DUBKHEIMER & CO'S. LOCAL-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT Listen LOWEST FRICES. ONLY ThHea°eyy Cou’nty With Their FALL & WINTER SUPPLIES F irst CLASS GOODS THAT CAN SUPPLY THE Our Prices are the SAME as added MÉtCIT YOÜR TRADE. J. DURKHEIMER CO THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY »VERTISEMENTS. EM ENTS. uLTP R«a: E OF HALE. i TATES L and office , d , February 12,1890. G1VEN Ihas the follow led notice of his inten- in support oi his claim, will I k niU'ie before the f.tike view, Oregon, Mi! a<1 . of NW »4, bee. 26, and 4 »»f N E*4 See. 27, Tp. 25, S. few ’.he ioRowing witnesses to UH residence upon and cubi il. viz: Henry Egli. J. M. Em- }rell.of Sliver Lake, 1*. O., Or. Li* Kiley P. O.. Or. RREN TRUITT, Register. ARINO. ITKD S tate L and O ffice , i Urt.B, Oregon, March 4,1890. j n, Contesi autj law. OREM J>n and Henry )• ioi California, | (immani». J the Stute of California: 11 pleUF, ' ’i ■ * l'i-i !■ ■■ ’ !■. ’ h bi ni i i:“ |^^^^Kab«*vc instituted t miße, IsterandK- ¡ \ • f t ! « • - i i.i:«oi -«a’.-'s Ice ut Burns. Oregon, on • PRIL'k wdsy. ill« I>ny or .Inly, isno, clock, R. III.. ' . so ill 'ill) ' ' mí He uMMV'Of the soil in tlie f.illowing de- ^^^^HKlaii'L to-wit: \V'., NW qr, NW T,SkC- 23 *nd NE qr NE qr See. 2'J, Tp. Ibi, E. W. M.; and to determine whether the «aW struct is coinpoKcd of swamp lining of lhe the Slate of Oirgon on the tf March, is 0. JÍB. HUNTINGTON, Register PROOF J IlferiTED S tates L and O ffice , | _______ Burns, Oregon, March 8. 1890.) TICE IS IlRliEBV GIVEN that the f.iilow- Las filed notice of his inleu- o make final pr. of in support of bis claim, hat «aidjM»«)f will be made before the ter aud JKirriver, S. Land office, at jDfr^WOHda.v, April 251 h, 1890, viz: .J E. Williams, ). 8. No. NM, for the E*2 SE' ,. SW'4 SE*4, i'f> !k.fott«>i*i!»ivit iu uses to prove his uoi tinu- exidcnce upon and culticaiion of said land. William A. kliIler, Robert J. Williams, 11. bble, and John Crttraman, of Riley, Har- o., Or. 13-16 > J- B H' N l'i N«.T« N. IN ■ • AL PROOF. ^^HtlTE!« >r\T.> I.INII OFll'K.1 ’ '!es''’11- March >. 1 *:■..'. I GX ’ TICEIBHBKEHY C.ltE.k :hnt th.- f.tllov.- atneff.jRlMW* hue filed notice of his inten- proof i«i support of bis claim, will be made before the i ver of U. S. l and Office at Friday. April 2oth, 1890, viz: r. D. 8. No. 3330. for the E1 a SE’ „ Sec. 26. E’ • -u s- K- U. W'. M. Henamvg »Hawing WiincBsi B to prove hi» continuotiF ence npoa «nd cuitivaiion of * ti l land viz ft B. Wilwams, Ro'er .1. Wil!ia:i’g. siinon a, ttaCMkriln smiih, «di of Kiicv, ilarucy ly. Oregon. r r to 1S-W II. HIM . liegmter. urns. 'AL F BO 01 ■ by these presents that pur- • f the Circuit Court of tbe larney County, made and ay of November, 1889, in a ton Williams is Plaintiff, i, C. A. bweek, and Ella «• :<>rthesum of <1240.00 au«l urn, interest thereon from . and for the foieelosure of age of date the luth day of • u u bv said Defendant, Wm. Rusa Ambrcsv, ussigned if upon tile E’-. SE*», E'4 J p. 22 S. R. 32*.o, E. W. M. in i gon, and directing me to h si« sty said decree, as may be. ili offer and sell the whole said kJ.. Sh’r and EU NE'2 *. K. . .’o, E. W. M., and all the right, ti ic.’i eres , und estate, wliic h sa’d Wm H. Mahon, theiein or thereto luid on the said l;:th <:a <«f Mar« h, 18*8, for cash to the highest bidder al puldu -<uu ry at the Court House door in the town of Hurney, in Harney County, State of Oregon, aforesaid, comment ing at 1 o'clot k, p. m. on ihe _! tn <ta\ of .March, 1890. A. A. COWING, 3-20-90 Sheriff Harney County. Oregon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Countv of Harney. E. B. Hanley, Plaintiff, ) VH. I E. D. Weaver, E. A. Vaughn, > A. W. Water» and A. R. chap? | Defendants. J To E. D. Weaver, E. A. Vaughn. A. W’. Wat- t ib , nnd A. R. Chase, the above-named de fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby require«’ to appt ar and answer the com- plaint’fileit aguinwt \<>u in the above entitled suit on or before ihe first «lay of the next regular term of the Circuit C«>urtof the State of Oregon f<»r the County of Harney, to-wit: on or before the 19tli day" of May, 1890, the same being the first <!nv of the next regular May term, A. I). 