THE HERALD TIH’RHDAY. APRILI), IMA I T DELE’S ¡’MUTATIONS. People’« Home Journal. Fidele Faxon was an ambi»i< us girl, for her parents had math: her so. Thev had warped her nature from childhood, ami thus made her selfish and scheming, when other­ wise she would have been a noble woman, for she was not bad at heart, and hail generous impuls. s Her father was a rich man. but he wanted more rick ie», and I. r nio’ anxious to out daz nil of Lei friend in her sh le of liv- i: w.;8 lhe.t Mr. Faxmi g it the credi i f i.'i . .-«i:.g five times the fortune he really bad. 1 .. . :.cour:iged tILs b< ii.-f l y : n < c--. 1 i.i v.>p..j; r squib, which I hj for, to the rii'eet that I c h:.d I I, rede, dI'ove, shot, and in fact w-:. a gontleni:::i, a:: uthlet -. iieh and a m. .1 The Texan r. xs hand 11 i ’ 1 s Yu»r K«WIH , ri«'.», » üm „ ’'Mun. j RE 8 PO Ns fi MW. 1 «It« V, :» Ui, viii.mia, rions HARPER’S PER10DICAI Y-ar: kina »ml Tinie,nd Sarti b; b('«rli1£l,, ÍISK.................. -V .......................... rant county, < >r< ■: urr-8. Grant county. Oregon. OF ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. ALM EDA A. S' The volume of tho Magazine login with e .'- litl.ei' .» t . Ui.e aii- >i( (ioinwiii in gin \vi h the NumUr cur- i\n. at lime o. rcfvipi o. oroer. Hound v->. 11. hv o ¡iarpt r’« Magazine, for hiee year•« bat’K, i:t neat t loili binding, vsitl lie .-ent by mail, po :-i»nid, on receipt of $.’» er volume. (’ ( a-e«, lor binding, «50 •enis each by mail, post-paid. Index o Harper’s Mag.-i/ine, Alybabeti •nl, icilyti< ;l. ami Chi-- ilied, for Volumes to 7<\ inclusive, from .June, 1H50 io June, <”i, one vol. » vo. CioJi, $ l.()0 Rumi ’.ance-should l»v mndebv Postcillce Order, or 1 rai\,«o avoid chance oi BEN HUR”a:l "THE WORST FOE”asjreiniiinii i Ailurn you, A new Shakespeare—-the Shakespeare of Ed win A. Abbe)—will be presented in ii a iipeh ' m .Mugasiue for l ’»U, w ilh comments by Andrew lang. H arper ' s Magazine itns ;uiso made ape- cial arruugcnien a wilh Alphonse itauuel, lhe grvuicB. < i living French novelists, fur the ex- c.uaive pubiicuiiou in aerial form, of a huno.r- ai.-rv, io De entitled “The l uloniaia of Tar- if ..u: lhe I ubi Adventures of the Famuua inr larin.” Tfiea.iri w hl i>e i rannaivd b Henry Ja nef, am. ui c.i by IL t hi ami Myrl at b. W. 1). Hour is w ill t oiiiriDulv a u.»\v » it m hr I- parts, uu i • ai'caoi.» Hearn a in»\vietle in w • par 8, etna.ed ‘ iuuma,” iiam.a Hi.el.r iilua . ra.ed. In illuatra v l pupera touchlnga subjec a u tu. en in i y-si, a i in i.a 8a.>r, b -i 0.8 p< <• n. aa 1 i iciely nr. ico k . he . iigazine \. ill ma . diu i.a »veil-kit jw u h uu lard. ---- PUBLISHED, EatHbllahed Twenty ¥<• r- ; 8 i . il '- r . 40 coInmil«, witiiout advert iseineiitN. I nsfctarittn. unpar- tisan, but earneHt fortruth and purity, t. aching Christ, but with the broatorv. Only 81.25 » Year. In clubs*. Five for FivtD-dlaia. Sample copies free. RILE} Hera Hera Hem < 124 pp.) ; FlÑÉS'f Je.'SUD'.VC.tRK uu THE SELF-THREADING ’^DEST . MM ZJ UNION SQUARE NY.