Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1890)
zi uà O regon H erald is r •‘-I tn BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH . 15. 6, 1890. $2.50 a Year ----------- -------------------T—= Report from Zanzibar says the LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. HURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. ERALD. HE Sultan is dead. Very rich gold find reported in fc.ERY THURSDAY T. V. B. EMBREE, M. D. FROM ALL PAKTS OF THE WOULD Nach county. N. C. -Dallas’ new electric lights were ■ BY Office at hiirc’li’erteou lijecart ide of Sil- THE HOPKINS HOUSE Yiea River, ter irilet below burn«. Free fishing on Alaskan watersis turned on, Feb. 17th. |N. GRACE, Political, Social, Rendions, and Ed • ■: said, Feb. 10, to be attainable next -Senator Mitchell delivered a ucational Events. | ani > P roprietors . «*.• M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . speech in favor of free coinage of season. S B. M< PHEETERS, M. D. Murders, Suicides, Theft«, Accidents, Total diwnagc to Los Angeles sliver, 28th ult. Lotnet by Fire, Blood, Itali, Mf»r '|,EK laws . EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. PHYSICIAN * SURGEON. ' give notice by Cyclone mut Blizzard. country, estimated at $850,000 and -Corvallis is the only town in the Igthd paper does not answer the Office ut W. E. Grace’s Drug Store. 1-ly UMCril’Vf (1<H’M Hol Hike hl« paper ° • river course changed. Willamette valley on a stream not e.^Kt lie renBou for i s not being •• Prohibition is awake in Arkan- Mjtoetto do so makes the pust- Thia Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furnitute) »nd offers courteous se ryics to every Vueet. damaged by the recent floods. tfbfetb 11..* i-iihush' r lor pas ment O’Connor says he will bet two to • • • i sas. i « j « ou >rde:B lbs paper dtseort E. P. HOWARD, -Senate Bill appropriating $500,-' k S miv II nrreara». s. or the Pub one on himself, against Hanlon, to sen i it mt i. pa merit 1« TV B clx *. La Grippe is a new brand for ci PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. 000 for public buildings in Port- |Mtthe whole uniwuru a hether it whom he challenges. IN CONNECTION WITH THE UOUFE. or uot. There < an be gars. BURNS, OREGON. land, Ore., was passed Feb. 13. ■¡¡Man *c till pay men! is made Feb. 16th was the first,!4^nday BsM^iho takes a ptiper from the ^^Uire'te 1 to his mime or au- Rich petroleum found off the the law against sum selling eiithat . -A new line of business has re- h«r hl H ub sul-berk-cd or not. is •Pacific coast, so says report from i su’ted from loss of the Salem bridge . day |ias been enforced. ■■»r rders his paper s opped the Pub.mmr iwduuiub ' City of Mexico. Notary Public. in the maintainance of row-boats. ^^^Ker is b.eiu.l io pit- General Blacksmith & Waeon-maker. Society for Supproes'o-.i or Vic- 1||K< |.,.s:.>!ii ;■ i'.. 8 Jo’“ D. L. GRACE, -A bullet of gold worth about $1, Case of Edward Noble is set for pu. what to the San t'ra;.<iisco ^»ress KUHNS. t>R L akevikw , Orna*. was the result of an assay of about1 H. R. SCHLÄGEL ,i(Mcled thru refus’ng t< Land Filngs, Contvst Blanks,»Applications for Marell 1st, for heftring in flie U. S. to stop lottery advertising. puriodit ii>; from the pc«t Publication Notices, cur.vcily and promptly a pound of ore from Estella lode. supreme court. dM tii'i ailed for, wiihi-u attended to. Deeds, Notes, and Mortgages r it saiiul is i l ima fa< iu evidence ul legibly drawn up. charges reasonable. 