,(< E ast —— ■ '■$z O regon H erald - * — • ""Ite BUHNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL ^1^890. $2.BO a Year « HE HERALD. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS: The Hermit’s Queer Prophecy. THE COMING EUROPEAN WAIl. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS In August, 1857, the Bavarian »LINKED EVERY THURSDAY Allgeuieinc Zeitung printed a re Ur rlgium tobe the Battle Ground BY T. V. B. EMBREE. M. D. Frante and Germany. markable projjh^py, which had Office at his raider < e ou (he east Ide ot Sil C. BYRD a SON. vio« River, ter. dies Lclow Burns. been made by an old hermit, many Political, Social, Ileligimi«, and Ed years before. BLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. ucational Events. The Brussels correspondent of In it the rise of-Napoleon III waB I the Paris Matin has just had an in NEWSPAPER LAWS. Murders, Suicides. Thefts, Accidents. clearly outlined, as was abso the S B. McPHEETERS, M. D. Open Every Day except Sunday, from • a m to 4 p ■». istmnsierla required to give notice by j Losses by Fire, Flood, Rail, teresting interview with Major 8. Every Lady uud Gentleman a welcome Visitor to the Reading Room during the hours aaased. and Cyclone Au8tro-Pru8sian and the Franco- returning the paper do«« nut answer tlie | PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. hen u sulwriber due« uot take lib paper Girard, the oflieer of the Enginneer Prussian warsand the Commune of he office, and the reason for it« not being I Office at W. E. Grace's Drug Store. 1-ly Any neglect to do so makt s the p<#t The levee just above Catfish Point, Paris. He told how the death of ! Corps in the Belgian army, who re responsible to th** publisher fur payment j I ativ pers-a order« h.8 paper «I ubcou Miss., broke April 4th, and to-night Pope Pius would occur in 1876 or cently resigned his commission in , lie miiHi pay all arrearages, or the Pub inav continue to send it until pavineut is the crevasse is nearly 900 feet wide 1877, and how it would be followed order to be free to write his some and collet i the whole arnouut whether it | n from tlie office or uot. There cuu be Notary Public. and very deep. The break is said by a Turko-Russian war, being but what startling phamphlet, “La Bel 1 discontinuance till payment is made uy persou who takes a paper from the I). L. GRACE, to be by far the worst break that slightly wrong in vipier prediction. gique et la Guerre Prochaine.” co, whether directed to his name or an- BURNS, OR r whether he has auhacribed or Uot. ia “The collision between France lias yet occurred on the Mississippi Tie s«4d that ( fermany -Would ible fur the pay. Land Filngs, Contest Blanks, Applications for f a Subscriber orders his paper «topped Publication Notices, correctly unit promptly and Germany,” said he, “may be re side. A tremendous volume of wa have three emiyro|. Lin one year be Hain time, and the Publisher continues ut tended to. DeedB. Notes, uud Mort gages ; the sul scriber ie bound to pay for It if legibly drawn up. Charges reasonable. ll-oO ter is coming out of the crevasse fore the end of the -'century, which tarded, but it is none the less inevit- it out of the pi.stoffice. This proceeds ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. kruund that a man must pay fur what he and sweeping everything before it. was verified to the letter. He . able.” e courts have decided that refusing t< “The Leading Company of the Pacifio Northwe«t.” | Houses, cribs, stables, and fences missed it one, at least, in the num After stating that the interest of ivspapers and periodicals from the p< si |r leaving them uncalled for, withou r- ear-rniVATE pwellingb and farm phofbrtta specialty , j are being washed away. Many ber of United Sates Presidents that Belgium in the present situation for the same, is prima facia evidence ol nal fraud. head of Btock are already lost. No were to die by assassination, which was to become the ally of which J. NAT. HUDSON, The Farmers’ Company. ATTORN EY-AT-LA w. , lives has been destroyed as yet. was remarkably close, t<? say the'- ever one of the beligerents would KU I SCRIPT I ON RATES: j The suffering that necessarily least. offer the best terms, he declared ear Office: BURNS, OR. OF SALEM, OREGON. nth«. ! has followed this disaster is very Months He said that when the twentieth that the Belgian fortresses were | ear (in advance). great. The condition of things on century opened, Manhattan Island worthless and that entrenched camp J. C, PARKER Agent, Burns, Ore. j the other side of the river was bad and the whole of New York city at Antwerp could not hold out for HERALD CLUB LIST and Harper’s Magazine ............ 