-’" t a TUAMTA.G ass ^^1 CALL/ ! I. LT ST RATE 1). IS THE LAM •HE ;'s W eekly nns a well es ablished be lenui ig i lt;s ra eii i e-,.«paper in The fairii-»». ui‘ is e :i ,.r a. »om- n « e «»f i 8 li'.ern h i i< luilr ¡a amri shori s . 1 i s !•' Iil. 8 p. pil ill' rifeifi, Hl II i , ir p TtiK il pc- p e .1 .fi < k ra;.ge . ¡’ It's ce 1 pi;: - u h . I'j_e Vi evkh 8 ipp MAs J at . vtEit, will uppeur in lhe W eek - WO are those put up by D.M. FERRY ¿CO. Who are the Largest In it ore com­ bined the fin­ Eeedsmen in the world. 1). M. F rrry &C o ’ s Beautifully Illustrated, Descriptive SEEb ANNUAL est mechanic­ skill, al the most useful« mu and practical for 1890 will be mailed FREE to all applicants, and to last season's cus­ tomers. It is better than ever. Ev­ ery person using Garden, Flower or Field SEEDSshouldsend forit. D. M. FERRYiQP-^ elements, and all known ad­ vantages ‘ Miss Faxon, for your s.-.kc I win not expose this man to the pul ii' here, hut take him back to Texas where lie is wanted fur < rime: against the Government and fiat' and lie will be imprisoned fur mam a long year. “He 1 ■ ‘^ikrfrtVxieiin, null was : that a sew­ make desirable I'.li WEEKLY ............. . I.tle Ell'.« M.'.t.AZINE iai ! pi : i :' s r \ zai :. 1, « YOI NG !')■' IPLE rice to a i 8U' 8. ribtirs in the I'nite. Htthi, < r Mexico. h .< s of ihe Weiklv will begin wi l N dui er far Jn. uarx <>f eat >t » eai i.otiinc is inentioiied, 8'. h b rip>iot p ..i in ui:h (he Number ttirreni at lime of re » Gion'er. uiit! V. ..f fl.irper’B Weekh f. rthrc ca-8 '■ ?u k, i.i : er.i doili bin ling, ul.l L cbci ; mali I*, a age psi 1. < r bv • x rets, tree < t ex ■ t'.Fc î no1, it.e 1 ’ he iicighl t . < b i..>. e.<< ce.l rvoliimei f«>r*7 ' jó n volume. '..»■h CiE<‘s for oath Voltine, r.i’ able f«»r a ;J i .• ßctil by mail p. s. pai :. on rv • ' • ! > . lichiiHa u s Fh.Hi’d be ma le hv I’, st O'ùec ..ney Onlvr or Brail, to avoid « ha.*i< e of I. E8. >. < hh ll.MJ’i.R BRDTilEKS, :.ew Y. .k to sell or use. ELDREDC£ JÏÎÎ.-C. CO. wïÿâaôwholeialeCfflso, Bolvidere,Ill. 271 Wabash Ave.t Chicago. 31) Broad Street. New York. Combines the juice of the blue I igsos California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues ci plants known to be most beneficial to tit? human system, forming lhe ON LY PER­ FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS —ANO TJ — Cleanse the System Effectually, — SO THAT — PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask you! druggist for SY RUP OF FIGS. Manu- factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S an F sancisco , C al . I mnhsvillb , K v. N e v Y ork , N. Jin L ee . “ v by, Aduie. yon necrln’fi cryabnnt It! I only said . r.-i. ika n very well- informed - a..u i *. K-dtu ju.i voa.d follow herc."...:i le.” M::s I.: “Ye?. :. <1 ’ 1 week yen eaid you Wi -hed 1 C. --■-» ; £v_. .i«>i as 5. t'8. Allen,—and ; ' or.4 c.ctlits. 13ut •he ini- hat 1 h- •'• ti' ;.’’ Jin. I. ”To ; ■ Jins L kh . “ .’. the i-H of her Informa­ tion from tho t ey [■ I f.dlilit that ehe know? al! tli--S is coin c:;. a-'.il ;$ br: lit and entertaining I i < - a br.t I cou.d do •• well 4is r-he ch • if 1 I . ■ t o «mo source of information, hi ?; ' ‘ Tie foe . no: tber of her ilngazin? !:.;? /, .n: 1 I i_- r. i. ?