THE J. DURKHEIMER A CO’S. LOCAL-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT. Listen HiARCEST stock ONLY FIRST CLASS ARE inTHear°nneyy Coin’t, CrOODS THAT CAN SUPPLY THE jxr With Their FALL id à WINTER SUPPLIES tlio ■■■ licit your trade . Our Prices are the SAME as 'witli froig-lxt added J. DURKHEIMER ÓL CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY. JÎB b —John S. Devine caiue into town, —Mr Cal. Geer, our hardware COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. lowing said meander line to placo Wednesday. man, has on hands a splendid as­ i of beginning. sortment of D. M Ferry’s Northern Polling place at Boat Ford school gHERIFF’S NOTICE OF SALE. Announcements under above classification, — Our friend, Sam ’ l King was in The County Court has been in BAL PROOF Grown Garden Seeds, and will re­ at following rates, payment invariably in ad­ house. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that pur­ vance: State candidacy, also,the County Judge, town. Wednesday. ' i* ceive this week Onion Sets from the session since the Feb. 24th, 1890, suant to a decree of thv Circuit Court of the Clerk, and Sheriff, |10 each; Assessor, ami Com­ nsw> I ed S tatks L and O ffice ,] J udges : Bent Embree, II. J. state of Oregon for Harney County, made and missioner. each; Treasu-cr,School Supt. Sur­ I Iok«vt«w. i Oregon, February 12, 1890.1 Valley, also, quite an assortment of and transacted considerable busi­ Ivors, and A. F. Ritterbusch. — No lyceum ’ last Tuesday night, entered on the 2d day of November, iss«t, in a IllEBY GIVEN that the follow- veyor, ami Coroner, also. Precinct Justices and ness, although considerbly delayed has riled notice of hife inten­ suit wherein Thornton Williams is Plaintiff, Constables, |3 each. No insertions on reques's let us be up and be doing. Guns of the best brands, Shot-guns C lerks : Alex McCarty and W. in support of his claim, and Win. II. Mahon. C. A. Sweek. nnAl proof I by petitions and cross petitions in and Ritles. - that sali Sto.. of will be made before the Sweek, defendants, for the sum of Jf 1240.00 and publication. the matter of re-districting the coun­ | B. Ilayes. —Full line ofCrockery and Glass­ Slav and Me. lei ver at Lakeview, Oregon, 10 per cent per annum, interest thereon from said last-named day, and fur the foreclosure of ’ >rii 23d, lSKv Road district No. 8 embraces all ware at the Geer hardware Store. - I —We were glad to hear this after­ ty, changing old and establishing a ( er’ain real mortgage of date the 1: th day of poi: COUNTY CLERK. __ Marton Spärmn Conrad, < March, l.sxS, and made by said Dciendant, Wm. of Saddle Butte and Embree pre­ new precincts as follows, to-wit: noon, March 10th, that the little . ' of NW4. Sec. 26, and H. Mahon, to one Rosa Ambrosy, arrigned . J. O X __J îû MM m iti“• > " —The Ontario mail route open. cincts, B. F. Lloyd supervisor. I hereby announce myself as a candidate [Continued from last week] 4,unirsi , of NE : 1., Sec. 27, Tp. 25, S. thereafter to Plaintiff* upon the EL, SE1,. E*\ child of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce which E. He nflinub the foil.»wing witnesses to NE', of Sec. Twp. 22 S. K. XL,. E. W. M. in for the office of County C 1er k subject to the We got a generous supply by that BLITZ EN ALVORD his conlinjkuus residence upon and cltlti- Harney County, Oregon, aixl directing me to action of the Democratic County Conven­ has been very sick, is improving. - line 11th inst. i of said land, viz: Henry l'.gii, J. M. Km* sell said lauds to satisfy said decree, as may be. tion of Harney county, Oregon. i II .. (f Sl]ver « „J.,., |. o t Or I This family lias lost two children Commencing nt the E. corner of Commencing at a point on E. boun­ Now, therefore, 1 will offer ami sell the whole W. E. GRACE. i F. HuttcM^of Riley I’. (>.. Or. of said land, to-wit: said EL? SE'4 and EL, NE'., —Thos. Vickars, of Harney, was by death, in a short time. We sym­ Tp. 29 S. 11. 