TJIE J. DURKHEIMER A CO’S. LOCAL-PAGE ADVERSTIEMENT. SCARCEST LOOK.. STOCK. H b OWEST WE ARE FARMERS With Their Listen. JF»RICES, ONLY FIRST CLASS CrOODS. inTHear°nneyy ‘county A3XTD THAT CAN SUPPLY THE K. A. I 8 KZ K S STOCK FALL & WINTER SUPPLIES Our Prices are the SAME as At tlxo raiload -wittL firoig-lit added. 8OLICIT YOUR TRADE. J. DURKHEIMER & CO, THE WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES IN HARNEY VALLEY. obtu5 i Î • price«! I •W * io» IB” « Mu How young soever you may be, BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. —To keep posted —Regular divine services by pas­ With failing Teeth you’re grim and bold, And losing your mouth’s purity; tor next Sunday, in Burns church. —Read T he H erald . Your feature« seem both dull and cold— Then, man, or maid, warned of your fate, Announcements under above classification, —Lots cheap in Burns. ■OOF. Seek Dr. Horton e’er it's too late! —Read Ton Sam’s new adver­ at following rates, payment invariably in ad­ vance: State candidacy, also,the County Judge, — Old papers 50c. for 100. —For Land Office news, read tisement in this number of T he Uirmi> - tatf . k I. anii offu r.( Clerk, and Sheriff, flOeach; Assessor, and Com ­ I Burns, O»e Ron, January 21. 1890.1 H erald missioner, >5 each; Treasurer, School Supt. Sur­ —For a square meal go to the T he H erald . ‘RIETH Kln 'IB HEREBY GIVEN that the foilow- veyor, and Coroner, also, Precinct Justices and ■— —To keep posted, read T he H er ­ —J. T. Sillman, C. A. Sweek and - notice of his inten- Constables, $3 each. No insertions on requests Parker House. settler hag Hled fi e final ptvof f in support of his claim, by mail unItss accompanied by the price of —Charges reasonable for livery ald . ill be made before the public ution. W. W. Cardwell left town, to-day, come a XjJVTJGriann . I*. 8. l and office, at —If you want something to read for a week’s hunt. service at the Red Front Livery ■ ' — ou Saturday, March Sth, 1890, viz: AT THE this week, go to the Burns Library. P«>1: COUNTY CLERK: and Feed stable. - William C. Sharrett, — Edward Stenger, accompanied o. 45, for the SW j NE«i, NW’i SE«; —C. M. Caldwell is up once more, by Mr. Humphrey, arrived in town, —Farmers coming into town with JVTinstral ^Performance • \8. R. '62% E. W. M. He names the I hereby announce myself as a candidate <■ ^itnesse« to prove his continuous for the office of County Cleric subject to the eggs, chickens and butter can find we are glad to say. BY . pon andeujti^ iii <.: nm i., 18’* . at the usual the office of Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon, horses on Pine creek, returned Sun ­ to goto Harney yesterday. ting a specialty. - ling the Count} Court, in Harney, day afternoon. unty. Oregon, there be held a subject to the action of the Democratic County —Mrs. Mary Overton, of Coal —Al. Jones of Drewsey has been irer. of the Count: • »inrt of the State of Convention of «aid county. —Judge Shields was confined to visiting r»r.,ton.hc County of Huriiev, for ihe trans J. C. GARRETT. spring added her name to T he friends in Burns the past Liildi >followingbusiut88, to wit: his bed throughuot last week, he l Jury lis:. H erald ’ s subscription list this week, many of whom have^ urged report« of r< a l supervisors. not being able to go to Harney on week, and paid *3.50 for T he H er ­ t rttuf supervis rs. THE HERALD. Tuesday, as he thought; he is im­ him to represent Drewsey precinct ih and change n ad districts. ald , and Free Press one year, and by candidacy for county ¡office, but plug’s and proving. 12 volumes of Dickens’ works. Mr. J. has no aspirations in that di­ o » judges and cb-rks for election. —Mrs. Cora Wooley called on rection. TON SAM —A peculiar feature of la grippe IIA8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY P roprietor . e -‘F j tax collector’s bond. t a stock inspector. NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. as exhibited in Burns, is the sud­ T he H erald one day this week, r and pass upon bills against the and is looking well, although just — Chas. W. Parrish of Canyon den emaciation of the face, as in a ■( :f)V ismbera irtvaeat ion this 12th day declines making a joint-senatorial (CHINESE AND JAPANESE CLOODS cholera patient, at the end of 24 