5.00 i enough before, and this break will would be submerged in the waters forty-eight hours. “The first can and Harper’s Weekly................ 5.20 C. A. KWEEK. ¡and Harper's Baz:.r . 5.20 : make matters much worse. At¡ of the Hudson, East river and the non shot would be sufficient to dis Harper Young People 3.75 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ¡Greenville, Miss., the river has fai- i bay; Cuba will break into, and the pel all the illusions of the Belgium LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. Alil<*ii's Macifold ('vc|..pcdiu. Each a dditional volume after Vol. 1, 55 cents; len since the morning of the 3d.! west half of the city of Havana : people. It is well known that our Office: Burns Oregon. 10 cants extra ver volume, postage. No new break is heard of. Back- find a watery resting place. j aMKopit a of all the above works can be ex- j army, deprived as it is of the indis- »mined •: leisure in the Reading Room. j water from the eastern break is Florida and Lower California I pensatile elements for a rapid mo- ■pprublisherB of periodicals are solicited spreading fast and falling fast, fill- will break loose from the main land ! bilations, could not be ready to THE HOPKINS HOUSE ^»hln'.'lll/ l.. < S. a l upv of thrir work for GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ^»Ren<i¡11,4 Room—Wen!«, and bind the ing up Bogue county, Planters and carry their load of human fight until long after the country ^Klose of every half volume, end v» ‘. <i ATTORNEY, M. I). HOPKINS, P roprietor . »bv advertisement. around Huntington are shipping freight to the bottom <>f the sea. ■ could be invaded, occupied and B urns ,............................. O regon . I live stock to Vicksburg for safety The twenty-fifth is to be the last , traversed. Our resisting forces EVERYTHING NEW AND FIR3T-CLAS8. Collections, Land business, and Real from buffalo gnats, as well as from of the United States presidents, ! consist, at the least maximum, of ¡ADV E RT is I NG R AT ES : X 11 wk 2 wk 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 1 yr. Estate mutter promptly attended io. I the water. The insects are making and Ireland istu be a kingdom and I 120,001) men, including militia. [|i |2.50 r. oo e »11 00 <15.00 their appearance in largo numbers, England a republic by the end of | To hold Antwerp with the develop > Fa < ni 1 (Ml 6.50 12 0) 18.00 28.00 This Hotel 1« new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offerBcourtcousservies to «v«ry B««st la -u 5.00 s.oo 15.00 24 00 40 00 and are very fatal. Rivermcn at the ceptury. ment given to the fortifications of * 4 li 00 10 00 20 00 22.00 50 00 Attorney-at-Law. 6 9 00 1> 00 28 09 48.00 51 00 M Helena, Ark., four a destructive M 12 - « 16.00 28 00 4M.0J The United States is to be divi- j that place, we need at least 80,000 80.00 120.00 M. DUSTIN M 20 . f I ;;o oo 40 00 <i0 (M) 110.00 140.00 rise within 10 day»,below Red riv- Jed, and San Francisco, Salt Lake, men, without counting the garrisons IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. o — Jff'ie: Harney City and Burns. t.'ICE TO FOREIGN ADVERTISERS, er, when the overflow comes out of ,.jtv . St. Louis, Wash- necessary at Leige, Nemur, and: t no Tensas I’orkBoa swamp o,«»<> i-»»-» n They 1!,.... say the , > ppectfullv soliciting your patrouage the B to keep our readers pos ed as to the ington and Bouton are to ijg made other places. What then would re-1 pud reliable firms to deal with, cor Yazo and Tensas levees will go, , will be cBV~d by reteiiiu^ :« j the capitols. There should be some iTTftiltfor us to oiler battle with at W. W, Cardwell, tatements based upou our vlrcula- and the people below Morranza had consolations to the Mormons in any given poihT^-‘-An’i W*U we ever |and adjoining couatiea: ral reduction to uil yearly adver- ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. better move out in a hurry.