E ast O regon H erald BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1800. $2.BO a Year nnd raised my gals right.—Once and nobody wav out there’ll know BURN S A DVERTISEM ENTS. married, all the time married,’ she you was divorced—come, dearest nd says gittin’ madder as she hears girl, come with me.” LISHED EVERY TII I’RS BY A God awoke in dorkne«« herself—” There were several minutes si Six thousand year« ago, Andlooke i around on nothing A muttered sound like a hastily lence. Then softly the same voice -ta I D. 1. a N. GRACE, To see what he could do. suppressed imprecation interrupted. murmured: In Heiald Funding, R< < in adjoining the Office. BLIBHEgS AND PROPRIETORS. He'd never had beginning— Open Every Day except Sunday, from 9 a in to 4 p in Not born like you and me, “Oh, no, mam’s not bad; only "Don ’ t leave, dear love, just list Every Lady aud Gentleman a welcome Visitor to the Reading Room during the hours named. But always hud existed From all eternity. particular; she’s good as gold once en till I tell you about the home r. n. JTIRWSI’APER LAWS. <11 ■ I- give notice by But what, he had been doing she sees the rights of a thing. But I'll make for you out West where ie paper does not answer the Through all those countless year«, LAKEVIEW ADVERTISEMENT. sriber does not take his paper No priest has ever told us— I couldn’t stand hit, so I jest turns nobody’ll know—you are so young, pd the reason for iis not being It in no books appears. so makes the p< su and runs down to the big ches’nut only twenty.” '“Is, ct to to the <lo publisher for puvment Perhap« he had been sleeping in orders h's paper diseoti W ith nothing lor a bed, f any where I used to play house-keep “Hush, Jim, hush, you are hurt- THE HOPKINS HOUSE ay all arrearages, or the Pub With nothing for a pillow, ue to semi i( until payment is And nothing m ids head. » when a little gal. An ’ I lav there ing my feelings for ye. A good the whole amount whether it office or not. There cau be With nothing for companion all night in sieh a fever, I some man, a highminded man wouldn't M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . nance till payment is made. Through till that dreary night, Ki wh<> takes n paper from the Ami only boundless nothing times tho’t I was an angel going to talk that way to another man’s wife; I ir directed to his name or hu - On which to least his sight. hu lias 6Ut scribed or not. is git my little gal, and agin I’d think I wouldn’t have Jim Merrill, bad as EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS. Je pay He now arose to action. t. Subscr. ber orders his paper stopped I.ike one aroused from slcopr lie treated me, to know that I’m a I was a dog a treein ’ a squirrel in [and the Publisher continues But of liin six da) s' labor is bound to pay for it if ässi briber The tale is rather ••sleep.” the old ches’nut tree. Well, the lettin' another man court me like [the poBtoffiee. This proceed« kt u man must pay for what he He to de a pinch of nothing long and short of it was, when pap, this, for the world—what would he This Hotel is new (House, Rooms, and Furniture) and offers courteous service to every Guest. And made this glorious earth; have de< ide-1 that refusing t< Another pinch of nothing he come down for water next morn think of me, I’d like to know.” [ali i periodic uls from the post A. F’ixie And oceans had their birth. | them uncalled for, wilhou “lie’s not wo’th a thought from I ing before daybreak he found me, IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. pie, is prima facia evidence oi Absolutely Pure. A litt’e lump of nothing Produced the powerful sun; an’ old as he was, he packed me you—listen to me, if I was Jim And so he worked on nothing This powder never varies. A marvel o Till sky and s.ars were done. clean to the house, an’ said he’d Merrill, would you have me?” purity, strength, and whole<omeness. More KUBSaiUl’TION RATES: economical than the ordinary Kinds, and As she hesitated, he moved as