BURNS ADVERTISEMENT!? ¡tor of the Philadelphia Press 1 tereecring N' boundary line of Har high and Lw withMt dirtinctio« ney counts. thence E. to NE. cor THE HERALD g-cos to Russia as minister. working age. n»oo»-f»>u<* eor- ner of Tp 188 R 36 E: thence 8. oo ’S t •*.- r-c.-*J - w e iss r sie««- Tbs. Presidential prodamatira £ line of said county to -'E cor porations. and syndieaiew. Whowe Mr. Reed’s puppets, th- Republi opening th- Si ci r-rerrati<ns in ner of Tp 23 8 R -36 E thence AV sole air-i is to get the reins <rf to place of teginniug Polling ern&ent in their own fingers, and can member» of the Heure. have South Deeota to settlement, was « . t> Bl> plao- a: Drewsry halL sent out- from th- White H .-use run the machinery in their own in , hw—vl~ol rrrl their master’s sedeas Jrt»-.£s L G;tt:ng*. AA tn. Alt- terest. The Democratic party has sol the new Rules have teen adopt- Monday afternoon. now. and Tbe* Howard. The ato*-odminia<raDra Repub at all times. uA uj>x> all «cask®#, by the House. The Democrats Cixaxa: R-T-t. Reed and Chas. 27P.SS. thrown bomb* into their rank.« utads manly protests against being lican Senators did not make much Kenyon. Leadine Merchant of Harney Count, ’ striving by every hoexwal-le wav robbed of their rights but their ar- of a showing when ;t <atne to a vote Drew-er precinct constitutes -------- DEALER LX-------- and meat.* to break their power gs.^e-u did n -t eitzse a single Re- on the confirmation of Mr- Mor Road district N'o. 6. with L Stal DRY GOODS, CLOTHING HATS. CAPS. and inSoene*. The people of Ore- publican to v-x .- against th? edict gan the Commissioner of Indian lard supervisor. •c BOOTS. -HOES. GROCERIES. HAKDAVARt .- rase creek k»>v ¿ mu . LK xs the f tbe I«;-«—n ibody - :pp -«r-i they affair*. Onlr two of them voted STOVES TINWARE CRO< KERY. GLASSAVW Commencing at SW. corner of Tp. wnu.r»«..« Re publican party supp.se- Dem«- w -uLL Now that the bars are -down against the omimitwn. P aints . OILS. GLASS. PUTTY. THE CELEBE a TD 178 B M ■ thence N". to NVT The ffemocratic iead-.-rs tn thr ■MMt* wse <Mt Ire J. m . ; racy »o te aseeep and not awake to ar. J that Cengre»» practically con- r -: Tr 24 S R 34 E: thence E. SULTANA RAZORS. AND I X L” CUTLERY. AVIJ b ««*” »«■ .«v be.<w» ij., interest i-'jd welfare? fists of Speaker Rred and tbe Seu- Hoes* are now patiently waitir g t to NE. corn»-? of Tp -4 8. R 3*> E: CIGARS—AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLh TOO TEDIOUS TO MENTION. ate there i# g- it r- •-inc amc-nz as- rt-in imt what pr-.-gram the , thence 8. on E. line of Harney coun- Republicans prop ■*? ad< t ring r ~ tv to SE- corner Tp 27 8 R 3» E; that thrifty cla** of people who T he rex.nty-seat .- »ti ui-'t-t.n Chsarsst H:-s= in Eastern Oregon f:r Cash. whi-.h we ar- a l itiv-rerted '-’e thr'. - on extravagant government that they have evervthing their thence AV. to place of leginning Polling place at Stauffer A Sweet- are for Burr.«. • :ar- enr .r.’cr- app*upriatiocs. an 1 if ooe may own way in that lody. ser’s bead-juartere on Crane creek '«Ut i» bere: n>4 oedy tà.x* "ut we _ .lz- from the nu:>ber of sebemre J: u '. es : David Carey. L Temli. COC STY COURT :•!:< EEniSG*. 