, Brsndi»- ! ecclesiastic rubbish would be seen notice and reasonable term*, = ri.,lcr if the advice of conservative men is fui essa)« S A TIOS AL: wishing to be located, can have plats furnishe Duke. Wincs, Fancy Drinks, etc , Cigars, etc., always on hand when Famoui li i Benjamin HarrUou free of charge. taken,these terms will be accepted ! on all sides, and what astonishment I PERIO Levi P. Morton you call on “ Uncle Dick, ” ut Drewsey, Harney county. Or. I ‘ would sieze the minds of religionists Juno * G Blaine The student trouble in Russia and no strike will occur. er Year William Windom R............ ! when they found that some of the JohnW. Noble continues to ex 'ite attention, and The probabilities of a general ci­ ZINE Redfield Proc tor J. N. Dolph v of each j R it is alleged, been also discovered. after a brief talk accceded to their Yet such a condemnation will sure­ • I J. II. Mitchell jd, su barri BURN'S. OREGON'. Binger Hermann 11........... I=»ATENTS. irrent at I This sudden action of the Nihi­ terms, and the men resumed their ly come and the works of ignorance D.SylvtBior I’cnnoycr I . R. Geo. W. McBride C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C and presumption be destroyed. f Harperil lists gives rise.to fears that the Czar G. W. Webb work indi ng. will J. B. McElroy ' R PutcnUi obtained, and all patent bu«ir.(M ult.ndad to promptly) and for raaderata f»«« The Divine wisdom will be vindi ­ will engage in a foreign war to y ex preti, Frank Baket D Our ottlce i.opp. Alt. the U s Patrat on. c, and «« can obtain in Ic. tlmw than .rboae it duel nut i K S. Strahan D cated and the genuine lovers of $7 a volume prevent a revolution , mote from WMtlln«ton Betid Model or D-awlu«. We ad,l.<> u to pat.ntablllly frae ;• Win. I’, i.ord London striker«. R ch volume, ) W. W. Thayer D of cbaiae: and we make no chargennleia patent la eecured. ( HAS. SAMPSON---- B urns , Ou truth receive their reward. If(we mail pitpiid JUDICIAL district : The belief that an attempt to We refer here to the Poatmaate-r. the Sup«rlntendent of Mon^y Order Dlvlalou, 'and. <«• The strike of London bootmakers B I son wish to have pence and safety, let W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R lid be tnatie otb< late of the U. S. Patent Offlce For c lrenlar, ndrle», tertna, ami tefereucee to aetar poison the Czar of Russia, is gain ­ L. R an f has been amacibly settled and the nft, to avoid ctienta in your own Blate or eountr write to abote addreaa. -AND- HARI'EEi ing. Great precautions are being men will resume their work at once. us seek the old paths and the good way and walk therein, we shall find G. W. G ILHAM Jeweler. taken to impress the public with A manifesto signed by the heads J. T. NH1KLD* .W. E. grace the belief that the Czar is afflicted of 94 trade unions has been circu­ rest for our souls. “Ilethat walk- T. H. R obertf W. R. GRAION with a ^dangerous malady, and hiB lated throughout London during eth with wise men shall be wise,; . A. A. COWING V. E. ALBERSON condition is critical. It is the gen­ the past few days, calling upon the but a companion of fouls shall be . I.. B. B aker BLACKSMITH. W m . M eeker eral opinion that an attempt had hundreds of thousands ot working­ destroyed.” Houses and Cottages TR \TED W The good results of keeping good (D) { L ytle H oward ADOLPH TUPKEIl-----P k ., p ’ been made to Doison him, and that men to meet in the Ilvde Park, on 1. B. J ames May 4, for the purpose of agitating comoany are universally acknowl­ Yeung —GENERAL REPAIRING— it has been partly sucessful. D. S. HOPKINS, A kchitect . the question of an cight-hiidr day. edged. Besides, “evil eommunicn- urne of H The brigatine, Alejo, reports that, The most powerful of the trade un­ V .t h t he S ii . f. 8. LAND OFFICE: Grand Rapid*. Mich. tion corrupt good manners. ” 1 Cor. j . B. H untington Will lorn M. D.aUna of nr.uM'.. > ttm.e and Mar.al.jne coaling “"„"’’I* ” while south of the Georges, she sig­ ions have refused to sign the mani­ H arrison K ki . ley 15:33, is also generally understood. and