if: And when the world was finished, never speak a word sure's God’s in Year . ■ cannot be sold in competion| with the mul Of dust lie made u man. Mouth». I. .1.60 titude of low tests. shori weight, alum, or pressing toward her and cried: By mixing it with nothing. oe Mouth» .75 the sky, ef mam don ’ t do by me as phosphate ]>owdir-. Sold only in cans. • Year (in a i - On some mjsterleus plan; General Blacksmith & Wagon-maker “Yes, Mary, it’s me—look at this | she’d have him do by her. An’ Koval BaKmg Powder Co., 100 Wall st., Then took n rib from Adam, New York. T. HEBA i .U Cl.UIi LIST: scar on my wrist where 1 burned j With nothing for a knife. : she did, but I didn ’ t never have to L akeview , O regon . II. R. SCHLÄGEL r « • r- p(;i Id and^Brper'' Magazine ....»5.00 .. - And mixing it with nothing. He made a full grown wife. tell her how Jim had set in to it—.” 1<I and Ha; lJ-‘- Id and nipper's Bazar ... 5.20 “Law! Jim!” And now dooms us to Tophet break me of dippin’ snuff most as s Id and Hifrper's Young People .. 3.75 Unless u e ail repent, The Herald’s td and Aldtli'B Munifold < yelopedia, .2.90 “Your husband, Mary, come back Preptoared do all Kinds cf W cik n ti» I >.< It mith k’l e. lie tse Shoeing at fî.iC per Lesd. For she soon stole an apple soon as we was married, an’ me ’ ‘»» I h addition»! volume after Vol. 1, 5a cents. When she had “nary cent.” 1 )R T:Wn:‘’ ex,ru stiUe. havin’ dipped sence I was a six- ! to live with you, and make up for I wonder at the paradox, Peoples of all the above works can ba ex- <-B U G G I E S, W AG OXS, E T C.,-^ That thbse old bible tales year old, fur I talked of nothin’ but all that dreadful time—” cd at leisuijj in the Heading Room. Can ever gain belie»eis | “Jim! ef y’ur hair was strung: MADE TO OBDKR WITH NEATNESS, AND or GOOD QUALITY. Good for Two Months Only. Where common sense prevails. all them things—” ,4^*Publi(iherc of periodicals arc solicited ALLWORK WARRANTED. “Till me, Mary, do tell all about ’ith gold and diamonds, I wouldn’t j :ul clubbing i ims, a copy of their work for Ever up with the times, THE HERALD has ree Reading Boom—Mcfile, and bind the "YES, ron ALE TIME hit—you never have,” cried the never make up, so go off' fast as ve at cloatfWev' ry half volume, end v«v < j completed an arrangement with a l:irj«e New Y o Y k Publishing House, which enables us to ■« bv advivsvineut. came.” ------------------------------------- oiler our Readeis a better chance Io build up a earnest man’s voice eagerly. Home Ltbraiv of defiantly bound booKB than Tt was a calm, cool day in early “Shore? For all time?” ADvIllTISING RATES: ever before, bo you want books by the world’s D R E W S E Y A D V E RT I S’ EM ENT. best authors? Handsomely bound books'.’ June, that we set out on a walk of “Being as you’ve drawed me on “ For all time — I ’ ll watch ye 1 wk ‘2 V. !•: 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 1 yr. go- To eat h cash BUl'Scriber : Prior to Feb. 1, 1890, 1 to speak of the things, 1 may sav at $•.'.■>0. you can have T he H erald one )car ing. Good-bye, Jim Maxwell.” ..*>0 >.,.00 *)0 111 00 ? 15.00 ami your selection of anyone of the following four miles to Montvale springs, up eh 11 50 I’ve done fjrgot these two years, I 3 00 .00 6 50 12 u) 18.00 28.00 uamed books, which are bound in Black and in the Chilhowie mountain. - •• “Does a name make such a dif .00 8.00 15.00 24 00 40 00 8.50 e, clear t vpe, on goad pa .. 4 50 ( LO-J 1J 00 20 00 32.00 50.00 tidsomely bound: The air was fragrant, the grass will—I jest laid at my death’s ference, Mary? I come back so full ,>1. 6.00 9 .00 15.00 28.00 48 GO 54.00 Robinson < Tus >e ;.O Evening at Home. • 1 12. ¿0 16 ,00 28 00 18 0) 80.00 120.00 Arabian Nights, _____ 31 John Halifax, soft to the feet, laural, azalea, and door fur six weeks, a ravin about of hope—” ‘ 1 20 00 30 ,00 40.00 uO.OO 110 00 140.00 3 Swiss Family Robin-32 Craig’s Pronouncing — r* son. bv Karnpe. Dictionary. myriads of wild flowers lovely to how Jim’d get mad at me away out “Jim Maxwell or Jim Merrill, it I Pilgrim’s Progress. Daniel . Boone, ______ ........ , (OTICE TOpOREiGN ADVERTISER.«. 5 Alice’s Adventures in 34 Tour T..... of the World In the eye, and Nature the idol of our there everywhur from noplace, in lile respectfully soliciting your patronage don ’t make any difference.” DICKSON A SULLIVAN P roprietors . Wonderland. Eighty Da)s. the darkest night this world ever e desire io k< - p our remlerBp<-Blea as to the Jane E.vre Lucille (Meredith’s) idle hour. goop» aud iKiia:1c firms to deal with, cor “I’m going—good bye, my poor, East Lynne, _ A ndei _____ _____ . _____ sen's Fairy T hick saw, push me out into the dark, an ’ audence will I saved by referring to the 20,000 Leaguca Un-37 Cooper’s Last of the While sitting on a fallen log, on Lou. J. Bosenberg, Mixologist. -wing s'q,tem< tits based upon our eirvuia- dear wife!” der lhe Sea. Mohicni a, n this and adjoining eouniics: Five Wee kb 1 in n :’<S KingSolomon’BMlncs the Six-Mile creek, indolently rest ; leave me the night long a-layin’ I ^"Liberal re«In tion m an )early adver- As he disappeared, Mr. G. leaned Balloon. : 9 she. ’«. Call at <>t!! . <>r write Io I’ubliBher. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, ) Ivanhoe, 40 Jess, ing, out of the depths of a day on the door-step a prayin’ to be let over the bank despite my silent re fcff-Cuts uhigcl vxira. t:< -■ irtling to space; , Rob ltov, 41 Witch’s Head, in; of how he ’ d used to set me nigh Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when d but metalfc. sc admitted. ! Wiilv Reilley, _______ w________ 42 Allan QuartermaiD, dream, I slowly awakened to the ..Immoral in« ti( inal in's at no price. monstrance, and said: l Benjamin Franklin 43 Hovle’s Games, you call on “Uncle Dick,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. to.Advertisamt u s ar 1«.s*-: than 10 •■••n’s per I Adam Bede, “ Grim • ’ in's • Fail'. ’ 44 Tales, subdued sound of voices from be crazy stealin’ my precious baby an’ i, uet price, yearly, or _ > ( ents, irausient, “Jim, he didn’t know Mary—Jim i Gulliver, 45 Harry Lorrcqtier, i hidin ’ her from me, and me a hunt received. . I A'sop, ■I'« Handy Andy, low the shelving bank. ^Special pOfti i.m $'J extra charge per in 17 Poe's Talcs, didn’t.’” 47 Chinese Gordon, ion. Inetea-I • f p. sifiou a Hltiru'iug reader 18 Poe’s Poems . Tebin ____ ___ 44 son, , “I've been told you’d forgotten in’ every where for hours, jest cause ing attention i-> ad. eai ii week is run in with 19 Longfellow’S Poems!:» Candinal Sin. “Jim, didn’t.” She re-echoed. he ’ d git out of tobacker, and feelin d new« matter free. kO Whiitier s Poems 50 Saddle and Sabre, and forgiven.” A man’s voice, with Continued. ^F**A« w«tereotvpv a'.l our advertisements 21 Bryant’s Poems 51 Penalty of Fare. bad, and no money to buy some; •hange« after 1st Lmr pu:«li< a'iui-.s, »1 each. 22 Mona’s Choice, 52 .\s in ii Looking-Glaes a strain of tenderness in it. PATENTS. _■ in h> al rolUillDf'., i.’C U line. 28 Waved), 53A I.nek) YoungWomnn The Question of Halls. an’ how he’s tormented me till I’ve C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C l^Marri«/- : n i , death announce- 24 Baron Mundiaupen, ,5f Merry Men and Other “ I Lev furgiven, but I aint fur- H« free, zgu i.e ns so!i< ited hk news. 25 New ArabtanNighis 155 Tales. Patent«'obtained, and all patent business attended to promptly and for moderate fee« gjjpUJbteral raicH .«tiered to religious, social, 26 Emcison’s Fusti;• s 5« Vicar of WaKcfield, fit him till I’d drap in the floor an' Chicago Man — “ Why don ’ t you got, an I never shall. ” The wo Our Office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain in less time than JbosH e-Jucaiioiial bodies. 27 Guy Manncrlng. i 'Jenl 1 st ad Putnam. 57 couldn’t move fur misery. I got hold another meeting in aid of the remote from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability ire < 28 (’apt. John Smith, 58 ; ___ l ady of ... 