1890, of said Court, anil if you fail B.»to ans wer, for want thereof the plaintiff* will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: For a decree of said Court foreclcBing that certain mortgage ontheNE1» of Sec. 22 in Tp. 23 S. R. 31, E. W. M. in llarney County. Oregon, made and executed on the :id day of August 1888, bv lhe defendant E. D. Weaver, herein and in favor of .1. s. Devine, and that the property herein mentioned be sold as upon execution and the proceeds of such sale be applied in pay ment of plaintiff s said note and iniercst in lhe complaint mentioned, to-wit: the sum of $250.- 00 principal, and $15.70 interest, together with $40.00 cs reasonable attorney's fee, and the costs and disbursements of this suit, and fore closing eaeli and every defendant herein and every peis.ni claiming under them or either of them since the execution of said mortgage, of c.ll right, claim, or equity of redemp ion in said 1 remises, and every part thereof and for judg ment against thesai«! defendant E. 1). Weaver fur any deficiency which may remain after ap ply ing all the proceeds of the sale of 6aid prem- ises properly applicable to the satisfaction of sufd decree, and for such other and further re lief in the promises i;s to the Court mav seem equitable and just This summons is or«lcred to be served upon the defendants E. D. Weaver and A. R. chase above named, by publication thereof once a week for six consecutive weeks, in the E ast O rbgon H erald , a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation in said Harnev County and State of Oregon, printed and published at Burns. Harney < ounty, Oregon, and appearing to be the newspaper meat likely to give notice to the eai i defendants, and by order of Hon. M. D. Clifford. Judge of said Court, made and datetl at Chamber», at Canyon city. Grant County, <)regon. February 6, A. D. 1810. and duly filed in this cause. J. NAT. HUDSON. Attorney for Plaintiff'. Attest: W. E. G race . Mt h 6-15 Clerk of said Circuit Court. W hitbd state - L and O ffu e , / ^BuroR, Oiec.o::. March >. . • J. i f REBY GFVEN that th.* follow er has file-1 notice of bit: inton ili proof i:isupp*.rt of his claim, iroof will be made before the Jeivor «¡f the U.S. land office h,on Friday. April 2>, 1890, viz: ert J. William«, i>r the W’v NE qr., W’a SE or. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. R. 28, E. W. M. He nnmtK the FS( r io prow his continuoii»; In the County Court for the State of Oregon, nd « uitivation of said Emd. viz Harney County. William A. Miller. H. A. Din- Viliams, all of Riley, Harney To the Hou. County Court for Harney County: We your undersigned peiilionets, would rnrst [J. B. HUNTINGTON. Register. respectfully ask that a license be granted J. T. Siilma:i to sell spiritour, malt, and vimnis liq uors in quantities I cfs than one quart for a period of six months, beginning on the 7th day F of April. A. D., 1890, and running until and in cluding the bth «lay of October, A. D. isno, in N ited S tates L and offk e J the town of Burns, county of Harnev, Slate of ' ri.s. Oregon, March. 13, 1-90.1 Oregon, and vour petitioners will ever pray: ■RKrJ-.Y « oven tbn« the follow James Parker, pr has tiled n< ¡ice of i.;» jnten W. W. Cardwell J. S. Bowen, W. W. Johnson, proof in support of b s claim, G. W. Young, o .f will be made before the W.C, Byrd, KEY COC Wm. Harvey, T. S. Garred. elver of lhe U. S. Land Offiie J. Adan.fi, Chas. Teeter. , on Apiil '.8, 1890, viz: Louis Harkey, D. L. Gwe, rk J. WIlHnma. Thomas Giannini, A. U. Worthington, B, for the W’^‘ SEqr. See. 7. Tp. R. J. McKinnon, < has. (.'ronin, M. lie Danns he following ( . H. Vocgtly, s. E. Joy, •n ice. Bov«* his continon« us r$si h H. P. Cornelison, Robt. Brown, Ration of, Kf.id 'and. viz: I’. F. Sfentrer, J. H. Gordon Elrj> D. News »me, and O. O. D. Riifik. !». Q mcb , Harney <«> .