11-30. for Radical party in House of Com |<r ksad. > tir I U. 8. evolution squadron while at mons will assist a measure that will -State Veterinary Surgeon Wythe- i Preptcared do all Eire'» f f Werk in ih Riat kimilh lii e. Here« SLceiug at combe, found three horses with; Villefranche, were permitted to PTION KATES; z-B UGGÌ E S, WAGONS, ET C.,-v favor dissolution of Parliament. glanders in Eugene, and ordered ! | land and drill 700 men. MADE TO ORDER WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. J. NAT. HUDSON, L.Xt Senate bill to provide for an As them killed. . .76 ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. A L L W O R K W A R R A N TtE D. The Carter Bill to throw open the .2.50 ,n< c) sistant Secretary of State with sal -Feb. 16, loss of stock in Baker Office: BURNS, OR. west end of Crow reservation to HKKAllb CLl’B IJNT ary of $4,500 a year, was passed county was expected to be no greater settlers favorably reported. and Jlurptr'- Maga/ine ........ Feb. 14. and ¡IaMr'’W’‘ •'ly . 5..G than 5 percent, with hay in reserve, | -. . H»d iliUffM •'s Bazar . 5.20 C'. W. Swanson, at San Jose, Feb- DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. and grass starting up. The deputy-U. S. Marshal Train and Itami Young Pcople 3.75 Attorncy-at-Law. 10, knocked out J. W. McMamara, and Alden‘1 .'Itinifold ( ycl«»pe«lia,. .2.90 er, is under arrest in Gainesville, -G. A. R. State encampment in' additional |*dnme after Voi. 1, .V> ctnts, M. DUSTIN I in a 7-round boxing match. its extra Dvfsolunie. p< stage. Eugene, was changed from Feb. 12 j Ts., for the murder of Belle Starr ’ S Jtfice: Ilarney City and Burns. ( Copie« A pie» of all ihe abovc w< rks culi ba ex Oyster grounds of Oroaoke is- husband. to Feb. 26, because of poor chance ! ieisurt; ii at leitjure in thè iicading Kuum. land, N. C , are being operated at Butler’s Negro Emigration Bill for delegates to get there by rail. pf periodicu’s are a.»liciteci r-Pa ' the point of shot guns, Feb. 14. B. a f t.p\ of their work for clubid meets with favor from numbers of j -Jan. 26th, the arrival of Judge mi—A e file, and bind Ihe W. W. Cardwell, DICKSON & SULLIVAN PROPRIETORS. IAB y half-voluine, »"•<! r«v ( i In the late Mormon defeat, Gen Negroes who want to go to the Con and Mrs. Deady, of Portland, is re A T T O It N E Y -AT- L A W. tiles claim 1200 majority, and the L.-------- ported from Kalakaua’s Kingdom, go Free States. Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. B urns , O k . KATES: where they will make a months’ Mormons concede 400 as their loss. Australian-ballot law find friends Prarti-es in nil the courts of the Slate, 1 yr. ! sno 6 TUO H 1 n’° Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, .Mo, before the U. 8. Land Office. Only 112 men that wear the med in the Governors of Massachusett stay. h uo Sh 'H) fil.O) »lô.oe ; . TH£ Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when L and M atters a S pecialty . îH.ije 28.00 j b 5D 12 0« -There are 31 counties in Oregon, al of St. Helena, and on the pen and Montana, and Mayors of Bos N s ou 1 ...... u.oo 40 00 you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. E lo.oo 20. Û0 :-2.oo 50.00 , . and newspapers are published in all sion list of the Legion of Honor for Il 15 'M 2«. 00 48. C0 áí.UO 1 ton and Worcester. 