36 E, on the E boundary dary line of Harney county where Sec. 26. Twp. 22, S. R. 32'... E. W. M.. hi d ¡ill the J^‘ó-15 WAHREN IIU ill, Kesistr right, title, interest, aim all work in his line. Mr. Pierson standard line to a point where the 8. on said Tp. line to a point due —Mr. Arnett, from Wagontire, uf the Stateof t alifornia, | I gHERIFF’S NOTICE: OF SALE. poll SIIKI!IFF. buamp l.ami < laimun:s. J was in Burns on business, Monday is an artist of long experience, and meander line on NW. boundary of E. of the NE. corner of Tp. 33 8. 11. nry Miller of the state of ( alifornia: we assure the public he will give Malheur lake intersects said 5th 324 E, and thence W. across an un­ KNOW ALL MEN bv Ihese presents that pur­ and Tuesday. please Jake no ice that a hearing suant to a decree of the ( ircuit Court of the satisfaction. Come and have your standard Bon • will had in theafrove instituted cause, before Stn¡e of Oregon for Ilnrnev county, ma !e and i I hereby announce myself es a candidate for portion of land to said NE l < l 11 "I <11 parallel; JI, Twp. ¡.«fiL>, poll ASSESSOR. R. 294 E; thence W. to W. bound­ scarce, John, you had better bor ­ the soul; we were fortunately pres ­ *. XXi the Baid tra< s < omp. sed of swamp S.Hith Range 32 E. W. M.. in Hurnev County, I ent the other evening listening to an ary line of Harney county; thence 7th standard parallel south; thence I hereby announce myself as a candidate for row a few from Sam King. ilhiu the n. . of the Swamp Laud Oregon, and a certain water right xtended toil ~ ate < ««TveyeM slnp of and iWinclHS. more or lers, of ilie waiers of sai l C —The river is rising rapidly;! I heseby announce myself as a candidate for D STATES LAND OFFICE,] Creek are taken from ihe natural feed thereof, J udges : Henry Sturgeon, I). M. was much more benefited than if he 1c(<.,r,’cr ° L’- 8- Rum ( uregoi , March H. 189U.} and conveyed as follows: < <>mmem ing at a the office of Shenffof Harney county, Oregon, some think we will have a flood 30, and continue on eastward on Logan, and C. Dunnean. CI IS HKHXI Y . GIVEN ...... that ._ the follow- p din on g.ti l Creek, to-wit: said North Fork of subject to the action of the Demociatic County aed Bettlcr bar filed nulicv _ of his iuten- .''kuli Cievk.ñ miles, more or k ss, Fas' <>f t he Fast almost equal to old l'*ncle Noah's, j had sold a suit of clothes, of which ; said Tp. line to NE. corner of Tp. S. K 3*.'? West by the Convention. C lerks ; Wm. Gore and F. W. he has a fine assertment at prices make pf..»«' _ut iii support of his claim. line «.f .-«• •. :.O. Twp. •t — tudd 33 8. II. 324 E; thence eastward ! True. ,—. prou/ I w w; 1 we itNide before the cours • of tlie Dl!( h fr .ni said point (ine-Half MELL. FENWICK. - to suit all purchasers. r and Kccefcer, I’, s. Land ollie e, at •f One lile to what is known ns Dry Ditch, and — We learn from H. C. Levens across an unsurveyed portion of all of the tunemen's, hereditaments, appurte­ PSJO, Viz: Jr.,on Friduj. Aprl| CAT I.OW nance s, finn<, rig;h s to possession, use, P<»R CLERK. that J. B. Huntington will not like­ Hubert F.