E ast O regon H erald BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1890. RALD ERY THURSDAY Bl HNS ADVERTISEMENTS. T. V. B. EMBREE, M. I). TELEGRAPHIC NEWS i There are fears entertained ofi an overflow from the Ohio and Mis sissippi rivers. $2.50 a Year B STATE NEWS. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. In the Senate, March 3d, the bill, -25,000is estimated loss of cattle* fixing the salaries of judges of the. in Douglas county. Political, Kixial, ItellKioua. anti E«l- ^ ni > P roprietors . United States district ,courts at -Salem will soon have n läge box ueational Events. $50(X) per annum, was taken up factory, operated by Eastern capi In Herald Building, Room adjoining the Office. S B. M< PHEETERS, M. D. Open Every Day except Sunday, from 9 a in to 4 p m. ! EK LAWS. tal. and passed. Every Lady and lieu tic in an u welcome Visitor to the Reading Room during the hours named PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. lured to give notice by »er does not answer the Office at W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. 1-ly Mrs. Matilda L. Case, a widow of -The interest on the indebtedness does n.»t take his paper reas.Hi for its not l»eiiig of Jackson county amounts to about <io t> > makes the p»>st- Young Abraham Lincoln died at Brooklyn, sixty years of age, was L pnnllsher for payment $8000 or $9000. recently married to a sailor boy, ivrs his paper diseoti London on the morning of March arrearages, or the Pub by the name of ■ George J. Bolls, • -A Nebraska man bought 15,000 Notary Public. uni it uiiili payment is 5th. hole amount whether it p. L. GRACE, whose age is only nineteen. br not. There tan be sheep recently from a settler in till payment is made. BURNS, OR Spaniards are predicting Spain Heppner valley. fHkt s a paper from the I. und Flings, Contest Blanks, Applications for Exchanges rcjwrt a very severei Wed to his lutine or an would soon be a republic were the B siil.ßeribed or not. iß Publication Notices, correctly anti promptly ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. atteuded to. Deeds. Notes, und Mortgages norther in Texas. Th»' nrercury; -The E ast O regon H erald of baby king to die. wrs hiß paper stopped legibly drawn up. i barges reasonable. 11-50. sank to 20 dtigrni s bok j' 'rceainp Jan. 16th, has jm-v lieen received “Tho Leadr ig Comp-tnv of the Pucii-J Northwest.” v Publisher continues I bound tu pay for it if A woman at Shelbyville, Indiana, point in many places. The fruit at The Call exchange desk. XSW-I’BIVATE VW KI.I.ISSS AXDFARM PROPERTY A SPH ULTV. ~Wa -, toffiee. This proceeds U must pay for what he has married her ninth husband, crop badly damaged and early veg J. NAT. HUDSON, -Owing to the storm blockade,! cided that refusing t< having seven others living. Bets etables destroyed. The Farmers’ Company iodi< als from the p» si A TTO R N E Y-AT-L A W. 25,000 people in Rogue river valley Uncalled for, withoii 1 have been made that she will make primti fin ia evidence nt Oiliee: BURNS, OR. The famous sugar king, Claus was without outside mail for over a ; OF SALEM, OREGON. the number a dozen inside of five Spreckles, with a party of capital month. years. r J.C, PARKER Agent, ists from Philadelphia are in Flori- -It is reported that the through 3 oar .... > delpliia (Fla.) with a view to start trains from San Francisco to Port .nlh« .Month» ing a great sugar growing industry. land, Or., cannot be expected be oar du ali-niM Oiliee: Burns Oregon. IS t The condition of the climate, as1 fore the first of April. o HERALD i 8 well as the soil, are very similar to 00 in«l Harpei ^ FROM PRINEVILLE TO BURNS. tad Hnqier^A’ . J » -It is estimated that Jesse I). those of the sugar growing districts »II m.l ILirpnUJi Attorney-at-La w. --------- o--------- Carr, the cattle king of Southern 75 in I Harper ’ s > of C uba and Porto Rico. T, ad Alden’s '.Ui-- C. B. BAKER, Sub-Contrartor. M. DUSTIN Oregon, has lost $80, (XX) worth of Idiliunal VulUit: ■ ús; Leaves Prineville