>• in one ’.our 8 reading, nbor; \■ i .-i co i 1 to . t.» ts find tho topics of t '»'•"?, • :i ( v- . i i•; up in a month Lyr.iyocc . . ,-i c . t h .'r ; m . It certainly covers e, :y t; '. . t. rd ti e of tho day ri- o t ■» t 'o o • : s o. I ouaid-cepirg; and cv ; . so bea a / ii iisirntcd. t»-o. Every . :. n go.j u t c Ai.'cns’ ti.o come» bar”. ■> mo to f rr you to take l)cm »reti'j 1. . ’y . - 'n ; i th tones are eo geo.i. 1 . . I.’L . cfori every month, as a j 1 . op 1.1 fo.:: ! i .. : <> j -■ jig- cs; ami Mr. All.n s.v.. y it I » r ,- vonclcrful how it suits < \ r :.'.ah-r c-f t •. mily 1’- Mi:. I. e • ■! pe'. i : 11; i b. i - r«end fora Specimen«’ -: ' -. ri i ■ ;i:: l * iil-’wit: I you •ayit Kit ? ' tic- thewl:< le< fu«.M Al us 1 ■'ri "I • ■ i . V.' Demorest, the pit'll: !' • •• ' - ! • ! ir- I. y’< w York, is offcrin-'t-> s. i . < epy for to cents. 80 wccaotlo .■ < ca' It number contains a ‘Pattern Or - , ’ ,. ! - t’m tolc!»r to any Pattern -ho r.t -v c!:< <> • . .1 in anv size- which alone m; - ri v <» er- and I just I I 'i ho pub.-ription i> i c ii >Qa ye: r ; and I mu:t ,'v I i 'f .« <■ 1 v,- tri v can publish so elegant a .’!a_a/ inc f r i.« iiitie money?’ »«ms trusts roAMMy One of the ?■**** 9" REHTTel liMk L, evtipex > » I RF E b K b the world. Oar facilities leilil are unequaled, and to intmduee our superior goods we will sendFREK to one fekson in each localttv, a-above. Only those « ho write to ua at once can make anro ot the chance. All you have tn do in return is to show our goods to those who cal)-your neighbor« and those around yon. The be- * ginning of this advertisement shows the small end of the tele- »cope. Tho fo.lowing cot gives the appearance of it reduced to Í »bout the fllHeth part of it«bulk. It is a grand, double size tele- >ope. .is large a« is ea«y to carry. We will also show you how voit «a make from -*1-1 to 4 1 4» a day at least, from the »tart.witn- •ut exi»ii,0. Better write at once. We pav all exnr-ss charges, gddress, H H ALLETT A CO., Box NÿO, P omtlaxd , M a IXK. C HOME LOUIS AND FARM, VILLE, KY. Th« Lead:«; Ajrtcultu.-itJi-^rnl cf the South and West. ca. M ado by Farmers for Fcrmers. ( tic: As a record cf successful agriculture, IT omb I tm h;is no equal. Every topic relating to • • .rrur.lttire is di«cu««eu in its columns bv t ■ • - j i >rsthum CZA3 ITS LIST OF OCT YfT 0UT0R3 IE. C.UX7 Lire i tua cf Cr V pura a: .« J- t r *• . Y ?. 1 Ik- I iw I V *.. 5 c X • Î i » Ä»S , i'O • . ..r* t • loua » ont.'.ir. -• th« names of li e mo l crcgrc^sive farm- <•[■* < ! lit«- mih arlW.-st, Thcv do not treat ’ 1 ttu . ..: . a farming, hut cf th? actual condi- . lmi « iv . >t c »nfront u» to »:.-.v : n F. Jo’ • tin • *' ,Tt. John M ?tah|; .. ! 1 • • J< b Welborn ; ihizh T. lhooks . John I . .t d ele’s Rf. mi . T B Pahlwin and a rto-t . oil . r< make »his journal nuiisccnsable Moreover, it h equaBv A HOME MAOAZIHE. I.. ’’v «m vert of interest to the honie-mr.ker is ful.v treated. Mary Mar< len. I.ois Catesbv. Mrs. 