KASTEUN HARTER A BROTHERS’ PUBLICATIONS. ADVERTI STOCK BRANDS. 'H gthe cl- u l «Neh b.4 ratted < ■ I ha mini was removed, he tould re member distinctly every circum THVr.BDAY, MARCH '.7, IMO. stance connected with his strange k tions on arriving at Pendleton, IU-H k R’I i * Note». ; ! d he reiterated the story told dur in - the night. DOFS THIS LIE AT YOt R LOOK. lie is recovering rapidly, and The bitterest thing of al! is that i: I soon be able to be up and around. the government that protects tin :s tale reads like a romance, but beai-fs i f the ti Id, the birds of the vouched for by the county physi • I even the fishes of the S"ii. •i, Dr. Vincent, and other gentle ul v refuses to protect our boys i of unquestioned veracity.— hut actually sells them to raisi Combine» (he juice of the Bloc t Oregonian. publie revenue. For every il’XX- California, so laxative and outctitous, with the medicinal virtues of plant-, 'collected from the liquor oligarchy known to be most beneficial te_the human system, forming theON LY PER public revenue, some m ithcr's so: General News. FECT REMEDY to act gently yet is sacrificed on the locking, putriu promptly on the * [Continued from fiis'.’pt gel a . filter of Bacchus. And what w* KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS lo Quebce, March 12th: In the complain of as mothers, isthatthei -AND Tv»— I legislature, a refulution war sell our boys too cheap—only . Cleanse the System Effectually, ihoua:in(l dollars a piece fir Loys ...is.-, 1 in favor of the construetion — SO THAT — worth to us tl.cir weight in dia ■ a .i railway from Qirbcc to Ft PURE BLOOD. i..rica l ay, on the Labrado refreshing sleep , mond < HEALTH and STRENGTH :i<i. r lueii g the distanee to Eu A thnt inotl e '. who pr. -r r her Naturally follow. Every one is using it white souled child to h-r breast . qw 1 ■’b>2 milt a. and all are delighted with it. Ask yoiu druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu what .<hs will take for her boy, a:: I The jury in the case of Mr». L. factured only by the Hi" will tell you that all tl:" money Ti rry, charged with contempt < CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. in the United States treasury could S an F kakcisco , C al court f>r resisting Mar Lil Frank Lrenvui-u. Ku. h'«w Ye«a. NX not buy the one little light a n i:i his attempt to take her from tin that nestles in I k r 1 o-om. N- , '(■ court room, when so ordered by don’t sell otir chihlre.i to th.' slow Jtldg Fi-1 I h , failed to ng-ee; re torturcsof i.h<'drinking sal o i W < MIlltil.L in eight for aquittal ami an r J bed l.y the municipal an four f ;r conviction. thorities, robb d by the State, THE SELF-THREADING All < ’':m..t.'S agret’ ,.i:i piaci:... robbed by the liquor oligarchy; a!' united together hind jo: ■ 1 to hand th-total population of the Uniti J Stites, which this year’s census will for O/. i: »VEIL shir at <>•",< IKIJ.'iKl. An increase of thirty per cent above the censu.-: A l*i a< tica! InconMMcacy. liken ia 18SO. It is said ‘hat liberalism a.id rtt it are com A tearful a idwv , at CbarlesMn, In bined the fln tional preaching Is putting ruffled \V. V . ; i . Attained an order eat mechanic shirts ami cologne on men who are fo ir <I< Lars v»orlh <>f groci ries front al skill, the rotten within. If there is one thing most useful th-’ I’«H»r Coiniiiisfcioners. N\ xl and practical I consider it.di c i.t, it is tho way in day tho provisions were spretai as elements, and which (limit.als are rosetted and efre.-hnients t her wedding ban- all known ad carried out of life. When a mtir- vantages that u .