BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1890. >•* list, H.E I bat ’ «efe l>atyo| Honey io,, •fette, J •*: u >u*: «Ì1 '•ilk J nJ ! HERALD. — ED BVI KY BURNS llll ItSDAY *.&J. GRACE, T. V. B. EMBREE, M. D. Office at iiis resk’ert e o»* the east ide oi Sil vie» River, ten irllvk below Burna. Political. Social, EKS AND PROPRIETORS. BOHBfe^llT.R LAWS. i give notice by ¡per doe» not answer the ii does Hot take his paper le r us. hi for its not being Edo so makes the po»t- hc publisher for payment iders his paper discon ill arrearages. »r the Pub [send it until payment is whole amount w het her it nr not. There can be fetill payineut is made. takes u paper from the icted to his uuiiie or an as subscribed or not. ia Iors his paper stopped he Publisher continues Is bound to par for it if iKtoftii e This proceeds un must pay for what he decided that refusing t( eriodicals from the post i uncalled for, withou I prluia facia evidence oi TION KATE3: r.................. A K(iE ar (in adv»pi e) .. ADVERTISEMENTS. £i.oo l..>0 .76 .60 ------------------ p / HERALD CLl'B LIST , ” • ind Harper' Magazine .... 5.00 I.' !\l I mJ Harper'- ': ■ 1 i.'np | o>ii Harper’> Bazar 6.20 md Harper'- Young 1’iople 3.75 nd Alden’» Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 dditional |ttuine after Vol. I, <><> cents; s extra Deqmjlume, postage. Religious, aixl Ed- 8 B. McPHEETERS, M. I). PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. Office at W. E. Grace’» Drug Store. 1-ly E. P. HOWARD, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. BURNS, OREGON. Notary Public. 1). L. GRACE, BURNS, OR. Land Flings, Contest Blanks, Applications for Publication Notices, correctly mid promptly attended to. Deeds. Notes, ami Mortgages legibly drawn up. Charges reasonable. 11-aO. J. NAT. HUDSON, ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W. Oilice: BURNS,OR. LATEST BY STAGE. St. Louis was struck by a cyclone 14th inst Terrible wind storms occurred in Michigan, Jan. 14. The destructive snow storm of the Northwest set in Jan. 12, in Ar- zona. Winnemucca, Jan. 17th, reported about 100 la grippe patients con fined to their rooms. Jan. 16th, through accident on U. I*, road, near Green river, 14 persons, westward bound, were in jured. Kansas and Nebraska report the worst blizzards ever known in those States, during the early part of January. Two masked men within seven miles of Tulare, Cal , successfully robbed a train of several thousand dollars, 21st ult. Jan. 22, a Cunard steamer from Boston, reached Queenstown, and reported a terrible voyage on ac- count of ocean storms. Jan. 20th, a wild hog went into the cabin of a farmer in the Chicka saw Nation while the family was out, and ate a little child sitting on the floor. Daily Silver State, one of the newsiest little dailies in the coun try, received no telegraphic news whatever for its issues of Jan. 23, 24 and 25. A GaJe was raging in the En the consumers to the extent of 65 glish channel, ’10th ult. per cent as they are doing to-day. — Ex. A number of Mojave Indians I A number of lawyers in New have died from la grippe. 30,000 school children were at York arc engaged in a movement toward making admission to the tacked by la grippe, Jan. 15. bar more difficult than heretofore, A Boston paper estimates 2,000,- so as to keep out incompetent law 000 quinine pills used in a ten days yers. Should they succeed, there run of la grippe in that city. will be less litigation than now, be-! Hermann’s bill appropriating $75- cause competent lawyers do not j 000 to continue the jetty Wv?k on work up dissension in order to get; the Columbia was passed in the business. House. Woonsocket, S. Dakota, reports, Several persons were killed and Jan. 13, “an artesian well complet injured, Jan. 21, by a railroad col ed here a week ago, broke loose at lision on the Missouri Pacific ;n the 7 a m. A solid column of water city limits of Omaha. as thick as a man’s body is thrown The New York World in a , 16 ft. high from the top of the lengthy and entertaining article, ■stand-pipe; ...... .. r. engine house is filling traces first cases of la grippe to' with quick : sand, and the lower Italy, in tlieyear415 B. C. : part of town will soon be under wa- The storm in Wyoming, Jan. 15, I ter; no power can control it; its thoroughly discouraged cattle, sheep ! roar may be heard for miles.” This and horse owners; game left the ' is the first accident wo have ever mountains and were found dead on heard of from an artesian well. all sides. $2.50 a Year LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT THE HOPKINS HOUSE M. D. HOI’KINS, P roprietor . EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. --------- o----- This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offers courteous service to every Gu»»t. A. I^ineEar, IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. General Blacksmith & Waaon-maker II. R. SCHLÄGEL L akeview , O rison . Preptoarcd do e'l Kit c ’ b ci Wi lk in th I’cikurith Lie. -B U G G I E S, Horse Fhceirg at ILfO fcr WAGONS, ET C.,-> HADI TO OUDKll WITH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. A L L W O R K W A R R A N T E D. The llegli^iouN Kovival in Burns. A promine nt lawyer in Rome, Italy, Com. Baldachini, absconded with $25,000 charitable funds, Jan. 20. Not to Canada, for fear of American exiles. The following is a synopsis of a DREWSEY ADVERTISEMENT. lecture delivered by Elder E. K. M. DUSTIN Taylor, during the present religious iifice: Harney City and Burns. opiesof all tin* above works cun be ex revival in Rums, Wednesday, Feb. it leisure in Mie Reading Room 19, 7 p m, on the subject of Conver -Publishertif periodicals arc solicited A nephew of the late Judge Ter sion. a H1S [Afebihg ______ _ rates, __.......... a eopv ,............ of their work for >»r Reading liofili—'A e file, mid bind tin- W. W. Cardwell, ry, Kyle Terry, was shot and killed Basis—Matt. 13:15; Acts of close of every limi-volume, »••»<! v«v < • nt. DICKSON & SULLIVAN P roprietor *. A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. Jan. 21, in Galvesto n county. Ts., Apostle 3:19. B urns , On. by Vai. Gibson, on account of Ter “In Gospel conversion the whole ADVEIlTtMSG I: ATI Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. Practi ces in all the courts of the State, 1 wk 2 wk Imo a mo fi mo 1 ry having killed Gibson’s brother man is converted soul, body, Also, before the U. S. Land Oilice. £•> ‘Ml ♦ 11. VO ¡ |1.60 R1.Ó0 I- some months before. and spirit. Convert means to turn Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, 12 b) LN. 00 but) 4 U0 L and M atters a S i - ecialty . 1 oo 1 3.Û0 6. CO S.00 r..oo Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when Telegram Jan. 22, to eastern pa or change. Conversion precedes 4.5H ti.CO 10 (N 20.00 32.00 Í* 00 1 6 00 U 00 1Ó.00 2$. 00 you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. 12. W 1« 00 2rt.!»0 IS.00 80.110 I pers, report as victims to the late pardon. Pardon depends upon MS, . •J). 00 bO.OO 40 '•) 1.0.00 110.00 1 Northwest blizzards, in Washington conversion—no conversion, no par ICE TO FOREIGN ADVERTISERS, ten persons and thousands of cat don. respectfully! solicit in r your p'ltrouage Whole man converted: mc-ntal, sire to keep our readers posted ns to the tle and sheep. A stage station da an<l reliable firms to deal with, eoi moral, and physical powers. Con PATENTS. etice will be saved by referring io tip keeper, near Alma, was frozen to Attorneys at Law, tg statements based upou our circuht- C. A. SNOW A CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C version depends upon, and must be his end ndiofeing counlies death while on his way to that town UBS,. Liberal reduct i >11 to all yet rly advei- Will practice in all .of the courts of the State. Patents obtained, and all patent business attended to promptly and for moderate fees. preceded by hearing, understand All business placed in cure of this firm will be Call at Office, or write to 1*-ii iigher. for the mail; mail carrier at Goose Our Office is opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain in less time than [those Gut» chargcdRxti a, Keeording to space; promptly attended to. remote from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability free d metal base^udni i rd. creek perished 15th; eight cattle ing, believing, and repenting; hence unoral medicinal ads. at no prl< e. of charge; and we make no charge unless patent is secured. • no bearing, no understanding; no at less than 10 cents per men lost. I NTS. dvcrtisemeatb We refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order Division, and tv et price, jjreAi ly, or LO cents, transient, understanding, no believing, no re officials of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and refcrenccsjto'inctual dved. Edna Wilson, courted by J. Mc penting; no repenting, no conver jccial position extra charge per in- clients in your own State or countv. write to above address. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. ItiatcidiV p- siii n a standing reader Comb, both resident in Big Horn i sion; no conversion, no forgiveness attention tfc n h . eek is run in with 'INCE' •ws mutterfrec. t . a . M c K innon , Nellie Bly was delayed 10 hours Basin, Wy., disappeared from home ’ of sins. As we atemDi .' pe u . our advert ¡Femenis Any and all kinds of surveying done on shoi iges after is four pubilea,ions. $1 each. notice anti terms. /ÜF“ Settler after her arrival at 9:30, 22d ult., last August, and was believed to! Advert^MMt m local columns. 10c a line, wishing lo be reasonable located, can have putts furnishe Therefore, forgiveness of sins de f M1V1- ft‘'d dr;,!H HIHK IIIlcu fid ..; of ( barge. by snow blockade on the railroads, have drowned. Jan. 20, her body' Lt > W W.|ree. ¿uenti < ns so ¡cited ns news. pends upoti and must be preceded -Liberal raU’t icre i to religious, social. having to go via Denver instead of was found partly devoured by I lUCAtloaaKi odivs. by hearing, understanding, believ Santa Fe and Trindad. coyotes, under the floor of a claim ing, repenting, and conversion. S,. JOI. WORK General Master Powderly, 19th, cabin sold by McComb. A fund 1). S. HOPKINS, A rchitect . •ry description executed with neatuefs Conversion takes place in man. gpateh, at reasonable rates J. C. WELCOME - 1’r.orniETOH. was able to appear on the street in was raised by the neighbors to hunt Grand Rapids, Mich. Pardon is the act of God. Man is trs, Pos•• IB, 1’amph cis BVKXS. OREGON. Will furnish Designs of Houses, Cottages, and Mansions costing from f.100 on up to uU) Bill Heads, Icier I! a>is, Scranton, when the deferred war- the murderer down. <S„ ■pes, figure wanted. If you mean lo build, send |l to my address, and I will mail you a portfo converted. God pardons. Man is ent«. Note Heads, t ards, i'ieK<'s, of ;i:i designs of dwellings, like the one on file in F ast O regon H erald office, with anda, Invim- > id -. i .• i <■. rant was served on him; he gave Pittsburg, I’a., a woman went in converted by the power of God. | lio full plan of each, full size detiiils, complete specifications, and Mil of materials, al' very full complete so any ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going HBRALD is kept regnlarlvon fi’e for re bonds for appearance. to a cellar with a lighted lamp, The Gospel is that power: Rom. 1: I ahead and and completing the work. And if you do not find just what yon want, write 111« J, m the Geo. 1’. Rvwell Newspaper Ad CHAS. SAMPSON - - B ukns .O h ì i what changes you desire made, and I will accommodate you. Or l< avo Orders with T he •E, g Bureau, 10 Spruce st . New York H erald . You will it as cheap to erect a handsome bouse as to wa-te maieiial on an un An old man, named Thos. Grc- Jan. 22, when natural gas, es- 16; 2 Cor. 5:19-20; 2 Tim. 3:15; w - a - t - c - h - m - a - k - e - r sightly building. Wilj aid you in re constructing your present bcilding. 41-tf -AND- ham, aged 80, went on a spree, in caping through a leakage in the 1 Peter, 1:22. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. cellar, ignited, an explosion fol In conversion the heart, life, and [ Jeweler. New York City, was arrested for .M... piATIONAI.: Benjamin Harrison drunkenness, by- his son; while in lowed that lifted the three-story state or relation must be changed. [ snt ........ Levi P. Morton ruBideut. house up in the air, destroying it, These changes must take place be rp The Odell Fl James G Blaine court .Jan. 19, he died. iry of State William Windom try ofTreagury killing one of the ten persons in it, BLACKSMITH. rs. fore pardon. The heart to be 1Y P E W R I T Ell JohnW. Noble iry oi Inferior A few miles from Winnepeg, a besides the woman, and shook up Redfield Proctor iry of War changed is the whole spiritual, or Benjamin F. Tracey ADOLI’II TUI’KER iry of Navy - Pnor ’ n band of 800 Indians on St. Peter ’ s TVI'E WRITER WARRANTED TO DO AS C 4 C iry of Atrlculturc. . Jeremiah M. Rusk all the houses in the vicinity. intellectual nature of man: The J? I O WILL Bl Y THE ODELL as any One-Hundred Dollar Machine. 