1 -.8,00 Ih. Oo KJ. OU 120.00 ; ! the total number being 121 in the 1890. «10.00 110.00 140.00 : VIS' W. HARNES, M. IL Washington policemen found a State; 12 are daily, 3 semi-weekly, Prineville, Ur. J I Senator Davis’ Pension Bill for small tin box in a spittoon in the ro 95 weekly, 2 semi-monthly, and 9 ?ICE TO MttElGN ADVERTISER<. BARNES & BIGGS. » ■ reftpeetfullV Holi-i:lug your pi’routiKV ; all six-month army nurses’ benefit, tunda in the capitol, they take to monthly. PATENTS. egire to kuepfir n-tuier« p.,a eu n« to the ' ,xi8 and reliable firms to deni with, cut ■ gives $25 per month from March 1, be a railroad torpedo. C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. Ipuce will be cave l bv referring to the Attorneys at Law, -Feb. 17, six of Montana’s run ilg statenien’F baeed upott our (.inula 1890. Patenta obtained, and all patent bu«ine«H attended to promptly and for moderate fee«. tills and udj.ftilng countB r ; The Naval Pension bill was away senators were reported in Our Office 18 opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain in less time than [thole •Liberal reduct ■..»n to ail yearly advet-: Will practice in all oí the ccur'p of the state. All business placed in care of this firm will be Call at Office, or write to 1’ubiiRher. .John Graham, one of the Cronin amended and passed in the Senate, Pendleton, ‘'looking at the coun remote from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability fre« proinp.l) attended to. •(hila charge«[ extra, according to space; of charge; and we make no chargeunleaa patent is secured. jury bribers, failing to appear, Feb. rating disability at $72, and par try,” the democratic portion of that metal Imav i We refer here to the Poatmaater, the Superintendent of Money Order Division, and tu noral medfciu-il a<!s. at no price. | crtiBomenlr ai les» than 10 cents per 10, his bond was declared for tial disability at $50 per month. officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to*aetaal legislature not being in session nt price, y«ai-ly, or -0 cents, irai.sient, clients in your own State or county, write to above address. feited. 47 years have been devoted to that time; were on their way to 'jfial potftiou $'2 extra «barge per in- PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. Ilistca<l of )»• si Ion a s.ii'.i ling tea 1» r The resignation of the Army piecing a crazy quilt of 30,075 Portland. ^tentlon to *• I cm h <« k .«.run iu w u h t . a . M c K innon , Paymaster opens a way for a lively scraps, and it is just completed by ■As wvl^^ot ■ '.>«■ ail our a'lvertlsenicn'.s -All hope of recovery of N. K. | Any nn»l all kini’s of surveying done on shot ; f. ’ur pubii« u’i >i •«. fl ca« h. riotke and reasonable terms. Settler fight for the appointment of his sue- Miss Lizzie Weaver, of Bridgeton. Trazer alive, was given up by his wishing to be located, can have piuis furulehc ♦MatiriiflMK;rt!i. and death anno’inee- Fits:-: of charge. cessor. free. Hmh i ;ns «.»¡hited r.s n.>wp. Pa. ' XIouses and Cottages I fellow business men of Pendleton; •Li be rati «rt .I’erei to religioui,, s»< ial. .lii.-a'.ionjBBb-» I.vs. the missing man for whom hun- still The remains of Dr. Cronin Mrs. Burke Roche, a millionaire ’ s _____ ; jdi; WORK I). S. HOPKINS, A rchitect . ¡SADDLE AND HARNESS SUOI I await interme nt in Chicago, Fu- daughter, having married an Irish ■ dreds of citizens have been search-1 neral takes place some time in car- peer, Lord Termoy, is now in search ing, was lost Jan. 23tb, in the Blue ! ' di'HcrlptiiMi excel uted with uca'.ncfB Grand Kapids, Mich. Itch, at tfci s.iuabie .» ratee. J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . ly spring. Will furtush Designs of H ouecji , Cottages, and Mansions costing from |300 ou up to auy of a divorce from her mercenary mountains. Pamphlet a figure wanted. If you menu lo build,send |1 to mv address, and 1 will mail you a purtfo- BURNS. OREGON. Letter Heat’s, 1;RI Heads, 1 .o of . 