‘tlf. make a sew lerer ia to he hat.god, women send ing machine lowia.f Io him. I’riests run to him There are t ight "aric'ii s of lepro3 desirable to .•■nd philantlirophist3 hurry after sy recognized in China,'and the <li- sell or use. him. H<'s going to die. Aretherc ’«.'ise is re garded ns contagious, infec ELDREDGE MFC. CO. not 100,0(10 persons dying nil lions and hereditary, but is s.ii'l to Factory sad Wholesale Office, Belvidere. 1U. around and there is nobody to run disappear in four generations. 4/7/ Wabash Ave., Chicago. 89 Broad Street. New York, to them? There is no sympathy for Three private individuals in the them, but if a monst-r is to die f( r a foul murder, the Hood gates of United States are allowed to send sympathy are opened, and newspa- mail free of post ige. They are’ the pers tell how he died trusting in widows of Presidents 1‘olk, Grant Jesus. Faugh! Can a man who and Garfield. In 1.S36 Congress EtTTIIIH crept up to the ^allows through passed an act conferring this privi — WlTU — common sewi rs, at the hist mo- lege on the widows of presidents. THE SAN FRANCISCO ment, just before th. last effort to Will January 1, A. D., 1900 be obtain pardon, suddenly blossom th • I g n ng of the twentieth c< nti> out into fervent religious life? ry, or will January 1, 1901? is the Strict, $1.%5 per Yem, ’Don't believe it. W. II. C. question now bothering the college THE SAtl TP.ANCISCO processors of the East.—Telegram. The early (Jii'jstjai) church was It rftay bother college processors composed of persons who believed and repented of sin, and received but it doesn’t editors. They all Pa’ice, Sii.OO pea» Year, baptism and the gift of the Holy ajree that the latter date has to b AS PREMIUMS FOR the one. It can't be anything else. Spirit—persons who were of one Thnt is what the figure 1 is for, to OIS S 0.0 mind and one heart, steadfast in faith and obedience, and living wit indicate the beginning. The first rpnF. RAN FIIANCIBCO WEEKLY CALL A is a Imndsomo cight-page baper. It is is nesses of the truth that whosoever century began January 1 in the sued every Thursday, and contains all of shall call upon the name of the year 2. and the second century Jah the important news of the week, gleaned Lord, shall be saved, That is the 1, 101, of course, the year 100 clos from every quarter of the glol>e, complete ing the first century. Anybody Up to date of publication. It contains in pattern for to-day. C. II. W. teresting special correspondence from all of can see that but processors wl o tn the principal cities of tho world and a vast to be too erudite. Perhaps, though k Guocr Story. amount of the be it selec t d and original general literature. It furnishes the latest the ex. I es about the quest ion I oth and most reliable financial news and mar» A queer phase in the ease of the ering the Prof.—S. R. Democrat. ket*quotations nn I give, special ntteuti n num Uhde, who wap found in ()!<■ to horticultural and a/: ¡cultural news, and (¿ueen’s caliin al ove Pendleton and is in every respect a first-class family paper, At Louisville, Kv., March 5th. appealing tb the interest oi every lncmbet taken to the p air house, has cmi.e of the household. John Willis a man highly respe< ie<! to light. Last night, while labor in Me Lean county, marrhd Mrs ing under one of the temporary fits THE MORNING CALL. ICdie Pinkston a couple of days ago of insanity by which he >3 occasion («EVEN ISSUES A WEEK) At the wedding supper a discussion It a life "metropolitan daily. It 1ms tho ally attacked, h<* told l.is attend LABGESTi 1IUT I.AT1ON and is recognized arose I i tween tlx nt