THE J DURKHEIMER & CO’S. LOCAL-PAGE ADVERSTIEMENT. T" Listen IL.OWEST prices ONLY The Only House Harney Cointy ATVL With Their THAT CAN SUPPLY THE ZF S T O O K. FALL a WINTER SUPPLIES Our Prices are the SAME as 2Vt tile x*svil:ro£Lci 'witii freig-lxt added J. DURKHEIMER & CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN’ HARNEY VALLEY. L ADVERTISEMENTS. ' M U nited S tates L and O ffice , | __ ( Burns, Oregon, January 21. 1890.J 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- ng-named settler has filed notice of his inten­ on to make final proof in support of his claim, nd that said proof will be made before the I .egister* and! Receiver, U. S. l^and office, at i urns, Or., on Saturday, March 8th, 1890, viz: j William C. Slinrrett, , re. D. 8. NM45. for the SW'., NE»4, N W>4 SE«.,' 7, Tp ¿5,8. K. 3’-\’-2 E. W. M. He names the j rtlowing witnesBCs JlCKBCfi to 1 .. prove , . . - ---- bin (ontinuousi ... ' (rJa‘ 1 -sidence upon 3D ami and < ulti ; vat m ion of Huid said land, viz viz: : 1 taupin. Peter Futur Thomps n, , i>t Burns. I Ggt^homu G. Maupin, Thomy f hi rant Gilliam. ■ i . 1 < J. IL HUNTINGTON. Register. pany’i >n3°-10 2)RDER FOR SPECIAL TERM. ANNOUNCEMEN IS FOR OFFICE. Announcements under abovo classification, ut following rates, payment invariably in ad­ vance: State candidacy, also,the County Judge, Clerk, and Sheriff. $10 each; Assessor.and Com­ missioner, |-5each; Treasurer,School Supt. Sur­ veyor, and Coroner, also, Precinct Justices and Constables, $:> each. No insertions on requests by mail unless accompanied by the price of publication. poll COUNTY CERK: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Cleric subject to the action ot the Deinocraiic County Conven­ tion of Harney county, Oregon. W. E. GRACE. ! pOR SHI.1UFF. the County Court of ihe State of Oregon for ! I hereby announce myself as a candidate for ^^■eCour.ty of Harney. the office of Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon, i the matter of the appointment of a special subject to the action of the Democratic County W^errn of said < o’irL Whereas there has been an unavoidable fail- Convention. re to hold the up : regular 1 ebmary term, A. A. A. COWING. ., IbiiO, of said 1 oiirt, and whereas there if: ur- mtneei U.r tin« immc-.iate transaction of the isinct.H of Biid Court to be hereinafter tpce- r. SI! ex :IFF: ied: *It isthorefore ordered: That on Monday, the 3^th day of Fesruary, A. D.. IHtm, tit the usual 1 hereby announce myself us n candidate for ' ace of holdiik; the «“ounty ( c.urt, in Harney, arney Count-, Oregon, there be h«‘,d a •he attire of Sheriff of Harney County. Oregon, r, »eciai term ot t he l.’ouui y c.ftin of the Su e of subject to the uetiou of the Democratic County ‘ regon for ihc < \ ur.ty of Hurney, tor ’.he irae.n- Convention <_f said county. A'NTO’i "Hon of the following busim kk , to wit: J. ( . G A KRETT. To make a jur • Ils . To consider rep i s of rend supervisors. 'Co appoint reti I supervis- i s. A83F.14SOII. To es tibiiahard ■ ba; :e read dis riets. > "^"To change pn du'dr, a id polling places and establish otlu re. I hereby announce mvaeif as a rr.nJidate for To appoint jtjd res and clerks forelection. the office of/.FBeggor of Harney- County, sub­ jett. to the action of the Democratic County , • Co nl'Pr,’ve colivi tor’s bond. To appoint a s òek inspector.’ Convention of Bald County. —To consider knd pass upon bills against the W. E. ALBERSON. Oj] >nnty. . Done at Chambers in vacation ths 1-th day ’ Fehruflrv, A. .