1 O regon H erald BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1890. HERALD CI) EVERY I ’D KMMV BYRD à SOLL TELEGRAPHIC NEWS T. V. 11. EMBREE. M. I). Office at hia r« "l'’eu< e o», ehe east ide el Sil- v J cb River, tei uiilea Luluw Burns. V-JPAPEK i.AWh. :s require-. give ru’iue l-y I lie pitpor tl-ics i-ot ai-s.vcrthe 8. liber tb < 8 u•■■■ ak :i s puper mi 1 lhe reus a fur iis n-»i .e.ug u do «... makis ilie po«i- the put».¡slier f..r put ment orders li s paper uis’-.n Notary Public. ail arreura/es, or the Pub o send ii uuii! payment is •I the whole amount whether it D. I. (¡RACE, 4* oilier or not There < nil be BURNS. OR iui'iiiH e t ill pa*, mem is made Land Filnp.p. Contvst Blanks, Applications for hi who takes a paper from the her directed to his mime ur an- PublitHiiuii Notices, (•■rrectly and promptly :-r hu hns subs ribed ur nut. is attended to. Dee»Ls. Notes, and .Murt^ages legibly dravvn up. ( barges reasonable. 11-50. Hie pay liner urdurs his paper f :upped e, and the Fubtislier cumiiiiies 8 rioer is bound iu pay fur it if I if the p. siuffiue. This proceeds hai a mull must pay fur what he J NAT. HUDSON, ■ have decided that refusing ti A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. $ tud period} ills from the p. pl / them uncalled for, withou Ofllee: BURNS, OR. nine, is primu facia evidence ul C. A. SWEEK. |»,00 .1.50 . .75 .2.50 advance) . ¡AI.II Cl.I I? LIST hrper'.' Magazine.......... 5.00 lipper’s Weekly............. 5.20 iirper’s Bazar .......... 5.20 hrpur’s Young People . <3.75 leii’s Manifold ( yelopedia, 2.90 sal volume after Vol. 1, 55 cents; Ever volume, t><.slaje. if all the above works can be ex ¡re in ti e Reading Room. |h.»lieit,e mo 61no_ -1 L2.00 *.K 0 ) 4S 00 i s 0»’ 80.00 0.00 no. oo .12Í! |15 0v ¿8.00 ! 40 0'1 50.00 ! 54.00 l’-O.OC 140.00 F iRiilGN \!>vi:i:;'>''i:s. hile rcspocifu’* k - ou ii ing your i'Qtrouage edesire tXkeep our reudeiFp.p cd us to the go.r. s Illi Bre. la .c tirili F .ideai ..ib, cor .juoellj e__w i. ' • - ' ¡nen s i ased upon our circula- ¡aujoiuincolin, its. te-iuc:i.Hi to »ill yearly r.dvei Diib e, or Publisher. íotice td ■ i I II 8. • H I. tiH. I>. A' , r,u A<1 ;IREt TORY. Benjamin Mar: ;gon Levi I’. M. r ..II Jan-va ’» liaine Vt iiiiani \S i .dum JohuH. \<»hic Re- tic <: Pr«»ciur jam in I*’. Tracey ■rem in h M. Rusk Wm H. II. Mi her John Wm.amakpi on : ( J. N. Dolph •f J. H. Mftcheij Binger IleriiiHun Sylvi 6;er Penno- er .’(Jeu. W. Mcbri te (i. W. Webb J. B. M< Elroy true :i>,n i: l> Frank bakei D I R. s. blrnhan it Wm. P. lord D s W. W. Thajvr junif i.*n district : B I kon L. R ani > .i>). drill . (D) E, ELD! | «. U5I> office : MEL-’.... J. B. HUMTINGToN I?........... H arrison K ell .: y ' DIRECTORY. DE TRI )DODE< 1ST EL’HCOBAl. CHURCH 'N c C art Pastor. fa< hing by the paster in each U id fl fur: hcr notice* r.s—at 11 n m. and 4 20 p m ®.i r«< huu ' Hofft— si ll a m —at 7 ,kO p m. nil a in. and 7:f0 pm ; —Gt 11 a m. and 7-Op m i ’I ETTER. F. XO. 77. Î. O. <>. F m Hall, cierv Snturdar J. F. M< K1NN.-N. N. U. dogwb “ n tiicefr v¡ nt tor that i** prirf, *•' ice R MAILS Earthquakes at Chile. Polk county lost $60,000 worth of bridges. La grippe is now in Mexico, In- dia and Persia. Congressmen Wm. Vanderver promises to supped the Eight-hour League. •' Twohundred grain porters struck for higher wages in Liverpool. March J3. President Harrison has pur­ chased $21,000 worth of property in Indianapolis, Indiana. I Eo;ty women graduated, March ! 13, as doctors from the Woman’s j Medical College, Pennsylvania. A San Diego foundary is busy making 500 retorts for the Spreck- I els sugar refinery at San Francisco. Ex-State Treasurer, of Jack::on, Miss., is found to be $300,000 short, Practices in all the courts of the Elate, by the expert accountants, in his Also, before the E. t>. Land Oltlec. accounts. B urns , O r . V ING SI Murder*., Suicide«, Ihcft«, Accident«, L<>Mt*$l>y Fire, i'loud, ICnil, C^ ch ne and £*l Iz-zai d W. K. Ball, of Truckee, Nev., has shipped live tons of honey to the San Erancisco market. Attorney-at-Law. L and M atters a S pecialty . BURN S A DV ERTI8EM ENTS. Fighting in Peru. A corrcspndent writing to the The high water destroyed $125, 8. F. Examiner, from