HR to religion ants his history while in Pendleton, as being the LEADING NEWSl’Al’lLRoi the and izrew very warm. Things grew Pacific ( oast. Either of the above papers which he had previously failed ti we will send )>ostpal<i as a premium on re ut pleasant and tho company with remember. ceipt of the following'subscription prices drew oie by one, Mrs. Wiilis 1 e- (or the combination. lie had come I p re about ten days etime furi.ms and refused to retire ago and taken a room in the Golden to the bridnl cjiamber. Every en Rule. While in led i.t night, the treaty faib <1. iit.d the women s:.t idea of committing auiei\je post« ssed | stock still inlier chair until day- him. He arose tad a slip-i.oose lght. She st tout for her former around his n< < k with a ropwhi h h >me r< fusing to le ae, ojnpai.i d he had, and drew it with his hands j zf /OCRNAL FOR A Pl'ERTISERS. be nnvl oily. The minister of l.r i.util I lood rushed from his nose U Issued ca the firrt *31 ffteenth days of each und e: rs, nd several snia 1 ldm.d church has emle: vored to g< t II r t • return to lu r husbni d, anil t! 0 mcath, aad is tho rejrewztatire jccraal—Uh trade vessels were burste I. lie did not | canal cf American advertisers. It Indicates to th« consider tl ■ t attempt : ati: f.ietorv I itter has of'i red i., t to m ht on r fnezporieaced advertiser how, when, and where he ligien again in 1 er i r< K : ce, I nt Hiid co:a .pile.I to trv dr >.vn.: ■■ a< i thrall advertise; how tc write aa advcctiaement; hew miur.s of iinl-.g I s nislet . <. -lie refuses to cntutoin rnv prop to display ost; what newspapers to ¿st; how exh lie left the l.otvl and -tartid rptliv osition b oking to !< < onciliati< ii.— mracy to czpeid-ii fact, discrartti every pciit 1HE he ;? al , d ASK FOR IT! ELDREDGE 1890 jjrSTSEWS D. FERRY I CO. Haroer’s ¡tyagazine. M Who are the Largest 8eedsmen ia the world. I). M F srby AC o ’ s Beautifully Illustrated. Descnpuve and Priced A a M B ILLUSTRATE!,». b TENGEII. H orses Either 1 S * R Fa im eint. that admits of prcflhNt discuuloa. mins coin » . One of the f 1* ! MESTTel LUbk I CMCopen In| I b I b L i the world. Our faciliticM.ni unequaled, and to introduce our superior good» wewill «endFRBB toONE person in each locality, a» above, pnly thoae who write to us at once can mako suri* of the chance. All you have to do in return ia to show our goods to those who call— your neighbora anil those around you. The be ginning of thia advertisement shows the small end of the tele- icope. The following cut gives the appearance of it reduced^ branded H orses Left Stifle: on Horizontal Doubla- H Left ' i le’ V. Un- iier-l it in Right ear. “ IT8 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Contains the names of the me t nrogressive farm ers of the South aud West. -U'Sey do not treat of theoretical fanning, but of the actual condi tions which confront us to-day : 1> !•'. Johnson ; Waldo F. Brown ; Henry Stewart : John M. Stahl ; A. 1». Ford ; Jeff. Welborn ; Hugh T Brooks: John C. Edgar : Steele’s Ba von ; T. B Baldwin and a host of others make this juurual indispensable. Moreover, it is equally A HOME MAGAZINE. Every subject of interest t - the home-maker is fully treated. Mary Mar^fMr, l.ois Catesby, Mrs. Brown Mrs. Daviess, Miss Cabell. Miss Mosby, Alice Winston and a score of others will contrib ute regularly. FAITH LATIMER Is in charge of our Children’s Department, and she has the peculiar faculty of being both in teresting and instructive. THE MYSTESY OF THE NATION Is a thrilling storv' appearing in K onc * and F arm , by Jrtim R. Musick, and is exciting wide attention. Short