- Win« f Riie , Hur- and parcel thereof, w hh h Im therein or thereto ' Convention. NE. corner of Tp. 32 8. II. 34 E; Tp. 33 S. R. 30 E; thence on W. Or. had on ihe ’_4th day of February, 1887. for cash of over a month to his old home in ! in the interests of all the people of thence N. to NW. corner ot Tp. 31 across an uns.'rvcve.l strip of coun- to the highesi bidder at public outcry at the J. B. Il '• 1 IN:. 1 ' .N, IlfgiHb the Valley, got back, Tuesday, by Harney county; that, it has re- ! 8. 11. 35 E; thence E. to E. bound­ | try to intersect the county line nt Court House door in the town of Harne\. Coun­ , peatedly maintained that any news­ ty. f Harney, Stateof Oregon, aforesaid, com- way of Canyon City. THE HERALD. | a point where the same turns south­ 1 025 PROOF. mem ing at 1 o’clot k, p. in., on the kolli dav of paper engaged in arraying one part ary line of Harney county and ward; thence south on W. bound- Mart h, 1*90. thence N. on county line to place A. A. COWING. of the people against the other ¡8 U nitbd S tatzs L and O ffice .* —We learn from Ji.o. W. Sayers, i ary line of said county to SW. cor­ February 15, 1890. Sheriff Harney Co., Or Burns,1’reg. hi . March 8, 189o. [ I1A8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY who with his wife is visiting Mrs. an anarchist; that at no time has : of beginning. 2-.0-.0 I ner of Tp. 36 S. R. 32 E; thence K. B 13 HEREBY -I Iii nnmef. We your uiideifigned petitioners, would most of cattle, looking well to have gone justice to T he H erald , and totally . i ard. Tp. line to the SE.corner of Tp. 321 r i L it iDg Witnaaacg to ¡»roveh's f Raid lami viz siilmu:t to Beil spiritous, malt, ami vinous liq­ through the past hard winter. uncalled for. No. 3. At the Diamond school S. II. 32J, and thence N. to place of WilEa.r.s, Ro- < uors in quantities lets than one quart for a house. I Martin Smith »•11 of Riley, Harney period of six months, beginning on the 7th day beginning. —Miss Lena Harkey, whose term uf April, A. D., 1890, and tunning until and in HARNEY COUNTY ITEMS. I No. 4. At John J. Mahon's place. “Tf‘.xes” linr. Polling place at residence of D. J. B. RUNTINGT IN. Register. eluding the t.ih day of October, A. 1». IW0, in of school closed a few days ago, on the town of Burns, county of Harney, State of Tune—“Oh. Happy be We.” J udges : N o . 1, Sylvester Smith, L. Shirk. Oregon, ami vour petitioners will ever pray: i the Blitzen, was a passenger on the To Texes I will go, yes, I will go, OX. •ROOF. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, ISM Whene’er I want to know. I want to know. G. M. Stanclift and D. II. Smith. W. W. Cardwell Janus (*. Parker, Bidwell stage Sunday evening. J udges : 11. A. Turner, A. C. What there’s in Burns to . Bowen. :£ U mitkd B tateh L and O ffice , / C lerks : Jno. II. Cornutt and F. ! Spaugcnberg, and Win. Logan. W. <’. Byrd. (». W. Young, In th’ glasses cheerful clink. Born«, Üivgoti. March x, isuc.i — Several new subscribers to T he Wm. Harvey, T. S. Garred, —Elder Taylor of Harney, held At Texes Bar. M. Drake. C i . ehks : T. A. Crump and Ed­ »RgUBYGIVENGmt ih.-MI..» J. Adams, clink. Teeter, H erald last week. And when I want to amoke, I want to smoke, services in the M. E church at this And -- , fi—- •etthr Mfr-wed notice of his inter- 1). L. («race, Louis Harkey, J udges : N o . 2G. W. Wilshire, N. ward Bell. hear a old joke, a good old Juke, final proof in eupporc of his ciaim, Tiuunas Giannini, A. C. Worthington, At th’ Texes there will be » place, on Sunday, March 9th, at 11 aid proof will be made before the Comcgys, and 1«. B. Springer. K. J. McKinnon, —County eourt adjourned, Fri­ Chas. Cronin, Rond district No. 9, Embraces d Receiver of the I*, s. Land office e. H. Vi egtly. 