Lima, March OiM) worth of property in Oregon Ci­ 13, says: The agitation in the provinces, cased by the antagonism ty. between the cadidates of the Con­ The steam schooner, “Chance," stitutional party for tlje Presiden­ In Harald Building, Room adjoining the Office. which left Astoria about a month Opeu Every Day except Sunday, from 9 a m to 4 p m. tial nomination, has assumed grave ago, is reported lost. Every Ijnly aud Qeutleinan a wsleuuie Visitor to the Reading Room during the hour« warned. proportions. At l’uno their was a The last Oriental steamer from collision, resulting in the loss of a Hong Kong to San Francisco, bring number of lives, and the pillage ofj the the news of eruption of Mt. many houses. There was, also, u Zo-o, the destruction of one life and collision at Ilugnta, many on both ’ $3,400,000 worth of property. sides being killed, and among them : Seattle contains within itself a the chiefs of both parties—Senor ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. city of N. G’s, there are 800 va­ A?ona, a deputy of congress and grants ; 300 nrostitutes; 75 profes­ the head of the revolution, and Dr. “The IxiaJing Company of the Pacific Northwest.” sional gambler's, "a?!'! 400 others Urbina, chief of the Rosas party. I r- £»«?at VATE DWELLINGS AND FAHM rROl'KRTYA SPECIALTY. 1 without any visible means of sup­ Dr. Urbina,.after five members of his ' family had been killed, took refuge port. with those who stijl lived, in aj The fifth annual convention of OF SALEM, OREGON. church, where many women and! the Sunday School of Oregon, will children and old people had already be held in the Christian ch-meh, at Burns, Ore. gathered. The priests exhorted the [ J.C, PARKER Agent, McMinnville, commencing, Tues- , Indians to desist from their butch-j day, April 15, and closing, Thurs­ erv, but they were drunk and blood­ day, April 17, 1890. thirsty and incapable Jof reasoning. A very destructive jand slide, They threatened to burn the church,1 near Eeklev, Curry co., Or, cov­ when Dr. Urbina, knowing that he! FROM PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. ered over seventy acres of fine bot­ was the cause of their action, and tom land from 10 to 20 feet, bury­ wishing to save the lives of the I C. B. BAKER, Sub-Contractor. LMVra Prineville Monday, at 6 a m. Arrive, nt Burn, Wednesday, at 6 p m. ing about 30 head of cattle and other people, determined to sacri­ Leave, Burn, Thursday, at 6 a m. Arrive, nt Prineville Saturday, at» p m. horses, and killing three persons. fice himself, and after receiving the i The noise of the elide was heard 18 benediction of the priest, he went Passenger rates from Prineville to Burns $7.50; Hound trip$14— with CO days delay. miles. out to the guerrillas and was mur­ A man named Gilbert Morans, dered. Not satisfied with this, they, a prominent saloon keeper at Al­ in their drunken fury, continued LAKEVIEW A D V E R TIS E M E N T. buquerque, March 13, shot himself their career of butchery ftir hours. through the heart, because the girl Over 100 lives wege sacrificep to the he loved refused to marry him. He old rancor between the families of willed the girl al! his property, Azona and Urbina. The width of the Mississippi at Memphis, March 1~. was 50 miles, which amounted to several thou­ and reports of loss of property by sand dollars. Hood still poured in. March 13, at Havana the agita­ The Truckee ice companies have i tion in favor of the annexation of only store,4 39,000 tons of ice this Cuba by the United States, has at Will j ractiue in all of the courfß « f the State. season against 100,000 tons at the last reached a crisis. La Tordo, All bususcKS placed ii -hin firm will be same time last year. promptl.\ aitended to. conspicuous for its vigorous denun­ The Virginia and Truckee rail­ ciation of the Government and for road company spent $50,000 this its advocacy of independence or an­ wintt r to keep their track clear be nexation, capped the climax by say­ tni. u R. ii .land Virginia Cjty. ing: ‘ The Spanish Government, hv . -.ar-old boy, of Elko, its disgraceful and nimous atftnin- i. k Norton, has made i.-tralion of affairs 'in this island, ,y a long trip on snow-shoes has done more than anything else tin.