stories by distinguished writers appear front time to time.' BILL ARP S LETTERS Appear in each issue, and this humorous philoso pher was never muie interesting than at this time. IN ITS EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT H ome and F a « m speaks boldly and fearlessly in behalf of “ Farmers' Rights.” It favors a re vision of the tariff in behalf of the f nner ; better roads for the farmer ; Free Mail Delivery to the farmer ; Co-operation among the farmers, and its aim is to •’ Bust Trusts.” Its motto is Fair Trade and Farmers* Rights. : - CIO. P. ROWKLL A CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, io humee St.. New York. ROYAL IMIIWEII RUBLI8HKD.- and Time ami Money. Theref Save by bearing in mind thati< 44.00 I 4.001 . 4.011 "’Addre • HAP.l’ER A IHIOTIIER.-, New York. ■ubi muM aid and I •aid and 1 •aid and 1 aid and Al 1889 W. B. T0DHUSTER. CAT’rLE lrandel with ’‘S-Wrenth” eft Hip. IS III : OLDEST Far marks: Cl< - ropofl tbe High; evi . nder »’ope in tl : eft ear. IS THE LARGEST H arper ' s W eekly nttB n well es‘a’4i»Led p’ace ns ’lie leading i his‘rs'e<i icnspiqer in Amerb h . The fairness of i s rdi.or u‘ c. tn- mcn’H on current politi« s 1ms car;icc f. r it te eontidei.i v e of S spetI r;>v>. i and uim voniinci.t 01 aii ut impartial rvit'•■ s. jlleute of i s literary j and the variety and ex< el' v. n .....e serial a id shot! su riea | euntei s which include sc by the bes: and tn< st p.’pu'nr wriiers, ill ii f. r lie perusal <»f people <>t widest range of tim es am! pursuita. The Weekly supple,¡ten's are of remarka' .e variety, interes , and \al tc. No expet se is spared to bring I lie liigheat or'er oi •triis ie ability to bear upon the iliusini ion of he < hangeful plumes of home and f-•roign Lis .•rv. A Mext« usk rotnaiK v, from the pen of T homas A. J anv - ilu , will appear in the W E E K LY in loJO HORSE3 PER ALM? ; \ A. STENGER. branded on I eft side; circle- MOST RELIABU N U R S E !:M GROWTXGi FOR THE year : IIAR2ER WEEKLY......................... 4.00 \ i PER’« M azin !•: I.IMI . \ RPER’8 BAZA IL ................. 4.00 II A KPER S YOI NG PE »PLE 2.00 Poaiage Free to all subH'-ribeis in the United States. Canada. <>r Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will begin with th«' fliKt Number for January of each tear. When no time is mentioned, subBCfiptiot ■ will begin with the Number current at lime of re ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three • ears bat k, in neat elolh biitding, will be sent by mail Poginge paid, or by express, tree of ex peuse (provided the freight dues net exceed $1 per volume) for $7 Of a volume. Cloth Cases fur each Volume, suitable for: binding will be sent by muii post-paid, on re . ipt of |1. Remittances should be made by I*. si Office Moitev Order or Draft, to avoid t hnnee of h>ss. Ad citfs HARPER A BROTHERS. New York BUY OF THISHOl'fQi"* «■■■■■■«■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■i áÉflMnt? —Ml vert > APRICOTS.. A JOURNAL FOR ADI'ERTISLRS. J: lane! ea Ili flirt ani flittena dava c! aach mosti, asl li ‘.he rijnustatlr, jurtai—thè trala Jooraal cf’Aserìcaà alrertlserr. It Isdlcatei to th, sr PEKRS, PLUMS, nosey ta ascesi—la foci, dlaeesraea oa arar? jelat Advertltfog la r flNESf ■WSV*’- 3£Sf . AffACHMC;'fá jira c ; ,28 UMONSOUARENY^ ¿ ST LOUIS MO. ------------------------- BERRIES, QUINCES,.. PEACHES, FLOWERS,. NECTARINES,... aa art practlaed ly aaay hut saierstoofl by lev. The tTnty-dTa yeari la piscia; adrcrtlala; castrasti far easy cf tho largeat asl toast nceMatal adwtlaera. A year'c ostieri,tloa costa l’rt Caa Soliar : caspia ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- oo ;I m Tree. Adirccs CEO. P. ROWELL A CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, io Spruce St., New York. The v< lumes of the bazar begin with the first uuber for Januury of each year. When no iiie is mentioned, sill Beripti«>n will begin i h :he Number current ui the time of receipt i i r !cr. i'uuud volumes <>f Harper's Bazar for three • nr in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail sue paid’ or l.y express, free of expense. proviiled the freight dties ‘tot exceed one dol- ai per volume) for |7 a volume. • foih cases for ea< h volume, suitable for bind Ing will be sent by mail poBpaid on receipt of eat h. Remiitances should be made by Post Office MiOrder or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Adress: HAllPER & BROTHERS. . CUIB. ■ira ruta. APPLES. PLANTS...... i \ HEER’S BAZAR 4 ■ REEK’S M A*. AZINE 4 i k REEK’S W EEK I.Y 4 IRPKK'H YolNG PEOPLE ......... ........ 2. I*. age Free to ali subscribers in the United a t b , Canada, or Mexico. .ary *»f ■ ry at ittBier a Hen ate EVERGREENS___ t sBiuat ARBOR VITÆ,.. . ar y of urer Public 1‘rlnte ! ■ta FIRS, BALSAM,.... I 20B0DKSIGIVENAWA We will send the entire list of Twenty Valuable Books enumerated and described below, to every sub scriber to this paper for the ensuinu year, who remits turntj/ '—nts in addition to the regular subscription price. These books, each one of which contains a com plete first-class novel or other work by a well-known and popular author, are published in neat pamphlet form, printed from good readable type on good paper, amt many of them handsomely illustrated. They com- Brise some of the finest works ever written by some of le greatest and most popular writers, both of Ameri» ca and Europe. Each one is complete in itself: N .1*5 Mr«. Caudle's < niialn l.ecfures. By DoraLAS JR iRiH.i». Very old ami very funny. The younger as well as older generation should read them. No. 214 Adventure« of :i Bachelor. Rv the au thor ot ’ Buah Beanpole’» Adventures in New York.!’ A great humorous im.ik by a popular author. No. 21»- How to Mnke anti Save Money on the Farm. A \ il ta'ilt» compilation of useful facta, hints an I sn xgastions for armers and gardeners. No 217 From the Earth to the .Moon. A Novel By Jri s \ khsk N 2iS The Tiiiilo O1<1 Mnn of the Bntlg- nnlle*. A N >v-l By E mu i <.«it<>Kur. N ■ ii? .% Danvero»«« Bonnin, A Novel. By Mrs. AXV S. Sr>;r rss No J»W The l«>n«!rn Firm Bride. A Novel. Rv Mut ;.!•:► r Btoi xr. y \ 271 Sinioii Derrick's Daughter. ANtnVi. By M T C ai n«»R N 212 The Baron*« Wi'l. A Novel. By STL- VAXt s C >nn. Jr. No 2»J The T'rrll of Rlrharsl Pardon. A Nov *1 Bv >'• L F(’i d : N Blackbird fill!. A Novel. By F.sTniB F R< K KRMX rn N 2»1 Th (¿ttartiian’a M>t. A Novel. Ry Dr J II R" ha <«>' 2(1 The liray Falcon. A Novel. By M. T. ,t»oR. . . 2*L The Aorrew of a Secret. A Novel. I a RT Cr< ■ ■ Ho o . Percy and th« Prophet. A Novel Rv W; si« U”(-i a* N<* 237 The Story of a " efl<ll*ig Ring. A ovel Ry the author of " Dors Thorn*» .<•> 1W Hartys Ware’« Temptation. A ovel. T-Mrs II > v W -w No SB \ M-nlrrn Cin«ierelli«. A Novel. By Di-» author of |» ■ v t horne ‘ N 234 The Island Horn«. A Novel. By M t C it- do a. N ■ X<3 The Ftr.wl Glove. A Novel. By Ctxiu Ai’.terA I ras NUJS, FRUITS. urer jUTlSOOjjJ Ol'.NAM ENTAI. AS ILI.t'STRATlD ;”r mH CYPRE s ^B WEEKLY. Hircer’s Yo'jnj Fecrole- The K’eventh Volume of Harper’B Young Eeo- whi h ’ exit s with the Number for Novem- ' •r ft, !*>9. presents an a tra» five program. It <ill ofTer io is n*a*iers at leust four serials of the usual leng ........ h. ..... and vthcis — tn ... lw< .^o or three par s. vi< * ‘ i he Red ‘ Mug »ng,” bv William (1. Stoddard; “i ____________ ’hil and the T-auy," by Lm y (’. I.il- lie: "Print e Torn in v,” by John Russeli Corneil; ~.................... and “M- Ju hei ’ a ............... Wav” by Margaret E. San i>r; two short soii.sR bv Hjalmar Hj.,rih Hot• sen. Two _________ _____ .• Serb « .>t _ I ___ airy Taies will aurai t the M a «tu len- li.>11 of lor? s of the ?y_.__ -, u. _____ _ ; - ä iK.erworld, viz tho i < Hi:t :« tstuiil Irllowartl P.i le. anti so a niir 11,ii H , 1 ’ »* ’ i " i ' him. and another seri» r in a dill, rvit vain b. Ed war I M.~ BÌrkh’e’ì.’ . , _t - ----- - — nn Kuvi, TL » re v IO - _. ■■ . ... .... . .. U 1 1 ta« »h >rt 8 oriea by W. |i. ||.>wel ». TI1..1 ba N e ! -GD >wn Page. Mar» E. Wilklr.a. Nora I’errv. I ar riot 1 rcacott >| -ffi ni. Davi«I Ker. lf.-z« klah i#n erwor.h >.4 h e awett, Richard Maitom J.h uati.n. etc. lii.pe BIRCH, SPRUCE, ELil^H1 ■ A J______ r ’ . * _ .. _ ll.ARPR ____ _ w, ’fR Y oung Pion.» 81 nJ a- nr.-a a j>:%..niir library. ..V1^ Is U ,..1U There u.a- ,u' wit..A ledi e. a s i p enty of amusement —L. sion Advertiser. TERMS: P. stage Prot aid. I. .00 a vear. V' L XL begi; s N'bvcniLi r ».1*9. specimen ( opv sent on rec eipt . f .-cen s amp. .’-mg p Numbers l ive < ina eat o. Remittances should bt ma.le by P. • (iffiee M..ne? Order , r Draft. t<> aii.id < harteof I si. Audrtv-c ASH, LINDEN, CHfi TULIP, WEEPING WILL RED-BUD, SHADE TRF IUNIPERS,RHODODE< EACH THE BEST OF 1* HARPER * BROTHELS, New' Yore. Ta».N*w»|>»P»rg »re n< t to cop, an, one. n. ■ i a . «»f the aoovr a<lvrr iaeinen b without the «Spreti order of HkcMER «x. URoTHER«. Y«1 sice to Mother». U ! WOODWORK TREES, SHRUBS,...... HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year ta disila;' esc ; vhat seTtpapera te trae ; ho, osai tbelr adrlco la lasci 03 33 erperlcsce et mora tbaa < jju -a i. “i.%. H arper ' s B azar ; b ajournai for the home. Giving the leadinginforiiiB'ion with regard to I jue.i.n s, ils numerous illus!raliot s. fashion- plates and pal tern sheet supplement ai w in- diBpr’ sable alike lo the home dress-maker and he professional modist. No expense ssptied it making is ar:is:ie attractive^ ss <»f the' .‘¡i..-best order. Its deter short stores, parlor | p.u h . and thoughtful espft s Biitist.i ail tus eas a u i s 'us: page is famous as a budget of wi- ihcsll alrtrtlce ; h:rr to Trita aa slvertlieaest ; ha, Midutwi cf rsr.lTlflfl' Il'S cadaritaad It, asl inei iu artew •i*...» F* PINES, CEDARS............ . lseiftriescel alrtrtlaer h:v, vhes, ani erbere he that adalta of frtflUblo ÄI ou? f¿arr>er’s Bazar I L LUSTRATED. or«MEW OF ROCKFORD. ILLINOIS. and J Smooth crop. LOUISVILLE. KY. FARMERS’ OWN PAPER, Healthy Range: Grant, Crook, and Lake counties, p. o.—Riley. Graut cwuutv, Oregon. v-v HOME AND FARM, P rinters ’ I nk A record of their daily life, presented in a form and language which inake it plain to all. name; Vigorous plant«: GUIDE. 124 PP-) price osi? 25c. (p«ta;s Camp* A year's subscription costs hut One Zollar : sample I Latest Varieties tru» to the Itati o' a’’.d Grant count y Oregon hurra. Unnici (cunts. Vr. maay cf the largest and most racceuftl advertisers. \ you what you pay th’ money for; Tlx* volumes of the Magazine begin witlj the Niinil'er- for June und Di'cen.bir of cadi icar. When no time H -pe< ilied. -nl>- .