Mondays at 6 a m. Arrives at Burns Wednesdays at 6 p in. i extra ver Vviu It is stated President Harrison is cattle during the past winter. blue: Harney City and Burns. Leaves Burns Thursdays al 6 a m. Arrives at Prineville Salnrdajs at 6 p iu upicBiif a’l then endeavoring to prevent a favorable -.LI ! leisure iu the -A calf was seen during the consideration of the Silver bill, v.l Publishera oí p* freshet floating down Scott river on Passenger rates from Prineville to Burns $7.50; Round trip $14 with 00 days delay. W. W, Cardwell, which was reported bv the finance • r uahtuz ran>, ah • committee to the Senate, and which a stack of straw, eating as uncon i i A TTO RNE Y-AT-L AW. was drawn up by Senator Jones, of cernedly as if standing in its own lli iixs, On. - LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. Nevada. Several senators have barn-yard. I’nicti-es in nil the courts o.'the State, Also, belore the I'. S. Land Utiice. "ZE! D' LUTISI N< -The Piutes of Inyo co., Cal., are been summoned to the White Houss L and M atters a S pecialty . wk i •; ‘ Ex-Congressman Taulbee, who and urged to try and push Secreta increasing in population. They l 5 j was shot by Kincaid, Friday Feb. ry Windom’s measure. This bill, are peaceful and industrious, and . 00 I THE HOPKINS HOUSE. Si 29th, is considered by his physician however, the silver men are quite The Index suggests that several schools be established for their im to be in a very dangerous condition. confident, can never receive serious »s.w ¿I.1 M. 1). HOPKINS, P roprietor . «1.® His condition is such that the phy consideration. The Pacific Coast provement. ITU FOREIGN »0 1 r sicians are fearful of the result of Senators are satisfied the Jones -The contract for a monthly line Attorneys at Law, EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. •s^ctfully suUri bill will go through. Í ' h IK I » an operation to remove the ball. of steamships between Portland •e iv keep our rvu •* i- .■ Will practif c in all of the cour's of the State ,h uud rulht ilc ftriiih -----------O »11 busiiiers plnced in eure of Ibis tirni will be and Asiatic ports has been ap r» •e will be ravc-i ronijMiy uitended tu. T T. 1; The Supreme Court of Jackson,, An account in S. F. Examiner, s:atvmen-s Itcge-1 This Hotel is new (House, Rooms. and Furniture) and offers courteous servlc’e to every Gasst. 1 proved. The first steamer will ar « Uild adjuitlHU r¡ .' Hi •crai reduct tu» t> Miss., on the third day of March, I March -1th, of another red-handed ihci rive in June with a load of the new II nt Office, or wi I >r« • charged extra, afiirmed the sentence of the lower' murder committed by Indians in i * *»« crop of tea. netal base aduliti» PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. pri< irai mu ikii$a 1 aik court in the case of Jake Kilrain. Arizona: A freighter, named Her rtiae aeu a at leas b -A bridge across Eagle creek, Or. T. a . M c K innon , pritv, \ early, vr Lu which is two months imprisonment bert, on the road with his wagon al position «Äxtra charge per iu Any and all kinds of »»rveying done on shot | in the jail at Purvis and $200 fine. loaded with merchandise for Globe, was finished recently by Baker I nolice anti reasonable terms. /«T“ Settler lates«! of pvaUiou a iltL.tl Wee k ¡s run : u .»i.h wishing i<» bt located, t an hirve plats furnishc The decision in the Sullivan case was murdered on the night of ; county tax-payers, who paid $2600 j free of charge. matter free. Cenerai Blacksmith & Waeon-maker. yes ervotype all our «¿ver Iseineiiis was to be rendered on Monday, March 2d. They took his horses for it. Before it was a week old n * after 1st four pubiictii ¡..us. »1 cm h. drove of cattle were driven upon it, and burned his wagon; they, also, ertising in local columns, ice it line, March 10. L akeview , O rruom riage, birth, and 'lenii-, timi»»urne SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP destroyed the military telegraph when the whole structure collapsed Nll< h