- •). <-s v. icca my hand id the seal of said Court affixed. . I. SHIELD.», ■ . Count/ Judgeof Harnev C.muty, Oregon. Coat: W. E. e , County Clctk. CE O Tire Burns Masquerade Ball. — To keep posted A masquerade ball was given in —Read T he H erald . the new hall, on Friday, Feb ‘21st, and is said to have been the most —Lots cheap in Burns. delightful affair of the new year, —For a square meal go to the | and with an unusual diversity in Parker House. costumes, as compared with those —For good reading matter go to of the two winters preceding this. The suppers prepared for the oc­ the Circulating Library. - casion were excellent. —Regular divine services by pas- The hall floor supported twelve or next Sunday, in Burns church. sets at one time, with ease. Among those present,en masque, —Rev. McCart received a letter 1 were the following: from Presiding Elder Wakefield, all "Fairy".................. Mrs. P. F. Stenger, Mrs. Lee Caldwell, Folly" Union, in which he mentions snow 1 “ “ Sailor .M ir . Jennie Clemens, ”....................... Mrs. Jas, Copshall, “Winter” . as interfering with his work. “Eclipse” .. . . Miß. G. W. Young, Miss Eva Waters ”.................... —Farmers coming into town with “ “ Fashion Mi&s Laura Stanelift, America” Miss Maiy Geer, ” eggs, chickens and butter can find “ “ Grandma Grandma” Miss Mary Haley, Mtea Allie Writers. a ready sale at highest market price “ “ NurHeGirl" .Mis« Maud Jamison, Flower Girl” at the French Hotel. Mita Agnes Gage, “Polish Lady”.............. . Miss Dottie Bowen, “Lawn Tennis” Miss Helen Gunther, Lawn Tennis” —Any one desiring dental work “ “ Turkish Lady” ... . __ -Miss .Susie Dixon, Mrs. Alice Burnison done, will do well to call on Dr. ‘•Drummer Girl" Mint Jessie McGowan, “Harney Items ' Horton, in Burns, before the mid­ “Queen of Hearts” Mrs. M. N. Fegtiy, Miss Lollie Pierson “Ayres’ Hair Vigor” dle of March. - . Miss ’libo Ida ma ucvr, Geer, “Gipsy Fortune Teller. M ibb MI br Edith Smith, “ ______________ J. Durkheimer _ & ____ Co. L'o. A”. Mitt Mias Gage, —Miss Gunther having made ar­ “Member Broom Brigade, Co. Fancy Dresses. Mrs. C. Morrison, Miss Ada rangement with the Gage Sisters, Bnchanan and Mips Callie Marrs. Ike Baer has opened a dress-making busi­ “Jo-Jo” x’. Joe Türker, W. E. Albergon, “Dude” ness in connection with the millin­ “Mirk” H. Rader, Chas. ”.................................... .......... W. Byrd, ery establishment—cutting and fit­ “ “ Ghost Negro”.. Julian Byrd. B. Cronin, K. Huston, F. Stenger, Henry chambers, ”< it" 1’. “ ”------ — ting a specialty. - “”........... “Fisher,” C. \V. Coinegys. J. E. Martin, Geo. HugtoD, Announcement. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. Having been solicited to become a candidate by my numerous friends in Harney county and the United States of America, I hereby an­ nounce as a candidate for the remunerative office of Coroner of Harn ?y county, subject to Ha ! Ha ! IH I Ha ! I_J Q T the action of the State Convention, believing he lie-he-he he-he-he! TT.C1 . that the interests of the county will be material­ ly impaired by the election of one Flutes Pat­ rie kus Moore of Harney City. Respectfully, TEX SILLMAN. Tlie Sheri ft* or Ills Deputy Will be at the following places the times specified: Trout Creek, Monday, Feb. 24. Burns, Wednesday, “ 2G. Silver Creek, Friday, “ 28. Del Norte, Monday, Meli. 3. Rock Ford, Wednesday, “ 5. Happy Valley, Friday, 1 ( 7. Diamond, Saturday, 8. u Catlow, Tuesday, 11. 