4 are p».-r*ta»ded :« tbe prvp-er place m,w lef r C-xsgr-«* calling for Geo. Shelly. • js I X for thè «òuntv town, li is thè best large at.-«a** of m»u»y which seem C lerks : Grant Thompson and Tbe County Court has been in Cha*. I’etereon. l.aKSii -n in thè <■ unty. k i» toe t • have tr.; e: 1 r- :n,ent f ¡-».ling B urns C irculating t . ibra ;80 LICIT Crane creek ; r cinct corot.taring Republi . - tr.-y Lave reof- n f-^r -■=-*-:.«n since the Feb. 24th. 1« •' 1 . . -.- R- ad dist.’ t N T, with I‘avid AND rii « set thè railr-:«ad. Yr.-t ocn- r. **. aitbougl. cotmderbly delayed Carey a* supervisor. a. .e. y a*k- if * -Breid Le voted BOOK 3ZCHANGE try ir ani .« ve tiLax. ‘-.«-r. rio hlvies by petition» m-d • s* peti'iocs in IS THE HEZ a LD BriLDIMG- 7- .- .1 . tba! ia thè virenity yf anv -xatr at ' ' V. corner of Tp. tn?matterofre-*i.ttrie:l:.gtbeco:"i- C mmere Mis. GB a L: b > akias . town. The besin «* ra-n cf Bums tmpey. Tr.-r -. re-.Ty may safely 2 S. R. 31. then«- N. N'W. cor bave c-5-n-i a ojun-houie, grati*. •?..* ...at or. the I'-n. reratsof tbe Ht are •y. -h-nrigig old ad ei ner fTp. 15 8. R. 31 E: thence E. new precincts a* follow», to-wit: .n N. line of Tp. to where same ai»I to foot thè expec«e f zl . . z ' to keep it posted ra what ( xcing CTRST I ewres the river, thence northerly if ti. y ear.a .t c ' j k th* extrav :he wwnty rw«ed«_ AVith all due z* Cotnmen -ingat a poir.t a tl. a-.- fl. «ing tl.e course of sail river deforenee to Haraer City or ary agance-. ty lire retwven ttra-a a: 1 Hzrr.-y to a r-.l : intersecting the Tp. line Senat -r Blair spoke four days on atber p:int*. if aay, we are oun- eoartie«, a; tbe N. E. corr r «fTp between Tpa. 17 and 18; thence E ptOed to aay thatour town bas eev- hl* educational l<ill this week r. - - . ■ - to N E. co • r : Tp 1« 8. R "2 E tainìy thè advzt.tage. we t;.ir.k. in The «>pf»r.. r.- - of this me xsure in AV -ra-rofTp li»R. 27«E thence S. to 8E. corner of Tp. 20 8. - - • -y 8. to 8 E. • rner of Tp. 21 ■' of H R _ 2 E: thence AV. to 8AV. corner everv resject. AVe do not «rasure H_r..cr C.ty fot thè effort :1* .ri .•.iatly t*> de« at it. and now they 24 E_: t’.ence AV. to S. AV. rer r cf ofTp ’3) ~ R 31 E. to place «.f be- Tp 21 - R. 24 E.; (ferae * ginnir.z. Pc.Lr.g place at AV alter i reo* ite n.aking it i» :. for ar - xsfidently daiming that a nu- ■ - f Tp. 22 8 R J . I Cr* *s re ■i !-a ;-«i Trout creek. . r:ty ;.:t..-,- renal;*.- are ji.-ir 1 them to do *o. i (brace AV to X W. «-«orr -re JtDGE«: A. AVintermier. AV alter CAPITAL ua- - --.andCha* Byer. Tbe effor mode by thè btirines« again*-, it. In spite of this claim 8 R. 23 E: th--nre? S on w -t C lerk -: Stephen AV cods and ral impreseioa i* that the darv line of said county of Harney men of ibi* place is eeruinly a th- a F E Bracn. President, i '«V m M F all , Treason tor AV. corner of Tp. 27 8. R 23 I'crton bill will pass. pon nnd zrnt indù .mmt t- tax-parere V E. H ughes . Vice-President, E. Thence E on a line between M auKin Roa 1 . t No. 4 «.--me boon- | Col Lam at. who was formerly Tp* 27 sad 2*. ~ ■ « 8. E. e rr. r v.te fot Bum». The b..l<i:.'