iiemg |k»1|< ¡led HK Ileus, irai ra*eg offered to religious, k m iuL Speaker Reed says it is hard for line by cutting a pole and stealing and 50 animals were drowned. I q U^I bodieg. Prtpuaird i!o»ll KllVtcIWolr In 111 11»< kimllh Hic. Utile Ibttirg »I Fil I«w »••« 1J5. J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor the Republicans to bring a quorum a portion of the wire, thus cutting I together, because Providence keeps -When such men as T. T. Geer, JOB WORK off communication between the mili <-B U G G I E 8, WAGONS, ET C.,-x escription exenite l w i : ì i u < h h .. » k away from the house from six to tary posts. The crime was report of Marion county, publish’over their h, at reasonnble ra:< »■ MADE TO OHDFR WITH NEATNESS, AND OFÜ.OOD QUALITY. RUi'-S own signature, that the only way to Poeterà, Pamphlets eight of its membership of 169. ed by couriers, and the troops were A L L W O R K W A R R A N TEI>. Letter Heads, bill Heads. defeat men like Sylvester Pennoy- Note Hea<i|, Cards, Tic gets, The Maine statesmaii has, therefore, Dud gei a, Etc. ìavltatioSK, CHAS. SAMPSON - - B i iins , O r kindly undertaken to supply this ordered out. It is not known to er ami Robert A. Miller, is to nomi ■ - what tribe the Irdians belong, but W-A-T-C-II-M-A-K-E-R defect in the arrangement of Provi the depredation has created a pan nate Republicans who advocate the LD is kept reguhirivon ¡’»1« for re same principles as they, it is bold le Geo. P. RaWell New spatter Ad DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. -AND- dence.—Ex. eau, 10 Spruce st . m - a y . h ic and many ranches arc reported admission that the Democracy will Jeweler. — — The New York ballot reform pe abandoned. triumph at the polls in June. FICIAL DIREI tony. tition is eight-foot thick and was ! In reply to a question ftom the • ''E'l ---------- w- carried on the shoulders of fourteen Home Market Club of Boston. Sec -Catholic Sentinel-. Swan lake, BLACKSMITH. RATIO men into the assembly chamber, retary Rusk says there is nothing Oregon, which has been completely njnmin Harrison P evfeiktok *. DICKSON A SULLIVAN - - - - i./' / . Levi I’. Mortoti ADOLPH TITRER----- P kop ’ h amid storms of applause. The in the soil and climate of this coun dry for two years, owing to the re James G Blfiinp Rato William Windom peated dry seasons, is now rapidly ro.»nry : e >. —G E N E R A L R E I’AIRIN G— book is 26 in. wide, 32 in. long and try to prevent the production of Job nW. Noble Interior Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. . Kedf.dd Proctor V*r 8 feet thick, containing over 51,000 every class of wool remunerative I filling up; and the settlers, who hjamin F. Trai ey ■ svy had locked horns over the claims ercmiab M. Busk irrlcullnre.. Everything in our lino of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies signatures from New York and over and in commercial quantities. The' ™ ^ryl .. .....JSy. Win II. II Miller ENS in its margin and bottom, are now enprgl . . .. Y.John \\ HI.uninker Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when 10,000 from Brooklyn. STATE—OREttbs productioa of carpet-wool, he says groping for dry land; and some arc » If / M J. . N I).»]ph you call on “Uncle Dick," at Drewsey, Ilarney county, Or. i H. Mitchell Promptly executed. The building has been on George La Blanche, who defeated does not keep pace with the re making preparations to move out. B n „ t 1 Ilrriiiuiiii Igrged and ln»|»rov<‘d and is vrepared to turn [T.E .. DA I veste ■gter l’enDover out all kinds of blacksmithing on short notice Jack Dempsey a short time ago at markably rapid growth of carpet They will probably have the satis 1-ly (..