(■riptions will la-gin with die Numlar cur- rem at time o: receipt of order. Hound voJumi'i ot Harper * Magazine, Im- three year- hacK, in neat cK.tli binding. . ¡Il be-ent bv mail, post-paid, on receipt |'i per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each—>>v mail, po-t-pnid. index lo Harper's Magazine. Alphabet!. eai. Analytical, ami Classified, for Volumes 1 io 70. inclusive, from Julie. 1350 lo June, 13.35, one vol. 8 vo. Clo'.li, $1.(3) P.cmittiinee • should be made by I'o-lollice ( A.TÏLE branded on Money Order, or Draft, lo avoid chance oi . ¿'.i Moder- - f ormi twenty-flve years la placing sdrertislag contracts for IE« NUR" ’ That will Bend Address ISAAC FOSTER. C attle Made by Farmers for Farmers. knows Il ES PON 8 I B LE n RILEY & HARDIN. A I will pay Five Hundred Dollar» for JO W v lite mi tik mid (onvictiou of auy per- n < t persons, kibing or sicaling nnyofthe stock of the above brand or belonnins thereto. As a record of successful agriculture, H ome and E arm has no equal. Every, tonic relating So agrictflture is opeplv isv iisseil iii Jcs columns by the farmers theinselvct*. Na expense is spared in securing a full account of every notable suc cess on the farm. It is distinctively the a from |*(i*4iigc Free to all Suli'cribers in the k . The Leading Agricultural Journal of tho South and West. And buy onlj Oregon. L’liilid Ktates, t'anadii, <>r Mexico. Range: Grant and Malheurcounties, p. u. addren: B u . iib , Graut co., Oregon. their adrlco is tic: 1 oa aa experience cf more than Absolutely Pure MAGAZIXfe HARPER’S WEEKLY HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER ’S YOl'NG AKl’RK» TUI -At» PEOPLE I r.v7i i.r« ft thigh. conductors of PKXTUS* Illi undsrstaad it, and ^OWDSR HARPER’S P. O.—Burns. Grant county, Oregon. tbout the fiCieth part of it, bulk. It i» a grand, double «ite tele- fcope,«« li»rge a» i,ea,y to carry. We will aleo show you how you ran n!.ke from -Uy atlea.t. from the •«•rt.wHh. •utei perience. Better write at once. We nay nil express c>)“r»e«’ iddro*», H HALLETT 4 CO,, Box »»O, PuaTLAMV, M ai »«. A; guments, ba |^ Suited la the climate of HARPER’S PERIODICALS: Per Year: EYE^ I ytrB] Place», with trees and Ar, clous packing,or all ialoat- “Yee. and but week you eald you wished I could mana e to look as BtyM®« as Mrs. Allen,—and she mak”Sall tCT0WUClQtuCS. »ut •lie has what 1 hav< n’t.” M b .L kb . •• W.oit Hthat?" „ Blits L ed . *’ V ell, the g(t3 ell of Lcf informa tion from the ?.!a;az ne ti cy take. I admit that •he known all tha: id going on. and is bright and entertaining in conversation: but I cou d do aa well as she doe» if 1 had tho same source of Information. She I r.t me tho last number of her Magazine lately, an<l I leurnc.l more in one hour • reading, nbou^ v ri :s social matters and tho topics of K J dfly.T. .711 wouui p ck up in aroontb by my occasional chats with fr.endS. It certainly covers every top c of interest, from tho news ot the da/dowi to the details of housekeeping; and everythin'’ is so beautifully illustrated, too. Every time Mam.c goes over to the ALcns sho come« back and teases mo to f.ct you to tako Demorest’s Fan/’y Ma ’C-ins, an the Hories are so good. Eve- th - boys watch for ii every month, as a place is found for 1.ciu nl-o in its pages ; and Mr Alhn ha cars by it. It is r< ally wonderful how it suits every member of th • family 1 M r Lr • \tall perhaps I h d b< tt< r send fora Specimen (’npv: lor. If it I anything like what yon sayltis it wi.la»nw*e and instruct the whole of us. M bs L : e 1 see that W. Jennings Demorest, the publisher. 