recovering from la grippe. *’ , A. D., 181’0, us witness my hand THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1800. of said Court affixed. —Jno. W. Sayers and Cal. Geer race; says there’s not money enough hours, even when it is not accom­ THOS. J. SHIELDS, "y JudROfllarney County, Oregon. Fine, Fanciful, and Varied. panied by apparent waste from the took a sleigh-ride, some say to in it for him. GHACK, ffcunty Clerk. Give this «tore a call when In town, and examine the pretty array of Fancy G«ods fold at Portland, to prepare for the spring Official County Paper. system. Reasonable Price« for Cash One door south of Geer's Hardware store, Ochoco Review: Geo. W. Barnes —The creditable manner in trade in their line of business. is nursing a well-developed case of A CHINESE LAUNDRY — Mrs. Ray Thompson, with in ­ which our young friend M. R. Biggs BIO Reward, In same building Local News. fant son. of Harney, came to Burns, the mumps. conducted his client ’ s case in De ­ MELDING with White Face. Has witt vs. Bunyard this week, is agree­ Friday, to have dental work done, -Most of the cattle that were fed 'TilP above, on rhe Right HARNEY COUNTY ITEMS. 1 IwB »nd two Left-Oblique Bars on ably commented upon by those who having Dr. Hcrton extract 18 teeth during the winter were turned out watched the progress of the case; at one sitting. tAY GILDING. Branded T with on the range the first of the week. rele, point« up. e. anilj Hurns' Weather Record. he showed his knowledge of law by —Jas. Bunyard lost but 9 out of iwaeww. (j) <*roMM by hoiizontal bar'^'KJ 1 arter-Circle J, on Left Shoulder, confining himself to the law and 100 head of cattle he was feeding -The high wafer on Crooked river e deecrlbed horses to L. C. GROUT Feb. 5 to Feb 12. 1890. testimony. this winter; says, also, the horses the first of the week carried out the LEY, Harney, "r Wed: 6 a m-37 ° -cold; rained — I). M. Ferry & Co’s Seed Annu­ that started into thi winter in his new bridge across the river at the from 3am till 6, when snow and al for 1890, reached our desk oq hands in good order, have held mouth of Newsone creek. 4 s ADVERTISEMENTS. rain fell together. Monday, from Detroit, Mich., and their own in flesh, under his care. -The warm weather and rains II 12 m — cold, snowing. is even more attractively gotten up —G. C. Duncan and daughter, the first of the week raised all the j TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY, Ac. tiutbem T . p r \ liif 6 p in—cold. than the one for 1889. As we have Mrs. N. Comegys, came in Tuesday. streams, and Crooked river and i EMBREE, M. D. not had time to more than hastily Mrs. C. has been visiting relatives Ochoco got on a regular “bust” be­ i s.uirt * , (jie eH8t i,le oi 8jl- Thurs: 8 a m-20°-cold; M glance over it, we will note advance on the Island the past week, and is ing higher than they have been for 12 m—cold; e sick,____________ u W. E. GRACE, P roprietor , BURNS, OREGON made, later, but in ample time for looking well, though still afflicted years. 6 p m—cold: FB for the readers to send for seeds, etc. with rheumatism. Fri. 7 a m-11 ® -cold; ‘’“‘■’“•'"CPHEBTERS, M. I). U —T he H erald will send for one —Dr. Howard, after a short resi­ -A. McFall was in town Tuesday. A Lar^c Assortment of 12 m-70-cold; - - ' (CIAN & SC Ki. EON. of the Louisville Singers next dence in Burns, finds there is not He says the Harney mail carrier 6 p m—cold; was unable to go farther than his spring, as soon as freighting is re­ enough practice in the’town and vi; !. >h»n» l «o™- 1-1’ Sat: 6 a m-32 * -cold; H sumed, and will make an order at cinity to justify him remaining, and place on Crooked river on Monday, FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS,\Eetc 12 m—cold; V for the«* - ■' I M the same time for any of our sub­ will remove to Baker City as soon owing to high water. 