8. E. Joy, o’clock a. m. also at 7 o’clock p. m. cigarB for you and me At Texea Bar. day March 7th. logon,on Frida v. April 25,1890, viz: C lerks : C. II. Wilshire and I. I all of Blitzen, Alvord, Catlow and Rubt. Brown, H. P. Comeliaon, For Whisky, Wine, and Beer. Fun without fear, 1». F. Stenger, J. II. Gordon Ilo bort J. Milli ox There’s naught to l«eat it here, to beat it here. ; N. Hughet. | Wild Horse |trecincts, G. W. Wil­ O. 1». Rusk. i 1>. Qiicvii. — We hear T. A. McKinnon spok­ For l.itprors. Mixed or Straight, —J. Nat. Hudson of Harney, in ’82, for the W , NE e at the filllowing placvs at J. c. Welcome, IXEY CM Cathedral” by Mrs. van Rensselaer, Sworts. Slough house, we are informed is judge? <*. A. Sweek. E. D. Gray, I | the times specified: S. J am) rhire, Geo. McGowan. with pictures by Joseph Pennell, SADDLE BUTTE very sick. r. K. A. vAhin.; A rn< s \ an Otsdale, W R. G radon, a —Messrs. Carl Cecil, Milter, and and an article by Mr. Wilson, the »and A.K^gun- I Alvord, Saturday, J. J. Pierson, 15, I. Baer. Commencing at RE, corner of Tp. Peter ('lemei s, Henry Chambers, —Dr. Embree paid us a visit Elliottof Sil ver creek, were iii Ihim*. photographer, depicting “Some ‘eaver, K. ATvaughn. A. W. Wat- 18, Wm. iV«ha s. I Crane Creek, Tuesday, “ P. A. S’oung. 25 S. R. 33 E. on the 5th standard last week, as full of chat as a bee of 1. ft. UhaWb tbr u!>ove-nftmed de Tuesday. Mr. Cecil reports stock Wayside Places in Palestine,” parallel S. and running thence N. S. E. Dunnington, T. G. Maupin. W. Lewis, Drewsey No. 2, Thursday " 20. < hl. Eurrs. honey, but not always so sweet. dying in his vicinity and feed not which are referred to in current In­ to NE. Corner of Tp. 24 S. II. 33 E; ie of the Uta’* of Oregon, y.mart- John McKinnon, S. J. Motherahead, red to appear ami attra er the cod . G. D. Hager, E. X. I ameron, to be bought. ternational Sunday-School Ques­ thence W to NW. corner of Tp. 24 Drewscv, No I, Saturday “ 22. gainst you in th» above entitled G. U. Wilcoxson, G. I Moore. — The spring term of the Burns -ore the flrat da IT of tile next regu ar tions; also a striking paper on “The S. R. 32) E; thence S. to the 5th ........... Jl 11 " 11 ! ■1--L school will commence next Monday. ircuit c.mrtof J I he State of < >n gon —It is thought by stock men i Go toTupkrr’H. lo-wit: on or before y ni H IIARNEY POST NO. 4R. G. A. R. March 17th, Mr. Chas. Newell teach­ that on account of the rapid rising Sun-Dance of the Sioux,” by Fred­ standnnl parallel S; thence E. on of May the ratne being the erick Scbwatka, with pictures by Meets every 1st and rd Wednesday of each he next r May term, A. D. er. Horse shoes, nails, and all kinds said standaid line to place of begit - of the river, stock will have to he Frederic Remington, ami a curious I fail ao to ana a er, month, at odd Fellows’ Hall. All Comrades ning. of wrought iron worked into sha|>e will apply to the in giMHi standing invited. driven from the Island to the hills M M. BR1ERLY. P. < ’ . —Miss Young, whose term of study by Professor Wood of Phila­ 1 in the complaint, C has . N ewell , Ad’j’t. Meh 13-16 Polling pine«' at school house near to suit the public. Horseshoeing school on Silver creek, expired a in a few days. delphia, on the subject of “Memory.” - -sa of m M Court foredcBing lhat Rufus Hendricks’ residence, if same and other blacksmithing done on The following are the contribu­ Bedrock Democrat: The Demo­ few days ago arrived at Burns Mon­ — Rev. McCart is holding a pro­ ley County. Oregon. is completed. But if not, then at the at quick time Tupkcr’s. tions in fiction: Mrs. Barr ’ s “ Friend 3d day .»f