3 designs of dwellings, like the one on file in E ast O regon H erald office, with Waitsburg Enterprise is inquir husband. -A man named Applegreen is in Not< Hea« s, , Cart's, TlcKe.s, full plan of each, full size details, complete specifications, and bill of materials, al) very Dodge 18, Etc. anda. : lnjvi t;atL>ns, full and complete so any ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going ing as to whereabouts of one John I $20,000 is given by the citv of Union county jail for selling liquor 1 ahead and completing the work. And if you do not find just what you want, write inu what changes you de» re mad«, «D«t 1 Will at coinniodale you. Or leave Orders with T h « to Indians, brought in from Walula. Hilburg, who disappeared the last Vancouver to remove the sand bar H erald . Y ou will It as cheap to erect a handsome house us to waste material on an un sightly building. Wilj aid you in re constructing your preseut bcllding. 41-It of September. near therc. and an Appropriation The crime is one against the United DIRECTORY 10th inst., Jesus Discara while in to aid in the work will be asked of Str.tes, and in Washington there is I no U. S. court, established since a dispute with Ignacio Ordaga,east the Government. IATIONAL m The Odell n territorial days. Benjamin Harrison of San Diego, shot the latter twice,' -"•Klent.' An imperial address in favor of Levi P. Morton -An unfortunate old girl to hide 1Y P E W R I T Ell JatnesG Blaine ry of State killing him instantly. amending condition of working William Windom ry ofTreato ry BLACKSMITH. Job nW. Noble the shame of her downfall, drowned ry of Interi ,rv of War w«r Redfield Proctor try WILL nuY TUK DDEi.r TYPE WRITER. WARRANTED TO DO AS ©4» North Carolina tobacco planters people, will be made by Emperor herself in McDowell creek, nea j <¡»4 Benjamin F. Traeev ADOLPII TUI’KER-----Pr.ou’i: ry ot of Navy «0 I v as any One-Hundred Dollar Machine. 91 Jeremiah M. Rusk ry of AgriOU ture in Franklin co., estimates an acre William to France, England, Bel Lebanon, Baker county, Sth inst. Win H. H. Miller VERS Xr’Ä«; It combines siMPi.iciTYwith durability - — speed , ease of operation — GE N E R A L R E I> AIRI NG — gium and Switzerland. John Wanamtiker age of 10,000 this year against The partner in her disgrace, was DRE«.' ¡ON: •TAT wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine», has i J. N. Dolph 2,000 planted last year. After having his right arm am one of the young men of the wagon en atura . K no ink ribbon to bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- •j J. H. Mitchell R. Binger Hermann el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin.g ,T“ San Francisco is fining pistol putated, Geo. Matthews of Youngs road surveying crew in her neigh D.SylvcBter Pvnnoyvr P.: - (Jeo.W. McBride ry of Stole .11. town, O., put the pal t ent off into borhood, several months ago. I.ikc a Printing Press it produces sharp, clean, manuscript. Two to ten copies carrying $100 for each offense, or (.. W. Webb rar D call be made at one writings. Editors, lawyers, ministers, bankers, merchant», J. H, McElroy Promptly executed. The building Ims 1 ccn on Ubile iBBthl lei ion i R a basket, and carried it ten miles -At Hardman, Feb. 14, Frank Bakei larged and improved and is nrepared to turn 100 days in the county jail; hither manufacturers, business........ etc., cannot make i£l>etter iuvestment;for (15. D ’rlnter Ebi R. S. Strahan out ull kinds of blacksmithing on short notice D All intelligent person in a week can li* come a Good operator, or a.rapidone in 2 mon lb,. to his home unattended. ) Wm. I’. Lord and in the best style. Terms: Cash. 1-ly to the fine has been $10 to $25. ìc Judges R Dickens, in a fit of jealousy, shot s W. W. Thayer D $1,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type- Stanley snys 800 miles of rail and killed liis brother Wake, while SIXTH |l ’DICIAL DISTRICT: Oldest educational University in Writer than that produced by the Odell, g»«"Reliable Agents .............. p L B. T hon t Judge road can be laid for $17,000,000 in he latter was in the act of escort- .R J. L. R and Toronto, burned to the ground, Feb. t Attorney IIA R N E Y AI > V E R TIS g M E N T S. and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, <tc., address the i 14; library of 32,000 volumes lost. Africa, that will open to commerce ng Eb’s wife to supper after the COCK-Y—HARNEY : four great river basins, with a /• ball they were together attending. 45 ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T he R ookery , C hicago , III. G. W. GlLIIAM entati ya . (R) Total loss, estimated, $2,000,000. / Judge J, T. S hields : (Dj .1. NAT. n DSON W. A. WIKitlBF., ulation of over 80,000,000. ,W. E. G rack The murderer escaped to the coun-l (1» Harney, Or. Lakeview, Or. T. IL ROBEHTg rcr................ Madam Sagadn, female political • (D) (K) W. K. G It A DON try, but returned and gave himself! ■or................ Complaint was entered against f A. A. ( OWING prisoner flogged to death, Nov. 6. -(D) WILSHIRE & HUDSON .(D). W. K. A lderson up to the sheriff; had a prelimina-; the bosses at the Pacific Rolljng- L. li. H ake it Superintend» • (D) by prison keeper at Kara, Siberia; W ji . M eeker Inspector . ry examination, und was remanded Attorneys-at-Law, Stage i n e. 3 unfortunates escaped like punish Mills and Union Iron Works, in I. yti . e H o yard to custody to await action of the issioners San Francisco, for discharging em LAKEVJEW AND HARNEY. OR. T. B. J ames ment through suicide. ployees for not patronizing a cer grand jury. This firm practices in the courts of the State and before the C. S. Land Office. Any land A reputed $20,000 miser. Capt. tain boarding place. . and office : ----------- < o >----------- -Strange case of aberration of Office or other business entrusted to them will ..J. P». H untington receive prompt attention. Harborn, died in an old rat den of Littleton/ .U arjuson K elley mind in Arthur Dow, FROM PRINKVILLE TO BURNS. The Supreme Cotwi at Washing £4F“I-AND CASES SOLICITED. house in San Francisco, and $436 ——O--------- N. II., worth at the time $300,000. ton, Feb. 3, aflirmed the constitu in coin discovered amid the debris. C. B BAKER, Sub-Contractor. He suddenly disappeared last Au tionality of the Mormon Test Oath, More developments expected. Tx-nvra PriBcvIlle Monday« at 6 a m. Arrives at Burns Wednesdays at 6 p is. gust; came to Tacoma, Wash., ' • rnr, • ' • episcopal ciiurch - on the ground tiiat the constitution l eave« Burn« Thuradavg nt ö a in. Arrives nt Prineville Hatardajs at 4 p iu ELITE SALOON. *1^**‘W A. M.jtM' ART lT.Ptur. Jacob Adell at Fairneont, Ind., does not intend to prevent punish where he was found by bis wife, •« vrill l»e preff ng Dv the pester in ouch i eg foIl.’waÄi f ir:her nuirc- HARNEY,-------------OREGON saturated his clothes with kerosene ment of any person who in the Feb. 10. He thought he was some ¡’■»seliger rate« from Prineville to Burn« 17.60; ID.uud triptll- with 00 .lays delay. Eibbath—- Blip r — nt 11 n m. nud 7 .