fHE J. DURKHEIMER A CO’S. LOCAL-PACE ADVERTISEMENT. X j OOK- T.OWEST WE ARE F AFL KI ER.S With Their X j ifelen PRICES |nTftar°e? »y AND FALL A WINTER SUPPLIES THAT CAN SUPPLY THE Our Prices are the SAME as added 5 SOLICIT! YOUR TRADE. J. DURKHEIMER & CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY I ISEMENT8. LEGAL ADVERTI8EMENTH. gUMMONS. In the Cir< uit Court of the State of Oregon, for _ L and O ffice .) the County of llarney. , February 12,18'JU. | E. IL Hanlev, Plaintiff, 1 IVEN that the follow- \s. il notice of his inten- K. I). Weaver, E. A. Vaughn, > support of his claim, A. W. VVaieis and A. K. Chase | be made before the Defendants. J i5a via^r “ I Lakeview, Oregon, To E. 1>. Weaver, E. A. Vaughn, A. W. Wat- eiB. mid A. R. Chase, the above-named de­ fendants: WHMr<,ni'nd’ for the dW‘ In the name of the State of Oregon, you are bdBE‘4 r.\ i-.gli. J. M. I-ui •aid term of ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon ALL,Silver Lake, 1*. <)., Or. for ilie County of Harney, to-wit: on or before r Huitori.of Ujly I’. ()., or. the 19th day of May, 1890, the same being the first dav of the next regular May term, A. 1). WARRWN TRVITT. liegi.ter. LS'JO, of said Court, and if you fail so to ai’Bwer, for uant thereof Ihe plaintiff* will apply t.ithe a’;-------------------------- Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: CE OF HKARWG. d ;' o ® — For a decree of said Court foreck f;ing that U nit «D< ta L and om. r. / certain mortgage on the NE‘4 of Sec. 22 in Tp. .;> s. R. :>1, E. W. M. in Hurney County. Oregon, I ■ BurMJ, V’-e^on. March I, l-'bO. j made ami executed on Ihe ¡¡d day .if Augusi • i Buchanan, Canh r ant) I aws . by ill defendant E. 1). Weaver, herein and Rvla in ia/or of J.S Devine, mid Unit the property te of Oregon and Henry J» herein mentioned be sold hb upon execution the state of caMlpm iu, | ami ihe proceeds of such sale be applied in pav- wamp Land Ciaiiunu.f;. J mc’it of platutitrs said note and iuierist in the complaint mentioned, to-wit: the sum of |’2•'•<■.- ry Miller of the .State of California: ' principal ami $L>.73 interest, together with will picas« take m>'i< e that a hearing had in thea*M)ve intii uled cause, before ilti.'.M « b rer.Bonabie attorneys fee, and the aster and Receiver oi ;he L’uited hures <•. Bt.< and dis.iurs-jments of this sue, and fore- el..sing cm h uud every defendant herein and flice at Burns, Oregon, on every purs or. claiming under them or either of n.l:;y, 7th bay ol ru‘y. Theui i-iiu c* the execution of said moitgage. of ‘Clock, a. nt., of «aid ,la\ . to ment against the said defendant L. D. Werner jr, Sec. 28 and NE qr N E qr See. k_’, Tp. t< r any deficiency which may remain after ap- . f his Iriten- sai-i defenda: ts. ami by order of Hon. M. D. make final . 1 ofhlsclaim, Clifford. Judg * of said Court, made and dated at Cl.ambeiK, nt Canyon City, Grant County, u said proori sr and Receivl c-d office, ui Oregon. Fel'i uary 6, A. I>. 1S‘.;O. ana duiy filed io this cause. or., on FridayT^j- Xi J. NAT. HUDSON. Ztobeit C. WiHLi ns. Attorney for Plaintiff. 8. No. S-s k. . : . w. M. H- Meh 6-15 Clerk of said Circuit Court. follow ing witnesses idence upon andeu.ii . iiiLm <>1 Fiiiti luud, illiam A. Miller. Ro eri J. 'Xiilmms, H. ile. aud John iMtecsDiiiD, of Riley, ilar- PETITION FOR LIQVOll LICENSE. •X -16 J. D.|irx . . In the County Court for the State of Oregon, !:21 Harney County. L PROOF. To the Hon. County Court for Hurney County: We your uudercigned petitioners, would most A tes L and O ffice ,/ UXITSD regon, March 8, 1890. | rc Bpeet fully ask that a license be granted J. T. SLlmuli to sell spiritous, mull, and vin.