crat received the news last evening day evening. tracted meeting in the M. E. church house on sniil R Hendricks’timber h eaver, herein and that the property that a third trial of “Sandy” Olds this week; attendance good,consid­ Olivia,” the conclusion of Mr. Stock- I » culture claim. Three v< ry timely and important — Any one desiring dental work h cxi i-ii.j.m ton's “ Merry Chanter, ” a Storv by' He is expect­ be app’ied in pay­ for the murder of Emil Weber, in done, will do well to call on I>r. ering the weather. J udges : Herman Lauen. Jos Par- Hubj« < •“ are in the March Century James Lane Allen called “ Posthu ­ lid Interest in rlie Multnomah county, resulted in his : the sum of • Horton, in Burns, before the mid­ ing Dr. Embree up to assist him. by specialist«. The first isthe Htib- mous Fame; or a Iz-griid of the kcr, and Newton H«x»ver. Xd, together with conviction of murder in the first de­ dle of March. - it's fee. and the C lerks : S p. Dickenson arid ji-ct of Municipal Government, Dr. Beautiful ” ; another by Ri< hard — J. C. Garrett, Chairman of the gree. the jury bringing in a verdict his su t. arid fore- A Shaw describing th«' workings Malcom Johnston, i 1 iU“trated by Henry Lyons. tdar.t herein and yesterday. His first trial was a —Several persons, of whom we Democratic County Central Com­ Kemble, entitled "The Self-Protec­ them or either i f ofth'locnl government of Glasgow, mittee, was notified this week to at ­ aid mint cage, of disagreement, the second resulted spoke in last issue, as l>eing in our EMBBBZ one of the rld’s model cities in lent? L>n in mni-I tion of Mr Littleberry Roach,-’ and wf «.nl fo. j c! - in same verdict as the last, but the town, are here vet; attending to tend the meeting of the D»;iio- Commencing at a point where the 'this respe, t. The subject of Irriga­ the “ Last Marchbanks' - by Miss nt r. |>. *eavar Supreme court reversed the decision cratic State Central Commitee, land business. rem mi n after Roseboro, with pictures by George Range line 1.« tw> <-n Ranges 29 and tion is tr- ;«tc{• gion.” The third great B. in the spa per of gt.i the Iwginning of the most nuthen­ — George Moore is spoken of in in this town is almost M scarce as | of the Edueitor,” and “The Pardon­ thence N. to NW corner of Tp. 24 subject i" disi useed in a paper by ‘v < .»nnty and S. R. 32 E: thenc« E to NE. cor­ Prof« * • .r l ¡«her on The Nature and [shed at itnn r. tie ami original account yet ptib- Burns precinct, for the office of con­ greenbacks. I ing Power.” Colonel Benedict fur­ ner of Tp. 24 S 11 32 E. theme S M< l)«<> 1 <»f Revelation "—Ih«' con­ IP I* »rib 2 to If li-lclofthe “Prehistoric Remains stable; “come to the front, George; nishes a memorandum on “The r ii.rfi* e tu the In the next and let’s hear from you.” »f Hon. M. D. in the Ohio Valley.” —Miss Gunther having made ar­ Builders of the First Monitor”; ami to the 5th standard parallel >* cluding om of his v. r, tin» I v st i<*» re and «fated miniher of The Centurv. Prof« amir rangement with the Gage Pieters, the poems are by William Wilfred thence W to where the 5th Maml- Th< ».in.«' number of The Century Gr . • h' d dtt.y fl.ed Putnam will deecrite the fimou* —J. C. Garreit, candidate for has opened a dressmaking btisi- Campbell, tlx- u nd ary of Mail.?, jke; tbenve Franc • • nd “I'nivcnrity Exten- Burns for home March 9th. in a evuthwestcriy couii. and f<4- lion ’ ting a specialty. - w h c-r> article. ada, and other* LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CE HÏI L E(i A L A D V E RTIS E M ENTS. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR OFFICE.