- winter, lie thinks nothing of to throw Cuba into the arms of the United States.” The editor of the d ing thirty miles a da . ■ i vplo.- ipp of dynamite oe- paper was arrested two days ago, i iirred. March 13, at the Brooklyn and is still in jail. The other A.iD r works: 940 cartridges were journals are now more cautious, -locked >!V. l-.vo lalior.rs killed but the agitation among the people is stronger than ever.—S. F. Call. amt t • o ihcrs fatally injured. Attorneys at Law, I THE BURNS READING ROON. AND Pr.OPllIETOHB. HUl’TION KATE The flood in Oregon was the most damaging since 1861. STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. The Farmers’ Company. S<±ge] i n e THE HOPKINS HUOSE I k the Breaking of a Mirror a Bail Omen? M. D. HOPKINS, pRorRiBToR. A lunatic saw the reflection of a | man’s form in u mirror, and taking ! it for an enemy in the next room, he snatched up his pistol and fired at the figure, The bullet struck it in the head. The crazy man was secured before he could reload his weapon and the man’s life was saved. Yet there are sotn<^ super- EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. -------------- Q Tbie Hotel ia new (House, Rooms. and Furniture) and offers courteous service to ovary Gaost C stitious people who look upon the breaking of a looking-glass as an evil omen. To such may be com­ L axbvikw , O rku ^ k . II. R. SCHLÄGEL mended another story, related by an Englishmen who, with his family, reptesred dr all Khii Weik in th Blackimith line. Horse thcelag at.IV.SO had passed ten years in India: “It was a very sultry summer | ^-BUGGIES, WAGONS, ET C.,-^ night. The doors and windows of, made to oanaa with neatsum , and or good quality . our bungalow stood wide open to let; A L L W O R K W ARRA N'T E D. in the air. My little daughter, 21 As an exchange says: there is a years old, was asleep in a low crib) Tl. crew of the \im ritan seal­ good deal of truth in the following in a room adjoining th ■ one where DRKWREY ADVBRTISÍ MÏNT. ing schooner, Lily I.., of Sail Fran­ w / ; !.* I was setting engaged with some cisco, which arriv d at Port Town- clipped from an exchange: There — are always two sides to a question. accounts. It was late and all the i send, March 10, charge the cap­ If the parents would examine into servants had retired, and every­ tain wisn poisoning Jesse II Sturgis, a child's conduct at school, while thing was quiet out-doors and in. aged 19, while nt sea. The boy In the room where the child was under a teacher’s jurisdiction, per­ was ill with rheumatic fever, and PKOrBIBTMl». DICKSON A SULLIVAN - - - - BL -St KSM1TH. haps they would not find fault with sleeping there was a large pier- the captain gave him a glass of glass, which we had brought ou\ ADULI h TUPKEH----- Puer’« the teacher much for correcting Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologiit. liquor with 50 drops of laudanum. the chilli. A teacher has a hard from Liverpool. It was our most —GENERAL REPAIRING— When an express train from San lot at best; patience is the most pretentious article of furniture. Everything in our line of the Rest. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, AM» Francisco arrived at Sacramento, valuable jewel to them, and sym­ This glass hung directly opposite Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when ; 13th ult , an oil cloth coat was pathy and cupport from parents where I was sitting, so that if 1 you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. found on the pilot, covered with whose children they are preparing raised my eyes, objects in the other Promptly executed. The building lias been on larged ami improved ami is nrepared to turn blood. The pilot and machinery for future life cannot help but be ) room were mainly t® be seen in it. out ail kit i f of t)lii< kamithing on short notice and in the Leaf tn lie. Terns. Cash. 1-1 v were, ul«o. all over blood, showing appreciated. Suddenly my attention was attracted plainly that some one had been run by what seemed to be n shadow , C A. SNOW A CO. - _ _ WASHINGTON, D. C. ✓ M .oheur Gazette: From a private HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. over. Investigation