1 __ he _____ Lake. man’s voice was low and soft. 29 Paul amt VirgTtia’ 5!» Sandford J and Merton of charge; and we make no charge unless patent is secured. World ’ s Fair? ” ■ job WORK 30 Bo)«’ and Gir’s’ CO Through I he Lookii” “I wisht you’d tell me what y’ur well at last, and mam’s never i New Yorker—“We can’t We refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order' D viRion, aud to Glass: and What Alice every description exec ired with neatness Book of Stories and official« of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and referenced. to"ac uni Versve. Found There. despa’, chia t reasonable ran». folks done when they see you com- knowedhow he'd got that low-flung, hall big enough to hold the clients in your own Slate or countv. write to above address. We have sent for (he above named books of ■ulars, ■ P.-sins, Pamplins he’d quit a-yearnin’ victuals even. who want to come.” Poems aud will soon have them on hand to turn in ’ back home again. ” .clopcti, . Fill Hua 's, 1 e ¡er Heads, over to every New Cash Sul scrtbei »it $:."’O. and I rements, g Note lh :i< b . < ar s. Tit Ke s, I ’ ve went many a day with nothin ’ Chicago Man- “ Huh! Advertise' to every Delinquent Sul s< riber that pa; s $3.00. j “Bein’ it's you, I’ll tell ye. As moranda, ■luviitilH i k . l>vdge;s, Etc. that all who come will be expected Look out for our Great Offer to Getters up of | mam tole you onct when you and to eat, an that beat out I’d jist that to Clubs next week. contribute, and you can aceom- j her was speaking of hit, I rid with ’umbly foller him, or stay at his niodate the crowd ir. a lodging house bidding, but the day come when I them three strangers till I tuck the bedroom.”—New York Weekly. XXouses andOottages BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. <>FFI< IAI. DIRECTORY. stage for here. I didn’t have a swore way back in my heart whur Accommodating. my little baby ’ s savins ’ and (loins ’ , cent in the world, as for the gun NATION ’.I.: D. 8. HOPKINS, A rchitect . Benjamin Harrison Gotham Lady (to guest)—“I am : I left it with the strangers for pay, an’ lovin’ little waye is kept, I’d r R A CT IC A L S U R V E Y OR . i.evi P. Morton dent obliged to apologize for our drink- , leave him ef he come to the house Janus G. Blaine Grand Rapids, Mich. like, but I said to the driver ‘here’s William Windom of Tro a iry Will furrrsh D< signa of Houses, Cottages, and Mansions costing from |3I j O on up to muj t . a . M c K innon , ing-water. The Croton water, never [ figure agin with no bread and cuss words JohnW. Noble of IUlterior wanted. If you mean io build,send |1 to my uddrvts. and I will mall you u portf». Any and all kinds of surveying done on shot my baby’s clo’es in this bun 1.'— Redfield Proctor very good, is worse than usual since : Ho of 33 designs of dwelling®, like the one on tile in E ast O regon H erald ’office, with bettier for me—an’ I jest did.” Benjamin T. Tracey notice and reasonable terms. of Ni. v full plan of each, full size detail«, complete speci float ion®, and bill of materials, al! very tbar's mv dead baby ’ s clo ’ es — wishing to be located, can have plats furnishe the heavy rains. ” Jeremiah M. Rusk IW Agri-111111 re full and complete so any ordinary eurpenter or builder will have notroiihle in going “He cut up, did he?” W m H. II. Miller free of charge. General and completing the work. And if you do not find just whut yon vvunt, write mt* thar's not a fine thing in the hull Bonanza Prince (from the West)' ahead John Wunamaker ter General what changes you desire made, and I will accommodate \ »u. Or leave Orders with T hr “ Yes, that he did. lie was in . ^^B istat ;.- ofi go »N : : H erald . You will it as ( heap to erect a handsome home as to wa^te muteiial v d an uii - ‘ Don ’ t disturb yourself on my ae- ; lot of’em, but they’re more to me sightly building. WilJ aid you In re-construeting sour picseiit bcilding. R J I J. N. Dolph 8. Senators If the water ain’t' •| J. II. Mitchell SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP then to the most of women, kase fur switching me, but the strangers count, madam. R. Binger Hermann H'resamaui good, I’d just as lief have beer.”