13. Wild Horse, Thursday, , ” T1.I, Stable, »lib a iull Livery ac<f the « ircuil C«urt of I lie At Texes Bar. A. N. Smith f»>t 1889. in a There's naught to beat It bore, to bent it here. Lando I led rick, "Book Agent ” PPOP ’«II' uherti a Thornton Williams is 1’Iaintiii, Oregon, admitted to practice of law “Negro Dandy” Milt-ou Modle, For Liquors, Mixed or Straight, id Wm. ix H. :jft|i(.!i, c. a . : . vk, anti Ella in all the courts of the State, M. R. “Indiau Chief” W. Christ lau They’re always made first-rate veek, ., deiÄdi b . L-r the sum <«f ?i_l '.00aud At Texes Bar. TON SAM M. N. Fegtiy, of Hearts” pur t ( ceutp- annum, inter» 6t thereon from P iiophieto «. Official County Paper. Biggs, of Burns. We are glad of "King "N. Brown's Miller” P. A. Young. Sa jaBf-uame- . in , unti c............... for the . ivi J,,, ]( BUre O| C. Dement hy, “Spanish Vacquero” certain real ___ •jn< . rt/nge ......................... of titile .. the ... 1 i- tii tiny of this, as we believe Mr. B. to be a ■) Harry Adler, i>? said l>c i.'nd ant, Wm. An Important Matter. deserving and promising young law­ ‘ Three Little Maids” one R.ßa Aritn. HBsi.uied .. ¿Leon Brown, Local News. JM. K. Bigg-. ereafter to I’niitiLii' up< n the i- '.. SE’i, E,‘4 yer. It appears that in making appli­ G. W. Yount’, "Spanish Prince” E‘4 of eec.K.i;, Twp. 2. S. R. :.......... E. W. M. in P. G. Smith, cation to Williams & Wood, at "J. Durkheimer & Co.” Coutn •, Oregon, and directing ir.e to /ill arnev Il said land» losatifif' f-aid decree, as may be. HARNEY COUNTY ITEMS. — During the absence of Mrs. Now, therefoie, 1 will offer und seil the whole Portland, for the purchase of land Batest from Blitzen. Hackman, 25th her youngest child,a I said land, to nit: eaiii E«* Sh', and L1-, NEL, Fine, Fanciful, and Varied. c. 2b. Twp.22. S. K. ;. >2, E. W. \L, ai d ail the little girl of about three years, I Ei>. H f . rai . d : With your consent and town property, owned by the Pn,Jht, ti.le, liierest, and estate, which su'd Win «tore a call when in town, and examine the pretty array of Fancy G« o <1 b sold at I wil try and rake a few items from W. V. .t C. M. Wagon Road Co., i Give this 1 . Mahon, therein or thereto had mi lhesaid caught its dress on fire; and, al ­ Reasonable Prices for Cash One door south, of Geer's Hardware store. h day of March, ls*M, for cash to the highest many errors in description, acreage, Feb. 19 to Feb 27, 1M9O. though its brother, Frank, rolled it this part of the country. trier at public outcry ut the Court House door numbers of lot«, and nmount of tiiotownof Harney, in Harnev Ccuuty, Sta e A CHINESE LAUNDRY — Blitzen is lively and “ full of in a blanket, the burns on the body i Wed: 6 a m-11 ° -cold; snow Oregcu, aforesaid, commencing at 1 o’cloc k. tTn same building purchase have been made. These 1 m. on the Ätn day of March, is.-c. prunes. ” are pronounced serious if not fatal. fall before day. A. A. COWING, are mainly caused by the appli­ H The boy says, we are told, the little —The weather has been disagree­ cants not using the form of applica­ 10-90 -JKSheriff Ilarney County. Oregon. 12 m—cold, snowing. L—---------------------------------------- one was sitting on the stove hearth able the past week. 6 p m—cold. tion issued by the company. The ( JIERIFF’a NOTICE OF BALE. Thurs: 8 a m-21°-sun; cold; at the time, and its drcs3 was drawn —Stock is doing well in this forms are so prepared that the pos-1 u forward into the stove by force of part. 12 in—cold; KNOW ALL MEN bv these presents thaf pur­ sihilitieH of error are greatly les- ’, « ant to a (Acree of the Circuit Court of the the draft. 6 p in—cold; —Geo. C. Duncan is here visiting sened. Messrs. Williams & Wood, | de of Oregon for Harnev County, made and tored on the ;d da- of November, 1*89, in n Fri: 7 a m-28°-sun; cold; and —The announcement of W. E. Al- relations. He will start for his the attorneys for the company, will r.g p’.rp^-lt- whereinp*eter Freue h was Plaintiff, and illlam Dilltnan. Defendant, for the rinn of snowing hard. TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY, & c. hereafter refuse to pass upon any i berson as candidate for the office of home in a few days. •61.48, andfio per cent per annum interest “ 12 in—cold; wind rising. sreon, from j. , , , i Assessor, subject to the Democrat­ —Dancing is all the go around application unless it be made upon ; «Closure of a certain real mortgage of date Sat: G a ni-20° -cold; windy. 