proved it to he flitting past, or rather by a sense of Barents obtained, and all patent buRincM attended to promptly and for moderate fee«. letter from I). M. Coleman, of Para­ Our Office 18 opposite the U. H..Patent office, hii <1 we can obtain in less time than these a track watchman, named Philip something moving in the other dise Valley, Nevada, to Mr. G. W. remote from Washington. Bend Model or Draw lug. We advise as to patentability fr«« Horan, who, it" is supposed, went to room. I looked up. The sight of chaigci and we make no charge mile«« patent Is secured. Peirc&i we are permited to take the tv. A. V. IHHIRE, J. NAT. Hl DSON sleep on the track. We refer here to the Postmnster, the Superintendent of Money Order Division, ’and, which met my gaze chilled my Bakeview, Or Harney, Or. followit’g extracts: The loss of cat­ official« <»f the V. H. Patent office. For circular, advice, term«, and referauvea !• «•(««< b'col! In the mirror there was re ­ clients in your own State or couutv, write to above address. 'rk - Louisana Loiter’- Company tle is jimply incredable, and horses tie;; 51 a tig ( A>ES SOLICITED. ¡tion would precipitate the terrible charter which expires two years ade on the mountain, and had to1 I). 8. HOPKINS, A rchi T wct . hence. The proposition, we under­ pay $50 a ton for hay. It has teen tragedy. Suddenly the tiger, see­ Grand Rapid*, Mirh. ELITE SALOON. stand, will be to pay the entire ing his own reflection in the gins.“, Wall furn'sh Designs of Houses. Cottages, and Mansion« coffin a severe winter and a hard blow to figure wanted. If you rib-su lo build,«end |1 to my addr< $a, and stopped. He lashed his tail back 11.« of..; , full size details, complete sp»-< ifi< iitioug. anil bin of mate _ and forth, his eyes shot fire; euch COAT.-WORTII .1 TREGASKIS, full mxl complete so any ordinary carjiciiter or builder will liaw no troubl 000,900. The above speaks volume«. rKOSRIKTOB!*. ahead and completing tne work And If you do npt find just what yon want : seperate hair of his orange-yellow what change« yon desire made, and I will m commodate you Or Itinve Ord. A General Wesley Merritt U. 8. A. ' coat « emed to stand erect al the, H erald . Y au will It a« cheap to erec t a handsome hogs- n« to wa«tv material on'AnT’.i A wealthy farmer, Henry Nune sightly building. WI1J aid you ia rc-cou«tru< ting your prt*«eut betiding, living near Drown, Clinton co., Io­ will contribute tp the April number sight of a possible rival. Faster LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. wa, was found murdered, 13th nit., of Harper's Magazine an article en­ anti faster that expressive tai) and his wife badly wounded, The titled "Three Indian Campaigns,” whipped the floor. Another mo­ Wachmaker&Jewe le murder is believed to have been accompanied by map, nnd illustrat­ ment and the animal uttered a deep done the day before. A son-in-law ed from drawings by R. F. Zog- challenging roar, and sprang for J. W. BONEBRAKE. Lakeview, Oregon. called and found the old man dead baum. The article gives memor­ ward w ith one great Aotind. There in the kitchen, and a further search able incidents, illustrating the dif­ was a crash of a loud pro­ tZ found the aged wife upstairs near­ ferent phases of Ii.dien warfare in longed roar of surprise and rage <2M Cx W,,J* B*'Y THE OltF.I.I. TYPE W RITER WARRANTED TO VO nF I ns any One Hundred Dollar Machine p. H MURPHY. ly dead from having been beaten the West. The campaigns referred from the tig< r which jarred the LAKEVIEW _ - _ - OREGON while engaged in a conflict with the to are those against the Cheyenne, ground. The /real mirror, with its . It com bi net himi 'I. k iTvwith durability — hueed . ease of operation wear» longer without cost of repairs than nny other uinchino has murderers. The room was disar­ Apache, arid Ute Indian*. Gener­ frame, f<41 tortioii of a rejNirt bjr General Sher­ Phvsicinns say the old lady cannot idan declaring that it would have and sprang out at the open d-.or. Liken Printiug Frews ¡1 produce* abftrp, ct»»an, legible rn.inti«« ripf. Two < . hi !»«• i:, o|«* ut < gi <‘ wri’ ii.y* Editor- l.iii,. atiriot nuke a*l>ett«r iuvestni*nt' nt i.er'-on iue