—S. F. this, if not for the other parts of be able to dispose of that T20,99® General Blacksmith & Wagon-maker. I at (HHee, or write to Publisher. i charged extra, according to space; Examiner. B urns , O r . ¡mi-li? That is very doubtful; for Gtal base admitted. our great Union. L akbvikw , O begon . jj R. SCHLÄGEL ral medicinal ads. at no price. Hisemems at less than 10 cents per Practice« in all the courts of tlic State, To return to Europe:-The end of : at the moment of the declaration A handsome and stylishly dressed Iprice, yearly, or 20 cents, transient, Also, before the U. 8. Land Office. d. young man arrived at Crawfords century will not find either Italy or ■ of war, which will be sprung upon us 1 position >2 extra charge per in L and M atters a S pecialty . tend of position a standing reader ville, Ind., named Walter B, An France on the maps, and Berlin in short order, how will our militia reptoared do all ntion to ad. each week is run iu with ruin p alter free. thony. He registered, and started I will have been totally destrove d by -non have time or possibility to re- f -J re stereotvne all our advertisement« Ijoin théir corps before being cap > alwa;« a ian after 1st four publications. *1 each, an eart iquake. — Sunday Weicomc. out to find his wife, whose maiden MA «Ko. W. BARNES. ertisitig in'local columns, 10c a line. PrjiævilU’, Or. tured by the invaders?” . Or i name was Annie Cunningham, and ___ fringe, birth, ami dcatli announce- ■K Buch item« «oll< Be i us newg, Sullivan and Corbett. BARNES <fc BMP«ral ruits offered to re ligious, social. “But,” remarked the correspon- ' he was married in this city four ■RMUional bodies. I years ago. Two years ago they John L. Sullivan arrived in Bos-j j dent, “could not France and Ger- LUMS. Attorneys at Law, parted in California, where they ton, April 4, and when surrounded I many come to blows without the JOB WORK Of everyi drf- ripticn exeeu'eil with ncatncEs Will practice in all of the courts of the State. ■ then lived, and he went to Virginia by friends, be reiterated his willing necessity of fixing on Belgium for AttdKefpwch. at reasonable ral es. All bueinera placed in care of this firm will be DREWHEY ADVERTISEMENT. promptly attended to. Pamphlets j on business. They corresponded ness to meet Corbett in a four-. their battle ground.” Letter Heads, I for some time, but after a while he round go, for a puree of $1,000. Can's, Tk-Kets, “It is impossible,” replied Major Memoranda. Invi’a'.ivns, Dodge) s, Etc. ----------------------- [ tailed to receive an answer to his “If he is anxious to have a whack , j Girard, “that the military chiefs of J RUES T mc II IRA.'.' is kept regularly on f’e for re letters. At this time he inherited at me, I’ll accommodate him,” said ; both countries have not fully stud ference, in (lie (¡co. P. it* well N««spnper Ad «rU.l.g Biirettu. lu Spruce st.. New York. $150,000. and left for England the champion. ied that matter; and from a strate practical surveyor . PBOrBlBTOHS. I to see about it. - - - - In the mean time ; “I’ll give him four rounds if some I gic point of view, either of the be DICKSON <fc SULLIVAN t . a . M c K innon , OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. his wife beard nothing from him un club will put up a $1,000 purse, the ligerents that should neglect to take Any and all kinds of surveying done on shot Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. notice and reasonable terms. KKF* Settler til about a year ago, when sheheard winner to take al 1. I f I can t k nock possession o.v.. «* of the ...v whole .. >.v.v v* or u a part of national : wishing to bt located, can have pluts furnish« Everything in our line of the Beet. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, oh what she considered pretty good him out in four rounds ho is wel- Belgium territory, must compro- Benjamin Harriaon frkk of charge. Levi F. Morton Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand whe* authcrity, that he was dead. On James G Blaine Secretary wf Mate come to the whole purse. j mise by that omission, interior op- Uilliam Win du is MC|«tVy of T r •• ss u r y yon call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drswsey, Harney county, Or. the strength of this she married JohnW. Noble MMWUr/ Of I nteriur “There will be no s>> itting of (-rations. My profound conviction Redfield Proctor 'secretary of War I don’t care how big the , ' is that the concentration of the Benjamin F. Tracey SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 1 Fred Slinzlev, of this city, but soon purses. secretary of Navy Jeremiah M. Rusk A g rie ul t a re secured a divorce. She then went gloves are, he’ll think they’re small French and German armies, will be tonerai Win H. H. Miller John Wanamaker PoaUMpR General J. C. WELCOME - P kopkietor . West