<■ IJ. <ie»'. W. • Mr 11 ride and in the beat style. Terms: Cash. w-w a > <« . •.»».» . . , a > 11 f.v z.l 1, wL/• : 4 „'.I. »1.... G. W. Webb California Athletic Club, has con- manufacturing in this country, be faction of seeing their homesteads i,lrurt|«>ii k J. IL McElroy Frank Bnkei PATENTS sented to meet Dempsey again on cause that class of wool lias lieen supplied with an abundance of wa I R. Win. S. Strahan HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. C. A. SNOW A CO. _ - - WASHINGTON, D. C. P. I.ord propopj. i discriminated against by the tariff, certain conditions, His ter for the next ten years to come. s W W. Thayer ratea’H obt«ine<l, »ud all pMont biioliicHH Httesded to promptly sad for moderate faaa I JCPICIAL M.ri:l.T: with the result of large importations tion is: that Dempsey or his back- O»r office 1» opposite the I’ S. I’stcnt office, and we cat> obtain In 1 cm time than those I -Portland World: Many of our remote from Washington Seuu Model or Drawl»« We advise as to patentability Ira« VITf ers put up $5000 in sure hands of foreign carpet wools. The law w . J. NAT. HUDSON W. A. WISH IRE, ol chaise: and we make no choree nnlt-sa patent la secured. Harney, Ur. Lakeview, Or. qv«TY—u Aiuki pending the fight, and if he is de- is so framed, also, as to admit, at the exchanges are bemoaning their sad We refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order’ Division, and; So official» ol the I’. H. Valent Office For circular, advice, terms, and refersuees to actual feated by Dempsey, La Blanche carpet wool rates, many grades of fate, th»'y having been victimized * by mu' Dr. Olympia S. Murry, of •¿1 WILSHIRE HUDSON clients in your own State or conntv. write to above addreaa. XT AL takes down the $5000 and Dempsey finer wool, thus also, opperating ’ East Portland, M. D. Those carry against the home production of takes possession of his saloon as Attorneys-at-Law, ing the ad. seem to have taken it un sole proprietor. La Blanche claim those classes of wool. v \ REVIEW AND IIABNEY, OR. srr.i ' E, i der impression that they were deal This firm practii vs in the courts of the State ing his business is worth $10,000. I The local press are puzzled over ing with a woman. Of him the Al and before the L. S. Land Office. Any land Office or other bnsin« kk entrusted to them will But if La Blanche should lie the the case of John J. O’Connor, a bina Courier says, that Dr. O. 8. ret vive vroirpt attention. victor, Dempsey takes back the most remarkable one. It was k’i'EN. 1 L XW-LAND CASES SOLICITED. $5000 and La Blanche retains his claimed he died and his body taken Murry, alias Dr. Olympia S. Murry ..... e D. S. HOPKINS, A rchitect . saloon. On these conditions, he to the Morgue, where it was identi-i is one of the most worthless, drunk RRISON KELLEY EEI’INOW ELITE SALOON. says “he will meet him and none fled by his wife, who had him en, crazy old bilk» that ever an Ilr.mil Rapili«. Mirh. Will lurni.h I»«I«1I»O( II.,»..., C,4tw<-«. »»<1 M»n»l<mj <-< »tir>w Dom I3U» »11 up 10 •«» buried in Calvary cemetery. A noyed this community. other. ” Ature waiiK.I. If you meau lo bull.l,►.-i.-l II »•> my «d'ir»» »»<11 will mal you a >RV. HARNEY.-------------OREGON few days later it was claimed that Hoof Xl.tHlRlilof dwolUnt». I,»« fl»’oil,, oli HI.- it, K>«T Oaitwow If eu»l.n offi< e. wltb -Heppner Gazette: Outside ex full plan of eaeh. full »lz<- dolali». ‘ ompl.-t.- api-< ir» ■»'""•■ »"d$1 ’fZJ COAT-WORTH .1 TREGASKIS, D, SHAD* We read in sume of our cx- O'Connor was alive; his wife had changes are engaged in writing edi AL I'Hl'Kl'll. full and .-onipl. tr ao any ordinary . aip.ml.-r or l.uilder will haw noirrmbla In »olaj pRorairroRR. ...... «.I and eorÄpl-tlnic the work Ind II ;.,u .lo noi hud Ju.l what yon w.ut wr le m. tor. been mistaken, and the man who changes an account of the bursting wl,»t r hanr.'» »o» de»iru iuad.-. «1 d I will aeeommmlate ..a or lean rir *,r» with Tm pastor in each was taken to the grave was not her torials on the “Improvidence of Il eu ,Ll>. Yau will It >> cheap toetv. I a bandeóme hot.».- ». to wn-le m»terlnl on »nan but ire- of the great dam in the Ilassayani- alghtly hulldltm W1Ó aid ,«.u In re conetrnetla« your preeeirt I« lldtiig. 