< >r. 2< ('. W Mc< i^in. 1». New man, Ej. H. HUNTINiiToN. R< gis’er. T. A. Morrison, W\p. King, T. J. Howard. Geo. 8. eizeraore, Kit. Sammer*. G. HiK'speth, J. D. Shaw, J. Craven. TER1FFS N H. Chaatham. H. Fpragne, F. M. Jordon, R. J. Ivere, pi E N ' . ' io go prey«' K : ha’ pi: W. B Mvnatt, J S. *an s •of the circuit Court of the G. W. «-race. ( . W. Garred, for Hartiev County, made and Thus. Whiting, D. scott. rt day of November, 1889, in it !.. M. Brown, Milo I'nahinit. ter Frenih ueg Plaintiff, arm N. Brown, A. Dunn, j. Defendant, for the »uni of ( ha*. Gam her. H. A. Bernethy. per rent p»*r annum Inter*at J. ('. Welron.c, chh». ' lark. |<t la*-I a ue»l grv , and for the E. D. Gray. ('. A. swe« k. ¡certain real mortgage of date Geo. McGowan. s. I nm| sh’-e. February, 1887. and made by Am. .« \ an (>r$ lale. W K. («radon. L Wiliiarn Dillman to Peter I. Baer. J. J. Pict »on, whole of Sec ti* n 25, Twp 37 Henry chambers, Peter (Temei *, !. W. M.. in Harney County. P. A. Young. Wm. Wo.»*'*. r?*in **a?er right hereinafter T. G. Maupin, M. E. Dunnington. bed. and directing me to o»?.i Chi. Enns. W. Lewie, fy »aid decree, u* max he S. J. Mothershexd, John McKinnon. J u id < fit-r ai.d evil the Ian«’*, F. N. I ameron, G. D. Hagey, of x.Tti.m Twp. South L. Moore. G. W . WlkvXMn, .. Rb»re*aid, and together with gh: known a* (he North Fork 'h and Wa’cr-Kight, whore*,,. nr 1< m . of the waters of *ai-1 om the naiural bed thereot. Later exchanges give the news follow* l oTYimen' lag at r. k. tow it: raid Nor b 1’oik of Taulbee, l, move «r k**. Fa* of the Fa*? that ex-Representative » K Wear h* th- who was shot a few days ago by hh paid point i»m llu.f TTY1 *! k known a* Drv Ditch, and Charles E. Kincaid, is improving I»:*, beredi.amenta, r.ppurte and his chances are good for a *. rishta to p< *g«**aion. urc, and to. and in any manner sjKidy recovery. DI ILV id Ian«*», nitth. and wafer- nght. title, inter» at. «mate, and property of the rahi -Baker City is agitating the in an«f to said 'ano, 41»» h d all, each, and every pi'’ question of erecting machine Mill« h hr therein nr thereto Bt ’ oi Febma’v. i*.*;, f,*rra<i shops, foundry and smelting works, rt*«r at pHb’i»* ..ufrry a? the In the harnuf Harrrv. c«»un- having received a prrqx,sition from eof »»rcg..*. «p.ro.ii!. rv?n the Giroux Amalgamating Co, J>. »» <W! the -ih .lay .»f Inc* V ( (H- • ry I®1 A. A. crtirixt Ibcdr Har:o-. Announcements under above classification, at following rates, payment invariably in ad- var.ee: State candidacy, also,the County Judge, Clerk, and sheriff, $10 each; Assessor,and Com- missioner, $5each; Treasurer,School Supt. Sur- veyor. unci Coroner, also, Precinct Justices and Constables, $3 each. No insertions on requests by mail unless accompanied by the price of publication. pOR COUNTY ( LKRIi. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Cleric subject to the action of the Democratic County Conven tion of llarney county, Oregon. W. E. GRACE. poll 811 Eli IFF. I hereby announce myself ag a candidate for the office of sheriff of Harney County, Oregou, Bubject to the action of the Democratic County Convention. A. A. COWING. P<>K SHERIFF. gUMMOSS. Baker ia a lively, go ahead town, and is making every effort to ad vance her interest and importance. THE ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR OFFICE I hereby announce myself ss a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon, subject to the action of the Democratic County Convention of said county. J. C. GARRETT. ! > I j HERALD. HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. Official County Paper, Local News, HAItNEY COUNTY ITEMS. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1890 —Wild geese on the wing. —Democratic Primaries, 22d inst. — A large attendance at Sabbath school last Sunday. —Ira Brown, Land Office In spector is now in Burns. —Jas. Walters, < f Warm springs, in town on the 17th on business. —D. Lavery of Beulah registered at the French hotel, March loth. Come and Settle I p. —No Washington letter this | —Eggs 3 doz. $1. week. Having made a cash sale of T he —Milk 40c. per gal. H erald to W. C. Byrd & Son, those — Democratic. Convention, 29th —Potatoes 4c. per lb. inst. gentlemen will fulfill unexpired ad- — Flour $4.50 per cwt. : vertising, and all subscriptions, and — Mrs. M. A. Fry was quite sick, ; to them must be paid all amounts last week. — Beef still 12jc. per lb. due on subscriptions since Nov. 29, —Full line of Crockery and Glass- —John S. Devine in town on last 1889. Ware at the Geer hardware store. - Monday. All accounts for advertising and —Fred. Okermann, of Riley wäB —Peter French, of the P-ranch, job work prior to March 1, 1890 and in Burns, March 18th. in town this week. all subscriptions prior to Nov. 29 —See notice of Final Proof of —Joseph Bates, of Prairie City, I 1889, must be settled with D. L. Frank J. Williams in this issue. came in last Sunday. Grace, by whom all indeptedness — Dave Lambert, who has been —Onions, lettuce and cabbage of T he H erald prior to March 1, suffering with rhumatism is getting planting done last week. 1890, will be settled. better. Please call and settle, —Republican State Convention D. L. G race . —We are informed that Peter meets in Portland, April 16th. French had about 300 tons of hay March 20, 1890. —Miss Dollie Taylor has been in left over. Burns several days, visiting friends. The Sheriff* or his Deputy —Dave Lambert left Burns Tues —Lou. J. Boscnburg, of Drcwsey, day morning, on the Bidwell stage, was in town several days this week. Will be at the following place at for his home. the time specified: —Our school started last Mon Drewsev, No 1, Saturday —Mr. C. A. McKinney, of Har ney. was in our town Friday and day, with a full attendance of pu pils. Go toTupker «4 Saturday of last week. —The Bidwell stage came in on —II. Mason, of the Pacific Live Horse shoes, nails, and all kinds —Messrs. W. E. Grace, Robt. the 17th and left on the morning Drinkwater, and J. W. Norton came Stock Association, in town this of wrought iron worked into shape of 18th inst. week. to suit the public. Horseshoeing in yesterday from llarney. —T. W. Stephens, who has been and other blacksmithing done on — Rained Monday; every indica —Dr. Welch, who is in town at from Burns for some time, returned at quick time Tupker’s. tion of spring, and grass springing tending M. (.'aidwell, has bought ■¡■OK SHERI I F. a few days ago. up in the hills. Chas. G. Frye’s late residence. 1 heseby announce myself as a candidate for —About 5000 lbs. of mail matter Strawberries. the office of Sheriff of Harney county, Oregon, —If you wish to employ a first was laying over in Alturas for Lake —Farmers coming into town with subject to the action of the Democratic County A. Allen has on his ranch, Smiles eggs, chickens and butter can find class Dress-Maker, call on MissGun- view as late as Feb. 24. Convention. east of Burns, some fine Strawber thcr at the millinery rooms, Burns. a ready sale at highest market price MELI.. FENWICK. ry Plants, known as the “Monarch,” —Protracted meeting still in pro I at the French Hotel. — We call the attention to the \ for sale at $1.50 per hundred. gress at the M. E. church under the P<>K CLERK. —The mail to and from Burns card of ('. A. Sweek, attorney-at- They are all healthy,anil with prop auspices of Rev. McCart. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for is still irregular, consequently if law, which we publish in this week’s er care wilt do well. Call and see the office of County Clerk of Harney County, —In this issue of the paper the I subscribers do not receive T he issue. for yourself, or send order. subject to the action of the Democratic County announcement of Thomas Gianini H erald regularly, they will under —The town was full of people, 17-3t- A. A llen . Convention. L. B. BAKER. appears for office of constable for | stand the cause. and Wednesday; politicos, land Burns precinct. Burns’ Constable. Prospect for Crops. —Ike Baer is not getting any high water, topics of general con —Paul Locher this week pur- larger, but he says the rush of busi versation. I hereby announce myself a candidate for The prospect for good crops of Constab e in Burna Precinct. chased from Mrs. F. Gibhlin two ness and numerous customers pour THUS. G1ANINI. —Ailvies rising rapidly and 8CV- every description in Harney the horses, a set of harness, and wagon. ing into the store, and cash coming I eral slough bridges, reported by coming season is very good. The S —Lots of good hunting for good over the counter in exchange for I Chas. Zeigler, road supervisor, as Proceeding’s of the Democratic Coun amount of snow that has fallen shots, but the poor shots better stay merchandise, makes him feel about being washed ofl’. ty Central Committee. a 200-pounder. Everybody conies this winter, even if we get but very at home and keep out of trouble. — Robt. Drinkwater, of Harney, little rain, almost insures the cer to Bums. Committee met at the court house in Harney, — Remember the Primaries are tells us that he is again in the Har March 1, 1890. —For the k:n«l and compliment ney hotel as proprietor. We wish tainty of a good crop. There will next Saturday, 22d. The house J. C. Garrett, chairman, presiding. I he an abundance of hay; and every Apportionment of Delegate s made upon the will be called to order at 1 o’clock ary editorial notices from The Press, you success, Bro. Democrat. basis of the Democratic vote cast for J. M. and The Items, we feel very grate farmer should make every effort Gearin for member of Congress at last General p. m. Elec tion, each Precinct being allowed one dele ful, returning our thanks, and wish- ( I —M. Sv>orts, of the firm of gate for every fifteen votes and fraction of ten: — Piute Indians in Harney val-1 ing I oth success, financially, but, Sworts A Miller, arrived in town, to sow nil the grain possible. If precincts since formed, ore delegate only—giv ing the following representation: ley, have hint« r d remarkably w 11, “Johnny,” how about county- seat? I March 18th. from New York, where proper efforts be made by ranchers Precincts. No. Delegates considering the weather and scar Nor “Cap.,” to you, can we say suc he has been visiting relatives and to justify N. Brown in going ahead Currcy........................................................... 2 city of 8 provision. friends. cess, politically. Burns with his flouri: g-mill (which he llarney. . . 6 Trout Creek ......................................................... 1 —J. C. Wooley’s little boy, just will finish if he sees farmers art —Mart Brenton, now stopping at. —Mr Cal. Geer, our hardware Pine Creek................................................ .. .... 2 Drcwsey 4 the I 1 ’-Rancli, but whoa year or two man, has on hands a splendid as recovered from an attack of erysip- sowing sufficient wheat to supply Crane Creek..................................... ago 1 made liis home here, has spent sortment of D. M Ferry’s Northern 1 elas. is almost entirely «leaf. Mr. W. his mill) he may be able to supply Saddle Butte....................................... Embree ........................................ 1 days in town. several Grown Garden Seeds, and will re came to town. Wednesday, to con the demand in the county for flour. Mlltzon.................................................... 2 Uatlow ................................................ 2 ceive this week Onion Sets from the sult a physician. Every one should take this matter Alvord....................................................... 