6 p m — cold; P. HOWARD, scribers who will send for illustrat­ as the roads are open. -With the exception of the lias just been Received. Sun: 8 a m-31°-cold; CIAN & SURGEON. ed catalogues and make a selection —Attention is called to the Band Oregonian of January 31st, no IS: , “ 12 m--cold; snow. RN8. OREGON. any styles worth $10 to $30; of Rcaderi Boys’ Minstrel show advertisement paper mail has arrived here since drn " ii “ 6 d in—cold; PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED $17.50 to $30. iS 118 I in to-day’s issue of T he H erald . last Saturday. dr oue jw’ Mon: 6 a m-22 9 -cold; — A number of the pleasure-scek- gW Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. As the price is put very low for the Mary Public, “ 12 m—cold; n gravine, is­ ! ers of Boat Ford went to the dis- amount of fun in the selection of -It is impossible at present to es­ u le club. ). L. GRACE, 6 p m—cold. | trict school house to dance, despite pieces for this entertainment, in ad­ timate the loss in stock in this ___________________________________________________________ ° nks, r Tues: 8 a m-21°-cold; ! the repeated refusals of the direc- dition to original specialties, there county. Applications for Ci 12 m—cold; ecily and promptly 1 tors to assume the responsibility of is no reason to prevent a crowded -Med Moore started with the mail H HNE, tea, and Mortgages G p m—cold. possible consequences, while the house on 28th inst. 's reasonable. 11-50. for Summer lake last Monday. ihia. P». Wed: G a m-18 0 above-cold ; building is in use for other than for 2» v, sense of the word, a sectional man Cardwell, one of nounce to the public that elder E. K. LLF. KT in the performance of any duties in­ ken leg for Baldwin Fine, lic with the best rooms, table, and service the town affords. Taylcr.of Harney City, wilibegina Other Candidates. cumbent on the sheriff of this coun­ French’s foreman, on whom a series of meetings in Burns at the inky - at - la w . Terms Reasonable. horse had fallen and had his leg _ The Republican gate has been ty, if elected by the voice of the peo­ “smashed to pieces.” B urns , O r M. E. church, on Saturday, Feb. A BAR Those not acquainted with n all the i * i it :« o' the State, left ajar, and a numlier of candi- ple. 15th, at 7 o’clock p m. All are cor-' he V. K. Attached wherein Kept all Furl* of Liquor«. —C. H. DeWitt and Jas. Bun­ dially invited. onl''c- dates have escaped from the field. Mr. G. will like to meet him as he W. II. C vi . p . ‘ attkrs .4 Si i :< i at ty . We now hear of the names of the is fearless, out-spoken an»l honest. yard hail a jury trial before Squire A < ard. With regard to the opinions of Parker of Burns precinct, Tuesday, following gentleman who are likely to be candida ei before the Renub- others, he may be said to respect 10 am. The former claims $250- It is reported and intimated that lic; r ecu y con.i nt on: I el O er- all, have malice for none, and will .00 damages against the latter, f >r I was a guest at Miss Helen Gun­ taking from him 15 tons of hay, ther's whist party. It is true that ton, Broady Johnson. J. S. Bowen. do the right to all. —We were called up before our valued at $10 a ton; This Mr. B. I was at the place where the party Fred. Okermann. C. H. DeWitt, and A. F. Ritterbusch. For coun­ usual hour one morning, last week, denies having done, and alleges as was held, but not as a participant, ty Judge. A. W. Waters. J. M. by a genial granger with the query: counter-claim that Mr DeW. took for I have no such inclinations. 1 “Is this where Mr. Bowen’s pa­ from him '2GJ tons of hay, valued went not to the party, but the par­ Vaughn: for County Clerk. H. C. ut W-i.L <}rwi Darus. Harney wut>(y. »nvgoti. at $5 a ton, for which he asks ty cams to me by reason of said ' Livens. J. W. Sayers. All the per is printed?” “No this is T he H erald office.” $132 50 damages. Tuesday night party’s place being my stopping above named gentlemen are good w C BYRD. P roprietor . “Well, Mr. Bowen told me over the jury disagreed and were dis­ place. And 1 do not feel that jus­ men. each of whom would make a charged. to Harney to call on him at his good officer if nominated and elect­ tice has been done me :ay Mr. Dewitt $25.00 worldly and giddy pleasures. to the wants of the Republicans, Personal attention g-ven t> Stock placed in iar>- of this Stable, where there not being offices enough to go there, between the new court house and the cost, and the action was LLOYD CCLH. the best of Ace ^munudat u i< given, and <. barges reasensbis. dismissed. around. and pestoffice. Burns, Oregon, 2-12~’9O. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR OFFICE. >1 French Hotel. a