again, where she met William enough before the four rounds arc effected on the Belgium territory. I suai ; origon : HB« H“"»“ \ ES, * I J. N. Dolph ». S. MuaUr. k II. Griffith, a wealthy New Yorker. I over.” 1 For that concentration the Germans I J. H. Mitchell BURNS. OREGON. :on,rtMnian R. Binger _____________ Hermann In five weeks they were married. The offer of a purse came prompt have five lines of railway, capable »o^er: .r . D. Sylvester Pen noyer ecreiar^ll gitale R (ieo. W. McBride P . yr V FATENT8. They are now living in Denver. ly from the Gladstone Clubof Prov of throwing, in ten days, 500,000 i. .1 remuer > 1» G. W. Webb J. B. McElroy apt. PukM Instruction R C. A. SNOW 4 CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. 0 Mrs. Griffith has been visiting idence. men between Aerschot and Huy, at tat« Brimer I» Frank Bakei R S. Strahan D Patents obtained, and all patent business attended ¿to promptlyl and for moderate f«M. I Wm. P. Ixird Crawfordsville for the past few Sullivan has uot yet given his the rate of 10,000 a day for each R Oar Office is opposite the U. H.,Patont Office, and we can obtain in less time than tboae S W. W. Thayer CUAS. SAMPSON - - B urns . O r weeks, and only a few days ago left answer, D remote from Washington Send Model or Drawing. We advise, as.to patentability frwe but in view of his out-spokeij line, of charge; and we wake ae charge unless patent is secured. |e D L. D T son for Denve- with her sister, in an willingness to give Corbett a show1 “Twenty-four hours after a decla- W-A-T-C-H-M-A-K-E-R Wo refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order' Division, '.and' t« bey .R J.. L. R ami * swer to a letter from her husband. he can hardly back out. If the ration of war, which will probably -AMD- officials of.the U. H. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms, and reference« («.actual [COUMTY— HARNEY : .SAM. clients in yeur own State or countv. write to above addrewa All this was news to Anthony. Champion and Corbett meet, it be in the evening, the German cav- G. W. G ilham ' Jeweler. J. T. S hixldr I He was communicative and talked ougbt to be a great go w hile it lasts, airy will be able to occupy Hassell, .W. E. GRA< k T. H. R oberts | a great deal, although at times he Sullivan gave bis impressions of St. Trond, Tilemont, Maestrecht, CITS. W. R. (¡RADON A. A. (.OWING would break down and cry. He Corbett in the following terms: etc. The French concentration crii W. E. A lbxrson L. B. B akrr BLACKSMITH. j said he had some old debts to pay, “That go between Corbett and be effected in thesamespace of time W m . .M bkkkr ¡ talci L ytlb H oward ADOLPH TUPKER - - P koi >’ i and would hunt his ex-wife up if Kilrain offered no fair comparison on the line between Alostund Mau-| T. B J ake * I he had to follow her to the end of between the twomen. Corbett was bcuge. and, also, twenty-four hours —GENERAL REPAIRING— the earth. He says if his wife is sparring Kilrain waslaying back for after the declaration of war the AND BRUCE. u. «. LAMD orric«: D. 8 HOPKINS, A rchitect . | happy and contented with her pre a knock-out blow, and paid no at French cavalry can occupy Alost.l . J. B. H umyimotoh ..H akrison K bllky I sent husband, be will relinquish all tention to the lighter taps, which Therinonde, Ath and otln rs. Yon I Grand Rapids, Mich. Wi.l furnish Designs of Honses. Cottages, and Mansion« coating from MOOoa up U as, I claim to her. He left for Denver, I counted for points, but which did'nt see. then, that except the militia of: figure wanted. If you mean io build,semi |1 to my address, and I will mall you a portf«- I EN, f Promptly executed. The building has been en DIRECTORY. lio of 21 designs of dwellings, lik« the one on file in R ast OB swom H khald office, with larged and improved and is nrepared to turn April 3d.—8. F. Examiner. , amount to anything. Corbett on Malines and Brussells nil the r< -t| full plan of each, full site detsils, complete specifications, and Mil of materials, al! very out all kinds of blacksmithing on short notice full ami complete so any ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going DIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH and in the best style Terms; Cash. 1-ly ahead and completing the work. And If you do not find Just what yon watt, write me The cable and electric roads are the other hand, jumped in and did in the whole region between the what changes vou desire made, and 1 will accommodate you. Or leave Orders with Twa M c C art Pastor. ■EPIS Meuse and the Escaut will be mi H mald Y ou will It as cheap toerecta baudsoine bonsa as to wa*te material.