.£ of- ■ ’ . a '■- zrolia/ble salb dfc? fored i* suitable in every r-sp» t. Mr. C.eTri/.r-i - private e - retary. thence N to ed supervis.c. ar.d wiil answer tbe purjose ir. wa* in Washington this week for the meander line along N. Lo : .- riry*; ra at theo£ce <f tkeJ^^H BCRNS . U nited teode-1. for nuite a numìxr arcare, part of a «lay. He .-aid his vifit ry line • f H arner and Lake, i hence Commencing at NE. cor.cfTp.19S. J. D. Shaw, westerly on said meander line to antil tbe eounty «etile* up a rei we was a business one. but lot» .f peo where tbe same interred* the II R. ■>• E: t!.- .-. - AY. t N. AV. ccr 2-3--tf tier of Tp I 8. R. 28 E Ba 8 feci abie to build su-'n a court- ple thought there might nave been . -.- t» i! linai p rl ire...- 1,1 proof to 8 W. corner of Tp. 22 8. R 28 B ju-t a little politic« mixed up with N. to N. E corner • f Tpre' * _ ---------- d Receivl house a* tbe eitizen* desi* (brace E. to 8E. corner of Tp. 22 i. lSBO.viz: tbe business. • bracw W. toN'E. corm r'fp 25. Bar * R _• E th r • X • N E r, 3. R. 2' E: then * t 8AA’ BREWERY. The Democratic congress for.al 19, for the •fTp. ' - i nee E to xYf’ * T he H e » ald u . has beer, and ner ofTp. 23. S. R 2o E: thence AV- ampaign eommitte-.- is practi alir : Tp. _4 S R. 31 E: thence will be in the future, a strairK out- r. • -re: _ 8.R.27E oroplete, and further rdimmidc *- thence N . to place of beginning. PAUL LOCHER • HE • \ - - 8. R. 31 E: PROPRIE t-AstaMNB. and-out Democratic pap de > thence AV. to NAV. corner .f Tp. 21 . at a* to it* organization is not In tl. - pre« ir.ct four polling places B U R N S. O R E G O N voted to the interest of the party, .: .- i a- are hereby established as follows: S. R. 31 E ther.ee N. to place of rrvitig .e . . ’ - :..i i •-ci.a--.ing P z p’.ac -.No 1. ----------------- ---------- -------------------------------------- —. ------- HE A HI No. I—At the new school Louse ' ■ Town Hall in Burns, and N'o 2. at The coant v-se at' i «-.ion. remem- his party, d- v g alf:. energies nitely known whether Senator Gcr- man will accept tbe chairmai iship near Geo. AVilliam's place. John Garrett's residence on Emi Usn«,' Ur citizen* of Harney county, is ¡n behalf of the »am he is only b III 1.» Na. 2—At Gaylord's place at grant creek. »irictly a i»n»;a»-.-s proposition to lx- csrrvinE out bis »->a=- T.ti .us cor.- of the committee, which is now be ing arged upon him bv tbe party Wagontire mountain. At A ’V. AVr.ere. n ■ t on ; Ufi.v -* principles. . fictions, politically. T. M rri-on. ar.d Cal. SscPheetere. No. 3—At AVm. Hogan’s place, 1- a l r*. Notwithstanding, we do not ct-n- C lerks : Geo. McGowan and H. Tn ? hearing* in the Ohio bs-Hot- in Up pt r Silver ereek; valley. wbo has just re- »sre any man, personally, for be F;:< •< Mr. < •• No. 4—At Warm Spring ranch, C. Levees. Lox forgeries investigati n. which iu AVarn, spring valley. Jririt»: At Emigrant creek. Jno. turned from Portland, ire learn that lieving and advocating a different were us d by Ohio Republicans to SAYER ¿ TORE in the «ait brought by the United policy antagonistic to ours, but the Judge$ ar.il clerks cf election as i Garrett, F. G. Biutur, and AA’m. ay, 7th get even with each _ oth r on old follow»: Smith. Ätr-.