—' I». :vl water Pennoyer J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . they’sall I hev on this green eartli coming up in time saved me.” 'AL Geo. W. McBride New York Weekly. “ Do you love him? ” G. W. Webb 1» BURNS, OREOOS. I’m keerin fur. You take ’em an’ J. IL McElroy >t. Public Inst “ No, I don ’ t. ” Frank Bakei te Printer keer for ’em till I reach my folkes, A Reminder > R. S. Strahan “I’ve knowed yc nearly a half z Win. P. Lord CHAS. SAMPSON - - B urns , O r the Delversons nigh Woodville, an’ m The Odell D Winks—“Hello! Been away.” ) W. W. Thayer they’ll give me the $10 you charge a-ycar, Mary.” W-A-T-C-II-M-A-K-E-R Minks- “ Only for a day. I ran lY P E W R I T Ell strict Judge “I know it, Jim.” -AND- fur me gwine in your stage, an’ down to the shore to see how nij' i G-w, Ci Ci5 ®®? >EN, *rict Àtt*n’ “ I ’ ve loved ye all these months. ” 1 CZ WILL Bt’Y THE ODELL TYPE WHITER. W \RRANTED T DO AH E* Jeweler. cottage was faring in the storm. when I pay you, you’ll give me |Br<>UNT1 ns Hiiy One-Hundred Dollar Machine. w I “I know it, but it aint right, now." Did you ever see the sea in a storm? 9 I presen tati ve G. W. G iliiam my little gal ’ s things. ’ He jest J. T. SHIELDS nnty Judge “Why, Mary?” Winks-By George! That reminds It combines siMPi.iciTYwith durability — speed , ease of operation .W. E. GRACK looks at me a while in my fa?e, an’ wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine, has BLACKSMITH. T. H. R oberts me. I must hurry into that store “ Why ? Case I ’ m a married wo W. R. G radon rveyor.. .-it. then at the baby’s things, an’ he no inkribbon to bother the operation. It neat, substantial, nick- A. A. co ving ADOLPH TUPKER - - P hop ’ r .«riff . before it shuts up. I had nearly W. E. A I. D ER SON «essor .. el-plated—perfect and adapted to all kinds of typewritin g says kinder rough-like: ‘All right— man.” forgotten an errand which I prom L. B. B aker • • < nr ft“1 8nP«f*ii’ D‘l< (It “Not now, Marv.” W m . M f . ekek :-II.'.rE xk I»?«*» —(; E N E R A L REPAIRING— you women do beat all fur the store Printing Press it produces «harp, clean, legible ninnust ript. Two to ten copies ised to do for my wife.”—New York Liken can be made at one writings. Editors, lawyers, minister’', bankers, merchant's I. yti . f . H oward “Just the same; long’s a husband Weekly. you set on baby riggin, so h’ist in, mmlMloMri. manufacturers, business men, etc., cannot make n’lH»tter iu veal men tjl< r |I5. T. B. J ame < Au intelligent person in a week can become a Good operalm , or a^rapidonc in 2 imuithi*. lives, no wife can marry another an’ see that you pay me.’ ” A Lost Tcinpernnre I»«fl«on $1,000 offered any operator who can do better work with a Type- “Did he take y’ur baby’s things?” man.” ..J. B. H untington •|l»:er Writer than that produced by the Odell. ««^Reliable Agents “If that’s your way of thinkin’, Col. Kaintuck (offering flask to ..H arrison K elley Promptly executed. The building ha« been on The man’s voice was hoarse with ¿<*eiv«r large«) and improved and i® nrepared to turn and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. I may as well go hang my harp on stranger on railroad train)—“Have' onr ail kind« of blacksmithing on short notice pain. For Pamphlets, giving endorsements, Ae.. address the and in the best style. Terms: ( a«h. 1-ly DIRECTORY. a swig, stranger? ” “Course he did, er bow’d he the wilier.” ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., T he R ookery , C hicago , III. 45 Stranger (a temperance advocate, “Yes, Jim. for all me. As main know I'd ever pay him? When AL CHURCH. HARNEY ADVERTISEMENTS. with dignity) — “ No, sir, I thank you. the stage stopped, I had eight miles says, once married always married Col. Kaintuck-“All right; got There will be to walk, and I tell you I was tired till death do us part.” J. NAT. lIî'DBORC w. a . wisHinr, .»nth a« follow h , until further notice your own flask, I reckon. That’s Harn y. Of. Lakeview, Or. 1st Sabbath—Lnri s-nt 11 n m. and 7:30 pm “ But the law ’ ll part ye, Mary, Stage to death when I got in sight of our 2d Sabbath—land s< h.n»l House—at 11 a m the best way, after all.” ri!c\ — p WILSHIRE HUDSON. house—I missed the bun’le so, fur and then we’ll get married, and Stranger (meaningly)-“Some :.d Sabbath—Jin rnK —it 11 a in. and 7:30 pm <!h Sabbath- I'd sort of hug it like it was the you shall never know a trouble years ago, when traveling in Alaska. Attorneys-at-Law, I came across a trilie which had FROM PRINEVILLE baby; kinder dependin’ on it some- only of your own making.” SOCIETIES. I.AKEVIEW AND HARNEY, OR. “Them's the very words Jim has never known the taste of liquor—” ways. Well, soon’s I stepped into II \RXBY I C. B BAKER, Sub-Contractor. Thi« firm practice« in the court® of the State Col. Kaintuck (with interest)-“ said to me, an' see how he kep and before the U. S. Land office. Any land the door, mam she knows some Meet« at Odd ! elioni» Hall. ev« rv Satur-bt. Eh? White men? ” Leaves Prineville Monday® at « a in. Arrives at Bums M»(liH'sda.T® at c p m. » (>ffice or other bn«i ners entrusted to them will J. E. M. KJ.X\(«N. X <« thin's wrong, and she gits all worked ’em.” Lcav-r Burns Thur« lavs at •> a m. Arrive« at Prineville Hit r nlays «t ft p i« receive prompt attention. s. - Stranger»-“No, savages.” “ Yes, but I ’ in another sort of l9-\ AND CA>ES SOLICITED. up, and says ‘wher’s your man? Col. Kaintuck-“C'ourse, of course V. S. MAILS. Don’t tell me he's left you on my Jim: I love ye, the very ground you —enough to make anybody savage.” Pa**.enger rate « from Prineville to Burns 17.50; Round ti '-*11 with (JO day* delay. »! ■RN’i—VAL”!: hands—don’t tell me that one of walk on. I never loved another —New York Weekly. ELITE SALOON. arts daily, suná«; s excepted. Arrive« «nd my gal’s has hrung disgrace on woman, nnd I never shall, ns I IN“—< AN YON CITY : HARNEY.-------------OREGON me—’ love you. And. Marv, I ask no L Wedncs«!«) s. Fri«!»’’ s. f n m. ive« Mo Jink«* Mistake. h’irg ta) « dt saturila. i COATSWORTH A TREGASKIS. I Tur«: ‘1 ain’t come to stay fur long, more happiness in this world than PROPRIETORS. Blinks—“What? Can’t keep your U n *— mi n KVH.LE: Is at »» a in. mam', I says, a-feelin' the tears git- to hear yon say, ‘Jim I love you, engagement with me?” j s ai h « m. tin ready to fall for the fust time and will be your wife.' Say the I A REVIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jinks (sadly)—“No, T can't. I was drawn on a jury this week, and U.ll'OltXI ». since rnv little Ginnie Ann put her words. Mary, dear, dear girl.” ASSETS OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. hd where th«* cyp Wachmaker & Jeweler poor little hand onto my cheek “I'm free to say, Jim, I think couldn’t get out of it.” “The Leading Company of the Paeili' Northwest [deeds that are done in “Did you try?” a-pitvin’ me ns she lay a-dyin’ in more of ye, than I ever b’lievcd I J W BONE BRA KE. “Indeed I did. I did my best to fff- f^r-raiVATF 0« ELLIS'.N AND HRM I'ROI Ehlt A I L' I Lakeview, Oregon. that there cabin I set fire to that could even think of any man. again «»1 —there don’t tech me. But as make myself ont to be a hopelest day.’ ignoramus, but they wouldn’t let The Farmers’ Company ‘Furlong! You better reckon ef long as I'm one living man’s wife, me go.” P II MURPHY. OF SAI.EM. OREGON. y’ur man's alive, an’ you run ofl I 11 never marry another while he's “Great Scott,man! The way to from him. you don't come into my above ground.” escape jury duty is to act as if you Burns. Ore. J. C, PARKER, Agent, “I'm going to M ritany, Mary knew something.'—N. Y. Weekly. HAY A GRAIN house—I've kep my door-step clean • E ERALD. HE Contributed to T he H erald by ('. M. C. THE CREATION. - POWDER T he D rewsey S aloon . JOB WORK. ----- < o >- STATE INSURANCE COMPANY.