'Irs ^liv’es#. Mi»« Cabell. Mi-* Mosby Alice Wi t «lot! and a score of others will ccntrib^ ute regularly. FAITH LATI”£A I« in ?’■. r ' of our ChiMren « P-p.Nrtm?•’.♦, and •he I:.. the peculiar faculty of being both in- I : I iu-structive. the ktstfst or the hatioji 1« a trilling story appearing in Koxu axt > F anv , b, |j. ind is exciting v.; i- attriii -t '«iHirt stories by di.4iiijnii»hed writers appear trom time to time. E‘LL LEHERS Appear in each issue, an«’ th « hmaormpiphnoso. pur was never taore interesting than at this I’uxe. K ITH i;»ITl)Klll. DKPAIITWFNT J1?5’!1 A^n I’ 'WM apeak* Kddly and fearlessly ia ne if cf •* Farmer.«’ Right* It fav-.-r« a r;- '•! the t&nif in behaifsjf the f .-mer better roads for the fanner . Free Mad Delivery to the I .rmer , c op ration among the farmes, and iu aiui aa to • Bast Trusts.’’ Its motto is “ Fair Trade aa.-’ Fnrmen* Li^hta.” CHERRIES PEARS, I'LUXS. Pi NE j, CEDARS Ha: ; er's Bazar ktatem Nenwr I'll EES, S.i.Dl'ESl Twl P rinters ' I nk Is Israel ca tie frst »1 tftecath days cf each month, azd is ths rejroieatativo joareal—ths trade journal cf Aaericaa advertisers. It indicates to ths ’lARf’ER’s B azar ’ f a journal h r th; home. ’ • ing lhe ivr.i'ing inform* ion with regti.m I», ..‘•’•'■iu: s i.8 nume. iili.-BtrHti h s. ii-Bhi. n uta. a ■ pat eri «uppit e ». mpvi t i:.’i* a ke îo the ho nt durr. n m R itmi ; ■ ;»r. t »».;.> ni i,in k . No expe ihtpare. itb-iki ig if; arisie at raiuvc •»■, -ir Harness maker for |r, and If ho h. « no. not It send us ye ur nnma S!? wo wot ehlp j ou n s.- mpio <-.?n fREK, you to r.’.r »- nrcs»ng<. CANlCil FAINT Ú Oil CO , A.eirosa Mar«. VAfiriPlüE BLACít WATtllPA if BOOT «5 SMtOiXÿSt.:,:. Abso'utoly proof öca — st snow wu’-r, .-nil ker? th’L’:®” « ■ft nnd p'labio I io»en: c> Ids - ■ o «rorr’OT’fJft ,‘'U, I L L U 8 T R A T E 1) . And the Cheapest GOLDEN C^HSta Plant Harper’s Magazine. V I VE'.S .:•<• ' 'd Up- I ll >‘ I ill I- 1.» With »Hill 3 j: ( * 1 < , 1 • 1 * * - - ..lik."’'- < 1 Hsaudareguni. ... - I perfect. ¡»«>-1 in • ha»!: ',’hem. am If ; ur.l.aler cannot MH-ply you. an or. Hr sc it toud- t . . , i„.|.>v. '.vill ! ' r iiipt iiiK'i'H n L'vS«-»-*/ t:su cauluguo in -1 nrk- iup-m appHcutiua. kuna MBLÄCK i Hvr.ert bpvuvcr would > <* him." Tho < .ip:.,in hvi-d i i ui io. tor hi.« rm me were , x| iu..vo on< 10- K'ivvd tlio visitor pl. as. nilv, s.ud he took mi credit : r i i< t. a: ,| ueccpted an invita'.i >11 io dine at tho Fax.>u m.i: i-io:i the m xt d.n The count w.i.« nlro there; but Fi h'lc «eemed to have nu t her fate In tl.iK tall, hand.-oine, T< ’ a tain. 8hc was realty in love, and the fentiiuenl brought forth 1er 1er! nature. But Mr. and M m , i i.xon ilccMed upon the c. unt. 1890 ' i’-DA.'i';, 2‘w. ~ f ifk The count was intlign appeared ns though lie meant to fell the captain nt hi« ft e‘. But the captain smiled and said: ".Juan Corti s, alias Count \j< tor Cortict Hi. you are my prisoner, as a Unit-<1 States 1'i t.ctive I rest yon for forgery ami I r.nk rob­ bery inTexas—bold! lamarmed, «o hold out eour hands for the irons I have for them." The count wilted, almost fainted, anti the captain c'a ped the irons upon wrisls. j / âmpîre ! KASTBttM „ srilTH & WESSONS Finest «mall Bii.ia eve •’ dl l u’ac n vd —-— , . ar.d the llr. ’• cuoicei f alt I ;.pi rts. la ambrcN a.’, 8i i u»l 44-1’L bin.