91 W Wm H. H. Miller ey General —GENERAL REPAIRING— reservation was down, Jan. 22d, John Wunamaker a r. ( Y?a ater Genbral power or scource of thought—Acts. It combines SIMPLICITYwitll DVKABII.iTY—SPEED, ease or OPERATION IfATE— orf . gok : I A prisoner in San Rafael, Cal., with la grippe in its most malig ( J. N. Dolph <cnaton.. l............ R 8:22; understanding—Matt. 13:15; wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, has I J. H. Mitchell nant form. It was expected to wipe Jan. 12, W. F. Argo, cut his mat t.............. R. Binder Jlerinattn believing—Roin. 10:10; Reason— no inkribbon to bother the operation. Il, neat, substantial, nick- .............. 1).Sylvester Pennoyer tress into strips, making a rope of i U’CE, El them out of existence. ------- le »............ R. .Geo. W. McBride el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin.g Mark 28; love — Alark 12:30; af G. W. Webb ............... D them, tied one end to the ventila J. B. McElroy I’romi.tlv executed. The building hrs been en 1 ruction 1< The family of Merrill Griffin, fections and desires of the mind — Like <■» Printing Press it product's sharp, clean, legible manuscript. Two to ten copiea Frank Bakei largea and improved and is urepared to turn .............. D tor at the top of his cell, the other can be lmule nt one writings. Editors, lawyers, ministers, bunkers, merchants, i R S. Straluni out all kinds of black»mithing on short notice 1 having la grippe, were poisoned, D Matt. 6:20-21, Col. 3:2. manufacturers, business men, etc., cannot m.d <• a’better iiive«tinentjfor |I5. / Win. P I.ord and iu the bust style. Terms: Caah. 1-ly ............. R about his neck; then having sawed ) W. W. Thayer D Au intelligent person in a week < an become a <•<>«»«! operator, or a4rapidone in 2 months. Jan. 13, in Dearborn, Mich , by i Thus, in conversion, when all the I [ jvdicial diätjmct : his way through the iron bars, pre 1 mistaking strychnine for quinine; L................ D ............L. $1,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type- pared to make his escape, but be mental and moral faculties are r............ .B .J.. HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. Writer than that produced by the Odell. jfMF*Relinble Agents all died except the wife, who was . brought under the influence of the ing detected, jumped from his bed and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. COI N fY II \ !.N I v : j dying at latest accounts. (iospel and turned to the Christ, as so as to effectually hang himself. •tlve . (R) . G. W. G ILHAM For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, Ac., address the idge (D) J. T. S hields ! revealed in the Gospel, the heart Two ladies, Mrs. Geo. Gibbs and J. NAT. .W. E. G race W. A. WISHIRE, 45 ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T iie R ookery , C hicago , III. Harn y, Or. In Newburg, N. Y. Jan. 21. a cit and life is changed. But convert ion ■ Lakeview, Or. ■I........ (io T. W. IL R. R G oberts daughter, carrying a lantern to radon A. A. ( owing izen tied his horse to an awning ■I- is not yet complete. The state or - light them home, 22d ult., in Pitts WILSHIRE d' IIUDS O W. E. A lberson MMMeinìeiH (D) ... L. B. B aker burg, Pa., were badly, if not dan- post before a store door; shortly af relation must be changed. Man is I W m . M eeker Attorneys-at-Law, ' gerously burned, by the natural terward the animal touched his yet in the kingdom of darkness. ■ <D) f L ytle H oward üiafeoner» 'I>? J T. B. J ames S t age X-A i n e. LAKEVIEW AND HARNEY, OR. gas escaping from a maim, ignit-j nose to the top of the iron post and but prepared to be translated into FUST OF dropped, like dead, to the ground; This firm practices in the courts of the State the kingdom of God’s dear son. -------------- <o>-------------- «ABURA i S. LAND OFFICE: and before rhe U. S. Land Office. Any lnnd 'ing Thos. Dawson sprang to its assist ..J. B. H untington Office or other business entrusted to them will I’ardon ia in Christ (his body the tar receive prompt attention. A Montreal jeweler lost $15,600 ..H arrison K elley FROM PRINKVILLE TO Bl’RXrf. ance, but dropped dead the instant church)—2 Cor. 5:17. The heart fei.AM» CAKE- SOLICITED. by two robbers rushing in the store his hands touched the horse: Thos. and life being changed, baptism I CHÜl: Il DIRECTORY. C. in daylight, fastening the door, Saltz, on seeing him fall, caught translates into Christ—Gal 3:27. smashing in the windows, seizing hold of him and received so se-; !