1 ic Convention, appears in appro­ Blitzen the regular forms which they pro­ W. E GRACE, P roprietor , 24th day of February, 1887, and made by « 12m—cold; BURNS, OREGON MnOhkid, William Dillman to Peter vide, and which can be had from P. priate place in our columns. Mr. u inch, upon the whole of Section 25, Twp. !'..r»«-2, — The river lias been G p m—cold; F. Stenger in Burns, or of Thornton nth Rangeta E. W. M., in Harney County, A’s work in this office speaks for but is now falling fast. egon, water-right hereinafter >n, and a certain wa?er-right Sun: 8 a m-20®-sun; cold' Williams in Harney. A Largo Assortment of itself. A man that does as good •re fully dear ri .w. therefer. ~e, I will offer and Bell the land*, Diamond on business this week. 6 p in — cold ; applications are the following: wit: the a hole lie of Section 25. Tu p. South receive the same position another ll nge32B. W. M.. M__________________ _______ aforesaid, and together with 6 p m—cold; 890.. .'certain —J. 8. Handley has left here to’ ‘ The application is made subject! FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS, Eetc j term, and it is customary so to do. water right known aß the North Fork Mon : G a m- G 0 -cold ; Skull Creel Bite h and Water-Right, whercbj to the following conditions and in-. We commend Mr. Alberson to the herd sheep for Jack Joy. ll • inches, mere or lers. of the waters r.f said 12 in—cold; —Steve Young, of Rock Creek, structions, which the applicant will aek are taken from the na’ural bed thereof, favorable attention of the citizens lias just been Received. ll d conveyed as follows: Commencing at a 6 p in—cold. is here looking after the bellbuckle j read. Local agents arc not author­ throughout the county. me«? int on saidEreek, to-wit: Bai ! North Fork of Tues: 7 a ni-11 ® - cold ; Luc' H IM nil Creek,ft'fn ilea, moreor lese, Eastof the East ized to make contracts, sales or cattle. a war! e of Sec. 80. t 12 m—cold; —A letter from J. B. Caldwell, [y cue bar irae of the 0“< h from eaid point one-Half leases, and no transaction will in t PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED — Your correspondent had a very li One Mlle to what is known as Dry Ditch, and G p m—cold. i of Waitsburg. Wash., to his par- any case be recognized as an agree-1 of the toigeinents, hcrediiainentB. appnrte- fine time on the evening of the 22d, ! Everything guaranteed pu re and of the very best quality. ilth. nurai ....... 6 _ _ a m-10° bclow-very cuts, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Caldwell, franehlfres. right b to p< fsession. u«e. Wed: ment to lease, or as a contract for be hounb* at the grand ball at Diamond. jyrnent In and to, and in any n..•inner Burns, dated Jan. 23, aecom- et sn-kfoi sm ; lanes. eople are dying dai- urns. ,rted to have been killed by a —Sabbath school that was sus- ly from la grippe, in San Fran- the school, to whom she endeared any money until it is received at the ’ herself by her kindness and self­ . icep herder rp in I-l-lm. still lives ihe 1 <*i«e-.,. ‘ 1 _ nTc<^TTtof __ __ ” V.'veritv of 'IL. '*' The following figures are sacrifice. It is well-known that she office of Williams & Wood. If the is not npproved, the 0 , : ,n a "nv to recover from:, weather, . ... • « , _ will open next Sunday, taken from the Call of Feb. 11, the has always regarded it as her first application money received will be returned. t., IT. m g