Ä. Stat ■ - for r* overy of lands claim» ! gross mistakes,the mammoth swin score*. Lave been cl- se i, all wit- C lerks : Rott. Ziiky ar.d Tim. Kc*:$ rvz*'<-*;r es h&a i t xrjv »*- k -f « ■ i7:*> ■ N I —J- : SK9: by the Road U’vtr.pany, decision dle«. arel fraud* perrx-trated by rao- n- *-e- di- hr.rg-'l arel th: c liirnit- M A'. Smith, R J. Bak r, and Geo. Donovan. »a- £ v..i in favor of th? Company nopolie« and corporations, and un tee adjotitntd subject to the cal! of M. Williams Road district N'o. 2. same boun doubtedly an- tione l by tbe party in cv« ry instance. ’looring-, G lebes : D. F. Awbrevand E D. daries and Chas. Zeigler. »upcrvi*t>r. its chair:: an The last bearing in power, lead? us to believe, with wild horse was highly sensationaL Foraker Eaker. Tur new» that w got from tl.e. out a ihad jw cf doubt, that it is call i Gr -ven a liar, sr.d V>’c«>d Pou v • i’ - B N 2—8. r . H .• - Commencing at th’ SW. c mer of Moldings. * NOTIC only through the Democratic party ton. John AV. Ammons, and AV. D. Harney county and running then« e I lah elections show conclusively stat-rd that the:..-g< d d cunic-r.t was N. on AV boundary line of raid can we eflect the reformation ne-:es- , Arnett. that polygamy in that country i» pre par d ' y F raker, H_iddand »■•••anty to N'W corner »fTp. 37 S. C lerk «: Geo. II. Brown and E. R. 2ri E: thence E to NE. corner «.«f 2T2. vistió virt'tally dead, and which 1» ’cer sarv to prove to the worl 1 that man himself. Wood Las been detected Kurtz. ri Peter Tp. 37 S. R 31 E: tl. .x-e E t • a tainly a God-read to all moral, is capable < f relf-government. liman, in a g 1 many but there are PcLLISC PLA- E N 3—JrixIES: point d :•- 8. of SE. 1 i 10 V rner of Tp. pure-min-l-sl peep!- f the United’ Feeling a« we do, it w^al 1 1« irn-, lots of folkswb- - - pret R. AV. Nickels, J. A. AViiliama, and ■ Y; 8 R 32 E: thenc - X to SF. States. Polygamy La» Leen a »tig- possible for us to run an indepi-nd- ty near tl.. truth in this last stat-?- H H. Elliott. • ■ • er •"■*: -■■-'* S R.32 E: thraee nia and a « irse r- -:;-g eu (hi*Gov ent paper, because our desire is to C lerks : J. B Craig and AA’m. ? . , • ’ : - ernment, which v now hope L- work for the party, to. if possible,, How's this for paternal govern-, H ogan. ard ptralii IS a point *rh«• the , increate num; «.rs, it* strength.1 JXTew Machine wiped out of existence. PoLLitti P lace N • 4.—J udges : sa:. • ni-akesajog t th’ N'„thence meet? Pi«Is Lave Lxea introduced : and its usefulness, to unite the conrintte E. ■ n *;'.:d iar-1 line by Ilepu-iican« in both H uses to R. J. AVillian..- James Walters, ami E. loundary <f said e-xintv: party, to keep down, as much a? iu Is iac Fort r. N B. A Good r-»s 1 all the wav. prohibit any changes Icing male T he rulings invented and put in- 8 to SE (afraid our power lies, all factions, all dis- C lekks : F. S. R.il.-r and New ■ ■ a ;■ 8p k .- R : .- . . in the boundaries of any congress ell Hall. |ty, and thence AV. on 8. boundary i cords, and everything that has a lire.