<8 MIWjpDlsT EPISCOPAL CHURCH Repentance and baptism are con-' ELITE SALOON. the jewel trays and making off be vere an electric shock that he fell M c C art . Pastor. nccted together, and pardon or for caching by the pastor in each HARNEY.------------- OREGON I fore alarm could be given; one wasj unconscious. He and the horse B. until further noth e giveness of sins predicated of them,' in s—nt 11 a in. and 7:80 p m COAT-WORTH 4 TREGASKIS, captured. and School House— at 11 a nt ’ recovered. “An electric light wire Acts 2:38, and repentance ami l>e-| FROPRirroKs. rncy—at 7.30 p m. irn>— it 11 n ni, ami 7:30 p Bi Jan. 21, gave two more victims had sagged and lay on an iron rod converted are connected together,' larney—at 11a hi . and 7:80p in of the Hatfield-McCoy feud, near running from the building to tho and forgiveness of sins predicated i BURNS ADV E RT IS EM E NTS. LA K EVIE H ADVERTI3EM ENTS. Oilice SOCIETIES. I Cattlesburg, Vn.; a eang of moon awning post, and a full current was of them, Acts 3:19. Hence, ban-j shiners broke into the house of R. passing down the iron post into the tism is the act in' which man is ! LO:<;E. KO. 77. I. O. O. F. ectsat Odd fellows Hall, everv Saturday Wachmaker & Je we 1er M. Ix>ng,—related to the McCoy’s; ground,” is the explanation. changed in heart and life is termed : killed him, and fatally wounded A gigantic wire trust has lncn converted, or translated intoChrist. | his wife, as they lay in bed. formed under the shelter of the So, it is that baptism must neces-! The official Blue Book reports a tariff", and as a consequence, wire sarily, in Gospel conversion, pre-! I total of 58,000 salaried government nails have advanced 50 cents per cede pardon, or remission of sins. P. II MURPHY. employees, of whom 16,234 are in keg; furniture springs have ad This, however, is no new doc 1 The highest sal- vanced 20 per cent. A trust of trine, as entrance cannot be made LAKEVIEW - - - - OfcEdON i Washington City. : ryji* paid to the President. $50- spring manufactures is conitem- into any church, of any note, with HAY ¿ GKAIN | •)< 0, and be lowest to the woman plated, which, if consummated, will out submitting to what that church that scrubs the floors, $20. advance pric<‘s 50 per cent. The calls Baptism; hence if salvation, CAIIIOP.M k. ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. ,.Ul. tar where the eyprwM and tr.yr Jan. 16, in Erie, Pa., a drunken ta< k manufacturers have formed a or any blessings, are in those "The Leading Company of th<- Pacific Noitbwcht. 1* that are done ia their man laid his pipe on the bed »her- combination, and advanced prices churches, they can only lie enjoyed I Rio Renard. r- g^i'BtVATR t>« ILLIS'.s .vM> farm Fk'irruTV * -o> i »1 r - through Baptism. 65 per cent, over those prevailing a the c hildren of his brother, Rogal- want to know all about the FORREL GELDING whh Wl.Be Farr Has I ■MMchlcM climate. Its marvel with ’ a ovr. on the few weeks ago under free cotn- 1 brar.de ¿X® inski. were sleeping, while the j nr- [ its ttoundlcas treaaure»; the Shoulder. I<1 and t- • i:a:s on E ast O kf . oon HssALDundThc The Farmers’ Company. I fortune» are made in a day Left Hip. ents were making an evening cal); petion. At the former prices tack« Public Domain only $3 a year. The San franrieco Evening KLDiN* . ?'%:.<!♦ •! T u -i; L.\R«.E R %Y GE? .1« eatald!shed in !<.*•. atauda OF SALEM OREGON <p.h-ter- •• r- > ts «1 a*-r.r Jf'n the bed took fire; the ch'ldren suf were actually exported to European Settlers, this is your chance, if you 1 within of < alif»rnia jo’imaliem. and (o the <.') cniffi 1 by b <<«••• tai t k’v • -ii- •; . i f.»r- :• a • ••n ■ !-• nndrr the (Quarter Uirci? J, on Left 8h. «Ider, focated, but the uncle e*c..ped in countries. The 73 per cent affords want to know all about public land I mait-Hal. ' Burn’, Ore. <• GRr’’’T J. C. PARKER Agent, d na £< for T hf . Hca- Return above them the opportunity of bleeding questions. jury. .1 J MANLFY !Ta- |>1V*tin ‘ r re year Attorney-at-Law. JOB WORK. T he D rewsey S aloon .