woundsk—C-nvon Citv News. March 2d. latest from that city to date: On duty to care for those entrusted to Contracts arc made in duplicate; one ■ ,N — Rev. McCart pr. ached in liar- ^alurday there were 27 deaths; ___ —•Silver 48'sto; Peter French' sent to the purchaser for his signa­ • 1 . I ' Sl-.nJnv 1 > ■ 1 Ilia woolr • . « nnrl ‘->11 her. nev last Sunday, morning and even J ­ Sunday, 17; this week, 14 and 30 “^dpped J5lWI 1 ' to Fraiu —Grant County News: W m ture, and when this is returned, respectively. Of the 58 deaths ) carload« of'at c.' tt'e These eat* ing, to a large and appreciative (luring the past three days, but 2G Harvey of Burns spent a few da_\ s properly signed, the duplicate o » were dri*e t here fr • 11 French's : congregation. , the same, duly executeil on the parf. were from lung troubles—a decided in town last week. P roprietor M rs . LOUIS RACINE. ^£mch in liar; er county. Oregon. —Mr. and Mrs. Culp, with their failing off. -Stock can now do well in the of the Company, v. ill be sent tht family, have attended religion* wr- purchaser. Applicants should be! Th.s h'liulsomciy appointed hotel is ojxrn to accommodate the pul> foot-hills toward making a living -A drov- ff 400 b»ef cattle from viefs in Burn« every ervuir.g. and —Ida Hackman, the little girl -A few cases of diphtheria arc particular to give their full address reneh’s r.xrjr’h in On gon, arrived I with cultivated voice«, coutnbutcd mentioned elsewhere in this issue, lic with the l*st rooms, tabic, and service the town afford«. so that all communications inay reported in Portland. re, Jan. Bl.-t At the present (greatly to the music of the services. as having been badly burned, died Term« Reasonable. reach them safoly. and without de- -Charley Johnson, aged 18 years, I •ice of hnyftvf should comman 1 —Baker City ¡Democrat: I' " H. C. from effect of the injuries, Wednes ­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Johnson, ay. ” A BAR high price. Lever:«, a prominent (V-ckman of day evening, at 5 p in, Feb. 26, 18S0. died at his home in Prärie City­ AttM bed,where in Kept all Sorta of Liquor*. Senator Ste w ait's bill to deed all | —T he H«B > • n gives place to nil Harney county, »pent Sunday in The money (25 that had been con-; last Monday of lung fever. tributed by friends of Thor. Gian-| -Assessor Timms returned home :it I lands of the West to the States S30.I ie news w-awbl <-.-t ii to its co]. the city. a hich thev are .ituated, will soon MM for the ! information of snv —Cal. Geer, brother of our fell- nini when he took sick, and refused I Sunday night from Portland at Burns-Canyon Stage Line, by wife on the ground that her which place tie attended the as»« • f-v introduced. ibscribers. »1:0 depend upon its low townsman, L B. Geer, spent -GIBS' E ist O rfcom H erald and The I dvstry toe k ep th -ni tinr Tb •) Sunday in the city while on Lis family neither needed nor desired! or’s convention, held there on the I. J ewitt , P roprietor . , I’u’ lie Domain only (3 a year. » ith the 1 ' n reived in this wav to I’-etla d Mr. Geer is a such help, and b-id been deposited 11th. Machuca * ainty Walt W« t ok up with the resident of Burns, Harney county, in the safe of J. Durkheimer ,t Co., -Stock in Bear valley is getting -. ttl« rs, this is your chance, if you Lcavra Barta on Moudaya. Wednaedayt, and Fridays, at • a tn itcewe!<’ft«f .’ 11 and I akevlew at age«, at Duma, ‘rood acaemoda- run where h” is euzaj'd in the h-.r '- was donated this family, and firm along nicely considering the w ter i aunt to know all sbv it public land «•“ ...» ♦ wltMhe Oatarto Prineville, ilotv (of pwofer« quvstiona. : mentioned added a » of flour. warc«. None lost to speak of yet. —Si French Hotel. I