- of the c «ir.t_ r to place of be- another iaetanc? of the Repub ional district until after Congre--: Curry precinct shall conititute tendency to divide or disrupt the lican party, shown, z to the w rid shall have made the apportionment R. <1 Distr. t No. 1. with Simon ginning. Polling place at AVild party in our town, county, State, or. Horse rar.ch. Burns-Canyon Stage Line, • inclusively the gradual weak '■ of Representatives on the returns of Lewis supervisor. Government. H arsv -,-. ening of the party, which has the cens is to Lc taken thia year. If I. JEWITT. PsorRIETOB. Knowing that in ‘ uni>n there is — " shak- Isen shown in more thin cne in-: Congress, or a majority thereof, can Commers ing at the N. E. corner of «trength." we know that it is per ir.g bands with <ur neighbor J. C. LZi’*« 7 c --» oe 5¡o-c*y». <e.r Frida;». at • a a stance bjr the popular vote; when make such a law there u no limit to Tn 22 S. R. 34 E Th ce AV. re » wi.h’Lx' ciar.- I ñttv.’V. tr.iukevipw at Bam*. fectly natural for the Republican N. AV comer of Tp 22 .- R. 34 E; AV- ¿lev, Tuesday last. ti«x ■ for rifxrfTf» ever it party will nrert to anv what it may not do. th--r.ee N. three miles to center cf party in counties or States, where —Highland (Va.) Reorder: “If means, however de1 asing or ilk-gal, Representative Grimes, of Geor the E. line cf Tp 21, S. R 33 E. the Democratic party has a small is similar to a drowning r un catch gia. left a AV ashington h tel because thence AA'. to the AV I:-.- fTp. 21, three men buy a horse and pay a majority, to if possible cause a split hundred d »liars for it. one of them ing at a straw; tLey feel they must rerson'sl jagazinepor t S90. a negro was seated at th- same ta S. R. 33 E; thence N. "o N. E. cor- paying a third, the second one a in the Democrat ranks, thereby soun g i the wall. ble with him. Public opinion here r rofTp 21. S R j- E; thence fourth, and the third a fifth, what gaining a victory for themselves. AV.toN. AA’. corner of Tp. 21. S. R. say« Mr. Grimes did right. ------BEST AND CHEAPEST------ 32 E: thence 3 to S AT. nier of is the sh_re of tach man?” I but we have (us much confidence in T mr B s .» t - t nr»—and t. v, > g are f- >m acme of the nr. •’ Representative Blount's bill au Tp 23 S. R. 32 E. t Tin: Republican organs and lead- the Democrats of Harr-ev countv -e E to S a-io? :Tr 1 tv :< be bee? pc: * < r f. ; h wn?e-» a* Mr». LfK . H. H —< >nly last month T he H erald are - •■«» _•__ _ of * *a - aw. .a mould a • • • thorizing the Postmaster General to E corner Tp. 23 S. R. -4 E: thence SU5. irack I.ec FcrcL- A.:-vr Vani Er - 1. E Ja Hicri * H.-«aM reel ing _ — piliticians this Htate e •> e of Their txa? ivta. Eieh* r.we!e » bl «1 cearly vre hw recorded th death -f the youngest ec< to believe for an instant, they will will be fires darts» ’ he year. N to N E. corner Tp 22 S . R. 34 erect post-c-lHce buildings in all have the people of Oreg»:» believe be lol into any such trap, and es child of Mr. ar.-l Mrs. V»’. G. Pierce T hr F f ^ t H.» u * xh ' ld DreiRTHT-yr.—EmbrariBff arfielea oskeattKirartl ether eu xe f i: rahxaUe to the hx ’>- i that tlie L’emncratic party, to far ‘ pecial y at th*. vrninjel.