-o or dot/'inaction, Sai'.iy Ha ricrkua and Tartec mode 1 • .1 <;u wroi for v ?’rk‘n",D-‘'iip •■ ' Lu <’k. U; ri' akd f r Ti e Faxons moved to their ele­ gant conntrv l.t. and there a num­ ber of guests were* invitili. Among them were the count and the cap­ tain. “I have spoken to my daughter, my dear count, and she is prepared to listen to your suit ” Yon will fimi herin'the garth n. said Mr. Faxon one daV after di: 1er. TI ie count hasten,'I to th leparib-n and there found Fidele. She heard his tale of love with a sigh, accepted his hand, heart, title with tears in h< r eves, was about to allow him to s -al comp.iet with a kiss, when sudden y a fall form sprang between them. It was the captain. "J.” UAKPER A HKOTHKRS’ PUBLICATIONS. STOCK BRANDS. Ye J WISH A C0O3 R’VOLVER Rich ’ Ve». Very elegant and a perfect gen­ tleman? Yes. But he was not a count. This was a crime the noble Tex­ an was guilty of. , So, ns she had been molded bv her parents into ambition and greed, Fidele yielded and agreed to accept the count when he offered. And he asked for her hand three months after meeting her. Captain Herbert Spemvr seemed to fee) ti at Fid- le lovt-d him, He certainly loved her, and he watched matters calmlv. copies F:eo. ¿ddrcfc CEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, to Spruce St., New York. i \R TR’3 BAZAR •! h • .fi I« S VA . \ZINE 4 cl • i/S UliIM.Y 4 ■fl ‘ kt’ER’s V')- Nii PEOPLE 0» 1’. b :v E er o ali sul 8 r;i.v;E in tho I’nileC a ■ s, Cana»,a, «r .uvxif«>. The v..:’;:n>, s of the i nznr l egi.t wl h the n ii>er for .¡n .uary of va h >mr. M he.i n. ime if ..»<_« lotted, p'l i rip i.,u vili ie Ji. i h the .Number curren: ut the.ii;,e of re-vii ; Í ord er. ì ’ miì . i i y .-htm« b .f lhi'pc’s lazar forth;«v mirini.».'. < ..>> n ni¡nii g. . j!i I c B-'iit b tuai s a c- p.-.i-V - r by ex? retti, free . f expti.r • provide hei’rvigh <■»•■. »truer «>r 1).aft, to a\ oíd (han» e »»f '< st ' ••’via HARPER «k BR )THER«. 20BOOXSimAWA We will « nd thn entire L-t of Twenty Valuable Books enumerated ami described below, to every aub- scriber to this paper for the ensuing year, who remit« tiwntu iu addition t » tho regular subscription price. These book-», each »me of which contains a com­ plete first cla.'s novel or other work by a well-known ar. l popular author, are pul-hsh-l tn neat pamphlet form, pruned troui yro»»d readable type on g- .-.l paper, and many of t.ietn no !«-'i-i -iy illustrated. Theycom- pri« » some of th • fin --t work- ever written by some of the ere »t0«t aa I most papnlar writer*, both of Ameri­ ca and Europe. Each one is complete in itself: X 2l.i Mrs. CaudloN « n« tain l ecture«. By Dore s': - Ye-y . : and very funny. Th« yenn^ -r a« well «•» older neneration should read them. No. 211 1»!vvntwr«*« <»fn Bn«-h«*lor. n^tneaa. thor of • B th B a -Vi v--u! ores in New York.” a Inr a popular a r.i, r N How to Make mid save Money on tlx»- Fa •«. \ •• ia ' • - - i- Let - n of useful Tacts, bin» • a i I s i - :.