uthe'» naled the steamer Southgate, from festo ami arc actively opposing the he Nevertheless the call Thus good company and bad coin- ( II DIRECTORY. Promptb- executed. The building ha« been en Placentia. N. F . for New 5 ork, Hy­ movement. V." bv larged and lmprovod and ia prepared to turn will result in one of the larg­ panv will have corresponding re­ - bv M out alt khida of Mackamithlng on »liort notice ing the signal ‘'immediate assist­ »y Hjaliwr ¡8T EPISCOPAL CHl’RCll and in the best alyle Terma: Caah. l-1y est labor meetings London has seen sults. I.et Christians I eware. "gTt ! bandirne Wll)îid n* in :. ., .o.;< ting >our pre.enl betiding. «I-G Tale* will ance wanted.” Her crew was in many years, though the opposi­ M c C art P**tor. he wondtr In infancy and early childhood •a* hing bv th»* pastor in each Howard h» starving, her shaft was broken and tion of the leading organizations until further notice him. and i na—at 11 a rn. and 7TO p in dwani M. ' she had been helpless for a number will deprive it of the unanimity livity is a beauty, in manhood and HAR'. '-Y ADVKRTIS8M ÏXrS. nd School House— at 11 a in j bs W. l>. nev—at 7:30 p in. E. Wilks* of days. The captain wanted two necessary to its character as a rep- womanhood, it is a fault, lievond n>— it 11 a in. and 7.L0 pm ord. Du« the meridian of life it is a vice. rney — at 11 a m, and 710p m .e dwrtk * tugs to tow him. The Alejo sup­ restntative gathering. Ex. Cheerfulness does not mean K (HUR< n SERVICE plied provisions and proceeded on 1 K Taylor foolishness, and happiness does not Th» Unbellver'a < rs«ws Hall, everv Saturday Engineers. < onimandant of the uelievc that th- world was not made i ft. toll*1 tion for nonsense. . J E. M< K1NN«»M. N. G. It combines .IMF! mm With i rai . ii ity - si - eed , ease or operation Royal .Military Coll ge. is organiz that the world made itself; that it K’y. L akeview advertisements . Iz-t a voting man indulge his ap­ ! A BE" ■ wears longer without >st of repairs than any other machine, he bad no beginning: that it will last ing a system of messenger pigeons JFT NO. 4*. O. A R. petite, gratify his passions, neglect no inkribi on to bother the p< ration. It neat, substantial, mck- forever; world without end I be ­ ¡an«l .’<1 Wednesday of each stations throughout Canada. He lieve that man is a l east; that the his intellect, fosterjwrong principles,' < 1 plated—P< 1 fe t and ad ipt>'d to ail kinds of typewntin g bU>>we' Hal' All Comrade* ire rrttx* it rd. proposes that Canadian cruisers soul is the I odv. and the lx>dy is cherish habits of idleness, vulgari- irivrr M M. RRIRRLY. P. C. IAl:lt»‘ Wachmaker & J eweler, utilize pigeons by having stations the soul, and that after death there u ad’j’t. garity ami diripntion, and in the , . I- ,t ,.ne woe I . . t«tl"r iuvrelm-nt>r IIA is neither soul nor body I believe along the const, and thus commu J. W. BONEBRAKE. ..... ................... •** after years of manho. Iio can do better work with a Ty| - is the only religion, and that all re­ a bountiful harvest of shame and fishing vessels They might, also ligion is unatural. 1 b’ ievc not in degredation, misery and remorse. US— VALS Writer than that pr m. 1 bv the Odel f •• to •«* daih. SMiiC*: • excepted. and Saleamen wanted Special inducements to Dealers give notice of their whereabouts Moses; I believe in the first philos­ Iz t a young woman adopt a simi­ rx)t hi r. 1 < AS Yaw < ITT: P H. MURPHY. For I’ampWets. giving endor« inenU, Ac., add roes tne without putting into port. He pro ophy. I believe not th<-evangelists; lar euurae of life and she will reap : tfr- ilnea-lay*. Fridays. € a m -*;• * ea'urdavalO 4ip m ODELL TYPE WRITER »'«< ' f R ookery , G hk - ago , I ij I believe not in Christ, but I Believe ri ime LAKXVIXW - - - - OBEGU* poses a chain of twenty stations be similar results. W.H.C. M by ramaTiLLE. tn all unbelief. *• K C- ring :b* tween Windsor and Halifax. Ham HAY Ä GRAIN 'abie M I a nr THE BURNS READING ROOM. i A STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. ■ THE DREWSEY SALOON JOB WORK. irrt