-cticn. This toms where the gr«s« receipts «X- E. the place of beginning. Polling of Enterprise. and this month it is < famakiE«. i!w tarsrn ki c. ec place at school hou.-e. it F zmiom I-rritmAT-Givisc rhe la’ee? asd fb-t-wr aerire« our s.'. i duty to report a second 4- T . hr B ••-. as the State is cotxrrrned, is virtu being tite first general election held c —I ♦■!.<.’a years is warmly »?• - - a . ’ - T - ' - ' ' • • . :i pl. J1 nr.:, T- -wf ter. R. F. Clay death in th-, same family, of the v«md-es>><raTic£h; mo . x nu-»i»« dr«.*• pattern K««cibly. ally dead; that Gov Pennoyer was in the county, we hope and believe proved by Mr. AA'anamaker. T he I f‘Y F» n ; ’••- rk P attelx —Met vf i rri j*:: '<-•! in. -« -: ’i pool. ard J. C. But klat.d. young-st daughter. Bertha. which a=d moat popular deaftgsa» prvdaerd at home a&d at r^dri >- nat». M «->dy 1...» i-.tr Ju d a elected to the ofiice of Governor by that every D ne- rat will put his C lerk «: Geo. Zumait and Jno. t- k place Tuesday night. The T hi R est ~ tei ; E n : r ivin >—-Rt « - :» r-.v :he edr DaiEaaiBe cvia« tiRK a.1 enxrxriBo ’ ac-ident; that our leader* are not f'i «uldor t > the wh«-«L arel by th«-ir bill providing for th erection of a E. Roberts. sympathy of ev T hr • hea .’ e « t -- a « - r-.rr?’ -. riT « m much cf ir’erxa? Lor is with the doubly t-ireav<.d worth a picayune: that the party vote establish, beyond a <1 «ubt, Har p-stoffice building in all towns c-f ekimt J-a Fnce to « r hi a the rea h vt ererybody. The a* ovcconstitute* boundaries lus become disheartened and will ney n unty as one of the Democratic 4,000 population. of E ad J -lstiict No. 3. with Chas. pare nts. TERMS: #2(0 A YEAR IN* ADVANCE Senator Pierce bos introduced a Rush z* supervis* r. make no eff- rt for supremacy. AVe I counties of Oregon. ELEGANT PREMIUMS FDR GETTING UP ULO Ttir Burns Eire pauj. bill for an agricultural corr. mission • k •'? a y - • - er>-^v;«g ~Tba T*'! FINX CSZKK wish to inform our lopubhcan The Democracy of Harney may iKrieeof maeof uarstaadaratHflHM^H_ friends that Democrats are not rest assured cf the fact that tbe Re to investigate the cause for the prew Commenci.aj at the S. AV. corner of • *. * r»he Better of the Hah. j ’ : h as ext-a <-» one year, and rk»« made of th's kind of material. I>o pul iicc:.» wiil not leave a »tone un- ent unsatisfactory c-«nd it.mi of the Tp. 29 S. R .'3 E; thence N'. to N. at J. Durkheimt-r & Go's, st re to ■ 4f» te.'t »‘.««k. t»at«vixutxm to the retter-op < AV. comer of Tp. 18 8, R. 33 E; cf’-. - t a^'em.aftent Organizati -n. they thir.k for a moment tliat the turned. or a < bor«l unstruck to ac- agricultural interests. thence F. to N'E. comer of Tp. IS For Larger Club«, rtill finer premiums. Cal. Geer pr«-s;<i-:>t: M. Th- Po«tnia«tcr G r. ml wants •”* R 34 E: tl. nee S. to HE. cor: - r party, the Repul. 