••• fa,mers and "ar-lenera. N F n ‘he Earilk ta the Moon, a Nove Bv t ' ' \ r ■: ” n 2L- ! 'i- Little Obi Mn:i of the Ilailir. n**iir«. \ N >’? 1- • ' ; 1 ixr. ® n ■ k ' D au* Womitit. AY «»mail. A Novel. By i) uwe » M ■•-• Mi S - \< * No. “ - - - - I’ • hn - » i.-len Farm — Bride. A Torti. Bv Mu: \- f.*T B ■: \r. N’ 2,1. 1 -.irr.ea Derrick*« D.iurkter. A Novel By M r t • N > .’l.’. T’.ie Enron*« TVi'l. A Novel. By STL- vayi ' s »’ >in. dr N> Th - Peril < f IMiar.l Pardon. A N v P n | I.- v N- J Blackbird till’. A Novel. Ey Esrnin S N ' ■; K •: ' ' : - N rh (iiiar.i'aii’s riot. A Novel. Bv Dr .1 II n-- r N 2*. The Gray Fulcon. A Novel. By M T C .1» -a Th«« Sorrow of a Secret. A Novel. Bv »AK> <’ ■ H av No. 2 . l»t-rcy and the Trophet. A Novel Bv W N > 2T The Storv of a TFedrtlng Rinx. A Kovel. Xo. ; .w • J.-mpl.'lUn. A Kovel No. * \ M • Irrn < .nderellis. A Novel. By ?.. 7 " ¿1. !'!»<' Island Him . A Novel. By M T Cu.D -a. No, 2fiA The F.x'.nl Glove« A Xorel. By C laim a - < _ ____ _____________ _____ («rene» PEACHES, FLOWS \ECTARL\ES,. EVER \KBOR,. FIRS, BALSA«. I N.'TS, FRUITS.. L'WLSl'O,^ lUruer’s Ycun^ Pcoijlc. T.i. R’, vc'ith Y., n nvoi ilari era V. u r P cd - . uh. h ¡cMi h w.ththv Sit nbrr f. 1 .\«»vcrn / )' prig-'., s n , « t urti.e pr urani. It ■ 10 IS r-»i lens. f. t.r a 1 hi’s . f >;• vs ;.-, ,eiiL h, an oiheis .11 tw.« . r three ar *: V‘ : ..‘J,he iU\l .Xl5,B f‘"< " b "i'liani (J. , " 1 ai'.ii ; he Hao,, ’ r»1. i in y < 1. - *’ ' f- uu’’•i ? • hn Ruts .•! Ì o,- c; ; to nor a W« 1 • i -. ■ - r ,yl? ? I.- ::)»•,I,„r Hj. , b - * ‘>1 s ..t rairy Ta va .vi. nt r i til-a n ten : «1 -ox »• • j.f i Le Y. .«n<.vi •.. » rid. viz: ihr L- 4 , s r., d by Howard P le, a ■ g a- mir b ratei y î;j 1 ... ,it r B.r es i u a ■ e* t v.-i:i h. f dvrer i . ¡.i, k . ... Tm re 1 • c» . i. e . rks W. : . ¡ R Th.,mua ” ’=’ *» ’r r._ Wilk i s. N. ra Pcrn . llar r: ' .1 I rvscmt p. fT r l. imi; r . r. ihzklah v.-.v. r h >. pb c .,c. , R. .*. 4 .^aituni '..hl 8 oll. CiC. BIRCH, SPRUCE. ASII. LINI EN, C3 1 i l.i!'. BMS ? !‘ING1_____ RED-BUD, SBADÌ junipers , RHOri < \ -i s rip-t n to H ahpku > Y oung P t it » " 4 * ’ '• ” • T; « i V ter iner. 1 .»tv. : i’< »tare Prepaid. 00 r xenr \ X i e,i a .x,»,erH< r .1 i. ”n n ' ''d’’ f --ctn.p an-p s.n • e N i i. e » !■ i ve ( en a e n 1 • rna.urw .mt-. .1 •• •*. .»• b'v I». r Office • — or. wr.r br»rt, I., r . g < EACH THE BEST HARPER A 1P.OTHEBS, N< w York. N • iU. «I ST-I, »H'n.f t..r. pru.v o;.„, r,.r • O’ h ÓVV a . r IF n-.ei 8 wlh. ut’ r xpruts vr.itr mí ILUiiEit «x LHoTiiEK.-. FREE. HMlll ............................ . - M * w< r 4. Perfect A.b Ire , > Ml thrrs. ™ • »w « 4-'irilitr*g r-:p. rup, r f . »Ml,Tres ' . » hr I--., r ,..i. ,he i , ••• - nr ■ < r r-i »I» cu r • > -.1 , h ,|. ¡„r, i, t- • ’ r A * •»« ‘ »-«• • » f ..,! i. r r- jen 8 wr.h ' ? : •••!«■ ri-;"-.: ' . , " rnrirsn.» ,^lhir •J" •