15 East 1 ¡til btre t. New York, la offerin" to send a Specimen Copy for 10 cents, so we can't lose .anything, ns each number contains a ‘Pattern Or-ir’ cntitlng the holder to any Pattern she may choose, and in any size—which alone makes each copy worth 30 cents : and 1 just want a jacket pat-ern like Mrs. Allen’s. I ho subscription pi i e is only f 2(0 11 year: and I must say 1 can’t see how they can publish sa elegant a Magazine for u> little money.” Advertising is K«'ftblifth»*d T* ity Yr r«. J bat**«, te» eolnwn«, without aavrrt :•«♦*»••• rts, I n*n t irian. unpr- Iraan, but »»rn-«! f r truth and partr. t. oh nr • hriat. at W ;th the bro-oVwt < hart H .. x . . ,n raltertviia pnt*r in vmtr faniilv. It haa t o hebbi«-« « r rro’ b«-tw. bnf >rrk« la i f » the alace of T>|r, or •imlraa rr otinc hv that « » i< b it who .**omeao<l true It plea«-« tha i hil ltea and « III t—ople . Mt««i if» B i lay arh<s>l Ioan na are hr»>fui A arrm« n . w< h vwk ate'l a tl >• Only tl.ts a lrar la < lui. > P ar- - a furfe <**«•• ft«* or Range—Grant county, Oregon. Mn. L ek . Why. Addie, you nccdnV cryabdpt ft! I only eaid Mrs. Allen was a <ciy well- informed woman, aud J v.wbcd you would follow an art practiced hy maa7 hut anderstcod by few. Th* copie» T?®«. Right on your T Your Ranches, Your trated. In illustrated papers touchings subjects of turrent interest, and in its short stoiics, p»»cms. and timelv articles, the M agazine will main- cain Its well known standard. stifle: <>lt. MORNING CALL liver, I . -k.: g the wl.i!" for a tii ■■■. <le< p ; Lice thnt would serve fallit la life extinguislit'r. one, he fell if tho water, < hillness appalhd him thought It Wol d le I ctor to lie down on th tai;i wail for a train, wl UlllV put to ctl I't. tor several hours, I o lomirg liie 1, h ■ r lev. Seeing the ( trui L I i a new lie w I'krco a until Lf< i ot wish to thirst, I i 'c into 11.■ <al in 11 d tin himself on the lluor. He Mould doubtidlv l ave . arrie i out hi* teution, had he not I een found ii the nick < f time by Mr. ( as i Another ;s< uliar feature f tl.« < ase is the fact thi t r.ft«r .«iken t ig from his ine.it c • a cc tl is n < rn. branded Adorn your Homas, A ne« new Sh.ke»P«r< Sh.kr.er.rr-thv A —(he 8hUegpe»rc of Ìi?, uiii a \ Abbev be ari win 4hbev — will wl'hn.m.nenr. he presented in by H ariekb M«Alue forlVKl Andre« Magasluv lor is«.»o. ’ wd'h comments by Andrew I j ang. aug H arfkr arper ' h s Magazine ha» has almi al.s*1 ntady made ape- spe- . .. .......... ... ..¡ti, i >.h.>nai* I)miL(*L 110 eial arrangements with Alphonse Dnu^et, 1 tho greatest of living French novelists, for the ex Husivc publication in serial form, of a ous storv, to De entitled “The ( ol<»il sts »*f lar- ascou; the I ust Adventures of the kkinous lar tarin." The story will be translated by Henry James, ami illustrated by Rossi au4 .Mjrl«< h W D Howells will contribute a novelette n three parts, and Lafradio Hearn a uowlette hi two parts, entitled "Youma, handsomely ilius tomen. It i. better than ever, Ev er, pereon u«in, Garden, r lower or Field SEEDS .hould tend for a. D. M.FERhYiCO DETROIT, MICH. ^ M’lt^Li iu Tre ILLUSTRATED. WEEKLY CALL P rinters ’ I nk Plant are those put up by M ■ Wl -Trrp. for rhl'dren * h‘,’«■ • h" rr»wr‘rif..n .>f„rr,.f ihr Or • -le aarwa .nd ,h rhlaiw in rhe I M'*1 2 ’’ o.1 h*’ *’’••'• »MM* f r )M>I with ! ” I'1.'!' c •-• •■”• >»' mllH.o a. J moihr-a f. , I ’ ir ihMren. During the j>rwr«a of trethlnw I« ra ne a irr alra’ah’r It rr-irvea ihr < h. r d dfarrhrr a g-if.ii g la the bow« «, and wlnd-rullr. 1 Br gira . ighra. i twthac lid It e, a.L, u.vih I '-.X a botta. 'I Send for a Catalogue. ■ vour »elections in ti«C delivery, if you want to! but the Best, and thalv' Cheapest. Lart spring,*1 than a Call at this Off.ee *D' addres3 the Ío]lowî^.g-^J, GEORG $ W. BOX 1210, Bloomiwgron.