11 '' i. and 7:10 p m husband. It now transpires there Stockmen’’ of our interior country. LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. •e— at II n in pa canyon, Arizona, Feb 22d, is every reason to believe O’Connor Stockmen of Eastern Oregon were tn. , and 7.:o p m caused by an immense Hood of was not buried by proxy, but in gem-rally better prepared with feed k, a ml 7:. i'p tu his own proper person, some time ¡IE BEST* Wachmaker & Jeweler water. Those who saw it say the between the night of Monday. Feb this winter than any previous win water came down in an almost per ter. However, there would have ( J. W. BONEBRAKE. rp The Odell n pendicular wall of 90 or 100 feet ruary 10. and aft»*rnoon of Wed Lakeview, Oregon. nesday. O’Connor is said to have been much more feed in the coun I? P E W R I T Ell high, sweeping every thing before t. o, <>. r. been seen Saturday night, and try had last year escaped the rrv sa'nrdar it. Boulders weighing a ton were stated most emphatically the grave drought which affected range as1 NNoN. X <,. I tifkwkitf . ii warranted to no ah gjg P. II. MURPHY. thrown about as a child would toss in the cemetery is empty, ami he well as crops. Yet stockmen were S15 *,u i. *i r rur. oi»ri as any Uue HtTrUreJ Dollar Machine. -■ a ball; iron bars broken ami twist exhibited a cut which had been >r a L A. K. able to put up an abundance of It combines simfi . k iTYwith i ikibh . ity —« feed , ease OF OPKRATIO.W is Uy of cat h ed out of shape: a safe containing made half-way n< ross the abdomen. machinn. haR A'I CoJnnt<hn He is of the opinion he was really hay, it was thought. Had East wears longer without cost of repairs than any other $7000 was carried away and not buried; his body was taken up and no inkribbon to bother the operation It neat. Rubrtantial, nick- ern Oregon escaped with even the ÌHLY. P < el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kind« of typewritin g Mrh I.w-IA yet found. It is supposed that the conveyed to a dissecting r»<un while »everest of winters, as compared luif- 1-!^ I ik«a rrintin» I’rewit pr„.l>.. »I, < ■ :»*n. l», iM» nuiui«. «ipt Two to ten <-i.|u»» loss of life, when ascertained, will in a state of suspended animation, with the past, the loss would have <an he made «totiew Alina. Elia - iiiii.i-t--. l.iuiUr.. mj-rehanln, reach 50 or 60. Many bodies were and that when the incision was mnnnfiii-t’irer». bn.tne~ n,M. el -• i. tiu.kv lueeatnvntyor JI«. bsvn nominal, but the February Au intelliyent |<ru»n in a week can ’ fne Good operator, or a^r»»| i«ione in S months • I« R»w»r4. found thirty miles l>elow where the made it caused a flow of blood which restored him to consciousness. He storm following that of January, N m RREI. ».ELDIN'« with White Fa'-», lisa II. II.CMIO offered anv operator wr.o »n do U tter work with a Type- All the re states he went to lodging-house brand«** IkJI wilh Par above, «»n the Right flood overtook them. I shoulder. • «repte* found stockmen ill-prepared to and two Left-ublique Rats uu Writer than that produced by the • 'dell, f W“ Reliable Agent» mains are more or less mutilated, Monday evening, and he knew noth l.eft Hip meet it. Free advice to the stock and Haleatnen wanted Spc al indneementa to Dealers. LAR'.E RAY <«F.I IHMG Branded T »Mh while, in several easses, only frag ing more till Wednesday night, aya, * am. For Pamphlet»», giving «ndo'ie’-ent». Ac , addree» the quarter « in le. i.-in i np. above, andv ay a 10 4->p m raisers of Eastern Oregon regard I i RGE (.» within ihr ’ ¡ «*r. aa-<i by h«»tisr>ntal ba’v-/vF ments of the body have been re when he found himself seated on under the quarter < in le J. on Left Nhonkler. ing their “ improvidence is entire ODELL TYPE WRITER CO. ’ i R- okfry , C hk - awo , III. the court-house steps in a dazed 45 £ tax®. return above drttantw*«l fenraea to I J .«»ROTT covered I ly out of place. cor.d:tion, weak and sick. nr J. II MINIM. Ilan ey. Ur. ' d & soh . FROM ALI j PARTS OF THE WORLD Office at his rcsli’ert e o»» flic east ide ot Sil vie« River, tei. irikt. below Burns. T he D rewsey saloon . JOB WORK. è’