1: h « considered vwupli-h their end». They think Send lar • *aa>ie e-c^y with fV.I TOfttetotaa, Addnn N Feg’lv vice-president- Gerge a postal telegraph system, embrac at the close of the war d< a J to all and work on the principle that "Ihe of i p. 21 S It. 34 E; thence AV. to A oung, secretary; Henry Chambers. PETERSON'S MAGMJ intents ami purposes, buried s»> end justifies the mean«.” for which ing those cities having the free de 8W. corner of Tp. 21 8. R. 34 E; 306 Chestnnt st., ■ ■ •» - ■ Ik. i .- .. T he HesALnand PetenoD one year $3.60, •l-eply that it nwrer, a* they believed we do not blame them, if their w *k livery system, to be established at thence N. to SE. earner cf 8ec. 13. ure; AA m \A <jod. fore-man: E-l. Jnv. Tp. 21 8. It. : -3 E: thence AV. thr<>' r- p G.Smith. oxiid be re»urrecl»-d. Laving fought i-h north!«- manly t i g'.t-’ rad once. He made a long argument ceir rofTp. 21 S R. 3:1 E; thence l.-t - its way to its pres-nt state of um - , work, But we wish to wam our par in its fav- r bef -re th • H use commit N* on AV line of Tp. 21 8. R -33 E. - ■ CoustttBtion and By-Law* read f-ilneM and power, vi.l lamely sub ty in time, hoping it will stimulate tee on P<«stu31cew this week. H. toN'AV. . re-rofTp. 21 8 R. ::: E i y sevt.- n. approved, and ndoated. mit and take a Lack-seat in the i and arouse a spirit of energy for the ' fo liev - it would I m great co .veui- lb n. • AV ,.n S. line of Tp. 2 • S R. Membership twenty. synagogue in any btate. county, ar work in our own ra:«ks. so as to enceand that it would be self-sus- •’ ■ L. to ¡lore<-f i-eginning. Polling place at Fine creek srlwus l o lUM* I precinct? IK nine rata are made of : make it certain that we may show tainirg Adam F•-repaugh.It i« «id, never JfiaRi; J. p. Gtarhart. J. H. El-R< presentativw 8ym«*,of (.Col lietler mat -rial. AVe would have our whole strength at th? co rnu sn.i’scd, i nr chewed tobacco nor rfcw-rd.and Alfred Mark». orado is here <.p|<e>ing Secretary them to understand that every true elect-on. C: ekk «: Ja». Andereoa and Da drar.k intoxicating l’»|r--!rs. His 1*0 y>a TU’ a Mt'iiae’ AA'ind 'ui's silver I ill. Th? Hous- vid Miller. •s was due to tlwwvcgh appli Democrat believes hi* ¡ arty to te cati.-! tn Lis biH-r.«» ar.d to «hr wd Medal for SXan’ey i< to e made com >iittee in charge of the Lili has the people's party. ev< ry true lien.- S17.50 $30.0-3 to The al,..' »bail <-<<n«titnte R««a«l Ln»ir.-<s methods. He was kind at ocrat believes that the leader* of • *'ar At slab g >!d. invited Mr. AVind»ni to appear be «’ -ir: • N’o WARRA a TED FIVE YEARS. with Frcd Biisj su- heart—especial ..r. r.ials— Wi-h ,n at, .«es* « - h - »ritanM nmmaf Mr - sisuers " ">«*' pervifor. Democracy are working for th- best Gen. lev’s mourn*.*nt will vnn- f"r it and onLmit h - r: ws rough in exterior, fond of a joke, $iO to ¿20. H D ckwskt interest of the people and tho Car- veiled. May 15th to 29th. Anetbcr lig R--« ullican editor ■ ' - . - Cora ? .«•*., ,j aj tl.e S’>V -rr r cf < f. except heads < f department, ernment, w-.rking for equ.il r ebts | Bill for admission of Wyoming has been provided f.-r by the admin- TP ' R. M E; Tl -t.ee N. to ar.-l be atur.ced to the smallest de- Itaration. Charles Booty BmMh,! and protection to all. rich and poor, favoral ly reported in the House. NAV vunxr f :p 1*- R. 35 E. taiL ¡.la.--'.;'—Ex. UNT. Brown S500,0( pe seo for