-r.R liq- IVEN that the foliow- uois i i quantities lets than ent' quart for a d notice of bis inten­ period of six monihs, beginning on the 7th day ta support of his claim, of April, A. I)., 1WU, and running until and in­ II s- made before the cluding the Hh day of Oc<>! er. A. D. 18W), in I'.- 8. Land Office at Ihetownof liurn6, county of Harney, State of r»nd f, April 2.4 h. 1890, viz: Ore 4011, and vour petitioners will ever pray. J»! iller, W. W. Cardwell James C. Parker, 5 E’._. SE» ». Sec. 2C. EL, J. 8. Bowen, W. W. Johnson, 2>- r.. W. M. lie names G. W. Young, W. C. Byrd, o prove his contimioUB T. S. Garred, Win. Harvey, vali.tn .1 Bitid land viz : Chas. Teeter, J. Adams, er .i. Wiiliu et, limoli 1). L. Grace, Louis Harkej. , Hl of Riiey, Harney A. (-. Worthington, Thomas Giannini, ( Ims. Cronin, R. J. McKinnon, S. E. Joy, NTINGTON, Register. ( . H. Voegtly, 11. P. Cornelison, Robt. P.rown, J. H. Gordon P. F. Stenger, I>. Queen. O. I>. Rusk, 1». Newman, e. W. McClain, Win. King, T. A. Morrison, ates L and O ffice , / Geo. S. Sizemore, T. J. Howard. KUn'fon, March 8. G. Hudspeth, Kit. Summers, J. Craven, CE ISH ¡(¡IVEN* that ihe follow­ J. I). Shaw, II. Sprague, ed notice of his inten- IL ( lioatham. R. J. Ivors, In support of his ciaitn, F. M. Jordon, W. B. Mxnatt, 1 11 If made before the J. 8. san.s, G. W. Grace, ¡fthe U.S. Land Office < .W. Garred, lay. Apr.l 25,1890, viz: Thus. Whiting, D. Scott, L. M. Brown, Milo Cuthlng, W ill lama, N. Brown, A. Dunn, W , NE qr.. W>... SE ar. Chas. Gunther, H. A. Berr.ethy, L W. M. He names ihe J. ( . Welcome, chtis. Clark, pro-.e his Continuous F. 1». Gray, A. 8week. Ivation nt said Lind, viz: Geo. M< Gowan, 8. Lain] shire. A. Miller. IL A. Dib- Am. s \ an Oisdale, W II. Gradon, ul! of Riley, Harney I. Baer. J. J. Pieison, Berry chambers, Peter ('lemei.s, UNTINGTON, Register. 1*. A. Young, Wm. Woods. T. G. Maupin, 8. E. Dunnington, < hl. Furrs. W. Lewis. 8. J. Mothersliead, John McKinnon. E. N. I Hineron, G. J>. Hngey, G. W. Wilcoxs.m, G. L. Moore. ¡ tateh L and O ffice J fun, Marcii, 15. 1890. i UIVKN that Ihe follow tad notice of his iuten- iii support of hist laim. The oldest livery stable in Eu­ Ìli l e made Ecfore the taf the i . > Land Uiiice gene was destroyed by fire Feb. ■rand Ore,ou, pl 11 2'4, 1890, viz: Williams, 10th. 1 J Ith * ". ¡‘: ""AY Bile : 'E ■ follow! -u Later news from exchanges ‘ *rVsto ___ J ’ i t..ti..ea r< fidi i ■ •• I^Bi. suiii laud, viz: a . J. concerning the probable overflow of r D. Newsome, and O. y < o., (/regui;. the Mississippi and th"* giving away NTINGTON, Re later. Ih«- Stateci Oregon, ÿ of Harne?. ^unir.iOLf. bndant. «.f <>reg >n. v.;u arc ■nd ar.s.ver the cum i »he ab««ve named ¡nil by the first day <■■nr’ Rest, a st I «vt-rk» : "1.1 thu • of Ih.b b ii i.-n •• g. '.r L- ihe I. L. i-*9v.«a; i dai I.ting ti vaiar term. Be you b-wit lit said ‘ «lurt, ar he < • • ' - -, ! - I ■ ► ’it-v (-onnlv t’lii 8’.. v (Mtmdav . i uy. A. I». « -r the Fa;?. B to the ( . fi. the : S ». rs ’lutk»n of tnr • f-•»<- nr.<; no» ex •' iug i.d Itefendau» m rvd ■ favor «>f the F sint if ver: the c. , a and ji<- Hw « »!