«« anjnn now being used almost to the ex i all the leading. aching bv the pastor in each r <htly building Wilj aid you In re coustrucling y«nr priannt bcilding 4J-W . until further notice “I’ve no doubt that he landed able to move. In a word nfter at clusion of travel on horse lines,! ri a—at 11 a m and 7 £0 pm H.Y3NSY ADVB.triSEMÏVri. and School House— at 11 a m where they parallel each other. One three blows to one for Kilrain. Jake careful study. I have become con rr.ay— at 7:30 p m. , SHAPl ns—at 11 am. and 7 30 pm old fogy corporation, mostly owned was looking all the time for an vinced that Belgium is complete!) ferney—at 11am, and 7 LOp m by our heavy capitalists, yet holds opening to knock him out, but at the mercy of the coming events.-’ out with their antiquated notions | it didn't come, and at the end of —Sunday Welcome. i.KHOI ELITE SALOON. about progress,—la-sides the J<e the sixth round he had been clear m The Odell n HARNEY,-------------OREGON Holladay Frst street line,—but loss ly bested by Corbett; but in a finish of business will compel them to XT ETIES. COATSWORTH À TREGAUKIB» Canada*« Gigantic Oil Field«. t p e w r i T an Î BEST PBOPRI ETORS. square up with modern ideas or fight Corbett wouldn't hold a can ! get left in the race. It is gratifying die to Kilrain. Jake is head and SB. NO. 77, J. O. O F. I >v s Hall, ever* Haturdav I to know that a wide-awake citizen, shoulders above him as a fighter. The Dominion Government will I a« K WILL Bur THU <»DB1.I. VI PB WltlTBH. W A RRAHTKD TO BO AS*<«4 K J I M< K1NN<»N, N G. «91! O m anr on. Il.ndrcd Dollar M.ablaa. I»lw who introduces the best of systems, shortly organize an expedition,' LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. compels the slow coaches, the grad I don’t think the two men are to be ft combine» aiMri.iclTYwith DCXABII.tTT — ifked , ba » b or opbratiob headed by American experts, to ex -1 NO. 4k. G. A. R grinds and misers, to conform to mentioned in the Mine class.” wear» longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, ha» ■ I ea lav <>f cm 1. the newsly created conditions with' Sullivan thinks more highly than plore the oil regions in the far North.' Hall vìi < vmradrs no inkribbon to bother the operation, ft neat, substantial, nick Iteri their competitive investments, ever of Patsy Kerrigan, since the near Athabasca. Professor Daw el plated—perfect and adapted to all kind» of typewritin g M M BRISKLY. F. C. Muh li-M Waehmakerà Jeweler, whether they desire it or not; latter’« long fight with Needham. -m says- “If inds itionsare correct J.,1. I Printing rraaait prixju. CT ali.irp, «lean, lagihla manMirl*». Two M Im Mptaa I for this reason, the Washington < la IU..R Hi i.n. wrliln,. Kdltora. lawyer«, ruini.wr., banker«. m.rchanU. Canada has the largest oii-l earing J. W. BONEBRAKE. street line was the first to con He said that he would buck Kerri e Mil'« niaiiufaeinrrr.. tni-inaa. men. etc.. cannot moke albelter in.mni.nt.for S1A Lakeview, Orejón. district in the world, comprising t fl inlell<ent |wr«on m a week can bee«»« a Owl operator, at a japldono in 1 mvatb. form, and the Transcontinental gan against Jack McAuliffe lo the IS—VALI systems are just awakening to the extent of i2..'>00 for a finish firht nearly 150,000 square miles, and $1.000 offered any o|*rator who «an do better work with a Type- lolly, Sundays excepted. I necessity of a like transformation. Mahoney said he would put up as as the ind.cations extend down the Writer thin that produced by the Odell Reliable Agent« tA YOM CITY ...™ : much more. Sullivan is anxious P H MURPHY. I In one year from this date a horse ami Salesman wanted Spacial inducement« to Dealers. lorads' ». Friday«, fan McKenzie river below Athabasca,, toys A MttardavslO 45p m service, in or about Portland, will•,o hear from McAuliffe, and if a For I’ampblett, giving endoreement«, 4c , add re»« the LAKBVIKW - - - - OBITOS! tea thing of the past.—Sunday I nia*®h ia made he »id asswt Ker the above area may L<. only a part j *Pa:s«rxixg ODELL TYPE WR1TBR OO, T ub RoHxnev, Onrc«««, III. • am 15 ' ‘Hgan in training for the battle.— r-x. of the oil-bearing region.’’ HAY 4 GRAIN i Welcome. THE BURNS READING ROOM. STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. TV Fine Bar, T he D rewsey S aloon JOB WORK. I B ob