2 W. II. Flood, livery man of — Valley, also, quite an assortment of Wild Horse......................................................... I —There is not a vacant dwelling into consideration, for it is of great Harnev. was in Alturas, Modoc co.. Guns of the best brands, Shot-guns importance to all; instead of pay 13 Total.. Cal , Feb. 21st. 22«1, 23d, and left and Rifles. - ¡in town; we think, that if some of ing $9 or $19 a barrel for Hour, we On motion it was ordered that the Primaries there Feb. 24th for llarney. ¡our enterprising citizens would be held at the usual place of voting in each —Call on J J. Pierson, our Pho erect some comfortable tenement could get it for one-half, or less, if precinct oil —Farmers have been laying in tographer, who is prepared to do houses, it would be money well in made in the valley; but the ex SATURDAY. 22D DAY OF MARCH, MOO. an abundance of seed grain the past all work in his line. Mr. Pierson pense of putting up a mill is too On motion it was ordered that the Democrat week, judging from the wagons is an artist of long experience, and vested. great, unless the builder have souk * ie County Convention be held in the Court House at Harney, on leaving Burns almost daily with we assure the public he will give —We arc informed that It. J. assurance that farmers will raise SATURDAY, 29 th DAY OF MARCH. IW0. that article. satisfaction. Come and have your McKinnon, who has been proprietor wheat enough, at least, to supply The following Resolutions were then pro picture taken, ho will make you of the Burn* hotel the past winter, the home demand for flour. —Our town on last Saturday was handsome, although you may be closed the house. Tuesday, on ac posed and adopted: R esolved , That we the Democratic County full of people from every dir -cti« n. as Ugly as a mud fence. - count of col template«) sale of the Central Committee of Harney County, Oregon, A New Aspirant for County Srat. are opposed to a Pocket Convention, or 1he which gladdened the hearts of our property. proxy system of electing candidates; That it is business m n — John Sweitzer vs. State of Ore It was a busy day The following minutes of a meet repugnant to the prlnc ipks of Democracy, and gon and Peter French, claimants, —W. C. Byrd A Son, pr, prictors ing held at Bird’s-Nest, March 15, not in the inter« st of lhe masses that one or two for them. men can control a Convention and dicta «• who in the land contest now before the of the E ast O reuon H erald , have shall, or who shall not I c the nominee ■ of said —J. B. Huntington returned from Burns Land office is expected to rented the building formerly occu were handed in by Geo. W. Hayes. Couvontion; That ft is the duty of ei cry Demo crat elected a delegate, to attend the Conven Portland, Sun lay; reports roeds E ds . E ast O keoox II ekai . d : The continue all this week and part of pied by Robinson A Dodson, nnd tion in person. fiir from Canyon City to Baker, the next, so we learn. This is an will move their press there before ¡citizens living in the vicinity of R esolved . That we recommend the following rule for adoption by the Democratic County bat from Canyon to Burns in had unusually inter« sting case to all the next issue. Friends. < all and I Bird’s-Nest, Harnev county, State <'on vent ion. That no delegate l»e allowed to 'of Oregon, met at the residence of act as a proxy for more than one other delegate: condition. directly and indirectly intere»te«1 sec 11s in our new office. That no pers«»n, not a delegate, I m * allowed to a< t j Hermann Laun on Saturday, in land affairs in Harney county. r.s a proxy for more than one oiher delegate; — The name of J M. Fitzgerald, That no person not a delegate, he allowed to —Our friend, M K. Biggs, if we 'March 15, to organize an associa of the T- aneb. was added to our a« t as a proxy for more than on»- delegate. —The snow in the valley has have to I elieve the statement of R esolved , Thai ihe Democrats oi earh and Subscription list this week, ............................. Mr. F. about disappeared. Th<* streets of some of the ladies present