•:•> h • f - h • io. <- ma’ritw* to rite of the levees, state that the levees are in n critical condition. A state­ ment given by the captain of the levee I card steamer, consider that Louisiana will inevitably go under. New Orleans is in grea' dan­ cer. tho width of the Mississippi at the mouth of the Ohio is fifteen miles. One of th foremost literary .wo­ men of America is Ella Higginson, whose poetry nn H ip ware at the Geer hardware store. - BACON AND HAMS, action -ot ihe Democratic Couniy Conven­ In car lots. —A fine assortment of Children’s tion of llarney couniy, Oregon. —The health of Burns at this Straw Sailor hats at the Millinery W. E. GRACE. time is good. The Grippe has lost Roomsof the Gage Sisters, next door its grip. to T iie H erald office. Also, agent for the pill: SHERIFF. —Have the band boys quit prac­ I hereby announce myself ns a candidate for — John Mahon, of Happy valley, We have not lately heard theofficeof Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon, ticing? who came into Burns, Wednesday subject to the of ihe Democratic t'ounty the toot of their horns. afternoon brings the result of the Convention. A. A. COWING. —J. C. Garrett and W. E. Grace Happy valley primary. left Burns on the Ontario stage for —M. Sworts of the firm of Sworts por. SHKRirr. Harney on Tuesday morning. Prices Lowest in Eastern Oregon- A Miller has been in our town for some time. I hereby announce myself bb a candidate for —If you wish to employ a first L The Oregon and Idaho Forwarding Company have just completed n large stone and the office of Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon, class Dress-Maker, call on MissGun- —All persons owing me stable iron fire-proof warehouse at Huntington, and will be prepared to receive consignments subject to the action, of the Democratic County ther at the millinery rooms, Burns freight b.v the first day of A| rii bills, please call and settle, I need of Convention of eai. L. G raci —Ed Walton, now a resident of sulted in a tie vote between J. C. If you want vour nerves braced, March 20, 1890. I g£J*<»r Justice of the Pea^r cf Burns- Canyon City, but at one time resid­ Parker and George Sizemore. Geo. Call on “Tux” and take h taste; The very be>t of liquor« you’ll find I hereby announce mjse f a candidate for ing here, is in tewn looking about, Moore received the nomination for A; -‘Texe’s," and him behind Card Party. Justice of the Pence for Burr r precinct. Wi h gentlemanly courtesy to greet, we think, for a favorable location the office of Constable. j. l . McKINNON. “ Boy* taKC a drink and then have a sent. ” One of the pleasantest little social for a barber shop. can have your drinK straight or —Mr Cal. Geer, our hardware j You affairs of the season in Burns, wait mixed, —George Stanclift, who with his man, has on hands a splendid as-1 In an\ nhape you prefer it fixed THE HERALD naif the k . ma'di, or anil your tante. the card party of last Friday even family expected to move to Happy sortmentofD. M Ferry’s Northern To So to “Texe’B bar,” bo.* s, make hawo*, make ing at the residence of Mr. andiMrs. Valley this week, we learn has post­ Grown Garden Seeds, ami will re- . baste. IIAS LARGEST CIRCULATION- OF ANY poned th" time of starting on ac­ ceive this week Onion Sets from the | Call. Geer. Needless to more than NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. Arbor Day. Valley, also, quite an assortment of’ count of the inclement weather. mention names of the happy par­ Guns of the best brands. Shot-guns ’ The Burns school is preparing to ticipants as an evidence of the —Our exchanges give an account and Rill' -'. - j celebrate Arlor Day, second Fri­ pleasures of the evening. Midnight of a shooting scrape, which occur­ —Call on J. J. Pierson, our Pho­ day in April. refreshment showed the fair hostess red in Weiser a few days ago, be­ Program: Arbor Day songs, reel­ tween two persons, one of whom tographer, who is prepared to do and her lovely daughters equal to Local News. was killed, the other making his all work in his line. Mr. Pierson ing, addresses, and tree planting, table as well as parlor entertain­ in forenoon. is an artist of long experience, and escape. Exhibition in the afternoon, All ment. Honors of the evening giv­ v.e assure the public he will give —Russel Sturgis will cotribute 'satisfaction. Come and have your friends ami patrons of the r< bool en M IL Figgs and Miss Kelly, to an enrlv number of Harper's picture taken, he- will make you are invited to attend. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1H90 they having won every gnmo Magazine an article on "Painted handsome, although you may be Others present were: Misses, - Etili in the Field. Linda Carey, Bee Gage, Helen —John Robinson, of Harney, in Greek Sculpture,” illustrated with as ugly as a mud fence. I drawings from statuary which has Burns, Tuesday. —Mark Sprague, a sheep herder, I E ds . II; RAI.D: I wish to inform Gunther, Jessie McGowan, and Lau­ been recently discovered at Athens. I entered.the sheep camp of J. R. the puldic that I am still a candi- ra Stanclift. Messrs. L. M. Brown, —Born, to the wife of N. R. II F. Adler, Chas. W. Byrd, H. — We have received quite a num­ Jenkins on Silver creek, a few days date for coroner. That fellow ( hambers, Robt. Huston, I*. Woodfin, a daughter; weight Mbs. Pierc:- ago, and appropriated to his own calling himself Franklin ber of new subscribers fh the last Young, and P. G. Smith. —Nicholas Damali, of Grove. week, for which we are very thank­ use a'pnck saddle, «ack of flour ai ci Moore, who is making himself so what bacon Jenkins had on hands; conspicuous, it a regular dead-beat ful. There is still room for more. Malheur county, is in Burns on land Th. Wlnt.r. Call in and subscribe for T he H er ­ not vet satisfied he left hi« old cloth- and inilk-sop, with less brains than business. ¿.ing, taking a suit belonging to Jen­ a whisky barrel with the head ald , we think it will benefit all. The winter we now feel to be bro­ kins which was not to much worn; knock' 1 out. just "the same” ns —“Dad” Reed is in town, in ken. Tl.o horrors ami disagreeable­ good health, and running over with | —We kindly > xtend our thanks from there he went to the stable of I’m going to knock him out on elec­ ness of which let our friends and !l E. D. Baker taking therefrom Bak ­ to the parties who heljs d us move tion day; my first ca-c «ill be i Democracy. our press this week. Ralph Geer er's saddle and bridle. After which set-dewn on Franklin Pierce Moore neighbors answer, who have lost T fx . Bil l man . —Elrts l>eing «omewhat conflicting, egon ai.«i Idaho Forwarding Com­ sons wishing to take Jtock, c all on piorcr stock. Somehavo lost heav­ ored with n vi it, Tuesday nft minglr «¡11 I'- abundant, salary will be $1.000. market, also, billiard and pool ta­ ce« on consignments of wool. Ar­ business by July 1. It'S?*? ¡the hay cr. p is almost a certainty, —From excharges we get the bles. which he will have in Burns, rangements have been made with unk-r» . -n •• unlooke.l for p-ovi- Tltc stallion Alcazar, which was dyntfal disaster should befall it, information’that the Mississippi be­ just as soon as it be possible for leading wool houses, both East and ing on a booin, fear is entertained freight teams to get to the railroad. West, to have a repr< entative visit' the property of L J Rose, was sold 1 I anc h< re have every encourage- of the levees giving away resulting Tex. is determined to have one of Huntington once a week during the at the American in«titu 'r tj believe that the grain crop in an imtneayc destruction to prop­ the most attractive saloons in East­ . wool season, thus insurin ijiod. a’.d, I' t re-fore, should erty. sales. ern Oregon. . h re "f ground possible. 1 Official County Paper. I