°0 p ni COATBWORTH 4- TREGASKIS, (If- Iidan oil, set fire to them, and was rBOrRSSTOB«. name of religion, commits a crime criminal, and when ho found I >1 • w -at 7.30 p m. »bnath-, i' i 1 a i . and 7 ; 0 p m himself in Portland, he did no ! voured by the flames. This was in the eyes of the law. — at 11 a m, nnfi 7:i,f p m s believed by him to be a suro way know his own name, and had but>i 5P-- Two girls aged 12 and 17 years, LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ■CILTIJ>. ADE T! to get to heaven. $50; went to work in a factory, and j respectively, fought each of her, 6th ittNfiv no . ;-, t o. o. F. An unfaithful wife, when so <1ÌS- inst., while attending their own when la grippe seized him regained i ts at Odd FÄ om « Hall, everv Saturday Wachmaker & Jeweler covered by her husband, beyond baptismal services, at Utica, Irid. mental faculties; realized his con question was brained by him on the The older convert objected to the dition; wrote hie wife; and will now ' J. W. BONEBRAKE. In Herald Building, kc< m adlolnlng the Office. spot; he escaped, but was captured younger taking precedence in the return home to his family. Lakeview, Oregon. i. MAILS. Open Every Day eacept Sunday, from 9 a in to 4 p m. EST of -Baker City Democrat: A sensa Every Lady and Gentleman a welcome Visitor to the Reading Room during the hours named. and returned to San Marcia), N. immersion ceremonial: blacked her £ VtLE. tion was created iri the financial C« ai:-l d epa rts * Mex., and jailed. rival’s eye and attacked the minis- circles in St. Paul, Feb. 5, by Public BVRM«*- h N YON CITY: P. H. MURPHY. The Star of Bethlehem, that ap 1 ter. «Monda a, W«< Invada y». Fridays. 6am. Examiner Kenyon, who made a* I)» di -«(tinto. s 10:45p m LAKEVIEW - - - - OREGON pears every 315 years, will be seen At Wolf Creek Fern, Feb. 7, two recommendation of three weeks' in kfKKTlLU: again this year; it is wonderfully cousins, boys of about twelve years. vestigation that the American, a m. HAY i GRAIN a m. brilliant for three weeks, then dis Jesse Hensen and Sam Herbert, Building and Lian Association | appears for «Isnit 17 months, when while attempting to exhibit ata wind up its affairs and quit busi "OHM ». ness. Examiner Kenyon finds it it may again be seen. «re ‘he cypn m and myr- ASSETS OVER A QUARTER <>F A MILLION DOLLARS. Ixty’s show, a parlor magic trick of has cost the American $300.6(10 to ri that srç dene in their Two young fellows, aged 24 and firing off a loaded rifle at a confed “The Leading Company cf the Pacific Northwest.” RIO Itcward. do a business of $1.200,000 in two1 There is a deficit of $75,000 e- rar-i Hiv vìe o" ELUN ;■ im . run; i RorEKTYA isK i .rr. ‘Ml M ^ORRF.L (»ELDING with White Fare Has 21, respectively, were arrested, Feb. erate standing a few paces off, years. >» ■’ d« . Afi with Har-abov**. on the Kight 14. in Denver, for conspiring to I AhotiMcr. Jesse shot Sam dead, havitip put and th - attorney general will blot Ivl and two Left-Oblique Bais • n l^-ft Hip. The Farmers' Company kidnap Senator Tabor, by enticing in too large a charge of powder, ut th • association at once. Its si LAR»;E WAV < ELOTNG. Prar.dcd T with eged capitol is $10,000,000, its < irr>, p. in‘g np. above, andv him into a house, rented for eir lie then took a razor and inflicted OF 8A. -.M, t iEtrON. 1 • v Quarter i:tw» the • > cr. m -1 by herizot tai lai.-'-''-' head quarters are Minneapolis, ami under th-- Quarter-f’irtle-J. on ¡.eft »«hcuider. purpose, and keep him prison -r un a probably fatal cut in his own its stock is )w Id in every State in the Return «bare described horses to L. GR *'T Burns, Ore. til he paid K50,(O0 as ransom. t hreat. i.r ¡1. ) MANLEY., Ur Union. H OUR LATE NEWS i STATE NEWS. JOB WORK. BURNS READING ROOM. STATE INSURANCE COMPANY.