at the tion for securing, if possible, tho [x-rmai ent location of the county evvry prec inct within this ('unntv be n -gri b> - - . attend the Primary Conventions In their re says loss « f st«x‘k :n that section is Burns very muddy, with a stream dance on th1' evening of Match 17, seat a* B rd’s-5cst. spective Precincts, and elect representative and about 10 |K-r cent. of water running down about the was the best looking young gentle- energetic I>elegate* to the County Convention, J. H Emerson called to thechair: who will prepare a ticket for the (oming elec •—A letter from Dr. Giheen dated center of Main street, which nc- men present, Don't k t yourself be R. A. Hendricks. *« . rctary: object tion that will reflect credit on the C onvention, the Party, and the County. I Feb. 24, from Alturas, says hay is asionally in its course "cuts a caper” deceived. Biggs, for there isn’t a <*f the meeting stat« d by the chair; J. C. GARRETT, chairman. selling there from $15 to $20 per that is, cuts diagonally across the man in town believes it. meeting address* «1 by Jas. Wil T H. JAME>. LYTLE HOWARD, ton No la grippe, but many street, just to show its indepen —All the type for tins ¡¿«lie of liams. R J M« KlNNoN. Executive committee: M. B. “colils.” Much sttx'K has died in dence Brother Burnsites, when T he H erald was set and corrected W m . M iller , MAM’L ROACH. ■ m refary. < ommiltccrr.en. are we going to have our streets, or Hayes, Henry I ywn-. Wi®. Cattcr- Modoc county. by Chr.ries and Julian Byrd :i well Harney, Ort .. March 1. 1 *’». at least Main street, improved? «on. Bent Eml.i* Ji s Williams, as the entire press work done It —On last Saturday John New- R J. Ivers, and E Fisher Site — Our neighbor and friend, H. is just one year ago to-day. March n an an«I Chas. CroniYi. turned “Texes ’ liar. committee: M It. Hayes, Herman Tune—“Oh, Happy be We.” quite a number of cattle to the hills, C. I.evens who fortunately, has mi *• 20th. that theform r, us u.ir readers Laun. J. H limit. flCO was To Texe*< I will go, yes, I will gi>, hay than he actually requires tor may retnemlx-r. apprenticed hin st 11 from which we suppose the grass raised to defray ex|wnses for ad What there’« in Hum* tn drinx. in the hills must be sufficient to his own stock. is dividing th«- sur to ’earn the Art Presenativ vertising the ndcrtiiking. In tb* gfo*«c.4 cheerful clink. plus among his neighbors, each keep them from starving. Will hold aii'jtbet meeting on —Wc learn that T W Stephens getting a share cc ording to his At Texes Bar. And when I want in smoke. I want to «moke, —The wrestling match l«etw«en need, and nt the same price h< sold . is on a trade with 1’. F Stoagir f.r 24th iu.t . al the reGdeiicc of ller- And hear a g“*»H old hike. • s . mm I old j*,k«. Cha- Eytonof Australia, and Hugh hav for in the fore part of the win Burns hot«-!. That's busines« Totn. ? an I aim. At th’ Texes there will J»e olution passul ti nt the E ast Cigars for v<m and me Smith of Cnnyan city, came off on ter—if “charity begins at horn«, 'his nn«i an assurance to tin- people f At Texes Far. \ liCHAll I It ;■ Saturday nifht, March Sth. at Ma generosity should I t more highly Harney county that you h»v- ;rc- C. For Whiscy. Win««, and Beer. Fnn without fear. „ _ bushel of f’*Hy weighed ' ' ' the " pruftpec - . C.itTJ .ru «. J Hafru«n- Frets be Tsq' sb d to sonic hall Canyon city. I he falls: approriatrd than a whole There’s nauaht to twat it here, to beat it here. F»»r Liquor*. Mixed or Straight. Smith one; Evton two. The ref money sent to some foreign mis- getting th county-seat, a l ■. :« di/Z.'.b •?>» uiia>»it< • of this u.« « t- They’re alwaja made fir»: rate ' sionarv society. confident that we will ciccew eree declared Eyton winner. At Text» Far. poll ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of ABseFRor of Harney County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic County Convention of said County. W. E. ALDERSON.